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2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı


Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı

Sınav Tarihi: 31.03.2011 Sınav Saati: 09:30 – 11:00

• Bu testte 60 soru vardır.

• Sınav süresi 1,5 saat (90 dakika) dır.
• Adınızı, soyadınızı, bölümünüzü ve öğrenci numaranızı hem kitapçık hem de cevap
kağıdı üzerine yazınız.

Adı-Soyadı: ……………………………………….. Numarası : ………………………………………..

Bölümü : ………………………………………..

1.-15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere

uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
5. The number of break-ins in our neighbourhood
1. Frequent burglaries in the neighbourhood _____ ever since the number of police patrols
make the installation of a burglar alarm _____.
_____ for us.
A) will be decreasing / is increasing
A) necessary B) is decreasing / has been increasing
B) temporary
C) has decreased / was increased
C) extreme
D) has been decreasing / is increased
D) curious E) had decreased / have increased
E) hazardous

2. We don’t know _____, but the delay of

6. I _____ to the party tomorrow evening because
train departures probably results from
I _____ my homework then.
power failures.
A) am not going to come / will be doing
A) eagerly
B) won’t be coming / will have done
B) exactly
C) don’t come / am doing
C) hesitantly
D) haven’t come / had been doing
D) logically
E) am not coming / have been doing
E) extremely

3. Bob’s essay on efficient farming methods

got a poor mark because he failed to 7. Our company _____ enough money to open a
_____ the main theme well. branch overseas by the time our current
manager _____.
A) inform
A) is making / has retired
B) spread
B) will have made / retires
C) discover
C) has been making / is retiring
D) support
D) will be making / retired
E) invest
E) makes / had retired

4. Sue and her boyfriend have been having

quarrels for some time and their friends 8. The islanders _____ the immense power of the
are afraid that they may _____ nature until an active volcano _____ on their
island in 1908.
A) break up
A) hadn’t witnessed / erupted
B) turn out
B) aren’t witnessing / has erupted
C) settle down
C) didn’t witness / was erupting
D) cut off
D) haven’t witnessed / erupts
E) bring out
E) weren’t witnessing / had erupted

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

9. The machinery on the assembly line 14. The queue in front of the cinema, _____ was
_____ once more in case they _____ an very long, caused a long delay.
unexpected failure.
A) which
A) could be checking / might have caused B) that
B) must have been checked / should be C) who
D) where
C) might have been checked / may cause
E) whose
D) must be checked / could have caused
E) should be checked / might cause

15. Our company has had to fire _____ one

10. The little boy who _____ the week before hundred workers ever since the financial
_____ in a parking lot yesterday. trouble started in October.
A) had been kidnapped / was found A) as long as
B) was being kidnapped / found B) as soon as
C) has been kidnapped / is found C) as many as
D) was kidnapped / had been found D) so much that
E) kidnapped / was finding E) so many that

16.-20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

11. _____ poverty and lack of proper training,
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
our favourite athlete was the winner of the
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Because of Space scientists (16) _____ on a robot which will
B) In spite of carry out the jobs astronauts do outside their space
shuttles since last January. It will be used (17) _____
C) However doing risky jobs that may threaten astronauts’ lives.
D) Although These tasks include the (18) _____ and removal of
E) Because space bases. They are quite difficult and time-
consuming for astronauts. (19) _____, there is a high
risk of accidents and getting injured. (20) _____ the
robot is in use, it will be much easier to work on
12. A colleague of _____ told my mother that space bases.
he wanted _____ boss to be honest. 16.
A) her / our A) work
B) his / him B) worked
C) she / he C) had been working
D) hers / their D) had worked
E) him / hers E) have been working

13. _____ Nile is a big river which is _____
A) on
main source of water for Egyptian
farmers. B) at
C) for
A) A / the
D) in
B) A/a
E) by
C) The / the
D) The / a
E) The / any 18.
A) publication
B) installation
C) involvement
D) pollution
E) representation

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

19. 24. _____ if you had read the owner’s manual

more carefully.
A) For instance
B) However A) There won’t be any more device failures
C) Whereas B) You wouldn’t have to pay so much money for
all these repairs
D) Besides
C) You would learn how the dishwasher worked
E) So
D) The emergency procedure would have been
E) Much of the damage could be avoided
A) Until
B) Though
C) Just as 25. _____ so that they could see whether there
D) When was any evidence in it or not.

