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Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

Unit 1 & 2
1- Complete:
1- ------------------------------------- is amount of matter in an object.
2- ----------- and ------------ are the measuring units of mass.
3- ------------ equals 1 liter of distilled water.
4- ---------- is the measuring unit of small masses as ------------, while ----------- is
the measuring unit of large masses as ------------------.
5- ----------------- scale is used to measure small masses, while --------------
balance is used to measure large masses-
6- The effect of weight is always directed to the ------------------------------------
7- The measuring units of mass are ----------- and --------------- while the
measuring unit of weight is ----------------
8- Weight is measured by ------------------
9- An object weight’s depends on ----------------------------------------,
------------------------------ and -----------------------------------------------------
10- By increasing object’s mass, the weight -------------------------------------
11- the force by which the body is attracted towards the Earth is called
12- The gravitational force of body ------------------- when the distance between
the body and the center of the Earth increases.
13- Newton is the measuring unit of weight that is almost equals to the weight
of a body on Earth whose mass is ---------- gram.
14- Heat transfers from the --------------- temperature object to the -----------------
temperature object.
15- --------------------------------------- is the degree of hotness or coldness of body.
16- The device that is used to measure temperature is called
17- ---------------------, ----------------------, -------------------------- and
------------------------------- are good conductors of heat.
Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

18- ------------------ , ------------- and ---------------- are bad conductors of heat.

19- Metals --------------------------- by heating and -------------------- by cooling.
20- All metals are ------------------ conductors of heat.
21- ------------------------ are the materials that do not allow heat to flow through,
while ---------------------- are materials that allow heat to flow through.
22- ---------------------- conducts heat faster than aluminum.
23- ---------------------- conducts heat faster than Iron.
24- Cooking pots are made of -------------------------------------------
while handles of cooking pots are made of ------------------------------
25- The types of thermometers are ------------------------ and -------------------
26- We can use ----------------------------- to measure temperature of liquids, while
-------------------------------- is used to measure temperature of human body.
27- There is constriction in the ------------------------ thermometer
28- In the medical thermometer, the -------------------------- prevents the mercury
from returning back quickly to the bulb.
29- Water freezes at ------------ degree and boils at --------------- degree.
30- The measuring unit of temperature is called ---------------------------
31- The scale of medical thermometer from ------------ to -----------
32- The scale of Celsius thermometer from -------------- to ----------
33- Mercury remains liquid between -------------------------- and ----------------------

2) put (√) or (X) and correct:

1. The mass of body changes as its location change.

2. The mass of an object depends on amount of matter it contains.
3. melting point of ice is zero degree
4. we use water to sterilize medical thermometer.
5. cooking pots are made from plastic.

Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

6. Heat is transferred from cold objects to hot objects.

7. Aluminum is a bad conductor of heat.
8. Iron is the best heat conductor.
9. Wool is a heat conductor.
10. All metals are good conductors of heat
11. Air is a good conductor of heat.
12. There is constriction in Celsius thermometer.
13. The main idea of making thermometer is changing the mass of
liquid according to temperature.
14. Celsius thermometer is used to measure temperature of human

3) Give reasons why?

1. Mass of an object on Earth is the same mass on moon.
2. Weight of an object on Earth doesn’t equal the weight of the object on moon.
3. Weight of an object on a plane is less than its weight on earth surface.
4. Cooking pots are made from aluminum.
5. Handles of cooking pots are made from plastic or wood.
6. We must take care not to break a thermometer.
7. Mercury is used in thermometers.

Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

8. There is a constriction in medical thermometer.

9. We can’t use medical thermometer to measure temperature of liquids.

4)write scientific term:

1. everything that has mass and volume. (--------------------------------)
2. amount of matter that the object contain. (--------------------------------)
3. force by which an object is attracted to the Earth. (--------------------------------)
4. energy that transfer from high temperature object to low temperature
object. (--------------------------------)
5. degree of hotness or coldness of body. (--------------------------------)
6. device used to measure temperature. (--------------------------------)
7. They are materials that allow heat to flow through them.
8. They are materials that do not allow heat to flow through them.
9. Device used to measure temperature of human body.
10. Device used to measure temperature of liquids.
11. Heat conductor used in making thermometer. (--------------------------------)

Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

5)Mention one use for each:

1- medical thermometer

2- Celsius thermometer

4) Constriction

5) Mercury

6) Ethyl alcohol

7) Good conductors of heat

8) Bad conductors of heat

9) Balance scale

10)Sensitive scale

11)Balance scale

12)Digital scale


1- An object whose mass on Earth = 30 Kg, calculate:

a) Mass on moon
b) Weight on Earth
c) Weight on moon

Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

2- An object mass on moon = 8 Kg, calculate:

a) Mass on Earth
b) Weight on Earth
c) Weight on moon

3- If a body’s weight on moon equals 30 newton, calculate:

a) Mass on Earth
b) Weight on Earth

4- Object’s mass on Earth surface is 200 gram, calculate:

a) Mass on moon
b) Weight on Earth

5- Jana’s weight on moon equals 620 newton, calculate her weight

and mass on Earth

Grade (6) – 1st term revision Salma 01014062738

mass weight

Device used

Change by
changing the
Present in all
places even

Medical thermometer Celsius thermometer






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