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Practical 2.

(A) Objective Questions (Attempt at least 12)

(1) Which of the following is true?

(i) Every subset of ℤ has the least element

(i) Every subset of ℤ+ has the least element

(iii) 1 is the least element of any subset of ℤ+

(iv) Every non-empty subset of ℤ+ has the least element

(2) For an arbitrary non-zero integer a, which of the following is false?

(i) a|0

(ii) 1|a

(iii) a|a

(iv) a|1

(3) For an arbitrary non-zero integer a, which of the following is true?

(i) a|1 ⇒ a = 1

(ii) a|1 ⇒ a = - 1

(iii) a|1 ⇒ a = ± 1

(iv) a|1 ⇒ a ≠ 0

(4) If a|b and b ≠ 0 then

(i) |a|≤ |b|

(ii) |b|≤ |a|

(iii) |a| = |b|

(iv) a = ± b

(5) a|1 implies

(i) a = 1

(ii) a = - 1

(iii) a = ± 1

(iv) a ≠ 0

(6) If a|b and b |a then

(i) a = b

(ii) a = - b

(iii) |a| ≠ |b|

(iv) a = ± b

(7) If a|b and c|d, then which of the following need not be true?

(i) a|bd

(ii) c|bd

(iii) ac|bd

(iv) ad|bc

(8) Which of the following is true?

(i) 1 is prime

(ii) 1 is composite

(iii) 1 is neither prime nor composite

(iv) 1 is not the least natural number

(9) For an arbitrary integer a, which of the following need not be true?

(i) 2|a(a + 1)

(ii) 3|a(a + 1)(a + 2)

(iii) 3|a(a + 1)(a -1)

(iv) 4|a(a + 1)(a – 1)

(10) In the division of - 15 by 4, the quotient and remainder are respectively

(i) 4 and 1

(ii) - 4 and 1

(iii) - 4 and - 1

(iv) - 3 and - 3

(11) When a number is divided by 893 the remainder is 193. What will be the reminder when the

same number is divided by 47?

(i) 19

(ii) 5

(iii) 33

(iv) 23

(12) In the division of a by b, which of the following need not be true?

(i) The quotient q is unique

(ii) The remainder r is unique

(iii) The remainder, r < b

(iv) The remainder, r ≥ 0

(13) If a = 32×52×7 and b = 33×5̇×7, then then the values of gcd(a, b) and lcm(a, b) are respectively

(i) 315 and 4725

(ii) 105 and 315

(iii) 4725 and 1575

(iv) 4725 and 315

(14) If d = gcd(a, b), which of the following is false?

(i) d > 0

(ii) d|a and d|b

(iii) c|a and c|b ⇒ d|c, ∀ c ∈ ℤ

(iv) d = xa + yb, for some x, y ∈ ℤ

(15) If d = gcd(a, b), which of the following is false?

(i) d > 0

(ii) d|a and d|b

(iii) c|a and c|b ⇒ c|d, ∀ c ∈ ℤ

(iv) d is not unique


(16) lcm (143, 99) =

(i) 14157

(ii) 1287

(iii) 1089

(iii) 143

(17) If m = lcm(a, b) then which of the following statements is false?

(i) a|m & b|m

(ii) a | c & b | c ⇒ m ≤ c, ∀ c ∈ ℤ

(iii) m is unique

(iv) m ≥ 0

(B) Descriptive Questions (Attempt at least 8)

(1) Using FPFI s. t. n! > 2n, ∀ n ≥ 4

(2) Using SPFI s. t. any positive integer n, n > 1, can be expressed as a product of prime numbers.
(3) Use the Division Algorithm to establish that

(i) Every odd integer is either of the form 4k + 1 or 4k + 3.

(ii) the square of any integer is either of the form 3k or 3k + 1.

(4) (i) Show that any integer of the form 6k + 5 is also of the form 3k + 2, but not conversely.

(ii) Prove that, for any integer a, one of the integers a, a + 2, a + 4 is divisible by 3.

