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Capillary filling dynamics of water in nanopores

Chirodeep Bakli and Suman Chakraborty

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 153112 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4758683

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 153112 (2012)

Capillary filling dynamics of water in nanopores

Chirodeep Bakli and Suman Chakrabortya)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India
(Received 9 July 2012; accepted 27 September 2012; published online 10 October 2012)
We portray a universal description of dynamic slip-stick behavior of water flowing through
nanoscale pores. Based on fundamental molecular transport considerations, we derive a generalized
constitutive model for describing resistive forces acting on the water column in a capillary that is
being dynamically filled, as a combined function of the meniscus height, surface wettability, and
roughness. This effectively acts like a unique signature of nanopore imbibition characteristics of
water, which, when substituted in a simple one-dimensional force balance model agrees
quantitatively with results from molecular dynamics simulations for a general class of problems,
without necessitating the employment of any artificially tunable fitting parameters. V C 2012

American Institute of Physics. []

Fluid flows over nanometer length scales are faceted length (DSL) that is sensitive to the surface roughness-
with intriguing scientific and technological implications, wettability coupling over molecular scales, capillary dynam-
encompassing interdisciplinary applications ranging from ics of water in nanopores may be represented faithfully by
nanofluidic devices, porous nanomaterials, geophysics, to bio- LW behavior. In sharp contrast to the reported literature, we
membranes,1,2 to name a few. With unprecedented advance- do not presume ls to be an adjustable parameter, but we
ments in nanotechnology, the spontaneous ability of fluids in obtain it as a parameter sensitive to the molecular level cou-
penetrating through nanoscales pores3,4 has recently opened pling between interfacial phenomena and bulk transport, in a
up emerging possibilities of generating virtually one dimen- dynamic environment. Unlike the situation with classical
sional nanostructures5,6 with multifarious functionalities. pressure-driven flows, our analysis takes into consideration
Such devices and systems are often characterized with non- the fact that the pressure gradient acting across the liquid
trivial physical phenomena over molecular scales, involving column in a capillary being continuously filled evolves
an intricate interplay between surface roughness, wettability, dynamically, imparting a spatio-temporal variation in the re-
and the capillary pressure gradient, in a spatio-temporally sultant DSL characteristics. Our derivations, thus, essentially
evolving manner. do recognize the fact that the ls for a given contact angle and
From a classical perspective, capillary filling dynamics roughness characteristic is a function of the driving force
over system length scales is often represented by an elusively (realized in the form of a dynamically evolving capillary
simple yet richly insightful equation known as the Lucas- pressure gradient) itself, which in turn is a function of the
Washburn (LW) equation,7,8 which essentially realizes a contact angle, rendering a complicated dependence of the ls
dynamical balance of viscous and surface tension forces. on roughness-wettability coupling.
Taking the possibilities of interfacial  slip4lsinto
 account, this Central contribution of this paper is a generalization in
equation assumes the form: 8pgL dL dt 1  R ¼ 2pcRcos h; g the description of a DSL characterizing imbibition of water
being the fluid viscosity, c being the liquid-vapor surface ten- molecules through nanopores. To assess the universal charac-
sion coefficient, L being the capillary imbibition length at teristic of this generalization, we have tested that our descrip-
time t, R being the capillary radius, and ls being the slip tion of a dynamic slip accurately represents the capillary
length. Notably, in the literature,8,9 the parameter ls in the filling dynamics of water through nanopores, even when the
context of capillary imbibition has been traditionally treated simulation conditions based on which the generalized expres-
as an adjustable parameter that may best be “trained” by fit- sion has been derived differ from the model conditions of a
ting the problem-specific molecular simulation data to mimic dynamically filled-up capillary environment in which the
itself, notwithstanding its fundamental genesis. The abstrac- model is tested (except for the model data that are exclusively
tion of molecular level phenomenon and associated devia- specific to the description of water as a fluid). As a conse-
tions from the macroscopically predicted behavior from the quence of this exercise, we have come to a conclusion that
above equation has been addressed using several considera- the description of a DSL, as a combined function of a dimen-
tions such as multilayer sticking,10 entrance effects,11 modi- sionless acceleration, roughness, and wettability parameter, is
fied hydrodynamic capillary radius,12 dynamic contact angle a unique signature of the fluid under concern (all results col-
(DCA), and inertia.13–15 As a consequence, the validity of lapse to a single master curve plotted based on reduced pa-
LW model over sub-continuum regimes has not remained far rameters). This allows one to utilize the resultant functional
from being controversial. description of DSL in terms of a unique dimensionless accel-
Here, we show that by obtaining a molecular-simula- eration parameter as a fundamental constitutive relationship
tion-synthesized closure model in terms of a dynamic slip for the given fluid-substrate combination, which eliminates
the need of repeatedly executing expensive molecular dynam-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: ics (MD) simulations for capturing capillary filling dynamics of water through nanopores, and essentially a universal DSL

