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An Introduction to
The Design of
Curtain Walls, Aluminum Windows ,
Glass Walls, Skylights and Canopies




WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Limited

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WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) limited

Room 1821, New Commerce Centre
19 On Sum Street, Shmin, New Territories, HK
Tel: (852) 2645 1802, Fax: (852) 2645 1824

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Copy right (2002): Wilson Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Limited

All rights reserved.'

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ISBN 962-86637-2-0

Printed in Hong Kong


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Course Notes on Curtain W all Design WILSON Curtain wali Consultant (HI<) LJd.­


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ,v 2.1 6 Quali ty Requirements for Glass 22

2.17 Codes La be Followed for Glass Design 22





1.1 Definition of a Curtain Wall 3

3.1 Codes for Aiurrunum Design 23

1.2 Types of Building Fa~ade Systems :rhat Will

3.2 Phys ical Properties of Aluminum 23

Be Discussed in Th is Book 3
3.3 Permissible Stresses for Aluminum Alloy

6063 Extrusions 23


3.4 Fin ishes for Aluminum Alloys 25

2;1 General 8
3.5 SlruclUral Calcul ation 25

2.2 Production of A nnealed Float Glass 8

2.3 Mechanical/Physical Properties of Glass 8


2.4 Ultimate Bendi ng Stresses of Glass 9

4.1 Design of the Connections between a

2.5 Allowable Bending Stresses 9

M ullion and a T ransom 42

2.6 Selection of Glass Using Timos henko

4.2 Design of Adaptors and Beads (Clipped in or

Formu las for Structural Calculations 9

Screwcd/Clamped on to Ihe Main Frame) 42

2.7 Calcu lation Using the Diagrams of BS 6262

4.3 Design of Cappings 46

4.4 Minim um Edge Cover for Glazing 48

2.8 Calculalion of OetJeclions and Bending 4.5 Correct Use of Weep Hol<:s 50

Stresses for Laminated Glass and Double 4.6 Fixing of a CUrlain Wall to a BuUding

Glazing Glass Panels 13· Structure 52

2.9 When Should We Use Tempered Glass? 16

4.7 Expansion Joints 58

2.10 Causes to Glass Breakage 17

4.8 Thermal Insulation 60

2.11 Under What Cond itions the T empered Glass

Should Not Be Used? 18


2.12 Reflective G lass 19
5.1 Sealant Types Based on Uses 62

2.13 Laminated G lass 19

5.2 SealaO! Application 62

2.14 Correct Use of SafelY Films for Glass 20

5.3 Sealant Tests 63

2.15 Low E Glass 21

5.4 Allowahle Stresses 63



Course Noles on Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Curtain Wall COnslAtanl (HK) u o.

5.5 Calculation for Sealant Bite 64 86

5.6 Sealant for Double Glazing Units 65 9.3 Panels Hung on a Frame Sh ould Ha,:,e a
5.7 Jo int of Weather Sealant 65 Locking System to Avoid Upli ft. 86
5.8 A Field Sealant Adhesion Test 66 9.4 Ins tallati on Tol era nces When Halfen
Channels Arc Use 86
6. SCREWS, RIVETS AND METAL LUGS 9.5 Panels Fixed A round Its Edges with Screws
67 89
6.1 Screws 10 Be Stainless Steel to Avoid 9.6 Metal Roof Claddings 89
Rusting Stains 67
6.2 Ri vets 68 10. DESIGN FOR GLASS WALLS,
6.3 Example: Sashes Detached from a CANOPIES AND SKYLIGHTS 95
Residential Building 68 10.1 Glass Walls 95
6.4 Bow to Calculate a Screw? 69 to. 2 Skyl ights a nd DOm es 106
6.5 Excrci!;es 70 10.3 Canopies 107
6.6 Metal Lugs 71 lO A Glass Doors 108


7. 1 Typical Window Sections 73 ENCLOSURE 111
7.1 Calculation of Metal Lugs 75 ll.\ The W ind 11 1
7.3 Expansion Joi nls 76 11 .2 T yphoons 111
11.3 Boundary Layer Wind·Flo\v 111
8. HOW TO DESIGN A STONE CLADDING 11 .4 General Distribution of Wind Pressures o n
SYSTEM 78 Buildi ng Su rface 113
8.1 General 7" 11.5 How to Use Hong Kong Wind Code to
8.2 SlOne Dat a 78 Determine the DeSign Wind Pressures on a
8.3 Typical Fixings for Stone Panels 79 Buil ding Enclosure 114
8.4 Fixings 10 Concrete: A nchor Bol ts or 11 .6 Wi nd Tun nel Tcsl~ 115
Embeds? 83
8.5 Will Mid-Span Support Reduce the Bending 12. MOCK- UP T ESTI NG 117
Stress in a Slone Panel? . 83 12.1 Why Should Curt<l in Walls Be Tested? 117
8.6 Installation Tolerance 84 12.2 Mock- Up Size 118
8.7 Expansion Joints 84 12.3 Other T ests 118
12.4 T est Required hy Hong Ko ng Housing
SYSTEM 86 1 2.5 T~sl Equipmem 118
9.1 Fi xings for Metal Cladding Systems 86 12.6 T esting Procedu res 119
9.2 Calculalion Should Include Local Bending,

Course Notes oro Cunalro Wall Desi gro WILSON Curtalro Wall Consultarot (HK) Ud.




. 13.1 Objectives of a Fire Resisling Construction

13 .2 How \0 Achieve the Objectives? 122

l3 .3 Requitemems for Skylights. and Curtain

Walls 123




Course Notes on Curtain W all Design WilSON Cunain W all Consultant (HK) ltd. L,


Sincere thanks are due 10 all the attendees who Many thanks are also d ue to my frie nds in c urtain
registered and attended the COUTse I organized in th e w all ami aluminum window industry in Hong Kong
summer of 2001. They have given me g reat pressure w ho have supported me o n my new business in the
to write thi s book. Without their push, I would not area of curtain wall consultancy. They have shown
have spent so much time on the book and published {heir confidence in the COI\s ultiog service I provide
it so soon. however new my company is. Without their support ,
I am grateful to the anendees who had responded I would not have the ~onfidefl(':c and financial
to my request for commeniS on the drafl course notes capability to finish this book a nd puh lish it.
in early September 2001. Many good suggestions My sincere thanks art! also due to myoid
have been received since the n from M ark Ho, Eric colleagues anll fr ie nd:; Jea n Lopez and PClcr Li w ho
C han, Andy Chung, Danny Choi , Anne Kwok, Lung have constantly promoted the course I organized last
Xia, Andy Chan, Anson Chan and Wilson Chan and s ummer to the iT new colleagues in their new working
o the r a nonymo us persoos who gave me o ol y thdr places.
good suggestions but not their namt!s.
I am extre mely grateful 10 my w ife Yazhcn HU
who has constantly supported me o n my new
bus iness and 00 my effort in writing Ihis book. I Wilson ZHOU
dedicate this book to her for her love, suppon. J une 2002
encouragement and understanding.


Cour$e Notes on Curl"l,. Wall De$ig,. WILSON Cunaio Wall Corisullanl (HI<) lid.

Since enlered Ihis fie ld in 1995. J lried very hard 10 • Calculalion 10 c heck the bending stress a nd
find a book on engi neering design for curlain walls dei1cction of a glass panel with Timoshenko
which will cover all the aspects o r curtain wall fo rm ulas.
design incl udi ng designs, structural calculations. • Calculation for the glass panels w ith the diagrams
submissions and mock-u p testing etc. I was surprised in 8S6262 o r AS1288.
to see how little I could find. A book recenlly • Allowable bending stresses.
published by The Inslilution of Structural Engineers • Allowable deflections.
(1999) covers many practical problems which • Causes to glass fai lures.
engi neers afe imeresled. However, the curtain waH
design was not d iscussed Oluch in this book. M. 2. Aluminum d esig n
McEvoy (1994) discussed the external walls to very which covers
much detail. However, his discussion covers only the • Calculalion of a mullion with formu las and wilh
usual windows, doors. rather Ihan Ihe curtain walls software.
which are Ihe main fa'iade syslcm in Ho ng Kong for • Calculation for a transom under triangular
commercial build ings. The book was wrinen with loading or trapezoidal loading d istribul ions.
Iiule e ng.ineering issues discussed. • CalculaTion fo r a screw.
In the summer or 2001 wh ile I was working in J • Determination o f allowable stresses in an
A Shillinglaw & Associates I organized a COUlse on aluminum section-check localtlateral buckling of the
Curtain Wall design and prepared a course notes for aluminum section.
the attendees. Since then , many comments and • DeterminUlion of wind pressures on <I c unain
suggestions have been received rrom the allendees wall - with Hong Kong wind code or wi th wi nd
about the course and aboul the notes. T his book has tunnei leslS.
incorporaled many of the comments I have rece ived • Anodized coat ing to a luminum sections
aboUllhe said nOleS.
A1lhough the title fo r this course nOics is Curtain 3. Cur ta in wall d esign

Wall Design , J havc covercd in this book all Ihe which covers

far;ad l! systems we will usc to enclose a building or • Uesign for II stick system-design 0 1 a Iypical
as cladding to decorate building walls. In addition to mullion, typical transom, conneclion between the
lhe curt:lin wall design I will discuss a lso about mu llion and transom, I1xing of Ihe glass panels to
<:kyIighls. can('lpic<:, aluminum windows, window aluminum sections
walls and glass walls whose designs arc similar to • Design c f a unitized curtain wall system - design
the curtain wall design. I will also discuss about o f a Iypical split mu ll ion , typical lTansorn atlhe Slack
stone claddings and metal c\add ings. I will be very joint. Correct usc of the pressure equalization
happy if this book can give a liule help to the principle.
archilcclS, Structural engineers, developers and • Design to prevent water leakage.
cunain wall and window conlraClo rs in Hong Kong • Design 10 prevent cracking noise in a curtain wall
or anywhere in Ihe world 10 bener understand curtain system.
wall systems and other building fao:;ad e systems.
4. Design us ing sea la nt

Following will be discussed in this Course Notes: which covers

• Sealant Iypes (weather sealant, struclUral sealant.

1. G lass d esig n
I1re res islant sCll lam elc)
which covers:
• Allowable stress for a sealant.
• Glass types (l1oat a nneakd, heat slTc nglhe ncd, • Calculatio n of a sealant bile for pane ls of various
lempered, laminated and wired g lass elc) 10 be used shapes.
in c unain walls and windows etc. • Sealant teSls

Course Notes on Conain Wall Desigrl W tLSON Con ain Wall Consultant (HK) lld_

ensur!: .lhat none of Ihe problems mentioned occur. I

S. Window Design find thai a review of the structu ral calcuhvions and
which covers design drawings by a curtain wall professional is
• Typical window sections fundamental. A com mon mistake in a structural
• Typical fixings for windows - metal lugs. anchor calculation is that the calculations to the pull-out
bolts + steel plates etc. dfect from screws or bolls on the a luminum or steel
• Calculmion for metal lugs and drive pins. threads 3re often overlooked .
• Rusting to metal lugs and how to avoid . In this course notes I am not concentrating on
aesthetics which is th~ arc hitect's job. I am going 10
6. MetaVstone cladding design
work through the mechanical I structural design
which covcrs
proces~es required su thai you as designers (or design
• Metal cladding system-local buckling of a panel
checkers) arc able to check your designs to ensure all
folded on edges; design of fixings for the metal
the components in a system have been designed and
panels; installation tolerance for Halfen channels nr
calculated correctly and will perform well in service
anchor bolts; correct usc of welded washers Of
wilh no water leakage problems and little air
serrated washers
penctralion. A s such, you will know \vhen you have
• Stone cladding system-How to avoid spalling of ij worked through this proceSS you· arc confident that
stone panel at bracket fixings. Typical structural your submission 10 the Buildings Department (DO),
calculations to check the stones. Registered StruclUra l Engineer (RSE) and Client elc.
will be approved as you hav\: co,'ered cvery point
7. Glass wall design and skylight design
wh ich covers
I have also been an independent checker to check
• Glass wa ll design - Glass wall wit h spiders and the curtain waH designs before they are endorsed by
truss; glass wall with spiders and pretension wires; an RSE and submitted to BD. I find this process can
glass wa ll wilh glass fins as the structure; how to reduce the heavy responsibility o n Ihe RSE and give
achieve the sealant bite at a glass bun joint? Are Ihe RSE more confidence in your design. The
weep holes necessary for the bottom of a glass wall? possibility that the design is rejt!cted by SD is
How to calculate a glass fin. minimized after such a checking process.
• Canopies & Skylights - Typical designs for You may disagree on certain 'iss ues discussed in
aluminum sections, steel frames, fixing of glrt.!:is this courSe notes . I welcome any comment that might
panels: selection of glass . How to availi glas!i cOllle from you stltllat I can improve the notes in its
breakage? How to determine loadings on a c:l1loPY or second euition .
a skylight?

8. Definition of the terms used in Building Fa~adc

Yong She ng ZHOU (Wilson), PhD
Director of
Which covers the vocabulary for bu ilding falla de
WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Limited
To!, (852) 2645 1802
Fax: (852) 2645 1824
In addition to the above, the problems Ihe author has t-Illa i I: w ilsonz@cunail\
encoumered over the last several years such as tht:
structural failure to stack joints between units of a
unitized curtam wall system, failur!:s to expansion
joint of a stick curtain wall system. slippage between
the washers and the brackets under wind load, local
buckling failure of aluminum sections or panels,
glass breakage caused by thermal stress, spontaneous
breakage, or by high bending stress due to wjnd
loading will also be discussed. Once we- are aware of
these problems and how they occur, we will be able
to avoid such failures at as early as the design stages.
The aUlhOf has been asked by contractors and
architects to review drawings and calculations to

Course Nolas on Curtail'! Wall D&5Ig'1 WILSON Cunaln Wall Cons ultanl (HK) Ltd.



1.1 Definition ora Curtain Wall Step 5: The glau d units are fixed onto th~ aluminum
frame of the mullions and transoms w ith fix ing bars
Curtain wall is 8 building fa!jadc system hung on the (of alu minum or stainless steel).
structu r~ of a huilding. It is installed to prOtect the
occupanls against the natural discom fort s such as b. C urtain walls with glass panels clipped onto
wind, water (rain , moisture), dirt (ashes, dusts), heal al uminum framing
(sun , ai r), noise and light (sunshine). Such curtain wall system is called "visible" mullion
ano transom system. The framing is vis ible
of tJ:c capping panels. Fig. L2 shows the typical
1.2 Types of Building FA~adc Systems That
section details for a visible framing curtain wall
W ill Be Discussed in This Book
system. Such a system is adopted when the architect
wanls 10 see the fra me from outside or the slructural
A curtain wall is the verticall y installed fa1?de engineer Wants the glass panels mechanicall y lixed
system mainly with aluminum extrusio ns and glass. to the framing (glazing with sealant only is nOl so
In Ihis course notes, we will covcr every building favored by some structural engineers as sealant will
fa1?de system including horizontally installed creep under long term loading). The inslallalion
skyl ighls, metal roofs. and vert icall y installed glass procedure for such a system is similar to (he: above
waJ ls, window walls, metal c1addings and slOne procedure sta ted in seclion 3.
c1addings etc as well as the cuTlain walls. We shall Photo 1.2 shows the appearance of a c urt ain wall
also discuss about the ca nopies whic h arc s imilar 10 with "visible" framin g.
skylights i n fi xing Ihe glass panels to frames.
c. Unitized curtain waU systems
a. Curtain walls with glass panels glazed in front A unitized system is a curtain wall system composed
of the aluminum sections with on ly small sealant of units. Each unit is of us ually one floor high and
(or gasket) joints visible from outside one bay wide. The units are fabricaled in a fa ctory
Such a curtain wall system is call ed "invisible" with pre - fitt~d spandrel and vision glass panels into
mullion ami/or trAnsom t;urtain wall !:iystcm. A the mullions and transoms. Each unit is composed of
typical section is shown in Fig.l.l. A photu of such a at least onc female mull iun On unc lIid\!. one male
curtain wall is also shown in Photo 1.1. The c urlain mullion on Ihe olher s ide, one male transom on Ihe
wall framing is invisible for this curtain wa ll syslem lap and ooe fem ale transom al Ihe bollom of the uni t.
because the glass is retlective and is glaz.ed onto the For delails please ref~r to Fig.!.3. The horizontal
frontal face of the frame and thus the frame is hidden joint where two units meet is called a stack joint.
behind the reflective glass panels. When four units meet l og~ther, Ihere is a hole
The installation procedure for s uch a system is through the system at the common corner point
usually as following: where all the four units meet. This hole is usually
Step 1: Embeds are cast in the concrete at the blocked with aU-channel 10 achie\le a continuous
locations where mullions are goi ng to be fix ed. cha nnel wit hin the system and water tighlness of the
Step 2: Mullions are fixed onlO the embeds with systcm ( Fig. 1.3).
brackets, PholO 1.3 shows the installation of a unitiz.ed
Step 3: Transoms are fixed to the mull ion with cu rtai n wall system on site.
aJuminu m angles and screws.
Slep 4: Glass panels are glazed in faclOries into d. G lass wall supported wilh glass fin s
glazed units.

COOlse NOles Ofl Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Cunaln Wall Consultant (HI<} Ltd .

Mulli on seetio ll behind

Ihe re necti\'c alass

Clamp ing ban; fixed II iln sis screws

nt 300n1l11 c.:mer1

U ·5.h ~pe adapt or

Nor-on \ape

Stn.IClur:)1 sealant (minimum th ickne$5 is 6mm)

Reflective glass (Smnl thick ICmpert<i)

Fig.!.l A section detail for a mullion thai is "hidde n"

behind refl t!Clive glass. Reflective glass pancl~ arc
glazed 0 010 U·shape adaplOfS. The glass panels wilh
adapto rs are clamped on Ihe mullion box with ciampi'lg
bars and screws.
Mullion hidden behind
the re nectil'e glass

rr: Mull,or. ",,,IIM ~hmu

:he 1<11"'1"",, ~1>5>C

\j ­
S·sh>po: ad:lpl<>r

a. ok;" ~ ro~

Ih~ locations of Ihc transoms

,- Silicon. ,ul3nl
I Photo 1.1 Appearance of a cu rtain wall with mullion!
invisible from outside. Detail of Ihis mull ion is as
shown in Fig. 1. 1.

1lc11«li'~ glow S uch a glass wall system will usually prov ide a most
tr<lnsparent look through the sySlem, With Ihe
struclUre of the syStem to be glass, the system will
provide leasl block 10 Ihe sight. T he facial glass Will
Capp'n~ usually be glazed OntO Ihe fi ns wi th transl ucent
silicone sealant. Spiders might be used when the
Fig,1.2 A section detail for a mullion that is '"Visible" fac ial glass needs \0 be connected 10 the fins with
from oulside. Whal is visible is actually the capping. met;hanical fi xing.
Glass panels are set on Norton tapes in S-shape P hol9 1.4 shows a typical glass wall supported
adaptors. The gap from the other side of the glass pa nel with such a tin syslcm.
to Ihe adaptor is filled with structural silicone sealant.
The glass panels together wilh the S-adllptors are e. Glass wall with spiders and tru ss systems
clamped onto the mullion wilh clamping bar.:; and
When" nice space frame behi nd the glass wall is
desired by the archilecl, o r when a glass fin system is


CO\.KS!l Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain W all Consultant (H K) Ud .

Ven iCliI joint between units

Gas ket

Neoprene flashing"
I~ wBler barrie r

Photo 1.2 Both mullions and transoms arc "visible"

from outside. Capping panels arc clipped 10 adaptors as
Slac k joint shown in Fig.1.2 10 cover the adaptor and to give a
NeOj>rene fl ashin!) u (oo,;~(mlal joim bclw~en units) comple te appearance of the framing system.


Ph,oto 1.3 A unitized curtain wall is under inSlallation.

U_channc Lat lh. gu lter
acro" lwo neighbori", umts structurally not so pleasing to the structural engineer,
a stainless Slee l (or mild steel some limes) !russ
system will be provided to support a big glass wall
Fig. 1.3 U pper; A vertical jOin! between split mu llions system. Pho to 1.5 shows such a typical glass wall
wh ich bdong to the neighboring two uniL" respectively. system. An alternative design could be to use a heavy
Lower: A horizOllli11 joint hClween two successive units. steel box section column to replace suth a truss
The joint is also called a slack join t. system.


Course Noles 00 Curtain Wall Design WIlSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Ltd.

r. Window walls
NO! like curtain walls w hich are hung all the building
structure, window walls are installed between Door
slabs within the building structure rather than hung
outside the building strucrure. As such, the span of the
system is usually s maller. lberefore, a wind wall
system is always lighter (cheaper) than a curtain wall
system. It is hard however, to keep a consistent
appearance of a window wall system with the cladding
system at spandrel area when it is viewed from outside
lhe building.

Glass fin Facial glass

~ ~

Photo 1.5 A glass wall suppOrted wi th a spider and

truss system.

spiders and trusses). Canopies are s imilar to the

skylights with regard to the installation of glass to
frames. The frames for the canopies are, however, very
often cantilevered (see Photo 1.7).

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Photo 1.4 A glass wall supported with glass fins. b :<: ':"..'.'_""c.~.~ '.'~'1"-!:,,,#~<,,:·A2}'-
.".< :;:••~~;,;~\~:(:-0;::::-
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g. Windows Horizonlal Truss

Windows are the natural lighting openings through the
external walls of buildings, usually residentiai buildings.
TIleir scale is usually smaller than the window walls in •• _ . _ .0." .~.

their height and width. However, as large windows are

getting more popular in today) s residential buildings,
the difference between window waUs and windows are
becoming less clear.

h. Skyligh ts and Caoopies

Skylights are usually similar systems \0 the curtain
...... .....-.;..- ..
walls or glass walls that are installed horizontally or Photo 1.6 A skylight supported with a ~pider and truss
sloped. (Photo 1.6 s hows a skylight fi xed with system.

COtirse NOles on Curtain Wall Oeslgn WILSON Cunain Wall Consultant (HK) LId.

i. Stone claddings and metal claddings

Qadding systems are the building envelope fixed onto
external concrele walls with mechanica1 fixin~. The
tiles pasted onto the concrete waJls are nOI discussed in
this course noles.
Stones 10 be used as c1addings include: granite,
limestone, marble and artificial stone composite.
Metals to be used as the c1addin~ include:
aluminum, stainless steel, gaJvanized steel and copper

Photo 1.7 A glass canopy. Glass panels are fixed with

bolts to steel framing members that are cantilevered and
fu::ed to a strong horizontal beam. The beam is fixed to
strong stainless steel columns.


Coulse Notes on Curtain W all Oesign WILSON Curtain Wall Consullant (HK) uo.

~- '


2.1 Genera l 2.2 P roducti on of A n nealed Float Glass

One of the basic materials for curtain walls, glass Annealed glass is usually produced by a " floa l"
walls. windows and skylights is glass. GlaS$ is used process and glass thus produced is called flo at glass.
in building facades by architects because of its Fig.2.2 shows a working process of a usual floa t
transparency and translucency. Use of glass on glass line. Raw materials containing. all the
buildings a1 the same time worries engineer!> because ingredients for the glass arc ground and blended with
glass is a very britUe material which breaks without recycled broken glass and heated to a temperature
warning and is sometimes an "invisible" malerini due about 150()<'C to 1600°C to cause a chemical reaction
\0 its transparency. to for m molten glass. The molten glass which is a
Fig.2.1 shows a typical cunain wall elevation on liquid under high temperalUre is fed onto a tin bath
which glass panels are fixed with either alu um (tin is a metal which melts at lower temperature than
capping or structural sealan\. Section details for glass does and is also heavier than glass). Controlled
different mull ions could be as show n in Fig.L1 and speed to pull the glass out of the tin bath with rollers
Fig.l.2. (see Fig.2.2) will allow the molten glass to form
The design for the aluminum extruSions and the different thickness, and the thickness is very uniform
fixings to fix the glass panel on to aluminum sections due to the "Iloat" prOCeSS.
will he discussed later. During this leclure , we will At the end of the glass where it is pulled out of
only discuss the seleclion of adequate glass (i\S the tin bath , the glass is cooled down gradually and
thickness and type etc) for different uses. s lowly so thai the glass is "anneaJcd·'.
Glass can be sorted based on [heir heat treatment Changing the speed of pulling out the molten
as Ooat (annealed) glass, Ileat strengthened glass or glass can change the thickness of the t10at glass. T he
tempered glass. glass out of the cooling line is. then checked fo r its
Glass can also be lami nated wi th usually rYB quali ty with a laser scanner. The portion o f the glass
imerlayer. Glass may also be wired. fo und with defects exceeding the allowabl e sizes will
be destroyed . The glass edges where the rollers have
Fig. 1.2 run over will be cut off. The glass cut off and Ihe
.,.. , glass destroyed wi ll be fed back to the raw material
. . .. , as recycled glass. The remaining glass will be cut to
'" Fig.i.J the size for fin al usc or for temperi ng if a tempered
" ~'I '' I '- 1'
\. , IJ;'I I I' i
, . , I :

~ IIr;­:
-­ glass is to be expected .

],: ; V - .i ~ r j
.•.1;: -.1 ~~~ ., --; ! I j 1 I ,...... 2.3 Mechani cal/Physica l Properties of Glass
...:~ . , .;/ , . I . .I ~

~~. ~ :.
..-;' ' h
,,'.'" .....•
'I I
' I ',I ;.. .,

Glass has the following mechanical and physical

. > ~; 1. .l i . . '. :
." .. "
properties (according to as 6262):
:{1' ."
. t .,
I•.; . ~
.".1' .
.; ~;J'\V(}~>I §j
.\l:. .'p.,. '!I·"! )I Specific weight of glass (similar to stone and
,l ··l .. ~~i ·r ' , ., ' "f •
Ws = 25kN/m 3

Fig.2 .1 An elevation of a curtain wall composed of two Thermal expansion coefficient of glass

syslcms where the mullion is either invisih le or dsihlc

Cth = S.5xl O·(' m/moe

as shown in Figs 1.1 and 1. 2.

Elastic modulus

Course NOIIIS on Cunaifl Wall Design WILSON Cunaifl Wall Consullsm (HKJ It(l.

E = 72000MPa e. Tempered Glass

When float (annealed) glass is heated to 650°C and
Softening point cooled ra pidly. the glass will be "Iempered". The
Glass will become sofl at a temperalure ultimate bending stre ngth of a tempered glass is
Ts = 720 10 730°C about 3-4 times of the float (annealed) glass. Our test
found that the ultimate bend ing stress of a tempered
Melling point glass depends on Ihe glass thickness and its
Glass will totally melt into a liquid at a temperature tempering process . Usually, the glass of a thickness
Tl =1500'C between. 6mm and lOmm can give the highest
bending strength possibly because the glass of
medium thickness can be tempered to a beller (more
2.4 Ultimate Bending Stresses of Glass uni fo rm, sy mmetrical) pre stressed layers o n glass
s urfaces.
An o rdinary gJass is elastic right up 10 its breaking Tests o n le mpered glass Ihat have been witnessed
point. So glass is brill Ie and there is no permanent set by the author found that the ultimate bending
(yielding) that duclile material will have to give strength of a tempered glass could be 120MPa (under
warnings of impending failure. tempered) to f60MPa (over tempered).
Glass strengt h is very much dependent on its {Note: the ultimate compressive stress of a glass
quality. Any defects in the glass especiall y on the is 820M Pa to lOOOMPa which is much higher than
surfaces or edges can greally reduce Ihe gJass Lhe ultimale te nsi le stress of the glass. Therefore. the
strength . The average ultimate bending si renglh of a glass [ajJ ure due to bending happens to the face
glass should be determined based on numerous under tensi on nOt the face under eompression .1
lesting resulls.

a. Float (annea led) Glass 2.5 Allowable Bending Stress

Annealed glass is Ihe mosi common glass with no
heat trealment . The annealed glass produced from a Allowable bending Stress for float/annealed glass is
Ooat line is called OOal annealed glass or simply aboul 20MPa based on glass th ickness and loading
called float glass in Hong Kong. The ultimate types (long term or short term loadings).
bending stress of an annealed glass is about 50MPa. Allowable bending stress for HS glass is
approximate ly 30MPa based on glass thickness and
b. Heat Strengthened (HS) Glass also types of loads (lo ng term or s han term load ings).
Annea led glass which has been heated 10 550°C and Allowable bending Stress fo r tempered g lass is
cooled down quickly but at a relatively lower speed around 50M Pa based again on ~ass thickness and
than that for tempered glass is called hem loading types (long term or sho n term loadings).
srrengthened glass. The ullimate bending stress o f T hese will be discussed in detail later.
heal strengthened glass is about 2 limes of that for
annealed glass. Tests found that could be 90M Pa to
140MPa depending on the compressive stress in the 2.6 Selection of Glass Using Timoshenko
glass on its surfaces. Formulas for Structural Calculation

Raw materials Furnace Tin bath Annealing

, ~"C ,~ c , ,.w c

Fig. 2.2 Aoat glass produced on a line ([he Institute of

Structural Engineers (1999» .

Coulse NOles 00 Curtain Wall Design WIL.SON Cullain Wai l Con$ultanl (HK) LId.

As glass is usually broken due to bending and is Yqu may want [0 convert if !O MPa wilh the
broken at the surface which is under tension , the fo llowing formula: ,
calculation shall find the maximum (tensile) IMPa : : o lOOOkPa = I,OOO,OOOPa (N/m\
bending stress in the glass panel. Following are the therefore, IMPa = IN/mm1.
.formulas for the maximum bending stress of a glass When the bending stress is thus obtained, it
panel o r any o ther monolithic panels that are not should he compared with th:: <lllov,'able stress (or
laminated o r double-glazed panels. glass cente r (will be discussed la ter).
[Note again: the ultimate compressive stress of a You may also find the max imum deflection of the
glass is 820MPa to lOOOMPa which is much higher glass panel
than ultimate tensile stress, therefore , the glass
failure due to bending happens to the face that is Deflection of the glass:
under tension}. [) =a. w a~ I E 13
Calculation for a glass panel under wind pressure
can be assumed as a thin plate under a unifonn load. where a is again [he shoner side of the rectangle, t is
the thickness, w is the wind pressure in kPa or MPa,
2.6.1 Formulas E is the e lastic modulus of the glass (72000 N/mm2)
and 0. is a parameter \0 be determined using the
The formulas listed below should cover Ihe glass table above.
panels or any thin plates under uniform loading (sut.:h [Note: The E·value for glass varies from 70000 to
as dead load and wind load ctc.) fixcd with various 74000 MPa (or glass of different thickness and from
fixings. For the glass panels under different loading dift'erenl glass manufac ture rs based o n the tests
distribution andlor of d iffe rent tixings, the conducted by the aUlhorJ.
corresponding formula s can be fo und in the books on
structural analysis.
Maximum dcflo.:clion
a. A glass which is Four Side-Supported, and is Maximum bending stress
under a Unirorm Load such as Wind Load
The highest stress happens al the glass center for a

four side supported panel (see Fig.2.3).

Central bending stress o f a panel s upported on all •
the four sides (of a rectangular shape, every support
is simple)

crc::: Bwall t2
1-- b --t

w is the wind pressure; a "" shoner edge
a is the length of the short side o f the rectangle;
t is the glass thickness; and Fig. 2.3 Maximum bending stress and maximum
~ is a parameter determined based on thc ratio of deflection exist at Ihe center of a ret:langular thin plale
longer side to the shorter side (b/l, where b is the Ihal is supported around all the four sides.
longer side) as shown below .
When calculaled using the for mulas above, the glass
bfa 1.0 1.2 1.5 ?O 3.0 4.0 5.0 panel ha", bC\;1l <lss umcd simply supported on all the
B 0.270 0.360 0.474 0.60-:> 0.711 0.740 0.748 edge-".
{Exercise: Having known Ihe design wind
a 0.047 0.065 0.089 0.1l6 0.140 0.147 0. 149
pressure on a [ou r side s upported recta ngular glass
Linear buerpolarion call be adopred to determine fh e
panel is 3.0kPa, Ihe short and long span of the
a and Pshould the bla value be other than listed.
rectangular panel is a=1200mm, b=1 400mm. Find
the maximum bending stress in Ihis glass panel
You sho uld pay allention to the units while
assuming its thickness is IOmm. What glass
calculating. If kPa is the unit for thc pressure, the
(anneakd, tempered or hea t strengthened) would you
unitS for a and I are the same (both are mm say). Ihe
suggest to use?]
stress obtained is also of the un it kPa.


Cours e Noles on Curtain ~a~ Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultam (HI<) ltd.

b. Calculation when the glass panel is Three-Side c. Calculation when the Glass is Two-Side
Supported Supported
The highest stress exists at the mid-span of th e This calculation is simple . I believe mosl of you
unsupported glass edge (refer to Fig.2.4). know how to do it. You may use Tirnoshcnko
Maximum bending stress o f a rectangular thin formul a if you want, but I suggest you use the
plate supported on three sides is formu la fo r simply suppo rted beams. See Fig.2.5 .
a e B w a2 112 When the wind pressure is w (unit is kPa), the
wind load over a 1m wide glass panel is q= w x 1 m
where w is the wind pressure, a is the unsupported ( in the ull il of kN/ m o r IN/rnm).
side of the rectangle, t is the thickness aod B is a
parameter de termined based on the ralio of supported
side to the unsupported side (b/a, where b is the
supported s ide-sec Fig. 2.4). See the ta ble below:

Glass Fins

[Note] As the maximum bending stress exist at the ~ A typical segment

free edge, you should compare the stress from
calculat ion with the allowable stress for glass edge, of the facial glass
noticing that the allowable bending stress for glass
17 / ­
edge is lower than th aI fo r glass center.
Again, deflecti on of a glass panel supported on
three sides:
f--< _~
:- ~ 1
4 J
[) =(lW a / E t
Glass panel
where a is the unsupported side of Ille rectangle, I is
the Ihickness. w is the wind pressure in kPa or MPa
and E is the elastic modulus of the glass (72000
N/mm ).

Max im um deflection
Maximum bending stress
1: L:
"+ F ig. 2.5 Formulas for simply supported beam ean be
-1- .~.- '
adopted to calculate a two-side supported glass panel.

+- b----1
Bending moment at mid span of the glass panel :
M= q a2 /S
a = free edge
If use mm for the span a, and N/mm for q, the uni t
for the moment is Nmm,
Fig. 2.4 Maxi mum bend ing stress and max imum Section modulus of the glass of a thickness t
( lOOOmm w ide):
defleclion exist at the mid span of the unsupported edge
of a rectangular thin plale that is supported aro und three WX = l OOOmm x \2/6

Bending s tress in center and on edge:

COIJrse Notes on Cunaifi WaR Design W ILSON CW1aill Wall consultant CHK\ Ud.

oe =M/W
Maximllm deflectio n of lhe circular plate hilppens at
It is nOied that {he bending stress thus o btained the center which is
sbould be compared with the allowable be nding be = 0.764 w a4 / El'
stress on edge (section f. below).
where a is the r adius of the circu l ~r plale.
You may also get the deflection of the glass:
b = SqL' /384EI Mllxilllum d.::Ocction
Maxim um bendil\g str~s
where I = lOOOmm x t 3/ 12 is the moment ofinenia of
the glass paneL

d. Calculation when the Glass is Point-supported

--r .
~ (

at Four Corners
When the glass panel is a square, the maximum
stress happens al mid span of an edge of the square
whose four corners are supported wi th point supports Fig. 2.7 A circular thin plate under II uniform load is

(see Fig.2.6). The maximum bending s tress o n an simply supported along its circular edge. Maxi mum

edge is strcss and dcJll!..:tion exist allhe center.

oe = 0.916 w a2 1t!
f. Allowable Bending Stress When under Short­

Maximum deflection happens at the center which is Term Load (say Wind Load)

bc=O.294wa~ / Ee T he following allowable bending s tresses arc from a

glass supplier of a Japanese company. The exact

where a is Ihe distance between 2 neighbori ng values are to be con fir med by checking the leSI data

supporting points. on the glass from the manufacturer.

Tables for calculating four po int supported glass

panels of rectangular shapes are available in some Stress in middle zone

books of structural analysis. 20MI'a for annealed glass;

40MPa for Heat Strengthened .glass;

Maximum bending. suess 75MPa for tempered glass

;? Stress on the edge

qr--"'- - ~

1 •,= o~
Maximum derlection l SMPa for annealed glass;
27MPa for H eat Strengthened gl ass;

0. __ ._-4 SOMPa for tempered glass

g. Allowable Bending S tress When under Long­

t- '--j" Term Load (say Dead Load)

Stress in middle area

Fig. 2.6 A square thin plate under a uniform load. The 12M P" for float glass;

maximum bending stress exists at the mid span on 24MPa for Heat StrengtheQed glass;

every edge and the maximum deflectio n ex iSIs at the 5UMPa for te mpe red glass

Stress on the edge

e. Calculation When the Glass is Supported o n 9MPa fo r float glass;

the Edge and the Panel is a Circle 16MPa for Heat Strengthened glass;

When a glass panel is a circ ul ar plate and Ihe c irc ular 35MPa for tempered glass

plale is simply support around Ihe edge (Fig.2.7), the

maximum he nding stress and deflections h3ppens al Such allowable S{rcsscS should be determined more

the glass center. The bending stress al the Ctntt:T is accurately from lests on the glass manu factured by

l 2 different ma nufacturers . A safety fac tor of 2.5, i.e. a

OC = 1.208w a / t


Course NOles on Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Curtaio Walt eoosultaol (HK) Ltd.

8/1000 rale of breakage is usually used for the minimum tlJickness o f the toughened (tempered)
determination of the a llowable stress. glass can be Smm .
When you arc designing, please get the allowable It should be nOled that since BS6262 diagrams
stresses from your g lass supplier. Yo u may ask them have adopted a higher allowable bending stress, the
for the test reports for bend ing stresses. minimum glass thickness obtained fro m BS6262 will

usually be less than thaI obtaineo from a structural

h. A1lowable deflection of glass calculation using Timoshenko formulas and the
There arc differen t S13.ndards defi ning different allowable bendin g stress accepted by BD.
allowable deflection s.

Allowable deflection for glass, defined by ASD 2.8 CalculatioD of Deflections and Bending
Hong Kong ASD (Architectural Services Department Stresses for Laminated Glass and Double Glazing
- refer to ASD (1993) req uires the glass to be Glass Panels
deflected less than 25 mm when it is under 50%
d~i gn wind pressure , The design wind pressure on a When a wind load is applied on a laminated glass
curtain wall is the li mit of the w ind pTessure the panel or a do uble g lazing g lass panel, or just simpl}'
cUrt.'1in wall may experience during a 50-year return two glass panels layered o ne over anolher, the
under a wind gust of 3-sccond duration . 50% design performance of each layer oi the laminated (or
wind pressure is the pressure the syste m may dou b!.! glazing or layered) glass panel behaves like a
experience more ofte n say during each No.8 typhoon. single layer under a shared load as fo llowing:
PI = {t t3/(lt l + t/)} P (2.1)
AHowable deCl ection for glass, defi ned In' BS 6262 P 2 = { t 2 J(t/ + Il )} p (2.2)
BS 6262 (clau se 5.11.1 ) want s the glass supported
along four sides to be denected along any glass edge Where P1 and P2 are the pressures shared by the glass
less than 1/125 of Ihe span of each edge for single layers of the thickness t1 and thickness 12 respectively,
glazing, and t/175 of the span of each edge for and P is the lolal pressure on the laminated or double
double glazing. This is a req uireme nt fo r basically glazed glass panel (Fig.2.8).
the frame fixin g the glass rather than the glass itself. This formula is derived from the fact Ihat all the
glass layers are deflected together (i.e. the
Allowable denection for glass, defined bv AUSlTalia dellect"ions of all the glass layers are the same) and
Code the deflection of a glass plate is reversely
AS 1288 specifies that the denection"1)f the glass proportional 10 the cube of the thickness and is
panel which is two-side supponed should not exceed proportional to Ihe pressure,
1/60 of the span. Therr~ is no req uirement for 3, or 4·
s ide supponcd glass in this code. When t1=-1~, Ihen Pt=P2= V>.P.

A proof for equations (2,1) and (2.2) is provided

2,7 Ca lculation USing the Diagrams ofB S6262 below:

Vou may also usc BS 6262 to select the righl glass [Note: There is (1/1 argument saying that {j laminated
thickness and glass ty pe (tempered, HS or annealed) glass shollid be considered as a monolithic gll/sS
for your projects . You should pay attention to the pallel of the nominal thickness of the two glass layers
support for the glass when check Ihe diagrams from when the laminated glass is IInder a short term
BS 6262. To usc Ihe d iagrams Figs . 7 10 13 (refer 10 loading. (sec Hooper (1973), Minor and Rezilik
BS 6262). the glass panel is assumed supported on (1990 ), Belir, A'finor and Norville (1993), Jacob
all the four sides. (1997) (lnd Norl'iIle (1999)). This is based 0 11 a facl
[Example: A tempoered glass panel o f 1.2m by that lite PVB imerfayer does not have the time to
l .4m fixed on four sides is under a wind pressure of deform wilen it is IInder a short term loading. It is
3.0kPa. Find the glass thickness to be used b y using lhis .mlllor's opinion char the above formulas should
BS 6262. apply to laminated glass, layered glass and double
( Area of the panel =- 1.2m x 104m =- 1.68m", From glazin g glass units (if dimen sion/thickness ratio is
the d iagram Fig. 12 of BS 6262, we can know thai the big) wilen IInder both long term loading and shorl
terlllloading for conservative design.

Course NOles 0" Curtal " Wall De si gn WILSON Cunain Wall Co"suttam (HKI Uti.

1 ,
; . I
I--- ,
, rntI


, .
.I, I, . ..

• ,
,, ,
, ,
1 11 ,
15 =

, mm
, I I "
'" 5
I I ., .
~ ·, . . 10 mm
•v, ·
, ,
, ,,
o l , , "
, ,
, ,
'. "
, "
. Minimum g.h ss thic kness

1 .
~ \

1.68 m ! I -1 6 mm

1 . r.
, ,. ,
I, I I 1.. . .. . I
,I ,
~ mm

" ·,,, ,
, ,
, ,. ,
,' ., , " .. '~
, " , ", ,, ,
,0 ,
,, , ,,, ,,
, I I I

, ,
, , , ," 4 om
,6 ., •
I I I I i I I
, I
.. . .,
. . , ,
600 ..
000 1000 ~ A AA

2000 -.. .. , ~~~

"' 00
Wind press u~ ( Pal
3.0 kPa

Figure 12 CXlractcd from BS 6262. For I~ m ~red glass

under 3 seco nd mean wind pressure.

{PrO\t: the formulas (2.1) & (2.2): 01= a P, a ~ I(E 113)

Consider Ihat a laminated glass of two layers (of
thic kness 11 and t2 respectively) which is supp0l'l cd and
along all the four sides is under a w ind pressure P,
0 2= a P2 a~ /(E I !3 )
we need to find Ihe pressures sha red by each layer of
the laminaled (or layered or double glazed) glass.
where ol and 0 2 are the deflections of Ihe I,-Iayer
Ass wne the pressure shared by I,-Iayer is PI and that and 12-layer of Ihe laminated glass under a uniform
by 12-layer is P2. Using Timoshenko formula , we can pressure P, and P2 respec tively.

\ 14

Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultan, (H K) Ud.

