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Topological building blocks of hydrogen bond network in water

M. Matsumoto, A. Baba, and I. Ohmine

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 134504 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2772627
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Topological building blocks of hydrogen bond network in water

M. Matsumoto
Research Center for Materials Science and Chemistry Department, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa,
Nagoya 464-8602, Japan
A. Baba
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada,
Kobe 657-8501, Japan
I. Ohmine
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8602,
共Received 22 May 2007; accepted 25 July 2007; published online 4 October 2007兲

Basic three-dimensional units of the network, called fragments, are introduced to characterize the
hydrogen bond 共HB兲 network structure of water. Topological differences among normal liquid
water, water at low temperature, and water under high pressure are elucidated by their fragment
statistics. Water at low temperature has almost defect-free network and is filled with stable
fragments with small distortion. It is found that there exists a certain way on how fragments
mutually aggregate. Well-formed aggregates heterogeneously constitute very stable network
structures. HB network rearrangements occur scarcely inside these aggregated domains but take
place in their surface areas. The heterogeneity of HB structure and rearrangement in water is thus
explained in terms of the fragment structure and its rearrangements. The fragment analysis thus
elucidates the intermediate-range order in water HB network. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2772627兴

I. INTRODUCTION of five- and six-membered rings. Such a cagelike structure

can become a cavity to include hydrophobic guest molecules.
Water is a “random” three-dimensional hydrogen bonded It has also been reported that such polyhedral local structures
共HB兲 network system where individual water molecules form can be seen in the hydrogen bond network of supercooled
the tetrahedral hydrogen bonds with their surrounding water liquid water,13,14 but the actual exhaustive search for them
molecules. There have been many studies to analyze the HB has not been performed yet.
network structure of water. Great success has been made to In the present work, the cagelike structures, i.e., frag-
elucidate the origin of water anomalies by characterizing lo- ments, are systematically searched in HB network of water,
cal physical quantities of the water HB network, such as especially, at low temperature. Analysis of these fragments is
coordination number and tetrahedral order.1,2 It is, however, found to be useful to elucidate the topological and steric
expected for water to have certain intermediate-range order aspect of the intermediate-range order in water. The tight
in its HB network structure, which derives, for example, the relation between the fragment aggregation and the hydrogen
distinct heterogeneity of the HB network structures and dy- bond rearrangements will be investigated.
namics in water.3,4 Simulation method and fragment perception method are
If one tries to build tetrahedral network structure of explained in Sec. II. In Sec. III, the results and discussion of
amorphous water or silicon by using ball and stick model by the fragment analysis for liquid water in various conditions
hand, numerous trials and errors are required to eliminate are given. Section IV presents the conclusions.
large distortion and “defects” 共not four-coordinated sites; we
use this terminology hereafter兲 because of the constraints on II. METHODS
their structures, that is, the regular tetrahedral coordination
A. Simulation
and the bond lengths.5 These local constraints impose a cer-
tain rule to build the intermediate-range order on the random Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations are
structure. The structure of amorphous ice has many similari- performed on the system containing 512 water molecules in
ties with tetrahedrally coordinated continuous random net- the cubic cell with the periodic boundary condition.15 Nada
work 共CRN兲, which is a structural model for amorphous sili- and van der Eerden’s six-site water model potential16 is used.
con 共a-Si兲.6–9 Recently, the intermediate-range order of a-Si This water model is originally designed to deal with solid-
is detected by fluctuation electron microscopy10 but its struc- liquid coexistence. It is found to also well reproduce various
tural origin is still under debate.11,12 thermodynamic properties in the ambient and supercooled
In ice phases at low pressure 共hexagonal/cubic ice I兲 and conditions. We have surveyed P共 , T兲 surface by using this
clathrate hydrates, their HB networks can be decomposed potential at wide temperature range between supercooled and
into few types of “cages,” i.e., polyhedral cavities consisting ambient states and density range between stretched

0021-9606/2007/127共13兲/134504/9/$23.00 127, 134504-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics

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134504-2 Matsumoto, Baba, and Ohmine J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

