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Char ac ter Shee t CHARAC TERISTICS

Character Name : Grabow ®

3 2 3

Species Wookiee Obligation 5 10 15 20

Career Colonist (Doctor)

2 2 2
soak value wounds strain Critical Injuries

4 17 10

Char ac ter Background skills

Obligation: Bounty (5) generic skills rank dice pool

Grabow grew up studying with the healers of his clan. When the Cool (Pr) 1 ºπ
Separatists and their Trandoshan allies attempted to subjugate Leadership (Will) 2 ºº
his planet, Grabow tended the wounds of his fallen comrades in
Medicine (Int) 3 ººº
the Battle of Kashyyyk, treating Wookiees and clone
troopers alike. After the collapse of the Repub- Resilience (Br) 1 ºππ
lic, he was enslaved with the rest of his species Streetwise (Cun) 1 ºπ
and made to serve the Empire. He managed to combat skills rank dice pool
escape but has an Imperial bounty on his head
Brawl (Br) 2 ººπ
for his successful capture and return.
Ranged - Light (Ag) 1 ºπ
Grabow starts with an Obligation val-
ue of 5, but can increase the mag-
nitude of his bounty up to as much we apons & Equipment

as 20 in order to add an additional weapon skill damage range dice pool

talent or piece of equipment. He is Fists Brawl 3 Engaged ºº
able to do this by having taken more
• You deal 3 damage on a hit + 1 damage per Success ≥ symbol rolled.
from his time with the Empire, but it
may come back to haunt him in the • Inflict a critical injury on a hit for ≤≤≤≤≤.
future. Add the original and any Holdout
Ranged-Light 5 Short ºπ
newly incurred Obligation, and cir- Blaster
cle the appropriate value above. • You deal 5 damage on a hit + 1 damage per Success ≥ symbol rolled.
Playing Grabow • Inflict a critical injury on a hit for ≤≤≤≤.
gear, equipment, & other itmes
• You may make your patients
nervous, but you blend the tra- Armor Plates Soak 1; already included in soak value.

ditional medicine of your species Commlink Allows communication between other characters with comlinks.
with the technological advances of 50 Credits Money with which to buy equipment, information, or cooperation.
the galaxy to great effect.
optional: add 5 obligation to unlock
• Like all Wookiees, you live up
Add ∫ to all Medicine checks. In addition, the internal stim storage
to their reputation for brute Medpack grants the user the equivalent of one stimpack per scene. Continual
strength and a short temper, use may deplete stim at GM’s descretion.
though you’re as likely to pull
someone’s arm out to fix a bro- talents & Abilities
ken bone as you are to injure them. name ability summary

• You’re used to being under pres- When a character involuntarily suffers strain, he suffers 1 less
sure, and stress doesn’t affect strain, to a minimum of 1.
you as much as it would others. When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the
However, when pushed over target heals 1 additional wound.
the edge, you become even Wookiee Rage: When a Wookiee has suffered any wounds, he deals
more deadly in combat. Wookiee Rage +1 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks. When a Wookiee is Critically
Injured, he instead deals +2 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks.
optional: add 10 obligation to unlock
s y mbols & dice
When making a Brawl check against an opponent, instead of dealing
Pressure damage, may deal equivalent strain plus additional strain equal to
ranks of Medicine (this ignores soak).
Success Triumph Advantage Failure Despair Threat

Ability Proficiency Difficulty Challenge Boost Setback Force

Die π Die º Die π Die º Die ∫ Die ∫ Die º
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. © LFL 2013. Character sheet also available for download at

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