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Grade 1 in

Grades were good

Spelling competition

Non science


Banner competition

Science projects

English projects

One way traffic: Could have been done: they could have been given the books to look. Once they
looked the book they could present the items they liked and steps to be follow to prepare the dish.

Could have been discussed about the part the recipe

Equipments (do not say it: say equipment)

Could have been sought for suggestions.

Have you ever tasted rice pudding?

While giving suggestions and feedback, you were interrupting the child. It could have been made it

Let the child share it first.

Note errors and then give feedback in a way the child does not feel discouraged. After Aryan shared,
you could

Wrong pronunciation: Postponed


Procedure and help students dig into deep

Vocabulary for exploring feelings


- Suggestion pronunciation
- You said three people and again asked anyone others. (please stick to your original plan)
- You missed conclusion of when and why we suggest or ask for suggestions.
- Repetition of the same students. Please try to give chance to others. (Alekh, Upasana
- Not I would try but I will try
- at the weekend not in the weekend (again Alekh -3)
- Sumar Dahal-2 time
- Not the most polite but some polite ways
- OK, we seek suggestion to solve about problem. You have got how to ask for
suggestions. Now think about your problem. Put forth your problem to your friends.
They might suggest you something. You have a minute to think. I will take three
people. As you friend put forth the problem, the rest of you will write the suggestions
in the chat box.
- When the questions are shown, you missed to ask them to put for the problem and
ask them to write the suggestions.
- While reading the text, you forgot to ask the students to note the suggestions given
by Nick. Involve all the students in the process.
- Precaution and cholera after reading pronunciation correction (emphasize it)
- Suggestions chanz (missing the last s/ so happened to expressions)
- Summar Dahal -3
- Don’t turn off your video is an order rather than suggestion (beware)
- Now let’s conclude what are the ways to advice them
- Boy with toothache: you could ask them to suggest the boy. If they have any.
- Take suggestions in the chat box publicly. Or ask two people to hold conversation.
- Shreejit repeated -2
- I think she should is also correct.
- Samar Dahal-4
- Ankit gain -2
- Yoshana -2
- Make chat public
- Tell the instructions yourself by showing it. You have been doing live worksheet. Now click
this and demonstrate.
- Do not mix up with request and other functions.
- Nayan is going away from the topic

15 June 2021

9B Manoj

He work with the work sheet

Lack of interaction

No slides

Students could have been asked to see the lesson

Very long time of silence

Lack of interaction


Why are telling the answer to the students. Why can’t you take them in chatbox or oral
communication? Why don’t you ask the student to guess the answer?

Manoj Lama

Sir, please try to make class interactive and more participatory. even during the work they are doing
as we talked yesterday we could take more students. You did with Subersha. That could have been
done with more people posing question on case, genre, choreography, plot, acting, setting and other
aspects of movie review.


Technical problem

First 10 minutes


assume/ /əˈsjuːm/

/əˈsʌm p  .ʃ ə n/



ed pronunciation

Choosing students Kaiblya

Poetry class: Writing in patterns and commenting on the pattern.


Warm up


We use second conditional to regret. Next conditional first should be used to talk about possible

You could simply ask which one is result and which one is condition.

This is new structure.

Give more open sentences

If I were you I would let the student to find the condition and result themselves. Why do we need to
say? We need to give them the method to identify. Let’s be concept focused not the answer focused.

Handling difficult times

Do not lose your confidence. Say thank you! Well you have read well and researched. You may need
to research further.

Song along (do not say)

Next Never try to bind them with what you know! You need to have questions not the hard words.

Well, can you explain what does that mean? Pick what that said and ask.

What does it do now?

While playing the song:

When you are playing the audio why did you say only two students to sing? What do you expect the
other students to do at that time?


What does opthamologist?

Do you know anybody in this profession?

Do you know this person?

What does he do?

What do you think this audio could be?


Soon because it answer the question when something is going to happen.

You can’t late join or you can’t join late.

Game time handling! Better show the progress and then encourage what is going on in the game. The
The teacher is not clear about what to say when the students asked about the whether they will
continue or stop working on the task.


She starts fighting among herself.

Among themselves!


While taking answers to the listening questions.

The lesson organization. What is the connection between the listening exercises of sports? And adverb
here. Could have exited differently with a unified lesson.

Adverb of frequency: Which words answer the question how often can you give me in the chatbox?

How many lines glow?

Answer focus rather than the meaning focus.

While teaching about the placement of the adverbs

Which one is correct: He is always late. Or He always is late.

They never are honest. They are never honest.

They usually make noise at night. They make usually noise at night

She sometimes goes to temple. She goes sometimes to temple.

If you could have given more examples like this, you could ask the theorize. Where.

Lalita (23rd June)

While making sentences, they can make sentences of their own.

Then can feed their own information as well.
at the weekend or on the weekend but not in the weekend

Prithvi Naranyan was not born there.

not temple


When you want to ask child about their parents’ job, just say you may ask your parents. Otherwise,
it’s ok. Sometimes, they might not want to share all the things they do.


Prediction timing

Explanation about myth


Taking answer


Could have been talked about sounds!

While talking about abbreviation students could have been asked to identify the initial sounds of the
each letter in English.

Speaking part!


-The students were asked to locate the words in the text but not asked to make the sentences and share
the sentences. That should be done. (What is the use of locating words in the text?)

Different purpose

Could have been If they know different types of email and purposes of writing emails.

While teaching the poem: you could pose the question, take their opinion then only show the answer,
just letting the students read the slides misses the creativity.

Child missed the lines: because of the size of the text. Thus increase the size.

Who is Pablo Neruda? How do children connect that in the text?

Do you think the poem have good effect on students?

What is the use of the text shown in the slide? Why do not we let them personalize? Do you think the
lines will have the same effect on the students?


Purpose/ propose pronunciation

Exam vs test


Pronunciation of Pronunciation

July 9, 2021

Ishowri :

When they had brainstormed, why assigned them to write the essay? They could have shared the
essay in today’s class. And you could have given the feedback. Likewise, they could have
brainstormed in today’s class and they could have written another essay today.

Creative writing feedback style: interrupt while sharing or give feedback after their answers are

Adrit Regami: Variety of sentences. He used both in all sentences.

Second sentences or third sentences or paragraph?

You could pose questions: What was the topic sentence of your third paragraph? Do you have the
conclusion sentences in the paragraph? Does your conclusion sentence has the same message like
your topic sentence?

Why to write ‘thus’: that the conclusion.

Knowing the differences.-

Why are you saying do not do in your own way? Why can’t the children do their work in their way?
Follow the format but you can make your own choices of what to write.


Do you finish your work?

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