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Acta Neurol Scand 2013: 127: 391–398 DOI: 10.1111/ane.

12037 Ó 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S


Cognitive impairment and magnetic

resonance imaging correlations in Wilson’s
Frota NAF, Barbosa ER, Porto CS, Lucato LT, Ono CR, N. A. F. Frota1,2, E. R. Barbosa2,
Buchpiguel CA, Caramelli P. Cognitive impairment and magnetic C. S. Porto2, L. T. Lucato3,
resonance imaging correlations in Wilson’s disease. C. R. Ono3, C. A. Buchpiguel3,
Acta Neurol Scand: 2013: 127: 391–398. P. Caramelli4
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. 1
School of Medicine, University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza,
Ceará Brazil; 2Department of Neurology, University of
Objectives – To evaluate the cognitive performance of a group of
São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, São Paulo
patients with Wilson’s disease (WD) and to correlate the cognitive
Brazil; 3Department of Radiology, University of São
findings with changes in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil;
Methods – All patients with WD consecutively attended in a 4
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Movement Disorders Clinic between September 2006 and October Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
2007 were invited to participate in the study, together with a group of Minas Gerais Brazil
matched healthy controls. Patients and controls were submitted to
comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. MRI was performed in
all patients, and abnormalities (high-intensity signal, low-intensity
signal and atrophy) were semi-quantitatively rated. Performance of
patients and controls in each cognitive test was compared, and
correlations between cognitive scores and MRI changes were
investigated within the patients’ group. Results – Twenty patients with
WD (11 men) and 20 controls (nine men) were evaluated. Mean age
in the WD and control groups was 30.05 ± 7.25 and
32.15 ± 5.37 years, respectively. Mean schooling years were Key words: Wilson’s disease; cognitive impairment;
dementia; neuropsychological tests; magnetic
11.15 ± 3.73 among WD cases and 10.08 ± 2.62 among controls. resonance imaging
Patients with WD performed significantly worse than controls in the
Mini-Mental State Examination, Dementia Rating Scale, phonemic P. Caramelli, Departamento de Clínica Médica,
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de
verbal fluency (FAS), verb generation, digit span forward, Stroop test, Minas Gerais, Av. Prof. Alfredo Balena, 190, Room
Frontal Assessment Battery and in the Brief Cognitive Screening 246, 30130-100 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Battery. A significant correlation emerged between global cognitive Tel.: +55-31-3409.9746
impairment and MRI scale (r = 0.535), being higher for high-intensity Fax: +55-31-3409.9746
signal plus atrophy (r = 0.718). Conclusion – Patients with WD e-mail:
presented cognitive impairment, especially in executive functions, with
good correlation between cognitive abnormalities and MRI changes. Accepted for publication October 2, 2012

ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum, but it can also

affect the subcortical white matter (1). This accu-
Wilson’s disease (WD) (or hepatolenticular mulation is related to the appearance of extrapy-
degeneration) is a rare genetic disease that affects ramidal symptoms and signs, such as dysarthria,
between one in 30,000 and one in 100,000 indi- walking difficulties, sardonic smile, dystonia,
viduals (1). Alterations in the gene responsible rigidity, bradykinesia and rest tremor in up to
for the synthesis of protein ATP7B, related to the 50% of the patients (1, 2).
transport of copper, were described for the first Despite being present in the first patients
time in 1993 in these patients. Since then, more described by Wilson in 1912, cognitive impair-
than 300 mutations in this gene have been ment has been little studied and is still a matter
reported (1). of controversy until today (3–9). Patients with
In the central nervous system, the accumula- neurological involvement present impaired perfor-
tion of copper occurs preferentially in the basal mance on scales of intelligence evaluation and

Frota et al.