Since 0 1 equals 02 (two layers move together), and deflections of hOlh glass layers are the sa me (see
PI + P2 P, we can have the following equations: Fig.2.9). This is because thai any change 10 Ihe
a P I a4 ICE tl"1 = a P1 a4 /(E tll (2.3) volume of tne air between Ihe glass panels due 10 Ihe
deflection of panel 1 will lead to a Change of the air
or simplified as pressure in the. air space between the panels. Only a
PI /113 =P 2 f tl (2.3') slight change in the air volume (wnich implies a very
small difference in the defleclions between the glass
We also have panels) will generate a big pressure difference across
PI + P2= P (2.4)
foul · hiT - Pm
Solve equalions \2.3') and (2.4) we can obtain
PI = P Ill f (I, + Ib ~ --;z.. \

fanel2~ !I
We can similarly obtain

P2", P( 2)/(t 1) +ll) '2-'-­

Formulas (2. 1) and (2.2) are proved. I'OUI POUI < Pair <: Pin

p '~ PI, ~
c=\~ Fig. 2.9 Deflections of glass panels of a double glazing
unil 3re ve ry similar to each other.

Monolllhlc the glass panel 2 that will defl ect Ihis pa nel.
P Therefore, the deflections of both panels are almost
P'i the same. As such the above proof for lam inated

PVB Interlayer
glass applies also to double glazing unit. So m~
engineers or consultants in Hong Kong suggest that
wind pressures o n a double·glazi ng unit will be
resisted by onl y one of the twO glass layers. This is
Lamln81ea incorrect (The _fact Ihat the de fl ect ions o f t h ~ !\':~

f::'i -ji-­ glass layersot a dou.hle glazing unit are al~osl th~e
:lame can prove thaI the tOlal pressure on the unit will
oe sha~ed by bOlh glass panels to the ratio gTvei1ii1
the Equations (2.1) and (2.2). ,)
- -When one glass panellsa 101 thicker than the
Olher, the thicker glass panel will take almost all the
Layered loading. This is true for laminated, layered or double
glazing unit of two glass layers. [Proof: If we
Fig. 2.8 Denections of glass layers are Ihe same. assume tl » 12, fr6m Ihe equations (2. 1) and (2.2),
the pressure s hared by'panel 1 is PI::: {t 1J /(1 1'\ + tl)} p
It should be noted that when a double glazi ng unit ={1/(1· + t//t,3)} P. Not icing 11 » 12, therefore. Itle
is under a wind pressure (a pressure difference across cube of the ratio IVt l is very close 10 zero. We can
the unit), one of the two layers of the glass will be get PI approximately equals P. #Provedl
defl ecled to increase (or decrease if wind pressure in The formu las (2.1) and (2.2) are applicable to
the OIher direction) the volume of the air between the also laminated (or layered or multi-glazing unit) of
glass panels. Air pressure will then be Irans rerred mUltiple glass layers. T he pressures shared by each
through 'the expansion (or compression) of the air layer of the laminated glass of four layers are
within the space to the other glass panel (Fig.2.9). P, = {t//(1,3 + t23 + 133 + t/)}P (2.5)
When glass dimension is much larger than the P2 = {tl/(Ill + tl + tl + t/)}P (2.6)
P 3 ", {1/I(tI + 121 + tl + t 41}P
thickness, it is accu rate enough 10 assume the (2.7)
3 3 3
P 4 :. {1 4 /(lt + t1 + 1/ + I.l )}p (2.8)

Course Not es on Curtatn W all Design WILSON Curtain Wall ConsutWlt (HI<) U d.

2.9 When Should We Use Tempered Glass'.' of the glass at 285°C for several "hOurS::-­
- The sudden frac ture of tempered glass is brought
Tempered glass may need to be used fo r the about by an expansion of NiS slones as a result of
follow ing purposes: slow crysta lline Iransforma lion from a -NiS (hi ~h
temperature) to Il-NiS (low temperature). During the
a. T empe red glass (also called toughened glass in tempering process the NiS transforms 10 the high
UK) as a safet y glass temperature a state, however when the rapid cooling
Safety glass should be used for bal uslrades, glass takes place the re-transformation La. the t) slate cannot
walls o n ground and shop fronts etc. A safety glass take place. Instead, th is reversal process occurs laler
a~ .i1~fined in BS.6262 should satigt~~impacCtest over periods of time that can Tange from a few
requirement stated in BS 6206. An impaci test and minutes 10 10 yeurs.
also a punch leSt to check broken pieces s hould be (

cond ucted to BS 6206. a) Distribution of compressive siress

For the glass used for the above systems to which
across a tempered glass
people might impact on , tempered glass or other

safety glass should be used for human safety (must

pass BS 6206 to usuaHy cl ass A).

b. T empered glass as a material r esis tin g higher


wind loads (higher a llowable stress)

When you want a glass of given thickness to resist ;l
higher load. use tempered glass is probably the best
or even the only choice.
As was discussed, the ultimate compressive stress
of a glass is very high (more than SOOMPa) while its
Compressive layer
ultimate tensile stress is 50MPa only for annea led
glass. When annealed glass is tempered, there will be Edge of the tempered glass
a high compressive stress on glass surfaces wh ich
w ill resist tensile stresses (Fig.2.lOa). A s a glass
panel under bending is undergoing a bending tcnsik
stress distribu ted as shown in Fig.2.10b, Ihis lensile
stress (which reaches the maximum near a surface)
should fi rst overcome the compressive stress (In the
surfaces of the tempered glass before it can bred Ih!.:
glass. Therefore, a tempered glass can resist a hight:[
b) Distribution ofbending stress
bending tensi le Slress.
across a tempered glass
c. Tempered glass as a materi al resistin g high
te m peratu re
Tempered glass is also used as the top of dining
tables etc where high te mperature staff could be put .
Tempered glass can resiSI a sudden tempcr:uure
change of 250-320G C, while noat glass can only
resisl that of 70 _ lODGe.

d. Do we need t o do a beat soa k test for temper ed

"--:::::::'::/~:i/~::::::I'~kn'" (<)

gl ass
Heat Soak Testing (HST) is a destruclive test for Fi g. 2.1 0 Compressive stress layers in a tempered glass
detecting the presence of Nickel Sulphide (NiS) panel.
incl usions in tempered glass. NISis anribUled as the
cause to Ihe spontaneous frac ture of tempered glass. The HST involves the glass being kept at an elevated
The process of HST involves holding the temperature


Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WI LSON Curtain Wall Consu ltant (HK) Ud.

temperature of 285°C for several ho urs so Ihal the a glass breaks. Th is accounts for the glass breakage
to p traosfonnatio n can be sped up. mainly happens during the s hipmen! of the glass
The panels of glass that have destructive NiS from the factory 10 the si te. (When several glass
inclusio ns and have been s ubjected to HST should panels nre piled together, the weight of al! the gla~
break d uring the process: However it is nOl a firm panels will be s upported by the boilom panel.
guarantee that fai lures will not occur in the installed Support belween Ihe glass panels should be so
condition . The key aim of the HST process is to aligned that the dead load of the upper glass panels is
enable manufacrure rs to express a confide nce over transferred 10 the bollom s upport .)
(he performance of their product.
A fact needs \0 be noted is that the tempered glass,
once heat soaked. will have a less ultimate bending
strength, and when bro ke n, will break to larger
pieces whic h will eventually fail the punch test of BS
6206rTh ~ is because Ihal, Ihe hea~ soak test will ~rst
heal tne glass to an elevaled temperature usuall y of
280 10 300"C an~ then cool down the glass at a
relatively slow speed. Thus the process will .reduce
the compressive stress on the surface of the tempered
glass (Fig.2. 10) and therefore, reduce the ullimate
(and of course allowable) bend ing stress of the
tempered glass.
An alternatjve to usc heal soak tested tempered
glass is 10 use thic ker heal-strengthened glass or even
float glass when spontaneous breakage is worried .

2.10 Ca uses to Glass Brea kage

Glass breakage can also be caused by facl ors o ther

than nickel sulfide inclusions. Following are the
factors that could cause glass brea kage:

a. Nickel sulfide inclusion Photo 2.1 A glass pane l installed inclined by 45u was
Nickel Sulfide inclus ion is one of the ma in reasons found touching a screw near a lower corner (see
for the spontaneous breakage of tempered glass . Fig.2.ll). Dead load plus the thermal expansion of the
The foll owing mUliers can also cause glass glass had induced a very high local stress al the screw
breakage to tempered or float (annealed) or heat location causing this glass breakage.
stre ngl hened glass. GIMI (IQmm'IO", .. Il m.mod 111<\031«1)

b. Sup ported a t il wrong place c....

Glass is usually weaker at its edges. T herefore, ,~

supporting the glass at its edges at a wrong location

andlor with a hard and sharp material may cause ...........
Ond IvAd of IM.lAsl lt.os
glass breakage. Photo 2.1 shows the glass breakage
caused by a screw contacting a glass edge as shown
'in Fig.2. 11.
N _ lop<

c. Improper s torage
When the glass js resting on a hard stuff with sharp
edges, there is a stress concentration at the location Fig. 2.11 Dead load of an inclined glass louched a
whe re the glass contacts the hard body . When this screw. Slrcss concentration had been caused by the
sharp su rfae~ of the screw in the glass on its edge.
stress exceeds th~ ultimate Stress of the glass, the

Course NOles on ClJrtain Wall DeSign WILSON Curtain W all ~nsullaol (H K) Ltd.

d. Thermal stress b. Glas.s higb abm'c g round

When the glass is under direci su nshine with one part When glass installed high above g round is broken,
exposed to the sunshine and the rest in a shadow, the the .broken pieces may drop and injure pedestrians.
temperature difference between the ho t and cold To avoid Ihe glass from dropping, laminated
parts will induce a Ihennal stress. When this stress, tempered glass can b ~ used for such purposes . One
usually together with olher stresses exceeds th.:. may also use a nnealed glass or heat s trengthened
ultimate stress of the glass, the glass will break. glass at such locations if human impact is nOI a
worry. Reference for this should b_c made to SO
e. Vibration during transportation PNAP 239. [Note: silicone sC<llant is no t compatible
W hen Ihe glass is transported fro m o ne plac.: 10 with Ihe PYB interlaycr of the laminated glass . It is
another, it will undergo a conStant vibration due to advised lhal Ihe inlcrlayer is separated fTo m the

the up and down movement of the vehicle. This will silicone sealant with a tape o r gasket compatible with

increase the local concentrated stress stated in c Ihe PVB.)

Other chQices include:
f. Glass with defects (chipped edge etc) T ape the glass with 3M film s. The 3M film should
When a glass edge is chipped or when the glass has be buried into the sealanl joint. When such glass is
olher ddccts, a slress concentration will exist at the broken, the 3M m m will keep it in place. Only very
de fected area when such a glass panel is under a small pieces ~ ill drop.
wind pressure (or other loads). When the ultimate 3M fi lm was used in a project in Kowloon, Hong
SlTess al this defected location is exceeded, the glass Kong. However, the COniT3cIOr had o nly fi lmed the
will break. glass ove r the vision area. When Ihal glass was
broken due to nickel sulfide inclus ions, the glass
g. Calculation mistake edge was kept in frame by the sealant. The vision
When w ind load, dead load or Olher imposed loads part of the glass panel was however lorn off the
on a glass panel induce a stress in the glass that is bui lding from the frarnt! together with Ihe 3M film .
mo re tllan the ultimate stress anywhere o f Ihe glass, Tho ugh the tempered glass was nroken to less
Ihis glass panel will break. Such breakage is due to hazardous small piec~, the 3M fi lm kepI the pieces
calculation mistakes Ihal have underestimated the together into a large piece which is more dangerous
bending slress in the glass. 10 pedestrians. Fortunately, no peoplc were injured as
Ihat piece was blow n LO the lOp of a lower
neighboring b uilding. A dctailed disc,;ussion is given
2.11 Un d er What Conditions the Tempered in section 2.14.
Glass Should Not Be Used
Float annealed g lass: When annea led glass breaks,
Tempered glass should not be used for the followiJ,l .~ it hreaks into large pieces wilh sharp edges. If the
cases: breakage was not caused by sudden impact of huge
load, usually o nly cracks wi ll be caused and
a. Architects want a flat surface (d istortion free therefore the glass will be mostly kept in the frame.
Roller-transported tempered glass will have a wavy HS (heat strengthened) glass could also be used
surface because of the roller effect du ring the instead simil ar 10 using annealed glass. See BD
tempering. This is because that when Ihe annealed PN AP 239.
glass i1> to;: mpered , it WIll be fi rst heated 10 a high
lemperature close to its softening point (usually Wired glass WiT<!d annealed glass is ana l her safety
650°C. the softening poinl is 720°C) at which the glass. W hen wired glass is broken, ils hig pieces will
glass is "soft". When the heated glass is Irans ported be kept in place by the w ires. Small p ieces may drop,
from a hOI stove to open air with a roller system, but that is nOI seriously dangerous to human sa(ety.
roller waves are caused on the glass surface. A problem with the wired glass is that the wires can
The allowable roller waves for tempered glass be rus ted. A1lowablc stresses for wired glass should
can be fo und in say, ASTM C 1048. be a little lower than thaI for annealed glass as wires
Heal strengthe ned glass or nOat annealed glass inside a glass panel behaves like a ddcct within the
does nol have such roUer waves. glass where stress concentration w ill occur.


Course Noles on Cunai~ Wall Design WILSON Cunaln Wall Consultant (HK) Ud.

Fortunately, the wires exist at the midd le of the glass applied is not very stable. Therefore, glass coated
thickness where the be nding stress is close to zero Ihis way should be well protectcd to avoid the
(Fig.2.1O), the effect of wires in reducing the coating being losl during usage or during
allowable bending stress is therefore, minor. transportation or storage.

Example: To protect the refl ective coal ing, one s hould do the
Spontaneous breakage of glass to a commercial fo llowing:
development in New Territories, Hong Kong a. Install the glass wi th its reflective coa ting on the
Tempered glass of 8mm thic k was installed in (rant interior face.
of lamps to give a vcry decorative glass curtain in b. Provide protection during installation.
front of the lamps for this project in New Territories c. Avoid using the delergent of high concentration
(see Photo 2.2). These glass panels were installed at Of thal which is hatred to the reflective coating.
about 8 meters above grou nd inside a shopping mall. d. ~Jevent water leakage through the system as the
Glass panels were fix ed on all the {our corners with water from outside is dirry and polluted and is
bollS onto stainless steel bars behind the glass panel. therefore hatred 10 the reflective coating.
Glass breakage happened several times.
Photo 2.3 shows reflective coating da maged by
Fortunately no one was injured.
the diny water from a water leakage.
After several sile vis its, we foun d thai the

following reasons account fo r the brea kage:

i . Spontaneous breakage due to njckeJ sulfide

ii. High thermal stress due to thermal expa nsion at
bolt locations when the bolt is over tightened and Ihe
glass is healed by the lamps beh ind.
We proposed ·and the client carried out the
following remedial works to solve this problem:
i. Apply 3M film on the glass to protect it from
fa lling off aIter breakage;
ii. Loosen the nut of the bolt a little to allow for any
thermal moveme nt and 10 reJease the high s uess at
the bolt locations due to the thermal expansion.
No complai nts were received aft er both measures
were lake n.

2.12 Ren ective Glass

Reflect ive glass is the Ira nsparent (d ear) glass coated Photo 2.2 A glass panel covers lamps behi nd. Heat
with reflective coating applied either on·line or off­ from the lamps would expand the glass panel. The bolts
line. The reflective coating may also be applied on a at four comers would restrict the expansion. Therefore.
tinted glass. Tra nsmission of solar radiation is high thermal stress was induced in the glass.
reduced by the reflective coating. The glass has a
metallic appearance of different colors.
Coatings may be sorted based on the method they 2.1:.' LAminnted Glass
are coated namely "on-line coalin!?:' and "off-line
coating" . On-line cooting is applied "on-line". 11 is Monolithic glass when broken will be broken into
applied during the cooling down process of the pieces. The glass fragme nts will fall from a high
annealed glass on the float glass line (see sCClion 2.2). position of the building and may hurt pedestrians on
Coating ' hus applied wi ll become II part of the glass Ihe ground. Laminated glass however w ill keep the
and is therefore very stablc. Glass coated this way broken pieces together and remain in the window
can be heat-treated. Si milarly, off-line coating is frame for 'Luite a w hii~uring which replacement
applied "off-line". It is applied w ith in a vac uum work can be carried out. As a safety glass to human
chamber and is usually spray coated. A coating thus impacts or to the glass breakage caused by other


Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON CUrtain Wall COnsultant (HK) U(I.

reasons, the laminated glass should also be the re be a terrorism attack. SafelY fi lms, based on thc
considered for balustrades, big panels for shop frontS suppliers (3M or Mastcrkotc). can keep the broken
and for skylights etc. glass pieces in place although glass itse lf wil! break
Laminated glass is also of a certain level of bullet duri ng an explosion.
resislant. It can also be used as an ami-bandit glass
(BS5544). Although the burglar may shatter the glass,
the laminated glass needs repeated and anentio n­
getting blows to break through the PVB inlerlayer.
Even the quiet glass cUlling tools are nOt effective in
cutting the PV B. Therefore, the laminated glass
should be considered for display windows for
jewelry, elec tro nics, and other expensive stafr. Bullet
resistant gia<;s (laminated) should also be used for
banks ctc.

2.14 Correct Use of Safety Films for Glass

a. Why safety films?

Terrorism has become a world wide "terror". Bomb
explosion is probably the most popular way of
terrorism attacks. This calls for glass used in Photo 2.3 An off-l ine retlective coating on the back of
constructions to be sare 10 human beings should such a glass vision panel has been damaged by dirt)' water
explosio n happen. permeated from outside.
Tempered glass was considered as a safety glas.i
under human impacts as such glass can resist a b. Other perrormances of safety films
higher impact load than annealed glass. And also The safety film s uppl iers have also made thei r films
when such glass breaks it will break into smaiL less of good thermal performance. Therefore, s uch fi lms
hazardous pieces. However, when a tempered glass can usuHlly give a high shade coefticient (although
is broken by a bomb explosion, the small pieces are visible light can still pass through easily), and low
still qu ite dangerous to humans beings. Small glass solar heat gain . If your original design used clear
pieces during a n explosion could become lethal glass, and yotl find energy loss is high during
dagger-like weapons flying in the air. Therefore, summer. you may apply such 3M film to give a
tempered glass cannot solve this problem. The PVB shade to reduce the solar heat gain Ihro ugh your
interlayer in a lami nated glass will keep the glass glass. The result is similar 10 using a rctleclive glass
pi eces together during an explosion. So a lami nated in the first place.
glass is a safety glass for this purpose.
The glass breakage happened during a typhoon in c. Correct use of safety films
1999 10 Revenue Tower in Wan Chai was moslly Several tempered glass panels for canopies at a bus
caused by the flying glass pieces from the first stop in Hong Kong were reponed broken. To avoid
several broken panels hitt ing o n the other glass the broken pieces hUrl people, 3M films were applied
panels. at the ballom face of the tempered glass.
Afler the terrorism attack on tbe World Trade Silicone sealant around the glas~ pan~b was CUI.
Center in New York on September 11, 2001, glass The glass panels were takell down and were washed.
safety becomes a concern by many building owners. Sealant arou nd the edges of the glass panel was
The safety of glass under excessive loads (explosion cleaned off. Fi lms were anached to the whole glass
or high wind load or the loads from a ro bbery aUack) panel o n its bOllom face. The filmed g lass panels
needs Ihe glass panels to be laminated. What can we were.: reinstalled. Sealant was reapplied to fix the
do to the existing monolithic tempered or fl oat glass? glass edge together with the film iillo the canopy
Safet y film was used after the explosion to the frame.
Oklahoma Government Building in USA. Such Wms This is actually the correct procedure for safety
were applied to many government buildings to film application. The key he re is to inse.: rI the.: edges
reduce the possible injuries to human beings should of the fil m into sealant joints.

Course Notes on Cu rtain W;il l De si\11 WILSON Curtain Wall Consu ltant (HK) Ud.

W hile the film suppliers will tell you the long wave) inside the building to stay within the
procedure to ensure no air bubbles to ap~ar within building, and al the same time can allow the solar
the film, they do not always tell you the need to heat pass through to get a good thermal performance
insert the film edges into sealant joints . o Cthe glass un it in su mmer or in winter.
A test on the filmed glass fo und the filmed g lass Low E coat ing o n the gJass could be applied
is able to resist a load o f O.6kPa (600Pa) over an area either on-line or off-line.
of I .Sm x 3.0m when the glass panel is supported
along Iwo sides on ly.
The film applied to the glass panels at a building
.. "'11m "II'-" "!I······"I '
:: : :J :::::: ::::::. .::::::j :::
in Hong Kong was found applied on the back of the
i .1.
II ,"
glass panels (see Fig.2.12). Tbe edge of the fil m was " 'iii

nOt inserted into sealant joints.

As the film was not auached to the glass edge
which is buried inside the gasket and weather sealant, ..........
",. ~.""""""

.......... .
:,} ..................

the glass once broken will be easily blown off the

aluminum frame by even a light wind (noticing thai ,
... ...
te mpered glass once bro ken will be broken iOlo s mall
pieces). Instead of small pieces of glass falling fro m
7[11' 1 , '17\
", ,
\ I

a high place, a tOtal glass panel composed of small

pieces bonded together by the 3M film will fall down
which is more dangerous to pedeslTians.
lrl Atuminum frame

Stick the film around its edges onlo the aluminum

frame aro und the· glass panel will provide "
supporting force from the bondi ng o f the mm to the

aluminum around edges. However, the bonding

strength of a safety film (3M or Masterkole) is

"' fiI ~ .~~==

usually only 115'· of tha t of silicone sealant, the luad
such film (whe n auached onto aluminum fra me) can
resist is only about 120Pa fo r the above case tested.
T hi s pressure is equivalent to a d ynamic pressure
under a wind speed of 13.9m/s which is a wind

pressure the glass may experience during a w ong
seasonal wind . Fig. 2.12 A 3M film was simply attached to the back of
Another problem noticed is that the glue used to the vision area of a glass panel. Edges o f the film are
stick the fil m onto t be glass could permeate thro ugh not inserted in rebates.
tbe film to its back and the sticky glue would aUrac!
d irt on the back of thc film . Therefore, regular rt. On ·lin e conling
cleaning is needed for the filmed glass panels. When the low E coating is applied on-l ine, it is
applied du ring the cooling-down process of the
annealed glass on the noat glass line (sec section 2.2).
2.15 Low E Glass Coating thus applied will become a part o f the glass
and is therefore very stable. Glass coated Ihis way
Low E Glass or caJ led low emissivity glass is a glass ca n be heat-treated.
coaled with a material that has an emissivity of less Shortcoming of the on-line coating is that the
than 0.2 (20%) within the long wave length radiation the rmal performance is not so good as the low E
(infrared e nerg.y). T his is compared wilh the usual coating applied o ff- line. The latter could be applied
g lass without such· coating whose e missivity w ill be Ihicker.
around 0.9 (90%). The purpose of low E glass is 10
reduce tHe radiation-induced heat transfer across the b. Off-line coating
glass panel to achieve an improved thermal When the low E coating is applied off- line, it is
performance. applied w ithin a vacuum chamber and is us ually
When a low E glass is a pari of a do uble-glazing spray coated. Coati ng such applied is not very stable.
unit, the low E coating can keep the internal heat (of T herefore, g lass coated Ihis way s ho uld be well

CoyrSI! Notes on Cyrtain Wall Design W ILSON Curtain Wall COIlsyh anl {HK} lid.

protected 10 avoid the coating lost during usage or 2.17 Codes to Be Followed for Glass Oesign
during transponation or storage.
a. BS 6262, BS 952. BS 6206, BS 5544, a nd BS
c. How does a low E glass work? 505 1.
A basic understanding of how low E glass works b. ASTM C I048, ASTM C1036, A STM C l1 72,
involves a closer look at the sun's energy ,\Od the ANSI Z97.1.
solar spectrum. c. AS 1288.
The solar energy can be divided ipto different d. DIN 52294,
components such as: i) ultraviolet; ii) visible and iii)
infra red. High levels of ultraviolet lignt can he
harm ful 10 humans. and can damage and fade
furnishings. T his light should be blocked from
passing through our glass. Visible light is I ~e
desirable ligh"t giving us natural day lighl which is the
cheapest source of Iighling. Infrared ligljl ma y be
both desirable a nd undesi(able. It is desirable when
we seck sunshine and warmth to use its nmur<ll
heal ing. It is undesirable when ' it becomes
discormfort in summer when air condit ioner will be
turned on to cool the inside·.
The infr ared e nergy from the suns hine is
composed of ,'arying wavelengths . The infrared
energy. of relat ively shori wavelengths is absorbed
inside a building by carpets. curlains, Ooors, walls
etc, and is c hanged into long wave infrared e nergy.
Such change h<lppens also outside the bu ilding where
the heat from the infra red energy of the sunshine is
converted 10 long wave energy. The low E coating on
glass will refleci the long wave heat back La the
interior during winte r (when the interior temperature
is higher than the exterior temperature and the long
wave radialion is higher inside than oUlSide). During
summer. Ihe low E coating will re llectthe long wave
heat from outside back to the outside so that Ihe
interior came be kept cool compa red with outside
high temperature. While reflecting the long wave
heat, the low E coating will still allow lhe visible .

light to pass. If the glass is also tinted which will

deflect the ultraviolet li ght to pass through Ihe glass,
low E glass can provide an ideal protection against
sunshine while the good part of it is still kept.

2. 16 Quality Requirements for G lass

For dimensional tolerance of glass, please refer to BS

952. For the allowable sizes for differe nt defects of a
floal annealed glass, please refer 10 ASTM Ci036
and ASTM Cl04S.

Course NOles on Curtl'lln Wall DeSign WILSON Curtaln Wall COrlsullam (HK) l Id.



3.1 Codes for Aluminum Design Ea = 70000 Nl mml

Aluminum alloys to be used for curtain wall (Sometimes Ea = 65500 N/ mml is used for
extrusions shou ld be of T5 or T6 tempering level. aluminum alloys as defined in CP11 8. Elastic
Material (chemical) compositions of the alloys modulus fo r g lass is Eg = 70,000 to 74000Nlmm~
should follow thOse' defi ned in BS 1470, 1471 , 1472, a nd steel to be Es = 210000N/ mm2. Ratio of e lastic
1473, 1474 and OS 8118. AII<lched Table 3. 1 is "the modulus m=Es/Ea=3)
Table 2" extracted from as
1474 showing the
che mica l composit io ns of various aluminum alloys. Melting I)oint
Coatings thickness o n the alum in um extrusio ns Aluminu m alloys will usually melt at
should be minimum 25 J.lm, either anodized or Tu = 550 to 660 °C
n uorocarbon coali ng, to BS 3987.
The aluminum alloy adequate for anodizing is
6063 as recommended in 8S8118 page 15 altho ugh 3.3 Permissible Stresses for Alumin um Alloy
mher aluminum alloys could be harder or stronger. 6063 Extrusions
Therefore, aluminum alloy of 6063 has been widely
used in curtain wa lls and aluminum windows. If the tempering is T6 (i.e.H9-TF in CP l 18, for
For the prOiection of anodized surface, please sec others see BS CPl 18-table 4):
. BS 3987 and PD 6484. caxial =87N/mm"2;
For structural calculation for aluminum design. o bending = 96N/mm"2;

please see BS CP I1 8 (or BS81 18). oshear= 52N/mm"2;

abearing = 139N/mm "2

3.2 Physical Properties of Aluminum If the tempering is TS (=H9-TE in CP 118):

aaxia! =62N/mm"2;

(Refer to as 8 118, page 22):

obending = 69N/nlln"2;

The physical properties of the aluminum alloys

ashear= 37N/ mnt"2;

although may be slightl y di fferent from each other,

obearing = 117N/mru "2

may be ta ken as following:

Specific weight" of aluminum alloys (similar 10 Allowable Deflection for a Mullion or a Transom is
stone and glass, and notice that specific weight of ballow = UISO span or 20mm (whichever is less)
steel is 78kNlm3):
Ws = 2710kglm l = 26.6kN/m' Note:
The prefix H for H9-TE and H9-TF indicates that
Thermal expansion coeffic ient of aluminum alloys: this a luminum alloy is heat treatable. TE and TF
, Cth = 23x lO.f> m/moC
represent di(ferent heat treatments. Prefix N for Other
a lum inum a lloys (or pure aluminum) indicates that
(noticing, that this coefri cicnI for glass is 8.5xl O.f> the alloy is no n-heat-treatable. The heat-uealed
m/moC and for concrele and stccl is around 10xl0-6 alloys are called tempered. T5 (TE) level indicates
mlmoq the alloy has been heated 10 a tempera ture in a range
Modulus of elasticitv fo r the aluminum alloys to (rom 100 to 200°C for a suitable period according \0
BS 8118: .'



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COlJrse Not es on Cunain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HI<) Ud.

different aBoy compositions. T6 (TF) level means the the tempering will be losl during the heating process
alloy has been fully tempered. of the welding.
The tempering of the alloys does not change their
elastic modulus, melting point and density elC.
However the tensile strength , ductility and durability 3.5 Structural Calculation
vary with different level o f te mpering.
St ructural calCulation for a cunain wall involves
calculations for glass (which has been covered in
3.4 Finishes for Aluminum Alloys Chapter 2), calculat ions for aluminum members
(mullions and transoms as discussed in Ihis section)
Aluminum is a metal which will form a canlinuQus and fi xings (includes screws, bolts, brackets, embeds
and strong oxide film thai prevents further corrosion. or anchor bolts etc. which will be discussed in the
It is a good corrosion resisting metal under a next several chapters)
reaso nable enviro nment. However, when it is used in
cUrlain walls, finishes are usually necessary. The 3.5.1 Calculation for a Mullion
most often used fini sh is anodiz ing.
Fig. 3.1 shows an elevation of a curtain wall. The
Anodizing mullion fo r this c urtain wall is an aluminum box
Anodizing is a treatment for aluminum or aluminum section. The length of every mullion segment equals
alloys . Although aluminum forms an oxide film the height of one floor . The segments arc con nected
when it is exposed in the air, the anodizing will with each other by an aluminum sleeve as shown in
increase the thickness of this fi lm artificially. Figs. 3.6 and 3.7 .
Aluminum extrusion bars will become anodes in
an electrolytic pool, and the applied voltage causes a. Loading on a mullion
aluminum ions to migrate outwards to the face of Ple ase refer 10 Fig. 3.2 for the loading distribution
the extrusion. Once they reach the surface, they among vertical me mbers and horizontal members of
react with the oxygen from the dissociation of water a frame around a glass panel.
to produce more aluminum oxide on the surface. Wind load on a glass panel (or other panels) is
This thicker oxidized coating layer on the surface of supported by both mullions (vertical framing
the aluminum extrusion will prolect the aluminum member) and transoms (horizontal framing member).
mOTe than the naturally generatcd oxidized film The load is shared by the framing members as shown
against corrosion. This layer can atso"""be dyed to in Fig. 3.2. The load shared by the transom will be
give various colors prior to sea ling. The anodizing transferre d to the mulHon as a concentrated load as
with no color added is called natural anodizing. shown in Fig. 3.3. Therefore. the loads exerted on a
Otherwise it is called colored anodizing. The dyed mullion are wind loads transferred from the glass (as
(colored) anodizing gives the same protection to the a distributed load) and from the transoms (as
aluminum a::; the natural anodizing. Reference can concenltntl!d loads a~ shown in Fig.3.3). The
be made to BS 1615 ' Method for specifying anodic co mbination of the loads can be assumed as a
oxidation coatings on aluminum and its alloys' and uniform load on the mullion (as shown in Fig.3.4)
BS 3987 'Specification for anodic oxide coatings on wi th a difrerence in the results to be less than 4%
wrought aluminum for external architectural which is acceptable for engineering purposes.
applications' . You may also ca lculate the bending Moments
(Ml and M2) and Deflections (01 and 02) based on
Otber protections the separated loads (dislTibuted load and
If the protection other than the anodizing is to be concentra ted load) and sum the results to get the
applied to the aluminum alloy, the protection resultant Moment (MI+M2) and Deflec tion (01+02)
procedure should fo llow that specified in BS 8118 in the way as shown in Fig.3.3.
part 2.
b. Calculate a mullion as B simply supported
Welding bea'm
Most aluminum alloys can be wdded. For the The mullion for a window or window wall can be
aluminum alloys that have been tempered , the assumed simply supported beam under uniformly
welding may reduce the strength of such alloys as distributed load, and can be calculated in Ihe way

Course Noles on Curtai n Wall Design WILSON Cunain W all Consu llant (H K) Ltd.

discussed here. T his assumptio n appli es also to the ii. Maximum bending stress and the maximum
glass fins suppon ing a glass wall . (I f this assu mption defl ection (\vhen under uniform load and of simply
is appl ied to a mullion ror a curtain wall system, the supported) exist a1 tne mid·span. So, we need only to
bend ing stress in the mull ion and the deflection will fi nd the mid-span bending moment rather Inan a
be over-estimated.). Photo 1.4 shows a glass fi n distribution of the mome nt along the beam.
supponing a glass wall which is a typical simply
supported system. (
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~.; ~>

''- / /

Load o n transom
Load on mull io n
t:J ' / ,y-',
.~ ,-7
~h ~7
" /; ­

1 1

" Embed (H\lli~11 Ch:IIl/l<!1)

~'" '['In

, COllcretC floor 1 " q

~ slab

- d'
1 _
V ("-0).

f~ ....:;.Mull;on {le ngth D tloor hei);,bl } '
UiilLIIttf z3:.s...: ~- Two-llOur fi re insula1ion

Fig.3.2 Wind load on a g lass panel is supported by the

surrounding stfuctural members at equal angles.

Glass Formulas fo r the bend ing momcnt, b end ing stress

and d efl ection :
Fig.3.l An elevation of a curtain wall and fix ing de1ails Maximum bend ing momenl in ~ simply supported
at a floor slab. beam
M = qL2 /8 (3.1)
Following ar e the p rinciples for si mp ly s upported
bcams: Be nd ing stress
i. The deflection and the bend ing mo ment obtained abc = MlVl x (3.2)
(or a mullion are always the most when the support
for a mullion is assumed si mply supported on bOl h Deflect ion
ends. Therefore, the mullion will probably he over­ o=: 5qL 4
/ 384EI (3.3)
designed should simply s upports on bOlh ends are
ass umed. In the above three form ulas:


Course NOles on CunBin Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) lid.

~, t
lo3d from ,l:w pantl!

1-/ '~

( -.

/-- /1 \­
/ I" ... \
-0 "' --+--;.~
~'~' ----...........
,l --""' . ..
0" , II?() I /
" ' / - '".'- /
(_ I' /

"'2> .
V ,
'I ' -

-- /
- 1--4 ~
I" "-"

- :, "
- - -;'

,- , ~

" "'" /-- ,_,-°1 / ' ,

l --,

Momenl dutlO ~1omen\ due 10
. <"
~ ---
'>;- - -/
Iv'" , / ......
/ ~I
~ !

j Resuhanl mon>(nI
totlCtnulILed loads diSlribu~ed lo;ul5 \M-M,.,.M!1
a" I,1 eM:)
Rcsuhlnl <kllttlion
Oe!ltction Ullt!O Den«~ion lIl1( 10
{D-O, • nil
conccnmlled lo~ds distribllit'd IQads
rO,1 rOll

Fig.33 Wind load on a mullion is composed o r the load

from Iranso ms (concentraled loads) and the load fr om Stack-joint
glass panels (distributed loads). A Slack-joint is a horizontal joint between IWO uni ts
of a unitized curlain wall system where the upper
L is the span between the supports;
unit meets the lower unit. Fig.3.5 shows a typical
q is the Uniformly Di!'ilributed Load (UDL) on the
stack-joint for a unitized curtain wall. Another such
beam (mullion);
stack joint is shown in Fig.l.3.
E is Ela~tic M od u l u~;
A usual stack joint of a unitized curlaln wall
I is Moment of Inertia of the section ; Rnd
system shall bc considered as a joint of free rotat ion
Wx is Sect ion MoQulus.
(a pin-joint) since the c urlain waU units meet al the
stack joint are allowed to slip against each other. The
c. Calculate a mullion as a continuous beam gasket in between the aluminum at the joint can
When considered as continuous beam, and when the allew for a quile big rotational movement. An
spans between supports are the same, the maximum exceptio n is a stack joint using very s mall gaskets
deflection a nd the bending moment over any span of where the joint is very rigid, and rotation al the joint
the beam can be determined by using the tables is nOI very frce. (See next chapter)
attached (see Table 3.2).
You can also use software 10 calcu late the Expansion joint at a sleeve
bending moment, shear forccs and the deflection of An expansion joint is a joint between mullions at
the bealll. diffe re nt noors for a stick curtain waU system. II is
designed to allow the relative movement between
d. Assumptions Jor a stac k joint (of a unitized floors to be absorbed with in the curtain wall system.
system) and an expansion joint (oCa stick system) The extremely high compressive o r tensile stress
caused by such movement if no joint were provided

COurse Notl:lS on Cunain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Walt Conwllant (HK) WI.

Oirre~l1ce In 1\l~~jm"l11
1\'1 und 0 is le$$ 1h:<I'I .1·... contil.lUoUS beam with no free rOlalion joint (not a
r b r q - wi>
pin-joint). ,
[Note: Mosl structu ral CAlculations I have

I ~o~ ' ~1 --:J ---'I seen assu me Ihis joi nt as free fO lal ion joinL This
will overlook the weakness of the mullion al this
I~:::-r:-; ~
/ I =:\ joint - i.e. the s leeve-induced local high bending

J ,L '~ -~
Slress within Ihe aluminum mullion section]
A mock-Up test I conducied fou nd a mullion
/I' ~ \~
k, , ..:>
I, e."?O/,
I ~~I-':"I/
' /0' "­
- j

" permanently deformed by about IOmm after a
structural safety test (under 1.5 time... the design
load). The calculation by the contractOr however
'r~I _1--1 1__ 0 --, found the bending stress in the mullion is less
Ihan the ultimate strength under such pressure.

~ " ~7" (,
I '( " _ , -
- ..
~ Of cou rse, the calculation has Assumed the
expansion joint to bo.! free of rotation with zero

/ ''- ,
\ _ \'
, ,'~~ ,,
\:- 1
' / 7.i --'I
bo.!nding moment allhis joinL

" '~,",~-:~/ 1 ,; -01

-­ 'I,
Suggestions for the ca1culalioll s for a mullion
, "}, - ---.. I \,, :I"' with a s~ev e type expaD sion joint

1 /
I. For the calculation of the bending moment,
I ---,SI =1 two calculations should he conducted. Both the
free rotation joint and continuous joint should be
Resultanl fllOnt l!11l considered. Check the bending st ress with the
IM- M,-M 1) more critical moment value . Che<:k the
expansion joint and the sleeve (or the local
Re~uhan ! delleCli'ln
to-O, - D,I
bending (see below).
2. For the calculation of the deflections, the joint
Fig.3 .4 loads on a mullion can be simplified a~ '\
can he assumed of free {Olation as this caSe should
uniformly distributed load.
give a higher deflection than the fixed continuous
joint wi ll give. When the de fl ection thus ohtained is
would be released by this expansion JOint. Fig.3.6
too much and also when the sleeve joint has been
shows a Iypical sleeve type expansion join! lOT a
checked okay for its local bending, a deflection can
be calculated assumi ng the mullion a conti nuous
As there is no gasket between the mullion box beam (if you have proved thai the tolerance within
and the sleeve, {he tolerance between them is very the sleeve joint will not allow much rotation).
small to avoid sleeve "tapping" on the mullion.
T herefore, an expansion join! of a stick system is not How to check the local bend ing at the sleeve?

so free of rotation. AClUally when under a low wind One needs to find the local bending s tress in the

pressure (say 10 10 20% design wind pressure) Ihe alumi num section at the expans ion joint as following:

rotation of the mullion is usua lly low. Due 10 the I. Find the bcndi ng moment (M) al the expansion
tolerance of the sleeve, a lillie rotation at the joint joint using continuous beam assumption.
can be absorbed within the space between the slecve 2. Find the force couple (Fa=Fa' or Fb=Fb') using
and the mullion box. Therefore, the rotation is free this moment - refer to Fig.3. 7.
wilen the system is unde r a low loading. However, 3. Check the local bending of the mullion box al this
when the design wind pressure (or even the safety joint undcr the forces Fa or Fb (Fig.3.7).
wind pressure) is applied, the joint will tend to roulle The fai lure pattern of a mullion box section under
so much that the sleeve will touch the wa lls of the such a bending is as shown in the figu re (Fig.3.7).
mullion box and cause a bending moment at the joint. T he cn lculatiOn to fin d thc moment and the
Photo 3. 1 shows a typical expansion joint for a stick deflection can be conducted either with softwarc or
curtain wall system . with a hand calculation by us ing the tables allached.
The moment al the expansion joint ca n be The tables show the maximu m moment and the
obtained by a calculaLion assuming the mu llion a moment at critical locations of a continuous beam

Course Notes on Cunai rl W all Des.l~n WILS ON Curtain Wall Consu llanl (HK) Ltd.

Table 3.2 : Ma~imum bending mome nt, shear force a nd deflection of a continuous bea m

supported at equ al spans

Method 10 use rhe tables:

Span -= L; E= clastic modulus: I "" mo ment o f inertia

1. When unde r dist r ibuted load (ma ximum distributed 10fld is q)

Moment (M) '" aM xq X L'

Shear force (0 ) =a <) x q .'I L

Defl ection (f) "'a t x q x V 1( 100 x E oX l)

2. When under concentra ted load (P)

Momem (M ) - a'l x P x L

Shear force (Q) = a I) oX P

Denec1 ion (t) - a ,A P X LJ I ( 100 x E x I)

Assumptio n:

It has been assumed that the expansion j oint of a mullion is rigid (i.e. M = 0),


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Course Notes OIl Curtain WaiLDeSign W LLSON OJrtrun Wid ConStAI~m (HI<) l td .

A bea m of 3 equal spa ns

. Ma.~i1num Momen t at
Sh~ar fon:c Ddlenions al mid-sp3n~
Load iol pmlcro
IOCM, <flo< , ItXMB <fM' IIYQ , '" l~ ri~
01", Q,
a'" , ()(I, atl , Itl.

jllffi l@filllJl!!H llij

o. ,,< -
- O. 600 -0.500
A D I e 1i 0.080 0.025 0.1 . 0.400 ,0.40( 0.671 0.052 0.677
0.500 0. 600
1-/ ....1- / -1-1_

- 0.550 0
M , M:
0.101 - -0.05 - 0. as 0.450
0 0.550
-0. 45 0.990 -0.625 0.990
,1.1 ,
-0. 050 - 0.500

!hi! i!~ ~
- O. 075 -0. AS - o. 051- o. 05 0.500 O. 050
0.050 I- O. 31 0.677 - 0.313

jll!ti'!llm~ z... i 0.073 0.054 .0.11 -0.03 0. 383
-0.617 - 0.417
0.58l 0. 033
0.033 0.573 0.365 r-o. Z08

.J. - 0. 567 0.083

)Jl!lj~ izs. ~ O. 094 - -0.06 0.011 0.433
0. 083 -0.0 17
-0. 01 0.885 -0.313 0.104

A _.l -0.313 -0.250

L AITh..L,-
Z :_h.~ T 0. 05 4 0.021 -0.06 -0.06 0.188
0. 250 0.313
-0.18 0. 443 0.052 0.443

· ­ ,sl e
Al,.!>. 0.OS8 - -0.031-0.03 0- 2l!1
0 0.281
-0.21 0.638 -0.391 0. 638

J -0. 031 -0. 250

• A1l1.


