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SELF Learning Module IN Fitness Testing AND Basic

Exercise Programming
Education (Bicol University)

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Ellen Nowlin, a two-time state champion coach in volleyball once said, “It is not
what you’ve got; its what you do with it.” This module will challenge to do your part to take
an active role in developing a lifelong habit of daily physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
As a learner, you will enable to administer tests and programs for physical fitness and
performance enhancement. We are all meant to be active and our health depends upon it.
When the body is used, it thrives; when it is not, it only survives.

This is a learning module intended to guide you in understanding the key concepts
in the essay Thoughts. Pieces of information are provided for you to better understand the
topic. As you venture on this module,you have to answer several questions and activities to
test your understanding. Your answers must be written on the spaces provided or you may
use an extra sheet just in case the spaces are not enough. At the end of the module be
sure to accomplish the post tests. Do not forget to write yoursignificant learning experience
after finishing the module. Please also ask your parent/guardian to write theirremarks and
suggestions. Thank you and have fun!

Name : ________________________________________________
Grade & Section : ________________________________
Teacher : ________________________________


In this module, I have learned that_______________________________________


Student’s Signature over printed name



Parent’s/Guardian's Signature over Printed Name

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At the end of this module, you, as a learner is expected to:

 define physical activity, exercise and physical fitness;
 explain the importance of studying physical fitness;
 appropriately identify physical activities within each of the components of health-related and
skill-related fitness; and
 perform progressive activities such as warm-up and cool down exercises, pacing, and other
practice opportunities in preparation for fitness tasks.

 Physical fitness - refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to
allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. Being efficient means doing daily
activities with the least effort possible.
 Heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance - is the ability to exercise the
entire body for long periods of time.
 Muscular Strength - the ability of muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one
 Muscular Endurance - the ability to use muscles for a long period of time without tiring.
 Body Composition - he combination of all of the tissues that make up the body such as
bones muscle, organs and body fat.
 Flexibility- the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
 Agility – the ability to change body positions quickly and keep the body under control when
 Balance - the ability to keep the body in a steady position while standing and moving.
 Coordination - the ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity.
 Power - the ability to combine strength with speed while moving.
 Speed - the ability to move all or a part of the body quickly.
 Reaction Time - the ability to move quickly once a signal to start moving is received.

MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
space provided.


________1. Agility a. Health-related Fitness

________2. Body Composition b. Physiological Fitness
________3. Bone Integrity c. Skill-related Fitness
________4. Endurance
________5. Flexibility
________6. Metabolic Fitness
________7. Speed

Physical fitness is the ability of a person to perform his or her daily tasks and still have
reserve energy in case of emergency. A physical activity is any bodily movement produced by
alternating contraction and relaxation of the skeletal muscles that results in a notable increase in
energy a person uses. You can become physically fit through exercise, a type of physical activity
that is structured, planned, and repeated bodily movements. It would follow that one’s exercise
habits determine one’s physical fitness.
Physiological Fitness relates to the higher level of habitual physical activity. Simple
performance tests using hand-held or portable devices such as weighing scale and sit and reach
box can be used. However, some components such as metabolic fitness (MetF), morphological
fitness (MorF) and bone integrity (BI) are measured using special equipment in a laboratory or
medically supervised facility.

To achieve your desired level of fitness, you should consider the following fitness parameters:
Health-Related Fitness (HRF) Skill-Related Fitness (SRF)
These fitness parameters are directly attributed These fitness parameters enable a person to
to the good physiological function of your body perform physical or sports activity. They check
in order to contribute to good health. one’s motor fitness and are directed to good
Cardiorespiratory endurance is the
measurement that checks if the heart, lungs Agility is the ability to shift one’s body in
and muscles work in unison to provide oxygen different directions quickly and efficiently.
and blood during exercise or workout. A person People can join basketball and volleyball drills
needs to attend swimming and aerobics requiring quick change of directions or play
classes or do skipping rope, brisk walking and Patintero with friends.

Muscular endurance is a muscular training Balance is the ability of the body to maintain
exercise to perform repeated exercise stability in static or when moving while
without getting tired. resisting the force of gravity. It is also the
ability to hold the body in a fixed position.
Making routines on the balance beam is a
good example or performing gymnastic
positions like one-leg stand, bridge stand,
or V-sit.

Muscular Strength is the most considered

component among all components of
physical fitness. It is one’s ability to lift
weights. Joining weight training sessions
Coordination is a skill-related component of
and helping builds one’s muscles are good
physical fitness that relates to one’s ability
for the body.
to use the senses, such as sight or hearing,
together with other body parts in performing
motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

Reaction time is the ability to react and

Flexibility is the component that allows all make decision quickly. Examples are
joints in the body to move in their full range passing and catching in sports and tagging
of motion. Attending yoga classes is an games.
excellent exercise.

