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Meta-Analysis of Theory-of-Mind Development: The Truth about False Belief

Author(s): Henry M. Wellman, David Cross and Julanne Watson

Source: Child Development, Vol. 72, No. 3 (May - Jun., 2001), pp. 655-684
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development
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ChildDevelopment,May/June2001,Volume72,Number3, Pages655-684

Meta-Analysis of Theory-of-Mind Development:

The Truthabout False Belief
HenryM. Wellman,David Cross,andJulanneWatson

Researchon theory of mind increasinglyencompassesapparentlycontradictoryfindings. In particular,in ini-

tial studies, older preschoolersconsistentlypassed false-belieftasks-a so-called "definitive"test of mental-
state understanding-whereas younger children systematicallyerred. More recent studies, however, have
found evidence of false-beliefunderstandingin 3-year-oldsor have demonstratedconditions that improve
children'sperformance.A meta-analysiswas conducted(N = 178 separatestudies) to addressthe empiricalin-
consistencies and theoreticalcontroversies.When organized into a systematic set of factors that vary across
studies, false-beliefresults clustersystematicallywith the exceptionof only a few outliers.A combinedmodel
that included age, country of origin, and four task factors(e.g., whether the task objectswere transformedin
order to deceive the protagonistor not) yielded a multiple R of .74 and an R2of .55;thus, the model accounts
for 55%of the variancein false-beliefperformance.Moreover,false-beliefperformanceshowed a consistentde-
velopmental pattern,even across various countriesand various task manipulations:preschoolerswent from
below-chanceperformanceto above-chanceperformance.The findings are inconsistentwith early competence
proposalsthat claim that developmentalchanges are due to tasks artifacts,and thus disappearin simpler,re-
vised false-belieftasks;and are, instead, consistentwith theoreticalaccountsthat propose that understanding
of belief, and, relatedly,understandingof mind, exhibitgenuine conceptualchange in the preschoolyears.

INTRODUCTION reasoning, or psychological explanation, among others

(see, e.g., Astington, 1993; Flavell & Miller, 1998; Well-
"Theory of mind" has become an important theoreti-
cal construct and the topic of considerable research man, 1990). From the earliest research, however, a
effort. Theory of mind describes one approach to a central focus has been on children's understanding of
belief, especially false belief. Why? Mental-state un-
larger topic: everyday or folk psychology-the con-
strual of persons as psychological beings, interactors, derstanding requires realizing that such states may
and selves. The phrase, theory of mind, emphasizes reflect reality and may be manifest in overt behavior,
but are nonetheless internal and mental, and thus
that everyday psychology involves seeing oneself
and others in terms of mental states-the desires, distinct from real-world events, situations, or be-
haviors. A child's understanding that a person has a
emotions, beliefs, intentions, and other inner experi-
ences that result in and are manifested in human ac- false belief--one whose content contradicts reality-
tion. Furthermore, everyday understanding of people provides compelling evidence for appreciating this
in these terms is thought to have a notable coherence. distinction between mind and world (see, e.g., Den-
Because actors have certain desires and relevant be- nett, 1979).
A now classic false-belief task presents a child with
liefs, they engage in intentional acts, the success and
failure of which result in various emotional reactions. the following scenario (Wimmer & Perner, 1983):
Whether or in what sense everyday psychology is Maxi puts his chocolate in the kitchen cupboard and
leaves the room to play. While he is away (and cannot
theorylike is a matter of contention (see, e.g., Gopnik
& Wellman, 1994; Nelson, Plesa, & Henseler, 1998). see) his mother moves the chocolate from the cup-
board to a drawer. Maxi returns. Where will he look
Regardless, the phrase, theory of mind, highlights
two essential features of everyday psychology: its co- for his chocolate, in the drawer or in the cupboard?
herence and mentalism. Four- and 5-year-olds often pass such tasks, judging
that Maxi will search in the cupboard although the
How, when, and in what manner does an everyday
chocolate really is in the drawer. These correct an-
theory of mind arise? This question has generated
much current research with children. The question swers provide evidence that the child knows that
has been investigated using a variety of tasks and Maxi's actions depend on his beliefs rather than sim-
studies that focus on various conceptions within the ply the real situation itself, because belief and reality
child's developing understanding, for example, con- @ 2001 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
ceptions of desires, emotions, beliefs, belief-desire All rights reserved. 0009-3920 / 2001 /7203-0001