共0.95 g / cm3兲 and compressed 共1.15 g / cm3兲 states. It under- sphere. The last condition comes from the characteristics of
estimates the pressure 共about 25%兲 at high-density end, and the tetrahedral network structure; only two or three surface
shifts the isobaric contour at zero pressure about 15 K higher rings meet at a vertex. A fragment is not a polyhedron13
from the experimental values, but still reproduces overall because a polyhedron is defined as wrapped with flat sur-
phase space quite well. Its long-range interaction is truncated faces. So it should be called as “quasipolyhedron” or “vit-
at 1 nm using quadratic smooth function in the same manner rite” 共named by contrast with the term “crystallite”兲. There
as their study.16 The simulation time step is set to be 1 fs. are a large variety of fragments found in the HB network of
Pressure is kept constant at zero with Andersen’s barostat.17 liquid water and amorphous ice. In this study, the largest ring
With Nada and van der Eerden’s water model, the density size in a fragment is limited to 8. The larger-sized rings are
decreases monotonically below its temperature at maximal very rare in the supercooled state and form a big hole of the
density 共estimated value of 284 K兲 toward 230 K. The den- cage. Fragment structures are common not only in water but
sity change is found to be continuous and there is no first also in tetrahedral semiconductors.20
order phase transition intercept at this zero pressure in the All fragments satisfying the above conditions are
present calculation. Below 230 K, the molecular mobility be- searched over HB network of the system and stored in a
comes very small and it is difficult to cover sufficient num- topology database.21 A typical network structure around a
ber of the water configurations by a standard trajectory water molecule at low temperature, elucidated by using frag-
method. The replica exchange molecular dynamics method is ments, is illustrated in Fig. 1共d兲. Fragments in the HB net-
thus employed. Tens of different temperatures between 200 work structure at 200 K are illustrated in Fig. 1共e兲. The HB
and 280 K are assigned to replicas. The molecular dynamics network at low temperature is almost free from network “de-
simulations are also performed at several temperatures under fects” 共vertices having more or less than four edges兲 and the
3000 atm, where water is expected to be in high-density liq- whole network can be fully and uniquely tessellated into
uid 共HDL兲 water state. Normal isobaric-isothermal molecular fragments.
dynamics simulations are also performed at 290, 260, and At higher temperature or under higher pressure, on the
230 K for time-dependent analyses. other hand, HB network of liquid water is not fully covered
In the present work, two water molecules are regarded as by such fragments. There are many nine- and ten-membered
hydrogen bonded when their nearest intermolecular O–H dis- rings and some water molecules having only one hydrogen
tance is less than 0.25 nm.18 The topological properties of bond, in the network and some parts of HB network form
the HB network are analyzed in terms of the inherent struc- highly complicated network structures having interstitial wa-
tures to eliminate the ambiguity over the hydrogen bond cri- ter molecules.
teria. Inherent structures are obtained by applying the conju- The “volume” of each fragment can be introduced. The
gate gradient method to the instantaneous structures along detailed definition of the volume is given in Appendix B. For
the trajectories.19 example, the volume of a cubic ice fragment 关Fig. 1共c兲兴 is 1,
that is, a fragment of cubic ice covers one water molecule,
and a crystal consisting of N water molecules contains N
B. Fragment analysis
fragments. Generally, large fragments have large volume.
The hydrogen bond network of water is covered with The total volume summed over the whole fragments is equal
rings 共cyclic paths along the network兲.1 A pair of nearby to the number of molecules in the system when each water
rings share edges 共hydrogen bonds兲 and vertices 共water mol- molecule has four hydrogen bonds and the network is fully
ecules兲. The directionality of the hydrogen bond will be ig- covered by the fragments. Although this is a rough estima-
nored hereafter for simplicity, so that the HB network is tion, it is useful to understand how much portion of the net-
treated as an undirected graph in the present work. The ring work is covered by the fragments.
perception algorithm utilized here is described in Appendix
A fragment, a three-dimensional network block, is de-
fined for an undirected graph satisfying the following condi- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
共1兲 All the edges in the graph must be shared by two rings Under zero pressure, the number of the network defects
in it. 共molecules not having four HB兲 in water decreases rapidly
共2兲 The graph must satisfy the following extended Euler when the temperature becomes lower. Number of rings, ratio
equation: of network defects, and liquid density all change rapidly be-
tween 240 and 260 K, reflecting the transition to a so-called
V − E + R = 2, low density liquid 共LDL兲 state 共see Fig. 2兲.
where V, E, and R are number of vertices, edges, and The numbers of six- and seven-membered rings increase
rings in the graph, respectively. monotonically, while the numbers of four- and eight-
共3兲 Each vertex of the graph must be two or three con- membered rings decrease, when the number of defects de-
nected, i.e., has two or three edges. creases. HB network structure of LDL water is then mostly
covered by five- to seven-membered rings at very low tem-
The first two conditions prescribe the cagelike structure cov- perature, and becomes much alike that of CRN, whose ring
ered by surface rings and the total shape is isomorphic to a elements are indicated with the triangles at the left end of
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134504-3 Topology of hydrogen bond networks in water J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