- O. 052 r- 0. 03 1-0. 031 O. 03
0.250 0.031
0.03 1 0. 19 0.443 f--0.1 9S

- 0.323 -0.198
s ...At.'b.:.J..,. 0. 050 0.038 1-0.0; -0.02 0.177 O. 02 1 0. 318 0.248 -0.130
.. ~"'L • 0.302 0.021
- 0.292 0.052
- o. ass
\ 0. 063
1- 0 O. 010 0.208 - 0. 01 0.513 -0.195
b. eO)

_·_1 - "
... o. 052 -0.010

COlIfse NOles on Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Curtalfl Wall Consultant (HK) LId.

A bea m of 3 equa l s palls (Coot'd)

Mm.:imum Mumem :u
IlUlIn ':lli ~uppnr1s Shear I(\r"" lkllt:Cl in!\~ al mid-span$
Loudln~ pMlenl
I"'M, d", lex", ,ciM, <YQ, Q•.
d 06,
l l.~Q,
L la',", 1<:I'r, IGYr, Idr ,
, f{ R
P - 0.550 - 0.500
IP I zs: I' O. 175 0. 100 -0. 1'1­ " 15, 0.350
a.500 O. ii50
- 0.35 1.146 O. Z08 1.146

" L
I'ZS I' 0.2 13 - -0. 07 -0. 07 O...25
-0.575 0
-0. 4" , . 615 -0.937 1. 615
'" ZS
" I
0 0.575'

- 0.015 -0.500
I' - 0.1 75 f-- O. 07 -0. 07 - 0. 07
0.500 -­ 0. 075
0.075 -0. 46 }. 1~6 - a .469

'" '" " " I

I' I' 0.162 0. J31 [- a. 11 -0. 05 0.3Z5
- 0.5 75 -0.375
0.050 0.990 0. 677 -0.312
" '" " 0.625 0. 050

P 1- 0.600 O. [25
c; I 0.200 - -0.1 0 0. 025 0.400
a. 125 -0.025
-0.02 1.458 -O.~69 a . l56
" 2S
" ,
(I zs II zs II

a.244 a. a61 -0. 26
- .J. "1 o. m
-1.2:67 -1. 000
i . OOO 1. 267
I 1.883 0. 216 1. 883

P -1. 134 0 I
c; i 1zs Z!
(I 0. 289 - - 0. ! 3- -0.13 0.S66
0 I . 134
I-- O. 86 2. ilo -1 .661 2. i!6

LS is
\I d C.
- 0. 200 -0.13 -0. 13' -0. 13 , -0 I3J
1. 000
-1.000 1
O. 133
o. 133 -0.S311.833 -0.833
1 1

P -1.311 O. 778
... ~
(Izs II zs 0. 229 O. 110 0.31i - O. 08_ 0.689
1. 222 a. a89
0.089 1. 605 1. 049 -0.556

" I
c; I'i zs zs
" I
0.274 - - O. li O. OH

0 .822
- 1.17S 0. 222
0.222 -0. O ~ 4 -0_ "1,. us -0.8331 O. 21S


- - - -- --- ---

? ?
o o

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•• •••

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A bcltlll or 4 equal spans (Conl ' d)

~ M'lm~rll at ~lIflflnrl~ SIH':lJr [i,rcc 1).;lk clious al mid-s!lall~ ~

Lnadi ll g pancrn I,- , Off. !07f. Ig

(2S IPZS I'2S I'z:;. 0_ 169 O. 116 O. l1(i O. 169 - 0. 16 11 ­ 0.1 01 )-0. 1611 0.339 1-0. 6611 -0. 4461 ­ 0.5541 _ 0.339
0.55 ~ 0.4 46 0.66 1
1.019 O. ~Og I O. ~ 09 I 1. 079

- 0.5801 0.027 -0. 527
- 0. 831l 1.246 1- 0.502

0.080 1.581
II' 0.2 10 O. 183 - 0.0801 -0.0541-0.080 1 0.420
0.021 O. H 3 0.080

- 0.68\1-0.3461-0.060 1.539
j1' I"
ZS; Zi
zs: z:::.
O. 159 O. );1 6 0.2061 ­ 0. \81 1- 0.0271-0.08710.31 9 0.654 0.060 0.5871- 0.4131 -0.953 1 0.1861-0.111

I"z:::. II'6 0.14 2 I O.IH - 0.054 1-0.1611-0.0541 ­ 0. 054/ -0 .05~ 1 -0. 1i01' - O.J9J I 0.05~ 1 -0. 335 1 0.1H I O.H 4 I-O.31~
L'S. - l:\, c::. O. 393 O. 607 O. 054.

--~~-+-4I --+--~-+--r-~-T~~1--41--1--~--
LSlSZS ZS C::. 0. 200 -0.10010.0271 - 0.001) 0.400 I- 0.600 10.127 1- 0. 0331 0.001
.~~ "Oll 0:007
I 1 .~~6 I -0. 460 I 0.126 I- 0.0 42

,""T" ,

c::;-z:;.- zs- .6. -e:. O. 113 , O.O H I - 0.080[ 0.020 1- 0.0741 -0.OHI ­ 0. 50 1 0. 100 1- 0.020 1- O.~60 I 1.121
O. ~93
0. 100 - 0.020
I -0.37710. 126