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656 ChildDevelopment

diverge. Many younger children, typically 3-year- is that older children understand that people live
olds, fail such tasks. Instead of answering randomly, their lives in a mental world as much as in a world of
younger children often make a specific false-belief real situationsand occurrences.
error-they assert that Maxi will look for the choco- False-beliefperformancehas come to serve as a
late in the drawerto which it was moved. marker for mentalistic understanding of persons
These findings are empirically intriguing; it is more generally.Thus,in researchon individual differ-
strikingthat young childrenwould make such a pro- ences in young children'ssocial cognition,false-belief
vocative error.They are also theoreticallyimportant performancesare used as a majoroutcome measure
in that they support a developmentalhypothesis that to assess the influence of early family conversations
children'stheory of mind undergoes a majorconcep- (Dunn, Brown, Slomkowski, Tesla, & Youngblade,
tual change in early life. To be clear,the claim is not 1991), engagement in pretend play (Youngblade&
that young children know nothing of mental states, Dunn, 1995), or family structure(Hughes & Dunn,
but that they fail to understandrepresentationalmen- 1998;Perner,Ruffman,& Leekam,1994)on develop-
tal states. One way of depicting this claim is pre- ment of mentalisticunderstandings.False-beliefun-
sented in Figure 1. A simple understandingof a state derstandinghas also become a majortool for research
such as desire could involve construingthe desireras with developmentallydelayedindividuals.Thetheory-
having an internal, subjectiveurging for an external of-mind hypothesis for autism, in particular,claims
state of affairs.But an everyday understandingof be- that the severe social disconnectedness evident in
lief requiresthe notion thatthe person has a represen- even high-functioning individuals with autism is
tation of the world, the contents of which could be, due to an impairmentin their ability to construeper-
and in the case of false beliefs are,quite differentfrom sons in terms of their inner mental lives (see, e.g.,
the contents of the world itself. Thus, the change in- Baron-Cohen,1995). False-belief performancespro-
volved has been characterizedas a shift (1) from a vided an initial empirical test of this claim in that
situation-basedto a representation-based understand- high-functioningchildren with autism who are able
ing of behavior (Perner,1991), (2) from a connections to reason competently about physical phenomena
to a representationalunderstandingof mind (Flavell, often fail false-belieftasks, whereas Down syndrome
1988), or (3) from a simple desire to a belief-desire and other delayed populations of equivalent mental
naive psychology(Wellman,1990).In short,as revealed age often do not (e.g., Baron-Cohen,Leslie, & Frith,
in part by successful false-beliefreasoning,the claim 1985;for more comprehensivefindings and compa-
risons, see Happe, 1995; Yirimiya,Erel, Shaked, &
Forvariousreasons,therefore,a considerablebody
of researchhas accumulated,which employ an in-
creasingvariety of false-belieftasks that focus on at-
tempting to demonstrate and explain false-belief
errors, as well as relate performanceon false-belief
tasks to other conceptions,tasks, and competencies.
Theory-of-mindresearchgoes well beyond this task
Desire(wants an apple) and these data; nonetheless false-belief tasks have a
centralplace in currentsocial-cognitiveresearch(see
Flavell & Miller, 1998), much as conservation tasks
once were focal for understandingcognitive develop-
ment and for testing Piaget'sfindings and theorizing.
For the case of false belief, just as in the conservation
literature, the initial accounts, the initial tasks, and es-
pecially the claims of conceptual change have all been
vigorously challenged.
In particular, research on false belief instantiates a
basic conundrum in the study of cognitive develop-
Belief(thinksthat that is an apple) ment. Performance on any cognitive task reflects at
least two factors: conceptual understanding required
Figure 1 Graphic depiction of how the person on the right to solve the problem ("competence") and other non-
construes the desire (top) or belief (bottom) of the person on focal cognitive skills (e.g., ability to remember the key
the left. information, focus attention, comprehend, and an-

