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Since we have discussed about the detrimental effect of climate

changes,let’s move on to what is causing climate changes.

Climate change is primarily caused by human activity. People
use fossil fuels and transform forestland to agricultural land.
People have been burning more fossil fuels and converting
enormous swaths of land from forests to farms since the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution. These activities release
carbon dioxide into the air. Carbon dioxide traps heat in the
atmosphere, making it warmer.
Scientists also know that some greenhouse gases trap heat in the
atmosphere. Because it causes a "greenhouse effect," it is called
a greenhouse gas.They caused climate change in the past and
they can cause climate change now. The main greenhouse gases
are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide .
Carbon dioxide is naturally produced by plants and animals and
by human activity. The burning of fossil fuels releases large
amounts of carbon dioxide into the air. This makes it more likely
that temperatures will rise.
Nitrous oxide is produced by bacteria in the soil and oceans. It is
also released by cars, power stations and other industrial
processes. The amount of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere is
increasing. It too absorbs heat from the sun and makes it warmer
on Earth.
Methane is produced when plants decay in wetlands or ferment
in agriculture . The increase of methane levels can be seen by
satellite images . As the temperature rises, more methane
escapes into the air and traps more heat.
As you can see,climate change is primarily caused by human
activities, such as burning fossil fuels and changing how we use

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