p p p p
0.7 14 1~.1~!:61~~~:~51~\~:51-0.71 4 1 1.164 0.513 0.513 1. 16-1

zs: zs: I! :c. 2S
0.238 O. II I 0. 111 0.238 [ - 0.2861 " 0.191 1-0.028

P p - 1.14 310.0481 - 1.048 1 -0. 892
- 0. 14 3 1-0.0951-0. I dl 0.851 2.657 1- 1.48812.061
0. l86 O. 222 0.0 4t 0. 952 0. 14 3 0. 143
- 0 .3?11 -0.0 ~81 - 0.6 791 - 1 \.3211 -0.1261 - 0.1011 1 ~
I! II II 0.226 O. 194 0.2112 0
.274 -
55 - 0.8 45 1.541) 1.2431 ­ 1.26512. 582
.107 1.1
LX 2S 2S £SO C.
P ~+-~~--4I---~+-~~-~~~--r-+--I--T-~-
·-0. 095 - 1. 190
~~~:~Ol 0.095 1- 0. 595 \. 16S 1. 168 1-0. 595
~.z::.-- - 6 O. 175 O. 175 - 0.0951 - 0.2861 - 0. 095 \ -0.095 1
o. 81 0 I. 190 ~
c:.. II LS

II zs
LS ­ .c;,--~
0.27 4 - 0. 11810.048 1- 0.01 2 1 0. 822
- 1. 178! 0.226 -0.060,
0.2 261 -0.0601 0.0 12

-0.1 31 - \ .0)2
O. 0 12 l.Ul 1-0.8\91 0.223 I - O.07~

~~.1~:61-0.0361 -0.8 11l1 1.838 1- 0. 6701 0.223

c;: ZSO 6. c:. -0.131!-0. u3 1 0. 036 1- 0. \ 31
O. 198 0. 988 O. )18 \i
Course Notes on Curtain W all Design WI LSON Cunaln Wall COI'Isultaot (HK) Uc:I.

A bea m of infinite length of infinile eqlla l spans

~ "'"' ' ' ''';;-IIi"


Mu m':lIt at sUP P<) r\S

111111 ii'l iii q
1-.,­- , I

-{I . 08 3q{!
1; : t!

- O. IZ5Pt
t jl rt !
_ _ / --------1

- O. ZZ 2P1

- O. 052q1!
-=;;=;;=="",=o=.=M a:-. imum moment o.o.r.2q{! O.lZ5PI o. 11 1Pt O.031qF
j K t .vi' N \ Shc~r forc.' 1 O. Sql O. SP 1. OF O. 25q!
I I I I Rcm:liorllhrce:.t suppons I.OqI I.OP 2P O.5q/
L I ,
1\'101l1~1H at.<upport., \ -0. O~ 2'1!l -0.063Pl -0. Ill F! -0.026'1/!
-''T'r,.Cli'''''"r Ma:.:imum mj)m~n\ 0.083qF O. ISS PI 0.222 Pl 0. 05iql!
jkK! imMR~, I M. - M", !
React ion (ore.: ,II supp<Jrt~ O. :'q! O. SP 1.0P O.25qJ!

mOIll~ m
, al ~ UPP lirt L - O. 114 q{1 - O. 1il ?l - O. 304Pl - O. 071qf'
"} k*K ' 'j- m,.\,''X,
Moment;l\ support s
M "=M,,, I -0.022'1/! -0.034PI - O. 060PI -0.01 4qt­

\ R~action limculsupporl L j.1S3qP 1.274 P 20 48 BP 0.614q!

Moment UI su pports O.053qf2 0.Oi9 Pl O.141 Pt - O.03 3qI'

I M,-M, I
-~. k K! tm ;1 ,, ~, ~1~~lmum m(lm~nt 0.012q1' O.l1I PI 0.}9 2Pl 0.050qfl
i\·lmnenl ~t supports 0. 014'1ll 0.021 P I O.03S?1 0 . OO9'll!
I M,- M M I­

_===-_LomJin~ within tho;: "pan \ ~)

No 1I'3ding within the span (5)

Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Cunajn Wall Consultant (HK) Ud.

under various loading distributions. Thc maximum

~ .~l"lhon
deflections are also listed (Table 3.2).

For the fi xing and loading diagram for a mullion I SIe-< , .
considered as continuous beam with no pin joints , ' /
(using no free rotation assumption at expansion joiOl). ...:-.4 f.~I"'" ..onJO,n'

~:1 .i
please refe r to Fig.3.8. . _,,·"'1 ~ (2 0,,,,,, " ,J~

For the fi xing and loading diagram for a mullion

cons idered as continuous beam wi th pin joints for the
expansion joints, please refer to Fig.3 .9.
_-1 ~
iv '" f; lkd " ,Ih IIhC<ll".<: <eaj,.."
10 ,,,,,,;>ell
a'-o,.:I WlIlt r

,"'Om",," ,,,'"

" Hil 5udc p.., ,-.,. .. ,,,,,I",,,,~ ...ill . B:r.>cko' (CI>lS.:an21<'J)
(lion....... jo."- ......, 1
Thr<>ui:.h bO lt.!.

OnP9'''' Ii",
(__ """eI_~~I Il.1S

~loor sbb


" --~.
~,~~"._ B_ ,G"S~.u)
""in ~
, . __-. _ .:r
!>«....., ,..o ""&hI>o",,, -or"'" I _ 1 .J -:--- - Tht""ehb.:>1
P=-<oqu>l-­ _..

Fig. 3,5 A stack joint between an upper unit and <l
lower unit of a unitized curtain wall system. The system
is slightly inclined .
. ,

3.5.2 How to Calculate a Split Mullion ror a Fig. 3.6 An e.xpansion joint between mu llion segments.
Unitized System A sleeve is installed to restrict la tcral mnvcmcnt of the
lower end of the mullion segment above this noor slab
As discussed earlier, a unit ized curtain wall system while the vertical movcml! nt of the segment is still
uses split mullion with each split hal f of the mull ion allowed within the box seclion of Ine mull ion. Crack ing
attached on the two neighboring units respectivel y. noise could sometimes happen at th is joint due to the
T herefore, the differences between the calculation metal to metal direct contaCI and also due to Ihe
for the mullions for a un itized system and that fo r a movement at 1his joint usually caused by thermal
standard system are . expansion.
a. We should "split" the load on eilher part of the
split mul lion. a. F ind the bendin g moment and the bend ing
b. The stack joint between curtain wall un its is stress in a split mullion for a unitized system
usually very free to move. Therefore, this joint is a The key for a calculat ion to determine tne bending
pin-joint with a close to zero bending moment unless s tress in a spl it mullion is to find the bending
small gaskets are used as discussed in Chapter 4. One moment shared by each split part .of the mull ion .
needs to check the stack joint design to confi rm tili:;. After the shared moments by the split parts have
Should a rigid stack joint be designed, the bendi ng been delermi ned, the bending stress can be easil y
moment at this stack joi nt cannot be omitted .



Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Cunaln Wall COns ukanl (H K) LJ6.

4. Fi nd the section mod ulus o f th is pari of the

mullion (W I);
,... 5. Find the bending SlTess (in the part 1 o f the
mullion) as 01 = M l fWl
.' i

. ,

", ~
---------J l'
Sp'" between suppons
~ II oW
Mullion -

If- IliE
." f1' rt= 1
E.>:1"I>00rI join~
I, ,J i"
". M
>'" So
,... ==:~=t
II "- M "
11\ Bending moment at the joint i! not zero

1,- - - -Jlj.~>---- '" (M-O)

\1 Fig.3.8 A mullion for a stick curtain wall system can be

considered as a continuous beam with no joint of free
rOlalion. The load diagram can be as shown here.

Where It is the mo me nt of inenia of the male section

of the mullio n (i.e. s plit part- I), 12 is !he momeD! oC
inertia of the fema le section of the mullion (i.e. split
Fig. 3.7 Local bending to lh~ wall of a mullion seclion pan-2); E is the elastic modul us o f the aluminum.
may be caused by the non-zero bend ing moment at an When the materials ust:o fo r bot h mu llion sections
e:<pansion joint. are the same, this E can be deleted from the fo rmula
fo und through Ihe way same as that for lh e single T his distribu!ion of the mo ment over the two
part mulli ons. parts of the mullion is based o n a [act thaI the
Following sleps should be followed for lhe deflections o f both parts are the same. The proo f [Of
calculalion: this formu la in ite m 3 is the same as that fo r
L Find the moment in lhe whole mullion (M); laminated/double g lazing glass panels derived in
2. Find the ratio of the effcclivc momen! of inertia Chapter 2 o f this notes
o f a split part o f lhe Illullio n (pan-l , male section)
against the whole effective moment of inertia IT = [ Provl!:
Eh/(EI1+Eh)1 where I. (k=l or 2) is lhe mornen! o f Dej1ection of the male section (part·I )
inerti, for each part o f lile split mullion, E is the 0, = 5q1L~ 1384£11 (3.4)
elastic modulus of the aluminum alloy;
3. Define the moment shared by this pan of the (/nd the deflection of the female sectioll
, mullion as lhe ratio limes the total moment (M\ ::: M 8, : 5q,L' 1384£[, (3.5)
x El d( EI 1+EI 2 »;

Cou rse Notes on Cunain Wall Design WILSON Cunain Wall Consultam (HK) Ltd,

and the deflection of the whole mullion section and the transom, very oflen this load on transom is of
0= 5qL' / 384£1 (3. 6) a triangular distribUlion (Fig.3. lOa). The formulas for
Ihe bendi ng moment and deOeelions are as fo llowing:
where q=qr"'qb El = Ell + £11

Noticing that 0 = o} (both mullion sectiolls III{)I·C


so, q ) = q Ell 1 (EI /+ E1.) 0.7)

Moment is proportional to Ihe IIlIiform load on lite

mullioll, we call "ave

M I = MElli (EI I+EIlJ (3.8)

# proved! ...

~ .,.

k1 w& rL~r
Photo 3.1 An expansion joint in a mullion.

Spall belween suppo:\s

n, Triangul ar distributi on
, When load distribution on a bi;!am is of triangular
<..mot L~l ~
shape. the follow ing formulas can be adopted to
obta in the mllximum bending moment and deflection:
Maximum Bending Momen t in the tra nsom

• ~ ;'PP"o
;' .
(happen at the mid span) is:
M = qL 2 / 12 (3.9)

3nSIon joint ~7~ Defl ection of the transom:
b :: qL /1 20EI (3. 10)
Bending moment 3\ Ihe joinl is zero
where q is the maximum distributed load over a
(M " O) triangular distribution. L is the span between
o Arc lh~ pin·Jnints (M · 0) supports for the transom, E is the elastic modulus of
alumi num and I is the moment of inertia of the
Fig.3.9 A mullion for a stick curtain wall system can be transom seclion.
considered as members connected together with pin­
joints. Such pin-joints are correspondent \0 the b. T rau sum u nder uniform load
expansion joints of the mullion. The load diagram for The form ulas for the calculations for the transom
the mullion can be as shown here. under a uniform loading (q) are the same as s hown
above in section 3.4. 1, i.e.
3.5.3 Calculation for a T raDsom M = qL'/8
b = 5qL" f 384EI
The distribution of the load on a transom is usu<llly
triangular shape or trapezoid shape (see Fig.3.10a c. Tra pezoid load distributions
and Fig.3.10b for the load distribution on a transom). Please refer to Table 3.3.
When a wind load (or dead load, when glas5 is
installed horizonlalIy) is shared by both the mullion Maximum bending moment:


Course Noles 0fI Cl.m aio Wall Design WILSON Conal" Wall Consultant (HI<) Ud.

M '" q1l (3 _ 4 3
! e)/24 below it, alld two Iriangular loads from G/lother two
glass panels above the transom (see Fig.3.10b) and a
where a is as s nown in Fig.3 .10a. concentrated load from a short mullion. Find lite
Max imum de OeClioll o f the simply supported deflection and bending stress of this transom when
beam under a trapezoid load distri bution: wind pressure w = 3.0 kPa, length of the transom L
b '" (qL4 /240EI)(25!8 _ 5 alII} + 2 a4/L ) = 1000mm, height of the lowe/" fixed wjrniow is 2b =
5OOmm, alfd height of the upper operable willdows is
L 1200mmJ
+ 1
-'" "

IE ] ,. -,
I 'lfr
f' 1:

Co nc ~ntnued luad

11)/"\ II t t

~ a ~ +

from Ihe sila r( mulli ull

it L q L '""

Fig. 3.10a Wind loa.d on a glass panel will be resisted Fig. 3.10b Wind load on a transom . The load contains
by both the tra nsom and the mullion . The load on the also a concentrated load from a shon mu llion above the
glass panel is shared by the vertica l mullion and the transom.
horizontal transom at equal angles (45"). Please refer \0
Fig.3.2. 3.5.4 Limitation to a Calculation Using a
d. Fonnulas for the calculation under all the
above load distributions Vcry ofte n people will use software to calculate the
As the mo ment , the deflection and the bending stress mo ment and deflection of a beam or even a more
are linearly proportional \0 the load on the transom complicated truss system. T he problem wit h such
(beam), the resultant moment and deflection etc can calculations is that the result is ind irect. The software
be obtained by summing up the individuals. {i.c. if is like a black-box to which you feed the entry dala
M\ is the moment caused by a load distribut ion q1: (initial conditions and boundary conditions) and from
an'd M2 caused by a' ioad distribUlion Q2, the moment which you gel Ihe res ults. Therefore it is very hard 10
due to q = q l+q1 is M = MJ + M 2. Same principle check the results (ro m a software. BD allows o nly
applies a ~o to the defl ection} . the results from a softw are {hat is approved by BO.
Results from a software depends o n not only Ihe
[Exercise-refer to Fig.3.lObJ software itself, but also the perso n who uses the
Assume a transom is under a uniform load (or more soft ware.
accurately a trapezoid load) from a glass panel

CaufS. Notes on Curtain Wall Design WIlSON Curtain WaIL CQIlsultant (H K)lld.

Ta ble 3.3: Shear fo rce, bendin g momcnt and deflecti on of a sim ply supp0rl cd

b ea m under va rious loading patt erns

loadin g panern Reaclion from \ReaCl iOll from Maximu m Maximum deflection
Inc left suppon the right bending moment

P/2 Pf2 P L 14 PI} I (48EI)

I' 4
t l/~ V 1 1

P P aP Pa l! (3.4 a2/L!) I (24 EI)

o I , ~

'---< '
," PbI l Pa ll Pa bl l P b 1(9 Ell) .r aa~ + ab)l 13}

!P I'" ! P/L (2 c + b) I P/L (2a + b) Pa I L(2c + b) I Pal(6EIL)

T-t7 T c (a>c)
\(1a+c}l ! - 4a~ L + 2a' - a! c - e}

;dll1 1l1Iliy, qLl 2 'IV I B 5qL! I (3!!4E I)

,--'--1 qL I 2

qLl4 qLl 4 ql. ~ / 11 qL ~( 120E l )

i!. 0.
qL12 (I - aiL) I qU:l (I - aiL) I qL'124 qL~ I (240EI)
l\41IPI!!I!1h... p -4 (a!/Ll)} {2S18 - 5 (a 2 / Ll) + 2 ( a~ I L~) }

, ,
4fl'b.-....rtJh;Iq qLl4 qLl 4 q L'1 16

te". "
I ...---i


7qL' / (1024EI)


\ )
Course Noles on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consullanl (HK) U(l.

T he way to avoid mistakes in using software is first find the permissible bending (compressive) stress for
to use a si mplified model to estimate the results by the aluminum section by using the diagram on page
hand calculation , and then use the software to get 29 oflhe CP 1l S.
more complex results. Compare these two sets of the
resuhs. lf the difference is minor, the results from the Local buc klin g:
softw are can be used. If the difference is significant , Local buckling is th e failure of one or more
you should check your calculation procedure w ith compcnems of a beam section when under a bendi ng
the software: your models, your assumptions, your induced compression or direct compression. The
entering of the data (initial condi tions and bounda ry failure mode of local buckling is the deformation o f
conditions) etc, and calculate it again, until the the local e lements (walls) of a section into a seri es of
results from the software are generally in agreement waves .
with the hand-calculated results. To c heck the permissible stress under local
buckling, the formula A. = mb/t s ho uld be used to
3.5.5 Cbeck BuclUing determine the ~ The m, b and t for different
aluminum sections are to be determi ned using the
Local and lateral buckling should be checked for diagrams on page 65 of CP11 8. This J. once
aluminum extrusions under compression or bending. determi ned should be used to check against the
Following principles should be noticed when you diagram on page 29 of CPl18 to determine the
check buckling: permissible bend ing compressive stress due to local
Rules : For an aluminum section, the maximum bending
• Buckling happens at the part o f the extrus ion compressive stress in it should not exceed the lesser
under compression only. of the IWO permissible stresses determined above
• Lateral buckling is the budding (side-way under lateral buckling and local buckling.
deformation or rotation about the minor axis) of the
whole section when' tIle section or pan of the section Exercise 1,
is under compression. I) Find the allowable compressive bending stress for
• When a section is an open section (a C- or I· the lower transom section at a stack-joint shown in
channel etc.) with the moment of inertia about the Fig.3.5 with BS CPl 18; (Hint: Check both the local
minor axis (Iy) « the moment of inertia about the buckling ilnd lateral bUCkling. Aluminum is ass um ~d
major axis (Ix), and the sect ion is under bend ing as 6063-T5. Use clause 4.5.1 of CP118 for local
about the major axis x, the lateral buckling should be buckling, and clause 4.4.4 fOT lateral buckling. Wall
checked. thickness of this section is assumed 3mm everywhere.
• When a section has thin walls, local buckling The box is 60mm x 160mm. The p ro truded lips are
should be checked. SOmm high.).
• Restrained seclions (sectio ns fixed at certain
spans) or sections Qf box .c;ect i on~ are not critical for 2) Find the allowable bending tensile stress for :t
lateral buckling. section sho\vn in Fig.3.5 with BS CP118; (Hint: No
Local buckling/Lateral buckling can be checked buckling wi ll happen to a section in tension).
(0 BS CPl18 or 10 BS 8118 .
3.5.6 Check Torsion on an O pen Section
Lateral buckling:
Lateral budding is the failure of a beam when under When a section (say a transom) is under an eccentric
a bending about the major axis or under pure load, a torque will be e xerted on this section. The
compression. The fai lure mode of lateral buckling is torsional stress of a section is determined by a
twisting combined with s ide way displacement about torsional modulus (G) and a moment o f inertia (J) of
the minor axis. the section against the torsion. For more details,
To check laleral buckling, one needs to use the pJease read BS CP I18, Appendix F and G and Bleich
formulas 'On page 4.8 of CP llS for different sections (1952).
to find 4., and use the d iagrams on page 49, 50 and
51 of CPll8 to determi ne the parameters in the
formulas. The AI., thus obtained should be used to

Course NOles on Cunain Wall De$lgn WILSON Curtain Wall Consultarll (HK) Ud. 1


Many curlain wall contraCtors in Hong Kong, when
When an architect decides the appearance of <I they present thei r designs for Curtain walls, do not
curtain wall, it is always the cOnlraclOr' s (or the even bother to draw the connections bel ween
designer hired by the contractor) res ponsibil ity 10 transoms and mu llions o n their design drawings.
achieve it on a curtain wall. In Ihis chapler. we will They have simply assumed thai the alu minum angles
discuss about the engineering details related to the will be used as the connectors bet\veen the mullions
design of a curtain waIl rather than the architectural and the transoms.
For Ihe general installation details for a curtain
wall syStem , please refer to chapI.e r l.
Photo 4.1 shows a unitized curtain w3ll system
which is under instaJlalion. Photo 4.2 shows a similar A
unitized system whose installation has been

4.1 Design of the Connections between a

Mullion and a Transom.

a. Aluminum Angle Connection

The connections between mull ions and transoms arc
very ofte n aluminum angles fi xed with stainless Sleel
screws (or aluminum screws) ontO both the ml!Hi\ln~
and transoms . Fi g.4.1 shows a typical con nect ion
with aluminum angles. Photo 4.1 A unitized curtain wall is being inslalled.
The installation s!<lrted from bOliom up and from \eft to

s·""", -.I.poor ." Inslallation fini shed

-$­ -{> -$­

is loued In I,,,,,<om
Ih ed on!" mllll",n
"" (It . .",,,,,;

DW;ng P.l~cl!O co'·.,

lhe bonom orll>: !nnWIt".

Photo 4.2 A unitized curtain wall systcm thai have

Fig. 4.1 An aluminum angle is inserted in II slot in the been installed . Each unit covers aile floor height and
transom extrusion and screwed 10 the mullion. one bay width .


eoulSe NOles on Cunain Wall Design WILSON Curlaln Wall Consultant (HK) Ud.

h. Tenon connection momenl on a connector of aluminum angle does nOI

Tenon connections (sec Fig.4.2) are usuall y only happe n 10 this connector due to Ihe b ig momeO! of
used for small windows. For such a connection, the inerti a of Ihe connector segment against Ihe bending.
Iransom of bo): sec tion will be cut into two protruded For typical designs for such connectors, please refer
lips (Fig.4.2) which will be slo tted into the slots in to Fi g.4.4.
the side sub-frames. T he protruded lips will then be
hammered flat to provide the fixing of the lenon ends S<,~.. "I'pli<il from
to the side sub-fram es . The s ide sub-fra mes will then
be fixed onlO the main frame with screws or clips or ""~" 'I :\
both .
Scre\\fS are o fte n found missing Crom the side
~:, f ~! \ I ~\ .'_
~r== - ~-
~!"~\L!J1 ~L: ~(~--rtIP'rIL

sub-frame for a window. Quality control on site

should cover Ihe check on such screws as they are ,.... .c<.
structural. M issing such screws will cause the joint
between Ihe sub-fram e and the main frame (the ;,,,,,",, Ill-. ,- ,
mullion) open up and lead to water leakage.
T=....,m ! , 1 .

Spin mullion

-. -­
Slol i ~!he ,id.< fn.m< li~ t (r>rn<

Fig. 4.3 The tran som is fixed to the mullion b)'

applying screws fro m mullion side into Ihe pre­
extruded screw holes in the transom seclion.
!'r",r'\IIkd lip>
Connection 3 (Fig.4.5):
T~ .nd
(,,,be h:ammcl not) FigA.5 shows a connection design which uses no
,, connector between the Iransom and the mullion.
-~ What the contractor did was notching off the e nd of
/0 the transom hy about 15 rnm leaving o nly a plale of
3mm thick (Fig.4.5) to be screwed omo the mullion.
In worrying Ihllt 2 screws al each end may not be
Fig. 4.2 A tenon joint that fixes a transom to a sub­ stro ng enough to support the dead load and the wind
frame. The sub-fra me will be clipped 10 a mullion and load, II stainless steel rod was sloned into the mullion
locked in place with screws. and the transom as partially a connector. The rod was
kept in the transom before the transom is installed.
c. Other connectors Aft er the transom is inslalled (screwed ontO the
ConnectioD 1 (refer to Fig.4.3) : mullion), this rod was hammered into the mullion
Fig.4.3 shows a transom being directly fixed onto the through a hole predrilled on the mullion.
mullion with screws. As tIle screws are applied fro m
the muUion side, such screw application can only be Connection 4 (FigA.6):
achieved to unitized curtain wall systems whose Fig.4.6 shows a typical connector connecting the
mullions are composed of split pieces (i.e. spli t horizontal and the vertical aluminum sections into a
mullions). door(rame (or window frame). It is fric tio n type and
fixes Ihe horizontal and vertical sectio ns togel her
Connection 2 (refer to Fig.4.4): through the friction between the bollS a nd aluminum
To allo\v such d irect screw application as above extrusions. ACtually, when the boh is applied the
possible for standard stick systems, a "slot-in" al uminum sectio n is pressed concaved by the bolt by
section is extruded and is cut to aro und 50 to lOOmm about O.5mm depth. Therefore, this is stU! basically a
long segments based on a calculation to fix the mechanical fixing.
transom to a mullion wi th screws. The additional

Course NOles on CUl1llln Wall Dl!$ign W ILSON Cun,ajn w all Consultam (HK) Ltd.

Sc!nn!l. blo.:k
of the dead load on the angie and the dead load itself.
i.e. (Fig.4.7a):
F,-Fd =Fb
F~ x a = Fd x b

T his torsion together wit h the wind-load-i nduced

lorsion will induce an extra shear fo rce on the screws

··~S""" on the side of thc angle. T hus, Ihe shear stress of the
screws can be more accurately estimated.
(Note that a u~uaJ calculation will calculate the
shear stress in the screws using d irectly the wind
load and dead load o nly. Actually, the shear stress
Double !l.luing unit 5Qmm long ,e gment of aluminium S<:G:,lNl induced by the torsion is more critical than the direct
(\0 be so:~wHl onto mu llionl shear)

I[ \
Sell,ng blo.:~ Torsion from wind load is (Fig. 4.7h)

F... x a2


, . Si milarly, the-ex tra tensile fo rcc on the screws o n the

s ide of the angle ca n be estimaled by assuming the
dcad load (Fd = F.- F~) exerted aI a l away from the
bottom (side) of the angle as shown on Fig. 4.7b.

4.2 Design of Adaptors and Beads (Clipped io
Double gluong un,t or Screwed/Clamped on to the Main Frame)

a. Glass beads

Fig. 4.4 A segment of an alum inum eXlTusion is first For easy htstallalioll and replacement of glass panels.

inserted into or screw fixed to the transon!. S~r('ws arc gluzing beads (usually of aluminum) are often used.

Ihen applied from tra nsom side to fix thc tranSQrn 10 thc Typical beads for gl ass installalion include the

mullion. fullowi ng:

• Triangle bead;

d . Calculation for an aluminum angle connection. • Square bead;

The fu nction of the connection between a transom

and a mullion is to trans fer the load on the transom to Triangle beads HS shown in F igA.8 arc widely used
the more rigid and stronger mullion. A Struc\Ural for the glazing of glass pa nel ~ for windows. To keep
calculation is necessary to ensure thai such load a consistent look of the window frame s with the box
transfe r can be achieved safely. sectio ns of its surround ing mullions and transoms,
squa re beads as s hown in Figs. 4.9 and 4.10 are
Loads on a Transom include: gelling more popularly used nowadays. T he functio n
• Dead load from the glass panel anJ the s c l f~ ot' <-tluminuln beads is [or casy insta llation of glass
weight of the transom; panels and i" (0 keo.:p Ihe glass panels In place after
• Wmd load fro m the glass panel the installation. Fo r a sma!! project for which only
several windows are to be installed, it may not be
[Calculation sample:
cost effective to extrude aJuminum frames and beads .
The dead load on a transom is transfcrred to the
A design shown in Fig. 4.1l could be: an alternalive
aluminum angle through a way shown in the diagram
in which a square alu minum extrusion which can be
purchased from the m<-trkct has been used as a bead.
Small square box sections arc screwed o nto a bigger
In particular, the dead load is divided illlo two ro rc c~ box section to hold the glas~ in place.
namely Fb ' and F~' which should support Ihe lorsion Though a detailed structural calcu lation may not
he necessary 10 check the beads, a bri ~ f calculation to

Course Notes on Curtain wan Design WILSON CurtalnWaii Consu ltant (HK) Ltd.

This c:appinl pro~~

• haizonIaI m«".aniaol fi1Ol'li

10 tho: &IU$ panel

Tran"'m section i. cllilwre lu",ina,
• ISrnn: long by 3mm thiek
", Stainless j.\ul ::.".......... jj

GmC\ 10 lock Mlillion here '1lIOlcb.d 10 al low

the cappln& in JI'.~~ ~ for Ihe 15mm long plale
aidle!fansom 10 be tUN

A mew 10

" ,, '
CI.mping bar

ScrlWS 10 fix u _ onlO \he

mullion on ib front .....

. " ,j lrame

. . 1:)­
Fig. 4.5 The transom is notched OIl its ends and fixed 10
the mullion with screws. •

check whethe r Ihe bead will "open-up" under a

design wind pressure (positive or negative) is


T he aluminu m beads for the fixing of large glass

panels have been often observed open-Up during

mock-up tests fo r w indows. This "operr-up" e rred is

also one of the reasons for water leakage through Ihe

beads du ring a storm and/or a typhoon.

b. Adap tors
C<>rlM<:1O< \0 CQf\I>«'I
To ensure Ihc qUlllity of sealant applicalion, glass
",,10... _ """""'1"
panels are glazed onto the ada ptors in factories. After frunV\, ~mbo" 11>1I.Ih.r
the sealant is cured, the glass panel together with the
adaptors is shipped to the site and installed 00(0 the Fig. 4.6 A connector thai connects aluminum sections
curtain wall frame (Mullion and Transom) with logelhcr by tighlening bolts onlO aluminum seclions.
screws in a way shown in Fig. 4.12.
Adaplors fur such purposes are usually of U· glass at its bottom near an edge where sheari ng area
shape (Fig. 4.12) and are fixed to mullion and is s malL A calculation is necessary to check the
lransom wilh clamping bars. adequacy of this support. Extending the al uminum
As sealant will creep under a long Icrm load such adaptor 10 provide a deeper suppan is imJXlssible as
as dead load, a dead load support is necessary to that extended to ngue of Ihe adaptor will penelrllte the
release this long term loading on the sealant. Notice wc,lther $cllJanl which may lead 10 WilIer lea kage
that the' allowllble tensile and bonding strength of a (Fig. 4.12).
structural sealant is \ 38kPa when under a snorllerm For a typical such fixing for a Slick curtain wall
load but only 6.9 kPa w hen under a long term load. syslem wi th mullion " invisible" from outs ide. please
Care s ho uld be taken to dead load supports. The refer \0 Photo l.1.
) dead load sUpJXlrt as shown in Fig. 4.12 supports the

Cou rse Notes 00 Cu rtain wan Design WtLSON Cunam Wall COnsullatll !HK) Ud,

D<>dl"";F, t
.. "" .;
3 - AS , T,.;""",I.~
t Senini blO(~ '- r:ri t~ I.-oid Sl.... \oo<tUn& ~ ;llurnil1~111 btrej

F. ! i
Wi!l<l to.;j f .
'A """" T~

).i, ­ F• • AD (
- F. .....s
slone.! in IQ/Uoon
"'fe;o."od I., 'n ullL""
C'PP'''~ (o,·.nIlS ,I>< ,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Fig. 4.7a Loadi ng on a connector of aluminum <Ingle.

F. Mullian
, i 'Io-!-:::---
>----;"¥ o....ido

Fig. 4.8 Triangle beads aTC used to fixed glass panels.

F. h. Cap ping Carry in g Loads

~ )..

- -' - r:
T here are also capp ings screwed to or hooked to the
main frame to keep glass in plat:e which shall take
the wind load from the glass ancVor dead load of the
g lass panel (see e.g. Fig. 4.13b).
Fig. 4.13 shows the eappings t:arrying loads or
carr ying no loads. The capping carryi ng no loads is
also shown in a design presented in Fig. 4.4, and that
carrying loads (;Quid be secn in Fig. 4.5.
Structural calculation is necessary for the
Fig. 4.7b Forces on an aluminum angle co nn ~ctor. eappings {hal t:arry loads . The bending stress at the
bOllo m of the capping pane l is usua lly the most
critical part of the capping and sho uld be checked.
4.3 DesigD of Cappings Screws that are applied to fix the capping need also
to be checked.
a. Capping carrying no loads
These are the cappings that are used (0 covcr the ugly Example 1:
inside of the curtain wall or window system a nd/or 10 Fig. 4. 14 shows the eappings used to fix a canopy
provide weather proofing. Such cappings docs not which is sloped by 35".
take loads except its own weight and the wind load When the 35" indincd glass is fixed onto a sleel
on itself (see e.g. Fig. 4.13a). As the load on the fra me with cappings only, no dead load support was
capping is very low (its own weight and the wind provided in this design. Glass is only fixed in
load on ils surface) such capping is us ually s imply position by the frict ion between the gasket and the
clipped onlO the frame behind. glass. T he compression force compre.<;sing the gasket


Course Notes on Cunain Wall Design Wt LSON Curtain Walt Consultant (HK) l lo.

against the glass is provided by the capping \vhich is mainl y happened at screw locations where glass edge
fixed onto a steel box beneath the glass panel with was found touching the screws (Photos 4.3, 4.4 and
screws. This design causes a danger Ihal the glass 4.5).
ma y slip down 10 the halla m 10 touch on the steel or
aluminum there (FigA .14). Once the glass touches
the screw, a stress concentration will happen a1 Ihe
touching poin!. This high suess may be increased to lthis bead ~ould be notched
to all",... ~ins blocks
a higher value due 10 the rmal expansion of the glass
to sit on the transom sectionl
under the sunshine leading to possible glass breakage. "

Square bead

s,"'o. block- F ~


_ rC~:;:::j

G ive clearance to avoid the g.\asi$

touching tho: aluminum

Mel~l 1"g, piMed OIItocOllCfeu:

Fig. 4.10 Square beads are used to fix glass panels.

"" ~~~"" 01~ AlUilllllum square box sections all beads

Fig. 4.9 A big glass panel for a window is fixed to

rebates with square alumin um beads.

This design was commented by the author and was Gasht or backi ng rod
modified before fina lized. Two setting blocks have Aluminum frollle
been provided under the glass to avoid the glass edge
touching the aluminum or steel.

-Example 2:
Photos 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 show cappings used to fix a SereII'
skylight (this case will be discussed in detail later).
A 45° inclined glass panel for a skylight was
found fixed onto a steel frame underneath with Sealant
eappings o nly. No dead load support was used. Glass
breakage was reported 10 approximately 30% glass Fig. 4.11 An aluminum (or stainless stee l) box section
panels installed \vithin a one-year period. Breakage is used 10 fix glass panels IOgether with screws.

Course Notes on Cunaln Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultanl (HI<) lid.

S,eel mullion dadded ,",'i1l, . lI.mio"," joint b~tween the weather sealant and the concrete at
lhe window head (Fig. 3.5) causing the ceiling alt he
window head on the interior side wet.
p".- .. ~ ~

\lu!l IOO",,:uthctdgo '/W
of ~cun>.!n w"l1 .)",.tn . ' " ,Io<\;.~...",n
\\ ul"·"",
• liJOSS .. \tI be ! louJ

"" "'" _p<;o<

1ft faaones 11"- C~m~ <' '"'"'"0. no I""'"
\ \ --:=

Cl'mP'''! to;" \0 fl. ,l...od uM ,

S ell '~
bk>ck '0 <he t,~"".o \\ o>r>;'"l hol< ,n ) n,~lb""
Ded [Old" only 10' tt... ~pplic"l'or. ,,( the .,"ow
~uppon.d 0\ $I'" .~ ..e
calcullll<ln Me.:le<! 10

Alunllnum " .._ ....

<h.<;k th< 111'1\ ,d;e
F ig. 4.13a Capping pand thai does not take the loads
but the dead load and wind load on itself.
., *' "*,
$ ~

.'Iurn;""", ...~al~ ~",,"""C1'"

in I(:IIlSllnl4,:.:i
l'llm Ih, muliioo -~-
Fig. 4.12 Glass is glazed onlo the V-shape adoptor in
factory and is fixed to mullions or transoms with
damping bars and screws on site.
c. Dripping lines

Rain Water on the aluminum sections of a curtain

wall will travel mainly vertically downward. The
water can also travel horizomally due to its surface Fig. 4.13b A cappi ng panel thaI fixes a glass panel 10
tension. To avoid rain waler penetrate 10 interior aluminum framing members.
through weep holes or other unselded joints or
openings, dripping lines should be provided in front
of such joints or openings. A dripping line is the 4.4 Minim um Edge Cover for Glazing
protruded line in a seclion behind which waler
cannot travel horizontally or vertically downward The width of a glass panel around its edges buried in
toward inside. Such a line in fro m of a transom a re bate is called edge cover. W hen a glass panel is
section is usually provided by the capping. Fig. 3.5 fixed to aluminum frames with beads or with capping
and Fig. 4.21 show dripping lines provided in front panels, the edge cover fo r the glass should be nOl less
of stack joinls. Fig. 4.15 shows a dripping line Ihan those given in Table 14 of BS6262 which has
provided al the head of a window. Water permealio n been reprinted below. The actual edgt: cover should
through the lOp of windows for a residential be checked by a brief structural calculation to
development in Hong Ko ng was observed to many <lscenain that the deflection of the glass will not lead
windows due to the lack of such drip ping lines. R:-in 10 the glass to slip off the frame or induce a very high
water has traveled horizontally to interior through the local stress ncar the edges.

/ Cour5~ Notes--on ,Curtaln/W
/~ 9t:slgry "> W!LSON C urtain Wall Consultsnl (HK) U d.
... ' - /

Table 14 of BS 6262 r~printed) . .

Glass thickness
Edge cover I
I (mm) I (m~)
10 .. 8



25 15
.. mini mum edge cover for any si ngJe gl ass should
be 6nun.

It should be noted th ai the edge cover depends

greatly o n the size of the glass panel as well as the
thickness. Wind pressure the edges are resisting
should also be taken into consideration . Structu ral
calculation checkillg the edge cover should ensure
that thc glass edges will not disengage fro m the
rebates. A ratio nal ca lculat ion should cover the
deOectiOll of the glass panel, the compression of the
gasket, the angle of rotation o f the glass around
edges and the rotalion of the capping if there were Photo 4.3 A crack is observed in the glass panel near a

Structural capping screwed

onto a frame underneath

Crack slans from

Slrucn,fal CIPp inll

=_d 10 fr.une

~ HardgW.~

A force compon~m

Ihw mil)! eau!.e

Photo 4.4 The crack in Photo 4.3 was caused by a

stress concentration due to the direct contact of the
glass with the screw that fixes the capping. Thermal
expansion of the glass had increased this concentrated
No dead load suppal'l
slippin~ of lM ~Iass
~Ia~ rnly \ou~h aluminum stress.
Fig. 4.14 e appings 10 fix a sloped glass panel. Dead
A test conducted by the autllOr (ound a big glass
load shou ld no\ be supported by the friction between
panel (2.0m x 2.0m x lOmm thick tempered) under a
the capping and the .glass.
pressure of 4.9kPa had opened up the a luminum

COUf5e Noles 0f1 Curtain Wall Design WI LSON Curtain Wall C onsu ~ant {HI{} Ud.

beads (which were clipped to a window fra me). The into Ihis. space and could not gct out through the
edge cover for that glass panel was 8mm only. The existing system without the holes (or the ex isting
window contractor replaced the glass witb a 12mm system does not drain waler away effi cie ntl y enough).
thick glass panel, the test was repeated. The. OPen-up T he hole allowing the water to weep away is na m ~d
of the beads was apparently reduced. T he reduction a weep hole.
in the open-up effect is due to the reduced de flec tion Such a space with openings (weep holes) to
of the glass panel although a thicker glass might outside will be considered as a pressure equalized
imply a larger edge cover based on BS6262 (see the space.
table above).
, , "
1.:_ _ _ ____ ,


Dnl'lll!li line

(W1'" ",nnot 1111,'<1 ul""S";)

where screw touches the glass \

, /
and stress is mainly caused S"h '" olO$ed pos'toM

\ \
P,e""lIft .qu,I'ud s~


A W "P~~~
I r,~ina [,001_____


Photo 4.5 High stress induced by the direct contact of a

heavy laminated glass (lOmm + lOrnm annealed) with a
stainless steel screw had caused the crack to the g lass.
~ _______ j;(1 • <

Large glass panels are widely used in today's

residential buildings (PhOto 7. 1). While the rebates
for windows are shallow and edge covers of the glass Fig. 4.15 A vertical section of a window.
aTe limited, the glass thickness has increased along
with the increase of the glass panel size. It is some Pressure equaHz.ation:

times impossible to follow the edge cover It is believed that the following three facton; pUi

requirement given in the above table (Table 14 of BS together will cau~1; wattr k akagc:

6262). Thercfure, a structural calculatio n or a j . water;

perfo rmance test would be the best method to Ii. leaking cracks o r openings tha t wo uld leak air;
evaluate .he edge cover for [he design using iii. positive pressure di ffere nce across the system.
aluminum sections of limited edge covers.
A pressure eq ualization concept \vas proposed based
o n the following:
4.5 Correct Use of Weep Holes l. it is hard !O keep a system airlight forever,
because sealant ages and workmanship is not perfee!;
Weep holes should be provided to a space (8 2. there will be wale r o n the c urtain wall surface
chamber) in a c urtain wall system if water co uld get d uri ng a rain which is unavoidabl e;


Cour se Notes Oo'l Curtain Wa ll Oesign W ILSO N Curtai n Wall Consultant IHK) lid.

3. it is safer \0 equal the pressure so that the ii. The pressure-equalized space to interior sho uld
pressure difference across a part of the c urta in wall either be dry (with opening fac ing inlerior) or the
system is close to zew. water is coming from a position dozens of
During mock-up tests the author has seen many milJimelers lower than the interior barrier so that the
so called pressure-equalized system leaks water. T he gravity of water will resist the wind pressure.
contractor who originally designed their system \0 be iii. A space open to both inside and outside is not
pressure equalized found finally thai they had to suggested (this w ill lead to too much air leakage).
close up all the openi ngs \0 seal their pressure
equalized space.
Analyzing the above three concepts, we can fin d Example:
the no.3 co ncept has omi tted one force which may
drive the water to interior. Thai is the gravity of "'later leakage to a unitized elJrtain wa ll system
water. Actually, a pressure-equalized sys tem should and the r emedial methods to solve the problem.
take the advantage of the gravity of waler to prevent
the water from gelling into the space in which Ihe The problem :
pressure is a lmo~i1 equal \0 the exterior pressure. To Figs . 4. 17 & 4.1 8, show a design fo r a unitized
ach ieve this, a weep hole or any opening facing the c urtain wall system. The c hamber in the stack joint is
front of the curtai n wall should face downward so a pressure-equalized space as there are openi ngs
that water cannot get into the space behind this weep (weep ho les) facing the fro nt of this space. However,
hole or opening if gravity of water is " heavier" than tl1is space is not dryas water can get into the space
(he pressure difference between the outside and the between the male and female mullions (see Figs.
pressure-equalized space. 4.17 and 4.18). Water in the space can get to behind
Figs. 4.1 5 and 4.16 show a window design by a the firs t gasket betwee n the transoms at the stack
contractor in which weep holes on the front of the joint illlo lhe stac k joinl chamber. T his water
aluminum sections have been adopted. Is this a between the split mullions comes fro m a location
correct design of pressure eq ualized system? above the stack joint (Figs.4. 17 and 4.18). T herefore,
there is a drivi ng force fro m the gravity o r water
WCMh(r ",.11111 which drives the water downward to the stack joint
and fu nher to Ihe interior if the in ner barrier 10 water
Prc..ure tqualiud ~ leakage is not perfect.
For water flow path for the system, please see
A weep hoi. flci"3 iraQ'
Fig A.17. A sponge bloc k was put at the botto m of
the ;;pace between the split mullions which wi ll help
to reduce the waler fl ooding into the Slack joint, but


Wind di=tion ~ d id not work effectively during a mock-up test

(Figs.4. 17 &. 4.18) as waler could still permeate
through the sponge.
WaieTcan also ge t in fro m a front horizo ntal joint
between the upper and the lower units (Fig.4.1 7).
" 4
Due 10 the wrong d irection the upper capping
eXlrusion was bent, a 101 of water could get into the
space in front of the stack joint. Water got into the
Ii' , <
space in front of the stack joint chamber was so
.:l d
much that water accumulated in this channel space
Fig. 4.16 Weep holes are provided in the fro nl wall of a (see Fig.4.17) and was blown into (he Slack joint
window section. through the weep holes. Due \0 the pressure
equalization, the pressure inside Ihis stack joint
Rules for a n effective pressure equa lization c hamber is almost as high as Ihal on the fro nl of tht:
system: c urtain walL T herefore, o nly the interior barrier
i. The pressure-equalized space (equa l to the (second barrier of gaSket) of Ihe stack joinl is
exterior pressure) sh9 uld be dry (the openi ng faci ng resisting Ihe win d pressure which is pushing the
outside should be protected against the ra in by us ing water in the chamber 10 interior. The sysle m leaked
of the gravity o f the water). water 81 a pressure of 150 Pa.


l ~
COurse NOIe$ on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Cons ulta"'l (HI<) Ud .

the lower curtain waH units were changed to the

Add,u Ortol ~.k eu (F i, .• .19) (;uk.. (Ii", ..~ bo",er)
directions as shown in Fig.3.5 so that ' the space
5.poor.c block

~JI ,I G. .... (s«<mrl ",",.r ~" I behind the from cappings is dr y a nd ~o is the
{wi!! only a1»orb ""'or
C chamber of th e Sl ack joint. The system was fi nally
if J IinJe w~.r eou!Pi!«'
very watertight. For details, please refer to the Fig.
I\Ot effect" ." for thil ~~ ..

4.19 and Fig. 3.5 .

uno .I\la snaa

W. \.. droj>l~",,~ <d", 150ra ij ..__..... ... ... ....• 1.:-=-.. .:. 1 .~ I_•....__.....____... ~

~.J?l::-, ~ "","iW6~
, -"I ~""'''''''''''''''''., . .. ...1-" " =''';'''':''''''
; ,z
.. m . . . m ___ _~--=-:..:..

' ' ::'=:''~=

,~m ... m _. mil

Sponil" brock Th., ha. be~ =. ~ dry IpaCc

'11 «1'
... ""if of pAcu. o.1dtd I.c,,~

Fig. 4.17 A stack joint between the units of a Fig. 4.19 An additional barrier of gasket was lidded
unitized curtain wall system. between the split mullions.

Other examples
Sponge block
Olher water barriers for di fferent unitized systems
can be fo und in Figs. 4.20 & 4.21. Fig.4.20 shows a
wc\:p hole drilled on the HanSOUl in from of a stack
Go", joint. To reduce the water entering the c hannel space
(Fig. 4.20). a gasket should be addcd to the joint
between the upper and lower transom at the stack
joim (Fig. 4.20). This gasket carl also avoid the
cracking no ise due \0 metal contacts. It is noted that
the mullions (male or female) are of box sections so
Ihatthe moments of inertia o f the sections of the split
mull ion arc increased and SO are the allowable
be nding stresses of the mullions sin£e the local and
lalcral buckling is reduced fo r this box section
=,~ compared with C-shaped sectio ns.
A canopy-likc proltClillg i.:over l wh ich is actually
an architectural feature) 10 the stack joint shown in
Fig. 4.18 A split mullion for a unitized cunain wall Fig. 4.2 1 was fo und to be very e ffect ive in resisting
system. water pe netration through this stack joint (Fig.4 .21).
Thlt space between the upper nnd lower units
Remedial works: becomes, because o f this architectural feature , dry
A pair of gaskets was added a1 the mullion joint 10 and pressure equal ized.
provide an additional barrier \0 water leakage in from
of the male and female mullions (Fig. 4.19). The
space behind these gaskets is now dry. The capping 4.6 Fixing ofa Cu rtain Wall to a Building

panels in from of the space between the upper and Structure


Course Noles on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Cur1a1n Wall CoosultsOI (HK) Wei .

Wortina; ....1e roo tc:r~ "I'J'Ilc.uon

= -j . ~ ~ 1...._1....

. [:leA
'aoolI. .,.ion10 i.....,....
1lw~ ..rtho ....lJiono

.J 1..J jP'" · c

~·1 ['II
nw, an;hi~ur:lt fum~

1r===~ ,r - "<>I",""",,,,,,,kr
1 ~1Jll:=i
Ll f ~r~ B..kln,n><!IOI~d
. I . - i· .

'''''''''"' .....
n<ood5. 'I"'<iol l "'"

...... in thiJ <!wu>.1
for t,~ ..,ala,u "!>plication i. drlin04 (ro,
o o

(.....ater C3MQI ulI,d up...."J..d)

Fig. 4.21 A slock joint which is protected by a canopy­

like architectural feature .

Fig. 4.22 shows a bracket-embed system thing a

sl ick curtain wall system. A pair of s teel angles is
\velded to an embed first. Then the box section
)0.11111"", IIop hert
mullion is boiled to the angle brackets. Adjustment
of the installation is achieved al the weld which
should give the up/down and left/right tolerances.
Fig. 4.20 Section details for a un itized cunain wall The back/forth tolerance is achieved by providing
system. Upper: split mullion; Lower: a slack join!. slot holes in the angle bracket (Fig.4. 22). The
mullion after being put in posit io n is finall y locked in
Non-load beari ng curtain wa lls are fix ed on load place by the welding between the washer and the
bearing building structures with usually brackets and bracket.
embeds (or very rarely anchor bolts). Typical fix ings FigA.23 shows a fixing system {or a unitized
and their calculations are presented in the following curtain wall system. The split mullions are first fix ed
paragraphs. \0 a Tshape bral.:kcl with bolts. The T-brackct is
resting on a square steel plate. The square plale is
a. Structural fixings (Figs. 4.22 to 4.24): lirs\ fixed temporarily to an L-shape steel plate
The fixi ng system (bracket and embed) that fixes a which is welded to the embed. Once the sq uare plate
cunain wall onto a building structure should have the is in the right position for the mullion, it will be fixed
following capabili ties: permanently with welding (Fig.4.23) 10 the L-plale.
i. Resist the design loads (wind load, dead load A U-shape cut is provided in rhe square plate 10
and sometimes earth quake load) on the curtain walls aUow the T-bracketlO rest on the plate.
or windows. FigA.24 shows a fi xing system similar to 1hat in
ii. The fixing shou ld allow the installation Fig.4.23. Aluminum brackets have been used to
to)erance (usually +f-25mm). avoid bimetallic electrolytic effect between
dissimilar metals. Surfaces of the brackets have been
Such fixir,Jg wi ll usually include a bracket on either serrated to allow the U-shape bracket locked in place
s ide of the mullion fi xed with a through boll (or by simply bolting it to Ihe L-shape bracket. Halfen
bolts); and an embed or onchor bolt to fix the Channels are used as the embed. Instal lation
bracket onto concrete structure. Figs. 4.22 10 4.24 lolerance has been allowed within the Halfen channel
show several such fixing systems. (leftJright). by moving the serrated washer (up/down)

Course Notes Orl Cunain Wa~ Design WILSON Curtain Wall COrlsullam (HK) Ltd.

and by moving the V-shape bracket (back/fo ri h) sitt:. pull-oul teSIS arc needed b~ the Buildings
within long s lot holes. For details, please refer to the Department (0 min imum 1% of the embeds, installed
Figs.4.24 and 4.25. Fig.4.25 s hows an isometric view 0 11 site. •
of the fi xing system in Fig.4.24.

II ". ..
I iI~cl r\'\~
Plan " 'OW ~f a brooke,..,mbed ' y'tem

~ :c:r. ~

~ :"I.::T :
q : n-~
1' ~~'ft boh.d \ ~ a,u,ho~,
~ll" /~I'.
I $.q""~
". ~L

\ .J ~ l b
<, Ji.L __

, < t
• L
l!l i . HI,
" .8
1I1 I ;_~.
,'I,.i' ''l'd.I'''';c.,~o:
~ ~, ~~.I '~

' ,\,

:jil l >~
L.,nap" ~cd pl>«
~ . . br..:"'"
__. . . .


Bo ~

10 \~ <IIp():vi ty fix
'h~ <QU2fC pb\e

....., Hol< III brrlel 10 allo""

fOf ins\JUation 1G~cmc •
, •

tlok '" bt3<1<rt 10 ..l1ow "

M ulli"" ((>1 """"\I",u,,

Fig. 4.22 A pair of Sleel angles is used as brackets to fix

a mullion of a box section to Ihe concrete structure.

Other structural fi xings are usually similar to the

above three typical ones with different combinatio ns
of the e mbeds a nd brackets.
One thing to be noted is the bimet allic electrolytic
effect between dissimilar metals. Although the
galvanized steel and the aluminum when in contact
w ith each other do not cause serious corrosion
problem, neoprene sheet put between them can
reduce bimetallic effect \0 even lower. Di rect contact
of aluminum with mild steel without zinc coating (or Fig. 4.23 A bracket·embed system to fix a unitized
an organic coating) should be avoided. curtain wall system.

b. Types of embeds:
Type 2: HaUen Channels
There are mainly two types of embeds.
Halfen Channel (or other similar mass produced
embeds) as a cast-in is also used very often. The
Type l: Steel plates welded with anchors. advantage for using Halfen Channels is that no pull­
Such embed systems are usually fabricated in factory out lest is needed for BD submission and approval.
and cast in concrete on site. Installation tolerance by The problem witll usi ng Halfen GhanneLs is that
such cmbed system is usually very big. The when the tolerance is ou\side +J-25 mm, the
allowable pull o ut load on such embed could adjustment wit hin Ihe Hal fcn Channel is very
basically be of any value. The problem with such difficult. Therefore. the contractor should ensure the
system is that every time such embeds are cast on casting of the HalfclI Channels is within the tolerance.


Course NOles on Cona;n Wall Design WILSON Cu nsln Wan Consultant (HK) lIO'.

:sm""d surf.....
10 rtpia<.. weld;' - c. Anchor bolts (expan sion bolts) :
When embeds were nOI cast in al the early
stage of concre te pouring (or when the cast-ins
aTe out of the tolerance), anchor bolts may be
used. Pull-ou l tests are defi nitely required fo r
anchor bolts.
When applying anchor bolts, the allowable
pull-oUl load on the bolt depends very much on
the distance between the bolts and also the edge
distance from the boll to concrele edge.
(Catalogs fo r the Halren Channels and Hiili
anchor boils can be obtained from the

d . Calculation for an embed · a n exercise:

(Note: For calculation fo r Halfen Channels, we
I can use Halren Channels catalog to find the

allowable loads. We can simply co mpare OUT
calculated loads o n Ihe Halfen system with Ihe
Halren Channel recommended data. The
calculatio n below is Ihal fo r Ihe embed o f a
'-''''' .... sleel plate welded wi th steel bar anchors I

In formatio n:
Elastic modulus of steel : 2.1xlOs N'm m~
ElaSlic Modulus of concrele: 2.55xl 04 N/mm!
Fig. 4.24 A fix ing system using aluminum brackets and
Halfen Channels.

I, I Halren Channel

T -bracket

Harren bolt


SelT'8te<l surface

@ ~
Fig. 4.25 An isomen ic vie\v of the bracket-embed
system in Fig.4.24.


COlK'$e Note s on Curtain Wo1l1 Design WILSON Cunain Wall COflsultant (HI<) ltd.

Allowable stresses of concrete (assuming grade 3 0~ Assume the reac tion from the concrete is of a
refer to The Structural Use of Concrete 1987~Hong triangular distribution whose resultant is Rc from the
