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Second Semester, AY 2018-2019

I. Course Description:
This course is designed to teach students the theories and principles in creative writing with
stress on literary genres, their nature, elements and forms.

II. Course Objectives:

1. Students will be knowledgeable and familiar with the nature of creative writing and the
different creative writing styles.
2. Students will learn the principles of writing poems (haiku and sonnets), short stories,
stories for children, plays, and creative nonfiction.
3. Students will learn how to gather, analyze and organize needed data for a research or
technical report.

III. Specific Course Requirements

To achieve the following objectives students will have to comply/ complete the following which
will be the basis for their performance in the class.

1. Writing exercises. Students will be given reading response questions, writing prompts or
exercises, and/ or mini-essays.
2. Workshop Pieces. During the course of the semester, each student will write and revise 3
poems (haiku, sonnet, free verse), short story, short story for children and a creative


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3. Two Major Writing Outputs. Two literary pieces/ commentary will be given to the class

for analysis.
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4. Final Portfolio. This will consist of the original and revised workshop pieces.
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IV. Class Policies

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1. In relation with the college rules, each student is only allowed seven (7) absences.
However, if absences are justifiable, then the instructor can give consideration.
2. Papers should be submitted on-time. Late papers will not be accepted.

3. Plagiarism is a grave crime. If caught, your paper will merit a failing grade. Note that
the instructor has methods on checking if the student’s paper is copied from
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somewhere else.
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V. References
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Earnshaw, Steven. The Handbook of Creative Writing. Edinburgh University Press. 2007
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Morley, David. The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing. Cambridge University

Press. Cambridge, New York. 2007

VI. Grading Percentage Distribution


Attendance 5%
Workshop Pieces 25%
Writing exercises 20%
Recitation/ Participation 10%

Major Writing Output (Midterm) 10%

Major Writing Output (Finals) 10%
Final Portfolio 20%

Instructor: Annalyn Leyesa Go


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Creative Writing (Course Outline)

I. Principles of Creative Writing

A. Creative Writing vs. Technical Writing vs. Academic Writing
B. Writing as a Process
C. Writing for the Senses
D. Language
1. Imagery
2. Figures of Speech
3. Diction and Vocabulary
E. Brief Definition and Analysis of Texts
1. Poetry
2. Short Story
3. Short Story for Children
4. Plays
5. Creative Non-Fiction

II. Poetry
A. Elements of a Poem
B. Traditional/ Conventional Poetry
1. Haiku
2. Sonnet
C. Free Verse

1. Line and Line Breaks
2. Enjambments
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3. Metaphors
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D. Other Poetry Forms
1. Performance Poetry and Spoken Poetry
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2. Prose Poem
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E. Analysis of Popular Poems

III. Short Story


A. Elements of a Short Story

B. Writing the First Paragraph
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C. Developing Characters
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D. Different Point of View and Tense

E. Dialogue
F. Conflict and Tension
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G. Resolution
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IV. Short Story for Children

A. Principles of Writing for Children
B. Creating Characters

C. Dialogue

D. Conflict and Resolution

V. Plays
A. Elements of Drama

B. Character and Plot

C. Diction
D. Format

V. Creative Nonfiction
A. Defining Creative Nonfiction
B. Characters in Non-Fiction
B. Samples of Creative Nonfiction
1. Biography
2. Personal narratives
3. Memoir

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