(5) Find the gcd and lcm of the following numbers

(i) 143, 227 (ii) 306, 657 and (iii) 272, 1479

(6) Use the Euclidean Algorithm to obtain integers x and y satisfying

(i) gcd (56, 72) = 56x + 72y. (ii) gcd (24, 138) = 24x + 138y.

(iii) gcd (119, 272) = 119x + 272y. (iv) gcd (1769, 2378) = 1769x + 2378y.

(7) Prove the following

(i) GCD of 2 consecutive integers is 1

(ii) GCD of 2 consecutive odd integers is 1

(iii) GCD of 2 consecutive even integers is 2

(8) For any natural number n prove that the following pairs are relatively prime.

(i) 2n + 1, 9n + 4 (ii) 5n + 2, 7n + 3

(iii) 55n + 2, 22n + 1 (iv) 21n + 4, 14n + 3

(9) Prove that if for integers a, b, gcd (a, b) = 1 then show that

(i) gcd (a + b, a − b) = 1 or 2 (ii) gcd (2a + b, a + 2b) = 1 or 3

(iii) c|a ⇒ gcd (c, b) = 1 (iv) a|bc ⇒ a|c

(10) For integers a, b and c prove the following

(i) gcd (a, b) = d, a|c, b|c ⇒ ab|cd

Hence deduce (ii) gcd (a, b) = 1, a|c, b|c ⇒ ab|c

(iii) gcd (a, c) = 1 and gcd (b, c) = 1 ⇒ gcd (ab, c) = 1

Hence deduce (iv) gcd (a, c) = 1 ⇒ gcd (a2, b) = 1

Practical 2.2

(A) Objective Questions (Attempt at least 12)

(1) Which of the following is a prime number?

(i) 181

(ii) 221

(ii) 1

(iv) – 1

(2) Which of the following is a composite number?

(i) 181

(ii) 221

(ii) 223

(iv) 1

(3) If p is a prime s.t. p divides the product 11×17×23 but p does not divide 391 then

(i) p = 4301

(ii) p = 17

(iii) p = 23

(iv) p = 11

(4) If n3 − 1 is a prime number then n =

(i) 7 only

(ii) 2 only

(iii) 5 only

(iv) there can be more than one solution for n

(5) If p is a prime for which 3p + 1 is a perfect square then p =

(i) 7 only

(ii) 2 only

(iii) 5 only

(iv) there can be more than one solution for n

(6) If p is a prime of the form 3n + 1, n ≥ 1 then p is also of the form

(i) 4n + 3

(ii) 6n + 1

(iii) 5n+ 2
(iv) 5n + 1

(7) If n is of the form 3m + 2 then n has a prime factor of the form

(i) 3m + 1

(ii) 3m + 2

(iii) 5m + 2

(iv) 5m + 3

(8) 25 + 37 ≅ ? (modulo 12)

(i) 11

(ii) 0

(iii) 2

(iv) 10

(9) 23 × 43 ≅ ? (modulo 8)

(i) 5

(ii) 12

(iii) 6

(iv) 0

(10) If 9x ≅ 1 (modulo 13) then

(i) x ≅ 3 (modulo 13)

(i) x ≅ 4 (modulo 13)

(i) x ≅ 5 (modulo 13)

(i) x ≅ 7 (modulo 13)

(11) 213 is congruent modulo 13 to

(i) 1

(ii) 10

(iii) 2

(iv) 0

(12) 10! is congruent modulo 11 to

(i) – 1

(ii) 2

(iii) 1

(iv) 0
(13) The last digit of the number 717 is

(i) 1

(ii) 7

(iii) 5

(iv) 3

(14) 1! + 2! + 3! + . . . + 100! ≅ ? (modulo 12)

(i) 7

(ii) 8

(iii) 9

(iv) 10

(15) Which of the following statements is false?

(i) Every integer n (> 1) can be expressed as a product of primes

(ii) There are infinitely many primes of the form 4n – 1

(iii) Product of numbers of the form 6n – 1 is of the same form

(iv) The set of primes is infinite


(16) Which of the following is the prime factorisation of the number 15000?

(i) 23×3×54

(i) 23×32×54

(i) 23×3×53

(i) 23×32×53

(17) If a ≅ b (modulo n) then which of the following statements is false?