global cognitive performance (3, 4), as well as in

Population and methods
memory (3–5, 7) and divided attention tests (3,
9). Cognitive impairment may persist after treat-
ment and also coexists with depressive symptoms
(9). Other authors, however, did not find differ- All patients with WD, diagnosed by clinical his-
ences between patients with WD and healthy con- tory, physical examination, serum ceruloplasmin
trols (6), and patients presenting only with (<20 mg/dl), 24-h urinary copper excretion
hepatic manifestations seem to perform similarly (>100 mcg/24 h) and ophthalmologic examination
to controls (3, 4). by slit lamp, who were followed in a Movement
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head Disorders Clinic from September 2006 to October
demonstrates excellent sensitivity in patients with 2007, were invited to participate in the study. All
neurological manifestations, being abnormal in patients were on stable doses of treatment for at
approximately 100% of affected patients (10–12). least 1 year, without neurological worsening dur-
The most frequent abnormalities depicted by ing this period. Exclusion criteria included the
MRI in WD are the presence of hyperintense T2 presence of motor abnormalities that could inter-
signals in the basal ganglia (10–12) and atrophy fere with performance in the cognitive tests, such
either focal or generalized (12, 13). The presence as difficulty in writing and severe dysarthria that
of hypointense T2 signals in the basal ganglia has impeded the comprehension of speech by the
also been described by some authors (10, 12), examiner, clinical signs of hepatic encephalopa-
where it can be related to the deposition of cop- thy, like asterixis, presence of depressive/anxious
per or iron, with a tendency to increase with time symptoms according to the Goldberg scale (14)
of treatment (12). and contraindications for MRI of the head. A
Impaired cognitive performance of patients control group was composed of volunteers with-
with lesions restricted to the basal ganglia has out neurological or psychiatric diseases, matched
been previously reported (5), as well as the corre- for age, gender and education with the patients
lation between the presence of hyperintense T2 (Fig. 1). The study was approved by Institution’s
signals on MRI and severity of functional impair- Ethics Committee, and all patients and controls
ment (11). signed a consent form.
This study was prompted by the few data on
the cognitive profile in patients with WD on
Neurological evaluation
treatment who do not show depressive or anxious
symptoms (9), factors that could lead to decline All patients were evaluated by a board-certified
in cognitive performance, and also by the paucity neurologist (NAFF), and the features were
of information about the correlation between recorded and scored according to a previously
cognitive impairment and the presence and sever- published scale (10, 12), which includes 13 clinical
ity of structural changes found on MRI. signs (bradykinesia, rigidity, postural instability,

N = 44 Regular follow-up

Included Excluded

11 Men 9 Women 9 Declined to participate

Age at symptoms’ onset: 18.85 years 4 With anarthria
Mean age: 30.05 years 9 With depression
Symptoms’ duration: 18.85 years 2 Declined to participate after first step
Education (mean): 11.15 years
Motor score (mean): 2.8

D-penicillamine: 14 patients
Zinc: 4 patients
Trientine: 2 patients

Figure 1. Patients’ flowchart.

