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Assignment of:-

Educational Assessment

Topic Name: -

Self Report

Submitted to:-

Farasat Zahra

Submitted by:

Muhammad Bakhsh

Roll No: -bsf1903920

Bsf1903713(Bs IT 3rd)

(University of Education Lahore Multan Campus

Definition of Self Report:
A report about one's behavior provided especially
by one who is a subject of research

First Known Use of self-report

1654, in the meaning defined above

Self Report:
In psychology, a self-report is any test, measure, or survey that relies on an
individual's own report of their symptoms, behaviors, beliefs, or attitudes. Self-report data is
gathered typically from paper-and-pencil or electronic format, or sometimes through an
Self-reports are commonly used in psychological studies because they can yield
much valuable and diagnostic information to a researcher or a clinician.

Advantages of Self-Report Data:

 Good Validity - you ask people directly and get their opinions and what they

 Lots of data both qualitative and quantitative and can be gathered quickly and
cheaply from different groups and large sample.

 Can be easily replicated - reliable.

 Closed questions are quantifiable - they can be summarised into tables and
graphs and compared.

Disadvantages of Self-Report Data

 Fixed choice questions lack flexibility and forces people to answer - lowers

 Social desirability bias

 Acquiescence - yes more then no or just agree.

 Set response.

 Question may be misunderstood - lowers reliability.

 Low response rate.

Self-Report Info With Other Data

Most experts in psychological research and diagnosis suggest that self-report data should not be
used alone, as it tends to be biased.5 Research is best done when combining self-report data with
other information, such as an individual’s behavior or physiological data. This “multi-modal” or
“multi-method” assessment provides a more global, and therefore more likely accurate, picture
of the subject.

The questionnaires used in research should be checked to see if they produce consistent results
over time. They also should be validated by another data method demonstrating that responses
measure what they claim they measure.Questionnaires and responses should be easy to
discriminate between controls and the test group.


Using self report is the easiest and fastest way to collect data and it can be used to

collect both types. However it can be subject to things like social desirability bias where

people want to seem good and even leading questions in interviews. When using self-

report it is important to use a variety of question types and no leading questions and

make questions relevant to the topic.

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