(i) n|(b – a)

(ii) a & b leave the same remainder on division by n

(iii) ∃ k ∈ ℤ s.t. b = kn +a

(iv) a & b have the same quotient on division by n

(B) Descriptive Questions (Attempt at least 8)

(1) Express the following numbers as a product of prime powers in the standard form

(i) 120 (ii) 729 (iii) 529 (iv) 5005

(2) (i) Prove that

(i) If p is a prime and p | ab, then p | a or p | b.

Further deduce using induction that (ii) If p is a prime and p | a1a2 · · · an, then ∃ k, (1 ≤ k ≤ n)
s.t. p | ak for some.

Also deduce that (iii) If p, q1, q2, · · · , qn are all primes and p | q1q2 · · · qn, then p = qk for
some k, where 1 ≤ k ≤ n.
3 3
(3) (i) Show that √13 , √2 and √6 are irrational

(ii) Find all primes that divide 50!.

(4) Prove that

(i) there are no integers x, y satisfying gcd(x, y) = 3 and x + y = 100.

(ii) n4 + 4 is composite for each n > 1.

(iii) 4 does not divide (a2 + 2), for any integer a.

(iv) If p is a prime, p | a and p | (a2 + b2) then p|b.

(5) Prove that

(i) Each integer of the form 3n + 2 has a prime factor of the same form.

(ii) There is an infinite number of primes of the form (i) 4n + 3 and (ii) 6n − 1.

(6) Prove that

(i) If p is a prime of the form 3n+ 1, n ≥ 1 then show that p is also of the form 6m+ 1, m ≥ 1.

(ii) The only prime of the form n3 − 1 is 7.

(iii) The only prime p for which 3p + 1 is a perfect square is p = 5.

(7) Let n > 0 be a fixed integer and a, b, c, d be arbitrary integers. Then prove the following:

(i) a ≡ a(mod n).

(ii) If a ≡ b(mod n), then b ≡ a(mod n).

(iii) If a ≡ b(mod n) and b ≡ c(mod n) then a ≡ c(mod n).

(iv) If a ≡ b(mod n) and c ≡ d(mod n) then a + c ≡ b + d(mod n) and ac ≡ bd(mod n).

(v) If a ≡ b(mod n), then a + c ≡ b + c(mod n) and ac ≡ bc(mod n).

(vi) If a ≡ b(mod n), then ak ≡ bk (mod n), for any positive integer k.
(8) Prove the following:

(i) If ca ≡ cb(mod n), then a ≡ b(mod n/d) where d = gcd(c, n).

(ii) If ca ≡ cb(mod n) and gcd(c, n) = 1, then a ≡ b(mod n).

(iii) If ca ≡ cb(mod p) and p does not divide c, where p is a prime number, then a ≡ b(mod p)

(9) Prove the following:

(i) 10! ≡ −1(mod 11)

(ii) 18! ≡ −1 mod(437)

(iii) 7 | (22225555 + 5555 )

(vi) 2340 ≡ 1(mod 31)

(10) (i) Find the remainder when (a) 10515 is divided by 7 (b) 222555 is divided by 7

(ii) Find the last digits of the numbers (a) 7313 and (b) 8947
Practical 3.1

(A) Objective Questions (Attempt at least 12)

(1) Let A and B be two non-empty sets. A function from A to B is a

(i) Relation which assigns at least one element of A to a unique element of B.

(i) Relation which assigns every element of A to a unique element of B.

(iii) Relation which assigns each element of A to a more than one element of B

(iv) None of the other options are correct.

(2) A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {a, b, c, d} then which of the following relations is a function from A to B.

(i) R = {(1, a), (1, b), (2, c), (3, d), (3, a)}.

(ii) R = {(1, a), (2, c)}.

(iii) R = {(1, a), (2, a), (3, a)}.

(iv) R = {(1, a), (2, b), (3, c), (3, d)}.

