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G used to

V school subject s
P used to I didn't use to Yes, I did.
I used to have a
great t ime.

1 VOCABULARY school subject s 2 GRAMMAR used to

a Read the repo rt a nd m atch the subjects and a When you were at school did you get a
pictures. re port at the end of every term or yea r?
Were they usually good or bad? Did yo u
SW2]ect Mark always show them to your parent ?
0 art b59
b Read some extracts from Could do better,
CJ {Qniqn fill1CJUiil!fe-5 <Enaiish. e-tr) 72 ·u a collection o f famo us British people's
0 CJ!QfJYClpnCj 81-> school reports. Are t he comments posit ive
o r negat ive?
0 i1.lStO~ 44· .
[l IT (• inronnation tt!hflQ/oq!f) 50' o
0 /ittrat~fn 5 ~
[ ' mlilihs 420/

0 Pf ( ph~sica/ eaumtion) 78. :J;

0 sue-net (~sics. chemistnj. ~mel brQioq!f) b•

Lli!Ziflill1d t.mtid!f Talks a lot in class

D .. ·, 11
•·l< 't
1 +2 3 == ~tk. reDJ.s I..I..)(21.L o.N:J.. €)o(:f"!ESSC25
!~i' '~
~~ t.t'<':'. 2/+·f~ ~Q..{f welt, CJ,.JV! is 8ooJ... o1: a.r~~e­
\oW= .e.oerj~ ~ ~<;:., Ls '5~ ~
~!> cdti~ ad IU€. \oaJ. loe.h..tunou.r.

Ken Follett
best-selling author of Sk.e MM s-t- -f"rtJ rn
The Pillars of the Earth be, LL.-ss ~ot-itnt_~
. . . wi+k ~+hevs .
Princess Diana
mother of Princes William and Harry
b 4 42 >)) Listen and check.

c Look at the repo rt again . W hat do marks and

behaviour mea n?

d Did you have a ny other subjects at prima ry o r

secondary school? W hich subjects were you ... ?
a good at b OK at c bad at
I was very bad at math=l

p goodat
We use at after good and bad to t alk about
our abilit ies, e.g. I was very bad at mat hs.
I'm very good at cooking. politician, Prime Minister during
the Second World War 1940-45
c Read the ext racts aga in a nd match th e 3 PRONUNCIATION used to I didn't use to
people to enrence 1-5. Write KF, JL , PD,
WC,or HF. Ip Pronouncing used to
I didn't u e to get to school on time. When we say used to or (didn't) use to we link the two words
together. They are both pronounced ju:'>t:l .
2 used to make the other children laugh.
3 wa clever. but didn't use to behave well. a 4 44 >)) Li te n a nd und erlin e th e stre ed words. The n li ten and
4 used to u every complicated vocabul ary. repeat.
5 used to cry a lo t at school.
I He used to hate school.
d Look at senrence 1- 5 again. Does used to 2 I used robe good at French .
refer to ... ? 3 T hey d idn't use to behave wel l.
I a the pre ent 4 S he d idn't use to wear glasses.
b the pa t 5 Did you u e to wa lk to school?
2 a things that happened o nce
b 4 45 >)) ow listen a nd write six mo re senrence
b things that happened repeated ly
e )>- p.l44 Grammar Bank 108. Learn more
about used to and practise it. 4 LISTENING
a 4 46 >)) Li sten to six people ta lking about their me mories of
school. Write ./ if they liked it, ~ if they didn't li ke it, a nd./~ if
they liked som e things but no t others.
-f-4 e.. I S .. . 01 cA. C7l.A./ v-. ,· V'\
cAO\SG ct,n,o{ VV0\5-f-e._.s IL 2 30 4= 5 [_ 6 ]
oMe.-r pup-il cs' --n'r"Y\e. . b Liste n again a nd a nswer the questio ns.
John Lennon Who ... ? 0 didn't like being at a sa me-sex school
musician, member of the Beatles 1960-69 0 didn't use to study a lo t, but got good marks
0 had a very good physics teacher
0 hated do ing sport
0 liked o ne school, bur not another
0 used to read a lot at school

c Do you identify w it h a ny of the speakers? Why?

a T hink about w hen you were at primary o r second ary chool.
Prepare your answe rs to the ques ti o n below. T hink of examples
you could give.
Did you u se to ... ?
• be d isorga nized o r very o rga ni zed • be a good o r a bad student
• be late for school o r on time • wea r a u nifor m
• get a lot of ho mework or a little • have a teacher you hated
• have a teacher you really liked • have a nick name
b Work in g ro ups of three. A tell B a nd C about how you used to be.
B and C li ten and a k for more in format ion. T he n swa p roles.
Subject: English Did you have anything in commo n?
H~, mua~ lu,.tL ntJt: ~ ( ~ ~;;d to be very disorganized, for example

usc suc.t /l.trwu;y ta"Ju':!e.· ~en left my books or my sports clothes at home.

Helen Fielding 6 4 47 >)) SONG ABC ~

author of Bridget Jones's Diary

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