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Cross,andWatson 657

swer various questions) required to access and ex- olds fail false-belief tasks but claim many 4- and 5-
press understanding ("performance").The last 25 year-olds do as well. "Themost strikingthing about
years of cognitive development research have pro- the age trends was the lack of them ... Quite simply,
duced a plethora of early competence studies and it has become fashionable to claim that there is a
accounts essentially showing that on various tasks sharp age trend, but in fact there is not" (Mitchell,
young childrenfail not because they lack the concep- 1996,pp. 137-138).
tual competence,but ratherbecause the testing situa- These issues, controversies, and theories, along
tion was too demanding or confusing. This research with the increasing amount of empirical findings,
has had several desirable results:undeniable under- mandate a carefulreview.Indeed, several qualitative
estimations of young children's knowledge have reviews have been presented,both several years ago
been exposed; information-processinganalyses of when the number of focal studies were modest (Fla-
how children arrive at their answers and responses, vell, 1988;Perner,1991;Wellman,1990)and more re-
and not just what answers or responses they make, cently as the studies and discrepancieshave grown
have flourished; and domain-general accounts of (Leslie, 2000;Mitchell, 1996;Taylor,1996).But these
cognitive competence have yielded to more precise reviews have come to differentconclusions,and have
domain-specific understandings of children's con- failed to provide a compelling synthesis of all the
ceptions and skills. At the same time, however, ac- data. We provide a quantitativereview and integra-
cepted demonstrations of conceptual change have tion of the findings, a meta-analysis of the data. A
largely disappeared.This is curious inasmuch as the meta-analysisseems feasible and useful. The number
interplay between cognitive change and stability is of studies is now large;certainlysufficientfor infor-
the cornerstoneof all majortheories of cognitive de- mative meta-analysisand, indeed, so large that con-
velopment.Yeteach proposed developmentalchange sidering all the studies one by one is difficult or im-
(e.g., Piaget's conservationcompetence,Carey'spro- possible. In addition, although different qualitative
posed shift from naive psychology to naive biology, reviews depict this database in contradictoryfash-
false-belief understandings) has seemingly evapo- ions, many of the contradictionscould be addressed
ratedin the mist of task variationsshowing enhanced by meta-analysis.Consider the essential dependent
performancein still younger children. variable,false-beliefperformanceas reported across
Conceivably, conceptual change may indeed be studies. When studies show a mixtureof above-, at-,
rare.The contemporaryre-emergenceof strongly na- and below-chance responding, as is the case for re-
tivist perspectives on cognitive development both search on false belief, then a comprehensivepooling
contributesto and derives from this possibility (e.g., of the data across studies is needed to clarifythe na-
Spelke, 1994).On the other hand, genuine conceptual ture of children'sperformance.
changes may be obscured by current emphasis on Of equal theoreticalimportanceare possible inde-
early competence and task simplifications,making it pendent variables, such as the ages of the children
difficultto comprehendthe bigger pictureamidst the tested. In particular,investigationsof false belief rea-
haze of accumulating results from numerous task soning have increasinglydifferedaccordingto a vari-
variations.A comprehensiveanalysis of the volumi- ety of task variables. The focal false-belief question
nous and varied false-beliefresearchprovides an im- has been asked in terms of action (where will Maxi
portant contemporaryopportunity to examine this lookfor his chocolate),in terms of thoughts (where
basic issue. does Maxi thinkhis chocolate is), and in terms of
Empirically,an increasing number of researchers speech (where will Maxi say his chocolate is). Some-
now claim that the original false-belieftasks are un- times the targetobjecthas been moved fromits origi-
necessarilydifficultand that 3-year-oldscanevidence nal locationinadvertently,whereas at othertimes, the
improved, even above-chance, false-belief reasoning movement has been presented, emphatically, as a de-
if the tasks are suitably revised (e.g., Siegal & Beattie, liberate deception designed to fool or trick the protag-
1991; Sullivan & Winner, 1993). Not only the correct onist. At various times the protagonist, Maxi, has
estimation of 3-year-olds is at issue, but more impor- been a puppet, a doll, a real person, or a video por-
tantly, basic developmental trends. Some authors trayal. Moreover, the change-of-locations task dis-
now claim that 3-year-olds, and much younger chil- cussed earlier represents only one "standard" false-
dren as well, understand belief and false belief (e.g., belief task among several. Another often-used task
Chandler, Fritz, & Hala, 1989; Fodor, 1992). False- involves unexpected contents: Children see a crayon
belief competence, assessed correctly,is thus predicted box, state it will have crayons inside, then open the
to be high even in young children. Other authors (e.g., box to find it is filled with candies. Then they are
Robinson & Mitchell, 1995) claim that many 3-year- asked about someone else, Mary, who has never

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658 ChildDevelopment

looked inside the box, "What will Mary think is in ety. Understanding people in terms of mental states in
here, crayons or candies?" A variation on unexpected- general, and in terms of beliefs, more specifically, can
contents tasks are unexpected-identity tasks, in which be argued to be a universal folk psychological stance
a false belief is engendered by an object with a decep- (e.g., Wellman & Gelman, 1998) or a specific manifes-
tive identity (e.g., a sponge that looks just like a rock). tation of a particular Anglo-European individualistic
The variety of independent variables contributes interpersonal stance (e.g., Lillard, 1998).
to an increasingly confused picture. Again meta-
analysis could be especially informative; sufficient METHOD
variation exists on a number of independent variables
across studies to allow for the examination of factors In a meta-analysis, conditions within studies, rather
that have not been varied, or not comprehensively than individual participants or entire studies, com-
varied, within studies. prise the unit of analysis (Glass, McGraw, & Smith,
Among the extended set of variables we will con- 1981). In our analyses, the proportion of children in a
sider in this study, five deserve brief introduction be- condition who demonstrated the target behaviors-
cause of their prominence in research and theory. The correct false-belief judgments versus errors-was
first variable is age. According to initial findings, used as the essential dependent variable. (More pre-
false-belief performance changes dramatically from 3 cisely, we use the proportion of false-belief questions
to 5 years of age; this change may or may not remain answered correctly, because many studies asked each
when important task variations are accounted for. child two or more false-belief questions.) A meta-
The second variable concerns deception-whether analysis of such data is especially straightforward;
the child views the false-belief situation as happen- many of the statistical problems that arise for other
stance or a deliberate ploy to trick the protagonist. types of meta-analyses, which require the transfor-
Several authors claim that framing the task in terms mation and collapsing of various derived inferential
of explicit trickery reduces or eliminates young chil- statistics (e.g., F tests, t tests) (see Glass et al., 1981),
dren's errors (e.g., Chandler et al., 1989), although can be avoided given this type of comparable descrip-
others claim it does not (e.g., Sodian, Taylor, Harris, & tive data across studies.
Perner, 1991). The third variable concerns salience. In addition, we have been able to rule out aberra-
For example, framing the task in terms of trickery tions due to sampling by supplementing our ordinary
may be unimportant except that it serves to make least squares estimates with bootstrap estimates of pa-
mental state (being fooled or duped) more salient to rameters and their standard errors. The details of
the child in comparison with the alternative real state these analytic methods are presented below in the Re-
of affairs (where the chocolate really is). Salience is- sults section. Here, we present information on the
sues have two separate aspects. Certain task manipu- studies and conditions included in the analyses.
lations arguably serve to enhance the salience of the
protagonist's mental state; other manipulations serve Studies
to reduce the salience of the contrasting real state of
affairs. The total potentially relevant literature is large.
The fourth variable of special import concerns Therefore, the first task was to search pertinent jour-
whether the children are asked about someone else's nals, review articles, databases, and chapters for
false belief or their own. In a false-belief task for self studies on several related topics, including false be-
(sometimes called a representational change task), a lief, mental representations, theory of mind, under-
child may be shown the crayon box, and that it con- standing mental states, belief-desire reasoning, and
tains candies, and then asked, "Before you looked in- folk or naive psychology. The references of each cita-
side, did you think the box contained crayons or can- tion were searched for additional articles. The studies
dies?" Different theoretical accounts make different generated in this fashion were supplemented by a
predictions about the difficulty of false-belief judg- search through several conference abstracts and by
ments for self versus others (as detailed later in soliciting information from a variety of known re-
the Discussion section). Moreover, an empirically in- searchers in this field (e.g., P. L. Harris, A. Gopnik, S.
triguing question is, do children understand beliefs Baron-Cohen, J. W. Astington, J. H. Flavell, M. Siegal,
first for their own case, for others, or both similarly? M. Chandler, K. Bartsch, J. D. Woolley, and C. Lewis).
Finally, the national or community identity of the Our efforts to find relevant studies were concluded in
children tested needs to be considered, for example, January 1998; no studies published or sent after that
whether children are from the United States, Austria, time were included in the analyses. In retrospect, we
Japan, or a hunter-gatherer traditional African soci- have discovered that several studies published before