Cognitive impairment in WD and MRI changes

tremor, dystonia, chorea, athetosis, cerebellar dis- echo (SE) in the sagittal and axial planes, weighted
turbances, dysarthria, dysphagia, walking difficul- T1 (repetition time of 500 ms and echo time of
ties, psychiatric disturbances and other 14 ms), fast spin echo (FSE) in the axial plane T2
alterations), each graded from 0 to 3 (absent, weighted (repetition time of 4500 ms and echo
slight, moderate and intense). Hence, the total time of 101 ms), FLAIR weighted in the axial
score in the scale ranges from 0 to 39. plane (repetition time of 11002 ms and echo time
of 161 ms) and spin echo T2 weighted in the coro-
nal plane (repetition time of 2400 ms and echo
Cognitive evaluation
time of 80 ms). Sequences were not utilized after
All patients and controls were submitted to cog- the use of paramagnetic contrast in any patient.
nitive evaluation divided into two parts, per-
formed in two different occasions, with a mean Image analysis – The analyses of the images were
duration of 40 min each. performed by an experienced neuroradiologist
The first session was applied by the same (LTL), who was blind to the clinical and cogni-
examining neurologist (NAFF), who has a spe- tive picture of the patients, by means of a scale
cific training in Behavioral Neurology, and previously used in other studies (23) for quantita-
included the following tests: Mini-Mental State tive assessment of the MRI structural changes. In
Examination (15); digit span forward and back- this scale, one point is given in the presence of a
ward; a memory test of figures (16), clock draw- hyperintense T2 signal in each of the following
ing (17); verbal fluency tests (animals, verbs and structures (maximum 7 points): putamen, globus
FAS); CERAD naming test (18); Stroop test (19) pallidus, caudate, thalamus, mesencephalus, cere-
and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) (20). The bellum and cerebral white matter. An additional
patients’ relatives also answered the Pfeffer Func- point is given for the presence of a hypointense
tional Activities Questionnaire (21). The choice of T2 signal (SE) in the following structures (maxi-
more simple cognitive tests was adopted to mum 6 points): globus pallidus, putamen, cau-
achieve an easier reproducibility of the results, date, red nucleus, substantia nigra and dentate
even in the clinical practice. nucleus of the cerebellum. The presence of a
The second evaluation session was performed hyperintense T1 signal in the globus pallidus also
by an experienced neuropsychologist (CSP), with received one point. In virtue of the lesions classi-
a similar duration to that of the first evaluation, cally being bilateral and symmetrical, laterality
consisting on the following tests: Mattis Demen- was not taken into account. The last two points
tia Rating Scale (DRS) (22), Wisconsin Card of the scale are supplied by a semi-quantitative
Sorting Test (WCST) and Hooper and Cubes analysis of global atrophy, determined by the
(subscale of Wechsler intelligence scale). prominence of the CSF spaces in detriment of the
encephalic parenchyma and classified as follows:
absent (0), slight (1) or severe (2). Hence, the
Cognitive alterations
final score may vary from 0 to 16, with higher
As some of the tests applied have not been previ- scores indicating greater involvement.
ously validated in Brazil for the specific popula-
tion’s age of the study, we considered that a
Statistical analysis
patient showed altered performance in the cogni-
tive tests where the result was below -1.5 stan- Initially, descriptive analysis of the cognitive tests
dard deviation (SD) of the mean found in the in patients with WD and controls (means and
group of healthy controls. The DSM-IV was used SD) was undertaken. The Shapiro-Wilks test was
for the diagnosis of dementia. utilized for the verification of normality of the
tests. The means of the two groups were com-
pared by Student’s t-test and Mann–Whitney test,
Magnetic resonance imaging
depending on the occurrence of normal distribu-
Acquisition of images – Magnetic resonance imag- tion or not of the variables. Linear correlation
ing examinations were performed in all patients analysis was carried out by Spearman’s test. The
who completed the two cognitive evaluations level of statistical significance was initially set at
using a 1.5 Tesla apparatus, GE Signa Horizon 5% (P < 0.05). However, we used Bonferroni
LX 8.2, with a gradient of 23 mT intensity, in a correction because of the number of tests
quadrature coil for the study of the head. The pro- employed (16), and the new level of statistical sig-
tocol for the acquisition of images in MRI of the nificance was P < 0.0031. All analyses were
head consisted of the following sequences: spin performed using the SPSS 13.0 program.

Frota et al.

dentate nucleus and 45% in the caudate nucleus.

