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Title: Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Topic: Social Issues


i. Salutation

- Hello and good morning I bid to everyone. Before I start my speech, I want to ask you do
you know Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter? Did you have these applications
installed in your phone?

- So, what actually these applications are?

ii. Introductory Remarks

Yes, these applications actually also known as social media. As we know, social media not
only been used in our country Malaysia but they are been used all over the world. Actually,
there are many more social media than what I mentioned before. As the time passes by,
many developers tried to create new social media.

iii. Reveal of Topic

Today I am going to give speech about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

iv. Preview

According to Malaysia Digital Marketing Statistics 2020, 71% of internet users in Malaysia
have at least one account on a social media. Now, let’s get started with advantages of sports
and please give me your full attention.

1. Advantages of social media

i. Knowledge and awareness has increased

- As most people in this world already have at least one account of social media, we become
more alert and understand any issues in this world.

-Awareness levels increased and worldwide issues like global warming, drug and bully
issues also become more easier to understand.

ii. Education

- We can now learn something online as the education has spread wide.

- We can just access into our social media accounts to learn something. There as many
educational resources like e-books, online lectures and online classes.

- This is one of the greatest advantages of social media.

iii. Quick and instant Interaction

- With the help of internet, we can use any social media platform to interact and
communicate with our family and friends that live far from us.

- This can save our precious time.

- We can stay communicating even though we are from each other.

Now I will tell you about the disadvantages. I hope everyone is still here with me.

2. Disadvantages of Social Media

i. Privacy Issues

- Lack of privacy protection and security as we need to share our privacy things like email to
create a social media.

- hackers can hack our privacy information and manipulate it for negative uses.

ii. Addiction

- Due to excessive use and exposure to social media, people can be addicted to it and
neglects their other responsibilities.
- Young generation often have this issues that may lead to another big issues like mental
health issue.

- People can be insecure about themselves by seeing other people fancy lifestyles on social

iii. Relationship Issues

- Family issues. Family members are often being seen with their phone in their hands
instead of talking with their own family members.

- Friendships also being destroyed because of the lack of face to face communication as
they more interested with their social media life.

- People also share their problems with strangers that they do not even know instead of
sharing them to people that they know.

Next, I will finalise my speech with the summary our topic today.

i. Summary

- In the nutshell, social media has become a part of our lives. It has its own advantages and
disadvantages and we need to use it wisely.

- I hope we can be a good social media user. Spread positiveity to stay positive and use
social media intelligently to make our future better.

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