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Wellman,Cross,and Watson 659

1998 were omitted; given the size of the literature and ditions involved atypically difficult tasks or ex-
its publicationin a great many differentjournalsthis tremely confused children.
was inevitable. In total,a largemajorityof false-beliefresearchwas
Many studies that were encounteredinitially were examined, representativeof both published and un-
not considered further because they reported no published false-beliefstudies in the field as of January
false-belieftasks or conditions. Some studies or con- 1998. The analyses of the data provided by these
ditions were not included because they focused only studies proceededin several stages. In each, different
on autisticor delayed samples;the focus in our study subsets of the total data were used, as clarifiedin the
was on normallydeveloping children.In total 38 arti- Results section.
cles were examinedand excludedfor these reasons.
Not all studies or conditionspurportingto include
false-belief tasks with normally developing children Coding
could be included in the analyses.As alreadynoted,
differentstudies encompassed a wide variety of dif- Eachconditionincluded in the analyseswas coded
ferent task situations and questions. Most of these for the dependent variable (proportionof correctre-
were reasonably straightforward, at least when sponses to the false-beliefquestion) and for a variety
sorted in relevant, measurableways (e.g., deception of features constituting the following independent
versus none, puppets versus live protagonists).Some, variables:
however, were so different as to be irrelevant (e.g., 1. Yearof publication.
conditions in which the real state of affairswas com- 2. Mean age and number of participants in a
pletely unknown, and hence, whether the protago- condition.
nist's belief was false or true was indeterminable). 3. Percentageof participantspassing controlques-
Moreover,for our procedureswe needed compa- tions,andpercentagedroppedfromthe research.
rably reported data on the dependent measure (pro- 4. Country of participants: for example, the
portion of correct false-belief judgments) and we United States,United Kingdom,Austria,Japan,
needed the data to be reportedseparatelyfor children and so forth.
of various ages (e.g., 3- versus 4-year-olds) and for 5. Type of task: Three levels of task type, which
separate tasks (e.g., locations versus contents tasks). distinguishedlocationsversus contentsversus
Several studies collapsed their reportedfindings to- identity tasks (as describedearlier).
gether across age or task features. For a number of 6. Nature of the protagonist:Five levels that de-
these, more detailed data was sought and received scribed the protagonistas a puppet or doll; a
from the authors,but this was not always possible or pictured character;a videotaped person; or a
clarificationswere not always forthcoming. real person presentin, or absent from,the cur-
In total, our analyses encompassed 77 reports or rent situation. Protagonists who were real,
articlesincluding 178 separatestudies and 591 condi- presentpersons were then also coded as either
tions. A list of the number of studies and conditions the self or anotherperson.
appears in Table1. These same 77 reportsyielded 58 7. Nature of the targetobject:Fourlevels that de-
conditions that were excluded for the reasons de- scribed the target object as a real object (e.g.,
scribed earlier (less than 10%of the conditions that chocolate),a toy, a pictured object,or a video-
were included). taped object.
One other exclusion was made. False-belieftasks 8. Real presence of the target object:Two levels
typically ask not only the false-belief question (e.g., denoting whether, at the time the false-belief
Wheredoes Maxi think his chocolateis?)but also one question was asked, the target objectwas real
or more control questions (e.g., Where is the chocolate and present (e.g., chocolate was in the drawer,
really? Where did Maxi put his chocolate?). Perfor- the crayon box contained candies) or not (e.g.,
mance on these control questions varies, but typically Maxi's chocolate was used up and thus now
even the youngest children do reasonably well, and absent, the crayon box was empty and thus
often only children who answer the controls correctly contained no real object).
are then included in the final data. Conditions in 9. Motive for the transformation: Two levels cap-
which fewer than 60% of the children answered the turing whether the key transformation (e.g.,
control questions correctly or in which 40% or more of the change of location or the substitution of un-
the initial subjects were dropped were excluded from expected contents) was done to explicitly trick
our analyses. A total of nine conditions were ex- the protagonist (deception), or for some other
cluded for these reasons; we assumed that these con- reason including for no explicit reason at all.

