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What is the simple probability of finding one sample of Kibble cat

food that is out of specification in terms of the amount of protein
(either too high protein or too low protein) based on 2014 and 2015
data (120g and 240g combined)?
Note: This is simple/basic probability. Please use both years and
round your answer off to 4 decimal places

2 points  


Based on the historical data presented in the table below (240g

protein data from 2014 and 2015), if I went to ABC Cat Food
company right now and were to select a random sample from 10
different batches (10 different products) off the manufacturing line
(without replacement) in one event, consider the probability that I
find 7 products are out of specification and 3 products are in
specifications in terms of the amount of protein in them. For the
situation described above, please select all that apply

Value  2014 2015 Total
In Spec 169 32 201
Spec 16 5 21
Spec 17 3 20
Total 202 40  242
Min Value 3 35  
Max Value 45 45  
Average 39,6089 40,325  
Deviation 4,7211 3,4817  
1. Probability of finding an out of specification
product = 0.8306
2. Independent events
3. Mutually exclusive events
4. Probability of finding and in specification
limits product = 0.8306
5. Probability of finding an out of specification
product = 0.1694
6. Binomial probabilty
7. Hypergeometric probability
8. Conditional events
4 points  


Using only 2015 data as historical probabilites, provide the

answer for the same question above in Question 10 (that is going
into the factory right now and selecting 10 samples in a single event
without replacement) and calculate the probability of finding 7
samples (batches) within the specification limit for protein, and
simultaneously finding 3 samples (batches) outside of specification
limit for protein. Only provide the final answer using the 4 decimal
point in class rule. Refer to the table below for historical data

Protein Value  2014 2015 Total

In Spec 169 32 201
Below Spec 16 5 21
Above Spec 17 3 20
Total 202 40  242
Min Value 3 35  
Max Value 45 45  
Average 39,6089 40,325  
Std Deviation 4,7211 3,4817  
6 points  


Consider the following situation:

Data evidence of our case study seems to suggests that there is a
problem with the sodium concentration of the products. Only use
2014, 2015 and 2016 240g data - spreadsheet can be found in
exams folder.
Due to an alarming situation (namely the number of out of
specification products produced) the quality director of ABC Cat
Food company sends an email to the CEO of the company
requesting more resources. In his email, he explains that the
situation is very serious, based probability calculations he performed
(using 2014, 2015 and 2016 240g data). He provides an example,
saying if he were to select one sample  from the storage of archived
samples every week for 12 weeks, then the probability of finding an
out of specification batch would be very high . He adds the results of
his calculations for the CEO to evaluate and then hopefully approve
the resources being requested.
Please match the following statements below with the correct
answers that the quality director found after performing his above-
mentioned calculations. Keep in mind that since it is one sample per
week, this means it a new test that is performed each week (i.e. with

Probability of an out of 1 0.3836
specification product for its .
sodium level. Provide this answer 2 12
to 4 decimal points .
3 0.0799
Probability of finding a product .
that is not out of specification for 4
its sodium level. Provide this 0.0399
answer to 4 decimal points
5 0.9601
The numerical value associated .
6 0.9201
with the combination ( ) of .
finding one product that is out of
specification limits for sodium.
The final answer of this
probability calculation.

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