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Nama : Rezki Ramadani

Nim : P0 5120219 029
Kelas : 2A D3 Keperawatan






TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020

write about the facts in your classroom.the word in brackets wiil help you

1.(there participants in this clas)

Answer : there are participants in this class

2.(my lucturer single)

Answer : my lecturer is single

3.(there chairs in this class)

Answer : there are chairs in this class

4.(this a small classroom)

Answer : this is a small classroom

5.(there one lamps in this class)

Answer : there are one lamps in this class

6.(there one whiteboard)

Answer : there is one whiteboard

7.( we student nurses )

Answer : we are student nurses

8.( I on duty in hospital )

Answer : I am on duty in hospital

9.( there one lecture in this class )

Answer : there are one lecture in this class

10.( my lecturer a doctor )

Answer : my lecturer is a doctor


edical services are not organized in identical ways in every couY tne oOwing article gives an
outline of the work or doctors and nurses in the Uk,

Doctors e general practitioner (also known as the family doctor or owonsrom a yyne GP's main
task is to diagnose and advise patients. Tne ar prescnibes dicines, does minor surgery and refers
patients to hospital speciallists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists or speech therapist e
oP o1so does things like certifying a patient's state of heaidh Tor soclal y purposes, insurance
companies and employers, and Signing death certiicates. The GP is involved in immunization
and checKS On the deveiopment

Dooies. A DIg general practice not only employs doctors but also nurses, nealth

Visitor, midwifes and physiotherapists.

There are several hospital doctor grades. A trainee doctor is known as a HOuse

Oficer. he House Officer becomes a Senior House officer and later a Specialist

Register. At the top of the hospital ladder is the Consultant.


A nurse's job is basically the same in the UK as it is everywhere. It includes:

Observing patients and assessing their responses to treatment. counseling patients and their
relatives. taking temperatures, blood pressure and respiration rates. doing physical examinations.
preparing instruments. administenng drugs and injections. cleaning and dressing wounds.

Dandaging and splinting. administering blood transfusions and drips. preparing and handing
instruments to surgeons in the operating theatre, operating equipmernt such as life support
systems and renal dialysis miachinees

layanan pendidikan tidak diselenggarakan dengan cara yang sama di setiap negara. Artikel
oOWing memberikan garis besar pekerjaan atau dokter dan perawat di Inggris


Dokter umum (juga dikenal sebagai dokter keluarga atau GP) bekerja dari a

Operasi. Tugas utama dokter umum adalah mendiagnosis dan menasihati pasien. Dokter umum
meresepkan obat-obatan, melakukan operasi kecil dan merujuk pasien ke spesialis rumah sakit,
pekerja sosial, psikolog, psikiater atau terapis wicara.

GP juga melakukan hal-hal seperti mensertifikasi status kesehatan pasien untuk tujuan jaminan
sosial, perusahaan asuransi dan pemberi kerja, dan menandatangani sertifikat kematian. Dokter
umum terlibat dalam imunisasi dan memeriksa perkembangan bayi. Praktik umum besar tidak
hanya mempekerjakan dokter tetapi juga perawat, tenaga kesehatan, bidan dan fisioterapis

Ada beberapa tingkatan dokter rumah sakit. Seorang dokter peserta pelatihan dikenal sebagai

Petugas. Petugas DPR menjadi pejabat DPR Senior dan kemudian menjadi Spesialis

Daftar. Di puncak tangga rumah sakit adalah Konsultan.


Pekerjaan perawat pada dasarnya sama di Inggris seperti di mana-mana. Ini termasuk:
mengamati pasien dan menilai tanggapan mereka terhadap pengobatan. konseling pasien dan
kerabatnya. mengukur suhu, tekanan darah dan tingkat pernapasan dengan melakukan
pemeriksaan fisik. mempersiapkan instrumen. pemberian obat dan suntikan membersihkan dan
membalut luka. perban dan belat. pemberian transfusi darah dan infus. mempersiapkan dan
menyerahkan instrumen kepada ahli bedah di ruang operasi. peralatan operasi seperti sistem
pendukung fe dan mesin dialisis ginjal
Translate the text above


Vocabulary and Gramar in LUae for Nursing 1

The Healthcare Assistant (also known as a Nursing Auxiliary) does the routine nursing tasks
such as making beds and giving personal hygiene to patients confined to bed, changing
incontinence pads, sanitary towels and nappies, helping patients feed themselves, taking
temperatures, checking pulse rates and respiration and noting them on reports. A Registered
Nurse does these tasks only for severely ill patients

A District Nurse is a nurse who visits people in their own homes or in residential care homes, A
District Nurse trains patients to administer their own treatments

Practice Nurses work in GP's surgeries, They treat minor injuries and help with operations done
under local anesthetic. A Practice Nurse does health screening, family planning, bereavement
counseling and immunization, and gives advice to patients who want to give up using
electrocardiograms, gives hearing test and takes blood samples. A Practice Nurse sometimes
holds clinics for people with diabetes and asthma.