Kong): concrete o n the embed steel plate (heighl b= 160mm,
3 . Compressive due to dire<:t compression: = =
say, and a b/ 2 SOmm)
7.5 Nfmm1 Rc = M / (2/3 a) - SeC Fig.4.26

b. Compressi ve due to bending: lON/mm

= 340kNmm I (53.3 mm) 6.4kN
c. Shear of fleXllra}:O.87N/mm
d. Shear of torsion : O.1 8N/mm 2 [t is noted that the triangular disuibution of
e. Bonding (tensile) : 1.0N/mm! compressive stress on the concre!c is based on the
fo llowing facts and/or assumptions:
A ealcuia/ioll fo r the embed shown ilt Fig.4.26. 1. The E+valuc (elastic modulus) of concrete « E­

va lue of steel;

Method 1 2. The concrete is compressed linearly so that the

Assume we have an embed as shown in Fig.4 .26 load on tile concrete from the steel plate is linearl y

which is under a horizontal wind load Fh and a dist ributed.

vertical dead load F\!. From our previous caJcuiat iull (Note : As the tcnsile force from Fh will usually

for mullions as discussed in Chapter 3, we have reduce Ihe compressive stress on tlt e concre te (Fig.

known the forces At and Fv from the mullion 4.26), the reaction fo rce fro m the concrete ( Rc)

through the bracket to the embed (say Fh = lOkN and obtained from .!.he above assumption will usually

Fv = 4kN). We also know the distance from the over estimate this reaction force as well as the tensile

suppon ing point of the mullion to thc concrett: force on tlte steel ancltms.}

surface is say d~mm. We can design the embed T ensile load on one of Ihe two s t~el anchorage

based on the above information assuming the bars can be obtained by seu ing thc moment about D

concrete is grade 30 and the steel is of grade 250 to zero (balance equation: IMd=O - see Fig.4.26):

(whose 0.2% yi eld stress is 250MPa) or grade 43 as 2xTli x ds-Rc x cs-M- Fh x ds/2 = 0
defined in BS436O.
T herefore,

T il =(Rcx cs + M + Fh x ds!2) / (2 x ds)

d ·'· lSmnI
pO 0 \:>
lei us give values for al l the unknowns:

Cs = ds{2-2aJ3 = IOmm is Ihe distance between

the T t> and Rc, and ds =126mrn

r" . 1.1 S T~

~ ~(<1' C>~]!
Then the tensil e force: in eaclt bar

I" I
T o = (6.4kN x lOmm + 340kNm m + lOleN x

t> P ;­ 126mmJ2)1(2x 126mm)

• cit.:.; =

, " I" L -+-o , _

1~u F

t .D ,
. [>. The tensile stress in the steel bar
( as~um ing 12mm
f:::, • . '
aL =To/AS

=: 4103N i (3.14x12"2/4 mm"2)

=: 36.3 N/mm"2 < 150xl.25 N/mm"2

Fig. 4.26 An embed is under a horizontal wind load and The diameter of the steel bar used for the embed is

a venical dead load from a curtain wall mullion. 12mtn. The minimum length of the bcll.{ e nd bar is

(refer to "The Structural Use of Concrete-Ho ng

Maximum Moment about thc embed is Kong (1987)", page 13)

M = Fv x (d+25) = 4.0kN x 85mm = 340kNmm L = 12 x (36.3MPIl)J(4 x 1.0M Pa)

= 109mm

where 25mm is added to the distance d to allow for

!he installation tolerAnce. A U shape e nd is equivalent to 16x12= 192mm. Fi1
Therefore, we t an use say l OOmm lo ng legs safely. do


Course Note, on Cunaln Willi Design WILSON Curtain Wall ConsubaClI {HI<) L.ld.

Others to be checked: 1) compressive stress in the Height of the compression area

concrete; 2) shear stress in the concrete; 3) the dn :: m Pcc/(mPcc +Pst) x d
welding between the steel bar and the steel plale etc. '" 15 x 7.5Mpa 1(15x7.5MPa + 150MPa) x
Metbod 2 '" 61 .3mm
This calculation is conducted based on the
assumption Ihal the elastic modulus ratio of steel to Resultant force on the concrete (l:Mb '" 0 momeOi
concrete is finite which is 15. The diagram to be ahoutpoint B)
referred to is Fig.4.27. Rc :: M /(d-dn!3)
'" 340 kNmm 1( 143-61.3/3 mm)::: 2.77 kN
Ratio of the elastic modulus of Sleel to Concrete
used for calculations Tensile force in each steel bar
rn= Es/Ec = 15 T a :: Rc/2 + Fh/4 = 2.77/2 + 10 kN/4
= 3.885 kN
Maximum moment about the embed is again

M "'- 340kNmm
The tensile Stress in the steel bar (assuming 12mm
Lever length resisting the moment is (refer 10 Fig. ot =- Tu/As

4.27) = 3885N / (3.14xI2"2/4 mm"2)

d = 143mm ;:: 34.4N/mm A 2 < 150x1.2S N/mm"2

Permissible compressive stress of concrete

The diameter of the steel bar used for making the
Pcc 7.5 MPa
embed is 12mm. The minimum length of the bent
end bar is (refe r \0 the "Structural Use of Concrete")
Permissible compressive stress of steel
L = 12 x (34.4MP')/(4 x l.OMP.)

PSI:: 150MPa
= 103.imm

Maximum compressive stress on concrete

fcc = Rc x 2 /(dn x W)

where W is the width of the steel plate for the embed

wh ich is 160mm, dn:: 6 1.3mm is the loading height

and Re = 2770N is the resultant load on the concrete.

B ' TB
Therefore, fcc = 0.565. MPa < 7 .2MPa o.k.

[For the allowable compressive stress of concrete,

please refer to " The St ructural Use of Concrete,

,I E Hong Kong ·1987", page 11}

Fh ..

[DiSCUSSion: Bot h the above two methods arc
accepted by BD and RSE's. But sometimes, some
Rc "
~ BD officers or RSE's will accept only one of (he (wo.

h So, choose the right calculation when you are
calculating for embeds.]

e, Types of brac kets:

Brackets are usually made of GMS or Stainless Steel
or sometimes aluminum. FolJowing figures show (he
typical brackets and embeds to fix different curtain
wall systems:
FigA.22 shows a typical bracket of steel angles (a
Fig. 4.27 An embed which is under a wind load and a
dead load. The dead load will induce a moment. . ­
pair) fixim.~. the mullion box section with a (hrough

I :

Coorse Notes on Curtai n Wa~ De"ign WI LSON Curtain Wall Consul tant (H K) Ltd.

boll. A horizontal slot (perpendicular to the concrete width of 20 to 30mm. An aluminum sleeve is
wall) is provided on the steel anglc bracket to allow inserted inside the mullion box 10 co nnect thc two
for the tolerance of concrete (+/- 25mm). T he lateral mu\lion segments together. Due 1O~lhe nex:ibility of
and up/down tolerance of the embed is provided by silicone sealant, the vertical relative movement
the welding of (he bracket onto the embed. between two mullion segments is allowed at the joint
FigA23 shows a typical bracket-embed system while thc movements along the othcr two directions
fo r a unitized curtain wall system. Two bollS are used are restricted. T he sleeve is locked to the lower
to temporarily fix: a square steel plate onto an L­ mu llion by the through bolts al the bracket location.
shape plate. The latter is to be welded onto the The upper mullion is allowed to slip vertical1y
embed at the right position. The lateral and up/down aga inst the sleeve.
tolerance for the installation is provided by the Onc problem with such expansion joint is the
welding on site of the plates. The forwardlbackward noise due to the scratching of the upper mullion
tolerance is provided by the w'cid between the square against the sleeve which is caused by the movement
plates and the L-shape plales. The 120mm high T­ between mullions. The noise sounds louder when it
shape bracket, together with the mullion , is to be is very qui et during a night or w'hen the mullion
resting on the square-plale at its U-shape CUI . locates at a meeting room where silence is required
Figs A.24 & 4.25 show a similar bracket-embed and back ground noise is low. To solve such noise
system for another unitized curtain \v311 system. The problem, one may need to put rubber like material in
installation uses HaIren Channels which allow the between the_sleeve and the mullion box section so
lateral tol erances . T he serrated surfa ce of an L-shape that metal to metal contact is avoided.
bracket gives the tolerance of up/down, and a
serrated U-channel washer on the bOllom of the L­
bracket to allow for the horizontal back/forth

4.7 Expansionjoiut5

Since the thermal expansion coefficie nts of

aluminum and concrete are different and also since
the concrete (building s.tructure) will creep (and/or
the floor slab will deform) and building will move
between noar slahs due to ot her reasons (Stich as
wind load and/or earthquake load), expansion joinl"
are needed for a cunain wall system. S\ec\'C
There are generally the following several types of
expansion joints:

a. Expansion joint in a mullion with a sleeve for a

stick curtain waU system;
The mullion of a Slick curtain wall system is allowed W••lher s., lonl --t~
to slip at the sLeeve to absorb the vertical relative
Cone,,,,. slab
movements between the mullion segments. The
mullion is allowed 10 rotatt: very lillie at the sleeve.
As the aluminum is elastic and sealant or gasket , ,
jOints are flex ible, a curtain wall system allows also
flooHo-floor relative lateral movements. hp",..ionjc>im
Fig.4.28 shows the vertical section for a Iypical
• <
expansion joint for a stick curtain wall system. The
plan view of the joint can be seen in FigA.22. As can
be seen from the figures, the al uminum mulJion
segment is of a length equal to the height of a floor. Fig. 4.28 A sleeve-type expansiqn joint in a mullion for
The joint between IWO mullion segments is of a a stick curtain wall system.

Course NQ\~ on Curtain Wall Design WI LSON Cunain Wall Consu ltant (HK) Lid.

b. Stackjoint for a unitized curtain wall system. 001 very tighl, and the rOlalion of the units is very
The curtain wall units of a unitized system are free at this joint. Calculation for the deflection
allowed (0 s lip against each other at the stack joint should consider Ihis joint as free rotation joint
(the horizontal joint between an upper unit and a (moment equals zero). The deflection al Ihis point of
lower unit). Thus the relative movement belween the the mullion could be larger than that at the mid span
curtain waH and the building struclUre, whether from of the muIHon. The allowable deflection of this
thermal expansion or from building movements, is muUion at Ihis sUlck joi nt about the bracket should be
absorbed within the curtain wall system. Due to this 1/90 of Ihe distance from the joint to the bracket (as a
{unction of the slack joint, the joint is also considered cantilever).
as an expansionjoinl for a unitized system.
When designing a unitized curtain wall. we
should make sure' the metal to metal contact is
avoided 10 prevent the scratching noise due to
thermal expansion or other movements between the
units (see discussion above COT stick curtain wall
Figs.4.29 & 4.30 show design details of the stack
joints fOTtwo different unitized curtain wa l! systems.
The stack joint in FigA.29 uses smalJ gas ket
which al lows lillie rotational movement between two
units. The small gasket may also allow the direct A mdr.,IOinl

contact of alumi num to aluminum. Melal noise may

be expected when the system is under a good
sunshine when Ihe thermal expansion would be
import3m or when in the nighl when Ihe heated
aluminum is cooled down. Noticing again the Neoprene nashing

thermal expansion coefficient o{ aluminum is 2.3

times as high as Ihal for concrete or sleel.

Fig. 4.30 A Slack joint that uses larger gaskets 10 avoid

metal-to-metal contacts.

c. Problems with expansion joiDts

FigA.3! shows an exp<'lfision joint for a mullion for a
Slick curta in witll system tor a project in Hong Kong.
H is noted Ihal the expansion joint was bridged wi th
v-= P1kJI an aluminum panel. When there is a relative
~~ f AI...l<join!
movemenl between the concrete and Ihe cUl tain wall,
Ihe expansion joint will be forced to open or to close
C'"dusing noises from the bending o r the bridging
panel. Noise was also generated between the
aluminum sleeve and the box seclion of Ihe mullion.
Such noise was heard when the curtain wall is
experiencing!\ thermAl expansion under s unshine and
contraction during night time .
Photos 4.6 & 4.7 present a sky light whose
Fig. 4.29 A Slack joint in a unitized curtain wall system expansion joint was bridged by an aluminum capping
is also an expansion joint. pan el. As the glass movement at Ihe expansion joint
is significant, the capping panel which was fixed
The stack joint in FigA.30 uses larger gaskets. The onl0 the bottom steel fra me was bent by Ihe
melal-to-metal touching is avoided. But the joint is

CouBe Noles on Curtain Wall DMign WtLSON Curtain Wall ConsuTiant (HK) Ltd.

movement inducing a high stress at Ihe glass coma to give an integral appe~ra ncc of the c urta in w all
causing the breakage of this glass panel.


I Sle<-<~

i- u...,m."",.

I ! b.pansion;aim
I I {20mrn w;de. moVemenl hcr~ CO<I ld ""
~ ?7 - P\i1
r......,." rotlpP"fmWlion \
IlO 3mrn ~ 10 thttnul


.., ~ . D

ll 11 .
r,,::::::::: Aluminum capping pushed up
Tran""" to )"....n ""'Ilion after screws are removed
I ~ Lo"~r mullion
C-shape f••,,,,,, . \
Photo ".6 A joint between glass panels is bridged by an
aluminum capping panel.


Isometric ~;.w

4' ~

Fig. 4.31 An expansion joint is bridged by an aluminum


4.8 Thermal Insulation

Although temperature difference between inside and

outside is not very much in Hong Kong. thermal
insulalion i;, still apphed at spandrel areas of a
curtain wall o r some times, behind stone (or metal) The crack SlaMS from
c1addings of a c urtai n wall system. This will grea tly a comer of the glass panel
improve the thermal performance of the building
enclosure and reduce the Overall Therma l Transfer
Value (OTTV) of the building, and therefore, reduce Movemelll joilll between glass panels
the cost for air-conditioning. Fig.4.28 shows a typical
design fo r a spandrel area. The frantal glass is Photo 4.7 A crack starting fr om a cOrner of the glass
refle ctive with a low transmittance ta avoid the panel is caused by a push-down force from the bend ing
thermal insulation behind it visible fTOm outside, <lad of Ihe capping paneL


CoUfse Notes on Curtain Wall Oesign Wl l.sON C\J~ln WaH Consultant (HK) Ud.

much lower withi n the insulation so that no

Thermal eODdu eta nee condensat ion would happen within Ihe syslem. For a
Thermal conductance is Ihe capability of a material cold area (such as Canada or northe rn part of China),
with a given thickness to allow the transfer of heat the barrier should be applied on the interior s ide
fro m o ne [ace 10 the other face of the material layer. because the hot humid aiT exisls at the interior while
lis unil is the rate of heat (W~ cond ucted thro ugh a the o utside is cold and relatively d ry. An aluminum
material over a unit area (m) when under a unit foil would be good enough as a vapor barrier in
temperature di[ference (1 0 K). A thermal insulation Hong Kong where temperature difference between
used for a curtain wall is usually a layer of 50mm inside and outside is not significant even during
thick minera l or s imilar materials that have a summer.
conductivity of 0.05 WJ(m Ok) or a conductance (u­
value) of 1.0 W/(m2 Ok). Increasing the thickness of
the insulation ca.n reduce the thermal conductance

and therefore reduce the OITV. For more details,

please refer to BD (1995) "Code of Practice fo r

Overall T hermal Transfer Value in Building",

Hutcheon & Handegord (1983) and Burberry (1999).

A thermal insu lation is usually covered with

aluminum foi ls 10 func tion as a vapor barrier which
will also red uce the thermal co nductance by
generating a good air spacc within the porous
thermal insulatio n. A dark fo il is preferred to reduce
the reflection of the thermal insulation which might
be visible from outside.
Another thing 10 worry is condensation within
thermal insulation where Ihe humid vapor is not
ventilated and eva.porated immediately. Vapor barrier
on the humid side (which is outside the bu ilding in
Hong Kong's summer or inside the building in a cold
place, say in Canada) can be the aluminum foil on
the thermal insulat ion.

Co ndensation
Condensation is the fo rmation of water droplets on
cold surfaces. The temperature al which a
co ndensation starts to hnppcn is called a dew poi nt
whose value is dependent on the relative humidity of
the air and the air te mperature. The relative humidi ty
(presented in percentages) will increase whell the air
temperature de<.:rease while the water content in the
air is kept unchanged . When the relative humidity
reaches 100%, the air is called saturated and
condensation happens. For more information about
the condensation and relative humidity, please refer
to Hutcheon & Handegord (1983) and Burberry
To reduce mould growth within a curtain wall
system at spandrel area, a vapor barrier (usually a
thin plastic film) could be applied o n the exterior
face of the Ihermal insulat ion. Vapor barrier will
greally reduce the relative humidity within the
thermal insulation by reducing the moisture
permeation from outside. The dew point will be

WILSON Curtein Wall ConSIJltanl (HK) lid.
Course Notes on Curtain WaP Design


be used in factory due to the nted to mix the two
Sealan! is one of the basic materia ls used fo r curtain paris of the sealant before use. On site use is not
wall installation. Silicone sealant as the mOSi recommended as iI is d ifficult 10 mix Ihe twO pans on
popularly used sea lanl can resist Ihe auack from site without contaminating it.
uhraviole! lights. Such sealant has a high s!ahili ty of DC Sf/78I.- This is a structural sealant good for
its bonding with base materia ls. glass bUll joints. As this is nOI generally a silicone
sealant, it was abandoned by Dow Corning. The one
to replace it is DC 995. Dow Corning may also
5.1 Sea lant Types Based Oil Uses suggest you to use DC 795 for bull joint bonding. As
stated above, the bonding ~twcen th is serllanl with
3. Weather sealaDt
gl3SS is appa rently l¢ss than thaI of DC 995 wilh
Weather sealan! which is usually of low elastic
glass. A more conservative sealan t bile should be

rnodulus. low hardness. and most of ti me of lcs...

provided should DC795 be applied at glass bull

strength is often used to seal joints w here water or air


tightness is expected. Weather sealant allo\<ls morc

For information fo r o lher sealants, please refer to
movement than s!ructural sealant usually.
Dow Corning catalOgs (telephone and- fax numbers
for Dow Corning Hong Kong arc Tel: 2&35 0350 J
b. Struclura! sealaDl Fax: 2836 6650).
Structural sealant is usually of higher clastic modulus,
higher hardness. higher bondi ng stre ngth , higher d. Sealants by o lher SUllp li ers

strength in resisting tensile and compressive and GE, Wacker, Tremco.

s hear stresses. There are several sealanl suppliers in China now

Two·part structural sealant is usually used in who can supply d iffe rent types or sealant for curtain
faclories. One pan sealant can be used both in wall use. The products are: Guang 2 ho u White
factori es and on site . Cloud SS series; Zhe Jiang 2hi Jiang is series a nd
Zhcn Zhou Central L'Ind MF series ctc.
c. Sealants available on the market
DC 795: This is a weather sealant basically as ils e. Guaran tees by sealant su ppliers .

adhesive and cohesive suength is lower than other Usually 10 years guarantee is provided by sealant

structural sealants. Tho ugh Ihis sealant W:JS suppliers. This may c hange from different suppliers.

suggested to he a structural sealant. test fou nd Ihe Find the guaraOlee items and condilions from Ihe

bonding strenglh of such sealant to glass is nOi ideal. s~3 lant suppliers before you purchase from Ihem.

This sealant is a good weather sealant.

DC 79J ·N: T his is a weal her sealant marketed hy
Dow Coming to replace the old weather sealanl 5.2 Sealant Application
DC793. The bonding of this seala nt is found to be
good wilh most construction materials even concrete. There is no value t('l evaluate !l silicone .l>eal<lnt and
However, the bonding of this c.ealant with glass wa.l> thcn nO! 10 have an application procedure program
found to be not so ideal. Glass surface needs 10 be for the correct application of ihe sealant. Correct
cleaned very carefully 10 achieve an acceplable applicat ion is fundamcOial for the ultimate
bonding. perfo rmance of the s ilicone sealant.
DC 995: Th is is a one-part strucl ura l sealant wilh
satisfactory adhesive and cohesive stre ngth with a. J oin t preparation
most base materials. Adhesion lest and compatibility Correcl or pro per cleaning of the joint !o be sealed
lest should be carried out before using i! on site. with sealant is the initial step to good application.
DC 983: Thi s is a two-part struc tural sealant thai T he arells to be staled should be clean. dry and free
cures faster than other structural sealant. It can only of oil and grease. !( the joints are of m'lsonry. they


Course Notes on Curtain WaH Design WI LSON Curtain wan Consuttan~ (HK) LId.

should be prepared by wire brushing to remove any If selling blocks are used in conjunctio n with silicone
loose particles o f concrete, andfor brick. Non-poro us sealanls ensure that these blocks are of a materia l
surfaces, such as glass and aluminum will require a that is compatible with the silicone sealant and with a
solvent wipe to remove any contaminants. This hardness to be Shore A 70-80. Do not use the
solvent can be M.E.K. or acetone. When cleaning material that is Ilo t compatible with silicone sealant
surfaces with a solvent , one sho uld wipe using only When using continuous tape (Norton tape) to
clean clo th. Apply solvent with one c10lh and wipe space glass fro m frame member in ribbon glazing
clean with another. technique usc only the tape compat ible with the
If primers are to be used ensure Ihe surfaces to be sealanl.
primed are clean. Apply Ihe primer with a clean
brush. Do not apply primer from a can that has been e. Conclusion
_allowed to remain open to mo isture and air as this The design of Ihe joint and the components to be
will shorten Ihe life of the primer and the reaction is sealed are of extreme importance to the overall
that gelling may occur making applicatio n o( an even performance of a building fa~ de. The selection of
primer coal difficult. Apply primer to the surface 10 sealant must o nly be delermined after careful and
be treated only . Always ensure thaI Ihe primer can is thorough consideration to all aspects of the
sea led afte r eac h usc. e nvironment in which il will be required to function.
The mechanical properties of the sealant should also
b. Backing materials - closed cell polyethylene be checked and the sealant sho uld be ensured 10 give
rod (backing rod ) enou gh strength to resist the load on it and enough
Backing rods i.c., closed cell polyeth ylene fo ams are fle xibility to aBow for the move ment at the joint the
always placed into joints in a compressed state. The sealant is expected to e xperience.
dimensions of lhe foam backing rod should be
greater than joint width by 25%. When placing a
foam rod into a jo int, care should be taken not to 5.3 Sealant T ests
pierce the skin of the rod . So, do not place foam rod
into a joint wito knife or Olher s harp objects. Following tests ate required fo r the building fa~ade
co nstruction using seala nt :
c. Sealant application Bonding (adhesion) test and compatibility test.
W hen placing sealant into a joi nt, ensure that good
COntacl is made between substrate and the sealant. DO acceptS the ICst reports by the sealant suppliers .
If join! djmeo<; joDis so big that il caAnol be GUcd AJways plan your sealant test in advance as such
up in o nc application, apply sealant 10 the joint edges tests usually take o ne month before you can get the
lust, then filt the body of the joint. reports.
.. When sealant has been applied always push o r Bonding lest wi.1l show the sealanl having a good
tool the sealant inlo the joint to ensure wetting of the adhesion to the base material. Co mpatibility test wil!
sealanllO the edge surface<; of the joint . provc that the senlam does not cha nge lhe color. or
When applying silicone sealant as an e ;..: ternal cap cha nge the adhesion or other ph ys ical properties or
bead, ensure the profile slopes away from the glass. other chemical properties of the base mate rial.
Do not undercut the sealant toward the glass. This
will allow water to fall away from the junction of
glass. ~ 5.4 Allowable Stresses
Always avoid glazing in ex tremely hot or cold
weather. 11cver above 35°C or be low -l crC. As sealant is a re latively soft material which will
If in doubt fo r example, adhesion of sealant to a creep under a lo ng term consiste nt load, its allowable
particular substrate, always test fo r adhesion prior to strengths under short term load (wind load) and long
application. Always use fresh sil icone sealant where term load (dead load) are totally d ifferent.
possible. (Adhesio n test is o ne of the two basic Allowable adhesio n and cohesion st rength of a
sealant tests the Hong Ko ng Buildings Department struct ural sealant under wind load (short-term load)
requires before a consent is given.) to usual curtain wall base materials (say glass or
alu minum) is os=20psi (or O. 138MPa).
d. Setting blocks

COll'se NoI~ 01\ Curtain Wah Desigtl WILSON ClInaln Wall Cons'Jltartl (HK) Ltd.

p _ -
Allowable adhesion and cohesion suc nglh of the
sealanl under dead load which is a long-term load is
0$=1.0 psi (i.e. 0.OO69MPa). ~ "
" .
/ /.
'/ '- 1

I / >- . .-:. , J

• ~l ." ~
5.5 C alculation for Sealant Bite (Fig. 5.1) "
~ / . I~ .....
/ hI >1
Sealant bite is the width of a structural sealant .. I~
bonding a glass panel or other panels to fTaming -+­ ....

members. A typical sealant bite in a cunain wall Imin

system is shown in Fig.5.1. The minimum sealant
bite to be used depends on the allowaole bo nd ing
strength of the sealant, the loading width on the bite Fig, 5.2 Wind load on a lmm wide sealant strip from
and the wi nd load or dead load o n Ihe strip of the the gla5s.
s ealant. The calculation for th e minimum sealant bite
is shown below: Fw==pxU2x lmm J!
, "
Where p is the wind pressure, L is Ihe Icngt h of the
glass pancl.and lmm is Ihe width of Ihe glass panel
under the load considered.

Asea of lhe sealant under Ihe loading
As == bx lmm

Where b is the w idth of the sealant taking the wind

1\ ' load from Ihe glass panel:

Typie>J o.l>il for on

, The maximum load Ihis strip of sealant can resist

~.= ~~bxlmm CD
~in,; sibl ~' mul1m ,

Set Fm Fw, one can get

b = P x U2 x lmm I a s x lm m

''''''"''' or ,

b = px U2/a~.

~ where b is the sealant bite, p is the design wind
pressu re, L is the short span, and as is Ihe design
b i. oulon' btl.

\"i d,h of".• ,truO' ~,,1 $<!>Ion,)

strength of the sealant.

The design bonding SLrenglh of a structural sealant

Fig. 5,} A struclurally glazed glass panel in a curl<lin when under short term loading is
wall with the aluminum frame hidden behind the glass. a s ",20 psi = 0.138MPI1 = 13~kPa.

a, Rectangular glass panel (or panels of other The design bonding strcngth of a structural sealant
materials - Fig. 5,2) when under long term load ing is
The seala nt bite should be
as ",1 ps i = O.0069MPa = 6.9k.Pa.
Bite (b) 0.5 x wind pressure(p) x short span(L) I
sealant design strength(as) Due to creeping, Ihe allowable stress of a sealant is
much lower under long-term loading such as dead
This fo rmula can be deduced as following:
load than it is when under purely a short-term
Wind load on a stri p of sealant of a unit lengt h
(lmro-see Fig.5.2):


-.~. - -­
Course Notes on Curtain Wall De sigr"\ WILSON Cunaln Wall Consultant (HI<) Ltd.

(Exercise IJ or ga lvanized steel). T he tube is fill ed with a

Wind pressure o n a rectangular glass panel of 1.2m desiccant to keep the air in the cavit y between Ihe
wide by l.8m high is 4 .9 kPa. Find the minimum glass pa nes dr y. T he glass edges and the tube arc
sealant bite required to resist the wind load if the sealed with hot melt butyl sealant (or epoxy
glass panel is struc turally glazed to an aluminum polysulfide). A successful seal should kee p the cavity
frame alo ng all the fo ur sides o f the panel. dry and at Ihe same time resist the wind load that
may be applied on the frontal panel of the do uble
[Exercise 21 glazing unit.
If again, wind pressure o n a glass panel o f 1.2m wide Main benefits such double glazing unit can
by l.8m high is 4.9 kPa and the dead load is provide arc improved thermal and acoustic
supported by struct ural sealant only. The glass performance.
thickness is lOrnrn. Find the minimum sealant bite W ind load on a double unit o f a
required to resist the wind load and the dead load. d imension much larger than its thic kness will be
shared by both panes as di scussed in Chapter 2 of
b. Calculation of the sealant bite for a panel of this boo k.
a oy shape and glazed with seala nt on all the edges
Find the longest loading length (say a, see Fig.S.3)
on the sealant, therefore, the bite can be calculated as
Equal angles
follow ing
b =p a / os

{Practice: Find the minimum sealan t bite for a panel

of triangular shape of 1500mm by 1200mm by
900mm-Fig.S.4. Ao;su me the negative wind pressure
on the glass panel is 4.9kPa].

~ !I I \

-ll. 1:~ "" ~\1 .

">--I~ I-Z
/' 11
/ /~; '-
v E

Equal angles I mm

Fig. 5.3 \Vind load on a strip of sealant that fixes a
r 900mm 1

glass panel of an irregular shape.

fjg. S.4 Wind load on a strip of sealant that fi xes a
glass panel of a triangular shape.
5.6 Sealant for Double Glazing Units

During the last 30 years, insulating glass 5.7 joint of W e ather Sealant
manufacturers have approached the challenge of
-producing a perfect seal between thc glass panels for Weather sealant is applied al the jo ints where
do uble glazing unilS. Among these Ihere have been weather seal is required or where the ugly insid e is to
fusing glass 10 metal; wraps with mastic and morc be covered. Joint preparation and sealant ap plication
recently of using organil.: sealants. should follo w the procedures suggested by sealant
Hot melt b utyl sealant is used for all ultra low suppliers or the procedures stated in section 5 .2.
permeable edge. Fig.S.S shows a typical edge of a Pho to 5. 1 shows a crack in the weather sealant
double glazing unit. T he edge of a double glazing over a joint between metal panels. Such sealant
unit is composed of a hollow spacer tube (alu minum fa ilu re is vcry commonly seen. Inspection of the joint

Course Noles on Cunair1 Wall Design W tlSON Curta in Wall Cons.ullaol (HK) ltd .

found tne detail of the joint is as s hown below in a 5.8 A Field Sealant Adhesion Test
phow (P hoto 5. 1) . A round backing rod has been
used at the joint wh ich is 20mm wide and 25mm As a [i nal check fo r fld hcsion of sealant, a hand pull
deep. When the rod is pressed into the joint. iI is test may be conducu::d o n site afte r (he sealant has
compressed a lillIe. Sealant over the rod wil! be been cured fo r more than 14 days. The procedu res
pressed into the joint to wherever there is a space. fur the h,lIld pull (cs( can be as fa llow ing:
After thc sealant is looled. Ihe backing rod will a. Make a horizomal cut o n a vertical scalam jo im
spri ng back leading to a very thin layer of the sealant (Fig.5.6) fro m o ne side of the seala nt joim 10 the
al the middle of the joint (see Photo 5.1). This sealant other side;
layer is only aboul 2mm Ihick which could be eas ily b. Make twO vertical c uts o f about SOmm long along
broken under an imposed force. both sides of the sealant jo int;
c. grasp Ihe SOmm lo ng sealant piece firml y
Cavity between glass panels belween fi ngers and pu ll dOwn at 90" or more
trying to pull thc uncut seala nt o ut of the sealant
Buryl or epoxy polysulph ide d. The adhesion is co nsidered as acceptable il" the
sealant is to rn cohesively in itself 6do r~ releasi ng
from the substrale adhesively.
c. aft er tile adhesion ttS!, the cut seala nt could he
repaired by ap pl ying more sea!:Lnt to the area by
fOHowing the procedures staled earlie r for sealant
ap plication. Care s hould be taken 10 ensure that Ihe
Alwnin um !u\:>c fiUed with desiccant new sealam is in full contact wi th the origi nal sealant
and the surfaces o f the original seulant are clean.
Fig. 5.S Detail of the edge of a double glazi ng unit.

To avoid such fa ilure one can use backing rods of

square or rectangular section which w ill ensur<; a
unifo rm sealant thickness. /! Snbnlal . joinl b<h'-«n

po""II" cnck«!

Knife cut (SOmm l on~) \
Backing rod \

Sealant remaining
on the substrates
!)olli ! u!'U,. j<>inI

.\101&1 ~\ ..............

s..alaol i& \hill.\ c~n""

Round back ... , n>d

Photo.S.1 The crack in the weather sealant in a joint

bctween metal panels was due tll thin \ayer of tht:
Fig. 5.6 A peeling test can be conducted on site to sealant thal was caused by incorrect sealant application
check the bonding of Ihe sealant with base materials. procedure.




Course Noles OIl (Amain Wall De Sign W ILSON CYrtain Wall Consultant (H K) Ud.


Screws are the basic connectio ns between the for 3045 15 (refer 10 BS 1449-pan 2) can be as shown
framing members of building facades. Rivets are below (without cons idering bucJding):
used more often al window sashes 10 fix hinges 10
window frames or sash frames. Metal lugs are used 0.2% yield stress
usually 10 fix windows to co ncrete structure of the 0(0.2%) '" 195 N/ mm1
building. Materials to make screws and rivets are
usually stainl ess steel, aluminum, aluminum alloy or Permissible stresses
galvanized steel. The materials for metal lugs arc o(tensi le) = 117 N/mm2
mostly galvanized sleel or some times stainless Sleeis o(shear) = (max) 87.75, ~m in) 72.15 N/mm2
or aluminu m alloys. a (bearing) '" 146.25 N/mm
o(bcnding) '" 117 N/mm2

6.1 Screws to Be Stainless Steel to Avoid

Rusting Stains

Stainless Sled screws are widely used in c unain wall,

window and other buildi ng cladding systems [or
fixing purposes. The bimela1iic rusl ing of stain less
steel screws with other metals (al uminum o r OMS) is
not worried when J)uch scrcws are not exposed to thc
pollution o utside.
When screw fixings are exposed to the weather
(say rain water), corrOsio n might happen usually to
the aluminum where it is not anodized sucnas screw
holes and is in contact w ith o ther metals. Photo 6. 1
shows corrosion to an aluminum window section at
screw holes which is in contact with a stai nless stee l
screw and is exposed to rain wnter and pollution. Salt
in rain water will acccierate the eler.;lrolYle cfkcl
between stainless s leel and the aluminum alloy.
Corrosion happens us ually near the edge of the screw
hole near the surface of the section. Further corrosion
of (he aluminum sect ion w ill lake a lot longer time 10

Stainless steel
A stainless steel contains chromium. Although a
relatively expensive metal, it is used increasingly in 0 \'

buildings for its special properties in resisting Whi te powder

corrosion. A stainless sleel develops an invisiblc
corrosion-resistant film whcn exposed to air and has (AI!O))
high resistance 10 organic and weak acid allacks.
Different grade of stainless sleel will have Photo 6.1 Corrosion 10 the aluminum thai is in Contaci
different level of strength. The permissible stresses with a stainless steel bolt.


COIJ(se NOleS on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall tonsultam (HKllId.

When stainless steel is used for outdoor install ation electro!Yle effcc t causing corrosi ons . For details,
where perfect shining (or clean metal) surface is please refer 10 BS PD64 84.
expected, the 316 alloys of the stainless sleel sho uld
be used . Only when the stainless steel is used in a
covered space or indoor then the 304 stainless stee l 6.2 Rivets
could be used. Using 304 stain less steels ou tdoor in a
polluted place like Hong Kong will lead 10 ugly Section area of a rivet is small er than a screw of the
rus ting stains appearing on the surfaces at" Ihis same diameter s ince the rivet section'is hol low .
stainless Ste el. The BS standard to follow for the use Aluminum rivets can be easily rusted and is
of stainless steel is BS 1449 part 2. siructurally weak in a polluted induslrial area. Rain
water thai contains pollulants on tht: top of Ihc sash
accelerates the electrolyte e (fect between the
stainless steel hinge and the aluminum rivet. Photo
6.2 shows the rusted aluminum rivets used 10 fi x an
aluminum window sash. The sas h is riveted onto a
fou r-bar stainless sleel hinge wi th rivets. Rusting can
be se~n dearly on the head of the aluminum rivet
( Photo 6.2) that were applied o n the lOp o f a sash. No
apparent rusting was observed to Ihe rivets at the
bOllom of Ihe sash .
Requirements for aluminum rivets and bolts etc.

are given in BS "1473.

6-3 Example: Sashes Detached from a

Residential Building

Several sashes for a residential dcvelopment in Hong

Kong were reported detached and fell off from Ihe
high-rise huildings. An invl.!stigalion the author
conduCted found the fallowing:
The sash was fixed first onto a pair o f four·bar
hinges with aluminum rivcts (or stainless steel rivels).
T he fo ur-bar hinges were then fi xed Onto the window
frame with stainless stee l screws. Sash fail ures were
caused by the following reasons:
Rusting stain


3. Aluminum ri vets were rusted and failed .
As was discussed above, the seclion of a rivet IS
hollow. The wall thickness of the rivet section is only
about Imm. The rivet head (sec Photo 6.2) is also
aro und l mm thick only. When the rivet section and
Photo 6.2 T he head of an aluminum rivet on the top of the rivet hc(>;d arc rusted , their thickn \! s~ i" furthcr
a sash is observed rusted. reduced.
When a sash is in an open posilion to say about
Bimetallic elecuolyte effect between stainless steel 30~ opening angle, and when such a sash is blown by
and olh er metals is us ually low unless under marine it strong wind (inducing say a pressure of 500 Pa or
condition . Corrosion can be caused between stail:le:-;s more on Ihe sash), the wind pressure w ill push Ihe
Steel and other metals such as aluminum o r mild steel sash to a fu ll y open position causing a s udden impaci
when saited water wets the surfaces betwec.n Ihe IWo load on the sash which should have broken the rivets
different metals. Salted water of a high salt (which was a lready wcakened by [he rusting) and
concentration (0.2% say) will accelerale Ihe caused the detachment of Ihe sashes.

Course NOles on Curtain Wall Oeslgn WILSON Curtain Wan Consu~ant (HK) Ud.

This is what happened 10 most of the fa iled sashes stress for the aluminum. T he last ilem (item c) is
for this project. always overlooked by many structural calculations.
The check on the shear stress in the screw hole is
b. Aluminum rusted lit screw holes, actually very easy. Assume the area of the aluminum
If aluminum section at screw ho les were rusted, Ihe section of the screw hole under shear is A = 11:D1/2
engagement of the stainless steel screws in the (see Fi g.6.2) ,here 1t is 3.14, D is the diameter of the
aluminum window section would be reduced. T he screw hole, and t is the thickness of the waH of the
screw could be pulled out by the dead load of the aluminum section. The shear force on the screw hole
sash or the wind load on the sash. is actually the tensile force on the screw itself (T).
The connection ~be l ween the fou r-bar hinges and Therefore the shear stress in the screw hole can be
the window frame is weakened w~en the screw hole =
obtained as '[ T /A.

is corroded and enlarged (see Fig.6. 1). Again, as
slated above, when the sash with weakened
$cll!"" Hingt
connection is under a strong wind load, the impact on
the sash from the strong wind will give a push to the s &Aluminumxcti<X1
sash which will pull the scrcw(s) out of the screw ~

holes thaL had been enlarged.

U :)',
A calculation the author conducted for the above
cwo cases has found that the wind effect on the sash
was found 10 be critical. In particular, a No.lO
typhoon could break the aluminum rivets without
deterioration if the window were open. Also when
one or two screws 'are loosened, any typhoon could
detach the OIher screws when the sash is open.


Corrosion (If ""f~W ~

'{ l

$10m &om !he ul'9ft , 1&0
cftlx window W;lien

~-<;"'-""=-~~ "t
SMJrin& un in the satW holt

, fl"""""",,Kwot
Fig. 6.2 Shearing area of a screw hole thaI is under a
pullout force from the screw.
""&l&C tM1II dqM

BAsed on a calculation checking the shear slre)s ttt

the screw hole, the screw fixing at screw holes where
hinges are installed shou ld be reinforced for a usual
window ftame noticing that the wall thickness of the
Fig. 6.1 Corrosion to the aluminum at the edge of the frame is about 2mm only. Possible way to reinforce a
screw hole has feduced the screw engagement in the screw hole is i) to use locally thicker aluminum
SCfew hole. section at screw locations (Fig.6.3); and/or ii) to
protect the screw hole from corrosion ir possible
noticing that the aluminum section is anodized but
6.4 H ow to Cakul ate a Sc rew? the hole is nol. Hong Kong Housing Authority has a
new specification which adopts a local reinforcement
To calcula te a screw, one needs to check: at screw fixings for windows. The same section
a) Tensilt; stress in the screw and compare it with the detail is also presented in Hong Kong Buildings
allowable tensile stress; b) s hear stress of the screw Department's standard PNAP 248. This method has
and compare it with the allowable shear stress; and c) been proved very effective. No windows us ing such
the shear stress in the screw hole (in aluminum reinforcement have ever been reported detached.
section) and compare il with the allowable shear Care should be taken 10 the surfaces where tWO

CoorSQ NOles on Cur1ain Wan Design WILSON Curtain W all Consull ant (HI<) U d .

dissimilar metals meet with each other. Neoprene 6.5 .Exercises:

shects · may be put in between to avoid bimetallic
effecL You are advised 10 do the followi ng exercise to make
Fig.6.4 shows a detail to fix glass panels with sure that yo u unders tand what have been staled in the
adaptors to an aluminum mullion by using screws. above sections .
The screws used are M5 stainless steel screws and
are applied to a slot that is approximately 4mrn wide. [Exer cise I}
The shearing area at the screw hole where the screw Chcck the load in a fo ur-har hi nge used for a s ide
is applied is very small as the engagement of the hung sash of 750mm wide x 950mm high-see
screw in the slot is very Iimiled as can be seen in the 3ltached Fig.6.5. Assume Ihe w ind load on Ihe sash is
skelch in Fig.6.4. Although Ihc screws were applied l.OkPa and dead load is thc weight 0 the glass which
al 200mm ce nte rs , they were pulled out of the slOl is 6mm Ihic k.
under a negative pressure of 4.5kPa (the design wind
pressure (or that job was 4.9kPa) during a [Exer cise 2}
performance test. A calculation by Ihe au thor Check a n M 6 stainless slecJ scrcw fi x·cd OntO a 2mm
checking the pull-out shear in the .screw hole (slot), thick aluminum sectio n which is under a tens ile load
assuming o nly 10% effective area where the screw is 1.5 kN and a shear load of O.S IcN. Find the lensile
in contact with the aluminum, found that the sc rews stress in thc screw, shear stress in the screw and the
should have been applied at 90mm cemers . shear stress in-lhe screw hole.
The c urtain wall contractor fo r this proj ccl Note: The area of a luminum under the pull o ut
decided \0 apply longer screws so th at it penetrates shear can be estimated as: A= J(Dt/2 w here n-=3.14,
the aluminum section. The shearing area of the o is the diametcr and I is the thic kness of the
aluminum is more than doubled at the screw holcs. aluminum on wh ich the screw is applied.!
T he syslem passed the structural test under pressures
up to 7.35 kPa during a retesl.
Screw holes that penetrates the aluminum sec tio n
should be sealed with silicone sealant to avo id waler
penetration to the inside space of Ihe aluminum
A=of '"""~.
oi'the ~", ,, .
In the >luminum ~

Screw fixing the hinge

Sc,,,w i. in 3 , 101

21 _:t t>3 mm

Thicker wall to give

larger shearing area
- s.:....'" pcn<I....1<. 1ht
~Iu,, \\num bo~ section

in ihe screw hole

Fig. 6.3 Locally thicker wall of the alu minum section

can be used as window frame the screws to be applied
with a deeper engagement. Fig. 6.4 Screws are applied to a continuous slot whose
contact area with the threads of the screw is vcry small.



Course Noles on CUftaifl Wall Design WILSO N C unain Wan Consultant (H K) Lid .

arranged staggered (Le. o ne on imerior and one on

~ ~
~n&~ exterior) to provide a pull force from the lug on the
window frame whether it is under a posilive wind
pressure or under a negative pressure. Good
protection on the steel should be provided 10 the lug
to avoid corrosion to the lug when it is installed on
exterior face of the concrete wall. Galvanizatio n is
often the protection for such lugs.

" Iillifi

~l l I

• t

no ~!I ~

t Rc)'
RJ,..,,,, I
[J; 51MeLaI lug is mainly
C Rclt,
c;A; ...\;A;:z<;;:J
Wind load Fw

\ ~~;'"
1\, I (
Drive pins
, under shear force only

J \
" N

Sash fram(

..Q.- Rd;c. if1. no "

D O0
D tRdY


I. "'\ r-.
',. Jo
'" ?'
Fig. 6.5 loads on a sash \vhich is in an open position.
Concrete edge distance 7J
10 bc >50mm

6.6 Metal Lugs Fig. 6.6 A melal lug that is fixed to a concrete wall with
a drive pin.
Metal lugs as fixings for windows to concrete
building structure are usually made of GMS
(galvanized mild steel) sheets CUI \0 strips. O ne e nd Mechanical/ physical properties of mild steel
of a lug is slOlled in an aluminum section of a The physical properties of mild steel, may be taken
window frame and-. the other end is fix ed onto as following:
concrete with drive pins (Fig .6.6). To avoid tensile
forces o n the drive pin and also to avoid a bending Specific weight o[ mild steel
3 3
on the lug which is thin and is weak in resis ting a Ws = 7800kglm = 78kN/m
bending, the lug s hould be fixed o nto the concrete at
sill, jamb and head of the window (Fig.6.6) so thai Thermal expansio n coefficient of mild steel
the lug is under a tensile or compressive load only Clh ::0 1 0x lO~ In/moC
with minimum bending. When unavoidable, [he lug
can also be fixed al inlenor with pins. Notici ng thaI (Noticing this coefficient for glass is 8.5xlO~ mJmoC.
the pin needs an edge distance that is usually not less for concrete is 10 xl0.... mlmoC and for aluminum is
Ihan 50mm, Ihe bending effect on the lug could be around 23xlO~ m/m°C)
) significant. Should Ihat happen, the lug should be


Course Notes on Curtain Wall De~n WILSON Curlain Wall COflSullanl (HKJ Ud.

Modulus of elasticity for steel is Damage to a galvanized surface can be repaired by

Es 210000 N/mm~ painting with zinc-rich paints.

(Noticing Ea = 70000 Nlrnml for aluminum alloys as

defined in BS811 8 o r Ea 65500 N/ mm2 as de fi ned
in CPl18, and Eg 70,000 \0 74000N/mm! for glass.
Ratio of elastic modulus of steel to aluminum
Mild steel will expend tremendously and will lose

its strength apparently when the temperaturc reaches

say, 550°C.

Permissible stresses for grade 250 steel (Grade 43

to BS4360)

0.2% yield suess:

0(0.2%) = 250 N/mml

Permissible Tensile stress:

oaxial = 150N/mm1 ;

Permissible tensile bending stress:

obending =
lSON/mm 2 ;
Permissible sear srress:

oshear = (max) 112.5 (min) 92.5 N/mm !;

Permissible bearing strcss:

abeaTing = 187.5N/mm 1

Galvanization is the process of dipping steel inlo
molten zinc. The steel is first clcaned and then
dipped in hydrochloric acid. The cleaned steel is Ihen
dipped into hot mohen zinc at about 450°C,
Galvan ization can provide protection to st\!cl
because zinc is anodic to steel. Zinc can resist
corrosion well when the steel is totally covered by
the z inc coating. However, when the coating is
scratched or when the steel sheet galvanized is cut to
lugs (whose edge of the steel is exposed), the zinc
will decay sacrificially to therefore give protection 10
the sleel.
Coating thickness of galvanizat ion t,r 50 10 100
microns (0.05mm to O.lmm) can give a protection
for 20 years in a common environment.
Problem w ith galvanization for melai lugs is that
the metal lug is usually very thin. HOi dip it in a
temperature of 450°C for a long lime (10 give thick
zinc coating) can cause distortion of the lug (or the
metal Sheet). Dip the steel lug in the hot z inc for a
short time period, however, the coating might he not
thick enough 10 resist corrosion .

CoUise NIXes on Curtain Wall Design WI LSON Cunaln Wall Consultant (HK) ltd.



typical designs the author has seen and comment on

A window is an opening in an external wall closed thent.
with transparent o r translucent material (usuall y glass)
10 allow natural light 10 gel in. A window is usually • • 1>", ". f>'
composed of glass panels fixed with a window fram e. .',,--
L-­, ----,'-""
The operable pan of a window is called a sash or a l o;.con:
caseme nt. Fig.?l shows the names for every e lement nl<, "\'
of an aluminum window.
Drippi"l tine 0
Window !n\nI,

~ I~

""'\........'~)..u;" . t~


'TDI'. son\ \\"!Of ~W"I!ion p1!11


filltd p2tl ~ ~Sill . Ita;n "'"31<1 ------------'0.,ame ~

~ wccp hol< .Grouung

Fig. 7.1 Names for every part of a typical wmdow.

Ai, f1o ... ~
,..= M",lllug

There are many different materials, such as limbers,

steel, as well as aluminu m. 10 be used 10 make a
0 ______ _ ,;(:1 0<J
c' W LIldo",' fnm.

window frame and/or 1\ sash fra me. In this ch apter,

we will conccnlralc' 0n the window design usmg
aluminum ex trusions. As all windows arc similar to Fig. 7.2 A vertical section of a window for a residential
each ot her in one way or another, there are not many de"elopment in Hong Kong. Rain water is forced \0
different alumin um sections that are used for window drop off the head of the window by the dripping line
design. II may wonll you as a window contraCLQr [0 there. The upper joint between the sash and the window
check with aluminum ex trude rs fo r the sections you frame is prolected by a canopy-like cover. However,
want 10 design. You may very probably save [he weep holes provided on the front wall of the sill section
money for new dies for the extrusions if you design had failed this watertight system.
your window to the maximum use of [he exist ing
dies. Fig.7.Z shows the top and bottom sections of a
ty pical window with typical gasket pocket, weep
holes anti sealant and gasket joints etc. Window
7.1 Typical Window Sections frames are fixed to concrete mechanically with metal
lugs . The gap betwee n the frame and the concrete is
We have discussed the ucsign o f window sections in sealed with ce ment grollting. A dripping line is
provided at the window head to avoid water
chapter 4. We will discuss here only the several


COtJI$& NOles Ofl ClJItam W all Oesigo WILSON Cuna;n Wall Consultant (HK) lid.

permeation thro ugh the top of the window (Fig.7.2).

Missing the dripping line at the window head is one
of the reasons for the waler permeation through Ihe
top of windows. Water stain will be usually seen al
interior al Ihe lOp of the window if tht: wawr
permeation happens .
A problem with Ihis design should be noted
which is that the weep holes for window sills
( Fig.7.2) are designed 10 face the front . As was
discussed earlier. the space in the window sill is
almost pressure equalized with the pressure in Ihis
space to be equal 10 Ihe oUlside air press ure if Ihe
holes are large enough. However, as Ihe weep hole is OU..lde
facing front and there is no canopy li ke fac ilit y 10
protectlhe hole againsl rain water, waler can gel inlO Fig. 7.3 $ub-frame~ for a window are clipped 10 the
Ihc pressure-equalized space lell-ding to the exterior main frame (mullion or transom). and then locked in
gasket by·passed by the rain watcr through the weep place with screws.
hole. and a two water barrier system becomes a one
barrier system. 95% apartme nts of that rl!Sidentiai
development were complained faT water leakage
