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Unit One Summary

Plants and humans as


● 1.1 Plant Organs

▪Chlorophyll: is a green pigment that make plants green, and it captures the
energy from light to make food for plant.
▪The organs of plant are:
1. Leaves: they absorb energy from sunlight and use it make food.
2. Flowers: they are productive organ and they produce seeds.
3. Stem: holds leaves and flowrs above the ground.
4. Roots: hold the plants firmly in the soil.

●1.2 The human organs system

▪An organ system: is a group of organs that work together.
▪ Digestive system
- it breaks down food so it cn be absorbed intothe blood. Food usually takes
between one and three days to travel from the end of one tube to another.
- Breaking down food called digestion.
- Most of food is breaken down into tiny particles move into the blood to all parts
pf body.

▪Circulatory system:
- Is made up of tubes called blood vessels carry substances all over the body.
- Blood is pumped around the circulatory system by heart.

▪Nervous system:
- It helps parts of body to communicate.
- Singles travel along nervous from brain and spinal cord to all other parts of the
- Sense organs are parts of nervous system. Ex: single travel from eyes to your

▪Respiratory system:
- It helps oxygen to enters the body and carbon dioxide to leaves it.
- Body repires because we need oxygen.
● 1.3 The human Skeleton
▪Skeleton supports the body, for example cranium protects the brain.
▪ The main parts of the human skeleton:
Cranium Vertebral Column Scapula
Rib Tibia
Fibula Femur
Carpals Radius
Pelvic girdle Ulna
Humerus Sternum

● 1.4 Joint
▪ Joint is a place where two bones meet.
▪The types of joints are:
1. Moveable joint.
2. Moveable joint.
▪ The joint that can move in more than one direction called a ball-and-socket
joint such as shoulder joints.
▪ The joint that can move in only one direction called a hinge joint such as elbow
▪ The structure of a moveable joint:
- Cartilage is a smooth slippery material coverd the ends of bones.
- Synovial fluid is a thick slippery fluid fills the spaces between two bones and it
helps to lubricate the joint.
- Synovial fluid and Cartilage work together to reduce friction.

● 1.5 Muscles
▪Muscles are organs that help us to move, and they attached to bones by
tendons. Tendons are very strong and do not stretch.
▪When the muscles contract get shorter and produce a pulling force, this pulling
force transmitted to the bones through the strong tendons.
▪Antagonistic muscles are a pair of muscles working together and pullingin the
opposite directions. One of two muscles contract and the other relax (relaxed
muscle) relaxed muscle do not do any thing, but if the a force pulls on it the force
can make the relaxed muscle get longer.
● 1.5 Studying the human body
▪ Many scientists study the human body and here are example for types of
1. Anatomist: they are study the human body structure, most of them work in
universities. They can study living human body by using X-ray, CAT scans and MRI
scans these techniques allow them to see inside the body without using cut it
2. Physiologists: they are study the way that the body works, there are two types:
A. A sports physiologist: they study what happens to the body when we exercise.
Some of sports physiologist work in universities and others work with professional
sportsmen and sportswomen.
B. Neuroscientists: they study how the brain and rest of the nervious work.

1. What is the photosynthesis?

2. How plant make food?

3. What is the chlorophyll?

4.Draw and lebal the inside parts of leaf and write their functions.

5.What is the importance of roots?and how roots absorb water and

minerals from soil?

6. How water and minerals transport from roots to leaves?

*Answer the questions in p.g16 from learner's book.

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