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660 Child Development

Table1 Listing of the Studies and Conditions Included in the Meta-Analysis

Primary Nonprimary Total

Studies Conditions Conditions Conditions
Studies Used in Included in Included in Included in
Authors Year Reported Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis

Astington, Gopnik, and O'Neill 1989 2 2 8 0 8

Avis and Harris 1991 1 1 0 6 6
Baron-Cohen 1991 1 1 0 1 1
Baron-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith 1985 1 1 0 1 1
Bartsch 1996 2 2 3 3 6
Bartsch, London, and Knowlton 1997 2 1 1 0 1
Bartsch and Wellman 1989 2 1 1 0 1
Berguno 1997 1 1 3 0 3
Carlson, Moses, and Hix 1998 3 2 3 0 3
Carpendale and Chandler 1996 2 2 13 0 13
Chandler and Hala 1994 4 4 14 0 14
Chen and Lin 1994 1 1 2 2 4
Clements and Perner 1994 1 1 4 0 4
Custer 1996 1 1 0 2 2
Dalke 1995 2 2 12 2 14
Davis 1997 2 1 2 1 3
Flavell, Flavell, Green, and Moses 1990 4 2 2 0 2
Flavell, Mumme, Green, and Flavell 1992 4 2 2 2 4
Freeman and Lacohee 1995 6 6 31 6 37
Freeman, Lewis, and Doherty 1991 5 4 15 7 22
Fritz 1992 2 2 10 2 12
Frye, Zelazo, and Palfai 1995 3 2 12 0 12
Ghim 1997 5 4 7 1 8
Gopnik and Astington 1988 2 2 30 12 42
Hala and Chandler 1996 1 1 8 0 8
Hala, Chandler, and Fritz 1991 3 1 3 0 3
Happe 1995 1 1 0 2 2
Harris, Johnson, Hutton, Andrews, and Cooke 1989 3 2 0 5 5
Hickling, Wellman, and Gottfried 1997 2 2 4 0 4
Hogrefe, Wimmer, and Perner 1986 6 4 16 0 16
Johnson and Maratsos 1977 1 1 4 0 4
Kikuno 1997 1 1 2 0 2
Koyasu 1996 1 1 9 0 9
Lalonde and Chandler 1995 1 1 6 0 6
Leekam and Perner 1991 1 1 2 0 2
Leslie and Thaiss 1992 2 2 4 0 4
Lewis, Freeman, Hagestadt, and Douglas 1994 5 4 0 6 6
Lewis and Osborne 1990 1 1 18 0 18
Lillard and Flavell 1992 2 2 3 0 3


10. Participation in the transformation: Three dren themselves(e.g., the child initiallydiscov-
levels describing whether the child initially ered that the crayonbox containedcandies),or
helped to set up the task props, engaged in ac- whether the character'smental state was ex-
tively making the key transformation,or only plicitly stated (e.g., the child was told "Maxi
passively observed the events. thinks it is in the cupboard")or pictured in
11. Salienceof the protagonist'smental state:Four some fashion (e.g., via a thought bubble).
levels describingwhether the mental statehad 12. Typeof question:Fourlevels denotingwhether
to be inferredfrom the character'ssimple ab- the false-beliefquestion was phrased in terms
sence during the key transformation,whether of where the protagonistwould look (or some
the character'sabsence was emphasized and other belief-dependent action the character
explicitly noted, whether the false-beliefexpe- might take), what he'd think or believe, what
rience was demonstratedinitially on the chil- he'd say, or what he'd know.

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Wellman,Cross,and Watson 661

Table1 Continued

Primary Nonprimary Total

Studies Conditions Conditions Conditions
Studies Used in Included in Included in Included in
Authors Year Reported Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis

