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Computer Keys/symbols Explanation

Windows PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like a four-pane, wavy window.
Short for Escape, Esc is a key found on the top-left corner of a computer keyboard. It allows the user to abort, cancel, or close a


Used as the help key in almost every program. When pressed, a help screen opens, or you're directed to a web page.
F1 - F12
A tab may refer to any of the following:1. In computer software (e.g., Internet browser), a tab is a clickable area at the top of a w


Sometimes abbreviated as CAPS and CAPSLK, Caps Lock is a toggle key on a computer keyboard, that when pressed, causes all le

Caps lock
The Shift key is a keyboard modifier key that allows a user to type a single capital letter and change the top number keys to a sy


Short for control, Ctrl is a modifier key found on IBM-compatible computer keyboards in the bottom left and right portion of the
Short for alternate, Alt is a modifier key on both sides of the spacebar key on IBM compatible computer
Alt keyboards. Alt is most often used to in a key combination to perform certain actions such as accessing the
options in the file menu or Ribbon.
Alternatively known as space and the space key, the spacebar or space bar is a long horizontal key on the lower edge of a keybo


Alternatively referred to as cursor keys, direction keys, and navigation keys, the arrow keys are usually located between the stan


The Backspace key or Back space key is a keyboard key that deletes any character before the cursor's current position.
Back Space
delete or remove refers to the act of eliminating a file, text, or another object from the computer hard drive or other media. Fo

Alternatively known as a Return key, with a keyboard, the Enter key sends the cursor to the beginning of the next line or execut

Sometimes abbreviated as Prscr, PRTSC, PrtScrn, Prt Scrn, PrntScrn, or Ps/SR, the Print Screen key is a keyboard key found on m

Prt Scrn

Sometimes abbreviated as ScLk, ScrLk, or Slk, the Scroll Lock key is found on a computer keyboard, often located close to the pa

Scroll Lock

Located near the top-right of most PC keyboards, sharing the break key (as shown here), the pause key may be used to tempora


The Break key is a keyboard key whose original purpose was to immediately halt execution of a running a program. On modern
Sometimes displayed as Ins, the Insert key is a key on most computer keyboards near or next to the backspace key. The Insert k

The Home key is a control key for returning the text cursor to the beginning of the line on which you're currently typing. This ke

Short for Page Up key, the PGUP, PU, PgUp, or Pg Up key is a computer keyboard key found between the keyboard and the num

Page up

Short for Page Down key, the PGDN, PD, PgDn, or Pg Dn key is a computer keyboard key found between the keyboard and nume

Page down
The End key is a key found on a computer keyboard that moves the cursor to the end of the line, document, page, cell, or screen
Short for numeric lock or number lock, the Num key, Num Lock, or Num Lk key is on the top-left corner of a keyboard's numeric

Num Lock

~ Tilde.
` Acute, back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push.
! Exclamation mark, exclamation point, or bang.
@ Ampersat, arobase, asperand, at, or at symbol.
# Octothorpe, number, pound, sharp, or hash.
£ Pound Sterling or Pound symbol.
€ Euro.
$ Dollar sign or generic currency.
¢ Cent sign.
¥ Chinese/Japenese Yuan.
§ Micro or section.
% Percent.
° Degree.
^ Caret or circumflex.
& Ampersand, epershand, or and symbol.
* Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open or left parenthesis.
) Close or right parenthesis.
- Hyphen, minus, or dash.
_ Underscore.
+ Plus.
= Equal.
{ Open brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
} Close brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
[ Open bracket.
] Closed bracket.
| Pipe, or, or vertical bar.
\ Backslash or reverse solidus.
/ Forward slash, solidus, virgule, whack, and mathematical division symbol.
: Colon.
; Semicolon.
" Quote, quotation mark, or inverted commas.
' Apostrophe or single quote.
< Less than or angle brackets.
> Greater than or angle brackets.
, Comma.
. Period, dot or full stop.
? Question mark.

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