E) As A) The police got a permission to search the

B) There will be an investigation in the garden
C) It proved very difficult to open the steel safe
21.-25. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. D) The robbers used explosives to open the
21. The sightseeing trip we had scheduled
E) The police forced open the safe found in the
the month before _____.
suspect’s house
A) even though bus fares were high
B) and many people promised to join us
C) was postponed due to the rainy weather
D) there were fewer attendants than
E) in spite of the foggy weather in the city
26.-29. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi
sorunun cevabı olduğunu bulunuz.

22. The ban on smoking in public _____.

26. I am sorry, there isn’t any left.
A) and every smoker who violates it has to
pay a huge fine A) Would you like to drink something cold?
B) which really offends heavy smokers B) Are there any apples in the fridge?
C) though he hasn’t smoked at all during C) May I have some fruit juice, please?
the past ten years D) Who is going to buy the bread?
D) that decreased consumption a great E) Are there any objections against our project?
E) has been supported by a number of

23. _____ when oil reserves are going to run

27. No, of course she wouldn’t.
A) Would you like me to fetch you a glass of
A) The past decade was a time of
extensive consumption
B) What would Sheila do if she lost ten
B) An extensive research has been
initiated thousand dollars in a single day?
C) Why would Sheila like to become a lawyer so
C) I have no information about the exact
D) Will the manager get furious if I came to the
D) Scientists are trying to predict
office a little late?
E) A sharp increase in oil prices is
E) Would Sheila mind if I took a piece of cake
from her plate?

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

28. Not now, but maybe the next time. 31. Because Andy refused to have meals
regularly, his doctor prescribed him some
A) Do you know if photography is permitted vitamins.
B) Why don’t you have enough time to eat A) Doktor, Andy’e pek çok vitamin yazdı çünkü
out with me this evening? hiç yemek yemiyordu.
C) Are we going to walk to the bottom of B) Andy düzenli yemek yemeyi reddettiği için
the cave in this visit? doktoru ona bazı vitaminler yazdı.
D) When do you think you are going to C) Andy’nin düzensiz yemek alışkanlıkları
graduate? yüzünden doctor ona vitaminler yazmak
zorunda kaldı.
E) Why don’t we repair the engine by
ourselves if it breaks down? D) Andy’nin düzensiz beslenme alışkanlıkları
yüzünden doktor ona vitamin verdi.
E) Andy düzenli yemek yemeyi reddettiği için
doktorun yazdığı vitaminleri aldı.
29. Sure, it’s next to the secretary’s office.
A) Where can my lost purse be?
B) I am afraid I am lost, where is the exit?
C) Can you tell me where the public 32.-33. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
relations office is? anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
D) How can I go to the library?
E) Could you recommend me a good place 32. Polis bankaya geldiğinde soygunculardan ikisi
for having dinner? hala içerdeydi.
A) When the police arrived in the bank, two of
the robbers were still inside.
B) Both of the robbers were still hiding in the
bank after the arrival of the police.
30.-31. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye C) The police arrived when both robbers were
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. still inside the bank.
D) When the police arrived, the two robbers
were still inside the bank.
30. Traveling to west has been one of the
E) None of the robbers had got out of the bank
main subjects of many American films
th before the arrival of the police.
whose plots are set in the 17 century.
A) Senaryoları 17. yüzyılda geçen pek çok
Amerikan filminde karakterler
çoğunlukla batıya seyahat ederler.
B) Konuları çoğunlukla batıya yapılan 33. Hızlı nüfus artışının sonuçlarından biri de
seyahatler olan 17. yüzyıl filmleri barınma sorunudur.
Amerika’da çekilmiştir.
A) Population is increasing so rapidly that it
C) 17. yüzyıl Amerikan filmlerinin brings about a housing problem.
senaryoları çoğunlukla batıya seyahat
etmek üzerine kuruludur. B) One of the consequences of population
growth is the housing problem.
D) Çoğu zaman batıya yapılan seyahatleri
konu alan filmler 17. yüzyılda C) Housing problems have arisen because of
Amerika’da çekilmiştir. the increase in population.
E) Batıya seyahat etmek, senaryoları 17. D) Rapid population growth brings about many
yüzyılda geçen pekçok Amerikan problems one of which is the housing
filminin temel konularından biri problem.
olmuştur. E) The housing problem has arisen because of
rapid population growth.

