July 6 2019

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Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District meeting July 6, 2019 Minutes

The meeting was held at Swenson’s Garage, W4655 South Pearl Lake Road and was called to
order by Chairman Roger Volden at 8:33 a.m. There was a large contingent of PRD members
at the meeting for the July 6, 2019 meeting.

Roll Call: Roger Volden, Dave Paulick, Dale Singer, Ed Sheppard, and Town of Leon
Chairman Chris Sorenson. Randy Rucks & Mike Kapp absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled for the meeting.

Chairman Volden directed those in attendance to take copies of the previous minutes as well
as other information that was copied and available at the meeting. He also asked for any
changes or comments on the minutes from the Memorial Day meeting.

Motion by Volden, seconded by Paulick to approve the minutes. motion carried unanimously
by PRD commissioners in attendance.

Roger opened the meeting by asking for comments from the floor:

Ron Lungwitz indicated that he feels that per state statute the PRD can assign responsibility
for who is responsible for damage to the shoreline when large waves are created. He made
reference to state statute 33. He also stated the we should not have to be taking steps to
save our shoreline when it was other’s responsibility.
After Mr. Lungwitz’s comments there was no discussion from those present other than
Chairman Volden indicated Mr. Lungwitz should call the Sheriff’s Department if he felt the
statutes were being violated.

Other comments regarding the high water was that a company out of Green Lake listed below
is someone that could help with shoreline issues. It is called Outdoor Impact Landscaping.

Mrs. Georgian then discussed her recent dealings with the DNR and pointed out that they have
been helpful, and they too recommend professional contractors as well as planting native
plants and those can be found on the DNR website.

Chairman Volden then spoke regarding one lake resident that believes they found a zebra
mussel in the lake. While that has not been confirmed this is why we are doing a full lake
aquatic study in August to determine just what is in the lake.

Roger also pointed out that since Memorial Day the lake is up 6 inches.
He indicated that he is still waiting for callback from the DNR regarding ways to establish a
high-water mark.

Dave Paulick handled the treasurer’s report for Randy Rucks and stated that as of 7/02/19
there is currently $16271.15 in the PRD checking account, as of 7/02/2019 all bills have
been paid. The Water Quality Fund balance has $100,963.25 with $90,000 having been
moved into a CD
Roger gave the data for the water clarity and temperature for 2019 compared to 2018 which
is as follows:

At 3’ Temp (3 feet) At 10’ Bottom

2019. 18’ 74 degrees 73 degrees 45 degrees
2018. 19’ 75 degrees 74 degrees 43 degrees

Roger also noted that we have a schedule for people to work at the boat landing for Clean
Boat Clean Water almost every weekend.

Roger also mentioned that with the current 24 hour no wake that we may be able to cut back
on the patrol and we will be reviewing that. This would be possible because of the excellent
response that we have had to the temporary no wake conditions and the virtually 100%

Regarding the upcoming PRD annual meeting on Labor Day weekend this meeting will be when
two commissioners need to be elected to the 3-year terms. Ed Sheppard and Roger Volden
terms expire on the date of the annual meeting. If interested in serving as a commissioner 3
property owners need to nominate a candidate by July 16th in order to be on the ballot.
These nominations need to be submitted to Ed Sheppard. Candidates can still be nominated
from the floor at the annual meeting.

A clarification on the current temporary no wake ordinance with the town of Leon was
discussed. The temporary no wake ordinance that is in effect will end on October first.

Roger stated that the current temporary no wake that is in effect is not meant to be a
permanent condition on Pearl Lake and once the water recedes to a more acceptable level we
hope to go back to the long standing ordinance of 11a.m. to 4 p.m. for wake conditions.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 a.m. was made by Paulick, seconded by Singer,
with all present voting to adjourn. Motion approved unanimously by all present: Sheppard,
Singer, Volden, Paulick.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 a.m. on July 6, 2019.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary, Pearl Lake PRD

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