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There is no reason why you are not enough (Action Required: Mindfulness: Replacing negative

thoughts with “There is no reason I am not enough. When I’m not doing anything, repeat that phrase over
and over again in my head as much as I can throughout the day)

-This understanding leads to relaxation (Not state, not aggression, not pumped up)

1st Interpretation: You’re never stressed about someone hating or loving you. You aren’t stressed about
the way you speak to a girl or the way she reacts to you.

2nd Interpretation: The vibe that it gives you

-Scanner/Filter: “Does this guy have self-respect or does this guy think of himself as a chode?”-
You give off the proper vibe when you are relaxed.

-You achieve relaxation by monopolizing your own emotions

-When you have that vibe, their arousal and attraction for you will build up over time

-If you’re relaxed you influence people around you

Action Required Related to Above Section:

1. Meditation- 30 minutes every day

2. Working Out

3. Eating Healthy

4. Not Drinking as much (Don’t get hammered- drink for the enjoyment of the taste, not to
influence state)

5. Constant Recitation in my head, throughout my day-day life, of the phrase, ‘There is no

reason I am not enough”

In order for any of this to work, you have to have to truly believe that there is no reason that you
are not enough

Negative Thoughts: I need to say the right thing, I need to have the right body language/Angle when I

You are monopolized in your thoughts about yourself

-You never react to anything anyone says to you or about you.

-If someone gives you a compliment, no big deal

-Nobody can get you pumped up and enthusiastic or nervous/uptight

Action Required:

1. Mindfulness – Be aware of what emotions I am feeling and what their cause is. Start up an
“Emotions Journal” where I will write for 30 minutes, every night, about my emotions throughout
the day and specifically any times when I let my emotions be manipulated by external factors

You don’t win a frame battle by being defensive. You win a frame battle by just being yourself with

Action Required:

1. Be aware of when I am responding to tests defensively or aggressively and then later, recap
the night in field reports and come up with a new way to have responded to the test that neither
agrees with nor entirely rejects the statement

2. Analyze field reports to find examples of when I let myself get sucked into her frame (I.E-
started “trying”)

3. Take these examples and write down how I could have handled the situation differently

-If you are just being yourself and people can’t fuck with that then people will naturally react to

-Don’t get too pumped up if they complement you

-You don’t give a shit if girls like or hate you

Interest doesn’t mean they will suck your dick right away

-Requires time for them to open up to going home with you

-Average guy is naturally attractive

-No reason your special but no reason you’re less than anyone else

Interest converts to excitement converts to arousal

-This takes time

-The girl has to emotionally open up

Biggest disrupter of game is walking away from your own sets

-She didn’t seem into me

-I thought I said the wrong thing

-How can you be needy if you are enough

Use Positive and Negative Expressions

-Express the full range of what you’re feeling without fear

Our goal is to arouse the girl by making her comfortable and helping her to address her own

Example of Positive and Negative Expressions:

“High Nice to Meet You” – positive

“You’re not very talkative, are you- are you a bit slow?”- Negative

“You look absolutely gorgeous tonight- although I could probably give you tips on how to dress better”-
positive and negative

-Asking chode questions and making chode statements gets boring

Poking fun at them in order to better bring out their personality

If things are going well and she wants to walk away- LET HER DO THAT. She’s just sitting there like, “I’m
just seeking arousal okay what’s next! What’s next!” and then she will come back to you

Rule of 4 – Be willing to reopen any given set, up to 4 times

-Also be willing to leave and come back

EX: In the video where he pulls the stunner, in the middle of the conversation, Alex asks where the
bathroom is and says, “I’m going to go to the bathroom- chat later?”

-This gives her the opportunity to feel scarcity and to realize how much more awesome
you are than any other guy at the bar

-Befriend the guys in the set: They are not a threat.

-Enjoy everyone in the interaction: Looking for fun experiences and to have
empathy with the girl and if you are blowing out her guy friends, you aren’t empathizing with what
she wants from the “club experience” (to have fun with all of her friends AS WELL AS find a hot
dude to fuck at the end of the night after she was able to have fun with everyone)

-Sometimes Alex will automatically buy whoever is sitting next to him a beer
Not “Target Hunting”- We are “Exploring New Interactions”

-Nobody can get freaked out by someone who is simply “exploring new interactions” because
there is no attachment to outcome

Focus on the moment and the outcome will take care of itself

-Be present to the moment (Action Required: Meditation)

-Also analyze your own motivations and figure out 1. What the root cause is of my attachment to
outcome and 2. How can I aggressively go after what I want, without sacrificing my god-given right to
have desires, while remaining detached from the outcome

-When responding to shit-tests, don’t become defensive

Be the fun “Fun, Innocent, Cool Guy”

-Mix sexual verbals with innocent language, “What would you say to having a romantic sexual
encounter in the mcdonalds bathroom”

1. No reason you are not enough

2. Be arousing not attractive

3. Self -Trust: The true indication of interest is when the girl is quiet and attentive

Three Skills:

1. Talk – Create Initiatives

2. Test – The game is played in tests

3. Touch – it doesn’t matter what moves you make, it just matters that you’re making moves

-Don’t worry about her reaction to your actions

-Whether she gives compliance or not, she is aroused- so it doesn’t even matter if she gives

--Deliberately Waste time

--Push through non-compliance

-Multiple makeout attempts

-“We don’t want to talk to you” “you’re creepy”… Actually I’m not… Just persist and survive for at
least 3 tries

-With hotter girls- you HAVE to push through non-compliance- it’s going to happen, at least at
first, you just have to push through that non-compliance by realizing that you are enough

-When you are enough, non-compliance and “tests” are really just the girl being weird- so
nothing to take personally, instead you can laugh at it because the script is flipped- now SHES
being the weird one… not you

-If you’re sorry to be wasting their time they will treat you like that

-Girls get defensive if arousal happens too quickly

-By beating tests you create arousal

-Beating Tests

-“It’s fine, I like it here”

-“I’m just freely expressing myself into the air like a paint canvas”

-“You seemed to be the most relaxed and so probably more worth my while to talk

-“Empathize with the girl in many ways”

` -“Statement of empathy with humor”

-“By that you mean something else”

-“By that you mean [insert funny misinterpretation]

-“I love you”

-They can’t voluntarily avoid their own seduction, except to evade it or throw tests at it

-Tests are there to check for your own emotional fortitude and solidity as a man

-Never game the girl- game the group and the hottest, most single girl in the group will present
herself to you and the other less attractive girl will back the fuck up

-Instead of trying to take away the arousal of the club, friends etc… just hang out with everyone
instead of trying to “steal her away”- empathy
-If you’re bored- fuck around with physical escalation

-But your goal is “physical rapport”- you want to be comfortable in the girls space but not drive her
crazy and make her TOO aroused

-Physical expressions are good though- picking her up, kissing her on the neck and then sit her
down again- it shows that you are confident enough to do any of this stuff

-Holding hands is always good

-“Brush and lead”- brush down her arm and then grab her hand

-Ideally it’s not good to kiss girls in social situations- it’s more of a personal thing as
opposed to a sexual thing- in the bar, you want to go for a neck kiss because it’s more of a
“sexual tease” and she won’t feel validated until you’ve kissed her on the mouth

-Doesn’t matter if they comply with the escalation- it will amuse you and it will arouse you

-Deliberately don’t take the set anywhere- if you have too much urgency, that creates

-Don’t give her all the attention- give her some reaction but don’t give her the full attention-play
with that arousal

-Not worried about sex because we know that we can’t control it so she doesn’t get defensive

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