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Story of the Wemmicks


The Wemmicks are a group of miniature wooden people in this narrative. Eli, who stood guard over their
settlement, crafted the Wemmicks out of wood. TheWemmicks use stickers – gray dots and stars – to
rate one other. Gray dots were notably applied to Punchinello, one of the Wemmicks. Punchinello was
eventually torn apart by these labels, but then he met Lulia. She's a Wemmick with no stickers. It's not
that she doesn't get stickers; it's just that they don't stick. Punchinello loved the notion of the stickers
not clinging to him, so he asked Lulia what she did, and she persuaded Punchinello to meet with Eli and
discuss everything. When Punchinello was chatting to Eli, he realized that what people think of him
doesn't matter because the craftsman has created him beautifully. Lulia is a Wemmick with no stickers.
Because the stickers did not attach to Lulia, she did not have any stars or dots. She is the one who
advised Punchinello to visit Eli the woodcarver for him to become stickerless like her. Lulia has also
concluded that what others think of her is irrelevant. She confidently and accepted herself. Eli is the
mastermind of the Wemmicks. Eli is a bearded craftsman with a huge beard. Every Wemmick was
produced by hand, and each one has its distinct characteristics. He believes that each Wemmick is
unique in its manner. Eli is the one who convinced Punchinello that he is not a mistake, that he is his
greatest masterpiece, and that he loves him just the way he is.

Guide Question: ANSWER

a. Lulia- In my real life situation, Lulia is my mother. It's because she's the one who taught me
about life's beauty. My mother, like Lulia taught me to accept myself and that God loves us and
sees us as equally lovely. She guided me to God and assisted me in accepting and loving my
Eli – We're all like the wemmicks in that we judge and are judged. In a real-life situation, Eli, the
creator, is God. Every one of us was created with the utmost care. Despite our imperfections, we
are all unique. God created each of us as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. We should all be grateful
for what God has given us and not be concerned about what others think of us; the main thing is
that God loves us unconditionally and accepts us for who we are.
b. Punchinello's situation is similar to mine. What other people think of me also has an impact on
me. I am frequently discouraged from engaging in activities that I enjoy because I am concerned
about the opinions of others. Because I don't feel like I belong and don't satisfy other people's
standards, I have poor self-esteem and sometimes hide from the world but with the help of my
friends and my family, I already learn and accept my flaws. My faith in God tells me that what
other people think of me is unimportant since I was created fearfully and beautifully by my God.

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