Mayes, Klin, and Cohen 1994 1 1 6 0 6

Mazzoni 1995 1 1 1 1 2
Mitchell and Lacohee 1991 3 3 7 0 7
Moore, Pure, and Furrow 1990 2 1 2 0 2
Moses 1993 2 2 0 10 10
Moses and Flavell 1990 2 2 4 0 4
Naito, Komatsu, and Fuke 1994 1 1 4 2 6
Perner, Leekam, and Wimmer 1987 2 2 9 5 14
Perner and Wimmer 1987 2 2 8 0 8
Phillips 1994 7 1 2 0 2
Riggs, Peterson, Robinson, and Mitchell 1998 4 2 2 0 2
Robinson and Mitchell 1992 5 2 3 0 3
Robinson and Mitchell 1994 3 3 5 0 5
Robinson and Mitchell 1995 6 4 6 2 8
Robinson, Riggs, and Peterson 1997 4 2 2 0 2
Robinson, Riggs, and Samuel 1996 3 3 8 0 8
Roth and Leslie 1998 2 2 4 6 10
Ruffman, Olson, Ash, and Keenan 1993 3 3 2 5 7
Russell and Jarrold 1994 3 3 4 4 8
Saltmarsh, Mitchell, and Robinson 1995 5 5 12 0 12
Seier 1993 1 1 0 1 1
Sheffield, Sosa, and Hudson 1993 1 1 4 0 4
Siegal and Beattie 1991 2 2 8 0 8
Slaughter and Gopnik 1996 2 2 3 1 4
Sullivan and Winner 1991 1 1 18 0 18
Sullivan and Winner 1993 1 1 12 0 12
Taylor and Carlson 1997 1 1 4 0 4
Vinden 1996 1 1 4 8 12
Wellman and Bartsch 1988 3 1 3 0 3
Wellman, Hollander, and Schult 1996 4 1 3 0 3
Wimmer and Hartl 1991 3 3 6 5 11
Wimmer and Perner 1983 4 3 16 0 16
Wimmer and Weichbold 1994 1 1 8 0 8
Winner and Sullivan 1993 1 1 6 0 6
Woolley 1995 2 2 7 1 8
Yoon and Yoon 1993 2 1 16 0 16
Zaitchik 1990 5 1 4 0 4
Zaitchik 1991 1 1 12 0 12

Totals 178 143 479 112 591

13. Temporal marker:Two levels capturing whether mation) agreement was perfect. The two lowest re-
the false-belief question explicitly mentioned liabilities were 92% (for percent passing control
the time frame involved ("When Maxi comes items and for salience of the protagonist's mental
back, which place will he look in first?") or not. state). All disagreements were resolved through
Because the way in which an individual condi-
tion was to be coded on the above measures was
not always clear-cut, two independent raters coded RESULTS
94 conditions representing 20 studies. Agreement
Primary Conditions
(agreements divided by agreements plus disagree-
ments) ranged from 92 to 100%. Over all codings, As noted, the entire database for the meta-analysis
reliability averaged 97%. On some variables (year contained information on 591 false-belief conditions.
of publication, country, and motive for the transfor- In the first wave of analyses, however, we included

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662 Child Development

only what we termed primary conditions. These were A

1.01 1
conditions in which (1) subjects were within 14 1T,
months of each other in age, (2) less than 20% of the .9 o• oo

initially tested subjects were dropped from the re- .8 0

ported data analyses (due to inattention, experimen-
tal error, or failing control tasks), and (3) more than
80% of the subjects passed memory and/or reality u6 .6 o8
ao o,o
control questions (e.g., "Where did Maxi put the .5 o0 )
chocolate?" or "Where is the chocolate now?"). Our .4 O

reasoning was that age trends are best interpretable if 3 o

each condition's mean age represents a relatively nar-
.2 0o's( o
row band of ages; interpretation of answers to the tar-
.1 000W
get false-belief question is unclear if a child cannot re- -- o
member key information, does not know where the
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
object really is, or cannot demonstrate the verbal facil-
ity needed to answer parallel control questions. In Age (Months)
most of the studies, few subjects were dropped, very
high proportions passed the control questions, and B
0 0
ages spanned a year or less, so primary conditions in-
cluded 479 (81%) of the total 591 conditions available. 5o 1 oa
..I .o D/1oo
The primary conditions are enumerated in Table 1; 4 -
they were compiled from 68 articles that contained
128 separately reported studies. Of the 479 primary 0 /-0
3 00 /O/
conditions, 362 asked the child to judge someone 04
4 - 2%c
2 0 0oo
o /( a

else's false belief; we began our analyses by concen-

o00 o _0o
70 O

trating on these conditions. On average in the pri- o

'-o! o 0

mary conditions, 3% of children were dropped from a

condition, children were 98% correct on control ques-
tions, and ages ranged 10 months around their mean
values. 200-3 00
In an initial analysis only age was considered as a 0

factor. As shown in Figure 2, false-belief performance -4-

dramatically improves with age. Figure 2A shows
each primary condition and the curve that best fits the 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
data. The curve plotted represents the probability of
Age (Months)
being correct at any age. At 30 months, the youngest
age at which data were obtained, children are more
than 80% incorrect. At 44 months, children are 50% Figure 2 Scatterplot of conditions with increasing age show-
ing best-fit line. (A) raw scatterplot with log fit; (B) proportion
correct, and after that, children become increasingly correct versus age with linear fit. In (A), each condition is rep-
correct. Figure 2B shows the same data, but in this resented by its mean proportion correct. In (B), those scores are
case the dependent variable, proportion correct, is transformed as indicated in the text.
transformed via a logit transformation. The formula
for the logit is:
straightened, yielding a linear relation that allows
logit = In , systematic examination of the data via linear regres-
sion; second, the restricted range inherent to propor-
where "ln" is the natural logarithm, and "p" is the tion data is eliminated, for logits can range from
proportion correct. With this transformation, 0 rep- negative infinity to positive infinity; and third, the
resents random responding, or even odds of predict- transformation yields a dependent variable and a
ing the correct answer versus the incorrect answer. measure of effect size that is easily interpretable in
(When the odds are even, or 1, the log of 1 is 0, so the terms of odds and odds ratios (see, e.g., Hosmer &
logit is 0.) Use of this transformation has three major Lemeshow, 1989).
benefits. First, as is evident in Figure 2B, the curvilin- The top line of Table 2 summarizes the initial anal-
ear relation between age and proportion correct is ysis of age alone in relation to correct performance

