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G 型系列单螺杆泵使用说明书

G series single screw pump manual

一、 概述



Single Screw pump is called "MONOPUMPS" in foreign

countries, Germany called "eccentric rotor pump." Its

characteristic are the strong adaptability of the medium, the

stable flow, small pressure pulsation, high self-priming ,

any other pump can not replace it.





Single Screw pump is worked by the rotary mesh displacement.

Its main working parts are eccentric screw (rotor) and fixed

bush (stator).Because of the special geometry, the two parts

respectively form a single seal cavity, medium flows driven by

axial uniform, internal flow rate is low, volume is kept

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constant, the pressure is stable, so that it can't produce

eddy current and agitation.

单螺杆泵每级的输出压力为 0.6MPA,扬程 60M,自吸高度一般在


流体。输送介质温度 80℃(特殊要求可达 150℃)。

Single screw pump output pressure is 0.6 MPA per level,

head of delivery is 60m, self-priming height is in commonly 6

m, suitable for high viscosity fluid and hard suspended

particles containing medium or fiber containing containing

medium fluid.The medium conveying temperature is 80 ℃

(special requirements can be up to 150 ℃).



Single Screw pump has few spare parts,compact

structure,small volume,easy maintenance. The rotor and stator

are vulnerable parts.

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Model implication
F G 35——1

表示级 means level

螺杆名义直径 screw pump diameter

G 系列单螺杆泵 G series single screw pump

F 表示泵体和内零件全部为不锈钢 F means the pump and inside

spare parts are all stainless steel


If no letter the pump is iron and inside spare parts are stainless steel.

三、 螺杆泵的优点及应用范围
The advantages of screw pump and application
a) 在负压下也能输送含有气体的介质。

can also transport medium containing gas under the negative pressure.

b) 可输送含有硬质悬浮颗粒介质或含有纤维介质流体。

Can transport hard suspended particles containing medium or

fiber containing containing medium fluid.

c) 自吸性能好,吸入性能好。

Good self-priming performance, good suction performance.

d) 可反向输送。

Can reverse transportation.

e) 输送非常粘稠的,含水的所有介质。

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Can transport very sticky,all aqueous medium.

f) 进口带喂料斗,连杆带搅龙,可输送不能自流的高粘稠介质。

Import with feeding hopper, connecting rod with stirrer, can transport

high sticky medium.

g) 广泛应用于环境保护处理工程、船舶工业、石油工业、医药、


Widely used in environment protection engineering,

shipbuilding industry, petroleum industry, medicine, daily

chemical, construction material conveying.

四、 操作注意事项
Operation attention
a) 开机前必须先确定运转方向,不得反转。

Must confirm the direction before starting the operation,

shall not be reversed.

b) 严禁在无介质情况下空运转,以免损坏定子。

Forbid to be idle running,to avoid stator damage.

c) 新安装或停机数天后的泵,不能立即起动,应先向泵体内注


new pump installation or offline for several days, don't start

immediately, should inject in the pump body some oil first,

then use tongs throw a few turn to start up.


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Transport high viscosity or contain particles and corrosive

medium, should use water or solvent to wash, prevent blocking,

so as to avoid difficult starting next time.

d) 冬季应排除积液,防止冻裂。

in winter should exclude fluid, to prevent cracking

e) 使用过程中轴承箱内应定期加润滑油,发现轴端有渗流时,


bearings should be regularly add lubricants,when find seepage

in the shaft end, should handel or replace oil seal in time.


Abnormal operation occurred in the situation, should

immediately stop to check the cause, troubleshooting.

五、 故障原因及排除方法
the cause of the problem and elimination method
故障现象 故障原因 排除方法
fault phe causes elimination method

(一)泵 不 1、新泵转、定子配合过紧 1、用工具人力帮助转动几圈

能起动 New pump’s rotor and stator use tool to turn around

The pump too tight 2、检查、调整

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can't start 2、电压、电流太低 Check, adjust

Low voltage and current 3、稀释料液

3、介质粘度过高 Dilute the material liquid

Medium viscosity too high

(二)泵 不 1、旋转方向不对 1、调整电机转向

出液 Wrong rotation direction Adjust motor rotation direction

Couldn't 2、吸入管路有问题 2、检查泄漏,打开进出口阀门

pump the Inlet line has problem Check if is leak, open input and

liquid 3、介质粘度过高 output valve

Medium viscosity too high 3、稀释料液

4 转、定子损坏或传动部件损坏 Dilute the material liquid

Rotor,stator or conveyer 4、检查更换

parts damage Check and change

5、泵内异物堵塞 5、排除异物

Pump body is block eliminate blockages

(三)流 量 1、管路泄漏 1、检查修理管路

达不到或压 Pipeline leakage Check and repair pipeline

力达不到 2、阀门未全部打开或局部堵 2、打开全部阀门,排除堵塞物

Flow or 塞 open all valve, eliminate

pressure the valve is not opened blockages

not enough entirely or partially 3、调整转速

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blocked Adjust the rotary speed

3、转速太低 4、更换损坏零件

Low rotation speed Change the damaged spare parts


The wear of rotor or stator

(四)电 机 1、电机故障 1、检查电机、电压、电流、电频

过热 Motor problem check the motor, voltage,

Motor 2、出口压力过高、电机超载 current, power frequency

overheat Output pressure too
Check the head, open valves, eliminate
high,motor overload
Change the damaged spare parts
stator burned or stick on

the rotor

(五)流量、 1、管道突然堵塞或泄漏 参照以上几项,逐项排除

压力急剧下 Pipe blockage or leakage Refer to the above one by one

降 suddenly to rule out

flow rate, 2、定子磨损恶劣

pressure Stator wear badly

drop 3、液体粘度突然改变

sharply Liquid viscosity change



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Voltage suddenly drop

(六)轴 封 1、软填料磨损 1、压紧或更换填料

处大量泄漏 soft packing wear compression, or change the

Shaft seal 2、机械密封、油封损坏 packing

in a large Damage of mechanical seal, 2、修复或更换

number of oil seal Repair or change


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