FIG. 2. Density, number of network “defects,” and number of rings in the

HB network are plotted against temperature with dotted, dashed, and solid
lines, respectively, at 共a兲 0 atm and 共b兲 3000 atm. Ring sizes are indicated in
the graph. At lower pressure, there is a clear and continuous transition from
low- to high-density liquid state between 240 and 270 K while these prop-
erties are kept constant within the whole range of temperature at 3000 atm.
Triangles indicate the number of rings for CRN taken from Ref. 12.

the other hand, 91% of the network is covered by the frag-

ments. The fragments can be classified into two categories,
of the cryophile type 共whose number increases by cooling兲
and of the thermophile type 共whose number decreases by
FIG. 1. 共Color兲 Quasipolyhedra, fragments building the hexagonal ice, are
shown in 共a兲 and 共b兲. Their volume per fragment is 1.5 and 0.5, respectively. cooling兲. We can see in Fig. 3 that the network is indeed
Cubic ice is built of a single kind of fragment shown in 共c兲. Its volume per covered almost fully by cryophiles at 200 K, whereas cryo-
a fragment is 1. See Appendix B for the definition of volume of a fragment. philes cover only 25% of the network at 280 K. Topological
In 共d兲, a typical configuration of seven fragments surrounding a water mol- variety of cryophiles is much smaller than that of thermo-
ecule 共circle兲 is exemplified, where fragments are drawn by different colors.
A snapshot of all the fragments found in the hydrogen bond network at philes. The topologies of major 11 fragments 共all of them are
200 K is illustrated in 共e兲, where water molecules and hydrogen bonds are cryophiles and consist of five- to seven-membered rings兲
not drawn and fragments are depicted by translucent hulls. The fragments dominating in the low temperature water are illustrated in
are separated by a small gap in order to show the internal structure. The
Fig. 4.
network is totally tessellated into fragments.
Histograms of the fragment sizes, i.e., the number of
rings in individual fragments, are plotted in Fig. 5 for various
Fig. 2.12 Under 3000 atm, on the other hand, the number of temperatures. We can see in the figure that the distributions
rings changes only a little even when the system is cooled of all fragment sizes increase when the temperature de-
down to 200 K. creases. Below 250 K under zero pressure, 6- to 12-hedral
fragments, especially 6- and 7-hedra significantly increase in
A. Temperature dependence of fragment distribution
number, yielding a shoulder in the distribution, while the
We have performed the fragment analyses on water HB fragments larger than 12-hedra are rare even at the lowest
network structures at various temperatures. Figure 3 plots temperature. There exists no distinct peak in the histogram
how often individual types of fragments appear in HB net- distribution, that is, there is no magic number.
work. We can see in the figure that the ratios of their appear- Crystal fragments 关Fig. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴 are subsidiary in
ance change mostly monotonically with the temperature. At LDL water because they are highly symmetrical. The frag-
280 K, the total portion of the network covered by fragments ment of hexagonal ice I has, for example, the very large
is 57%. Other portion of the network is unclassifiable be- symmetry number, 12. Such highly symmetrical structures
cause its network topology is much entangled. At 200 K, on appear much less than asymmetrical ones. In the random
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134504-4 Matsumoto, Baba, and Ohmine J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