Screw hole below Wiler level
during a nO.10 typhoon and duri ng black rain signals
in 1999..
Fig.7.3 shows how window sub-frames are fixed 0"" -----.....\ Screw

onto the mai n frame (a mullion). The two sub-frames

next 10 the mull ion are dipped to the mullion and
the n locked in place with screws. There is sealam on o Outside
the front of the joint between the sub-frame and the o
mullion. Such a joint will nOI leak water should the o
workma nship be good. However, a second sub -frame o
onto the tim sub-frame is fo und 10 be si mply clipped
to Ihe first sub-frame without any screw 10 fix it
lightly. The tolerance w ithin the clips will allow the Screw hole above water level
second sub--frame to rOlate a little and will open the
joint at "Joint A" caus ing water leakage. Such design
aCCQums fo r many water leakage through windows
during typhoons. When the screws fixing the firsl
sub-frames are missing or when a design does nOI


t> .

use screws to fix the sub-frame. Ihe joint between the

sub-frame a nd the main frame may be open up under

a posit ive o r negative wind pressure. The sea lant on Outside
the front of the joinl will be gradually pulled
detached from aluminum. Waler will get in through
Ihis joinl.
Fig.7.4 shows how the screws used to fix gnlls
Onto window frame can lead to water leakage. A
window sill for a sash could contain water <luring a Fig. 1.4 Screws 10 Cix a window grill mOlY cause water
rain (the weep hole for the sill is usually blocked by leakage.
the exterior gasket·see Fig.7.5). The interiur gaskel
will keep the window watenighl. However, the screw A weep hole provided by notching the edge of a
used 10 fix the grill onto the window will penetrate transom below a sash (see Fig.7.5) is OOt very
the sill section sometimes and might cause water effective in weeping water. This is hecause that the
leakage should the water level be above the screw exterior gasket on Ihe transom edge will block the
hole. water from weeping away when the window is

0. _3

Coulse NOles on Curtain Wall Design WILSO N Curtain W aH Consultant (HK) Lid.

closed . When the window is open, the water above Can a metal lug under compression be used? Can
Ihe 3mm high edge of the transom will flow away . drive pins be under pul! out tensile forces?
The waler within the edge however, will not flow
away so easily due to the surface tension of the water Sash frame
(see Fig.7 .5). A modifi cation 10 this design may be as L-l
shown in Fig.7.6. The protruded edge of the transom ----;
below a sash is taken away by using a new extrusion
that contains no protruded edge. The gasket covering
the transom is lowered by 3mm (Fig.7.6). A lTansom
like this will still have water on its lOp when the sash
Edge of (he sill is not protruded
is in closed position (water enters the space above
the transom is nOI much as the exterior gasket will
reject most of the rain water on the sash). When the
sash is o pen however, the water stored on the lOp of
the transom will flow away immediately. The
transom wiil be dry most of the time . T here will be Transom below a sash
no water that will. increase bimetallic electrolyte
effect between the SHlinless steel hinge and the
a luminum section.

Gasket is lowered by 3 mm
Window .iIl under a ~

Fig. 7.6 An alternative design for the section of a

\ ::"00" \ window under a sash .

tS;:"~ [Example]: Calculate the metal lug for a window
of 1800mm high by 2000mm wide as shown in
~ . . _ u
Cons ider a window of l.8m high is fixed to concrete
wi th metal lugs al 300mm centers is under a positive
wind pressure 2.5kPa. Due to Ihe limit of .he
w.,.,. tev.t II the IIOIch
concrete edge distance, the pin could only be applied
0.... '0 sunK<: 'eJUion on the interior (or exterior) face of the concrete wall
(Fig.7.7). The distance from the top of the concrete
Fig. 7.5 The surface tension of water will keep the wall to the pin location is say SOmm (minimum
water stored on the top of the section below a sash in allowable edge distance-see Hilti catalog for the
place for a while before it is evaporated. pins). Find the bending sn ess in the lug. Assu me the
lug used is 2Smm wide by 1.6mm thick.

7.2 Calculation afMetal Lugs Load on each lug:

F '" 2.5kPa x (1 .8 mJ2) x O.3m

Typical fixings for \~indows include the fo llow ing: = O.67SkN = 67SN

a. Metallugs
b. Anchor bolts + steel pl.ltes, Bending moment in the lug about the drive pin:

c. Embeds + brackets. M '" 67SN x 50mm = 337S0Nmm

Calculations for embeds and ancho r bolts are the Section modulus of the lug resisting this bending:

same as discussed earlier for curtain walls . We will Wx = 25 mm x (1.6mm)2/6

discuss here the calculat io n to check the metal lugs = 10.67mm

Following questions should be answered when Bending Slrcss in the lug:

the structural calcul ation for metal lugs is conducted: <1 = MfWx '" 3164 N/mm » 150 N/mml

Course Notes Qn Cunain Wall Design W1LSON CUl1ain We.. Consul tant (H K) Ud .

The bending stress obtained in a metal lug is 20 cannOi be considered as su uctural by SD. Gro uting
times as much as it is allowed. was found failcd during a pe rformance tes~ for a big
window which was fixed solely w ith metal lugs
,.., which were applied al inlcrior side of the "concrete
wall'· which was simulated with steel I-seetien
r 1

1\ / '1


, I
Lo.d'"i " •• on' Ill<""llull
7.3 Expansion JoinL<;

There is no need 10 provide an expansio n joint for a

/ window usually. The relative movement between the
"­ Me"llug.<>ppli<d .. lOOmm",.
concrete walls above and below the window is
always assumed to be zero or so small thai the
1/ --; '\j compression or expansion o n the window can be
'*' ).00"" )ooof- JOO"" 300-" absorbed within the system. However, large windows
are now widely used in Hong Ko ng for re!iidential
buildings. Such windows can be as high as 2.0

meters and as wide as 6 melers (scc Photo 7.1) .


PhelO 7.2 shows a window wall that is 2.2m high and

is inStalled between floor slabs .

Large windows for

'I ' 160.1

• . [), • .(j
.V . 'A
_ L'> Dri~. p'n is .ppl,.,.i 1>:"

6 t. D

l l
>f ~
Wullh ~f COfICo"(l< - 100m,.,

Fig. 7.7 Metal lugs should be benef fixed with drive

pins so installed that the load on the pins is a shear
force when under a wind load.

a. One of the solutions to this problem is 10 use
rnel3l lugs on the other side (exterior side) of the
concrete wall. This may however cause wattr Photo 7.1 Large windows installed on a residential
leakage at lhe lugs locations. Another issue \0 be building in Hong Ko·ng.
noted is that the metal lugs used on the exterior side
should be very well protected with galvanization or The relative movement between the concretes above
other adequate coating. Otherwise, the lugs might bc and below the aluminum window can be as much as
rusted after several years in use. This is becaus¢ thaI 3mm (o r more) for a 2m high windo;'v due to thermal
the external face of the concrete wall is exposed to expansion and/or contraction (noticing that therma1
rain water that will cause the surface of the lugs wet expansion coefficient for aluminum is 23x lO·hm/moC
all the lime. Rusting on the lugs may cause grouting and th;)t for concrete is around 10 xlD""m/m"q,
over it to spall . deOection of floor slabs and conere,le contractions
caused by creeping or shrinkage of the concrete.
b. The cement grouting can greatly reduce the To absorb the relative movement within the
bending stress in the metal lugs. But such grout ing w indow system, the fixing fo r the mullion for the


Course Notes on Curtain WaN Design WIL.SON Cunain Wall Con~ ultanl (HK) Ltd.

A window wall of2.2 m high

Photo 7.2 A window wall installed between floor slabs

for a commercial building. The roof of a dome can be
seen covered with plastic sheets due (0 the water
leakage through this melal roof cladding system.

window thai is resting on embeds (or steel plales

fixed with anchor boil s) should be allowed to sl ip
within the mullion box. The usual metal lug fixing,
though not very slrong in resisting wind loads, can
absorb such relative movcmenl. Another thing to be
noted is the clearance between the top of the glass
panel and the window frume in which the glass is
installed. Such clearance should be large ~nou gh to
allow for a relative movement at least 2 limes of the
calculated movement.
mass panels insta.lled in a window wall in Macau
were reponed broken due to the deflection of
concrete floor slabs \\-'hich is more than the glass
clearance allowed in the design and installation.

Coul:se Notes 00 Cur1ain Wan Design WILSON Cunaln Wall Coosullant (HK) Ltd.



8.1 General This fi gure varies greatly for d iHerenl stOnes. Actual
values should be obtained from te..<;ting to, say,
Slone claddi ng panels may be mechan ically fixed ASTM C880 or ASTM e99.
onlo concrete walls aT be simpl y plastcred OntO the Safety factor used for stone. design is usuall y 3.
wall with say cemenl/sand mix ture. In this chapter, Thcrefore, allowable bending sirength of sto nes
we will d iscuss those stone cladding systems fixed a(allowable) = (ou,)J3.
with mechanical fixings . wh ere ou, is the averag~ ultimate bending (tensile)
strength determi ned by the stone tests.
The safety facto r used 10 determine th ~ allowable
8.2 Stone Data stresses depends on the sampling of the testing. A
larger safely fac tor is req uested by BD, if less than
The stoncs used for cladding on concrcte walls in 10 samples_are tested and/or Ihe standard deviation
Hong Kong are usually granite, marble. limestone of the lesting results is signiti canl.
and sandstone . Their physical and mechanical
properties are listed below: A llow able shear stresses of stones
Hong Kong Buildings Department allows only
a. Specific weight (similar to alumin um and glass): O.9M Pa as the allowable shear stress for graniles.
Specific weight of natural stone is from 2500kg/nr' An often used empirical formula 10 get the
3 J
10 2700kg/m • You may use 3000kglm · for ut!au allowable shear stress for slOnes is T.IJ =
o~,15. A
loading calculations as suggested in BS 8298. shear suess teSI for the stone 3t anchorag~ should be
Test to ASTM C97 ';Standard Test Method lor carried out to determine accuTately the ultimate shear
Absorption a nd Bulk Specific Gravity of Dimension stress at the brackets fixin gs.
Stone" can be carried out to determine the specific
weight of the stonc. Ulti mate compressive stress of stones.
Ooc = 120MPa 10 250MPa »0",
b. Thermal expansion coefficient (Table 13 of BS which is a lot greater than the ultimate tensile stress
8298): of the stones.
Thermal expansion coefficient for different slOnes:
Limestones: 3x10·.. mJmoC \0 lOx 10"" m/moC d. Argumen ts about the allowable stresses ror
Sandstones: 7x lO-i> m/moC to 12xlO.... m/moC s lones determined by tests .
Granites: 8xlO""" m/moC 10 lOx10-6 m/moC BS 2846 parI 3 ';Stalistical inlerpretUlion of data"
Marbles: 3x l 0·" m/mo C 10 15xlO~ m/moC (althoug h a general standard) can be used to give the
tolera nce range for testing data hased on the teslS for
Notici ng again the thermal expansion coefficient I,), the ulti mate stresses on limited numbt!f of stone
concrcle of dense gravel aggregate is lOx to"" m!m~C samples. When the lower limit of say 95%
10 14xlO- mlm"C. confidence for a proportion of 95 Q (: is 10 be to und,
Anificial slO ne panels will usually I!xpallll mort: the lower li mit of thc stone stress will be the:: mean
lhan the natural stones and concrelc. Their thermal from the limi ted tests minus a [actor (k-faclO r) times
expansion coeffi cient is dominat~d by the resin used the standard deviation. This is II lower limit and can
to produce s uch artificial stone pancis. he therefore used as the allowable stress with the said
confi dence level and pro portion. One may also
c. Ultimate stresses and allowable stresses of
define an allowable stre.'>s by dividing the average
stones :
ulti mate stress from the tests by a safety factor
The ultimate tensile bending slress for slOn~s:
(usually 3105 fo r granites depending on the number
au, -lDM Pa



CO\.I"e NOle, 00 cunaln Wan Design WILSON Qmain WaiL Consuhant (HI<) LId.

of the specimens Ihat was tested). The smaller the Table 8.2 Safety faclor for the determination of
number of tests, the larger the safelY factor should be. allowaOLe snear Slress for stones at anchorag:e
Some consultants or engineers may ask 10 define Variation Gran ite Marble and Limestone
an allowable stress by dividing the lower limit with a within each Travertine
safety fac tor (of 3 10 5). This is do uble safet y. The subgroup
allowable stress such de[ined w ill be far 100 small from
and the design will be 100 conservative. A avera!;!c
compromise could be using a usual safety faclo r such <10% 4.5 6.0 7.5
as 1.5 if s uch a formula with lower limit used as the
average stress is requested 10 be used to define <20% 6.0 7.5 9.0
allowable st resses.
>20% S.O 10.0 12.0
Safety factors dcnned by the Hong Kong
Architectural Services Department (ASD)
Based on ASD' General Specifications clause 16.52 e. E lastic modulus:
and 16.77, the allowable bending suenglh Or shear Elastic modulus (E·value) of stones (I cannot fi nd the
stress for preliminary design shall not be more than E·value fo r sto nes from books. As the stone panels
1. 7MPa for gra nite, l.lMPa for marble and O.92MPa uscd are of bi g thickness, such E·value can be
for limestone. Fin al design shall be based on the test assumed infinite as the deflections of stones arc very
results and the safety factors given below. low, and sto ne \v ill break before it will apparently
Average ult imate slrength for SlOnes shall be bend).
determined based on tests on minimum 20 specime ns A formula suggested in a book "Design o f
composed of 4 subgroups. Each group comains 5 Masonry Structures" gives the following estimation
specime ns which are the stone pieces c ut from 5 for the elastic modulus
different quarry Sjone blocks. Average for each =
E 7000c
group sho uld be calculated based on the testing where o. is 75 % of the ultimate compressive Stress
results. T he minimum average value of the 4 groups (o~) .
should be used to determine the allowable bending Assuming that the 75% uilimate compressive
stress for the stone design. The safety factor to be StTCSS of granitc is lOOMPa, the E·value of granite
adopted to determine the allowable st ress is as listed should be around:
in Table 8.1 below: Eg ... 70000 MPa
which is similar to aluminum.
Table 8.1 Safet), factor for the determination o f
8110waOle oenOln2. stress [Or slOnes f. Minimum thickness
Variation Granite Marble and Limestone Minimum thickness p f the stone panels to be used as
within each T ravertine cladding has been specified in Table 4 of BS 8298.
subgroup This thickness range (rom 20mm 10 40mm is
from dependent on the way the ston e is fixed and also the
location where the stone panel is installed. For mote
3.0 4.0 5.0 details, please refer to this as standard .

<20% 4.0 5.0 6.0

8.3 Typical Fixings for Stone Panels
:>20% 6.0 7.0 8.0
a. K>!rf bracket (butterfly bracket)
Fig. S.l shows two types of bUlierfl y brackets used to
Similarly, the ultimate shear strength of the s tone at fi x slone pane ls. One characteristic for such bracket
anchors should also be determined based o n testing is Ihat the wind loads from the stone pane ls above
results. SafelY factors to be adopted to determin e tlie a nd below the brac ket are balanced on the bracket so
allowable 'shear stress of the stone at the anc~onlge that the bending moment in the bracket is minimized.
are listed in the Table 8.2. When it is the last stone panel at the bollom (or the
top) of an eleval ion, the fi xing for il will be a U·
shape bent bracket as shown in Fig.8.2a if the


COU[S~ Notes on Cu rt llin W all Desi gn W ILSON Curtain W all Con$u ~ant (HK) Ud.

concrete reaches its end, or as shown in Fig.8.2b if wi I.l be chipped off if dead .load o f a stone is.
the concrete conti nues . s upported at Ihe joi nt and the edge is sharp. It is
noted that the shearing area resisting the dead lo ad al
the ed ge is d ose \0 l.ero.
Fig.8.2a shows a fixing 10 a stone panel that
Sim in <too<! reaches the lOp of the concrete. Due to the

~" ; ~t:'OOh
req uirement for an edge diSiance of the installation of
the anc hor bo it , tbe bracket can o nly be installed
/, somewhere below the concrete top. T herefort, (he
fixing point On the SLone panel has to be also

,., ~ "K'. \>eM <>1\ sit< 10 >1 low,bl.

101' inslJll1!ion 101~11Inc.
somewhere below the stone lOp. To achieve the
fixin g, a 30° bcnt bolt is embedded in a hole drilled
on the back of the stone panel with epoxy (or cement
grouti ng or structural silicone sea lant).

To? Qfthc .DOC,e'" WI\\

... boll b(,r.1J tr'
i , cmbedtd in ,11< ,,_ ... ie. cplllY
c..m, Slone p1nd

• e=du]~

.' "~"'
_. ,
" ~II(
10.'Slone . n .hoo", lI,tss
-. , hll
Wu/l<l ",.lcicd to
• >

n 4 /1
Half.n .!wlllel and Halfen boll
f'i 4L, ~~"'

I S em:ltd .urface
10 allow fo: insuliatiOrt IOIt:rmu:C ,., U'Sb;ope~~' 1


Fig. 8.1 Butterfl y brackets to fix stone panels. Upper:

the bracket is bent on site to match the installation
lolerance; lower: the bracket is composed of two pieces
HalfeJ> ch...'II'ld

bolted together on site. A sIal hole in one of the IWO
bracket pieces will allow fo r the installation tolerance. <"-iF
SIms are cut in {he stone on its top and bottom to
allow the bracket to be inserted in. Ho\vever, the •
stone panel at the slot edge is o f a 90 sharp co mer • S,rn1<d Sur i."" .. ".<\ a StOI
while the bracket is bent to a 90° anglc with a small 1O.tIIovo I'll:' the inruJlariO<ltok~

intemal radi us (usually 1 to 2 mm-Fig.8.1 a), Ihis

sharp edge may touch the bracket. A high shear
stress will be induced at this sharp edge of the stone
Fig. 8.2 One side bent bracket is ustd when the Stone
and can damage the stone although such damage is cladding system reaches its 101' or ha llam.
invisible aCler installation. To avoid this happen, a
ru bber pad should be p ut under the stone between the b. Pins
Stone and the bracket to avoid such stress Fig.8.3 shows two fix ing details using sta inless steel
concentratio n (Fig.S. l a). pi ns. T he bracket-pin system in Fig.8.3a is adequate
V-joint is a 45 0 CUI to the stone edge ( Figs.8. 1b for a fi xing takes wind load on l y~. {Note: W hen the
and 8.2b) to avoid shear failure of the stone at the dead load (vertically downward) o ( the stone panel is
edges. Such joint is necessary when the stone panels suppon ed by {he pin as shown in Fig.8.3a, the load
are in contact w ith each ot her al the joint. T he edges will induce a rotation of the L-shape bracket that is



Co! NOles on Cortain Wall Design W ILSON Curtain Wall Consu~anl (HK) Ud.

resisted by friction between the anchor boll and thc Calcul:ltions for pins should chcck the detlection o j'
brackel (and a lso bctween the bracket and the the pin, and this deflection should be less than the
concrete). If the L-bruckct does rotate, it will touch lolerance \vithin the pin hole. Sealant should he filled
the stone panel on its s ide, and the stone panel should in the hole in the stone where Ihe pin is inserted to
resist th is momen! of rotation. ] avoid di rcct contact of the pin to the edge of the
Fig.8.3b shows a pin-bracket system that takes stone hole. The calculation should also check the
both tbe wind load and Ihe dead load on the stone shear stress in the shearing arCa of the stone at such
panel. The pins that are put through a hole in the L­ pins and the bending stress of the pin. For more
shape bracket will resist thc horizontal wind load on fi xing design details, please refer to BS 8298.
the stone panels above and below the bracket while A common mistake in design a stone cladding
the L-bracket wi ll support the dead load fro m thc system using pins is that the structural calculation
panel. checks the shear stress in the pin only. As we know,
this stress is usually least critical.
PhOio 8.1 shows a spalling of a granite pam:l at a
pin fixing. Th is is possibly caused by a workman
ship problem.

a) A pin tpat takes wind load only

" "~

Photo 8.1 A crack in a slOne panel at a pin fixing .

c. Bent bolts
S cnt bolts (u:>ually bent to 30° to 45 °j embed In a
stone panel with usually epoxy or sealant can be
considered as structural (mechanical) li xing. The
b) Pins lake the wind load and calculatiun for such bent bol t is similar 10 that for
the L-shape bracket supports dead load pins. Fig.8.2a shows a typical fixing detai l using the
ben! boll.

Fig. 8.3 Brackets usin g pins to fix stone panels d. Bent stainless steel plates
(extracted from BS 8298). Bent plates can resist bot h the dead load and thl:
wi nd load from stone panels. To slip off the plale, the
Pins are not encou raged to be used to (1)[ stone panels stone needs to slip upward by several mm which is
by many fa~adc cpnsullants in Hong Ko ng. This is not possi ble due to the restriction from the dead load
possibly.due to the scction area of the pin 1S sma ll of the panel and the bracket on the lap. A typical
compared with other fixings. The load from · the pin such bent plate fixing can be found in Fig.8.4 which
on the stone cou ld concentrate at the edge of the is extracted from 858298.
stone should the pin be bent much. When the buncrfly bracket is fa vored by slone
cladding engineers (due to the fact that the fo rces

-) 81
Course NOtt!5 on Curtain Wall Des ign WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Ltd.

from above and below the bracket are bal anced f. Sett!ng pads
inducing minimum moment on the bracket), fo r the When a Slo ne pane l sits on a bracket, Ihe cootact area
locations where concrete wall reaches its tOp or between Ihe Slone and the bracket could be very
bollom the installation of the lOp or hallam bUlIerfly small (close to zero) if Ihe benl corner of the brackel
bracket is impossible (Fig.8.2a). T he bent bolt or the is touching the stone edge at a sial (Fig.8.2) . This is
one·way bent plate brackets are used which can because that the bent corner is o f a ro und shape and
allow the bracket to be inserted into the Slo ne al the the stone edge is o f a 90° sharp comer. Using a
locations off the tOp or bo\lom concrete edges . Bent rubber or plastic sening pad of 2rum thick can avo id
brackels are usually bent on site to match the the hard contact between the stone and the stai nless
inSlldlation tolerance of the Slo ne panels. steel ( Fig.S.2a) and therefor e, avoid the chipping-off
of the stone edge.
e. O tbers

For other fixings, please refer to BS 8298.

[Exercisej-Cnlculati on for a typical stone panel
fixed with typical brackets Fig.8.S
Bent bracket slotted in stone Find the Slone panel of IOOOmm x ISOOmm x 30mm
fi lled with cement grouting or epoxy thick fi xed with fo ur kerf brackets. Wind p ressure is
or structural silicone sealant -l.68kPa, specific weight of the sto nc is 26kN/m"3,
allowable bending stress of Ihe slOne is 3.0MPa a nd
allownblc s~ar stress of the stone is O.9MPa.
Determine the size of the bracket and the diameter of
the bent bol! o Check whether the slone panel
thickness is adequate.

Anchor bolt
Kcrfbntcket Kerfbr.lcket

o 0

Anchor bolt 9 9
/ :"~'i:'J.
~: "'-~-'.;,·~?~.;':'l.
'" ..
:tji?: '4,,'t-gf;"~ ~
f ISOO i
/ .~ .7... : . . .: --.."" ~. ­
.• ~ Oli·- flb ' "
j1~.", " .• ' t;:~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ...
' yO
_~ .;.,~. ...."a p•• f ig. 8.5 A stone panel Ihat is fi xed with four bUHerny
?;-,;'"'V'k:!.... brackets.
l'~ ,~ .

/ ". Check bendini stress in Ihe stone
Unifo rm load o n the slone panel
q ",,1 .5m x 1.68kPa
Ben! bracket sloned in stone = 2.52kN/m=2.52N/m m
filled with cement grouting or epoxy
or structural silicone sealant Bending moment in the stone panel is (Fig.8.S)
M =qe / 8
(b) '" 2.52 N/mm x (lOOOmm/ 18
Fig. 8.4 Bem brackets can be used to fix stone panels
by inserting them into the stone panels. Seclion modulus of the stone ra nel under bending
Wx = 1500mm x (30mmt /6


Coorse Notes pnoClK1aln Wall Desilln WILSON CurtaIn Wal! Con,ultant (HK) Ud.

, ..
. ,
=22s000mm J
Bending stress in the Slone
r " .....' . a..dct

l> (J =- MfWx::: 1.4 N /mm1 < 3.0 N/mml

,d '4' '"
" '

[Comment: This calculation has assumed

bending of the stan\! is about thl! largest span
sOwini cf:~.
between supports. A formula for a beam is used
instead of that for four-point supported panel. The s_

results will over estimate the bending stress.


Cbeck shear stress in the stone at the bracket fixjn&

Stone will fail at a sheari ng area as shown in Fig.8.6.

,1 \ ';e~l;
The weakest section in a Slone is thaI al 45 oblique
10 the loading direction where the shear Stress
reaches the maximum. [It should be DOled thai ,
different engineers might usc different formulas !O
estimate the shearing area. The form ula used in the
calculation below is one o f the form ulas usua lly used
in checking shear Stress..When a stone anchorage test --r;; ...... ~
has been conducted for a Slone fixing, the shearing
area used to calculate the ultimate shear sn ess in the
stone lest report should be the same as the one used
'" ~ '"
in the structural calculalion.j
Fig. 8.6 Shearing area o f a slOne panel at a bracket
Area of the stone unde r shearing fi xing.
A 10mm x 16.97mm x 2 + 0.5 x (70mm +
94mm) x 12mm / 00545° a. Such fixin gs should allow for the installation

= 1731mm1 tolerances (+/-250101 along any direction)

The brackets for slone cladding system can be fixed

Shearing fo rce o n Ihe Slo ne atlhe brackellOca1ion to concrete walls wit h HaJfen C hanne ls. The brackets

Fh :::: 1.68kPa x 1.0m. x 1.5m /4 = 0.63kN can also be fi xed w ith anchor boilS. As wind load o n

a bracket thllt fi xes a stone panel is usuaUy smaller

Shear stress in the stone than that used to fix a cU.Tlai n wall system, the strong

T = FhJA = 0.364 N/mml < 0.9 N/mml e mbeds used in cunain walls can be replaced with

anchor bolts which can be applied at a later Mag~

It is adequate to use tHe 30mm thick granite with the after the concrete is poured and can be applied wj[h

permissible strength given above. o.k. morc freed om for installation.

The calculation for the bracket is similar to that

for curtain waUs and will therefore not be repeated b. Calculation :

here. Calculations for s uch fixings are the same as what

we have discussed earlier for curtain walls (please

refer to Chapter 4).

8.4 Fixings to CQncrete: Anchor Bolts or

Embeds? ..
8.5 Will Mid-Spa n Support Reduce the
In the above section, we have discussed about the Bending Stress in a Stone Panel?
brackets used to fix stone panels. In this section we
will discuss the way to fix the brackets onto concrete Calculations find a stone panel of 30mrn thick and of
walls. The fixing system for the fixing o f the a span of L=3000mm under bending fail s before il is
brackets to concrete walls should satisfy Ihe denected by 11.25 mm.


Course Noles on Curtain W alt Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HI<) Ud.

Calc lliation~
~ - 8.6 Installation Tolera nces
Load on the panel of say lOOOmm wide:
q . = l.68kPa x LOrn = l.68kNfm (N/mm) Design of a stOne fixin g system should allow fo r
.installatio n lolerabces of usually +/-25mm in all ine
Moment'in the stone panel of 1m wibe: directions (up/dowo,. backlfDrth and" lefl/right). The .
M '= qLIIB = 1.68N/mm x (3~rnm)218.
toleJance is provided "{ithin the bracket and tfie ~ •.
. = 1.89 x 1O~ Nmm .
anchor bolt (or e m.b.«?~) :

Section modulus I
Wx ::: 1000 x 30 2/6 = 1.5 x 105 mm l 8.7 Expansion Join lS
Bending stress in the stone pa nel There are relative movements belween the stone

= =
ob MlWx 18.9 Nmm/1.Smml
eladding system and the concrete wall behind it.

= 12.6 N /m m2
These movements can be caused by many reasons

> to.OMPa (ultimate strength),

suc h as Ihermal expansion and/or contractio n,

Stone will break. concre te creeping etc. Following are the causes for

the movement of stone panels relative to the concrele

Moment of inertia of the stone panel of I m wide

walls behind the s to ne pan~ ls:

I = lOOOmm x (30mm)3 /12

= 2.25xl0~ mm~
3, Thermal expansion strain

Therma l expansion coefficients for concrete and for

Deflection of the stone panel stones are different. So arc the temperatures of these

5 = 5 x (1.68 N/mm) x (3000mm/ / 384 x two materials. When under sunshine, the stone panel

70000 N/m m2 x 2.25xI0" mm~ will be healed q uicldy while the concrete will still be

= 1l.25mm at a temperature that is relatively low. A stone panel.

which is under s unshine can be warmer Ihan the

When allowable stress of the stone is 3.0MPa, the concrele which is covered by Ihe sto ne panels.

deflection of this 3000mm long slone panel will T herefore , there will be relative movements between

deflect at this allowable stress by ' 2.68mm under a the stone and lhe concrete. When such relative

wind pressure of only O.4kPa. moveme nt (Ihermal strain)' is restricted by say

When the dimension of the sto ne panel i~ smaller, brackets, thermal Slrcss will be induced within Ihe

the panel will deflect even less when the bending stone panels . The value of the. strain can be the

stress has reached the allowable stress. When such difference in coeffi cicms limes Ihe maximum

deflectio n is lmm o r less, the mid·span support temperature va riation (say 50 0c).

which could be installed at a tolerance of Imm or

more will not be in the supporting status. Worst thing b. Concr ete shrin kage strain

that could happen is that the mid-span support does Due to the loss o f moisture in the concrete (0.01 % or

touch the stone panel under a wind load, but the lOOxlO.(; see BS 8110 page 4/8), concrete will shrink

suppon alone of the lWo ends is no\. Then the panel in quite a few years after JX>ured. The amouni o(

is actually unde r a cantilever supporting conditio n shrinkage depends on the age of the concrele and the

which gives a higher bending slress in Ihe slone than water content in Ihe original concrete ele when Ihe

(or the minimum the sa me bending stress as) tWo stone panels are inslalled.

side support will give.

The Hong Kong Buildings Department does c, Elastic deform ation (under compression for

accept mid-span support 10 reduce the superficial walls or columns, under bending for floor slabs) :

bending stress in the s tone panel of a long span. As This could be insignifica nt for a concrete column o r

designers for the stone fixing , you should check the a vertical wall as addition of Ihe weight of the stone

deflection yourselves and make sure the installation panels is minor compared with the weight of the

tolerance is within the deflection range befo re 8 building. The elastic deformation (compressions) of

failure might happen to the sto ne pane\. A rubber a concrete wall or a column can be calculated as 6.e ""

Iype gasket (spacing pad) between the bracket and o/Ec where a is the compressive stress due to the

the stone panel can help to distribute the load on add itional weight from the stone panels; Ec is the

brackets more evenly and smoothly.


. Course MItes on Curtain W all Design W tLSON Curtail) Wall Cpn sult8nt (HK) l.!:d.


, I .
...- \"'~'.
: . ~"-
..... . elaslic
,.. . . OI()du1us of the conc.reLe-an.d /1e is the:·elastic "
- ; ~
:" ,: .::..' '~.' stram. .
;. '. '
.: ~. , ­
.... ..: ... ~~ ,.
:. ' '-.
.::~;. .,: ' .. ':I':~{ .
. ,"'" d. Concrete creep - ._ :~

• • •• " \ )
. ­
<, ~~
"."': :~
'This can be calcu lated using the 'fmffiula on page 45 "

of "The Struct ural Use of Concrete-19B7, Hong

Kong". I.e. /1ce = fe x 4I1Ec

where $ ::: KI Km K9 Ke Kj Ks

in which Kl from Fig.4.1e,

K.m from Fig.4 .lf

Kc fTom Fig.4.1 b
Ke from Fig.4.1 g
Kj from Fi g.4.1d

Ks 1/( I +AsEsiAcEc)
where As and Es are the area and the elastic modulus
of the steel reinforcement and Ac and Ec are the area
and the elastic modulus of the concrete.
After obtaining ;the strains. we can simply sum
them up to get a resultant strain AIOlal (usually in lhe
order of lOOOxlO-t. mJm o r say Imm for every 1 m
height). For a stone panel of lOOOmm high , the
movement relat ive to the structure is Imm. We can
provide a joint of 2mm (safety factor of 2) wide to
allow for the movement. If the joi nt is flllcd with
sealant, we may assumc an 25% a llowable
elon gation or cOn!rac tio n. Therefore, 4mm expansion
joint is needed.
It should be nOled thai the width of the join!
between stone panels (Fig.S.l a) does not have to be
Ihe width of the expansion join!. This is ·because thai
the moveme nl allowed w ithin a joint is actually the
gap width between the bracket and the stone which is
the joi nt width minus the thiCkness of the bracket
(Fig.B. l).

CO\lfSO Noles on CLinain Wall Duign W ILSON Cutlain Warl Con$ultant (HI<") Url.



Metal cladding systems on a building arc the metal more reasonable calculation should calculate the
panels fixed onlO the concrete walls of the building panel as a panel supported along all its fo ur sides.
with various mechanical fixing systems. Mo;:tal Rotation of the panel' s fo lded edges can be estimated
panels are also used to coveTa roof of a b.uilding. accurately by assuming a si mply supported panel
under a uniform load and the bent edge is always a
90° angle.
9.1 Fixings for Metal Cladding Systems

There are many different methods 10 fix mO;:lai 9.3 Panels Hung on a Frame Should Have a
c1addings. Two most commonly used methods arc i} Locking System to Avoid Uplift
fi xing of metal panels onto a metal fra me with
screws and ii) fixi ng using hooks to hook a panel Again let us check the aluminum panel hooked onto
onto a frame behind. MlO bolts as shown on Fig.9.l. This hook is locked
Due to several mistakes made in the slTuctural by the weighl of the panel and by a screw on the
calculations for several metal cladding systems thut upper end of the panel (Fig.9.1). When th e panel
were installed in Hong Kong. failures had happened reaches the top of the concrete waU, it was supposed
to these metal cladding systems during typhoons . In LO he locked by the screw on the top (Fig.9.3).
this chapter, we will discuss mainly about the However, as the fi xing for Ihe panel inslalled
fai lures in different projects the author was invited to horizontally on the top of the concrete wall was
investigate and to provide comments. under-designed (Fig.9.3), the paner was lifted up and
blown off the building by a negative wind pressure
during a typhoon, noticing that the lOp panel was
9.2 Calculation Should Include Local Buckling designed to be fi xed with totally 8 screws at hs fOUT
corn<.!rs while the panel size was 1.2m hy I.Im. The
Fig.9.1 shows a metal cladding system us ing design negative wind pressure for the top panel is
aluminum panels to cover a concrele wall. As can be 7.7 kPa. T he side panel n~xt to it (Fig.9.3) was also
seen from the figure, each panel is hooked ontO four lifred off the hooks and blown off the build ing
MIO bolts. The panel at the hook (M lO boli) location together with this top panel. The remedial work
is under 11 compressive ben ding stress when under suggested by the author was to rein fo rce the top
wind pressures. The structural calcu lation for this panel (to reduce ilS deflection), and to fi x it with
design did not check the local buckling of the hook. more screws . Th e contractor was al so asked 10 lix the
Act ually the local buckJing effeci is very significant sidt: panel to the x-section mullion independently
for this hook which is 3mm thick only but II mm from the top panel.
deep and 11 mm high (Fig.9.2). The buckling
becomes worse when the panel itself deforms.
The aluminum panel is bent (folded) on all the 9.4 Installation Toleran ces When Halfen
four sides. The structural calculation by Ihe Channels Are Used
contractor for Ihis metal claddi ng system has
assumed the panel to be a section with a very long What Fig.9.1 shows is a Iypical design fOT a metal
bOllam web (Fig.9.2). The section modu lus of this cladding system. Aluminum panels are hung on M 10
"section" will of course be much larger Ihan the sis bolts which are bolted onto aluminum mullions (a
panel when it is considered as a plate. The n-shape section· see also Fig.9 .3).
calculation using a section assumption should check Checking the design fo und the following
the local buckling for lhat 1200mm long web. A problems with the design:


Cour$e NOles 00 CurtaifO Wall Design W ILSON Curtain Wall Consultant lHK) Ltd .

I ,

, ­ ''
Bracket- (steel-angle)

. I .,""
/ - .

-. ..,;;
, .


I, ~ g

i I

~~ - ~
-- - -- - - -- -


Detail C
~ .dJ: ' ~! \-Screw locking !.he panel 10 avoid up-lift

ii - shape mullion
, Hal fen Channel and Halfen bolt
Hook notched in the panel

3 mm thick aluminum panel

Detail B

Fig. 9.1 A metal cladding sySlem Ihal failed in a wind pressure (4.2kPa). A structural test found the
typhoon. Aluminum panels of 3mm thick are' of a hook would bend 0150% design wind load (2.1kPa).
dimension of 1.2m by 1.2m with no reinforcements on It should be nOied that the alumi num panel
(he ba~k: The panels were hung on bolls with hooks without reinforcement would deform so much under
thai were of 3mm thick aluminum. a wind pressure o f say 2 .1kPa (50% design pressure)
thai the hook of Ihe panel at the M (0 bolt would
a. The aluminum panel at Ihe hook is on ly 3mm rotate under the 50% design wind pressure leading 10
{hick, but is 11mm deep and 11 mm long (Fig.9.2 nnd the load on Ihc hook be inclined and tend more 10
Fig.9. 1). Calculation for Ihis hook by the author buckle . A calculation can be conducted to check the
found it would buckle when under negative design

) 87
COurse Noles an Curtain Wall Oesign WILSON Cun31n Wall CoI\$U~anl (HIQ Ud.

deflection of this panel by using the Timoshenko

-'k--- noo
formul as slated in Chapter 2 of this book.
h. The COnlr8C[Or calculated lht! aluminum panel ""
assuming that il is a section but w itho Ui cons idering
the local buckling. The panel :wou ld buckle !II the
long web of this "sectio n" under the design wind
pressure. Actually. Ihis panel will bend more as a
fou r-side simply suppon ed plale than as a two-side
suppon ed section.

c. No installation tolerance was allowed by Ihis
design . A 12mm wide gap between the panels
(Fig.9.l) was j ust marginally enough for the hoolting.

Panel deflect!! so much tha~
When this horizontal gap was less than 12mm which M 10bol1
would happen, due to the installation tolerance. there
would be not enough space for the installation. T here
s ho uld be no problem for installation if Ihe panels ille
installed fro m bonom up (or lOp down). However,
when the panels are installed from bmh directions of
tOp down and bottom up, or when a pand needs \0 be
replaced, this space specified in the design would be
not enough. The hook was fo und nOlchl!d off at many
loc3\ions for the install ation when thl! comraclOr was II
installing alo ng both direction.s 10 accelerate their H
install ation. Two panels were blown off dUlil'S a ,,& / MIO bolt
no.3 typhoon. $everaJ ol her panels were observed
disengaged at their hooks.
Fig. 9.4 shows the design for a similar aluminum
panel system. The panel size is even larger (1250mm
wide by 3875mm high) and each panel was fixed
~ i l h 6 hooks along its longer sidl!s. The pand was
c:=t!!" 1"

calculaled again assuming that the panel is aU-share

section. No buckling was checked . Two panels wcrl!
blown of[ the building during a typhoon in
19'99. T he calculation {or this panel should consider Fig. 9.2 T he 3mm thi..:k hook of an aluminum panel is
iI as an aluminum flat panel supported along two hooked onto an M 10 bolt. The hook was twisted under
sides notici ng the big aspect ratio (H/a) of the panel a wind pressure which is less than design wind pressure.
which is more than 3 (=3875mmll25Dmm).... A
section detail for Ihe vertical joint between the panels The pa nels were taken dOWn and reinforced with
is also shown in the figure. As can be seen, the aluminum box sections (glued on the back of the
1250mm wide by 3mm thkk aluminum panel is panel horizontally with structural sealant) al 500mrn
fixed 10 two aluminum angles (3mm thick) along Ihe centers. These reinforcemenl hoxe.s were fixed with
bot h long sides with stud bolts. The angle is then aluminum angles to a box section installed along the
hooked onto MI D stainless steel bolts whieh are vertical sides o( the paneL The box sections along the
bolted to a Ii -section mu llion. The ,-r - mullion is verrical sides were fixed 10 the aluminum angles
further fixed to GMS brackets (li-::!hdpC or angle along the panl.!! skks With structural sealant and
shape) with M8 bolts. screws (Fig.9.5). For pleC<lUt io-n. an aluminum
segmenl of angl e shape is screwed 10 the panels sides
Re.m edial works first, and then fi xed 10 the back of the ,7 -mullion
Remedia l work should reinforce the panel 10 reduce with screws. For detai ls of the remedial design.
the huge deformation of the panel and should also please refer 10 the Fig.9.5. As a result of this
ensure that Ihe fixing of the panel is strong enough to remed ial work, the new hook is actually 7mm thick
avoid the panels being blown off the building. (4mm thick of the section + 3mm origi nal aluminum
angle) inslead of the original 3mm Ihick (see Fig.9.S).


•.-- ~-'--~-~------------
Course Notes Of\ ~l1ain Wall Oesign .'
WIlSON Curtain wan Consultam (HK) LId.
. :.
-, "
...­ ., ";".:
":" .-<.

.. · ~ ~ 'j:lie.. bending of· I~'e

panel is greatly rl!$luced du~ (0 reduce thc·,v.ater penelration to the spaoe beh'iJ1Q the
. 1he s~ppor t fro m the reinforccr:JH;ntS 01\ the back of panch. . '. . .
,.. lhe'Panei (at 500mm c/c). This modified panel design
was proved structurally sound by a performance test .-'."...
under a load up to 1.5 limes design wind pressure 9.5 Panels Fixed Around Its Edges with Scre~r '.
(6.3 kP,).
Fig.9.7 shows a typical fi xin g detail for a metal panel
TOp po.r>el fox ed ontQ fixcd with screws . The panel can be either bem inlo
• .,...1f./Igle Ol four CQmeB
an S-sbape edge or be bent as shown and further
fixed with aluminum angles. The joinl is filled with
n.'._ ' .".~
....... undet design«!
,r"'. silicone sealant which is applied over a rectangular
.' ......
-, " backing rod . The sealant thickness will be uniform.
Thi s is compared with the joint shown in Photo 5.1
where a round backing rod is used and the thickness
of the sealant at the center of the joim is thinner Ihan
at the sealant near edges of the joint (Photo 5. 1).
, Calculation checking the screws should incl ude a
check for the tensile force induced by the moment at


the edges. T he ' prying action will induce an extra
tensile force in the screw which is very often
overlooked in structural calculations.
Structural calculation for the screw should also
, , chec k for ils pull out shear stresses al the screw hole
." (sec section 6.4 of this course notes) as well as Ihe
usual tensile and shear stresses.
The bending of the aluminum angle aboul point B
(Fig.9.7) should also be checked.

" • ..:ction mullion

9.6 Metal Roof Claddings

The fixing detail in Fig. 9.7 has also been used to fix
Fig. 9.3 An isometric view of a metal cladding system the metal panel all roofs. The only matter 10 be
near the lap of a concrete w all . worried is the water leakage through the joint
between the panels and through the screw holes. A
Fig.9.6 displays anomer metal panel system s imilar direct solulion is 10 seal the joint with silicone
10 the above twO systems. Horizontal and vertical sealant. HoweVt:r, as we know, sealant will age hnd
aluminum reinforcements Bre fi xed o nlo the can detach from the metal panel leading to water
alumi nu m panel (3000mm wide by 1200mm high by leakage after the roof is in use for several years. The
4mm thick) wilh stud bolts fi rst. Hook bolts are fixed gravit), of water will help the water to travel
to the vertical reinforcemenl along the panel vertical downward 10 the interior although wind pressure on
edges . The hooks arc fixed onto a mullion behind the the roo f is usually upward (negative).
vertical joint between the panels. The panel with Fig.9.S shows a popular European roof cladding
hook bolts is hung on the hooks in a way as shown in system named Kal Zip system. The thin steel (or
Fig.9.6. The mullion is fixcd to V-shape brackets aluminum or zinc) sheet is profiled to give a slronger
with scr~'fS. The V-bracket is fi xed to the concrete section to resist the wi nd-induced bending about an
wall through a Halfen Channel and Halfen bolt axis paralle l to purlins (purlins 3Te the steel frame
system (Fig.9.6). underneath the roof cladding). Thermal insulation is
A scrd,r is applied on the top of each panel to inserted in between tWO such metal sheets to improve
lock the panel to the mullion behind (Fig.9.6) to the therm'al performance of the metal panel. The
avoid uplift of the panei. Sheet Iype gaskets are profiled sheet is fixed onto a brackel with a round
installed to dose the joint between the panels and to head (Fig.9.S) by usi ng a special clamping machine.
This bracket is fu rther fixed onto the steel fr ame

Course Notes on Curtain Wa~ Design
WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Ltd,

-"' \250 150 1250 150 150

1250 1250
" 1t' # ,f¥ "

. ,­



Halfen channel 7r • section mUllion

U·sbape bracket
Steel angle bracket

3 mm thick
aluminum panel

Aluminum angle ofJ mm

10 stainless steel bolt

2nuu [hick aluminum panel

Fig. 9.4 A metal cladding system which failed in II

typhoon. (the purl ins) underneath with screws. Similar
systems arc also s upplied by other European
suppliers such as Hoesch.



r " : Coooe NMes on CurtainWal1Design

.: .

, .
',\.. ,

WILSO N Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) ltd.

., "
. .-
• •.v. ". ':
. ,"
.... .

.. ' ,t, o' , "~; ':~;50 150 1250 150 1~50. 150 1250 ' . ' ,: .,
i _..'
~ ~.

, "
~"", 1'11' ¥'"
" ,
, ,v ",



Halfen channel
Aluminum angle bolt
to fiX the box section
to the al'uminum section on the

Alwninum box section glazed

the panel at 500mm c/e. 3 mm thick
aluminum panel
Aluminum section glazed to Hooks
the panel with structural sealan~

Screws to fix the aluminum section

to the existing aluminum angle

Fig. 9.S The modified metal cladding system.

downward (see the discussion in SOC:lion 4.5 of this
Waler leakage Ihrough such system can be prevented notes). Ai r infihralion through the syste m could be

if the system is correctly installed noticing that the significant as the system is "breathable".

space below the upper metal sheet is open·joimed, or Calcu lation for such melal sheets sho uld nOlice

say pressure equa lized, and the open joint faces the fo llowing:

Course NOl es on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Cu rta in Wal l Consultant (H K) Ud.

U-shape bracket (500~ long)



Horizontal aluminum sec~

Halfen channel and Halfen bolt

Screw to fix the mullion to the bracket

Stainless steel bar of 12nun diameter /­
(installed on the reinforceme,nt)

Hook of 6mm thick

(installed on the mulli
Screw to lock the panel to the mullion
Aluminum reinforcement section

1St' v v v. . VI ".j~ ! .7~.~I mm clc

Fig. 9.6 An aluminum panel system rein forced with

4mm thick aluminum panel

a) The wind load on the metal sheets is shared by

alumin um sections. bath metal layers on the ei ther side of the thermal
insulation similar 10 the calculation for double


Course Notes on Curta in Wall Design W LLSON Curtain Wall Coosutla/'l\ (HK) U d.

Weother u~l.m

tum i

Sac' fnme
c ,. +,
RecWllulor b",";~g rod

Tb - P' It

Fig. 9.7 A metal cladding system which is simply fixed

with screws around edges.

glazing units or for laminated glass (sec chapter 2 of

this course notcs).
b) The profiled section of the sheet can be calculated
as a section if the local buckling is checked and when
the bending about an axis parallel to the purJi ns is
checked. When the bending about the other axis
which is perpendicular to the purtins is checked, the
panel should be considered as a plale of the thickness
equaling the sheet thickness. As the proliled sheet
has been folded at the bent corners (Fig.9.8a) by cold
fo lding, the sheet has yielded at these bent corners.

Extremely significant denecl ion of the panels could

be observed across the panel profile simpl y because

of the opening up of these corners (Fig.9.8a) when

under high wind pressure.

c) The Kal Zip and the Hoesch should have testing

data which you can use to compare with your

calculation results.

Course NOIItS on Cuoaln Wall Des.igo WILSON Curtain Wall Consukanl (HI<) lid.

Folded comers
(may open-up under a high pressure
leading to large de Oeclions) .

The profile of a typical panel


Clips (fixed to purHns)

Metal panels clamped on clips

by using a special clamping machine


Fig. 9.8 A metal roo f cladding system branded as ··Kal

Zip" or ""Hoesh". Profiled mela] sheets (aluminum. zinc
or mild steel) are to be clipped on site 10 the brackets by
using a special clamping machine.

·- r
Courso Notes on Curtain Wa~ Dl!sign WILSON Cunain Wall Consoltallt (HI<) Lid.


In this c hapler, we will discuss the systems that use bolt hole in the glass. A point support with a ball
glass as the covering panels to cover openings in a Iypc hinge is usually used to m inimize such stress.
roof (skylight), a wall (glass wall) or a walkway Ca lc ulatio n [o r glass panels has been discussed in
(canopy). The fixing methods for these systems are Chapter 2. The problem here is about how to defi ne
quilt s imilar 10 each OIher w hic h will be discussed in the stress in bolt holes of the glass.
the fo llowing sections. A typical spider is sho wn in Fig,lO.l. As can be
secn in Fig. lO.l , slightly flexible bUi tough malerial
(nylo n bush) is put in between the stainless steel bo lt
10.1 Glass Walls and lhe glass a\ the bolt ho le 10 e nsure that the load
distribut ion on the glass al the hole is close to
Glass walls are basically the big glass panels fix ed uniform. T herefore, it is acceptable ir this
onto metal frame or glass fra me (fins) with structural assumption is adopted fo r the calculation of the stress
sealant o r with point support spiders. T he block of in the glass at the bo lt ho les.
the vision through such a system would be very lillie
compared with a cUrlai n wall system composed of
glass and aluminum sections. Very often a glass wall
is installed between two fl oor slabs similar to a
window wall but with morc vision panels and less
blocking [0 the vision of a building· user fro m inside
the building. Glass wall is o ften used to close the
s ides of an atrium of a building.
Glass walls can be of the fo llowing several
systems based on its fi xing methods.

a, G lass wa lls with spiders a nd a truss system or

simply a s teel column
Pho{Q 10.1 shows a glass wall supported by a truss
system. Wind load on the fac ial glass and the dead
load of the faci:!.l glass panel are tHlnsferred to the
truss 'through the point support spiders. Supporting
points to the facial glass (usually fou r points for each
panel at every corner of the rectangular panel) are
a lways arranged symmetrical about the spider about
the central axes of the g lass panel to provide a
balanced support to the glass panel. When the
architect aUows, a heavy steel column can be used to
re place the truss to give the same s upport. Design
s hould also ens.ure that the loads o n the spider are
balanced andlor the arm o f the spider should be so
st rong that the rolation (or deOection) of the spi der
arm is negligible. Any significant deflectio n of the