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

34.-36. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 37.-39. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Some doctors claim that it can be possible for Early this morning, a middle aged, thin and short man
humans to live as long as 160 years thanks to entered the National Bank. He was carrying a strange
gene therapy. The process will involve preparing white parcel which looked like a birthday present. He
the gene map of each individual. Then, the waited in the queue for about ten minutes and then
genes that are likely to cause diseases will be approached the counter. He told the clerks that he
discovered. The necessary treatment will be was in a hurry and he needed to withdraw as much
initiated before the detected genes cause any money as possible. The clerks were surprised, they
disease. All precautions will be taken to prevent looked at the man’s face. That moment, he took his
any likely disease, which means diseases will gun out and told them to give him all the money in
disappear completely. However, the majority of the safe. The security guards drew their guns and
geneticists aren’t sure that this will ever be pointed them at the robber. He boldly shouted that
possible. They point out that preparing the gene there was a bomb in his white parcel. Everyone was
map of each individual is so difficult and costly. afraid. The customers, clerks and even the security
Besides this, a very little percentage of the officers ran out. The robber was trapped inside. He
genes that cause diseases have been identified. couldn’t open the safe, neither could he go out. There
For these reasons, lengthening the life span were just old newspapers in his box, he had nothing
remains as impossible for the time being. to do. Then, the police arrived and arrested him.

34. According to the passage, gene therapy

_____. 37. It is clear from the passage that the security
guards _____.
A) will let us know exactly what causes
certain diseases A) already predicted that the man could be a
B) is an issue on which scientists have
been doing research for years B) took everyone out to protect them from the
C) involves taking precautions for every
possible disease with the help of gene C) arrested the robber easily
findings D) were too frightened to approach the robber
D) has already saved a lot of lives E) threatened to shoot the robber unless he
E) has already provided scientists with surrendered
satisfactory results

35. As stated in the passage, geneticists who 38. It is clear from the passage that the robber’s
oppose to gene therapy _____. box _____.

A) base their claim on the difficulty of gene A) contained his gun so that it wouldn’t attract
mapping and insufficient information attention
malignant genes B) didn’t contain bomb and was used for
B) are the ones who haven’t been able to frightening people
identify the genes that cause diseases C) contained only a birthday present
C) blame the others who support this D) was full of money after he robbed the bank
method for their failure E) attracted the attention of the security guards
D) point out that the cost of the method is
the main problem
E) claim that nobody will ever be able to
live for 160 years

36. It is hinted in the passage that in order to 39. Upon reading the passage, we can conclude
prevent a disease _____. that the robbery event mentioned _____.

A) the life span of individual must be A) could have caused the death of a number of
increased people
B) diseases must be treated immediately B) was unsuccessful because the security
after they appear guards arrested the man immediately
C) the genes that cause the disease must C) was prevented before the robber revealed his
be eliminated intention
D) the gene maps of many individuals D) didn’t prove to be successful
need to be compared E) took a lot of public attention
E) geneticists need to know which gene
causes it

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

40.-42. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 43.-45. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

More plane crashes than ever have occurred Have you ever noticed how children are always
near airports in the last decade. Almost all of making mistakes? They do it all the time, and it
these accidents took place due to the same doesn’t seem to bother them. You don’t learn to walk
reason: Immigrating birds. Birds get into the without falling over. You don’t learn to speak without
engines of the planes and cause malfunction. If mispronouncing lots of words. You don’t learn to
they get into both engines, a crash is inevitable. juggle without dropping balls. But if you create an
But a big question remains to be answered: Why environment where mistakes are not accepted, then
have birds caused so many crashes recently? people become frightened of them. They fail to see
Experts say that this is due to the fact that they them as part of the learning process. In these kinds
spend more time flying near the airports. The of environments people learn to hide their mistakes,
main reason for that has been reported as a and not to celebrate them as a good thing. If you are
change in the routes of immigration. This not making mistakes then you are not learning
change is worrying everyone in the aviation anything valuable.
industry and research has been initiated in order
to find a way of keeping birds away from

