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Adaptive reasoning based on microsoft mathematics

Wati Susilawati*, Tika Karlina Rachmawati, Ida Nuraida

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl.
Cimencrang Gedebage Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia.


Abstract. The quality of adaptive reasoning in solving mathematical problems that is still
low has an impact on other mathematical competencies. The demands of professional
teachers to design learning that can facilitate all students to develop their potential. The
purpose of the paper is to analyze the differences in the improvement of adaptive reasoning
abilities between students who obtain learning, solve, create, and share learning aided by
Microsoft Mathematics and conventional learning. The method used is a quasiexperimental
design with Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Involving two purposive
sampling classes, class X one of the senior high school in Bandung Indonesia students, test
instruments for the story about adaptive reasoning. The analysis uses independent T test
data. Findings: There is a difference in the increase in adaptive reasoning skills between
students who using Microsoft Mathematics than conventional learning. Students difficulty
in solving story problems adaptive reasoning abilities can be minimized by getting used to
practicing non-routine story problems. Microsoft Mathematics requires students to submit
conjectures, give reasons for answers, draw conclusions from statements, and students are
able to find patterns of a variety of mathematical problems through multi-interactive media.

Keywords. Adaptive reasoning, Learning, solve, create, and share,

1. Introduction
Adaptive reasoning skill is one of mathematics learning purpose which is written in Content Standard,
stated that student can have the usability of mathematics adaptive reasoning skill [1] Adaptive
reasoning is not only covering deductive reasoning, that only took conclusion based by formal proof
deductively, but it also covers inductive and intuitive reasoning by taking conclusion based on pattern,
analogy, and methapor. Adaptive reasoning unites student competention and guide in planning
learning, simultaneously. This shows that adaptive reasoning is important to be mastered by student to
support learning skill [2]. Adaptive reasoning is related to students’ logical thinking ability in relation
to mathematical consepts [3]
According to [4] NCTM standard about adaptive reasoning is achieved by: (1) directing
mathematics problem, (2) building student’s experience and knowledge, (3) developing mathematics
thinking skill that convincing about a validity of a certain representation, making conjecture, solving
problem or making answer from student, (4) involving student’s intellectual comsisting of directing
question and task that involved student, and challenged student, (5) developing student knowledge and
mathematics skill, (6) stimulating student to make connection and to develop framework which is
coherent for mathematics ideas, (7) useful to problem formulation, problem solution, and mathematics
reasoning, and (8) promoting the development of all students abilitiy to do mathematics works.
According to [5] there are indicators for adaptive reasoning, which is (1) directing conjecture; (2)
giving reason of the answer; (3) concluding a statement; (4) checking validity of an argument; and (5)
discovering mathematics problem pattern. Yet, in this research, the five indicators have been modified
into four indicators, which is (1) directing conjecture; (2) checking argument validitu by giving reason
to the given answer; (3) discovering pattern of mathematics problem; and (4) describing conclusion of
a statement. Adaptive reasoning must be implemented through innovative and contextual learning.
According to [6] The adaptive reasoning ability of students through CPS learning is higher than
conventional learning. As a result, many students fail to manifest excellent performance in the subject,
more so students do not know how to apply the concepts in real life situation. In accordance with the
findings [7] states that adaptive reasoning based on students' self-confidence is better through learning
according to daily life. The research shows the classification odf adaptive reasoning ability is based on
students’ confidence level [7].
Empiricly, cold fact shown that the level of student adaptive reasoning skill is still low. This is
based on preliminary study that have been done in one of highschool in Tangerang, obtained from
more than 50% of student has low level of adaptive reasoning skill [8]. It is also same with the result
of research of [9] said that the level of student’s adaptive reasoning skill is not satisfying yet because
of the obtained score of student’s adaptive reasoning skill is still below minimum completion criterion.
Research result of [9] also informed that student’s adaptive reasoning skill is not enough yet. Research
conducted by [10] shown that student’s adaptive reasoning skill is not satisfying yet because of the
obtained score of student’s adaptive reasoning skill is still below minimum completion criterion.
Research result of [11], [12] also revealed that student’s adaptive reasoning skill quality is not enough.
The low level of mathematics reasoning is also happened in highschool Makasar. This is based on the
research result which is conducted by mathematics teacher [13] said that majority of students troubled
to apply trigonometry comparation formula to problems that need reasoning specifically story based
problems. As a result, many students fail to manifest extraordinary performance in the math subjects,
so that students do not know how to apply the overall concepts in real life situations [14] .
Based on reality, the low level of student’s adaptive reasoning, allows mathematics learning only
demands student’s skill, but not considering student’s potention. Nonoptimal learning process, teacher
not really involves student in learning process even there were no interaction between student with
student and student with teacher, student is not doing exploration, discovering properties, arranging
and testing conjecture, but student only receive what has been given or taught. The lack of student’s
adaptive reasoning aspect is also caused by mathematics learning model that is not really facilitating
student to learn actively and not really stimulates student to use reasoning [15].
There is a lot of learning model alternative that can facilitate mathematics reasoning skill
development, one of it is Search, Solve, Create and Share Learning Model. This model covers four
phase, which is: First, Search phase aims to identify problem. Second, Solve phase aims to plan
problem solution, student looks for alternative answer that is possibke to solve the problem. Third,
