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Northern High School

117 Tom Wilkinson Road

Durham, North Carolina 27712
Danny Gilfort, Principal

RE: Morgan Grossnickle

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great honor and privilege that I write a letter of recommendation for Morgan Grossnickle. Morgan is a
graduate student in the school counseling program at North Carolina State University. I taught and supervised
Morgan in the Practicum Counseling course, which focuses on developing comprehensive counseling and advocacy
skills while working with students. As Morgan’s doctoral supervisor, I had ample opportunity to assess her capability
to be a school counselor, and I believe that Morgan will be a great asset to any school.

One of Morgan's greatest strengths is her interpersonal skills with both students and colleagues. For example, in her
group counseling sessions, Morgan expertly demonstrated her ability to skillfully discuss making difficult decisions,
developing study skills, and improving relationships. In addition, within Morgan’s individual counseling sessions,
she exhibited great finesse in discussing topics relating to power and oppression. Morgan has superb counseling
skills! She has a true understanding of counseling theory and demonstrated an innate ability in knowing what
students needed to overcome different emotional or academic problems. Further, Morgan demonstrated the ability to
work well with her site supervisor, teachers, and school administrators. She was able to implement required
counseling projects, while staying in alignment with the school’s overall mission. This ability will be a great asset as
school counselors must often develop programs that meet the needs of the students, while also meeting the overall
needs of the school.

In addition to her professional qualifications, Morgan has many personal qualities that will make her a fantastic
person with whom to work. She has a warm, outgoing personality that makes her an ideal person for group-oriented,
collaborative projects. She is a strong team player, exhibiting sensitivity to others and a genuine interest in others’
points of view. She is always punctual and turned in job and school assignments on time. I have greatly enjoyed my
opportunities to work with her and feel that I have learned so much from my interactions with Morgan that I will use
in the training of future school counseling students. She will be a strong addition to your school, especially if you
value collegiality, teamwork, and leadership.

I highly recommend Morgan Grossnickle for a position in your school. I urge you to give her application strong
consideration. Please feel free to contact me if needed.


Zakiyyah E. Omar, NBCT, M.Ed, MSW 

Ph.D. Student in Counselor Education
North Carolina State University
Licensed School Counselor 
National Board Certified Teacher
Phone: (803) 378-2678
Online Portfolio:   
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

"You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need."----Indian Proverb

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