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Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District May 29th, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call: Jeff Swenson, Kevin Kerwin, Dale Singer, Ed Sheppard, and Nick Thomas were
present. Present also was Town Chairman of the Town of Leon Chris Sorenson.

Chairman Dale Singer called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said as well as a brief prayer by Nona Koivula.

Dale asked that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved. Reading of the minutes was
waived and a motion by Singer and second by Thomas was made to approve the minutes. All
commissioners voted in favor of the motion. (Swenson, Kerwin, Singer, Sheppard, Thomas)

The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Kevin Kerwin and is as follows:

$28,924 in checking account. The certificate of deposit with Verve credit union stands at
$95,071.06. New deposits to checking account was $16, 265.71 with all bills paid totaling
$17,222.05. Motion by Sheppard, 2nd by Swenson to accept the treasurer”s report. All
commissioners voting in favor. (Swenson, Kerwin, Singer, Sheppard, Thomas)

Chairman Singer then noted that the Sheriff’s Department will again be doing water patrol for
the lakes in the county including Pearl Lake and there will be no additional expense with that this

The next item on the agenda was the Milfoil and AIS update. In reviewing the data from Cason
and Associates, the commissioners believe that we are making progress and therefore we will be
contracting to have hand pulling of the milfoil done and will not be using chemicals this year.
The expenses this year for the Milfoil issue were Cason & Associates $ 3750 and $ 2585 for
Aquatic Plan Management services for the cost of the hand pulling will be.

Chairman Singer then called on Roger Volden to report on the water quality testing that was
done by Roger & Donna; it is as follows:

2021 May 26 2020 May 22

3’ depth 69 degrees 60 degrees

9’ depth 64 degrees 58 degrees

35’ depth 47 degrees 49 degrees

Secchi depth 30 feet 29 feet

Chairman Singer then moved to CBCW update and noted that Anna Peterson who has done boat
landing inspections in the past for us will be back and her schedule will be posted on the website.

Nich Thomas was then called upon to give a fish habitat update which is as follows:

Total for pearl lake Total= $5,415

1) Stocking was delayed until fish count is done but will happen as soon as shock boat count
is done, shock count currently being done.

2) For Pearl Lake

perch-900 count
5-7" $2.40 total perch $2,160

black crappie-650 count

5-7" $3.00 total Crappie $1,950

Fat head minnows-

238 lbs $5.50 lb $1,305

3) Donations from sale of cards by the Post Office Bar,

$15 from Milton & Roberta Scroggins and

$150 from the sale of cards @ the Post Office.

$250 from Chuck Johanns

$2,500 Matt and Hallie Dicks

$2,500 PRD Budget

Total= $5,415

The next item on the agenda was # 10 Water Level wake/no wake situation.

Dale led off the discussion noting that the Town Board set a 24 hour no wake resolution with no
end date after our 2019 Annual Meeting. Water level has dropped slightly but conditions remain
for potential shoreline / property damage. Will continue to monitor going forward to recommend
any changes.

There was a good discussion among those members in attendance. Clearly some members want
to get back to the long standing 11-4 wake period and others are more cautious. During the
discussion Town Chairman Chris Sorenson was asked that if at say the July 3rd PRD meeting
that the water has continued to lower that the commissioners vote to take off the 24/7 no wake
resolution, how long would it take for the Town Board to rescind the current resolution. Chris
said they could meet very quickly, and it would need to be published but that can all get done
very quickly.

Other discussion centered on the fact we have no current standard to go by. All can agree the
water is down but by how much and we need to have a way to know what the level of the lake
would be that would trigger the request to the town board. There is currently a pole by the
landing and after the meeting there will be a mark put on that. (Update from Jeff Swenson after
the meeting on May 29th. A notch was made in the 2nd 4x4 from the lake end of the new fence
to mark the water level on Saturday, May 29th.)

Information will be sought through the county and the DNR and this information can be
discussed further at the July 3th meeting. This discussion then went into various other ideas that
are being investigated. Nick Thomas has been researching and looking at the fact that before the
road was put around the lake there was an area on the west side of the lake that drained into a
marshy area. Could that be done again? He pledged to report back to the PRD on this project.
Some lakes in other parts of the state have been allowing fast boating but with restrictions on the
so-called bladder boats and the lake associations are watching that development. In summation
the commissioners emphasized to the PRD members that we want to move back to the 11-4
schedule that served us so well for all these years prior to this unprecedented high water.

(11) Chairman Singer then turned to Communications and Public Comment.

Public record request/ Water Quality Fund Debra Semrad.

Chairman Singer then called on Debra Semrad and she stated that she has provided information
to the commissioners, and they have all the information needed to do a misappropriation of funds

Discussion ensued, but no formal action was taken at this time.

Roger Volden made an advisory motion to the PRD commissioners to end to the issue regarding
the PRD water quality fund and whether or not Leissring received a commission. This advisory
motion was seconded by Steve Koivula. A request of a show of hands was then made by
Chairman Singer to see the sentiment of those in attendance of Roger Volden’s advisory motion.
The show of hands was 39 PRD members in favor of Volden’s motion and 4 opposed. This
motion will be placed on the agenda for the July 3rd meeting for a final vote by the

The next item on the agenda was the winter contractor accident resolution. Chairman Singer
explained that Gabe’s Construction was very helpful in working with the town and the DNR and
the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Town and DNR and the final report is on
our website.

Town Chairman Sorenson also spoke on the work the town will do to the public access parking
lot. The lot will be scraped and fixed so that the lot is much flatter and accessible. This should
be done soon.

The final note on the agenda was that one commissioner position is up for election this year.
Interested candidates shall submit three written letters of nomination to Secretary, Ed Sheppard
at least 45 days prior to the annual meeting. The names of all nominated candidates shall appear
on the written notice of the annual meeting. Printed ballots will provide space for write-in

Motion made by Swenson, 2nd by Sheppard to adjourn the meeting ---All commissioners voted in
favor. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15a.m.

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