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ACTIVITY 8.1: Article Analysis: Why is that T-shirt so Cheap?

Direction/s: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer by providing THREE
(3) to FIVE (5) SENTENCES for each question.

Article Analysis Name: Junsay, Joshua M.

Why is that T-Shirt so Course: BS Accountancy
Cheap? Year & Section: A-131 Schedule: MWF(8:00-9:00)
Give one (1) striking There are many factors why leading towards industrialization has long
factor leading towards lasting benefits on economic development. One of these is
Industrialization which Technological Development that convinced me the most towards
convinced you the industrialization as it is important that promotes with great innovations.
most. Explain. No one should deny that technology is an utter essential in our everyday
lives. We are all so reliant on technology that we simply cannot imagine
doing anything without it. Due to technological development, people's
daily lives have seen a dramatic transition. Life has become so much
more relaxed, simple, diverse and quick in the present day.

Give one advantage of One of the benefits that Industrialization to the people is the emergence
Industrialization. of machines. Humans have been found on a regular basis to use
Explain. machines all the time, wherever, and for about everything. But why
people tend to use machines? Why have they been so important to us?
The key lies in the general idea that humans have an uncontrollable
desire to constantly aim for something greater, something easier,
something bigger, everything that can surpass all that has been before it.
To sum up everything mentioned, Machines makes work easier,
convenient, and faster .

Give one disadvantage The major disadvantages of Industrialization is the effect of it to the
of Industrialization. environment. The large open spaces which serve as habitats for living
Explain things and areas where communion with nature is evident are destroyed
in the name of economic development. The mass of urbanization and
towns arising from the factory system help to establish overcrowded
environments. In addition, the more industries that are created the more
fossil fuel burning emit pollution into the atmosphere that end up
making large plumes of contaminated area and trapping gasses that
increase the temperature of the Earth.
Try answering the The emergent of Industrialization transformed the way goods, products
question: Why is that and services that were produced and distributed. Before, humans made
T-shirt so Cheap? items by hand, but this was changed with the Industrial Revolution, and
What is it referring to? the environment changed. Since machine do the work for humans now,
goods that were produced have been change and goods that made from
hands are now cheaper. Now, hundreds of workers in a factory can
produce thousands of goods a day unlike before.
Give one important One realization that I have leaned about industrialization is that it made
realization you have an instant changes from what people do before up to present. The
learned in this article. Industrial Revolution turned economies dependent on agriculture and
crafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized
manufacturing, and the distribution sector. New machines, new sources
of energy and new methods of organizing jobs have made traditional
businesses more productive and effective. We all know that progress in
the economy are exciting as they open many doors and the window of
opportunity. But we should always value the hand made commodities
that are craftsmen do.
My Commitment: I will always be aware with the advantages and disadvantages of
industrialization by using it in the right thing but not harming the
environment. I will protect wildlife and preserving it for future

Junsay, Joshua M.

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CRITERIA 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10
Concepts were Concepts were Concepts were
Concepts mentioned but satisfactorily thoroughly
Concepts were barely with minimal discussed and mentioned,
identified or association to explained with discussed and
associated the topic very minimal associated to
with the topic errors the topic
Does not give Gave a good Made a Presented the
Organization a clear presentation of presentation work with
and Clarity presentation the idea/s; that is easy to clarity and ease
of the idea/s other areas follow and making it easy
were still understand to comprehend
Some ideas Almost all of the The ideas given
Very minimal were ideas were exceptionally
Depth and understanding understood clearly showcase a very
Understan- and and explained explained and deep
ding explanation of but with elaborated understanding
the idea/s minimal showing a deep of the whole
presented reflection and understanding work.
association. of the work
The reflection
provided a
Very minimal The reflection The reflection profound
understanding shows some provided very connection to
Application and connection to good examples real life
explanation of real life and connection experiences
the idea/s to real life through very
presented good examples
and anecdotes.
Total Score:

Activity Title: Activity 8.1 - Article Analysis: Why is that T-Shirt so Cheap?

Name: JUNSAY, JOSHUA M. Date: MARCH 6, 2021

Course: ACCCOUNTANCY Year and Section: A-131

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