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To: Mr Wong,

The Principal,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kepong Baru
Title: Students lack of interest in sports
Date: November 10th 2020

I am writing this report to bring attention regarding the lack of interest in sports among students.
A survey was conducted to investigate the reasons why. It is found that the reasons that causes
students not to be interested in sports comes from themselves, parents and facilities. Likewise,
results show that the majority of the students did not choose sports as their preferred leisure

Essentially, many students stated that sports were a waste of time. They did not view sports as
necessary nor it is a significant part of their lives. Their attitude towards sports was that it gives
them an unpleasant experience, which includes getting sunburned, sweaty and dirty. Besides, the
students also commented that they do not have enough time to fit exercising or doing sport
activities into their tight schedule. Most students expressed that the long school hours paired with
extra co-curricular activities exhaust them and they are unable to find time for sport related

Furthermore, many students complained about parental factors. According to the survey, their
parents burden the students regarding their academics. Many parents emphasize on their child’s
academic performance only, some students even stated that their parents are obsessed over their
academics and grades. Hence, parents would send their children to tuition classes, seminars and
workshops at any possible opportunity, it became very laborious for them to make time for their
own leisure, let alone sports.

Concurrently, some students who do have an interest in sports complained about the poor quality
of equipment and facilities the school provides. Students expect that the facilities and equipment
are at a reasonable level, not something lackluster or inadequate. However, students said the
latter is usually true. The insufficient equipment in the school’s storage always leaves the
students in disappointment, the badminton rackets are only enough to provide a maximum of 6
people. The substandard conditions the equipment are in are almost expendable.

Due to the staggering lack of interest in sports among students, I have developed a few
suggestions that could be considered. Firstly, the school authorities should accentuate the
importance of sports and the benefits of being active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Having
someone with authority could have a greater impact on the students and spark their interest.
Moreover, the school can improve the sporting facilities for the students. The new and an
increased number of equipment would definitely encourage the students to be more active.
Physical education teachers should also be more engaged when interacting with the students.
Teachers with proper qualifications and are more involved in teaching students the rules and
regulations of sports would be an added bonus. Additionally, having more sports related
competitions and attractive prizes would ignite the competitive nature in the students. Talented
students would be more likely to come forth and compete in competitions with attractive prizes.

The lack of interest in sports is worrying, being inactive could lead to obesity. Obesity is one of
the factors that contribute to health complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart
disease. As a student, I hope the few suggestions given will be taken into consideration and sport
related activities are promoted and emphasized more.

Reported by,
Chow Xin Ying

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