43. According to the passage, learning _____.

40. It is stated in the passage that bird
immigrations _____. A) is described as a process which doesn’t
always involve making mistakes
A) usually start near airports these days
B) involves making mistakes only in children
B) are posing greater threats to air traffic
than they did before C) can be frightening if lots of mistakes are
C) have recently turned urban life into a
disaster D) starts with simple things in childhood, then
moves on to more complicated subjects
D) tend to start earlier than they used to do
every year E) involves making mistakes
E) were previously prevented or restricted
around airports

41. As it is clear from the passage the 44. As can be concluded from the text, people who
immigration routes of birds _____. hide their mistakes _____.
A) change their location every year A) can never learn anything at all
B) force pilots to take different courses to B) are those who always want to be successful
avoid crashes
C) learn less efficiently than those who are not
C) are closer to airports because bird afraid of them
population has increased
D) are usually children
D) have recently got closer to airports
E) can’t tolerate the criticism of others
E) are currently the most important threat
to aviation industry

42. It is cleat from the passage that in order 45. The general idea the author of the text wants
to reduce the risk of cashes related with to point out is _____.
birds _____.
A) that the number of mistakes we make while
A) pilots must be very careful while taking learning can’t be decreased
off B) that making mistakes should be acceptable
B) ways of keeping birds away from as they are a part of the learning process
airports should be found C) the fact that teaching children not to make
C) extra precautions to prevent engine mistakes is very difficult
failures should be taken D) that doing something with mistakes may not
D) the location of airports should be always be as good as doing it faultlessly
changed E) the fact that adults make much fewer
E) devices that inform pilots about the mistakes than children
location of birds should be developed

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

46. – 48. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en 49.-51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın
yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.
46. Ricky is certainly not the most
experienced employee in our company. 49. Nutritionists argue that housewives gain
weight because their life involves doing
A) It would be wrong to think that Ricky is chores that require less energy than their
the most hardworking clerk in the office. calorie intake. _____. They calculated how
B) Ricky is the employee who has worked many calories a woman spends during an
less than everyone else in our ordinary day and compared it with her daily
company. food intake. The result is that she won’t gain
C) In our company, there are many weight if she doesn’t exceed the standard
experienced employees, and Ricky is amount of calories.
one of them. A) They spend most of their time in the kitchen,
D) There are definitely other employees cooking and tasting the food they prepare
who are more experienced than Ricky in B) This has recently been proved to be false by
our company. International Housewives Association
E) Ricky hasn’t gained as much C) Doctors point out that household machinery
experience as the others in our which helps do the chores make women
company yet. fatter
D) Statistics indicate that more women than ever
are taking active roles in business life
47. For someone to get a good job, he must E) The problem that modern life standards
be both well-educated and skilled. require the consumption of fast food due to
lack of time
A) Finding a good job requires getting a
good education and developing skills as
much as possible.
B) Being educated and skilled will mostly
be enough to find a good job. 50. The poisonous gases which are being released
C) In order to find a job with a good salary, into the atmosphere are threatening our
you must be educated and improve your existence on earth. These gases form a layer
skills. in the atmosphere and reflect the sunlight
D) The better educated and more skilled back to the surface of the earth. _____. This
you are, the higher your chance will be increase can seem trivial, but it is too much
to find a good job. when compared to the balance of the nature.
This will threaten food and water sources
E) In order for a person to have a good job, unless something is done to prevent it.
he must have not only good education
but also skills. A) The energy of the sun stays in the
atmosphere longer and an increase is
recorded in global temperatures
B) Statistics indicate that the amount of energy
48. If the beach had a lifeguard, the little the Sun emits per hour has increased slightly
boy’s life could have been saved. C) Several recent campaigns have been
A) The little boy drowned just because of organized to lower the amount of such gases
the negligence of the lifeguard. in the atmosphere
B) Many others along with the little boy D) Many companies have agreed to avoid the
may die unless the beach hires a use of harmful substances in production
lifeguard. E) The demand for fresh air increases slightly
C) Unfortunately, the lifeguard didn’t act with every new baby born
quickly enough to save the little boy.
D) The little boy could be saved even
though there was no lifeguard on the
E) The little boy died because there was
no lifeguard on the beach.