FIG. 3. 共Color兲 Total coverage by fragments is plotted against the tempera-

ture under 共a兲 0 atm and 共b兲 3000 atm. Coverage by each fragment type is
indicated by the bandwidth between the lines. Cryophiles, i.e., fragments
which increase by cooling, are plotted with red lines, and thermophiles, i.e.,
fragments that increase by heating, are plotted with blue lines. Under zero
pressure, each fragment increases/decreases monotonically and the cryo-
philes are supposed to fill the whole network at low temperature limit. FIG. 4. Topologies of the major 11 fragments in LDL water are illustrated.
Shapes of the major fragments, indicated by capitals, are illustrated Residual distortion 共RD兲 values of individual fragments are indicated. Types
in Fig. 4. C and K are the same as 共b兲 and 共c兲 in Fig. 1.

network structure, the binding energy of an ice fragment is ing of more than five surface rings is observed by cooling;
comparable to that of other major fragments. Unless ice frag- the distribution is unchanged. The distinct topological differ-
ments aggregate to form larger ice block, it cannot become ence between LDL and HDL waters thus resides in the dis-
very stable. Crystal fragments are thus not abundant. Al- tribution of these larger fragments, composed of more than
though it has been repeatedly anticipated that the empty cage five surface rings. Typical 10-hedral fragments are illustrated
in Fig. 6. Their shape is not spherical, contrary to those in
structures of the clathrate-hydrate type might be spontane-
clathrate hydrate, but rather ellipsoidal.
ously constructed in liquid water at low temperature,13,14,22,23
such a large-size 共consisting of 12 or more rings兲 and sym-
metric fragment has never been observed in simulations. B. Frustration in fragments
Under pressure of 3000 atm, the composition of the frag- A fragment built of a couple of four-membered rings has
ments changes only slightly by cooling down from large distortion in their bond angles. A fragment even built
280 to 200 K. It should be noted that the total coverage by only of 5- to 7-membered rings might have large distortion in
fragments 共i.e., the abscissa of the Fig. 3兲 is not well defined case their combination is inappropriate. Such a distortion
at high pressure because the network is strongly distorted by cannot be relieved unless the network connectivity is
strain. The fragment composition under pressure is found to changed. Thus, the total network connectivity in a fragment
be similar to that at room temperature; their networks have involves the intrinsic frustration. Here, we define a quantity
mutually common topological elements 共at least for the do- that quantifies the intrinsic frustration of each fragment. For
main covered by fragments.兲 We can see in Fig. 5共b兲 that the simplicity, it is assumed that the hydrogen bond network of
size distributions under 3000 atm are similar to those at water can be characterized by the distorted network with
room temperature under zero pressure. Coverage by small almost fixed bond length and a variety of containing angles
fragments between 3- to 5-hedra increases monotonically by between adjacent hydrogen bonds. Water molecules prefer
cooling under both zero and 3000 atm. Under 3000 atm, regular tetrahedral configurations so that every angle ␪ be-
however, no significant increase of large fragments consist- tween two adjacent hydrogen bonds tends to become 109.5°,
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134504-5 Topology of hydrogen bond networks in water J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

The structure of a fragment or a ring can be optimized

by fixing the bond length and changing their bond angles to
minimize the following d value:

冉 冊
N 2
1 1
d= 兺 cos ␪i + 3
N i
, 共1兲

where the summation sums over all N contained angles ␪i

between adjacent edges of a fragment. Note that
cos 共109.5°兲 is −1 / 3, where 109.5° is the angle forming the
exact regular tetrahedral structure. The minimal value of d is
called the “residual distortion” of the network structure. Re-
sidual distortions of four- and five-membered rings are 1 / 9
and 0.0006, respectively. Residual distortion of six- and
seven-membered rings are zero when they are in boat or
chair conformation.24 Rings larger than seven member have
many stable conformations with zero residual distortion. Re-
sidual distortion of a fragment is always larger than the av-
erage of residual distortions of its component rings because
of the steric constraints, except for ice I fragment where d
values of the fragment itself and its component rings are all
zero 关Fig. 1共a兲–1共c兲兴.
It is found that 90% of the hydrogen bond network at
200 K under zero pressure is covered by the fragments
whose RD values are less than 0.03. RDs of major 11 frag-
FIG. 5. Volume coverage by fragments is plotted against the fragment size, ments in LDL water, illustrated in Fig. 4, are at most 0.016
that is, the number of rings in the fragment. Pressure is 共a兲 0 atm and 共b兲 共for type F兲. In Fig. 7共a兲, averaged binding energy of water
3000 atm. Temperatures are indicated in the graph. Large fragments which
molecules belonging to each type of fragment is plotted
have six or more rings increase below 260 K under zero pressure, while the
shape of the distribution is almost constant under 3000 atm. Much larger against RD. There is a correlation between the RD value and
fragments having more than 12 rings are very rare even at low temperature. the stability of a fragment. Fragments with small RD are
more stable than the average at all temperatures.
Hydrogen bond rearrangement in liquid water leads to
cos ␪ ⬃ −1 / 3, if the network topology is ideal. The frustra- the change in the network topology and molecular configu-
tion, however, exists in a real system because of the topo- rations. If the water molecules are in the stable structure like
logical constrain of the network. Each fragment has its own ice, its hydrogen bond decays slower and the lifetime of the
lowest bound of frustration. Only when the network topology structure itself also becomes longer. Hence we here evaluate
has small frustration, large portion of the nodes 共i.e., water the decay time of each fragment type.
molecules兲 can simultaneously yield the regular tetrahedral Decay time of hydrogen bond is defined by the decay of
HBs. In other words, when every node of the system seeks

冓 冔
time correlation function C共t兲 as follows:
the regular tetrahedral configuration, the system forms the
network topology with small frustration preferentially.
We introduce the residual distribution 共RD兲 to evaluate C共t兲 = 兺ij ␦ij共0兲 · ␦ij共t兲 , 共2兲
the frustration as follows.

␦ij共t兲 = 1, if molecules i and j that are hydrogen-bonded

at t = 0 are still hydrogen-bonded at time t = 0, otherwise, and
the summation sums over all existing HB pairs at time t = 0.
Angle brackets express the time average.
Decay time of hydrogen bond in a fragment or a ring,
say, A structure, is also defined in a same manner. In this
case, time correlation function CA共t兲 is used instead,

CA共t兲 = 冓兺 兺
k ij苸兩Ak兩t=0
␦ij共0兲 · ␦ij共t兲 ,冔 共3兲

where the first summation sums over all existing A structure

at time t = 0. In order to define the decay time ␶, we assume
FIG. 6. Four typical quasi-10-hedral fragments are illustrated. All of them here that these correlation functions decay exponentially in
consist of five- to seven-membered rings. time, such as
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134504-6 Matsumoto, Baba, and Ohmine J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

FIG. 8. Compatibilities c共i , j兲 between major 11 fragments 共A-K in Fig. 4兲

are plotted. Box height indicates the compatibility 共see Appendix C for
definition兲. Gray boxes indicate that the corresponding fragments have com-
mon rings which are chair-shaped six-membered ring, boat-shaped six-
membered ring, boat-shaped seven-membered ring, or flat five-membered
ring. Black boxes indicate that both fragments have six-membered rings but
their conformation is incompatible 共boat vs chair兲 or the fragments do not
have the rings of the same size. Adjacency between other combinations of
fragments 共indicated in white boxes兲 is achieved by imposing certain distor-
tion to the fragments.

