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Engr. Chito Z. Caliguiran, our President; Dr Nelia Z. Anguluan;

our school director; Mr. Jeric T. Valdez, the school principal;
board of trustees, our dear teachers; parents; fellow movers, good

In Jeremiah 29:11, God said: “For I know the plans I have for you,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope
and a future.”

Today is a day of celebration, a recognition of our achievements

and victories, of commemorating how we laboured through and
enjoyed our younger years. Despite of the ongoing crisis that the
world is experiencing these days, still we gather virtually to
celebrate the hardship we’ve made throughout this school year
through this virtual moving up ceremony.

Through the help and guidance of our parents, the often

unperceived hard work of our teachers and the nurturing
atmosphere of our Alma Mater, finally, we have reached our initial

May we all find ourselves under the guiding and protecting hands
of our Lord, that our wisdom, skills and talents, be used and
directed for His ultimate glory. May the Holy Spirit be in us
So in this moment of celebration, where achievements are
recognized and honor, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you
all to another milestone of the AMECI Preschool Department.

Welcome, to the moving –up ceremonies of the Advance

Montessori Education Center of Isabela, Inc.- Preschool
Department for the academic year 2020- 2021! Congratulations
movers. May God bless us all, and Good Morning!

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