A Psychiatric Nurse works with patients with conditions including personality disorders,
neuroses, phobic conditions, and acute anxiety, alcohol dependency, severd eating disorders and
depressions. A Psychiatric Nurse works in a multidisciplinary team with psychiatrists, Clinical
Psychologist, Health Visitors and Psychiatric Socia

Workers.The Psychiatric Nurse's major role is to establish therapeutic relationship wit patients.
The Psychiatric Nurse uses counseling, group therapy, role-play, drama and discussion groups. A
Psychiatric Nurse also gives patients drugs and injections. Sever per cent of nurses in the UK are
men and many of them work as Psychiatric Nurses.

A Health Visitor is a nurse who works to prevent illness. A Health Visitor supports young
mothers and their babies and visits patients with all kinds of chronic illnesses and disabilities in
the patients own homes. 3adapted from: everyday English for nursing by Tony Grice, Else vier
London 2005 (page 26-28)

Asisten Perawatan Kesehatan (juga dikenal sebagai Pembantu Perawatan) melakukan tugas
perawatan rutin seperti merapikan tempat tidur dan memberikan kebersihan pribadi kepada
pasien yang dibatasi di tempat tidur, mengganti pembalut inkontinensia, pembalut dan popok,
membantu pasien makan sendiri, mengukur suhu, memeriksa denyut nadi dan respirasi dan
mencatatnya pada laporan. Perawat Terdaftar melakukan tugas-tugas ini hanya untuk pasien
yang sakit parah

Perawat Distrik adalah perawat yang mengunjungi orang di rumah mereka sendiri atau di panti
jompo, Perawat Distrik melatih pasien untuk mengelola perawatan mereka sendiri.

Praktik Perawat bekerja di operasi GP, Mereka merawat luka ringan dan membantu operasi yang
dilakukan dengan anestesi lokal. Perawat Praktek melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan, keluarga
berencana, konseling duka cita dan imunisasi, serta memberikan nasehat kepada pasien yang
ingin berhenti menggunakan elektrokardiogram, memberikan tes pendengaran dan pengambilan
sampel darah. Seorang Perawat Praktek terkadang mengadakan klinik untuk penderita diabetes
dan asma.

Seorang Perawat Psikiatri bekerja dengan pasien dengan kondisi termasuk gangguan
kepribadian, neurosis, kondisi fobia, dan kecemasan akut, ketergantungan alkohol, gangguan
makan yang parah dan depresi, Perawat Psikiatri bekerja dalam tim multidisiplin dengan
psikiater, Psikolog Klinis, Pengunjung Kesehatan dan Psikiatri Socia

Pekerja. Peran utama Perawat Psikiatri adalah untuk membangun hubungan terapeutik dengan
pasien. Perawat Psikiatri menggunakan konseling, terapi kelompok, permainan peran, drama dan
kelompok diskusi. Seorang Perawat Psikiatri juga memberikan obat dan suntikan kepada pasien.
Severn persen perawat di Inggris adalah laki-laki dan banyak dari mereka bekerja sebagai
Perawat Psikiatri.

Pengunjung Kesehatan adalah perawat yang bekerja untuk mencegah penyakit. Seorang
Pengunjung Kesehatan mendukung ibu muda dan bayinya dan mengunjungi pasien dengan
semua jenis penyakit kronis dan kecacatan di rumah pasien sendiri. diadaptasi dari: bahasa
Inggris sehari-hari untuk perawatan oleh Tony Grice, Elsevier London 2005 (halaman 26-2 28)
Task 2: arrange these jumbled words into good question .add the suitable auxiliary verbs

1.( live /where/you?)

Answer : where live you?

2.( you /do/what? )

Answer : what you do?

3.( you/ a patients laceration / what /an instrument/call/used for suturing )

Answer : What instrument call used for suturing a patient's laceration

4.( feel /pain/ the worst/where/ you )

Answer : where you fell pain the worst

5.( usually /bowel movement /when your /)

Answer : usually when your bowel movemen

Translate the folowing setences.(the words in brackets will help you)

1.Dimana anda biasanya meletakan perlengkpan mandi anda?(put –toiletries)

Answer: where you usually put your toiletries ?

2.Apa pendapat anda tentang kesehatan anda?(think-health)

Answer : what do you think about your health ?

3.Penyakit apa yang saya alami.( kind of disease – have )

Answer : what of disease that I have?
4.Sakit seperti apa ? ( like )
Answer : what kind of pain ?

5.Bagai mana dosisnya? ( what – dosage )

Answer : what is the dosage?

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