FIG. 7. 共a兲 Binding energy of water molecules and 共b兲 decay times of the
hydrogen bonds covered by various kinds of fragment are plotted against its of adjacent fragments. Here, we define two fragments to be
residual distortion. Temperature is 260 K and pressure is 0 atm. Averaged adjacent when they share one complete ring. The conforma-
binding energy of a water molecule is −107.15 kJ/ mol, indicated by the tion of the rings is also an important factor. For example, the
horizontal line in panel 共a兲, as a reference. In panel 共b兲, horizontal line
indicates the average decay time of all the hydrogen bonds 共48.5 ps兲. Filled fragment of hexagonal ice 共type C in Fig. 4兲 consisting of
triangles for small fragments 共number of rings ⬍6兲 and open circles for six-membered rings in the boat-type conformation is not
large fragments 共otherwise兲. Large fragments are more stable in general. HB compatible with the fragment of cubic ice 共type K in Fig. 4兲
of fragments with small RD survives longer. HB in larger fragments sur-
which consists of six-membered rings in the chair-type con-
vives longer in general. The decay times of hydrogen bonds in four-, five-,
six-, seven-, and eight-membered rings are 33, 48, 53, 51, and 45 ps, formation, unless both the fragments are highly distorted to
respectively. be adjacent. Indeed, the probability of these fragments being
adjacent is one-fiftieth of the product of their appearance
probabilities 共the simple joint probability兲. We call this ratio
␶ = − ␶0/log , of the probability of actually being adjacent to the simple
C共0兲 joint probability the compatibility c. 共See Appendix C for
where the observation time ␶0 is chosen arbitrarily as 20 ps details.兲 Compatibilities between major fragments are shown
for 260 K. Although actual decay curve involves slower in Fig. 8. The conformation and size of the surface rings
components, we here employ rough approximation of fitting have significant effects on the compatibility among the adja-
by single exponential decay, because we only pay attention cent fragments. The fact that there exists strong tendency of
to relative slowing down of bond rearrangements when the certain pairs of fragments being adjacent imposes the lower
network is in a particular topology. conformational entropy of LDL water.
In Fig. 7共b兲, the decay time of each fragment is plotted
against its RD. It clearly shows that fragments with smaller
D. Hydrogen bond network and fragment
residual distortion survive longer. The decay time of a hy-
drogen bond in a large fragment becomes much longer than
the average when RD is small. That is, a large network with At low temperature, fragments occupy large part of the
small distortion keeps its structure living longer. HB network to form aggregates. Surface and body rings of a
fragment aggregate are defined as the rings in the aggregate
which belongs to one and two fragments, respectively. Other
C. Fragment aggregation and compatibility
rings are the surface rings of isolated fragment or rings that
Almost-unstrained fragments must be covered by do not compose any fragment. Under zero pressure, numbers
almost-unstrained rings such as five-membered flat rings, of body, surface, and other rings per molecule are
six- and seven-membered rings in boat or chair conforma- 0.71:0.74:0.18, 0.95:0.64:0.10, and 1.48:0.28:0.01 at 290,
tions, etc. Actually, major fragments in the hydrogen bond 260, and 230 K, respectively, showing that body rings domi-
network of LDL water consist of these almost-unstrained nate at low temperature.
rings. This restriction on the size and shape of surface rings The hydrogen bond rearrangements take place very het-
leads to a certain correlation 共“compatibility”兲 between a pair erogeneously in space, especially at low temperature. At
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134504-7 Topology of hydrogen bond networks in water J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