Speed is the ability to perform successive

movements of the same pattern in the
shortest period of time. Best exercises are
joining running events in the school or
Body composition is the relative proportion community.
of muscle fat, bone, and other tissues that
comprise the body. If an individual’s body
has a high amount of body fat, it will be
difficult for him or her to attain physical


To get to your desired level of fitness, you will have to consider the reason why you have to
do a particular physical activity. If you are after effective results, you should be guided by the
following principles:

1. Overload Principle

The Overload Principle is probably the most important principle of exercise and training.
Simply stated, the Overload Principle means that the body will adapt to the workload placed upon it.
The more you do, the more you will be capable of doing. This is how all the fitness improvements
occur when exercising and training. The human body is an amazing machine. When you stress the
body through lifting a weight that the body is unaccustomed to lifting, the body will react by causing
physiological changes in order to be able to handle that stress the next time it occurs. This concept
is similar in cardiovascular training. If you ask the heart, lungs and endurance muscles to do work
not previously done, it will make changes to the body to be able to handle that task better the next
time. This is how people get stronger, bigger, faster and increase their physical fitness level.
When you are working out, you want to strive to somehow increase the workload you are
doing above what you did on your previous workout so you have overloaded your body to create a
training adaptation. This increase in workout stress can be a very small increase, as many small
increases over time will eventually be a large increase or adaptation. To determine how to increase
the workload of a given workout you need to understanding the F.I.T.T Principle.
2. The F.I.T.T. Principle
An easy way to get started on developing a personal fitness program is utilizing the F.I.T.T.
principle. This acronym stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. These are the areas in
which someone could increase or overload in order to improve physical fitness.
Frequency: This refers to how often you will exercise. After any form of exercise is
performed your body completes a process of rebuilding and repairing. So, determining the
frequency of exercise is important in order to find a balance that provides just enough stress for the
body to adapt and also allows enough rest time for healing.
Intensity: Defined as the amount of effort or work that must be completed in a specific
exercise. This too requires a good balance to ensure that the intensity is hard enough to overload
the body but not so difficult that it results in over training, injury or burnout.
Time: Time is simply how long each individual session should last. This will vary based on
the intensity and type.
Type: What type of exercise will you be doing? Will an exercise session be primarily
cardiovascular, resistance training or a combination of both? And, what specific exercises will you
Combining The Overload Principle and The F.I.T.T. Principle
Resistance Training Cardiovascular Training
Frequency Increase the number of Increase the number of
workout days workout days
Intensity Increase the resistance / Increase pace or % of Max.
weight Heart Rate
Time Increase time involved in Increase time involved in
exercise or Increased exercise
Type Changing the exercise but still Changing the workout to a
working the same area of the different cardio exercise. Ex.
body jogging to jump rope

3. The Specificity Principle

This principle is just how it you exercise should be specific to your goals. If
you're trying to improve your racing times, you should focus on speed workouts. If your main goal is
simply health, fitness and weight management, you should focus on total body strength, cardio and
a healthy diet. Make sure your training matches your goals.
4. The Rest and Recovery Principle
While we often focus on getting in as much exercise as possible, rest and recovery is also
essential for reaching your weight loss and fitness goals. While you can often do cardio every day
(though you may want to rest after very intense workouts) you should have at least a day of rest
between strength training workouts. Make sure you don't work the same muscles two days in a row
to give your body the time it needs to rest and recover.
5. The Use or Lose Principle
The Principle of Use or Lose implies that when it comes to fitness, you "use it or lose it." This simply
means that your muscles build strength (hypertrophy) with use and lose strength (atrophy) with lack
of use. This also explains why we or lose fitness when we stop exercising.


The engagement in physical activity produces great health benefits in improving the body’s
ability to do more with less effort. These benefits include the following:
 Easy breathing due to improved respiration and blood circulation.
 Improved cardiac output because of strengthened and efficient heart.
 Better vascular system because veins and arteries become cleaner from the reduction of
fatty deposits.
 Denser and firmer bones, and stronger muscles.
 Improved flexibility, bowel function, and sensory skills (balance and movement)
 Reduced stress, enhanced wellness and social experience

In the boxes, indicate the physical fitness components of physical activities you have done for
the past two weeks. In the summary, write what you have discovered regarding your own fitness.
Health-related Fitness My Activities



My Activities reveal that_____________________________________________________


Skill-related Fitness My Activities




My Activities reveal that_____________________________________________________


Answer the following questions on the space provided.