Create phase aims to execute varied problem solving, student writes answer idea which is assumed as
true that obtained form Solve phase. And the least, Share phase aims to socialize the problem solving,
student discusses the obtained his/her obtained answer to other groups to be evaluated together. [16]
This is also strengthened by research result that revealed that learning with Search, Solve, Create and
Share approach problem posing model gives significant effect in effort of improving student’s
mathematics reasoning skill. [17].
We have to realize the importance of a learning that potentially develops adaptive reasoning skill. It
needs effort to choose learning technology that completely able to stimulate interest and to be
motivated in learning process, that looks after uniqueness of a being, that can solve problem is
applying Search, Solve, Create and Share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics software, that
triggers student to plan learning media as concept formulation project. Microsoft Mathematics is a
software that have symbolic computation system and works based on mathematics models. Discovery
result of [18] said that Microsoft Mathematics can improve student learning motivation.
The research results [19] show that the use of Microsoft Mathematics in teaching and learning
increases students' conceptual understanding and procedural skills. The study results show [20] that
applying Microsoft Mathematics has a positive influence of educational technology in enriching
students' mathematics learning and increasing student motivation to be more involved in classroom
learning activities. According to research results [21] prove that electronic-math learning is most
effective in increasing student satisfaction.
Through quasi-experimental methods state that the difference in increasing adaptive reasoning
abilities between students who obtain learning, solving, creating, and sharing with Microsoft
Mathematics is better than conventional learning. The difficulties by students in solving story
problems adaptive reasoning abilities can be minimized through the habit of solving illstructure
2. Method
Quasi-experimental research methods with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design taking
sample by purposive sampling with some certain consideration. The population is all students of X
class one of the top secondary schools in Bandung, while the choosen sample is two groups, which is
experiment group that given search, solve, create, and share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics.
The control group is given conventional learning. Before and after treatment, those groups will be
given test. The purpose is to know the significance improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning skill
after being given treatment. The test instrument is an analysis problem to see the improvement of
student’s adaptive reasoning,
Research procedure consists of 1) planning, 2) executing, and 3) research solution. On planning
phase, doing preliminary study to see the student’s first adaptive reasoning. Continued by making the
trial test problem, executing the trial test problem and analyzing the result. The last planning is making
research instrument such as making the learning instrument learning, Student workspace, material and
Next is executing phase. This phase is started by doing pretest to experiment and control class,
before giving the treatment. After that, treatment is given to the two classes with each 4 learning
meeting and ended by posttest to see the significance improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning
skill after being given treatment. Last phase, which is analysing pretest and posttest data to see the
significance improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning skill of experiment and control class, by
using ndependent T-test. Through quasi-experimental research, students in classes that obtain learning
in search, solve, create, and share aided by Microsoft Mathematics are required to be actively involved
in the learning process such as constructing their own concepts, active in group discussions, and
solving divegen problems. Whereas in conventional classes students tend to be passive in learning,
there are only a few students who are actively involved in the learning process.

3. Result and Discussion

Microsoft Mathematics is software that can assist students in completing math tasks more quickly and
easily. The Microsoft Math feature is help students to solve complex problems in basic algebra,
algebra, trigonometry, calculus. By using Microsoft Mathematics students can solve step by step the
equation while gaining a better understanding of the basic concepts. The features include: graphing
calculator that designed to help students visualize and solve complex math and science problems; step
by step equation solver that gives students step-by-step solutions to various mathematical problems;
formulation and equation library that contains more than 100 equations and formulas; triangle solver is
a graphical tool that can help students explore triangles and understand the relationships between
components in triangles; unit conversion tool can be used by students to convert units of measure such
as: length, area, volume, weight, temperature, pressure, power, speed and time; ink handwriting
support is similar to a tablet PC, where students write problems to be solved by hand (mouse help)
which are then adjusted by Microsoft Mathematics.
The features in Microsoft Mathematics are very simple operation without basic knowledge of
programming languages such as matlab, maple, fotrlan, and cabri. This application is designed to help
students complete tasks which related to mathematics. This application is very supportive for learning
with a constructivist approach, where students directed to discover their own mathematical concepts
based on their initial understanding [22]. The student work results can be saved in the form of
worksheets so they can reopen later. This application is very suitable and relatively easy as an
alternative media in supporting more effective and meaningful learning of mathematics.
For material addition of matrices in linear algebra. The first step is to click Linear Algebra on the
Microsoft calculator. Then click the insert matrix and fill in rows and columns with numbers according
to the order of the matrix to be added. Next, if you do the sum of the matrix (3x3) select number 3,
Then enter the matrices that will be added using Microsoft Mathematics, there are step by step steps in
completing them. For material completion of the determinant matrix as follows: as it follows on
Figure 1. The Microsoft Mathematics screen display on the material
matrix summing (3x3) and completion of the matrix determinant.

