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1. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups, and one group was given an herb and
the other group a placebo. After 6 months, the numbers of respiratory tract infections
each group had were compared. This is an example of an experimental study.

2. A candy manufacturer claims each packet contains 20 candies. A sample of packets have
18, 21, 19, 21, 19, 20, 22 candies, respectively. The average is 20. This is an example of
precise measurement.

3. A researcher stood at a busy intersection to see if the colour of an automobile a person

drives is related to running red lights. This is an example of an experimental study.

4. A researcher finds that people who are more hostile have higher total cholesterol levels
than those who are less hostile. This is an example of an observational study.

5. A highway safety engineer tests newly designed road signboards with the objective to
increase the reflectivity so that the signboards will be more visible to drivers. Volunteers
drive through a test course with new and old design signboards and rate which design is
more visible. Hypothesis testing is conducted and P-value is found to be 0.04. Therefore,
at 1% significance level, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

6. The effect of curing pressure on bond strength (in MPa) was tested for two different
adhesives. There were three levels of curing pressure. Three replications were performed
for each combination of curing pressure and adhesive. If there is no interaction effect
between the adhesive and curing pressure, the researcher needs to test the effect of curing
pressure on the bond strength.

7. Subjects are randomly assigned to four groups. Each group is placed on one of four
special diets—a low-fat diet, a high-fish diet, a combination of low-fat diet and high-fish
diet, and a regular diet. After 6 months, the blood pressures of the groups are compared
to see if diet has any effect on blood pressure. This is an example of an observational

8. Suppose a researcher have a list of 1000 registered voters in a community and he want to
pick a probability sample of 50. He use a random number table to pick one of the first
20 voters (1000/50 = 20) on our list. The table gave him the number of 16, so he selects
the 16th voter on the list as the first selected number. Then he picks every 20th name
after this random start (the 36th voter, the 56th voter, etc.) to produce a sample. This is
an example of a systematic sampling technique.

9. A manufacturer claims each chocolate packet contains 20 chocolates. A sample of

packets have 17, 18, 18, 17, 18, 17, 17 chocolates, respectively. This is an example of
precise measurement.

10. In an experiment, with five trials, the average value is 35kg. The actual value (as found
in a scientific data book) is meant to be 35kg. This is an example of accurate

11. In a consumer survey of large cities, the procedure is to divide a map of the city into
small blocks. Each block containing a cluster is surveyed. A number of clusters are
selected for the sample, and all the households in a cluster are surveyed. Less energy and
money are expended if an interviewer stays within a specific area rather than traveling
across stretches of the cities. This is an example of a stratified sampling technique.

12. If you are playing football and you always hit the left goal post instead of scoring. This
is an example of precise measurement.

13. In an experiment, with five trials, the end results of the five trials for whatever is being
tested are: 35kg 36kg 33kg 35kg 36kg. The actual value (as found in a scientific data
book) is meant to be 42kg. This is an example of accurate measurement.

14. A standard package of 500g M&Ns consists of 600 candies on average. There are six
different colours in each package which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and brown;
and the manufacturer claims that the distribution of these colours in each package follows
the ratio of 1:3:1:2:4:1, respectively. In this study, the null hypothesis is the
manufacturer’s claim.

15. A research was conducted to investigate opinions on the cause of global warming based
on gender. Most respondents give three possible answers for the cause of global warming.
The researcher states that the gender of the respondent is independent to the choices for
the cause of global warming. Hence, the claim is the null hypothesis.

16. Mean does not easily affected by outlier.

17. Median does not easily affected by outlier.

18. Human body temperatures for ten students were measured to test their health conditions.
Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are computed as 37.1C, 37.0C,
and 36.9C respectively. Hence, the shape of distribution of this data is almost

19. Human body temperatures for ten students were measured to test their health conditions.
Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are computed as 37.1C, 37.0C,
and 36.9C respectively. Hence, the best measure of average of this data is median.

20. Human body temperatures for ten students were measured to test their health conditions.
Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are computed as 37.1C, 37.0C,
and 36.9C respectively. Hence, the best measure of variation of this data is standard

21. Eleven observations of a ceramic mixture of type A are measured and the sample average
is 127 kPa with standard deviation of 19 kPa. In the meantime, ten observations of a
ceramic mixture of type B are also measured and the sample average is 133 kPa with
standard deviation of 16.6 kPa. Hence, in terms of variability, type A ceramic mixture is
less consistent than type B.
22. A study was performed on patients with diabetics mellitus. The mean and standard
deviation of the weights of 12 patients with diabetics mellitus were 63.1 kg and 21.4 kg,
respectively. A control group of 5 patients without diabetics mellitus had a mean and
standard deviation of the weights of 70 kg and 12.4 kg, respectively. Based on the
variability, a researcher claimed that the weights of the patients with diabetics mellitus
are more variable than the weights of the control group.

23. A study is conducted to investigate the relationship between the boiling point of water (in
C) and the barometric pressure (in Hg). The independent variable used in this study is
the boiling point of water.

24. A random sample of 12 joggers was asked to keep track and record the number of
kilometers they ran last week. Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are
computed as 8.43 km, 6.35 km, and 5.3 km respectively. Hence, the shape of distribution
of this data is right-skewed.

25. A random sample of 12 joggers was asked to keep track and record the number of
kilometers they ran last week. Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are
computed as 8.43 km, 6.35 km, and 5.3 km respectively. Hence, the best measure of
variation of this data is standard deviation.

26. A random sample of 12 joggers was asked to keep track and record the number of
kilometers they ran last week. Based on the data, values of mean, median and mode are
computed as 8.43 km, 6.35 km, and 5.3 km respectively. Hence, the best measure of
average of this data is median.

27. A study is conducted to examine the relationship between shoe size (in inches) and height
(in cm) of people. The dependent variable used in this study is the shoe size.

28. The reaction force for a jet-turbine engine is affected by the given predictors namely
speeds of rotation, fuel flow rate and pressure. A multiple linear regression analysis is
conducted to investigate the relationship between the reaction force for a jet-turbine
engine and those predictors. The coeeficient determination value is 0.6789. Hence, the
relationship is strong.

29. A manager of a computer network collected a data on the number of times of service
interruption on each day over the past 500 days. The number of days and times of service
interruption is recorded and the manager wants to test whether the distribution of service
interruption follow a Poisson distribution. This is an example of goodness of fit test.

30. A medical researcher conducts a clinical trial of a drug intend to reduce LDL cholesterol.
50 samples are given 10 mg of the drug, 50 other samples are given 50 mg of the drug,
and 50 other samples are given placebo. One way ANOVA method should be used to
test for equality of the three mean amounts of cholesterol reductions.

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