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Throughout the history of the planet has contributed small parts of gases that rise to the
atmosphere, not only by human activity but also emitted by nature, these gases,
composed mainly of carbon dioxide affect in a small measure our layer of ozone, but to a
large extent if it is broadcast in large proportions. For two centuries began the recognized
industrial revolution that thanks to the contributions of steam allowed humanity to
advance quickly in knowledge about the machines and means of transport, originated
factories, trains and other objects consuming steam that contributed positively to
everyday life ofpeople, but negatively for life on the planet centuries later, and each time
the population increased, more gases were emitted that would heat the planet little by
The environment is the first one affected by pollution, causing damage to the
ecosystem and harming all the living beings that inhabit it, including us. And how are we
contaminating the environment? When waste or chemical substances are introduced in
media that suppose important factors to maintain life, such as an ecosystem (rivers, seas,
air) or a living being (plants, animals, humans), These chemical agents make these factors
unsafe and unfit for use.
Why does climate change happen? We must contemplate the main cause, in this case we
talk about global warming that can have multiple negative effects, the greenhouse effect
is a natural process of the planet that allows through the atmosphere to keep heat from
the sun and maintain life on Earth. This process maintains the right conditions when the
amount of gases is moderate, but when the human expanded these proportions by means
of structures and polluting residues, as a result the atmosphere has been maintaining the
heat for 200 years, causing the so-called global warming.
The effects and consequences of increased temperatures and carbon dioxide emitted
constantly by cities alter the natural balance, causing natural disasters such as hurricanes,
rains, droughts, floods and even snowfall, all seen more and more frequently, damage to
the ecosystem that they bring bad news like the migrations of animals and people due to
the alteration of the climate, without forgetting the extinction of animals and the melting
of the poles. The latter has been causing the sea level rise that, after a few decades, will
flood coastal cities around the world and small island states. But we must think about the
solutions and observe who causes the damage to the environment, there are many
sources that contribute to global warming, such as factories that send carbon
dioxide directly to the atmosphere and dispose millions of waste in unrequited places,
another serious problem it is overpopulation when we consider that 7.5 billion people
need natural resources, a place to dispose of their waste and the millions of means of
transport that likewise emit gases that are contained in our atmosphere . But we have
also studied various solutions that we can practice from now to avoid even greater
damage, deforestation increases the damage to the climate and the
ecosystem, therefore, we can plant new trees to reduce the level of gases and recover the
ecosystem , avoid the excessive use of light to free ourselves from light pollution, make
use of renewable energy and take care of our environment by recycling, everything
depends on effort and perseverance , as well as maintaining the importance of caring for
our planet for future generations.

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