The advantages of Microsoft Mathematics are; (a) this software can be obtained free from the
Microsoft Website (b) covers many fields in mathematics (c) easy to use and attractive appearance (d)
can be used in solving chemical and physical problems (e) small software size. While the weaknesses
of Microsoft Mathematics are (a) in some commands it is not shown how to solve it (b) It cannot be
used by operating systems other than windows. The use of Microsoft Mathematics in learning
mathematics will be able to increase creativity because it allows students to manipulate their own
graphics or solve mathematical problems as desired. In accordance with the findings [23] that students
who study using Microsoft Mathematics have higher achievement and have a positive effect on self
confidence in mathematics.
To know the significance improvement of adaptive reasoning skill between student that treated search,
solve, create, and share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics with student that treated
conventional learning is used the n-gain data. The average n-gain test of adaptive reasoning skill
between student that treated search, solve, create, and share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics
is better 0,675 than student that treated conventional learning 0,290. It is supported by discovery of
[24] that stated search, solve, create, and share learning makes student to be more active in group
discussion, training problem solving skill, and motivating student to learn more. Microsoft
Mathematics also takes a role in improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning skill in experiment
class. Its existence helps students to solve adaptive reasoning problems. This corresponds with
research result of [25] that said Microsoft Mathematics can improve student’s creativity in solving
story based problems. It helps them to think diverge to solve the problem. Based on the research
results [19], the use of Microsoft Mathematics in teaching and learning Differential Calculus improve
students' conceptual understanding and procedural skills.
To know the significance improvement of adaptive reasoning skill between student that treated
search, solve, create, and share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics with student that treated
conventional learning statistically can be done by t-test. Based on normality and homogeneity test
ngain data that have been done above, we knew that n-gain data is normally distributed and both
classes have homogeny varians so that we can do the next statistic analysis by using t independent test.
Sig (2tailed) value is 0,000 intended for two averages equal test. Meanwhile for two average different
test, the Sig. (2-tailed) value has to be divided into two, then compared with value of . Since
value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0,000, then after divided into two it remains 0,000. It turns out that obtained
0,000 < 0,05 which means H0 is rejected. By other means, it can be concluded that there is significance
improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning skill that treated search, solve, create, and share learning
based on Microsoft Mathematics is better than students that treated conventional learning. According
to the research of adaptive reasoning [26], the students are able to think logically when choosing the
appropriate concept, procedural things, and applying the formulas.
Students in class that treated search, solve, create, and share learning based on Microsoft
Mathematics is demanded to actively involved in learning process, such as independently constructing
concept, active in group discussion, et cetera. Meanwhile in conventional class, the students are
passive in learning, there were only a few that actively involved in learning process. As per the results
of the Study [27] found that the achievements of students who learn using Microsoft Mathematics are
higher than those taught by traditional teaching methods. This corresponds with constuctivism learning
theory [28] which states that students have to construct knowledge in their own thoughts, every
knowledge or skill is only can be obtained or mastered by a person if he/she construct knowledge or
skill actively in his/her thought.
Based on student’s trouble analysis result in solving adaptive reasoning problems can be minimized
by making students get used to exercise solving non-routine problem. Thus, corresponds with Pavlov
Theory [29] that stated student can learn good by getting used to, it means student have to be get used
to do non-routine problems to get good result.

4. Conclusion
The significance improvement of student’s adaptive reasoning that treated Search, Solve, Create, and
Share learning based on Microsoft Mathematics is better than those who get conventional learning.
Student’s trouble in solving adaptive reasoning skill problem is caused by they were not used to solve
non-routine story based problem, and some students is not using adaptive reasoning optimally in
solving non-routine story based problem which is not procedural.

5. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge special to Mathematics Education Study Program, Tarbiyah faculty and
Teacher Training UIN SGD Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung the financial support..

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