FIG. 10. Two snapshots of the HB network around the rearrangement inside
the fragment aggregate. The time interval is 1 ps. The nodes concerning the
rearrangement are pointed by the arrows. Water molecules are omitted and
all the fragments adjacent to the two nodes are drawn. The influence area of
a single rearrangement contains six fragments, 51 water molecules, and 35
rings. By the rearrangement, two five-membered and three seven-membered
rings appear, and six six-membered and two eight-membered rings disap-
pear, while no four-membered rings are included in both structures. Total
RD slightly increases from 0.0230 to 0.0237, but still small.
FIG. 9. 共Color兲 Positions of the surface rings of the fragment aggregates are
drawn by translucent flakes. Red and blue lines and black dots indicate the + 7 defects in ice,25 Stones-Wales process on the buckyball,26
created and annihilated hydrogen bonds and network defects observed dur-
ing 10 ps, respectively. Temperature is 230 K and pressure is 0 atm. Water and formation of topological defect in Si.27 Also, a rear-
molecules are omitted. All ten snapshots during 10 ps are overlaid in the rangement always causes topological changes to all the frag-
picture, so the dark area of flakes corresponds to the high probability of ments adjacent to the hydrogen bonds, leading to the changes
finding a surface ring. Top-right region, where no flakes, lines or dots are in RD. At low temperature, structure changes inducing small
drawn, indicates that the space is filled by the fragment aggregates without
defects and no HB rearrangements happen there. frustration are preferred. In the figure, both structures do not
include any four-membered rings or fragments with high
230 K, for example, while 39% of total hydrogen bonds be- Rearrangements at the surface rings cause the changes of
long to the surface rings, 71% of total HB rearrangements the network topology at the surface of the aggregate, leading
are found to occur at those surface rings. Here, we define the to the growth and decay of the fragment aggregation domain.
frequency of the HB rearrangements as the total number of At very low temperature, where the network defects almost
hydrogen bonds changed within 2 ps. That is, the HB rear- vanish, it is expected that the whole network is filled with
rangements occur about four times more frequently on the percolated aggregate of fragments. In such a network, sur-
surface than in the body of the aggregate. On the other hand, face rings form scattered very small domains. HB network
the inside of the aggregate is very stable against HB rear- rearrangements are thus very limited.
rangement 共Fig. 9兲.
The existence of network defects is always associated
with the network distortion. When fragments aggregate, they IV. CONCLUSION
tend to minimize the distortion by expelling the defects from The fragment analyses were performed on water HB net-
their region and the defects localize to the surface area. work structure and its rearrangement in water. The fragments
These defects at the surface can move around by rearranging are the basic compact three-dimensional structure units. The
the HB network; a sequential creation and annihilation of HB network of water at low temperature was found to be
hydrogen bonds transport a defect. We can indeed see in Fig. almost fully tessellated with these fragments. It was found
9 that the time-averaged spatial distribution of network de- that the fragments with small strains mutually aggregate by
fects is very heterogeneous localizing on surface rings. Frag- sharing their common surface rings and form large stable
ment aggregates can be regarded as pure low density amor- domains, i.e., fragments aggregates. There exist, therefore,
phous domains and the surface rings are the grain boundary strong correlations among the types of the neighboring frag-
of them. ments. It is found that the compatibility of a fragment inside
Even if there is no defect, the HB rearrangements may the aggregates is strongly influenced by its neighboring frag-
take place. In Fig. 10, a typical HB rearrangement inside the ments, that is, whether a fragment structural rearrangement
fragment aggregate is illustrated. The snapshots of the local does occur or not depends on the types of surface rings
HB network before and after the rearrangement at 230 K are shared and on the topologies of the neighboring fragments.
shown. In the snapshots, all fragments participated in the HB The hydrogen bond network rearrangement is thus very re-
rearrangement are shown. Inside the aggregate, there are stricted inside the fragment aggregates and, instead, they
only a few network defects 共water molecules having more or take places mostly in the surface areas of the aggregate do-
less than four hydrogen bonds兲 and, also, RD is small. In mains. The origins of structural and dynamical heterogeneity
such a condition, possible routes to change the network to- in water HB network were therefore explained systematically
pology are very limited. In this rearrangement, two hydrogen in terms of the fragment distributions and their rearrange-
bonds are exchanged at a time in order to avoid creation of ments. The existence of the fragment-fragment correlation
the defects. This kind of cyclic network rearrangement is set the intermediate-range order in HB network and its dy-
well known for ordered systems such as the formation of 5 namics in water.
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134504-8 Matsumoto, Baba, and Ohmine J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