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Wellman, Cross, and Watson 663

Table2 Summaryof Meta-AnalyticResults for the PrimaryConditions

Variables Main Effect Interaction with Age Effect Sizea

Age: F(1, 360) = 229.15, p < .001 2.94 for 1 year

Year of publication F(1, 325) = 2.65, p > .10 F(1, 324) = .96, p > .32
Type of task F(1, 359) = .63, p > .42 F(1, 358) = .64, p > .42
Type of question F(3, 357) = 1.96, p > .11 F(3, 354) = .81, p > .48
Nature of the protagonist F(4, 356) = 1.66, p > .44 F(4, 352) = 1.15, p > .33
Nature of the target object F(3, 357) = 2.49, p > .06 F(3, 354) = 2.35, p > .07
Self versus other F(1, 230) = 1.77, p > .18 F(1, 229) = 3.10, p > .07
Main effects
Motive F(1, 359) = 14.27, p < .001 F(1, 358) = .30, p > .58 1.90
Participation F(2, 358) = 5.91, p < .003 F(2, 356) = 1.25, p > .28 1.96
Real presence F(1, 359) = 16.05, p < .001 F(1, 358) = .63, p > .42 2.17
Salience F(3, 357) = 4.28, < .006 F(3, 354) = .98, p > .40 1.92
Country F(6, 345) = 10.42, p < .001 F(6, 359) = 1.04, p > .40 Australia versus United States = 2.27
United States versus Japan = 1.48
Temporal marker F(1, 358) = 5.45, p < .02 F(1, 358) = 7.57, p < .006

aEffect sizes are presented only for significant variables. Effect sizes were computed in odds ratios and represent the increased odds of
being correct given a facilitating value of a variable, as explained in the text.

(transformedvia the logit transformation).The far change-for example, all ages evidence essentially
right column presents the measure of effect size: the random performance,or all evidence similar above-
odds of being correct increase 2.94 times for every chance performance.
year that age increases. At about 44 months of age, A central question for evaluating these baseline
children are about 50%correct,or at 0 on the trans- models is whether and where children'sperformance
formed measure;hence, at that age the odds of being significantly differs from chance. Ninety-eight per-
corrector incorrectare even or 1.0 (Figure2B).The ef- cent of all false-beliefconditions in the studies sam-
fect size measure in Table2 indicates the increase in pled used two locations(Maxi'schocolatemight be in
the odds of being correct for a more advantageous the draweror the cupboard),or two limited identities
value of a variable.A 2.94 increasefor age means that (the crayon box usually contains crayons but now
for childrenwho are 1 year older (i.e., 56 ratherthan containscandies),thus chancerespondingrepresents
44 months of age) percentcorrectwould be 74.6%.In 50%correct(or a score of 0 in the transformeddata).
terms of months, the effect size for age is 1.09 per We calculated a 95% confidence band around the
month, or an increase from 50%to 52%correctfrom best-fitline shown in Figure2B and then determined
44 to 45 months of age. where performanceswithin this band fell below or
A meta-analysismust be guided by an organized above 0. These confidencebands are also depicted in
set of questions and hypotheses. Our analyses were Figure 2B.1At younger ages--essentially 41 months
originally directed toward evaluating several base- (3 years, 5 months) and younger--children per-
line models of children'sperformancein false-belief formed below chance, making the classic false-belief
tasks. The simplest model is a null model predicting error.At older ages--essentially 48 months (4 years)
random performanceon false-belief tasks. Random and older-they performed above chance, signifi-
performanceat some age might suggest that children cantlycorrect.As shown in Figure2, then,averageper-
are confused, have few relevant systematic concep-
tions, or that the tasks tap little of children'sunder- 1The confidence bands, here and throughout the analyses,
standings.Predictionsof randomperformancecontrast are natural extensions of confidence intervals for the population
clearlywith predictionsof significantlybelow-chance mean, with the exception that confidence limits are formed for
the conditional mean of the dependent variable at different com-
performance(systematic false-belief errors)and sig- binations of the independent variables. These are simultaneous
nificantlyabove-chanceperformance(systematiccor- confidence bands that contain the error rate at .05, no matter
rect understanding of false beliefs). Developmen- how many combinations of independent variables are investi-
tally, a baseline model predicts no developmental gated (Draper & Smith, 1981).