0003-6951/2012/101(15)/153112/5/$30.00 101, 153112-1 C 2012 American Institute of Physics


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153112-2 C. Bakli and S. Chakraborty Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 153112 (2012)

description coupled with a pseudo-continuum formulation approach, however, does not remain far from being question-
will suffice. able, primarily because of the fact that it fails to depict the
Our simulation system for capillary filling consisting of intricacies of the underlying physics by being “forced” to
a reservoir containing water molecules that is connected to a mimic the same data by which it is inherently trained. In
capillary with wall atoms is described using LJ potential (for addition, use of such a consideration may potentially over-
details, see supplementary material16). The length scale is look the physics of a dynamically varying pressure gradient
normalized using the LJ parameter r and time scale is nor- in a capillary. This stems from the fact that for a given capil-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h
malized using the reference parameter s ¼ 48k mr2
, where m lary pressure drop, ð2ccosR Þ the pressure gradient across the
capillary evolves dynamically, as the capillary gets progres-
being mass of a water molecule and kB being the Boltzmann sively filled. Interestingly, for the length scales addressed in
constant. The justification of our selection of system dimen- this work, one may encounter dramatically large values of
sions comes from the analysis of adsorption isotherms which the instantaneous driving acceleration that is a function of
demonstrate that typical naturally occurring nano-porosities the instantaneous capillary pressure gradient, which, in turn,
(for example, consider the capillary phenomena occurring in is inversely proportional to the length of the capillary already
zeolites and clay pores) are of the length scales of 3 nm or been filled. Further, it can be shown that the driving accelera-
less. We choose the wall thickness greater than 3r to exclude tion is inversely proportional to the capillary radius. Their
the thin wall effects. We specify the heteronuclear interac- combined consequences, in effect, ensure dramatically large
tions using a modified LJ potential, with parameters varied acceleration values encountered in the filling of capillaries of
to tune the surface roughness and wettability characteristics. reduced dimensions as addressed in this work, for which the
A random roughness function is used (see supplementary slip length itself is a function of the driving acceleration.
material16) and is chosen to mimic the molecular interactions Clearly, an estimation of the underlying consequences by
due to surface roughness characteristics without explicitly merely fitting the corresponding MD data itself leads to a
generating rough surfaces from a geometrical perspective.17 physics-free type of analysis, as attributable to its inherent
In the representation of this roughness function, N is a param- incapabilities in flushing out the relevant controlling parame-
eter that quantifies the extent of roughness (lower the value of ters and obtaining their functional dependences in a universal
N, rougher the surface is). We calculate heteronuclear interac- form.
tions using Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rule.18 For interactions In an effort to characterize the DSL as a combined func-
involving water, we augment the LJ potential to incorporate tion of the driving acceleration, the contact angle, as well as
electrical and polarization potentials, conforming to SPC/E the surface roughness characteristics, we perform completely
model.19 We choose rWW ¼ 0:35 nm, and vary eww from 2 to independent sets of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics
6 (corresponding to an equivalent contact angle variation (NEMD) simulations that are based on liquid-filled channels
from 75 to 0 ). We use a modified Nose-Hoover thermostat- (characterized with different surface wettabilities and rough-
ing technique20 (for details, see supplementary material16), so ness features) of different lengths (essentially mimicking
as to constrain the wall molecules at T ¼ 300 K. We restrain snapshots of instantaneous liquid columns of various lengths
the wall atoms to their mean positions using springs with in a continuously filled capillary), with driving accelerations
sufficiently large spring constants, in effort to limit their vibra- imposed that are compatible with the typical capillary pres-
tions below a threshold value.21 The best possible comparative sure gradients (for more details of our NEMD simulations on
idea, closest to a real system, can be drawn from the flexible filled-up channels, see supplementary material16). We obtain
thermostatted walls.22 We average the data over several simu- the slip/stick lengths from the respective velocity profiles.
lation runs to generate robust, smooth, and reproducible menis- We take the water-specific simulation data for NEMD simu-
cus filling characteristics. We determine the meniscus location lations to be identical to that corresponding to the ones
by tracking abrupt depletions in number density of water from employed for the capillary filling simulation data. We ensure
its bulk value (for details, see supplementary material16). that the filled-up channel simulations address all possible
Based on the above-mentioned simulation environment, ranges of driving acceleration to which a nanopore being
we obtain MD predictions on water imbibition through nano- continuously filled may be effectively subjected, so as to
pores of varying roughness and wettability characteristics. It arrive at a universal depiction of the DSL. This leads to a
is, however, important to note that the focus of this work is comprehensive constitutive description of the DSL charac-
not merely to describe the corresponding MD simulation teristics based on capillary-filling-independent MD data, as
results, but to demonstrate that those may be effectively repro- depicted in Fig. 1, in which the variation of ls with surface
duced by a LW model in a remarkably universal manner, wettability, ranging from a partially to completely wettable
based on a fundamental, consistent, and generalized descrip- substrates, is shown for different values of the volumetric
tion of the DSL. The remaining part of this paper, therefore, driving force (conforming to the Laplace pressure gradients
centers on the derivation of a consistent constitutive model for in the capillary) as realized through an acceleration parame-
DSL, which effectively enables one to achieve this feat. ter, a ¼ ccos h
qRL , and expressed in terms of its dimensionless
Towards fulfilling the above objectives, it may be men-
form a ¼ cRcos
. The plots depicted in Fig. 1 reveal that for
tioned that one way of obtaining the DSL variation data may dt

