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Noun (명사)

A naming word for person(people), places, things, or animals

There is a common noun and a proper noun.

- Common noun: refers to general person(people), places, things, or
 Example: dog, cat, park, school, boy, girl
- Proper noun: refers to a specific person(people), places, things, or
 Example: Lydia, Rise, New York, Seoul, South Korea

Pronoun (대명사)
Pronoun is a word that can be used instead of a noun. It is used so that we don’t have
to repeat words.
Examples of a pronoun: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, us, them, her, his,
its, ours, mine, yours, who, that, which, what
Examples on how it is used
- We ordered a new fridge online because it was broken.
- Lydia and Jessica are teachers at Rise.
 They are teachers at Rise.
- It is Aaron’s birthday. He is having a birthday party.

Verb (동사)
Verb is a “doing” or action word. A sentence can not be complete without a
verb. Verb is used to describe an action (doing something). Verbs can be also
used describe a state of being, feeling something.
Examples on how it is used
- She kicked the ball.
- Penguin class dances to the music.
- I take the bus to school.
- My mom drives me to school,
- I drink water when I am thirsty.
- I want a present for my birthday.

Adjectives (형용사)
Adjective is a describing word that comes before a noun to provide detail or
information. It is an important form of expressing something.
Adjectives provides information or detail
- Quantity or number
- Quality or opinion
- Size
- Age
- Shape
- Color

Examples on how it is used:

- It was a very hot day.
- The round table was full of people.
- That was such an exciting movie.
- I had a fun vacation.
- I like red apples.

Adverbs (부사)
Adverbs add description and information to help describe the verbs. When adjective
describes a noun, adverb describes a verb. It adds details on when, how, where, or why
something is being done.
Examples: slowly, quietly, happily, terribly, usually, sometimes, finally, always,
Examples on how it is used:
- My mom always helps me with homework.
- We walk quietly in the hall.
- I did my homework yesterday.
- Today is Monday.
- Yesterday was Sunday.

Sentence pattern (문장)

Sentence is a set of words which makes up a complete thought. Sentence always starts
with a capital letter, ends with a period, question mark, or an exclamation mark.
- I am a student.
- Are you a student?
- I am happy!

Sentence contains a subject and always contains a verb.

There are four types of sentences
- Declarative sentence: sentence tells a fact and ends with a period.
 Cheetahs have spots.
- Imperative sentence: a type of an instruction that ends with a period or
exclamation mark.
 Be quiet. / Be quiet!
- Interrogative sentence: asks a question and ends with a question mark
 What is your favorite animal?
- Exclamation sentence: sentence that expresses emotion or excitement and ends
with a exclamation mark
 I am excited to go to the park!

Simple sentence: a complete sentence that has a subject and verb which states a complete
- I play sports after school.
- Dogs bark.
- This is a sentence.

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