(3) Let X = {a, b, c, d, e}, Y = {1, 2, 3}. Which of the following relations is not a function from X to Y

(i) R = {(a, 1), (b, 2), (c, 3), (d, 1), (e, 2)}

(ii) R = {(a, 1), (a, 2), (b, 2), (d, 3), (e, 3), (c, 1)}

(iii) R = {(a, 1), (b, 1), (c, 1), (d, 1), (e, 1)}

(iv) R = {(a, 3), (b, 3), (c, 2), (d, 1), (e, 1)}

(4) Let X and Y be two non-empty sets.

(a) f : X −→ Y is function if every element of X has a unique image in Y.
(b) f : X −→ Y is function if for x1, x2 ∈ X, x1 = x2 =⇒ f(x1) = f(x2).

(i) Only (a) is true.

(ii) Only (b) is true.

(iii) Both (a) and (b) are true.

(iv) Neither (a) nor (b) is true

(5) Let f : X −→ Y be a function.

(a) Range f is a collection of those elements of Y that have at least one pre-image in X.

(b) Range f is a collection of images of all the elements of X.

(c) Range f = {f(x)|x ∈ X}.

(i) Only (a) is true.

(ii) Only (b) is true.

(iii) Only (c) is true..

(iv) All of (a), (b), (c) are true.

(6) g : R −→ R, g(x) = ex, ∀ x ∈ R then Range g is

(i) ℝ+

(ii) ℝ -

(iii) ℝ∪{0}

(iv) ℝ

(7) h : R −→ R, h(x) = sin x + 3 , ∀ x ∈ R then Range h is

(i) [− 1, 1]

(ii) [2, 4]

(iii) [−4, -2]

(iv) [−4, 4]

(8) f : R −→ R, f(x) = sin(xπ) , ∀ x ∈ R then Range f is

(i) [− 1, 1]

(ii) [0, 1]

(iii) [−1, 0]

(iv) None of the other options are correct.

(9) Let X, Y be two non-empty sets then which of the following is a projection map?

(i) f : X −→ X, f(x) = x , ∀ x ∈ X

(ii) f : X −→ X, f(x) = c , ∀ x ∈ X (Here c = constant)

(iii) f : X × Y −→ X, f(x, y) = x + y , ∀ (x, y) ∈ X × Y

(iv) f : X × Y −→ X, f(x, y) = x , ∀ (x, y) ∈ X × Y

(10) Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X −→ Y be a function.

(a) f : X −→ Y is injective if no two distinct elements of X have the same image in Y under f.
(b) f : X −→ Y is injective if ∀ x1, x2 ∈ X, f(x1) = f(x2) =⇒ x1 = x2.

(i) Only (a) is true.

(ii) Only (b) is true.

(iii) Both (a) and (b) are true.

(iv) Neither (a) nor (b) is true

(11) Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X −→ Y be a function. Suppose A ⊆ X, B ⊆ Y, then

(i) f(A) ⊆ X, f−1 (B) ⊆ X

(ii) f(A) ⊆ X, f−1 (B) ⊆ Y

(iii) f(A) ⊆ Y, f−1 (B) ⊆ Y

(iv) f(A) ⊆ Y, f−1 (B) ⊆ X

(12) Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X −→ Y be an onto function. Which of the following is
not true?
(i) Every element of Y has at least one pre-image in X

(ii) {f(x)|x ∈ X} = Y

(iii) Range f = Co-domain f

(iv) Every element of Y has a unique pre-image in X

(13) Let f : X −→ Y be a bijective function. Then g : Y −→ X is said to be the inverse of f

(i) if and only if f ◦ g = IdY

(ii) if and only if g ◦ f = IdX

(iii) if and only if if and only if f ◦ g = IdY and g ◦ f = Idx.

(iv) None of the other options are correct.

(14) A function f : X −→ Y is invertible if and only if

(i) f is injective

(ii) f is surjective

(iii) f is bijective

(iv) None of the other options are correct.

