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Indications: Nutritional support in the management of damaged liver (due to chronic disease, liver

cirrhosis, fatty liver and intoxication by hepatotoxic substances).

Mechanism of Action: Certain lipoid substances containing phosphoric acid and choline with a high
content of the biologically important essential fatty acids, the so-called essential phospholipids, are
needed for the normal structure and function of the liver. They play an outstanding part both in the
maintenance of normal structure and in energy exchanges in the organ. Hepatic synthesis of
phospholipids involves a great deal of energy and, as a result, this function is delicately balanced and is
very easily disturbed. Furthermore, as liver metabolism cannot occur without the presence of choline-
phospholipid rich in essential fatty acids, deficiency of these substances causes fatty infiltration which
can proceed to degeneration and, in severe cases, ends by destruction of liver cells.

Adverse Reactions: In very rare cases it can cause: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and allergic
reaction (skin rash).
Essentiale Forte

Indications: The drug is indicated in the following conditions:

 Hepatic steatosis (also in cases of diabetes)

 Acute and chronic hepatitis
 Cirrhosis
 Necrosis of the liver cells
 Hepatic coma and precoma
 Toxic liver damage (including pregnancy toxicosis)
 Pre- and postsurgical treatment
 Psoriasis
 Neurodermatitis
 Radiation sickness

Mechanism of Action: The active ingredients of the preparation are essential phosppholipides.
In normal conditions the body synthesizes all the needed for the liver phospholipides and in
cases of liver impairment the function of the liver can be improved by adding to the diet such
substances. The deficiency of phospholipides leads to impairment of liver cell wall function. The
deficiency of phospholipides also leads to impairment of fat metabolism and thus hepatic

Essenciale works by improving the above mentioned effects, promotes cell membrane
regeneration, reactivates different enzyme systems and receptors, increases the detoxification
ability of the liver and through that mechanism normalizes liver function.

Contraindications and cautions: The preparation should not be used in the following cases:

 Hypersensitivity to any components of the preparation

 Newborns and prematurely born children

Adverse effects: There are possible side-effects associated with this medicine that can affect
individuals in different ways. If a side effect is stated here, that does not necessarily mean the
fact that all people using Essentiale will experience it or any other. The preparation rarely causes
side-effects such as:

 Diarrhea
 Allergic reaction

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