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Minutes for Peal Lake PRD Meeting held on December 2, 2017

The meeting was held at Roger Volden’s home on December 2nd and was called to order by
Chairman Roger Volden at 9:30 am. In attendance were the all Commissioners: Volden, Rucks,
Paulick, Fjellman, Sheppard as well as Sue Beese, Nick Thomas, Mike Kapp , Susan Zuehlke,
Steve & Nona Kovilas called in on a conference call.

• Roger opened the meeting by introducing Sheriff Jeff Nett from Waushara County who
was an invited guest to discuss boat patrol possibilities for 2018. As was mentioned at a
previous meeting the department has had budget cuts that have cut the boat patrol and
as a result lake associations have contracted with the department for patrol hours. The
Sheriff is working on plans for 2018. Cost would be $45.00 per hour and times when the
patrol may work would need to be determined. It was agreed that weekends and
possible Fridays and holidays would be preferable times to have patrol.

• After discussion a motion was made, seconded and passed to approve up to 24 hours of
water patrol by Waushara County Sheriff water patrol

Once Sheriff Nett completed his presentation those present resumed their agenda.

Discussion on the no wake hours and bladder boats was taken up by those in attendance.

Sue Beese had mentioned that with the increase of renters that there seemed to be an
increase in violation of people going fast after 4 p.m. The Sheriff had indicated that calls to
the Sheriff’s Department can and will be routed to the DNR if they are needed.

• Roger and Dick Fjellman talked about some of the discussion they had at recent lake
association meetings and we are not alone with the high water issues and concerns
about bladder boats and boats producing large wakes as it was pointed out that some
non-bladder boats going at certain speeds can produce large waves as well.
• Some lakes are looking into some changes in ordinances and laws but as of yet there
does not appear to be a legislative solution at this time. Roger stated that one lake is
moving forward with an ordinance and many of the lakes in the association are
watching that case.
• Nick Thomas says that he spoke to one of the people with a bladder boat and while they
indicated they knew there was concern about those types of boats that it is not illegal
and they will continue to use their boat.
• The idea of changing the distance from 100-400 feet from the shoreline is being
suggested by some lakes and that would be a regulation that could have some effect
and should stay on our radar.
Minutes for Peal Lake PRD Meeting held on December 2, 2017
• One suggestion was putting more effort into improving breakwaters and shorelines
against erosion and looking into possible available grants. Roger will contact Waushara
County Land & Conservation Dept. inquiring on habitat and erosion control grants.”
• At this point the solutions to the issue are limited and we will need to continue to
explore all aspect to the issue and much may depend on how high the water on the lake
is next year.

Next on the agenda was discussion on voting procedures during meetings. Roger said that
there three areas of concern. One is that some people have come to him and said that they
would like to have ballots rather than voice votes as they feel some people are uncomfortable
with seeing how their neighbors vote on certain issues. The second area of concern was how
some people have one vote and some have two. The third idea was to allow voting by proxy
and/or absentee.”

• There was quite a bit of discussion on this and there may be some items when a ballot
should be used. There was a motion made by Dave to use a ballot when deemed
necessary. A motion was made, seconded and approved to have voting by ballot on
pertinent issues.”
• The second area of concern was the discussion of how votes are determined for a
property. Roger produced the by-laws of the organization regarding Article 1 Electors
(see appendix A). The commissioners reviewed the by-laws and they continue to be
acceptable noting that people must be present to vote and 2 vote per private parcel by
two individuals, one vote for corporate owned parcels.

Next on the agenda was the treasure’s report and a review of how the current money in the
Water Quality Fund is currently invested.

• There is currently $97521.07 ( 3rd quarter) in the water quality fund. There was
discussion on how or what the money is invested in as well as management rates that
are being charged. Randy was asked to contact Mark regarding some ideas and
questions that the commissioners have regarding keeping the fund viable and safe as
well as how to possibly reduce management fees that we incur.

Fish Stocking and Habitat committee was next on the agenda and Nick Thomas discussed a few

• Nick Thomas was appointed to head a habitat/fish stocking committee to research and
bring plans to the commissioners for fish stocking and improving habitat."
Minutes for Peal Lake PRD Meeting held on December 2, 2017
• Currently he has requests for 6 to 8 possible sites for fish cribs. There will not be a great
deal of cost for that because of some donations however there is $2,500. In the budget
for habitat that can be used for some expenses that are incurred.
• There was a motion made and seconded to take use $1,000.00 of the habitat money for
crib and shore line improvement which would include a visual example of how shoreline
can be improved and hopefully spur other property owners to make improvements as
well. Motion was carried. It is hoped a visual example will be in place early in the
summer of 2018.
• The DNR is moving forward with a reduced fish limit of 10 per species per day with a
total of 25 fish daily. We will continue to support that initiative and hope it will become
law in the near future.

Roger noted that the Clean Boat Clean Water Grant (CBCW) has been approved for 2018 and is
the same amount of money as last year. We will continue with Golden Sands in 2018.

Roger shared with the group that the estimate for Eurasian milfoil treatment by Carson for the
spring of 2018 is $10,431.00. Motion was made, seconded and passed to move forward with
the treatment for 2018.

Most of the old business and new business were discussed at certain times during the meeting
and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Submitted by:

Ed Sheppard
Secretary PRD
Minutes for Peal Lake PRD Meeting held on December 2, 2017
Appendix A Pearl Lake BRD Bylaws for Voting

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