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

51. Gangsters always have enemies, and so 54. While traveling in the countryside in your car,
did the famous Italian gangster Al you see a couple whose car is broken down.
Capone. One day, his enemies prepared a Since it is a really remote place, you think that
deadly trap for him. _____. They fired it will be difficult for them to get help. So, you
their guns inside, and killed everyone stop near them and say:
except Al Capone who wasn’t there. He
was a little late, and this saved his life. A) If the problem is beyond your
comprehension, you should get professional
A) The police was looking after them help.
everywhere after they robbed a bank B) The accident was all your fault because you
B) Al Capone had more than twenty men were speeding on icy road.
who were all armed C) Why are you driving here in such bad
C) Al Capone had already been notified weather?
about the trap by his spies D) The nearest town is more than 100 miles
D) After at least fifteen minutes of away.
continuous gunfire, he was lying dead E) Is there anything I can do to help you?
on the floor
E) They disguised themselves as
policemen and entered the warehouse
where he would be meeting his friends

55.-57. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
52.-54. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş bulunuz.
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
52. While standing in a queue in a crowded 55. Robert: Is there a problem there?
bank, you see a pregnant lady come in.
Thinking that it will be difficult for her to Clark: I am afraid there is. My computer isn’t
stand in such a long queue, you say to running properly.
her as she passes by:
Robert: _____
A) Why didn’t your husband come to pay
Clark: I tried that, but nobody answered.
the bills instead of you?
B) Banks are often crowded at this time of A) You should load an antivirus software and
the month. perform a scan.
C) As far as I see, the birth must be near, B) You should take it back to the electronics
and standing in the queue is harmful for store.
you. C) There may be a problem with the switch or
D) You can take my turn if you want, I don’t power supply.
mind waiting, but it can be difficult for D) The dial-up modem can’t be used while you
you. are making a phone call.
E) I would like to offer my seat to you so E) Why don’t you call the technical staff to get
that you can wait comfortably. help?

53. You are preparing a project with a partner

at school. However, your partner doesn’t 56. Cathy: We really wonder when you and Roy
study much. She isn’t interested in the are going to get married.
project, so you have to do it on your own.
Bored with her negligence, you warn her Sue: _____
politely but firmly saying: Cathy: Have you made any job applications?
A) This is a group work, you know, this Sue: Yes, we both made many and we are
means you must be more enthusiastic waiting for the dates of the interviews.
to share the work to be done.
A) We are looking forward to that, but we are
B) You won’t be able to pass this course
unemployed you know.
unless you start studying on your own.
B) Actually we postponed marriage until we get
C) The project will soon be over after we
permission from our parents.
do the data analysis together.
C) We don’t think that it is wise to get married
D) I am really sorry but I didn’t have any
because we earn very little.
chance of helping you while you were
doing research. D) We will get married soon, but we haven’t
bought a flat four ourselves yet.
E) I will complain about your negligence to
the instructor unless you do your E) We are going to get married as soon as we
homework at once. save enough money.

2010-2011 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

57. Visitor: I would like to see the sales 59. (I) The heavy traffic at rush hours sometimes
manager. becomes unbearable. (II) Then, many people
want to get out of their cars and walk home.
Ricky: _____ (III) This is actually going to be possible in the
Visitor: How can I get there? future. (IV) Sidewalks and parking spaces are
being built so that people can park anywhere
Ricky: You can take the lift, it’s at the end and walk home. (V) The majority of New
of the corridor. Yorkers support that using public transport is
A) Did you make an appointment with him much quicker than driving home.
before? A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) You are on the wrong floor. The sales
department is on the seventh floor.
C) The entrance of his office is right in front
of you.
D) This is the wrong building, the
headquarters in on Evans street. 60. (I) When the existence of an animal is
threatened in its natural habitat, it starts to
E) He is attending a meeting with one of
fight for survival. (II) It tries to move the threat
our most important customers
away at all costs. (III) A lot of hunters aren’t
punished for harming the balance of the
nature. (IV) If the threat can’t be removed, then
it moves to a similar habitat. (V) It tries to get
58.-60. sorulara, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda used to the new surrounding, and if no threat
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi is present, it permanently says there.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
58. (I) Kindergartens have recently become
quite common in big cities. (II) This may
be due to the fact that parents have
understood the importance of pre-school
education. (III) Or it may result from the TEST BĐTTĐ.
high percentage of working mothers who
don’t have anyone to look after the child. YANITLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.
(IV) The child can easily develop his
imagination with such kind of an activity.
(V) Whatever is the reason, it is
something quite beneficial for the self
improvement of children.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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