The present fragment analysis might also be applied to times the number of vertices. If a value 1 / 4 is given as the
elucidate the mechanisms of the initial seed formation and its “partial” volume for a triplet, the total number of vertices is
growth in the nucleation process of ice and clathrate recovered by the sum of the partial volume.
hydrates,28–30 liquid-liquid coexistence in a-Si,31 and the HB The same procedure can be applied for a subgraph, cut
structures at interface and in the vicinity of a hydrophobic from a larger graph in which every vertex has four edges.
solute.32–34 In the nucleation process, an initial nucleus is This subgraph has vertices not having four edges as in gen-
created and then grown to the crystalline structure, where the eral. We therefore give different partial volume for a vertex
intermediate-range order transforms and grows to the long- according to the number of edges. Based on the consider-
range order.28 ation of solid angles, partial volume of a vertex having four
edges is regarded as 1. Partial volume of a vertex having
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS three edges is 1 / 4. Partial volume of a vertex having less
than three edges are determined to be 0 because at least three
This work is partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for
edges are required to involve the solid angle. Partial volume
Scientific Research on “Meso-timescale Dynamics of Crys-
for each vertex is determined by the rules above and the total
tallization” 共Grant No. 14,077,210兲, “Chemistry on Homoge-
volume of a subgraph is defined as the sum of partial vol-
neous Nucleation” 共Grant No. 15,685,002兲, and “Water Dy-
umes of vertices in the subgraph. Then we can define the
namics” 共Grant No. 1,400,100兲 from the Ministry of
volume coverage by a given fragment as follows: First, pick
Education, Science and Culture. Calculations were carried
up all the fragments by graph matching technique and mark
out partly by using the supercomputers at Nagoya University
those hydrogen bonds covered by the fragments. Marked hy-
Information Technology Center and at Research Center for
drogen bonds construct a subgraph. Volume coverage is ex-
Computational Science of Okazaki National Institute.
pressed by the ratio of the total subgraph volume to the total
system volume, i.e., the number of molecules.
A good example for this method is ice. A crystallite of
In the analyses of network-forming materials such as cubic ice 关Fig. 1共c兲兴 has four triplets and six vertices having
water, silicon, silica, and CRN, ring content is often dis- two edges so that its partial volume is 1. Hexagonal ice con-
cussed, while the ring perception algorithm is not always sists of two kinds of crystallites 关Fig. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴. The
explained in detail. It must be stressed that there are so many former has six three-connected vertices and six two-
different ways of perceiving them, and different methods connected vertices and the partial volume is 6 ⫻ 1 / 4 + 6 ⫻ 0
may give different numbers of rings in a given network.35 = 3 / 2. The latter has two three-connected vertices and six
In the present work, we introduce the following ring two-connected vertices and its partial volume is 1 / 2. Sum-
perception algorithm. Here the network is treated as an un- mation of partial volume recovers the number of vertices in
directed graph. First of all, all the triplets of successive ver- the crystal exactly. In this sense, coverage is a “volumetric”
tices along the edges in the graph are listed. Second, for each measure and more useful than other indices such as the total
triplet, all the cyclic paths containing the triplet are searched. number of rings or fragments.
The cyclic path must not have shortcut paths. Searching This approximation is expected to work well at low tem-
starts from three-membered rings and develop the ring size perature. In hydrogen bond network at high temperature,
until at least one cyclic path is found. When a cyclic path is however, it might be inaccurate because there are many wa-
found, all the different cyclic paths of the same size contain- ter molecules not having four hydrogen bonds or having dis-
ing the triplet are looked up and set in a stack. The same torted local configurations.
process is repeated for all the triplets in the network. In the
postprocess, identical rings are eliminated from the stack,
and, finally, the list of all distinguishable rings is obtained in
the stack.
Suppose that the total number of type i fragment found
APPENDIX B: DEFINITION OF “COVERAGE” BY A in a snapshot structure is n共i兲, and there are m共i , j兲 pairs of
FRAGMENT adjacencies between types i and j fragments. Let type i frag-
Here, we define a “coverage” of fragment to find how ment consist of r共i兲 surface rings. The total surface rings of
much volume the fragments cover. As the graph is purely a the fragments, say, R, is calculated by
topological concept, it is not possible to define the “volume” R = 兺 n共i兲r共i兲.
of a graph by itself.
In case of HB network of water at low temperature, geo- When the fragment distribution is homogeneous, the
metrical information can be obtained from molecular con- probability of finding the case that types i and j fragments
figuration. Suppose all vertices have exactly four edges, are adjacent is approximately proportional to the number of
which are almost in regular tetrahedral directions. Every trip- surface rings of both types of fragments, so the number of
let among the four edges at a vertex makes a solid angle that adjacencies between types i and j fragments is expected to be
is approximately a quarter of entire sphere. In other words, a
m0共i, j兲 = Nr共i兲n共i兲r共j兲n共j兲/R2 ,
quarter of a vertex is cropped by the triplet. Now, let us
consider the volume of a graph. When all the vertices of a where N is the total number of adjacencies in the structure.
graph have four edges, the total number of the triplets is four In the actual configuration, m共i , j兲 may be different from
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134504-9 Topology of hydrogen bond networks in water J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134504 共2007兲

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