Hyperintense T2 signal areas occurred in 80% of
The demographical and motor impairment char- patients with decreasing order of frequency: puta-
acteristics of the patients are depicted in Table 1. men (65%), pons (45%), mesencephalon (40%),
Four patients had a prior history of hepatic subcortical white matter (40%), globus pallidus
changes (increased liver transaminases or ultraso- (35%), cerebellum/cerebellar peduncle (25%) and
nographic changes) without liver function wors- thalamus/subthalamus (15%). These alterations
ening in the last year. had a symmetrical distribution, except for focal
Patients with WD were impaired, in relation to lesions, which showed some slight asymmetry.
controls, in global evaluation tests (DRS) as well Atrophy was found in 75% of cases. The score of
as in tests of executive functions (FAB, phonemic the MRI scale varied between 2 and 12 points
fluency, fluency for verbs and number of errors (mean = 7.80 ± 2.89).
on the third part of the Stroop test) (Table 2). A good correlation was found between the
Cognitive performance on individual level was number of altered tests per patient and the total
altered (below –1.5 SD) in all but one patient in score in MRI (Fig. 2). When scores related to the
at least one test. The number of altered tests per hypointense T2 signals were excluded from the
patient ranged from 0 to 14, with a mean of total MRI score, a stronger correlation with cog-
6 ± 4. All tests showed at least one subject with a nitive impairment was found, suggesting that hy-
result below –1.5 SD. perintense lesions and atrophy were the two MRI
Scores in the Pfeffer Functional Activities variables more closely related to the cognitive
Questionnaire varied between 0 and 8 points, changes (Fig. 3). A good correlation was found
with a mean of 2.10 ± 2.69 points. Half of the between cognitive deficits and motor and func-
individuals scored zero, and in 20% of cases, tional impairment, but no correlation with the
scores were > 5, indicating significant functional duration of symptoms or with hypointense lesions
impairment. Dementia was diagnosed in one indi- on MRI (Table 3).
vidual, according to DSM-IV criteria.
Magnetic resonance imaging scans were abnor-
mal in all patients. Hypointense T2 signal (SE)
areas were observed in 100% of cases in the glo- The present study demonstrated that patients
bus pallidus, 90% in the substantia nigra, 60% in with WD, even those with mild neurological
the putamen, 60% in the red nucleus, 60% in the symptoms, long treatment course and without

Table 1 Main sociodemographical and clinical characteristics of patients

Education Hepatic Numbers of altered

Patient/sex Age (years) changes Duration of symptoms (years) Motor impairment cognitive tests

1–M 20 6 No 4 3-Dystonia*; Dysarthria ** 9

2–F 34 12 No 15 3-Dystonia**; Dysarthria* 3
3–M 25 14 No 3 1-Rigidity* 5
4–M 28 11 No 18 5-Bradykinesia*; Dystonia**; Dysarthria** 9
5–F 34 12 No 12 2-Other alterations** 5
6–F 34 4 No 5 4-Bradykinesia*; Rigidity*;Chorea*; Dysarthria* 14
7–F 21 11 No 7 0 5
8–F 40 20 No 16 2-Tremor*; Dysarthria* 1
9–F 37 15 No 3 3-Bradykinesia**; Rigidity* 7
10 – F 29 16 Yes 7 4-Bradykinesia*; Dystonia**; Dysarthria* 0
11 – M 42 11 No 32 1-Dysarthria* 3
12 – M 29 5 No 16 5-Bradykinesia*; Dystonia*; Dysarthria**;Dysphagia* 11
13 – M 28 8 Yes 9 4-Bradykinesia**; Dysarthria** 12
14 – F 37 11 No 21 1-Dysarthria* 4
15 – M 22 11 No 6 6-Bradykinesia*; Tremor***; Dysarthria*; Cerebellar syndrome* 9
16 – M 40 11 No 14 1-Dysarthria* 4
17 – M 33 11 Yes 23 1-Dysarthria* 7
18 – M 20 11 No 10 0 2
19 – M 19 9 No 2 6-Bradykinesia*, Chorea**, Athetosis*; Dysarthria** 8
20 – F 29 14 Yes 12 1-Tremor* 2

M, Male; F, Female.
Motor impairment is scored by a specific scale, ranging from 0 (no impairment) to 39 (severe impairment; see text for details). *slight, **moderate, ***