be to utilize the data obtained from MDS of the capillary fill- any particular roughness condition (fixed value of N), ls is
ing process itself, so as to train the LW model with a fitted not only a function of h, but also depends on a. One may
variation of ls that essentially mimics the same MD data note in this context that the driving acceleration  pR2pRc
2 LðtÞq,

based on which the mentioned fitting is executed. This where LðtÞ is the instantaneous length of the capillary

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153112-3 C. Bakli and S. Chakraborty Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 153112 (2012)

FIG. 1. Slip lengths (normalized with respect to

channel height) obtained from independent
NEMD simulations in filled-up channels of
varying wettability, corresponding to different
values of a dimensionless acceleration parame-
ter, a . Bold lines represent the closet fits con-
sidering ð1þcoshÞ 2 -based functional dependence.

Inset (right) shows the variation of slip length

with inverse of the acceleration (m/s2) values
typically encountered in a capillary filling envi-
ronment over the spatio-temporal regime con-
sidered. Inset (left) shows the normalized ls
plotted against non-dimensional acceleration
a . Irrespective of the details of the underling
roughness-wettability-driving force coupling,
the dimensionless slip lengths converge to a
single universal curve (see inset (left); in which
scattered points represent NEMD data). S in the
legend represents smooth wall.

that has already been filled. Considering c  101 N=m; regard, corroborate the findings of Dimitrov et al.9 and we
R 109 m; q103 kg=m, LðtÞ  109 m, we obtain that demonstrate the filling behavior in Fig. 2 for a fluid which
aðtÞ  1012 m=s2 (please note the R1 and LðtÞ
dependence of a). have properties similar to water except for the fact that the
Such high values of the driving acceleration during transients interactions are represented using only LJ potentials at the
of the capillary filling, in conjunction with some exclusive oxygen sites). However, simulations with water in SPC/E
characteristics of water as a polar fluid (as explained in details model demonstrate the driving acceleration dependence of
later) indeed, are responsible for a strong acceleration- slip/stick length. This essentially stems from the fact that
dependence slip length. Since the acceleration itself evolves water, as a polar fluid, exhibits unique dynamical features in
dynamically during the capillary filling process, the slip its stick-slip characteristics. Water molecules moving on the
wall-induced bumpy energy landscapes form local depleted
length also appears to be dynamically evolving. Such dynam-
and/or concentrated structures owing to their own charge dis-
ically evolving large acceleration values are intrinsic to capil-
tribution and polarization. Moreover, each water molecule
lary filling processes over the scales considered in this work,
creates its own potential imprint affecting other water mole-
but are not normally encountered in experiments concerning
cules. The inclusion of these additional features in the
filled-up nanochannel flows. In addition, it is remarkable to description of interaction potential leads to cooperative
mention that the ls data depicted in Fig. 1 reveal the following strengthening of such intermolecular structures formed by
generalized form of functional dependence (for a given sur- water molecules. Our simulation data have revealed that
face roughness characteristic) on the dynamically evolving high driving acceleration during transients of a capillary fill-
