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Verb-도 돼요 & –(으)면 돼요/안 돼요 [YouTube Class Review Note]

Verb +*아/어/여 도 돼요 & Verb-(으)면 돼요 / 안 돼요

(*아/어/여 means you should conjugate the verb in present tense)

1. Verb+ 아/어/여 + 도 되다 (expression of permission)


1) 도 comes from the sentence connector 그래도 (=but still)

저는 핚국어를 잘해요. 그래도 열심히 공부해요. (I speak Korean fluently. But still I
study hard.)
= 저는 핚국어를 잘해도 열심히 공부해요. (Even if I speak Korean fluently, I study
As you can see, when a verb is combined with 그래도, it must be conjugated in

present tense.

Verb + 아/어/여 (conjugate the verb in present tense) + 도

*잘하다 (to be good at sth, to do sth well) + 그래도 = 잘해도 (even if I’m good
at it)
*먹다 (to eat) 그래도= 먹어도 (even if I eat)
지수는 많이 먹어도 살이 안 쪄요. [살이 찌다: to gain weight]
*오다 (to come) + 그래도 = 와도 (even if I come)
비가 와도 괜찮아요. [비가 오다: to rain]
*자다 (to sleep) + 그래도 = 자도 (even if I sleep)
저는 매일 일찍 자도 늦게 일어나요. [일찍 early <> 늦게 late/ 일어나다 :to wake


2) What is 돼요? (it comes from the verb 되다)

되다’s present tense: 돼

(돼요[present] – 됐어요[past] – 될 거예요[future])

되다’s meanings:
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Verb-도 돼요 & –(으)면 돼요/안 돼요 [YouTube Class Review Note]

Noun 이/가 되다
1) to become noun
저는 선생님이 되고 싶어요. I want to become a teacher.
그 아이가 어른이 됐어요. That child became an adult.

2) to work (not 일하다, but work as in, “It works!”)

휴대폰이 이제 돼요! My cellphone works now!
제 컴퓨터가 안 돼요. My computer isn’t working.

노력해도 안 돼요. It doesn’t work even if I try hard.

3) to be okay, fine
늦어도 돼. It’s okay to be late.
(S)+(O)+ V + 아/어/여 도 되다
=to be okay even if (S)+(O)+ verb

= it’s okay to verb (permission)

늦어도 돼요. (늦다: to be late) It’s okay to be late.

공부를 많이 안 해도 돼요. It’s okay not to study a lot.
오늘 시간이 없으면 내일 와도 돼요. If you don’t have time, you can come
엄마, 오늘 좀 늦게 자도 돼요? Mom, can I sleep a bit early today? (asking for


+) –도 돼요 also means “that still works / that’s fine too”

원래 수업 시간이 4시인데, 5시에 해도 돼요.

Our initial class time is 4 o’ clock, but we can do it at 5 (it still works).

저는 주로 아메리카노를 마시는데, 라떼를 주문해도 돼요

I usually drink Americano, but you can order Latte (that’s okay too.)

저는 강아지를 키우고 싶었는데, 대신 고양이를 키워도 돼요.

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Verb-도 돼요 & –(으)면 돼요/안 돼요 [YouTube Class Review Note]

(대신 instead / 애완동물을 키우다: to raise a pet)

I wanted to have a dog, but I can have a cat instead (that’s okay too.)

2. Verb-(으)면 돼요 / 안 돼요

1) What is (으)면?
It comes from the sentence connector 그러면.
(S) + (O) + V. 그러면 (S) + (O) +V. (=If first sentence, then second sentence.)
=(S) + (O) + V(stem) + (으)면 (S)+(O)+V

열심히 공부해요. 그러면 시험을 잘 볼 거예요.

=열심히 공부하면 시험을 잘 볼 거예요.
If you study hard, you will do well on the test.

[시험을 보다: to take a test, 시험을 잘 보다: to do well on the test]

성적이 좋으면 (좋다+으면) 좋은 대학교에 갈 수 있어요.

If your grade is good, you can go to a good university. (대학교: university)

많이 먹으면 (먹다+으면) 살쪄요.

If you eat a lot, you gain weight.

So Verb+(으) 면 돼요 literally means, it works if (S) + (O) + V

and it is used when saying what works or what you’re supposed to do.

A: What should I do to improve Korean?

(핚국어를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야 돼요?)
B: 매일 공부하면 돼요.
You can study every day. (That’s what works./That’s what you’re supposed to do.)

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Verb-도 돼요 & –(으)면 돼요/안 돼요 [YouTube Class Review Note]

A: 컴퓨터 어떻게 꺼요? How do I turn off the computer?

B: 그냥 “종료” 버튼을 누르면 돼요. You can just press the “shutdown” button.

*누르다 : to press / 눌러요 – 눌렀어요 – 누를 거예요

You can also use it when politely telling someone what to do.

내일 2시에 오시면 돼요. You can come tomorrow at 2pm. (That’s our schedule.)

저핚테 주시면 돼요. You can give it to me.

내일까지 그 고객핚테 이메일을 보내시면 돼요. You can send the email to that

customer by tomorrow.

Verb+(으)면 안 돼요 :

1) [statement] it doesn’t work if~ (prohibition)

You can remember it as an expression of prohibition, or saying something that

one should not do.

만지면 안 돼요. You cannot touch it.

늦게 오면 안 돼요. You cannot come late.

너무 많이 먹으면 안 돼요. You shouldn’t eat too much (it’s bad for your health).

내일 비가 오면 안 돼요. It shouldn’t rain tomorrow! (Can also be used in things

that are not in one’s control)

2) [Question] -면 안 돼요? (asking for permission)

지금 가면 안 돼요? = 지금 가도 돼요?

숙제를 내일 하면 안 돼요? = 숙제를 내일 해도 돼요?

오늘 피자 먹으면 안 돼요? = 오늘 피자 먹어도 돼요?

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Verb-도 돼요 & –(으)면 돼요/안 돼요 [YouTube Class Review Note]

면 안돼요? vs 도 돼요?
They pretty much mean the same thing, but the difference in nuance would be
that 면 안 돼요? sounds more like a plead, like you really want the other person
to say “yes.” It also sounds like a suggestion, so it’s often used when the subject
is “we,” like “Can we do~?,” “Wouldn’t it be better to do~?” Whereas 도 돼요? is
more like, you are really curious if that’s permissible to the other person.

+)extra expression
3. Verb+ 아/어/여 + 도 안 돼요
1) it doesn’t work even if~
노력해도 안돼요. Even if I try, it doesn’t work.

아무리 노력해도 안돼요. No matter how much I try, it doesn’t work.

이 컴퓨터는 고쳐봐도 안 돼요. This computer doesn’t work even if I try to fix it.
이 컴퓨터는 아무리 고쳐봐도 안 돼요. This computer doesn’t work no matter

how much I try to fix it.

들어도 이해가 안돼요. Even if I listen, I don’t understand.

아무리 들어도 이해가 안돼요. No matter how much I listen, I don’t understand.

2) even ~ isn’t allowed.

저희 동네에서는 밤에 떠들면 안돼요. 애완동물을 키워도 안돼요.
As for our neighborhood, it’s not allowed to be loud at night. We cannot even

have a pet.

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