1. Do you agree that age is one of the several factors affecting s person’s physical fitness?
Support your answer.

2. Why should you undergo fitness tests?


3. How do physical activities significantly contribute to your desired level of fitness?


4. What skills must one gain in order to keep safe the administration of physical fitness tests?

5. Among the Principles of Physical activity, which of them do you think will challenge you the
most? Write your reasons. What values should you develop to help support you in this

Physical Fitness Testing
Assessing one’s health status will help the person know about one’s strengths and
weaknesses. Awareness of individuals’ health-related fitness and its relevant interpretations will aid
the person to efficiently create an action plan in observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting
appropriate activities for areas that need improvement. Be in proper attire, prepare needed
materials, and get ready to perform the following activities.

Activity 1: Self-testing Activities for Health-related fitness

I. Anthropometric Measurements
Purpose: To measure body composition
Equipment: weighing scale, tape measure
Goal: Take body measurements
Preliminary: Prepare needed materials
1. Height. Stand with trunk straight. Measure the distance from the floor to the top of the
forehead. Record the score in centimeters (cm).
2. Weight. Stand on a weighing scale free from any object for weight accuracy. Record in
kilograms (kg).
3. Waistline. Locate your upper hipbone. Find the proper spot by placing your hands around
your waist, squeezing slightly, and then moving your fingers downward until you feel the top
curve of your hips. Place a tape measure around your bare stomach just above the upper
hipbone. Record in centimeters (cm).
4. Hipline. Place tape measure in the widest part of hip in line with the pubis.
5. Computation/s
a. Body Mass Index (BMI) - measure of body mass based on height and weight that
aid in determining weight categories.

b. Waist to Hip Ratio (WHP) - measure stored body fats percentage by the relative
measurement of waist and hip

Activity 2: Self-Assessment Card: Health-related fitness status

Fill up the necessary information needed. Complete the column for analysis/implications in
two or three sentences only.

Test BMI Result Interpretation Analysis


Waist to hip Ratio


You are one of the enrollees in the local gym. You are tasked by the gym instructor to fill out
your Physical Activity Pyramid. It will determine your readiness in the different training workouts.
Your work will be assessed by the gym instructor following a rubric.

Physical activities I do
minimally (few times a

Physical activities I do 2-
3 times a week at least
20-45 min or longer

activities I do 3-5
times a week
atleast 20-45 min
or longer

Physical activities I do as often as possible (day-to-day)


Make a thoughtful reflection on the module learned as you become aware of your own
physical fitness. Write your honest responses to the statements.

1. The things I enjoyed doing before in relation to my fitness are ______________________

2. The things that make it difficult for me to do it now are ____________________________
3. The things I intend to do are ________________________________________________
1. Fitness is divided into two distinct “Related Components of Fitness”. Please list them

A. _______________________________________
B. _______________________________________

2. Please list and define the five “Health related Components of Fitness”. (2pts each)






3. Please list the six “Skill Related Components of Fitness”

A. B.
C. D.
E. F.

4. The FITT Principle is an acronym that helps to better understand the importance of the
Principles of Exercise. Please list and define what each letter stands for: (2pts each)

F. _______________________________________________________________________
I. ________________________________________________________________________
T. _______________________________________________________________________
T. _______________________________________________________________________

5. Explain the benefits of a lifetime fitness activity plan as you would go about establishing a
personalized fitness plan.



1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. C


1. A. Health related Fitness
B. Skill related Fitness
2. A. Heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance - is the ability to exercise the
entire body for long periods of time.
B. Muscular Strength - the ability of muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one
C. Muscular Endurance - the ability to use muscles for a long period of time without tiring.
D. Body Composition - he combination of all of the tissues that make up the body such as
bones muscle, organs and body fat.
E. Flexibility- the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
3. A. Agility
B. Balance.
C. Coordination
D. Power
E. Speed
F. Reaction Time
4. Frequency: This refers to how often you will exercise. After any form of exercise is performed
your body completes a process of rebuilding and repairing. So, determining the frequency of
exercise is important in order to find a balance that provides just enough stress for the body
to adapt and also allows enough rest time for healing.
Intensity: Defined as the amount of effort or work that must be completed in a specific
exercise. This too requires a good balance to ensure that the intensity is hard enough to
overload the body but not so difficult that it results in over training, injury or burnout.
Time: Time is simply how long each individual session should last. This will vary based on
the intensity and type.
Type: What type of exercise will you be doing? Will an exercise session be primarily
cardiovascular, resistance training or a combination of both? And, what specific exercises
will you perform.

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