spider arm will rotate the arm and the point support
bolt which will induce a stress concentration at the Photo 10.1 A glass wall supported by a truss syslem.

Course NOles 011 Curtain Wall Design WILSON CurtaIn wall Consuhanl (HK) Ud.

(Example): A glass panel of lOOOmm x lO00mm 2. The bearing stress at the spider boh in tho! glass
xlOmm thick tempered fixe d with spiders at fo ur (Fig.JO.2)o
corners is under a wind pressure of 3.1 kPa. Pleas~
find the maximum bending stress ovo!r the glass Dead load on the bolt (venical) .
panel and at the spider locations. x
Fd", 25 kN/m3 x 1.0m x LOrn 0.01 m =O.25kN

Point support boll

Steel arm to the truss

Hard gasket
Spider ann

At'd ~ lJI ... t<:I

~ Glass panels



Fig. 10.1 A spider used to fi x point supported glass Load on each spider
panels . =
Fd/4 62.5N

1. The maximum bending sITes:; at glass center and Bearing area

edge (refer to the fonnulas in Chapter 2): Ab .:od x !
abc = 0.916 w a2 ; t2 = lOmm x lOmm = lOOmm 1
= 0.916 x 3.1kPa x (lOOOmm)2 l(lOm m/
= 28396 kPa = 28.4 MPa < 50MPa o.k. Bearing stress
obr = O.625N/rnm 2 < 50MPa 13.

Course Notes on Cunain Walt Design WILSON ClJI'taill Wall ConlllJltant (HI<) Ud.

(A factor of 3 has been adopted (0 allow for the

stress concentration eff ect at a round hole ( Pi lkev, [Comment 2: You s hould also check the bending
1997).) slress at the rool of the spider arm and also the
tensile and shear s tresses of the bah etc. The
.,~ k
deflection of the arm should also be checked to
e nsure that the twisting of the bah within the bolt
hole is not significa nt. T he truss as a frame should be
checked structu rally with a soft ware. The embed o n
which the truss is fixed should also be checked
structurall y. )

Photo. 1O.2 shows a g1ass waJl supported by a heavy

truss system. Glass panels are glazed onto aluminum
Fw o extrusions. Then the aluminum frames aTe fix ed to
the truss system which provides supports at
approx imately 2000mm centers. Th is glass wall is
actually a curtain wall with the truss to function as
bui lding structure for the fix ing of the curtai n wall.
Expansion joims are nc<:essary as the height of this
glass wall (curtain wal l) is about 20 mete rs.


Fig. to.2 Forces on a spider bolt.

Wind force o n the bolt (a horizontal force):

= =
Fw 3.1kPa xl .OmxLOml4 3.1kN/4 = O.775kN

The outside cdgt of the articulate (point support) bolt

is say, 35mm diameter, the shearing area
As = 3.14 x 35mm x lOmm lO99mm l =
Shearing stress
"[ =775N l i099mm 2 = 0.7 N/mml
< SOMPa 13 16.7 MPa

(Co mme nt I : The stresses in the gloss at the point

bolts are minor if the bolt is not twisted and (he load
fro m th is bolt on the glass at this bolt hole is close 10
uniformly distributed. When the fixing design do~s
no t allow the bolt to rotate wilh the glass, a stress
concentration will occur at the bolt hole. A more Photo to.2 A glass wall that is supported with a htavy
COmplic.1led calculatio n with fi nite element method tru!.s systtm. Htight of the system is around 20 melers.
should be adopted. The effect from the twisting of Supports from the truss to the glass wall are 3t 2 meters
the bolt shoul~ be considered.] cemers.

Course NOles on Curtain W all Design WILSON Curtain W all Consu ltant (HK) Ltd.

b. Glass walls fi xed with spide rs a nd pre-str essed te nsion in one cable and release the te nsion m Ihe
cables Olher cable (or even cause co mpr es ~io n) . ,
Fig.1O.3 shows a s ma ll glass wall fixed with spiders T itus the mo re tlte cable is forced to move, the
<1 nd pre -s tressed cables. larger Ihe normal force is provided fro m Ihal cable in

1700 1700 1700

1 ~
l J.,
" "
0 0 00

0 0 0 0
00 0 0 ,

~ -
00 00
00 0 0

\ ~

00 0 0

Pre-stressed cables , \
Support fo r the cables A tie to avoid rotation
Sleel rod
orthe cable system

0 c3 <?d -~
.C) _ _ "~
--- - [§~
0' ­
- \) . ,
() 0
Embed " 0
Spider Cables are tightened here.

Fig. 10.3 A glass wall Ihat is supported with spidl'rs tensio n due 10 the del.'reasc of the ang le of the cable
and pre-stressed cables. in tension relative 10 Ihe steel rod. The cable in
compressio n ho weVer, will be funher compressed to
Structural calculation for such a systcm should show less or zero support to the fa~a dc.
cons ider stress in the pre-stressed cables. When Ihere For exa mple. when the glass pane l is moved
is no wind load, the tension on the front and back outwa rd, the: (rant cable will be fun hcr e xtended and
cables are bala nced . The movcmem of the glass the back cable will be released so that the force on
panels caused by any wind load will induce more the steel rod (which is supporting and is
perpendicu lar 10 the glass) is pointing backward


Course Notes on Cunaln Wall DeSign WtLSON Cooatll WaH Consultant (HK) Ud,

(inward) to balance the wind load which is trying to cannot be too high, or else, laleral restraints would be
pull lhe glass wall OUlward. The more the glass wall necessary 10 prevent the fin from rotationa l buckling.
moves, the higher the supporting load will be. Structural calculation for this system is very
fNote: 11 is nOI difficult to estimate the tension simple a~ only i) facia l glass; ii) the glass fin (as a
increase in the cable due to the elongat ion of the mullion of a simple seelion) and iii) sealan t bile are
cable caused by the wind load o n the glass panel. to be calculated (see Chapter 12 of the British
You can first determine the strain increase in the Standard BS6262).
cable which is i:: t.. L/L whcre l...z: the length of the A typical T -joint between facial glass and the
cable under zero wind load, llL:: L' - L in which glass fin is shown in Fig.l0.4. Sealant is in shear
L' is the lenglh of the cable under Ihe wind load. The when the facial glass is under a wind load. The
increase of the tensile stress in the cable is CI "" Ey sealant bite is limiled to the glass thickness. The
where E is the elastic modulus of steel thickness of the sealant between the facial glass and
(2 10000N/mm 2). The additional tension force 6T ::0 a
the fin :;;hould not be less tha n 6mm to ensure good
x A in which A is the section area o f the cable. Add
qua lity of sealant application.
this 6.T to the original pre-stressed force T, you c an

getlhe new tens ile force in the cable T' "".Ill' + T.]

II should be noled that the pre stressed cables will

exert a permanent load T on the embeds. Therefo re,

the embeds should be designed with a higher safely

factor due to this permanent load.

A better design is to bll.lance Ihe load from the

cables with each olher.

Holes In glass
When a spider fix ing is used to fi x facial glass panels
to the frame behind, not o nly the stress concentration
in the glass due to the slight ro tation of the spider is a
con~m for such fixing system (many point support

will have a ball type hinge thai allows the supporting

point to rotate), but also the hole itself that will cause
Stress concentration near the hole in the glass. When
calculat ing the stress at a round hole, Iht;_maximu m
stress expected at the hole edge could be assumed as
3 times of the no minal stress that is obtained from a
calculation without cons idering the stress
concentration efftcl : (see W.D. Pi lkcy (1997). To

limit the effect o f stress concentration tQ..f..ause g lass
breaka&,W ,t 1~'dlugg~SlcdJhaLaJlole dolled in a.,.glass
panel should be more than 3 . .
times the glass
from the ~cares;~ge of the gL1SS. T he distance

1'f<m'ith-e- edge oratiole 10 Ihe ~est S!,rneLof th~

glass pane l should be again n91 Ie.EJll<l:!,L6_times.lhe
g ins:. thickness. Struetur1ll seallil'l

c. Glass waUs with glass fin s as the structural

Tbis is the most popular glass wall system in Hong
Kong due 10 its simplicity in design and calculation.
The transparency the architects want for a glass wall Facial glass pane!
system can' be most achieved by such a system. A bun joint
Limitation 10 such a syslem is that the glass wall
Fig. 10.4 Facial glass ~nels are supported by a glass
fin at aT-joint.

Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curlain Wall Consuttaflt (HK) Ltd.

This butt joint is sometimes designed as shown in found to be aro und SOmm due to a low allowable
Fig.IO.S. Facial glass is stuck together with the sl'ress (6.9 kPa only) for the silicol)e sealant (see
structural sealant and the fi n is glued behind the Chapter 5 of this book). To achieve this large seaiant
facia l panels at the bun joint. Sealant is under a bile, aluminum angles were boited to the fin in a way
tension w hen under a negative wind pressure. Sealant shown in Fig.1O.6b. The angles would be first-glazed
bite for such a joint, to be adopted in a structural on to the facia l glass panels in factories. Then the
calculation, s hould be not more than half of the fin glazed glass panels would be bolted to the fins to the
thickness. Again. the sealant thickness should be nOI pre-drilled ho les in both the fin and the aluminum
less than 6mrn. angle.
A<:; sealant will creep under long term loading, the
design in Fig.1O.6b for an outward inclined glass
Fill thicknt')S
wall is not ideal. Though a very low allowable stress

.4 Gll,s fin
in the sealant has been adopted in the design (6.9 kPa
or O.OO7MPa), the stress in the sealant will not be
r uniformly distri buted along the almost vertical joint
between [he aluminum angle !\nd the fa cial glass. In
particular. the StIess in the sealam near a bolt
location will be much higher than the stress in the
sealanU hat locates elsewhere. This is because that an
Suuc:tura.[ statant aluminum a ngle which is so small (50 x 50 x 3mm
thick) will deform under a wind load or even the
dead load of the glass. The loads arc transferred to
the aluminum angle thro ugh the sealant (rom the
facial g lass panels. Mnre force will be supported by
the portion of thc aluminum angle at Ihe bolls where '­
the angle is not allowed to move. A mechanical
support for the facial glass (say a spider system)

Mmimum /
~o;"' A bun jl
sho uld work beller and safer. The other shortcoming
for this design is that the clear view expected from a
fin glass wall system has been blocked by a 1000m
gap width .. >mm
Facill glass panel
wide b:Jnd from this pair of aluminum angles at the
fin locations.
Fig. 10.5 Glass fin is glued behind facial glass pilnels.
Sealant bite for such a fixing is limih!d by the thickness
of the fin.
Glass lin

It is always a problem when the architects want a

wider facial glass while structurally the sealant bi te is
limited to the thickness of the facia l glass (Fig. lOA)
or the fin (Fig.lO.5) only. To solve Ihis problem, Slope to be 45' 10 achieve Structural :scal~nt
various methods have been tried but nm all of them I. good load tr.I.rI,ia ~ Sn.lanl bile
are accepted by BD. Fig.l0.6 shows two of such
details. Fig.l0.6a gives a method to incre:lse a
sealant bile (by say 20'ic morc tnan the gla$s ~-- e;J' \
thickness) when the thickness of the facia l glass docs
not give enough bite. A cont inuous aluminu:n angle
was used to give increase to the sealant bite to ~ glass
f . d.1 ~las$ panel
w<'lU-fin system as shown in Fig.1O.6h.
A glass wall (about 12m high) for a Hong Kong
project was designed inclined outward by 1O~ from
its top. As there is a dead load component exerted on Fig. 10.6a Wider sealant bite is achieved by applying
the sc<'l\ant joint between the facial glass and the more sealant on the back of the facial glass panels al the
gl<'lsS fin, sealant bite required for this design was butt joint.

ColKse tWles on Cunein Waft Design WILSON Cunein Wall Consullafll (HK) IJd.

below for a calculation checking the buckling using

AS I288).
b. When the fin glass is te mpered, the allowable
bending stress for tempered glass is always used ror
Gasket (hardn~s .. 80 ~ A1
AlumlnWll angle the calculations for a fin . Actually, Ihe lin glASS
shou ld be considered as an annealed glass not a
Stain!en Slul boll and nUl tempered glass. This is because that Ihe tempering o f
a tempered glass exisls nea r the s urface or the edge
o f the glass o nly. When it is several mm deep inlO
the glass frum the edge of a fin w here Ihe bending
stress is only a lillie less tha n that o n the fin edge, the
fin glass becomes annealed (Fig.2.lO). As allowable
bending stress for annealed glass is usually only o ne
third of thaI for tempered glass, fins that are designed
SU\lCluraI se.lbnl
Faci3l glass p.l using the allowable stress for tempered glass might
fail in a mock-up lest. T his ca lculation mistake
accounts for ronny test fail ures to g lass fins since the
Fig. 1O.6b A wide sealant bite is achieved by bolting allowable bending Stress for a tempered glass which
aluminum angles onlo the fin and glazing the facial is used in these calculat ions is close to the ultimate
glass to the aluminum angles. bending st ress of an annealed glass.

Seala nt to be used fo r g lass walls supported with Bottom fixin g of glass pan els
fin s: . For taU glass panels which are tal ler than say 6m,
DC SH781 was the sealant good for suc h glass wall buckl ing. of the glass panel under a compressive
system. This sC<l lant is no longer available on the suess from its gravity is to be worried if the dead
market. DC 795 is the sealant suggested by Dow load of loe panel is supported at the bonom as shown
Corn ing Company to replace it. However, the in Fi g. to.7. Suspend the panel o n the lOP can avoid
strength of Dow Corning 795 sealanl and its bonding the dead -lo ad-induced buckling. In contrary , when
wilh glass is not high enough to be a good structural the panel is suspended Ihe dead load w ill help to
sealant for the purpose. Actual ly, th is sealant was keep the panel flat by providing a tensile force in the
observed detached from glass during several mock­ panel.
up lests witnessed by this author. Sealant tests The boltom of a glass panel s its usually inside a
carried Qut b y the author to check-the bonding U·shape steel or aluminum channel on selling blocks
strengt h of sealants with aluminum and w ith glass of Shore A 75 to 80 hardness (Fig.1O.8) . The selling
have also fou nd tDal the DC 995 and 983 a re beller blocks arc 10 be provided 2 nos. per panel to give a
and stronger Slructural sealants th3 n DC 795. $0 il is balanced support ro the g lass panel. To e nsure the
this autho r's s uggest ion to use DC 995 for the bun load from the support even. these twO seILing blocks
joints of a glass walVfi n system. should be PUI at v~ of the glass width from either
If use GE sealants, you may use GE SCS 1201 edge. PUlling the selling blocks tOO close to glass
(please call 24 11-6330 for information about GE edge may ind uce a locally high shear stress near
sealants). glass edge where the shearing area is close to Ze ro.
T he surface of the selling blocks shou ld be kept
Two ma tters should be noted for a glass wall clean. Any debris of glass or other hard Sluff (sand or
d esign using glass fins : other construction debris) will cause a high local
a. Glass fin is calculated with its depthllhickness stress to the glass bottom. The thickness of the
ralio very high. Buckling could sometimes happen selling blocks are 10 be equal SO that the glass siuing
when Ihe free edg.e of the tin is under compression. on it will not incline.
As the fin is restricted continuo usly along one of its To prevent the glass from touching the steel U­
edges, no lateral buckling should be worried. channel, spacing materials (gasket of usually s il icon~
However, rOlational buckling could still bc a problem type rubber) should be inserted in the gap on eith~r
and should be checked when the free edge is in side of the glass panel. The spacer of other materials
compression (refer 10 paragraph d of this section such as neoprene or sanloprene may need to be lested
by Ihe sealant supplier (Dow Corning or GE provides

Couise Noles on Curtain W alt Design WILSON Curtain Wall Cons ultant (HK) Ud.

free testS of compatibility or adhesio n with any of bottom of lhe fin . A common design mistake the
your base materials w ith their seala nts) to confirm au tllor has seen from the failed testS of glass walls is
thaI it is compatible with Ihe si licone sealant used to .that the lop/boltom U-channels are nOI well
cap the gap. supported at fin locations. The U-channel would be
bent due to the extremely high wind load at the fin
bottom (or top) . M issing of setti ng blocks or using of
wrong setting blocks (such as using timber blocks)
has caused glass failures to the glass fin during
performa nce tes ts. Although the fin is sitting in a
c hannel and the wind load on the fin will be
transferred from the glass to the channel thro ugh the
Dead load sealant (weather sealant usually say DC 79 1N) that
was applied between the fin glass <lnd the channel,
quite a hig share of the wind load on the fi n will stiU
Dead load
be sup ported directl y hy the steel on Ihe front (if
under negative w ind pressure) or on the back (if
under posilive pressure) of the fin channel. T herefore,
a strong support (usually a steel stiffener) s hould be
Wind load installed on the front face of the horizontal U­
Dead load ! I ! 1,.·..---­ channel ( Fig. l O.9) and on the back of the fin -chanJlcl.
Glass bends A structural calculation should be carried out to
(may buckle when the panel is thin) chec k the bend ing o f the c hannels at Ihese two
lm:ations. The sealant filled in the gap between the
fi n glass and the tOp bottom channels should nOt be
considered as structural support 10 the fi n as the load
o n the c hannel fro m the fi n is Inainly supported by
thc selling blocks on the front and hack of it
(Fig. 10.9).

O\;lSS fU\ or a illcial gbu

\ Silicont sc~1am (DC 791·N}

Reaction from the bonom suppon
Capping clipped in place Gasket >p3tCI or backinS rod

~~Ctip weldOO 10 the U-channc:1

Set1in~ btO<;K 5\(<,,\ U-channel

Fig. 10.7 Supporl the dead load of a glass panel is only
good for those lower than 6 meters. Taller glass panels
are suggested to be supponed from the top to avoid Fig. 10.8 A g l<lsS panel sits in a U· shape steel channeL
dead load induced buckling. Two setting blocks are used to give balanced support to
the panel.
(t should be noted that the wind load on a fin-glass
wall system is mainly supported by the lap and Weep holes
hanom of the fins as shown in Fig. 10.9. T his is When facial glass panels arc inserted in V-channels
because that the wind load on the facia l glass will he of steel or alumin um (Fig.lD.B), (he joi nt between the
nansferred to the fins, and the load on the fi ns is U-channel and the glass is covered with silicone
supported by the V·channels at Ihe I(lp and thc sealant. Suc h joint is water tight if the bonding of the

Course No!es on Curtain Wall Design WI LSON Curtain Wal Consultant (HK) Ll.d.

sealant to the base materials is good. Any defects to We noticed a design by a company in Hong Kong fo r
the sealant can be repaired easily. Therefore, weep a glass wall system as shown in fig.lO.1O. Two weep
holes for such U-channels are not necessary. holes were proposed to be drilled on the front of a U·

I-=-I=~l Loading area on the fin

I­ -I
i­ -J

I: j
Loading area on the bottom U· channel
U.chllIlllel in which the glass sits

~etti ng block

Stmctural sealant

Facial glass panel

A butt joint

Strong suppon is necessary here

Fig. 10.9 Strong suppan should be provided at the fi n c hannel under every facial glass panel. This weep
locations to the steel C·channeL The back of the fin hole similnr to the weep holes we discussed earlier
channel should also be well supported . for a windowsill will become an entrance for water
to get in the channel. The weep holes were not

Course NOles on CUrtain Wall Design WILSON Cunain Wall Consultant {HK) Ltd.

protected against di rect rain fall . Therefore, the dry For glass walls w hich usc glass fins protruded to
inside space of the U-channel w ill becom~ wet either ins ide o r o utside to provide a support to facial
because of the holes. Dirt y water might flood in as glass pa nels (Fig.I O.4), it is important to ensure thaI
the weep hole is very close 10 the ground level the fins w ill no t buckJe under bending due to wind
(Fig. l O.! 0). pressures. B uckli ng (rotational) will o nly happen at
F3.~lal g1:l..",
the free edge of the: fi n when this edge is under
compression. The other edge o f the fin will of course
be restricted from buckli ng (roralional) by the facial
glass panels.


Gasket spacer or backinll rod

Glass panels al fl comer

OoOe /, ­
a bk>ck. J
.C) Sating ;1
aGOe) '0
Stmctural sealant

Fig. 10.10 Weep holes facing front and ncar ground

level will allow dirty rain water flood inlo the dry space Fig. 10.11 A joint between twO glass panels meet with
in the ~teel U-channel and will defeel the water each other at a corner.
tightness of the well sealed glass WAll system.
The analysis of the buckling requires the knowledge
You should be very careful w hen a weep hole is of the critical clastic huckling mo ment whose value
pro vided in your design. This space in the U·channel can be obtained from a str uctura l ana lysis. In th is
will have a pressure equaling the wind pressure on section, we will discuss about how to usc AS l288 to
the fro nt of the glass wall. The s pace in the channel determine the b uckling effecL
will also be full of water leading \0 the exterior water It is noted that the AS1288 gives a critical
barrier (sealant) defected. The imerior sealant takes bending mo ment (Mer) beyond which the fin might
the w hole responsibility for the water tig htness. Dirty buckle. This is not like our usual calculation which
water in the U-channel can also defect the setting will check the maximum bending stress.
block and/or ca use corrosion to the .GMS U-channcl.
For the beams with co ntinuous restraint along
Butt join ts one edge of the beam (such as a glass fin):
T he butt jo ims for a glass wall supported with glass For glass walls supported with glass fi ns, the fins are
fins can be designed as fin slotted in between the actually the beam with continuous restraint along one
facial glass (Fig.lO.4) or the facial glass on th" front of the tWo edgl!S fr om lateral buckling. The buckl ing
o f the fin (Fig. 10.5). 10 be checked is therefore the rotational buc kJing
o nly.
Corner of a glass wall The c ritical elastic monu:nt hefore the rotational
Either facial glass pane l at the corner can bc trcllted buckli'ng happens may be taken as (see AS 1288,
as a fin which will provide a structu ral suppon for Appendix H)
the other glass panel al the corner join! (Fig.IO.II). Me, = {(rrlL•• )' (EI),,[d'/4+(y.)'] + (GJ)}
I [2 x (Yo) + y.J " .(lO,I)
d. Calcul ation of the glass fin s with r otational
buckling check ed using AS1288. Where
Mer = critical elastic (rotational) buckling moment


Course Notes on Curtain Wan Oesign WILSON Curtair"l Wall Consultant (HK) Ltd.

L.<l> :: distance
betwee n"effectively rigid rotational (rolational) buckling moment (Mer). When the glass
restraints wall is tall lind the fin used is relatively deep
(El}r :: effective rigidity for bending about the compared with its thickness, say d is 900mm bUI b is
minor axis only 12mm. such rotational buckling should be
GJ :: effective torsional rigidity checked.
)'0 :: the distance from the neutral axis 10 the
continuous restraint (sec Fig.l0.12).
Yh =the distance [rom the neutral axis to the fin
Consider a glass fin under a uniform load from the
edge under compression (Fig.l0.12).
[acial glass which is under a negative wind pressure
G '" 28300 MPa is the IOrsional elastic modulus
(Fig.l0.12 say width of the facial glass is l.5m and
'nd the wind pressure is 3.08k.Pa , the fin height is 9m, fin
J == d b3 /3 {i -0.63 x bid} is the torsional
X deplh is 1000mm and the fin thickness is ISmm).
moment of inertia, in which d and b are the
depth and breadth (thickness) of the fin Bending moment at mid span of the fin is
respectively. M =qe!8
E = 70000MPa is the elastic modulus. of glass = (1.5m x 3 .0BkPa) x (9000mm)2 f 8
'nd :: 46777500 Nmm
Il, = d x b3/12 is the moment o f incrtia about the
minor axis. Secl ion modulus (about the major axis) of Ihe fin
under the bending is
Wx :: 15 mm x (lOOOmm)!! 6 :: 2500000mm"

-+ ~;...; -if' Be nding stressin the fin

a bc = MfWx = lS.7 1 N/mm2 < 20 N/mm2

GlMSfm" ,
•• > Looks okay. BUI rotational buckling should he
checked fo r s uch a deep but th in glass fin.

d C I • •- .• Check rotational buckJing:

{MUlr,1.! a.'lis) Use the formulas from AS 1288 presented above, and
,. not ice:
;: = 3. 14,
~ =9OO0mm.

< r,
fac:i~1 gJ~~
w :~ -r~ ~ j i
Negalj,·t wind load
=: lOOOmm x (15mm)' 112 :: 281250mm~.

= 15mm ,
= 492.5mm (assuming the thickness of the
StruC lural sealanl facial glass is also 15mm),
Yh :: 500mm,
E ::70000 Nlmm!,
Fig. 10.12 Dimensions of a fin for the calculation usi ng
G = 28300 N/mm 2 , and
AS1288. The front edge of the fin is restricted from
lateral movement by the facial glass panels, while the J = d x b~ 13 {1-0.63 x b/d }= 4953 mm~ ;
back edge is not.
The critical elastic momen!
For glass fin under a uniformly distributed load such Mer = {(<tiL,.,)' (Ell, [d'/4+(y.)'j + (GJl j
as wind load, the slenderness is not to be worried as I [2 x (y,,) + Yh!
the lateral buckling is restricted by the fa cial glass = 889033 Nmm < 46777500 Nmm
panels and the structural sealant in between. For
many glass wall designs fin s used, no c heck for It is not adequate to use a very deep (d=lOOOmm) but
the buckling fo r glass fin s is necessary as the very thin (b:: 15mm) glass fi n for this design. A
bending stress will exceed the allowable stress before correct design should e ither use horlzomal mid span
the bending moment exceeds this critical elastic s uppo n 10 Ihe fins (say stainless steel tie rods or

Co urse Notes on Curtain WaH Desigrt WILSON Curtain Wall Consuttant (HK) Ltd.

horizontal fins) or thicker fins or less wide facial of too much intens ity need to be considered in Ihe
glass panels or all of (hem. If the thickness of the tin sky light design.
is limited by' the availability of the glass products Design of skylights should~ also ' take into
from the glass suppliers (maximum thickness for consideralion Ihe high w ind pressures on Ine building
float glass is 25mm), )'ou may choose to use tOp where the negative pressure coefficient can be_up
laminated glass (say 22mm+22mm). 10 2.2 based on Hong Kong wind code. Live loads
plus dead load of the glass panels and plus a litlle
e. Determination of the glass for use for fins by positive wind pressure o n thl.': top of the building can
using BS 6262 (refer to the diagrams Figs.39, 40 some times give even a higher load on the skylight
and 41 in th is code) frame than the negative wind pressure does.
For a glass fin as discussed in the last section whose Due to the horizontal installation, a skylight can
heigh t is 9m . the "tOp-hung" fixing for the fa:ic l very often suffer water leakage problems. Water wi ll
glass panes and the fins should be nccessary to now 10 interior under its own weight with or without
reduce the compressive Stress in the glass due LO the positive wind pressures. PhUlo 7.2 shows a metal
dead load (see the above paragraph c of this seclion). roof which had been covered with'-pillstic sheets for
As the fin and the facial p~ne l are high. such months due to the water leakage.
compressive stress could lead to laleral buckling, A skylight ;s very o ften installed to cover the top
especially when the panels are under a wind load . By of an atrium of a commercial building or a hotel
suspending the glass from the top, such compressive building. It can also he Ihe tOp portion of a dome.
stress can be el iminated. Actually, the dead load will
provide a tensile stress in the glass which will help to b. Samples of skylights
keep the glass panel suaighl. Photo 10.3 shows a skylight which is the top of a "l
When a glass wall fixed with fins have been dome. This dome is the entnlllcc of a shopping mall
designed as shown in Figs.1O.4 and 10.5. the fin in Beijing. Big box sections of aluminum cladding
thickness can be selected using the Figures 39, 40 an a steel frame look like an aluminum frame is
and 41 of BS6262 (Chapter 12 of the standard). The s upporting the glass panels (Photo 10.3). The section
thickness was determined based on the maximum details for such a skylight systein are shown in
sealant bite the fin glass could provide. The Fig.lO.13.
maximum height these BS fi gures cover is 5m only. Glass pane ls for the skylight are actually fixed
As the allowable stress for sealant in this HS code is. ontO aluminum sections, and the aluminum seclions
O.3MPa (not O.138MPa as suggested by Dow are fixed onto steel boxes (Fig.IO.l3). T he sleel
Corning or other sealant suppliers), the tin thickness boxes arc covered with aluminum chlddings \vhich
or the thickness of facial glass may be under­ were extruded (no t fo lded) to give this perfect
designed should the diagrams in the code is followe d. appearance of al um inum box sections (Fig.lO.13 and
The author suggests the methods discussed in this Photo 10.3).
book are used instead of the diagrams in 13S6262 to The glass panels used are double-glazing units
avoid such under designing. We will not discuss in with reflective coating applied on the hackside of its
Ihis book any funher aboullhe method using BS6262 upper panel (exterior pane l). Solar heat gain is
diagrams. Any person who is interested in this part welcomed in Beijing where temperature in w inter
can refer to the Bri tish Standard 8S6262 (1982). can be as low as ·lO°e. The glare of lhe strong
The discussion in seCtion D should be more sunlight is avoided by a coaling o n the glass altho ugh
useful for our design of glass walls using g lass fins. the long wave solar heat is allowed to come in
through the rcnectivc gh,ss.
Fig. lU.14 shows a design for a skylight for a
10.2 Skylights and Domes project in Hong Kong. This skylight is supported
with spiders and pre-slTcssed steel rods. Steel rods
a. Introduction along One di rection provide the support to resist the
Light from lhe sky is the most efficiem and intense suction (upward force) and the rods along the other
Source of lighting energy. The design of skylighis is directio n provide lhe force to suppor! the downward
10 close the top openings of a building roof while load . A pre-determined torque shall be specified to
allowing the naturallighls to come in. Environmental ensure the rods arc tightened to Ihe dc:gree that will
controls to guard against solar gain, glare or daylight provide enough s upport to the loads the skylight wiil
expe rience, while {he glass panels are still kt:pt in the


CoUfse Notes on Cur1ain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consultanl (HK) Ltd.

right posilion. Laroimned glass (nOt double-glazi ng) cause the crack that Sianed hom that corner where
is used for this project as the thermal performance of the glass is weakest (see Photos 4.6 and 4.7).
a skylight is not so critical in Hong Kong as that in
Beijing. \-auea! .... _


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1l,...,..,...:.>I IIIC"'t'fl .

r · ~"'-co:".1a""~1
Photo 10.3 The appearance of a skylight fOI an I . y.
cntrance for a shopping mall. lor, .1
lm'·':· ~~ l
; _,
1. ..1.-_
Also to be nociced is that the skylight is inclined by
100:1 along a specified directio n (an arrow in
Fig.l O. 14 indicates the di rection o f the slope) to
guide rain waler to a drainage down the stream.
Pho tos 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 (see C haplcr 4) show a }-' ig. 10.13 Section d.:tails for a skylight shown in PnOiO
small skylight for a project in Hong Kons- 18 o ut of to.3. a) aluminum mullions are fixed 10 steel box
the total 64 glass panels fo r Ihe project cracked sections with bolls; b) alumi num tr,msorns are screwed
within twO years after Ihc installatio n. Checki ng thc to the aluminum mullions,
design, we can find!flc s kylight (Fig.IO.IS) was buill
into a 45 -inclined pitched-roof. The fixing adopted
in this design however i!i a detail for a ho rizo ntal 10.3 Can o pies
installation. In particular, the glass pancls (although
inclined by 45°) are not supported at their bottom Canopies arc basically similar 10 skylights regarding
edge. The heavy glass panel (JO+lOnun thick) was the fix ing fo r the g lass pane ls. Only thing d ifferent is
kept in p lace by the friction between top cappings that Ihe canopy is exposed and slight wa ter
and Norton tapes and also weather sealant pcnetration thro ugh a canopy is not a big issue. The
(Fig.10.15). This was not so effective. Therefore, supporting frame fo r a canopy is often a canti levered
glass panels were fo und to uc hing the fixing screws at system structurally (Photos 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6).
its bottom or along its sides. Another problem found Other materials that are used 10 cover a canopy in
was the capping cover which is aboul 5m long but Hong Kong ralher than glass include transparent or
·the glass panel is 2m wide. Movement between the translucenl plastic glazing sheets. FOr canopies
neighboring glass panels tends 10 bend the capping at without a need to see transparency (hrough it, metal
the joint between glass panels. The capping however sheets mighl be used to cover its top (Photos 10.5
is fixed onto the sleel underneath with screws at and 10.6).
500mm centers. As a resu lt, the capping is bent Photo lOA shows a typical canopy cantilevered
between screws inducing a local pushing down force ontO a strong steel tube section beam. Photo 10.5
on the glass at the lower cornet of a glass panel and shows a T-shaped steel fra med canopy cladded with

C ourse Notes on Cuna ln Wall DeSign W LLSO N Curtain Wall Consuhanl (HI<.) U O.

Sleel sheets. Photo 10.6 displays a canopy

c1added with stainless steel panels that gives
'1'- i' iffi'
r '
f~ - -:-
an IT look of the structure. The 316
stainless steel aHoy is u~ ed for that canopy
as 304 alloys mighl corrode on ils surface 10
.::= -" --' give ugly rusting stains.
Sleel rods to r<:siS'! Photo 10.7 shows a ca nopy of two wings

~ of different arm lenglhs. When a wind
induced lif! is applied onlO this canopy, the
v>-- , : ' , «,~ force on the wings arc nOt balanced. A
.v )----
/ .t :" ,"'. ',
/y' , , " .•. • " rOlational moment will be induced about the
1 " y\
I f,'
!, '. "
vertical steel fTame of the canopy, Therefore,
a very heavy steel frame has been adopted

!J .,""

*.,. ,


for this canopy. The design fo r a similar
canopy is shown in Fig. 10.16. As can be
seen, a slope of 1:100 Js provided to the
-'! ! i
I i i~ '
glass panels on the lap of the canopy 10
guide rain water to flow 10 the gutter in the

\\'.•. f ~ :,ii&':

middle of the canopy where a water pipe

\\, under the gutter will drain the w3ter down

," \

;\:. I t
St~el rods \0 tcS,st
\",;f .. 1 J
'~:-:••1}_. ____ ..~r""'"

me downwaffl loading

I ""
10 grou nd.

When you calcu llile a canopy, the wind

load on the canopy is always taken as Ihe
basic wind pressure ti mes 2.0. This is
because that according to the "Code of
Praclice on Wind Effects, Hong Kong
(1983),', the drag coefficient for open frame
is 2.0. To avoid over-desjgning you canopy,
Spider s~lS\em \0 fix the glass panels )'ou may define Ihe wind pressure on your
(s« Fig.IO .l)
canopy by using the British Standard CP3,

GllW panels arc slightly sloped LO

Chapler Y, Pan 2 (or BS (399). Live load
(taken as O.75kPa in Hong Kong) is another
~\1ow water flow 10 the drainage system downward load other than dead load and
wind load on canopies.

Fig. 10.14 A skylight supported with pre·stressed steel

rods and spiders.

10.4 Glass Doors

Glass doors arc usually fi xed at three or

four corners when in a locked position.
When Ihe glass door is nOI locked, only two
points at the top and Jhc bottom of the glass
door sash is pivoted to allow the other side
oi the sash movable. Fig.lO.17 shows a
typical illslallation for the pivols at the lap
comer of a glass sash. A pair of melal
castings are fix ed to the glass panel above
the door sash to allow a pivol installed.
Another pair of the melal castings are bolted
10 the glass door sash at the upper corneT
where glass has been CuI to aHow fo r Ihe
installalion of this recess for the pivot
Photo lOA A cantilevered canopy. (Fig. l O.l 7). Holes are drilled in glass to


Course Notes on Curtain Well Desig n W ILSON Curtain Wall COl1sultant (HK) Ud.

allow [or the application of the through bo lts.

St ainless (or sometimes alumin um) coveri ng plates
are screwed 000 the cast ings to give a finished
appearance o f the glass door at p ivols locatio ns .
A calculslion to .c heck the glass doo r sash can use
the formulas for point supported plates given in
Chapter 2 of this notes.

''''-'' \' ".

friction one!
Photo 10.5 A canopy that is caldded with steel panels.

Sore '" hOle< drm.don ,;t<

Photo 10.6 A cano py thai is cladded with stainless steel

panels. The stainless steel alloy of 31 6 has been used.
Fig. 10.15 A sKylighl which covers a 45° pitched roof.
The seclion detail ado pted is for a horizontal skylight.
There fore, no dead load support was provided al the
lower edge of the glass pam:1.


W1C lUJJ:lJJ!P JO SSU!II'\ 0"""\ JO ,{d o u'R:) V l.'Ol oloqd

,,,l>llt'> U\ tu;) p>qw. M nH

<3 ·Q\'Xi()N~flj2 (lor; ,
'0.. ,

tU1PI'110 wnU!""'I< >'1'1 p<I'~"l u>P?!~

>oj,d ." '''" "l>w'l!P1lJltlH - " '. .,

h !pp<p1lll\1,!'_"
lI-'I~'u/W( l{l"" pow''!'
~., """001: I jt <lfl' 0: ucddM <=op,uud
wuq UQ!I= XOCII"''' 001:"<001 .
Course Notes on Curtain Wall Oeslgrl WILSON Curtain Wall Consuttant (HK) Ud.


could be as high as 50 mls o r higher. The highcst
11.1 The Wjnd hourly mean wind velocity recorded during a No.9
typhoon in 1997 in HK was close to 38 mls recorded
Definition or wind
at Hong Kong observation at Kowloon.
Wind is the movement of the air.
Fig. 11.2 s hows the main directions and paths
typhoons usually travel all over the world. Tht: figure
Seasonal wind
shows clearl y Ihal HK is attacked by three main
HOI air is lighter and will then ascend. Cooler a ir at
typhoon paths.
lower location will come from a coo1'er place to fill
Photo 11.1 shows the damage 10 a curtain wall
up the space left by the hot air. Thus a seasonal wind
system of a high-rise building in Hong Kong caused
is induced. Fig.1Ll illustrates the seasonal air
by a very strong typhoon (the No.lO Typhoon York
c irculation which explains the dominating wind
in 1999) tha t blew over Hong Ko ng.
directions in dif£erenl seasons.
Wind flow (airflow) is a turbulent flow with the
direction and magnitude of its velocity changes all
the time. Fig.Il.3 shows the record of wind speeds

~ recorded by an anemometer. The vibration of tnc
airflow velocity is apparent. The mean velocity
Nonh po!e
(speed) of a wind depends greatly on the length of
Wann liT
-..... the time period over which the mean is taken. The
maximum mean velocity will decrease if you
increase the length of the time over which the mean
is taken (Fig.I!.3). A maximum g USt wind speed
recorded in a Iyphoon is usually taken as the peak
mean velocity averaged over 3 seconds.

11.3 Boundary Layer Wind Flow

Fig. I Ll A ~ implified illustration of atmospheric
circulation. Wind flow near the ground (say fro m zero to 300m
above the ground) is of a boundary layer type. The
d istributiOn of the mean wind velocity in this
11.2 Typhoons boundary layer is as shown in Fig. 11.4. This
velocity distribution can be simplified as of a power­
Typhoons are also called Hurricanes in North law, i.e.:
America or Europe, or Tropical Cyclones in U/Ug=(UZg)"
Typhoons or tropical cyclones are actually storms Where U is the velocity at the height Z above the
caused by thejlUge latent heat energy re leased by the ground; Ug is the gradient velocity ( i.e. the
condensation of water vapor in the air. Typhoons are maximum velocity wi thin rhe profile in the boundary
generally originated (started from) between 50 and layer) al the gradient height Zg (tOp of the boundary
20· latitudes usually of a dimension of hundreds of layer). Ct is Ihe power law exponent.
kilometers in diameter and tens of kilometers in Both Ihe exponent a and the gradient height Zg
depth. Highcst wind speed in the Center of a typhoon are determined solely by the land exposure (or called

1 111
Course NOles on CunaJn WaU Design WILSON Cunain W aH COl"\Suitanl (HK) LId.

land roughness or terrain roughness). For rougher should be taken 10 pUI enough d ampers at the
ground. the a and Zg wi!! be bigger . upstream of the airflow during your wind tunn,el tesls

Hong Kong


Average directions and paths of typhoon

Fig. 1l.2 Mean directions of the mOlions of typhoons

on the earth surface.

Power-law wind speeds adopted iD BD PNAP 150

and code of practice on wind effects - Hong Kong
In BD PNAP 150 and in the Code of Practice on
Wind Effects Hong Kong (1983), tWO different land
exposures have been adopted in Hong Kong:
a. General Terrain (for the land on which onl y 10\....
rise buildings exist)
b. Buill up T errain (where high or medium high
(H>Z5m) buildings constitute 30% of the land area).

T he a and Zg for general terrain are selected as 0. 19

and 200m; while those for the built-up terrain have
been selected as 0 .33 and 300m respectively (see BD
PNAP 150).
The design wind pressures presented in the "Code
o f Practice on Wind Effects Hong Kong-1983" are
based on a 50-year return peak gUSt C3-second)
velocity recorded at 10m above the ground on
Waglan Island in Hong Kong. T his velocity is Vw = Photo 11.1 ApproXimately 200 glass panels installed
64m/s which is based on a record in 1960's on the on a cunain wall for the Revenue Tower in Wan Chai,
peak of Wagll1n Island. I'long Kong were bro ken during the Typhoon York.
The BD PNAP 150 has specified further that the
gradient hourly mean velocity to be adopted in a as the geography of Hong Kong and the high rise
wind tunnel lest should be Ug (60min-mean) = 64m/s. build ings around your building can reduce the
Wind Engineering specialists found this gradie nt velocity greatly in the coming airflow (or increase
velocity extre mely high when they were detcrmiJtin g the gradient height-Zg). Correct resuhs will o nly be
the wind pressure distributions on building surfaces. obtained when such "surrounding protections" have
The wind pressures determined based o n this been taken into consideration in the wind tunnel tcst.
gradient hourly mean velocity is apparently higher The dynamic pressure (see next section) adopted to
than thaI presented in the above wind code. Care estimate the wind pressure on the surface of your


Course Notes on Cunalt'l Wall Design WILSON Cunaln Wall Consultallt (HK) Ud.

building should be based on this velocity at building pressure (P,), The reference pressure used is usually
height. the coming wind 'pressure al roof height of the
Pressure coefficients obtained from a wind tunnel bui lding. It can a lso be the inlernaJ pressure of Ihe
test cannot be applied directly to get the wind building.
pressure difference across Ihe building envelope. The The pressure coefficient (Cp) is defined by the
inlemaJ pressure of Ihe buildi ng which is almost formula:
equal to the average pressure over all the su rfaces o f Cp = (p-p,) I (y, p V,') ( 11.1 )
the building will change the distribution of the
pressure diHerence by adding (or deducting) a Where p is the air density (=1.25kglm1, V, is the
constant value i.e. the internal pressure. When there airflow velocity in the coming wind at roof height.
is an apparent opening (also called dominant opening
in BS 6399) in the building, the internal pressure will
be even higher (or lower depending on the z
orientation o f the opening relative to the wind u,
direction) . These will be discussed later in the
following sect ions. Interested person may a lso read
the book by E. Simiu & R.H. Scanlan (1977).
Zg (for roug.he, terrain)

U(z) j Zg (for smoother

I ~ ,) / /
~ tz , u
" "
Wind veloci~ profilu for. smooth temin and . rougher terrain

Fig. 11.4 Profiles of mean wind flow velocities in a

boundary layer above the ground of a smooth terrain
and a rougher terrain.

b. Dynamic pressure
The term Vl P v,2 in the formula (11.1) above is
called dynamic pressure at a reference location.
• Therefore, the pressure difference pop, pressure =
coefIiciem (Cp) x dynamic pressure.

Fig. 11.3 A record of wind speed. c. Bernou lli Equ ation

Bernoulli (refer to Streeter & Wylie (1979» fou nd
the followi ng formula is valid along a streamline (the
11.4 General Distribution of Wind P ressures 00 fl uid is assumed frictionless, incompressible and the
Building Surface flow is steady. For airflow, these are not exactly
valid. So this fo nnula is o nly approximately
To determine pressure distribution on building applicable for mtan airflow):
surfaces, we need the following definitions: pip + liz yl = constant
8. Pressure coefficient In particular, this consta nt at location 1 equals that al
Pressure coefficient on a building surface is a loc.-ltion 2 along a streamline:
dimensionless expressio n of the difference between i
·PI 1 P + 112 (V = 1>1 1 P + V: (Vl )2 constant =
the pressure (P) on bui lding surface and a reference


Course Notes on Cunaln Wall Design WilSON eur1 ai rl Wall COllsuUant (H K) Ud.

If location 1 is the upstream (reference location), and below which the wind pressu res in Table IS of the
location 2 is o n the building surface, we can have the code [or built-up terrain should appl y as fo llowing:
pressure differe nce on the bu ilding su rface ai h. = 3.5Jx
location 2:
P2-PI =V2 P leV ()l.(V'Zil L
Or we can drop the number 2 to imply any location

on bui lding s urface, and use r to replace 1 to impl)'

the location at a reference location 10 get this

1·0 D +0
pressure coefflcient on the building surface:
Cp" (P' p,)i{ tn: p v,')
p.p, '" lh. P lV?,V"} (11.2)

Notic ing
Pressure coefficienl onlhe fron tal and bact su rfaces of a venica\ plale
Cp = (p-p') I (V, p V,' ) (1 1.1)

We can gel

Cp = l -(V N,), (1 U)

Checking the second term of the equation (11.3), we

can see that the positive pressure coeffic ient w ill
never exceed +1.0 since the second term in this
formula is minimum zero. However, if the airflow
velocity (V) near a building surface at a certain ,
location is very high, then the pressure coefficient
which is negative could be more negative than -1.0

d. Pressure coefficients on buildings

Figs. l L5, 11.6 and 11.7 show Ihe distribution of
pressure coefficients o n buildings of various shapes. "
From the diagrams. we can see that the negative
, "
pressure coefficient can be more than 1.0 but the ,,
positive coefficient cannol. We can also see thlll the Dividing st ~am line

negative pressure coefficient on a side wall or on a

roof of a rec tangular shaped buildi ng is very high
near their wind ward edges but drops very quickly Fig. 11.S Pressure coefficient distribution on the fro nt
when go further downstream. and back faces of a vertical plate . Wind blows normal
to the plate.

11.5 How to Use Hong Kong Wind Code to In Ihis formu la, x is the upstream distance [ro m the
Determine the Design Wind Pressures on a edge of the built-up tcrrai n 10 the front of the
Building Enclosure? building. If, say, x :::: 300m. we'can get h~ = 60.6m.
For the part of the curtain \Vallihal locale!> bdow this
We can fo llow the fo llowing steps to determine the height, the less critical wind pressure for buill-Up
design wind pressure on a building surface at terrain can be adopted fo r your dc.';ign.
different locations:
ii . Defi ne thc bas ic wi nd press ure using either Table
L Define lhe terrain type (built-up terrain or general lA or IS (use the formula above in i., to determine
terrain), and define the height below which the which table sho uld be used). De fin e the artificial
curtain wall is hidden inside a built-up terrain. From base level based on Appendix A of the code. It is
$Ce liO'>l 3.3 of the "Code of Practice on Wind Effects very often that the gro und level will be the artificial
Hon g Kong-1 983". we can determine this height (h1) base level if the slope of the land is less than 3:10

Course Notes on C1Jrt ain Wall DesiQf1 WILSON Curtain WaiLConsultant (HK) Lid.

0° azimuth
Wi ndward Roof Leeward
eo­ - -.-r-r ~



Pressure coefficient contour lines

Fig. 11.6 Contour lines of the pressure coe ffi cients on 11.6 Wind T unn el T ests
the surface of a cubic bui lding (0° azimuth). After Zhau
and Stathopoulos (1996). When your building is of a complex shape or when
the building lOcales al a place where the land
everywhere in an area- within a 400m diameter circle topography affects the pressure distribUlion on your
around the building - see the note below). ­ building significant ly, a wind tunnel test should be
carried oul 10 determine the wind pressure on your
iii. Find the pressure coefficients from the Appendix building.
C of the code, As was di scussed in section 11.5 of A wind tunnel is a (unnel at its one end installed a
Ihis book, positive wind pressure coefficient is never powcrful fan to hlow the air into (or blow the ai r Out
more than l.0, and negative wind pressure ot) the tunnel. Wind tunnels were originall y designed
coefficient is highest near the edges. Therefore, you to lest ai rplanes in which the airflow will be ensured
need to define edge zones and middle zones for side uni form and potent ial. The wind tunnels to lest
wal ls and for the roof of your building. Define your buildings are the so-called boundary layer wind
pressure coefficient according \0 the Table C l of the tunnels in which Ihe airflow will be ensured of a
code. fi g.ll.8 shows. Ihe edge zones on the side boundary layer type (power-law) distribution (see
walls and on the rO'of of a rectangular building section 11.3 of this book).
dermed by Ihe code (Code of Practice on Wind To carry out a wind tunnel test, one should make
Effects Hong Kong -1983). a building model 10 a scale say of 1:400. [A 200m
It should be noted that if the building is located high building to this scale will become a 500mm
on a mountain whose slope is more than 3: 10 high. medel of the same shape (or 400mm high if to a
somewhere within a 400m diameter circle area 1:500 scale)]. Pressure measurement taps will be
around this 'building, a base level othcr than the installed on the building model to delect Ihe
ground level should be adopted. Refer to Appendix pressures al various locations on the building su rface.
A of "Code of Practice on Wind Effects Hong Kong­ The dynamic pressure (section 11.4) measured at the
1983" to fi nd s uch artificial base level. coming wind now will be used \Q convert pressures

11 5
Course Noles on Curtain Wall DeSigl1 WILSON Curta il1 Wall Con sultant (HK) Ud.

45° azimuth


":0 . 4
':0. 6

Windward ~ Leeward

Cp - ~.o . _2.1
Pressure coefficient contour lines Cp - -<J.O. - 1.2
0. 1',
Fig. lL7 Conto ur lines of Ihe pressure coefficients on
Ed,._ · r - ~I.o.-l .'
the surface of a cubic building (45 azimuth). After
Zholl and Stathopoulos (1996). ""! .,. .. I Cp - - l.o._IO
into pressure coefficie nts using the formula (I Ll ) . ~ VII
Cp t " 1.0. _ 14
presented in seclion 11.4. I I~ I
As a wind tunnel test is expensive (about
~I [,,<
HKSlOO,OOO to HKS200,OOO), the client should Cp " -l.O. - I.o ~ k I
determine by consult ing with a wind engi neering "'4... r 1
:;.--1 !9
speclalist whether a wind tunnel le S\ is necessary for
..... , 1....., ' 1 b~
their building. A wind lunnellest is necessary when
the building is of an unusual shape and/or the
