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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: TLE 8 FOOD PROCESSING Teacher: __________________________ Score: _______

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 5 LAS 1

Activity Title : Interpret a layout plan
Learning Target : Explain the meaning of sign and symbol used in lay outing plan for fish
processing activity. (TLE_AFFP7-8ID-Of-1)
Reference(s) : SLM TLE 7/8, MELC
LAS Writer : Michelle A. Ainin


Signs are marks with meanings and are used in replacement to words representing an idea.
Symbols are objects that represent something.
Layout plan is the output of the decided best physical arrangement of all resources that consumes
space, within a facility.
Food processing refers to variety of operations by which raw materials are made suitable for
consumptions, cooking or storage.
Fish processing refers to processing of fish and other fishery products through different inter-related
processes like salting, smoking, curing, pickling and drying.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
_________ 1. Storage area is part of the food processing layout where lessons take place.
_________ 2. Trimming area is a place where trimming and slicing is done.
_________ 3. Processing area is where the finished products were stored ready for distribution.
_________ 4. Board is a surface where information is posted or written.
_________ 5. Toilet is a room for personal necessities.
_________ 6. Entrance refers to a door for one’s entry.
_________ 7. Working area an area where the preparation of food is done.
_________ 8. Lecture area an area where the processing and packaging takes place.
_________ 9. Processing area is an area where lessons take place.
_________ 10. Sink is an area where food preparation is spent such as cleaning, cutting food,
removing waste and dishwashing.


Direction: You are to make a sketch of your own food processing room. Draw simple symbols and
write its function with corresponding names beside each symbol. For example, square for a working
table, rectangle for a sink and so on.

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