A1 ðaÞ
acceleration: ls ¼ ð1þcos hÞ2
 A2 ðaÞ, where A1 ðaÞ and A2 ðaÞ ing process is not alone responsible for producing the accel-
1 eration dependent slip length trends; the polar nature of the
are functions a. Importantly, the ð1þcos hÞ2
-dependence, though
fluid and the associated interfacial structuration also contrib-
elusively heuristic, may actually be postulated based on ute to the observed behavior.
physically based scaling arguments; for details, see Ref. 23. It Proceeding further, we next attempt to capture a univer-
is interesting to note that as the driving acceleration is sal functional variation in the nanopore filling characteristics,
changed, the curves shift vertically. However, this vertical by devising a more generic functional dependence of ls, for
translation along the slip/stick axis can be observed for water. In order to obtain such a constitutive relationship in
extremely high shear values24–33 which may be often difficult its most general form, we first recast the DSL in terms of the
to practically generate in a filled channel flow. Although such non-dimensional acceleration parameter a , defined as
magnitudes of acceleration are quite common, as shown a ¼ cRcos
, which physically represents the ratio of scales of
above in the scaling analysis, in channel filling flows for the the driving capillary force to the retarding viscous force.
length scales under consideration. With lower values of accel- Remarkably, the variations in ls exhibit a unique functional
eration, our results approach the quasi-universal slip dependence on the dimensionless parameter a , for any com-
description.23 binations of roughness-wettability and the driving accelera-
Further to the above considerations, we have also stud- tion (see left inset of Fig. 1). It is also important to mention
ied the behavior of polar fluids in comparison to reduced flu- in this context that the dependence on the surface roughness
ids, towards assessing their relative implications on dictating characteristics, though not apparent from the functional de-
the DSL characteristics. Notably, we have observed through pendence delineated as above, is rather implicit, and may
our simulations that the effect of acceleration-dependence of best perceived through a modification in the normalized
slip length turns out to be inconsequential towards dictating acceleration, so that a rough ¼ a smooth þ a. Here, a essentially
the capillary filling dynamics of LJ fluids (our results, in this acts like a deceleration parameter, mimicking hindered

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153112-4 C. Bakli and S. Chakraborty Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 153112 (2012)

FIG. 2. MD results (identified by markers, cor-

responding to various contact angles) depicting
the meniscus dynamics in a capillary being con-
tinuously filled as a function of time, with the
roughness parameter N ¼ 4 (as an illustrative
example). The dashed straight line depicts the
LW dynamics without slip for completely wet-
ting capillary wall which matches with the capil-
lary rise of LJ fluids. The bold lines depict the
predicted behavior obtained by solving the LW
model coupled with the universal DSL based
closure model, approximated in the forms of lin-
ear fits. The inset, as a representative scenario,
depicts the simulation data and one-dimensional
predictions (with our DSL model) corresponding
to nanopores with varying roughness character-
istics, corresponding to h ¼ 45 . S in the legend
represents smooth wall.

