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Vocabulary List Secondary 1

Unit 8 ‘You are what you eat’

(v.) take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or
physical action. take up the attention of (someone); interest greatly.
Example of use: When wood gets wet, it absorbs water and expands.
Synonyms: soak up, take in, preoccupy, engross, captivate
Antonyms: give out, exude

(v.) talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements,
possessions, or abilities.

Example of use (n.): She boasted about her many accompolishments.

Synonyms: brag, gloat

Antonyms: deprecate, belittle

(pp.) cut or break a small piece from a hard material

Example of use: After two weeks, the nail polish on my manicure is chipped.
Synonyms: scratch, break off, crack


(v.) give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss,

suffering, or injury incurred; recompense.
Example of use: After she broke my bike, my parents asked her to
compensate me for the cost of buying a new one.
Synonyms: repay, pay back, reimburse

(adj.) an polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
Example of use: Being courteous to elders is a sign of respect.
Synonyms: polite, well-mannered, respectful
Antonyms: discorteous, rude

(v.) raise or lift (something) to a higher position.
Example of use: Exercising will elevate your heart rate.
Synonyms: raise, lift, increase
Antonyms: lower, demot

(v.) form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.
Example of use: The government will evaluate whether the country is in need of
more schools.

Synonyms: assess


(v.) form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess. put an end to;

Example of use: Firemen are responsible for extinguishing fires.

Synonyms: elevate, raise, upgrade, augment, increase

Antonyms: diminish, reduce

(v.)to order not to do something

e,g: She was ordered not to enter the classroom during the exam.

Synonyms: douse, put out, end, destroy, stop

Antonyms: light, start up

(n.) a device having a surface covered with holes edged by slightly raised cutting
edges, used for grating cheese and other foods.

Example of use: A grater is useful when putting cheese on a salad.

(n.) an intervening time. a pause or break in activity. a space between two things; a

Example of use: There is usually an interval of time in between the first and
second half of the game for the players to rest.

(n.) the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain
Example of use: Fatty acids metabolize in the kidney.

(v.) cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first

Example of use: Due to bad weather, we had to postpone the game.

Synonyms: put off, delay, defer
Antonyms: advance, bring forward

(n.) domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

Example of use: Most restaurants order lots of poultry as most customers

order chicken dishes.

(v.) stop oneself from doing something.

Example of use: Students must refrain from interrupting the teacher during

Synonyms: abstain, hold back, stop oneself

(adj.) in poor condition through long use or lack of care. dressed in old or worn
Example of use: After years of living in the woods his appearance looked
Synonyms: run down, uncared for
Antonyms: new, good condition

(n.) a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining
solids from liquids, for separating coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft
solids to a pulp.
Example of use: The recipe calls for using a sieve to puree the potatoes.

(adj.) absolutely necessary; essential. full of energy; lively.

Example of use: It is vital you complete your homework to pass this class.

Synonyms: necessary, important, eneregtic

Antonyms: unimportant, listless

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