(15) Let X be a non-empty set and f, g, h : X −→ X be functions. Then, which of the following may not
be true?
(i) (g ◦ f)(x) = g(f(x)), ∀ x ∈ X

(ii) (f ◦ g)(x) = f(g(x)), ∀ x ∈ X

(iii) f ◦ g = g ◦ f

(iv) (f ◦ g) ◦ h = f ◦ (g ◦ h)


(16) f : X −→ Y , g : Y −→ Z be two bijective functions. Then

(i) (gof)−1 = g−1o f−1.

(ii) (gof) −1 = f−1o g−1

(iii) (gof) −1 = g o f−1

(iii) (gof) −1 = f o g−1 .

(17) f : X −→ Y , g : Y −→ Z be functions.
(i) f, g are surjjective =⇒ g o f is surjjective

(i) f, g are injective =⇒ g o f is injective

(i) f, g are bijective =⇒ g o f is bijective

(iv) None of the other options are correct.

(B) Descriptive Questions (Attempt at least 8)

(1) Determine whether following relations are functions from X to Y?

X = {x1, x2, x3, x4} and Y = {y1, y2, y3, y4, y5}
(a) R1 = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)}
(b) R2 = {(x1, y4), (x2, y5), (x4, y3)}
(c) R3 = {(x1, y2), (x1, y3), (x2, y5), (x3, y2), (x4, y1)}
(d) R4 = {(x1, y3), (x2, y3), (x3, y3), (x4, y3)

(2) Determine whether the following functions are injective or surjective?

(a) A = {a, b}, B = {1, 2} and f1 = {(a, 1), (b, 1)}
(b) A = {a, b}, B = {1, 2, 3} and f2 = {(a, 3), (b, 1)}
(c) A = {a, b}, B = {1}and f3 = {(a, 1), (b, 1)}
(d) A = {a, b}, B = {1, 2} and f4 = {(a, 2), (b, 1)}

(3) Give an example of a function f such that f is

(a) injective but not surjective.
(b) surjective but not injective.
(c) injective as well as surjective.
(d) neither injective nor surjective.

(4) Describe the following functions and write their range.

(a) Identity function.
(b) Inclusion function.
(c) Constant function.
(d) Projection function.
(e) Characteristic function.

(5) (i) For the floor function f state

(a) f([1, 5]) (b) f((−∞, 0]) (c) f({0}) (d) f({0, 1}) (e) f(N)
(ii) If f: R −→ R, f(x) = x , for all x ∈ R, then state
(a) f({−1, 1}) (b) f((−1, 1)) (c) f([0, 1)) (d) f−1 ([0, 4]) (e) f−1 (R)

(6) (i) If f: R −→ R, f(x) = x3 + 3, ∀ x ∈ R and g: R −→ R, g(x) = 2x + 1, ∀ x ∈ R, find

(a) (gof)(1) (b) (fog)(1) (c) (fof)(0) (d) ((fog)og)(0)
(ii) Find fog and gof in each of the following. Further check whether fog = gof.
(a) f: R −→ R, f(x) = x2 and g: R −→ R, g(x) = 2x + 1.
1 𝑥−1
(b) f : R\{1} −→ R\{0}, f(x) = and g : R −→ R, g(x) = .
1−𝑥 𝑥

(7) Prove that following functions are bijective. Also find their inverse function.
(a) f : R −→ R, f(x) = 2x + 3 ∀ x ∈ R.
(b) f : R −→ R, f(x) = 5x − 8 ∀ x ∈ R.

(8) Prove that following functions are bijective. Also find their inverse function.
(a) f : R\{3} −→ R\{0}, f(x) = 𝑥−3 , ∀ x ∈ R\{3}.
(b) f : R\{1} −→ R\{−1}, f(x) = , ∀ x ∈ R\{1}

(9) (a) Let f & g be functions from ℝ to ℝ given by f(x) = 3 (𝑥 + 1) & g(y) = 𝑦 3 + 1. Find the

composite functions fog & gof.

(b) Let f & g be functions from ℝ to ℝ given by f(x) = 2(𝑥 − 1)2 & g(y) =√3 + 1. Find the

composite functions fog & gof.

1 1
(10) If f : R\{1} −→ R\{0}, f(x) = x−1, g : R\{0} −→ R\{0}, g(x) = 𝑥. Find (gof)−1.

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