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can I do, as a citizen, for development to be more sustainable?

Sustainable development is a societal process that combines social, economic, and environmental goals to meet

current human needs without affecting future generations' needs. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a

framework for addressing global concerns and achieving a better future. The responsibility for achieving the SDGs is

based on the citizens (Peng, 2020). It is clearly stated that we are the one who can change our life in achieving the

goals, as we are also the starting point or the reason why those problems and issues appear and continue to spread not

only in our country but in the whole world. We should provide an effective ways to ensure that the given SDGs are not

just a platform or a blueprint itself but we do need to take an actions to support this kind of plan for us to see what life

we should be experiencing without having inequality that is injustice to all. As a Filipino citizen, knowing that having a

responsibility in the community is a big role to maintain a sustainable development together with this is a peaceful


The Team Leverage Edu (2021) mentioned that the concept behind development is to always address the needs

of the present without considering the long-term consequences for future generations. In the near future, the selfish

attitude of thinking just about "ourself" will lead to serious difficulties. We must consider our planet Earth and future

generations. The longer we hesitate to address the issue of unsustainable development and the implications it is having

and will have in the future, the more serious the implications will be. The mentality of taking more than we need should

be abandoned and eliminated from all of our practices. Since our ecosystem does not have an infinite capacity, we must

keep our growth in line and sustained in order to leave enough resources for future generations. Sustainable

development is a fantastic strategy to conserve our natural resources by altering our approach to technology use and

development. We should not cease using these resources; instead, we should continue to do so in order to prevent them

from becoming extinct and resulting in the extinction of species. The basic purpose of this step is to offer stability to

our social, economic, and environmental needs, as well as to increase welfare and resource availability for future

generations .

As a youth and a citizen in our country, I must ensure and think that in every simply way can help to contribute

to what was the SDGs wanted to achieve. In terms of education, improving and develop my skills and talents is

imporant in the future purposes and also to provide such information in sustainable development. Remember that we

are all matters to the society, each individual have a power to access when there is more advance technology and other

resources to lessen those problems or issues happened in our country and to the whole world. We should never forget to

observe that in every situations there are problems need to be solved so it will not get worse or people will suffer and

won’t be able to survive in the day-to-day life. Being united as one can spread equality and fairness to everyone.

Peng, Y. (2020, August 6). What Is Your Role as a Citizen in Sustainable Development? WeSolve.

Edu, T. L. (2021, April 20). 500+ Words Essay on Sustainable Development with PDF. Leverage Edu.

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