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Safety in Handling

 Introduction
Although all the industries are going through automation and
modernization , safety is always gained importance in every field of
engineering . Safety is important in material handling also.
i. Because it will damage the life as well as property if properly noy
taken care off .
ii. In every industries material handling equipments are used and
mostly they are having operator handling it . Hence , safety in
handling mostly concerned with the operator .
The hazards associated with improper material handling (i) being struck
by a load , (ii) losing control of a load , (iii) physically overexerting oneself , (iv)
and exceeding equipment capacities . Such accidents can lead to injuries (e.g.,)
abrasions , bruises and broken bones ) and even loss of life . The risk of injury
is not confined to manual lifting of heavy objects . Some lost time injuries have
occurred in office situations where lifting is infrequent and involves only small
items .


It can be achieved by either designing the with equipment necessary
norms and specification for safety or operating the equipment safely .
Second part of this deals with operator who actually operates the
equipments . In industries most of the dangerous occur due to the
operators fault . Hence , operator must be trained and motivated for
safety training whether it is manually or mechanized handling .


All the material handling equipments are designed by adhering to
standards to standards and norms which are predefined by BIS ISO . For
material handling equipments also there are norms and standards
which relates with design of material handling equipments , operating
norms of material handling equipments , safety norms of material
handling equipments etc .
Improper use of cranes , hoists and rigging devices can cause equipment to fail
or load to drop from the lifting system , resulting in personnel injury , death ,
significant property loss, or damage to the environment . Following should be
considered while working on crane and operator should have following .
Worksite Considerations , technical knowledge , Manufactures load charts .
Safe operation of overhead cranes requires operates to have the knowledge
and competence to employ safe rigging practices . The rigger must be rig the
load to ensure its stability when lifted . The following points highlight safety
tips for overhead crane operations .
1. Before use , the crane

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