capillary filling characteristics triggered by rough surfaces. explained by DCA. Both the hydrodynamic theory and the
Interestingly, a is observed to be an exponentially decaying molecular kinetic theory15 for DCA predict more favorable
function of the roughness parameter N (for the range of sim- contact angles with progressive advancement of the menis-
ulation data covered in this work, this specific functional de- cus, which is opposite to the dynamical characteristics
pendence turns out to be: a ¼ 0:35 expð0:6NÞ, within an obtained through MD simulations reported here. Obtaining
error of 61%). It is also important to mention that we have the contact angles directly from the simulation data also sug-
also verified that the present model merges asymptotically gests that the contact angle relaxes to the static value within
with the models reported in the literature9,11,13,14 that con- a very short time span. This essentially suggests that DCA
form to low-enough values of the acceleration parameter, so does not play any significant role over the spatio-temporal
that ls ceases to become sensitive to the driving acceleration scales addressed in this work.
any more, as comprehensively verifiable from the right inset It is extremely important to emphasize at this point that
depicted in Fig. 1. the simulation paradigms for the NEMD studies on filled up
Interpreting Fig. 1 for its further implications towards channel and MD studies on a capillary that is being continu-
analyzing capillary filling dynamics over pertinent physical ously filled, as reported here, are conceptually different. In a
scales, the NEMD data for liquid-filled channels are essen- capillary that is being continuously filled, the slip lengths
tially mapped on to a capillary that may be perceived to be a cannot be calculated as these flows are inherently unsteady.
dynamic compilation of progressively evolving snapshots of These two entirely different systems, nevertheless, are
liquid-filled columns, considering a dynamically evolving intrinsically linked via a common universal stick/slip length
acceleration parameter a ðtÞ as the meniscus advances. Sub- characteristic that is a single-valued function of a . Notably,
stituting the DSL variation depicted in Fig. 1 (left inset) in we execute the NEMD simulations on filled up channels
the LW expression, following the above spirit, gives simple with the sole purpose of arriving at a universal description of
analytical estimates of the capillary filling characteristics, the DSL. Once arrived at, the history of obtaining such a
which are depicted by solid lines in Fig. 2. The ideal LW description no more remains relevant, and same functional
behavior for a completely wetting capillary wall is shown by depiction of the DSL, may be employed for capturing the
the dashed line. The property values for SPC/E water used to imbibition dynamics of a capillary even with consideration
obtain the LW prefactor are calculated from standard consid- of different model configurations, provided that the same
erations34,35 and match quite well with the experimental val- fluid is under concern.
ues. Interestingly, it is revealed that the solid lines in Fig. 2 To summarize, we have derived a universal analytical
closely capture the corresponding MD predictions (colored depiction of capillary imbibition characteristics of water in
markers), despite not being trained from the same MD data. nanoscale pores, through the realization of a molecularly
The generalized equations obtained explain the gradually sensitive closure model for DSL (as verified by extensive
decreasing value of the slope of the L2 versus t characteris- MD simulations), so that a simple one-dimensional force bal-
tics. This behavior has been observed in reported simula- ance model can capture the underlying intricacies. Such
tions9,12–14 as well as benchmark experiments.10,36 Using advantages in the modeling paradigm may bear far-ranging
artificial fitting parameters, this deviation has often been scientific and technological consequences in designing mini-
absorbed in the form of an extra dL dt term with the traditional aturized devices following the modern-day advancements in
LW equation, claiming it to be the contribution of DCA.12 nanotechnology, as well as understanding various geo-
However, the observed behavior is in contradiction to that physical and bio-chemical processes.

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153112-5 C. Bakli and S. Chakraborty Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 153112 (2012)

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