Cognitive impairment in WD and MRI changes

Table 2 Test results of patients with WD and controls

No. of
Test WD Controls P < 1.5 SD

MMSE 26.70 ± 2.452 28.75 ± 1.293 0.0051* 9

DRS 132.45 ± 10.778 140.55 ± 3720 0.0014** 9
DS-FW 4.95 ± 0.825 6.15 ± 1.424 0.0056* 7
DS-BW 3.50 ± 0.688 4.15 ± 1.348 0.0965 1
AF 17.35 ± 5.770 20.35 ± 3.856 0.0920 7
FAS 22.40 ± 12.403 38.75 ± 9.118 <0.0001** 13
VF 8.50 ± 6.637 15.40 ± 6.227 0.0016** 10
STROOP 4.40 ± 4.871 0.50 ± 0.688 0.0006** 15
FAB 12.95 ± 2.856 16.25 ± 1.251 <0.0001** 13
WCST 2.25 ± 1.372 2.60 ± 1.314 0.3983 1
Encoding Memory 9.20 ± 0.696 9.75 ± 0.444 0.0050* 14
Delayed Memory 8.45 ± 1.356 9.50 ± 0.761 0.0070* 11
CERAD naming 14.20 ± 1.540 14.55 ± 0.759 0.7584 3
Clock design 8.00 ± 2.449 9.20 ± 0.616 0.2354 4 Figure 3. Correlation between number of altered tests per
Hooper 21.10 ± 3.779 21.85 ± 4.069 0.3834 1 patient and hyperintense lesions plus atrophy.
Cubes 23.70 ± 10.648 27.20 ± 10.962 0.3122 2

Table 3 Correlation between number of altered tests and some variables

MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; DRS, Dementia Rating Scale; DS-FW,
digit span forward; DS-BW, digit span backward; AF, animal fluency; FAS, phone-
mic fluency; VF, verb fluency; FAB, Frontal Assessment Battery; WCST, Wisconsin Variables Spearman P
Card Sorting Test; WD, Wilson’s disease.
Years of disease 0.366 0.112
*lost significance after Bonferroni correction.
Motor impairment 0.606 0.005
**maintain significance after Bonferroni correction.
MRI hyposignal 0.008 0.970
Pfeffer functional activities questionnaire 0.700 0.001

MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

was used. Poor performance in the DRS was also

observed by Medalia (26) (36.8% of her sample),
although slightly less common than observed in
the present study.
In our group of patients, we observed signifi-
cant impairment in tests assessing executive func-
tions, which was found to be the most affected
cognitive domain in our sample. Such deficit was
expected, because executive functioning is subject
to great influence from the fronto-striatal circuits.
Alterations in tests that evaluated these functions,
such as Raven’s progressive matrices (5) and pho-
Figure 2. Correlation between number of altered tests per nemic fluency (27), were already reported in WD.
patient and total magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) score. Another study (6) did not find alterations in this
domain, possibly because patients with and with-
significant depressive or anxious symptomatology, out neurological impairment were combined in
showed global cognitive impairment, as well as of the analysis.
deficits in executive functions and memory. Impairment of phonemic fluency with the pres-
Altered performance in tests such as the ervation of semantic fluency indicates that this
MMSE has already been reported by other deficit cannot be explained by dysarthria. The
authors (24, 25), but education of the patients preferential deficit of phonemic fluency as com-
was not indicated, nor was there a control group. pared with semantic fluency has already been
These factors limit the comparison of our findings described in carriers of Huntington’s disease
with these previous studies. In the present work, mutation, even before the appearance of clinical
45% of patients had cognitive performance below symptoms of the disease (28).
–1.5 SD in MMSE in relation to controls and The Stroop was the test with the highest number
30% could be considered impaired when the cut- of patients with performance below –1.5 SD. The
off suggested for the Brazilian elderly population number of errors on the third part of the test was

Frota et al.