building locates a t a location where the surrounding
t-.--4( I, »,
O.2l . M O.2l.
topography will significantly affect the wind 0.13.
conditio ns around this building.
• >b

Fig. 11.8 Edge zones on the surface o(a recL.angular

building defined in the Code of Pracl i c~ on Wind
Effects Hong Kong· 1983.


CQurse Notes on Curtain Wall DosIgro WILSON Curtain Wall COnsu~ant (HI<) LIO.


Mock-ups of windows or c urtain walls are the full­ • The client wants to know the system is watertight
scale specimens selected from the relevant building and is willing to pay for the test:
fac;ade (or roof) systems. Each mock-up should • T he registered structural e ngineer (RSE) /
include the typical porlion of a curtain wall (or Buildings Department (BD) want to know the system
window etc) including its brackets, mu llions, is structurally sound under design and sa fet y wind
transoms, connections between the tTansoms and the pressures.
mullions, glass, sash hardwarc and sealant (and/or • The structural engineer wants to know it is okay
gaskets). The minimum height of the mock-up under earthquakes.
shou ld be one Ooor {or a curtain wall system. When • The Mechanical engineers wish to know it does
tested, the mock-up wi ll be installed onto the fron t not leak too much air.
opening of a lest chamber with its edges closed up • The managemelll office wants to know that the
w ith steel panels or plywood plates. Thc gap between tie-backs for their gondolas are safe for use (a tie­
the testing chamber and the mOCk-Up will be sealed back test).
with sealant or neoprene (or nylon) fl ashing
whichever is adequate. It should be noted that sealant Consequently a mock-up test contai ns usually the
could provide a support to the edge of the specimen following lestS:
and will thus reduce the del1eClion of the mullion • Ai r infiltration test
next to Ihe joint with the chambcr. Mock-up • Water penetration lest under sta tic pressure
drawings should have been checked and approved by • Water penenat ion tcstunder cycl ic pressure
the consu1!ant or the architect before the curtain wall • Water penetration test under dynamic wind
specimen is sent for the mock-up performance tests. pressure (pressure generated by an airplane propeller
The mock-up installation should be checked against to AAMA 501)
the approved mock-up drawings before the Icsting • Structural Adequacy Test under stalic pressure
(by the testing engineer). (up to design wind pressure)
• Structural Adequacy Test under dynamic
pressure (usually cyclic pressures up to design
12.1 Why ShouJd Curtai n Willis Be Tested? pressure)
• Seismic Movement Tcst- Vertical Movement
A curtain wall design should have been checked by • Seism ic Movement Test- Horizontal Movement
the architect, the curtain wall con"uhant, the • Gondula Fixing PuIl·out Tests (also called tie­
contractor themselves and by the Buildings back test) - outward, up/down, left/right
Deparlment. Why should they be tested? II is • Structural Adequacy Test under staliC/cycl ic
because that curtain walls design can be different pressure (up to safety wind pressure)
from project to project. It needs the checker to be • Casement tesl
very professional and experienced on checking
different curtain wall designs. It is believed that It is very often that a mock-up lest is carried out jusl
mock-up tests can find the problems with a curtain because the BD (Hong Kong Buildings Department)
wall system which could be overlooked by the requires it. Actuall y, the c urtain wall test may he
checkers. It is this au thor's opinion {hat once the waived based on SO PNAP 106 if historical data are
curtain wall design has been really carefully checked avai lable.
by a professional curtain wall consultant, ihe The BD PNAP 106 says : "Curtain wall systems
problems with the curtai n wa ll design should have wit hout a history of previously accepted lest will be
been solved a t the design stage. Therefore the mock­ required to undergo a safety test ...... ". A comparison
up test for such a curtain wall \vould be not necessary. report by a curtain wall specialist to prove that the
A contractor requests a mock-up lest simply current curtain waH should have a similar
because that:

Course Notes on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Cunain WaUConsunant (H K) Uti.

perfo rmance as the o ne tested with valid results to be wall system at this pressure only . T he BS standard
compared is necessary 10 gel the test waived. calls for airflow rates measured at vario us wind
pressures. In the final test report, a gr~ph showing
the air infiltra tion against every pressure should be
12.2 M ock-Up Size plo tted.
2. Waler penetration test under static pressure to
Once a BD safety test (PNA P 106) is to be condul.:ted,
B55368 Part 2. This test again sho uld be conduc ted
the minimum mock-up size should con lain a one
to various wind pressures up to the pressure
floor high curtain wall section 10 a llow for the
interested. There is no fa ilure or pass for this lest , but
mullions, Iransoms , and the bracket fix ings to
Ihe pressure al which water is observed penetrating
undergo a full loading as they wi ll experience under
the system to interior should be recorded and
the design (or safety) loads (including wind load ,
rcpon ed.
dead load , and o ther imposed loads).
3. Water penetration lest under cyclic pressures. T he

Althoug h large windows (higher than 108m or BS 4315 has been withdrawn in UK but still used in

opening area is more than 6m 2) are to be submitted to Hong Kong. Another valid testing procedure using

BD for approval, the mock-up.testing fo r windows is cyclic pressure..<; is de fined in the Austra lian code

nOt requi red by the BD since windows are install ed AS/NZS 4284. The water lests to BS 43 15 are still

within building structures rarher than hung outside accepted by HKHA.

building structures. It is often the consultant or 4. Structllfal adequacy tCSt under static pressures to
architect employed by the d ient req uest for a mock­ BS 5368 paT! 3. Deflections of typical members
up test to clarify what they believe could not be sho uld be recorded al vario us pressures a t a step of
round during their checking such as workmanship 250 Pa.
quality. Therefore, it is preferred thai the lest 5. Watcr penetration lest under static pressure
specimens are installed by the laborers who are also (re:peated).
going to install the c urtain wall (or wjndow ) system 6. StruClUral Adequacy Test under BD PNAP 106
on site. Cyclic (Ihis is a part of the BS 5368 part 3 test).
7. Safet y leS.l to 150% Design Load.
8. Racking. test (scismic) 10 +/- lOm m or 1/500 floo r
12.3 Other Tests height.
9. Water penetrat ion test under static pressure
Other testS may be carried o ut when applicable: (repeated) - CUI seal. T his test is also called
• Glass Impact Test (can be co nducted to the glass degradatio n test. A stri p of wcather sealanl at a jo im
installed o n the mock-up) where wate r lightness is expected should be c ut.
• Anodizing (Coating) T hickness Tesl Waler test stated in 2 and/or 3 above shall be
• Strain measorement during struclUrai (\!sts on the repeated to evaluate the effcct of scalant degTadatio n
glass panels or mollions 10 ensure that the m ax.;nlU m a t s uc h locations.
allowable stress is not exceeded. to. Glass intpact lest to BS 8200 (soft ball).
• Hinge Test 11. Glass impact test to BS 8200 (hard ball).
• Latch I Handle Test 12. Sash tests (casemcnt teSt 10 as 6375 pari 2).

It wil l take one full day to finish all [he above tests.
12.4 Test R equired by Ho ng Ko ng H ousing
12.5 Test Equipmen[
HKHA (Hong Kong Housing Authority) specifics
the following tests to their cUrlain walls or glass Mock-ups are tested in laborato ries w here the
walls. following testing facilities are provided.

1. Air infil tratio n test-to BS 5368 pan 1. It is noted Equ ipment

that the testing laborato ries in Hong Ko ng lend 10 • Test Chamber: A free standing test chamber
simplify this test. They will usua lly measure the prcl"abricalcd of stee! w"h ich is designed
airflow rates at a certain wind pressure (usually specifically for the perfo rmance tests. The
600Pa) to determine the air infiltra tio n of the I.:urtain chamber should have an opening in which or



I )
Course NOles on Cunain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall ConSUltant IHK) lJO.

against whic h the specimen can be installed. Care specimen. When the exterior face of the curtain wall
should be taken (0 avoid the edge of the specimen is installed facing the inside o f the c hamber, a
with the chamber is sealed in a way thaI might be positive pressure is applied o n the specimen when
not representative o f the conditions thc curtain the air is blow n into the cha mber (whe n the pressure
wall is to be lesled. inside the chamber is higher than the pressure outside
• Blower: A reversible blower (or blowers) capable the chamber). W hen a negative pressure is desired,
of giving positive and negative pressures o n the the air in the chamber should be vacu umed out. A
mock-up as required will be used to achieve the specified magnitude of the pressure difference across
pressure difference between the inside and the the specimen is achieved by controlling the amount
outside o[ the chamber. Care should be taken to of air supplied (vacuumed) du ring a given time
avoid Ihal the air supplied into the cha mber blows perio<!. Due to the unavoidable air leakage through
directly 10 the speci men SO Ihal the pressure on the chamber, the air blown in will be balanced by the
the specimen is uniform. air leakage . W hen the air blown in equals the ai r
• Water spray rack: A water spray rack bu ilt inside leaks out, the chamber pressure is stabilized. A
the testing chamber (or a temporary water spray constant pressure is achieved.
rack outside the chamber) to supply waler onto
Ihe speci men .
12.6 T esting Procedur es
Measurement Equipm ent
• Manometer: Pressute difference acro:;s the mock­ a. Mock-up inspection
up will be measured using a manometer. The Before the tests are carried out, the test engineer
manometer should be open to bOlh the inside and should ensure thai the follow ing nave been done:
outside the chamber SO that the pressure • Remove any sealing material or construction that
difference across the mock-up will be recorded by is nOt normally a part of the assembly as instalkd
it. The probe of the manometcr should be so on a building.
located in the chamber that it is away from the • Fh the specimen against the test c ha mber with the
direct air flow of the air supply in the chamber external side facing the water spray (if a W<l.t~r
and to avoid faults readings. Manomcters are tcst is desired ). The specimen shall be installed in

l usually very stable and reasonably accurate.

Recalibration for thcm is not necessary after the
first calibration. The accuracy required by ASTM
for manometers is +1-2% of the value measured.
• Transducers: Deflection of structural-members of
such a way that no joints or openings of the
curtai n wall system are obstructed.
• Seal the outer perimeter for the specimen to the
chamber wall and seal at no other points.
• Allow sufficient time for sealants to cure.
a curtain wall specimen will be measured with • C heck the instal lation againsllhe design drawings
displacement transducers. Every transducer to ensure the mock-up is a true representative of
sho uld be checked to see if it gives reasonable the system that is' going to be installed on site.
readings before a structural test. The bases that
fix the transducer to an isolated steel frame from b. Structural adequa cy tests
the test specimen should be ensured Slable. T he st ructural adequacy tests specified by BD, ASD
• Water flow meter: Water flow rates are to be or Hong Ko ng Housing Autho rity are similar. The
monitored with a water flow meter. tests will us ually require the mOCk-Up undergo
• Air flow meter: Airflow rates are monitored w ith pressures £rom design wind pressure up to 1.5 times
an airflow meters. the design pressure. These testing procedures are
1 given in detail in as 5368 part 3, ASTM 830 and in
Fig. 12.1 shows a testing chamber on which a testing BD PNAP 106. The key 10 achieve a good and
") mock-up can be instaUcd. A steel plate installed in re liable s tructural test is to apply the pressure at the
front of the inlet opening of the chamber is to avoid desired value and hold it long enough to take
) the air now to blow d irectly o n the specimen . The air readings. A data acquisitio n system needs around 3
pressure inside the chamber will be uniform. so is the seconds 10 record the displacement readings from the
) air presiure outs ide the c hamber (w ith o nly transducers. Hold the pressure less than this period
negligible fluctuaHon). Therefore, the pressure after the data acquisition system is staned will cause
difference between the inside and the outside o f the fault s readings thaI record the displacements at lower
chamber indicates the pressure difference across the pressures. However, hold the p ressure for 100 long

") 119
C<>urSG Notes on CurtaIn Wa UDesign WILSON Curtain Wall Cons~tanl (HK) LId.

will overload the specime n and might break a glass The maximum de n ections of
the structural
panel as the glass is designed to resist short term mem bers in a curtain wall when under d,esign wind
wind loads (3-second gust) only w hile the loading press ures shaIJ be less than 1/ 180 span between the
application during a performance test could lake a supports as defined in SD PNAP 106 o r 1/175 span
period as long as several minutes. 10 the American standards.

Barrie r to avoid air flow

directly hit the mock-up
Control valve
io conuol the flow rate of the air

Test Mock-up

-To supplier air inlo the chamber or
Test chamber
to vacuum the air out of the chamber

Air in or out

Chamber release
to measure pressure difference
across lhe mock-up 10open or close the chamber release

Fig. 12.1 A test chamber and other testing facilities. Structural adeq uacy lest on slo ne dadding systems
The blower is capable to blow the air into the chamber
or suck the air OUI to achieve positive or negative
can be conducted 10 the standard A STM C1201.
Structural adequacy test on cunain walls or
pressure differences across the test specimen. A sleel windows with cyclic pressures ca n be carried o ul to
plate in front of the inlet and the exit is to guide the air the A merican standard ASTM E 1233.
now to a direction thai will not hit the specimen and 10
ensure a uniform air pressure inside Ihe chamber over c. Water penetration test
the specimen. Water penetration testS u ndcr static wind pressures
can be conducted to ASTM E331, BS 5368 part 2 o r
Another factor that causes incorrect reading" is th;u AS/NZS 4284.
the transducers may be improperl y installed on an
Water shall be sprayed from a spray system
unstable frame (or a frame thai is fi xed to the pan of w hich delivers waler uniformly against the externaJ
the chamber that moves under the pressure) or the face of the speci men. Water flow ra te shoul d be
movement of the mock-u p al certain locations is out checked to e nsure the correct water fl ow rale has
of the reading range of the transducer. been achieved . ASTM E331 requires minimum 3.4
Transducers are to be installed perpendicular 10 liters water / minute I m 2 area of the specimen . BS
the specimen or to such a directio n along which the 2
5368 needs minimum 4 I/minlm • This flow rale
structural member is expected to move the most. defined in AS/NZS4284 is 3 lJrnin/m2.


Course Notes on Cun ain Walt Design WtLSON Curtain WaU Consultant (HK) Ltd.

While keeping the water spray, a static pressure curtain wall system caused by wind loads, thennal
difference of 770Pa or 20% design wind pressure cxpansion o r fl oor slab deformation.
whichever is more shall be applied to the mock-up, Whi le test ing, the test engineer should e nsure that
The test is to be continued for 15 minutes based on the steel H-section beam which is installed in the
ASTM E330. testing chamber to s imulate a fl oor slab and is
Checking water leakage is relatively quite straight supposed to move during this test has been
forward_ You can stay at the interior s ide of the djsconnected from other chamber supports. The
specimen (usually outside the testing chamber) with movement applied from jacks could cause hazards if
a flash if necessary to check visually any water this is no t done.
permeation. Water leakage is defined as the water The amount of the movement is usually 1/500
seen at the innermost face of the specimen that is span between Ooor slabs or 10mm whichever is more.
visible by a building \Jscr when under a specified air The specimen is to be displaced at one floor slab (H­
pressure difference across the specimen. Water section beam) to one direction laterally and back to
stored in the curtain wall system but not visible by the original position, and then to the other direction
the building user <lnd will nOI wet the interior fin ish
and back to the normal position to achieve o ne cycle
is not considered as water leakage.
of movement. Totally 20 two-stroke cycles shall be
Water penetration lest under dynamic pressures is l:arried out as defined in the General Specifications
getting morc and morc popularly used in Hong Ko ng by ASD.
recently. The dynamic wind pressure is generated by
a wind generator which is actually an airplane f. Casement test
propeller driven by aero engines. Water spray rack A casemen t test is fl lest to check and confirm the
shall be installed o utside the testing chamber. The o perable sashes of a curtain wall w ill remain
specimen shall be installed so that the exterior side of operable by an ordinary people under different
the curtain wall [aCes outs ide the chamber. The conditio ns. A good standard to follow for such tests
standard to foll ow for this lest is AAMA 501.1. is as 6375 pan 2.

d. Air penetration test

Air penetration test under a POSlhvc pressure (or
positive pressures) is called air infiltration test. If
under a negative pressure . it is called an air
exfiltration test. The air infihration and the
exfiltration through the fixed part of a stick curtain
wall system will be almost the same usually.
However, such exfiltration may be different from
infiltration at operable sashes or through the open
joints in a unitized curtain wall system.
The parameter to be measured in an air
penetration test is the :m now rate passing thro ugh
the syste m over a unit area (or over a unit length of a
joint) under a given pressure difference. This flow
rate sho uld be compared with the allowable leakage
through the system specified by the mechanical
engineer or the architect.

e, Seismic test
A real eanhquake is very fluctwlIing with various
rantlom frequencies. To apply such. a vibration to a
full size curtain wall ;'pecimen is very difficult if not
impossible. Therefore, lateral movement test is
adopted in Hong Kong 10 simu late partiall y the effect
of earthquake on the system. Such test can also
simulate the effect of building movemcnt to Ihe


CoUlse NOlII$ 01'1 CUf\a1n W aH Design WI LSON Curlain WaN Consultant (HK) lid.



13.1 Objective of a Fire Resisting Construction Table 13.1 Maximum Compartment Volu!lles

(Code of Practice of Fire Resistance Construction-BD,

The objective of. a fire resisting construction is to l aOl1:: 11 .

prevent the spread of fire (and/or smoke) from one Use Maximum Compartment Volume i
building to surrounding buildings: from Ont: flo or \0 Bu lk storage 7000m' where the compartment
floor is above bast':mem level but
other floor.; and from one oompartrnent (or st':vt':ral "d
rooms) to other compartments. wareho use nOt exceeding 30m in height
According to Hong Ko ng CAP. 123 Building
(Constructio n) Regu lations Part XV, every building 3500 m where the compartment
in Hong Kong shall be designed and constructed so floor is at basement level or
as to~ exceeding 30m in height
a. Inhibit the spread of firt': within the building and
to nearby buildings by dividing the building into AJI o ther uses 28000m
b. Provide adequate resista nce to the spread ';'If fi re Table 13.2 Fire Resistance Period-

and smoke by the separatio n of differ\!nt uses in a ICode of Practice of Fi r!! Resistance Cons.\ruclion·BD,

Table 2
building by compartmem walls and noors and by the
separation of the building from any adjoining
building or site;
ICl,ss Use Compartment Fire
Volume Resistanc
c. Maintain the stability of the building in case of e Period
fi re; and 1 Domestic Not exceed ing 1 hour
d. Provide adequate resistance to the spread of firt': 2 Hotel Bedroom 280ODm
over the roof of one building 10 another having 3 Office
regard to the positio n of the building. 4 S hop, Not exceed ing 1 hour
restaurant and 7000rn J
hote! fover
13.2 How to Achieve the Objectives 5 Place of public .
To achieve the above objectives. the "Code of 6 Hospital
Practice for Fire Resisting Constructio n BO - 1996" 7 Place of Exceeding
requires the following: assembl y 7000m bUI 2 ho urs
a. Isolate and separate a building from other 8 Car park not exceeding
buildings . And keep the fire/smoke within this 28000m l
building only. 9 Bulk storage Not ex<?eeding 2 hours
b. Divide the building into several compartments, and warehouse 7000m J
and keep the fire/smoke within each compart ment. 10 Industrial Not exceeding 2 hours
c. Restrict the volume (size) of each compartment undertaki ng 28000m)
(see Table 13.1). excepl bulk
d. Define fi re resistance period for the enclosure storage and .
(walls, roofs etc) between compartments or buildings \""r,.h(),, ~ ..

(refer to Table 13.2). Make sure all tht:. gaps are filled


Cou rse Notes on CUnalfl Wall Design WILSON CtaruJ!n Wall Consullant (HKl Ud.

with non-<:ombuslible material 10 prevent passage of

smoke or name.

13.3 Requirements for Skylights and Curtain


A skyl igh t or a cun ain wall as a ponion of a roof or

an external waH should be built to e nsure protection
agai nst spread of fire to adjoining buildings. Here
Ihe adjoinifig buildings are the buildings less than
1.8m away (rom Ihe building under construction.
Any part of a ny such building with in 1.8m o r any
adjoining building sho uld be enclosed by imperfo rate
external walls antlJor roof having the same Fire
Resistance Period (FRP) as that of thc internal
elements specified in Table 2. Curtain wall or
skylight having an FRP of nOI less than 112 hour (1
hour in thc case of a required staircase or ils lobby)
may be used provided that they are not less than
900mm away from adjoining bu ildings.
No fire resistance requirement needed for c urtain
walls o r sky lights provided that they are more than
1.800 away: from any unpro tected openings in any
adjoining buildings.
Skylight (as a pan of a roo£) should be
constructed of no n-combustible materials (glass,
al uminum and stainless steel are non-comhustible
materials that passes tests to as 476 pan 4).
Fig.3. ! shows a typical fi re insulation of 2 hour
resistance filled in betwee n concrete floor slab and a
curtain wall.

COI.Jfse Notes 011 Curtain Wall Design W ILSON Cur1$in Wall COllsultant (HK) Lld_



Following definitions are given for the understanding Buckling: (see local buckling and lateral buckling)
of this course notes only. They might be differen t
from the definitions given in other public ations. Buill-Up terrain: an arC<l of land which is covered
mainly by buildings of mediu m or high heights.
Absorptance: the percentage of the incident solar
radiation absorbed by the glass. Bushes: a kind of tough bUI not hard material suc h as
nylon, or hard fiber ferrules used around the shanks
Adaptor: a section o f metal or other adequate of the bolts on a spider to prevcnI direct contact
materials inserted into the normal glazing channel. belween the boll and the gLass.

Air permeability: inability of a curtain wall/w indow

Butt joint where the edges of glass panes meet
system to resist the passage of air when it is under a
together and the space between them is filled usually
pressure difference. The permeability is
with silicone sealant.
characterized by a now rate through the system.

Cantile\'er: a beam Ihal is fixed at one end and free

Annealed g lass: the glass during processing is to de flect a t the other end .
cooled slowly and in a controlled manner to avoid
any slress wit hin it. Capacity: limit of force or momenl that can be
expected to be carried by a section of a Slructural
Aspect ratio: the ratio of the longer side of a pane to member.
its shorter side.
Capp ing: a p iece o f metal or other suitable malerials
Basic wind speed: the maximum 3-second gusl to cover an open joint between glass panes.
speed likely to be exceeded over an averagely 50
years lime period al 10m above the ground in an Casement: a w indow or a pan of a window that
open country. opens on hinges, pivots or variable geometry slays.

Basic wind pressure: the dynamic wind pressure at Ceramic coating: the e namel fini sh applied 10 the
any height when the basic wind speed is cxperi<!nc(',d . face of a tempered gl ass.

Bead or glazing bead: a s trip of metal (aluminum , Claddin g: external vert ical or ncar v~rtical non-load
sis or OMS) or other suitable rigid materials auached bearing covering to a building struclure.
10 the surround of a glass panel to retain iL
C lamping bars (fixing bars): a piece of aluminum
Beam: a member predominantly subjecllO bending . or stainless steel bar used to fix a gbzing unil onto a
melal framing member with screws.
Bending moment: see Momenl.
Clear glass: glass Ihat is no t tin ted. Light
Bimetallic corrosion: corrosion of a metal caused Iransmiuance through it is more than 80%.
by COnlac( between dissimilar melals in the presence
of an electrolyte such as water. C leara nce: the distance betwecn the glass edge and
the rcbale
Breadth of a building: the horizonlal dimension of
a building perpendicular to the wind direCtion.


Course NoteS on Curtain Wall Design WILSON Curtain Wall COr'l$ufianl (HK) Ltd.

Compatibility: the ability of a building product Double glazing unit: two panes of glass spaced
(usually sealant or paint) to be applied to a substrate apart and hermetically sealed in a factory around its
without causing any unliesirable effects. edges.

Condensation: format ion of water droplets on cold Dripping line: a pro truded line in a transom section
surfaces. or at a window head to force water drops drip.

Connection: location where a member is fixed to a Dynamic pressure: the pressure of wind due to the
supporting member or other supports. motion of the air. Its magnitude is a fraction of the
square of the air flow velocity.
Curtain wall: a non-load bearing fa~de system
hung on thc struc ture of a building. Edge cover: the width of the glass edge that is
inserted in the rebate and supported with gaskets or
Dead load : a load of a constant magnitude and a sealan t or other suitable materials.
fixed position and orie.nt8tion that acts permanently.
Self weight is one of tlte common seen dead loads. Edge distance: distance from the centre of an llnchor

bolt to the nearest ed ge of concrete.

Delamination: a phenomenon happens to a

laminated glass in which one or two of the JayeiS of Effecti .... e length : length between points of effective
the laminaled glass lose the bond between Ihc glass rest raints of a member multiplied by a raclor to lake
and the imerlaycr. into account the end conditions and loading. This
concept is usually used fo r buckling calculations .
Depth of a building: the horizontal dimension of a
building measured in the direction of the wind . Emissh'ity : capability a material to emit energy
through radialion. T he value is less than LO, or 1.0
Design life: the period in which the curtain wall or fo r a perfeci black body.
other build ing cladding systems is required to
perform safely with an acceptable probability thai it Enamel: a glassy material that is melted OntO the
will not require repair or withdrawal from service. surface of a glass at high temperatures to form a
ceramic coating.
Design wind pressure: the wind pressure at a
location on a curtain wall or other building fallade Expansion joint (movement joint): joint that
systems thaI is expected when the basic wind speed permits movement between the adjacent parl$
is experienced (see also basic wind speed) anacking meeti ng at the joint.
o n the building at a worst direction. It is defined as
the basic wind pressure times the maximulU pressure Fa~adc: the face of a building or the cladding
Cl, cfficienl. covering the build in g.

Differential pressure (or pressure difference): Face clearance: the distance between the glass and
diffe rence between the absolutc press ure on the the rebate in frolll of the glass. The space is usually
external facc of " curtain wall and the absolute rill ~d with gaskets.
pressure on the internal face at the same location.
T he pressure difference is posilive when the external Fatigue: damage to a structural member caused by
pressure is higher than the internal pressure, and is repeated applications of stresses that are insufticient
negative if otherwise. to cause failures by a single application.

Distortion: warping of images when seen through a Finishes: treatment to surfaces of cladding panels or
glass due to that the glass surfaces are not exactly Oat extrusio ns.
and parallef.
Fire resistance: the abili ty of an ele ment of
Double glazing: gla'4ing that incorporales two panes construction such as a wall or a partition to prevcnt
separated for the putposes of sound and/or thermal propagation of a flame or smoke.
) insulation.

J 125
Course Notes on Curtain Wall DesIgn W i lSON Curtain "Yam Consultant (HK) LKI.

Fire protectioD material: a material thai has been Gutter: cha nnel to drain water.
shown 10 be capable of re maining in position and
providing adequate thermal insul<ltion for the Hardware: fill ings that allached to a window and
spccitied fire resistance period by lests to BS ~176 are used 10 operate and/or secure that window .
Heat soak test : a process to heat the tempered glass
Fire resistance: a length of time during which a
to a high temperat ure (<J.pproximately 290°C) for a
structural member or other building compon:;nt is
period of time . The purpose is !.O break those glass
requir&l to withstand the exposure to a fire speci tied
pane ls with nickel sulphide inclusion to red uce the
in BS 476 standards.
spontaneous breakage o f the tempered glass in
Fixings: device to support or to tie back cladding
. panel to frames or to a building structure , Hea t strength ened glass: glass which has been

heated to a high temperatu re (approximately 550°C)

Flex ible compound : a type of glazing material such and chilled rapidly \0 increase ils strength. Such

as sealant which rema ins. permancntl y elastic glass breaks likc annealed glass.

( llexible).
Height of a building: the vertical dimension of the
Float glass: glass that has been tnanufa(.:tured by building 1.0 its utmost heighl above the ground.
noating the molten glass On a bed of molten lin. The
surfaces of such glass are very fl at and parallel. Hermetic seal: an edge seal that is designed to
prevent or minimize gas OJ waler vapor passing.
F ragments: broken pieces of glass .
imposed load: all the loads on the structure or a
Framed: indicates the glass pane l is supported by a glass panel of It curtai n wull system other than the
framing system. dead load and wind load.

Frameless: glass panel is not supporled with a frame. Insulated glass: a spandre l glass with in$ula\jon
The glass itself is structural. applied at the hack of it.

Galvanization: ga lvanization is the procl!SS of Insulating unit (d ouble glazing lmit) : a

dipping steel into hot molten zinc. construction consisting two or IllOTe panes of glass
spaced apart with spacers to form a cavity between
Gasket: a specially profiled glazing materia l for the panes . The edges at" the panels arc seaJed to close
bedding or secu ring the glass (us ually arOUIIJ the cver y cavity to prevent ingress of the moisture into
edges) to be put in between glass and the frame or a the cavity . As the air is a bad conductor for heat ,
bead. such a unit provides very good thermal ins ulalion.

Glare: excessive illumination, or excessive comrast Interlaycr: s heet of a material that is put in between
between the lit and unlit areas that causes difficult)' every tWO glass panes to bond them together. Glass
with vision. th us bonded together is called laminated glass.

Glazing: the securing of glass panes into a prepared Laminated glass: :m assembly con:.i:.ting of IWO or
opening with scala lit or gaske,t or other suitable more glass panels that are bonded together hy
materials. inlerlaycr material.

GMS: galvanized mild steel (see also galvaniz.'llion). Lateral buckling: the side movement ahout the
minor axis of lhe cross seclion of a member or
G r ound roughness (or- called la nd exposure): The twisting of it duc to compro:s:o;ion on lJ part of or the
na tu re of the earth 's s urface as intluenced by whole cross soclion of thai member.
obstructions to airflow such as trees, buildings nnd
hills etc. L ateral r estraint: restraint Ihat limits the lateral
(side-way) movemenl of a beam.


Course Notes on Curtain Weill Design WILSON Curtain Wal l COIl$uttam (HK) lid.

Lite (or light): a panel Of 8 sheet o f glass. Non· load bearing element: an eleme nt of
construction that plays no part in s upporting any part
Local buckling: buckling of the thin walls of a of the b uildin g structure.
section due 10 compression characterized by the
forroation o f waves or ripples along the member. Non·setting sea lant: sealant that does not set.

L<lcation blocks: pieces of resilient material used Notched end : an end of a member with par! of the
between Ihe edges of the glass and the surround to section of it cut away locally for cleara nce.
prevent undesired relative movement between the
pane and the surround and also to maintain the edge Off·line coating: a process to coal a glass usuaH y in
clearance between the glass and the frame. a vacuum chamber with spray coating. The glass
needs to be treated before such coating. Coating thus
Location device: an item o f hard ware that limits the applied is prone 10 damages. Care should be taken to
inilial opening of a.sash \0 fI predetermined amount. pro tecl sllch coating.

Long wave en ergy: Ihe part of thc energy in lhe On-line coating: a process whereby the coal ing is
electromagnetic spectrum wb ich is from the radiation applied to the surface of a floal glass during the
produced by the objects at abo ut room temperature. manufact uring process. As the coal is applied while
the glass is hot, the coat will become a p art of the
Low E glass (Low Emissivity glass): glass coaled glass. The on-line coated glass can be treated
with a material that has an emissivity less than 0 .2 (tempered, he;lt st rengthened etc.).
(20%) in the long wave parI of the radiation. The
us ual emissivity of a clear glass is 0.9 (90%). Opacified: made opaque of a glass by applying a
backing paint o r other backi ng material to the bac k
M irror: a glass which is highly reflective and of the glass.
opaque . Silvering . followed by an application of a
backing paint is the most com mo n type mirror. Opc n joint: a joint deliberately left open in a curtain
wall system o r other building fa91de syste ms usually
Mock-up: a full -scale representative section o f a for pressure equalization purpose.
curtain wall (or other building fat;ade system)
installed onto a testing chamber for - performance Pane (glass pane): a piece of glass sheet cut to size
tests under simulated cond itions such as a ir and shape, and ready for glazing.
infillration test , water penetration test and structural
adequacy tests. Patterned glass: . a clear or tinted glass made
translucent by passing through rollers. The rolling
Moment: a scale of a force times a distance from a give:, an impressio n Or a pattern imo the glass of Ont:
suppon w hose effect on a member is to cause of the glass surfaces.
Permanent deformation: the permanent detlection
Movement joint (expansio n joint) : joint that of a me mber that re mains after the test load is
permits movement between the adjacent parts released.
meeting al the joint.
Polarized light: light whose waves vi brate in a
Multi-point lock system: a lock system that locks an specific o riemation. Polarized light can be the lighl
operable window at more than two points. passing through a polarized fil te r or the reflected
light from a surface or the light from the sky.
Negative moment: a bending moment Ihal causes a
member to hog so that the lOp of a beam is in te nsio n Positive moment: a bending moment that causes a
and the bottom is in compression. member to sag so that the lOP of a beam is in
~. compression and the bottom is in tension.
Nickel sulphide i'nclusion: impurity in the glass that
might cause spontaneo us breakage of tempered glass.

CQ(Jrse Notes on Curtain WaM Design WILSON Curtain Walt Consultant (HK) Ud.

Pressure: the measure of a force over a unit area. Sampling: a statist iCS method 10 take samples o ( a
Unit for a pressure is Pascal (Pa) which equals N 1 11l ~ building product or materia l for lests.
(Newtons pcr square meter).
Sash : the operabk element of a window.
Pressure coefficient: the ratio of the pressure acting
at a point on a surface to the dynam ic pressure of the Setting bloc ks: pieces o f resilient material used
incidenl wind. under a glass panel between the bottom edge of the
glass to support and centralize the panel within its
Pressure equaliz.ed system : a build ing fa~de surround and to prevent the glass fro m touching the
system that contains a chamber space ins ide which rough and hard surroundings.
the air pressure is approximate ly equal to the external
air pressure. Sealant : a glazing compo und that sets after

application into u rubbery consistency.

Primer: a coaling applied to a surface to improve the

adhesion of compounds o r sealallls subsequently

Shading coeffi cient: shad ing codlicicnt of a glass is
applied onlO that surface.
the ratio of the solar heat passing th ro ugh the glass to
the solar he:!t that would pass th rough a 3mm thick
P r ofiled metal sheet: a cold fo rmc:d melal sheet clear glass.
pro fil ed 10 increase its capacity \0 resist bending
along one clirection. Silicone sealant: a st!alant lha\ is made of silicone
mate rials.
PVB (P olyvinyl Butyral): a type of intcrlayer
material used in the manufaclure of laminated glass. Single glazed: an opening in !L waJI that is fitted with
one layer of glass.
Rebate: that pan o f a surro und. the cross section o f
which for ms an angle or a U into w hich the edge of Skylight: ally part o f a roof Ihal is installed
the glass is p laced. horizo ntally or inclined and cons ists predo minantly
of tra nsparent or translucent sheet mater ial.
R ebate depth: the depth of the rebate in a Cramt!
w hich is the sum of the edge cover and the edge Slenderness: The etrcclivc length of a member
clearance. di vided b y Ihe radius o f gyration o f its section.

R eflectance (or reflection) : the perce ntage of the Solar heat gaiD: the amount of heal fro m Ihe sun
visible light (or solar radiation) that is refl ected by which passes throug h Ihe gl ass to the inside of a
Ihe glass. building.

Reflective glass: glass with a coaling that reflects Solar radiation: the hea!. and UV emilled h y
light. the sun and received at the surface o f the earth.

Rerraction: the distortion of the path of a light as it Spacer: a preformed section that sp<lces apart the
passes through a glass/air interface (or air/water panes of glass of a n insulating unic
Spandrel glass: a glass panel inslilllcd at non-vision
RotationAl rest raint: sec T orsio nal re:.lrai nt. area of a build ing in a curtain wall. Such glass is
usually made of an enamded glass or opaque g lass
Safety glass: such glass w he n tested 10 BS6206 so that the thermal insulatio n sct behi nd it can nOI be
satisfi es the cri teria given in the code. T he glass seen from outside.
should not break or breaks safel y unde r impacts of
predete rmined energies as defin ed in this code. Specimen: the sample selected for testing.

Sarety film: a plastic film that is adhered 10 a face of Sponlanwus breakage (s pontaneous fracture):
a glass panel with the intention to hold iI together sudden breakage of glass of no immediate
after the glass breaks. ant icipated reasons.


Coul'$e Notes on CUf1ain Wall Oesign WILSON ClJI1aln Wall Consultant (HI<) Ltd.

Stream line: a line along whose tangent direction T oughened glass: another name fo r tempered glass.
wind moves. The name is more often used in UK.

Strength: resistance 10 fa ilure in a scale of stress. Transmittanct!: the percentage of the solar radilltion
(or visible li ght) that goes through a transpafent or
Sub·frame: part of a larger frame usually connected translucent sheet (such as a glass panel).
to the larger frame with screws or clips.
UV (U V radiation, Ultraviolet radiation, UV light):
Substrate: Ihc surface of a building material on the radiation that belongs to the part of the
which paint or sealant is applied. electro magnetic spectrum with a shorter wavelength
than that for visible lights.
Tempered glass (also named toughened glass):
glass which has been heated to a temperature close to Vapor barrier: a layer of materia! applied in wall to
its melting point (approximately 650°C) and cooled reduce passage of mois ture from one side of the wall
rapidly to create compressive stressed s urfaces of the to the other side.
glass to increase its strength. Such glass once breaks
will break into small harmless pieces. Visibl e light (\'isible spectrum): that part of Ihe
electromagnetic spectrum which is visible to human
Thermal break: a cavity or a material of low eyes. The wavelength is between 380nm and 780nm .
thermal colll.luctivilY provided in a metal frame 10
increase the thermal insulation of the framc. Vision area: tht: pari of a window in a building wall
which is intended for the passage o[ nalural light.
Thermal conductivity (k): Ihc capabililY a material
in conducting heal. Unit is the power of energy Vision panel: a glass panel that is not a spandrel
conducted through a material over a unit thickness panel. Or a glass pane! that allows vision through it.
(m) over a unit area (m 2) when under a unil
temperature difference (1 0 K). Water leakage (water penetration): the penetration
of water Ihat would continuously or repeatedly wei
Thermal conductance (U =
klthicko ess): the in ternal pan s of a building Of ilS component which
capability a layer of a material in conducting heat. arc not designed to be wetted.
Unit is the power of energy conducted through a
material over a unit area (ml ) when under a unit Weather stripping: strips of material applied aro und
temperature diff~ rence (1 0 K). opening lights to reduce air andlor water penetra.l.ion.

Thermal expansion: increase in length , area or Weep hole: a hole drilled in a building fat;ade
volume due to Ihe increase of the body temperature syStem to allow \vater weep away through i1.
of a building material.
Wind tunnel test: test on a scaled building model
Thermal stress: stress developed in a glass or other under simulated wind condition in a wind tunnel 10
building materials of low conductivity due 10 estimate wind effects on the building and wind
diITerences in temperatures at one area from a environment around the building.
neighboring area.
Window: any part of an external wall that consists
Tinted glass (body tinted glass): dear glass that has predominaml y of transparent or translucent sheet
small amounts of colorants added 10 it to increase its maleriaL
absorplance and to reduce its transmittance.
Wired glass: glass that has metal wire mesh
Torsional buckling: buckling of a strut completely embedded in il.
accom~a n ied by twisting.

Torsional restraint (rotational restraint): rcstraim

that prevents rotation of a member about its
longitudinal ax is.

Course NOles OJ) Curtain Wall De sign WILSON Curtain Wall Consultant (HI<) ltd.


a. Books and papers

Behr, R.A., Minor, I.E. and Norville, H.S. (1993):

Streeter, V .L. & Wylie, E.B. (1 979): 'Fluid
' Structural behaviour of architectural laminated
Mechanics' , McG raw·HiIl Book Company.
glass', Journal of StruclIIral Engineering (ASCE)

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Zhou, Y.S. & Stalhopoulos, T. (1996): 'Application
of Two·Layer Methods for lhe Evaluation of Wind
Bleich, F (1952): 'Buckling Strength of Met"i Effects on a Cubic Bui lding', ASHRAE Transactions ,
Structures'. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. 102(1) pp754-764.

Burberry, P (1999) : 'Environment and Services­

Mitchell's Building Series', SIb Edition, Longman .

b. lnternational standards
AAMA SQ.l (1983): "Methods of Test for Metal
Hooper, LA. (1973): ' On the bendi ng of archi tectural Curtain Walls", AAMA.
laminated glass', Intema tiollal Journal of
Mechanical Science 15, pp309-323 .. AS 1288 (1994): 'Glass in Buildings' , Standards
Hutcheon, N.B. & Handegord, G.O.P. (1983):
'Building Science for a Cold Climate' . John Wiley & AS/NZS 4284 (199S): ' Testing of Building Facades',
Sons. Sta ndards Australia and Standards New Zealand.

Jacob, L (1997): 'New Limit State Design Model for ASTM E283 (199 1): "Standard Test Method for
Laminated Glass ' , Proceedings of the Fifth Dt:tcrmining the Rate of Air Leakage Through
Imernaliollal COllference 011 Architeclural lind Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors under
AII/omotive Glass, Tampere, Finland, 13-15 Specified Pressure Differences across the Specimen".
September 1997.
ASTM £330 (1990): "Stand(lrd Test Method for
McEvoy, M. (1994): 'External Component'>­ Structural Performance of Exterior Windows,
Mitchell's Building Series', Longman . Curtain Walls, and DOors by Uniform Static Air
Pressure Difference".
Minor, J.E. and Reznik. P.L. (1990): ' Failure
Strengths of Laminated Glass ' , l oum al of Strucwm! ASTM E331 (1986): " Standa rd Test Method for
Engineering (ASCE) 1l6(4), pp1030-1039. Water Penetration of Exterior WindOWS, Curtain
Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure
Norville, H.S . (1999): ' Strength Factor for Difference" .
Laminated Glass ', Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Architectural alld ASTM Cl20l (1991): "Slandard Test Melhod for
A II/omotive Glass, Tampere, Finland, 13·IS Structurul Performance of E.xlcrior Dimension Stone
September 1999. Cladding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure
Difference ".
Pilkey, w.o. (1997): "Peterson' s Stress
Concentration Factors", John Wiley & Son 's, Inc. ASTM E1233 (1988): "Standard Test Method for
Structural Performa nce of Exterior Wi ndows,
Simiu, E. & Scanlan , RH. (1977): 'Wind Effects on Curtain Walls, and Doors by Cyclic Stalic Air
Structures: an Introduction to Wind Engineering' , Pressure Differe ntial" .
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

- - -- --""'"

Course NOles on Curtain WaH Design WILSON Curtain Wall Consutlant (HI<) Ud.

ArchiteCtural Services Department (1993): 'General British Standard Code of PraClice BS 6262 (t982)
Specifications' , Volumes I & 2, Hong Kong (or BS CP 152): 'Gla7jng for Buildings' , British
Government Publication. Standurds Institution.

British Standard Code of Practice CP 118 (1969): BS 6375 part 1 (1989): ' Perfonnance of Windows' ,
'The Structural , Use of Aluminium' , British British Standards Institution.
Standards lnstitutton.
BS 6375 parI 2 (1989): 'Performance of Windows '.
British Standard Specification BS 729: ' Hot dip British Standards Institution.
galvanizing coatings on iron and steel articles' ,
British Standards Institution. British Standard Code o f Practice BS 8118 ( 1991):
'The Structural Use of Aluminium ', British
British Standard Code of Practice BS 952 pari 1
Standards Inslitution.
(1995): 'Glass for Glazing-Classification' , British

Standards Institution.
British Standard Code of Practice BS 8298 (1994) :
' Design and Installation of Natural Stone Cladding
British Standard Code of Practice BS 1449 part 2 and Lining' , British Standards Institution.
(1983): 'Specification {or Stainless and Heat·
Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet and Suip', British Bui ld ings Department (1996): 'Code of Practice for
Standards Inst itution. Fi re Resisting Construction', Building Authority
British Standard Code of Practice BS 1474 (1987) :
'Specification for Wrought Aluminium and Buildings Deparlment ( l 995): 'Code of Practice for
Aluminium Alloys for General Engineering Overall Therma l Transfer Value in Buildings' ,
Purposes', BTitis!1 Standards Institution. lluilding Authority Publication.

British Standard Code of Practice BS 2846 part 3 Buildings Department (1983): 'Code of Practice on
(1975): ' Guide to Slatistic•.-ll Interpretation of Data', Wind Effects ' . Building Authority Publication.
British Standards Institution.
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British Standard "Specification BS 4360 (1990): Steel'. Building Authority Publication.
'Specification (or Weldable structural steels' , British
Standards Instillltion. ­ Buildings Department (l987): ' The Structural Use of
Concrete', Building Authority Publication .
BS 4783 (1986): 'Specification for Aluminium alloy
windows', Brit ish Standards Institu tion. Bu ildings Departnient • Practice for Registered
Contractors 47 : •Aluminium Windows' , Building
BS 505 1 pari 1 (1988): ' Bullet Resistant Glazing', Authority Publication .
British Standards Institution.
Build ings DepartmeOi • Practice Note for Authorized
as 5368 part 1, pari 2 and part 3 (1978): ' Methods of Persons and Registered Structural Engineers 106,
Testing Windows' , Brit ish Standards Institution. 'Curtain Wall Systems ', Building Authority
BS 5544 (1978): 'Specification for Anti-Bandit
Glazing', British Standards Institution. Buildings Department - Practice Note for Authorized
Persons and Registered Structural Engineers 150,
BS 6206 (1981): 'Specification for Impact 'Wind Tunnel Testing of Buildings ', Building
Performance Requirements for Flat Safety Glass and Authority Publication.
Safety Plastics for Use in Buildings' , British
Standards 1nsti tution. Buildings Department · Practice Note for Authorized
Persons and Registered Structural Engineers 239,
'Window and Window Wall ', Building Authority

Course Note.! on CU rlaln Wall Design WILSON CUltain Wall COM ukant (HK) Ud,

Buildings Departrnem . Practice Note for Authorized

Persons and Registered Structural Engineers 248,
' Window and Window Wall ', Building Authority

Build ing (Construction) Regulations (2000):

'Chapter 123'. Volumes 1 & 2, Hong Kong
Government Publication.

The Institute of Structural Engineers (1999):

'Structural Use of Glass in Buildings', The inslilUte
of Structural Engineers, 11 Upper Belgrave Street,
London, SWIX BBH.


~ WILSON Curtain Wall consult~nt (HK) Umlted

WILSON Curtain Wall Cons~ .dnt'{HK) Umited

Rm. 967. 9/F. T~cbnololY Parle. I.,On SI.. Sh Tin, NT.. ilK

Thl: (852) 264S . 1801 Fax: (1S1 , 264S- ' 824 '",

Web l ite: ",ww.Cu.!..''II''h ILcoru.l L:

Web site: hup:/

Dr. Y. S. ZHOU is the managing director of Wi lson Curtain Wall Consultant (HK) Limited


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