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The Respiratory system

The effect of exercise on Respiratory

Our Respiratory system (Introduction)
The Respiratory system is a network
of organs & tissues that help you
breathe...It includes airways ,lungs
& blood vessels..These organs work
together and move oxygen
throughout the body and remove
carbon dioxide out of the body..
The organs of respiratory system

● Nose:-The nose is a sense organ which helps us to

smell things. It is composed of a triangular framework
of cartilage bone & is covered with skin. It has 2
openings caled as nostrils

● Pharynx:-It is a muscular tube which lies behind

the nose..
● Trachea:-It is also known as te wind pipe. It is a
tube like structure and about 11.2 cm long and
2-2.5cm of diameter.

● Bronchi:- The trachea divides into 2 bronchus…

the right bronchus is shorter and more wider than
the left bronchus..
● Lungs:- They are 2 in no. in human body.
They are the most important part in
respiration.The left lung has 2 lobes while the
right lung has 3 lobes..
Effects of exercise on Respiratory system
● Increases endurance:- With the help of regular
exercise the endurance is increased. As a result of it the
activity can be done for a longer duration without rest.

● Tidal volume improves :- Regular exercise on

daily basis develops the muscles of thoracic cavity and
increases the lung volume.
● Faster recovery rate:- Exercises increases and
improves the vital capacity.. Therefore the recovery after
an activity will be faster..

● Improves the aerobic capacity:- With regular

and proper aerobic exercises the aerobic capacity
improves and the person is able to do exercises for a
longer duration
● Avoid second wind:- The stage of 2 nd wind
is crucial for a beginner. For a person who does
regular exercises it is hardly felt. A well
experienced athlete don't feel it during the activity..

----thank u----

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