the only variable considered for excluding the influ- Normal performance in naming, visuospatial
ence of dysarthria on performance, demonstrating and constructive praxis tests was already
the difficulty in the inhibitory control of stimuli. observed by other authors (3, 5). Impaired per-
The FAB was proposed as a brief tool to eval- formance found in the execution of the Cubes
uate executive functions. Diseases that affect the subtest of the WAIS may have been influenced
basal ganglia, such as Parkinson’s disease, lead to by the motor difficulties (4).
altered performance in this scale (29). The find- Even excluding patients with severe motor
ings of the present study demonstrated that this impairment, 5% of our sample fulfilled diagnos-
also is true for WD, suggesting that the FAB tic criteria for dementia, an intermediate rate
may be an interesting instrument to use in the between previous studies (2, 31). Moreover,
clinical setting, allowing a rapid, albeit adequate, despite that all subjects evaluated were on drug
assessment of executive functioning in the disease. treatment for more than 1 year, a considerable
Although patients with severe motor impairment percentage (35%) had a functional impairment
were excluded, a possible negative influence of and were unemployed because of the disease.
motor deficit on the third part of the battery The presence of hypointense areas on T2 (SE)-
could not be entirely avoided. weighted images on MRI is due to the deposition
The normal performance in the WCST was of copper and iron, without any correlation with
also observed by Medalia et al. (3), although the inflammatory process or neuronal loss, fea-
impairment was recently observed by Hegde et al. tures that are related to T2 hyperintense areas
(7). The absence of correlation between perfor- (12). This latter aspect can explain the strong cor-
mance on FAB and the number of categories relation found between cognitive performance
formed in the WCST was observed in patients and the presence of both hyperintensities and
with PD (29), as well as conflicting results in the brain atrophy, and no correlation with hypoin-
presence of alterations in this test in patients with tense areas. Subcortical T2 hyperintense signs in
frontal lobe lesions (30). Owing to that, the nor- patients with cardiovascular risk factors have
mal performance in the WCST does not exclude been related to poorer performance in the sub-
minor deficits of executive functions or damage scale Initiation/Perseveration of the DRS (32).
to fronto-striatal circuits. Subcortical involvement can lead to disconnec-
Taking together all tests that evaluate executive tion between cortical and subcortical structures
functions, only 10% of patients did not show any and may thus influence the performance of execu-
deficit, while 80% displayed an altered perfor- tive tests. Previous studies reported correspon-
mance in two or more tests. This finding confirms dence between atrophy, mainly in the
that executive function impairment is a key fea- mesencephalus, with motor abnormalities (13), as
ture of the cognitive profile of WD. well as between the burden of hyperintense
Alterations in the memory domain have also lesions on T2-weighted images and motor and
been reported by Medalia et al. (3), but the functional impairment (33). A recent study found
authors suggested that impaired performance a correlation between hyperintensities in putamen
could be explained by the motor picture. In our and worse cognitive performance (7). In our
study, the difference between patients and con- study, the presence and severity of hyperintensi-
trols was small, losing statistical significance with ties and brain atrophy on MRI were found to be
the Bonferroni correction, although many significantly correlated with cognitive impairment
patients performed worst than controls. This type related to WD.
of test, by its nature, is not influenced by motor The presence of subclinical hepatic encephalop-
impairment. Hence, this latter clinical feature athy may lead to executive dysfunction (34), but
cannot be imputed for the memory deficits dis- only four patients from our sample had a prior
played. Memory deficits without motor influence history of liver dysfunction and, of these, two
were previously reported (4, 5, 7). Furthermore, had normal cognitive performance, thus making
the level of information loss did not differ this possibility unlikely. Acquired hepatolenticu-
between the two groups, indicating that deficits lar degeneration can lead to motor and cognitive
are due to difficulty in encoding information, impairments (35), mimicking the findings of the
which may be explained by dysfunction in the present study. However, differently to what was
fronto-striatal circuits observed in these patients found in our patients, in this condition, promi-
(4). In addition, learning difficulties were recently nent visuospatial impairment, in addition to typi-
observed in patients with WD, probably second- cal MRI changes (hypersignal in basal ganglia on
ary to the involvement of basal ganglia (31), thus T1), is evident, which was not observed in any of
corroborating our findings. our cases. These data confirm that the changes

Cognitive impairment in WD and MRI changes

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