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664 ChildDevelopment

formance changes rapidly during the period 3 to 41/2 No effect Maineffect Interaction
years from significantly wrong to significantly correct.
This age trend constitutes the foundation for anal- *0 U
yses of the influence of various factors on perfor-
mance in which we examined the effects of the 12
.A B C
remaining independent variables (e.g., year of publi-
cation, type of task, nature of the target object, and so young old young old young old
forth, as overviewed in the Method section). Again,
consider in advance various patterns of results that Figure 3 Three hypothetical patterns of results: (A) No effect,
(B) main effect, and (C) interaction.
might emerge. As depicted in Figure 3A, one pattern
of results is that some additional variable (e.g., type of
task-a comparison between locations versus con-
tents tasks) would have no effect on the foundational is of no theoretical interest, it provides a meta-analytic
age trajectory. Alternatively, as shown in Figure 3B, check for the possibility that an initial intriguing find-
that variable may be significant, but only as a main ef- ing can shrink or disappear as later experiments are
fect that does not interact with age. That is, differ- devised with better controls and procedures (Green &
ences on that variable affect performance similarly at Hall, 1984). Some authors contend that early reports
all ages. Finally, as depicted in Figure 3C, a focal vari- of young children's false-belief errors are plagued
able could interact significantly with age. A variety of with just such problems. However, the meta-analysis
patterns might yield significant interactions with age, shows that false-belief results from earlier studies are
but the one shown in Figure 3C is especially relevant virtually identical to those from later studies.
for discriminating early competence accounts from More important, however, is that type of task, type
claims of conceptual change. To confirm early compe- of question, nature of the protagonist, and nature of
tence claims, task modifications should influence the target object were all nonsignificant. To confirm
younger children's performance (and thus account graphically the absence of some of these variables as
for their poor performance relative to older children), significant factors, Figure 4 shows the data for type of
and, in particular, some task version(s) should in- question and type of task. Type of question concerns
crease young children's responding to above-chance whether the false-belief question is phrased in terms
levels. of what the character will think, know, or say, or
We tested for such patterns as follows. First, linear where he will look. As can be seen in Figure 4A, these
regression was used to screen for main effects and all variations make little difference.
two-way interactions with age. If interactions with As noted, false-belief tasks come in three essential
age were absent, the interaction term was dropped forms: change-of-location tasks, unexpected-contents
from the regression and main effects were then tested. tasks, and unexpected-identity tasks. In fact,unexpected-
For those variables shown to have a significant effect, identity tasks are rare (used in only 44 of 362 condi-
confidence bands were constructed around the ob- tions), and preliminary analysis showed that they did
tained regression lines to determine where these lines not differ from unexpected-contents tasks, which
differed from chance. Finally, these primary analyses they closely resemble. Therefore, unexpected-identity
were corroborated both by using more assumption- tasks were collapsed with unexpected-contents tasks
free bootstrapping methods and by examining the en- and Figure 4B thus plots the data for these two
tire omnibus dataset of 591 conditions. Due to the main task types, locations versus contents (including
large database, a conservative .01 level for signifi- identity). As shown, these task types are remarkably
cance was generally adopted. Because interaction ef- equivalent.
fects are of particular theoretical importance, how- In addition, the "medium" in which the false-belief
ever, any interactions at the .05 level were considered task is presented has no significant effect. That is, it
significant as well. makes no difference if the protagonist is presented as
As shown in Table 2, six variables did not signifi- a real person, a puppet, a doll, a pictured storybook
cantly affect performance, neither by themselves nor character, or a videotaped person. Similarly, as long
in interaction with age; five were significant but failed as a concrete target object is present at the time the
to interact with age; and one significantly interacted false-belief question is asked, it makes no difference
with age. whether the object is a real item (a piece of edible
Nonsignificant variables. Given 362 conditions, a chocolate), a toy (a small toy car), a picture of an ob-
failure to find significance with such a powerful test is ject (a drawing of a piece of chocolate), and so forth.
noteworthy. For example, although year of publication Most studies maintained concordances across protag-

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Wellman, Cross, and Watson 665

A about the child's own belief (self-conditions) were ex-

5 ,/i cluded for all the analyses summarized at the top of
4 Table 2, with the exception of the line labeled self ver-
sus others. To compare whether false-belief judgments
for self differ from those for other people, it was not
appropriate to simply compare all self-conditions to
O 2

all other conditions-because self-questions were asked

for only a limited number of tasks. All self-questions
o 1 - are about a person-the child (rather than, e.g., a
puppet or doll); all self-tasks are content or identity
S Type of Question tasks, not location tasks. By their nature, all self-tasks
-2- Know require the child to experience an initial demonstra-
S-3 Look------- tion (e.g., to say a crayon box will contain crayons and
Say then see that it contains candies instead). To insure
-4 - Think -
comparability, therefore, the 117 self-conditions were
-5 I
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 compared with the 118 other-conditions in which the
protagonist was a person, the task was a content or
Age (Months) identity task, and the child viewed an initial demon-
stration of or participated actively in making the key
B transformation. As Figure 5 shows, in this analysis of
5 I
235 conditions, children's correct responses to false-
4 belief questions for self versus other did not differ,
3x-xx/ x

0 3 K and were virtually identical at the younger ages.

Figure 5 also shows that the essential age trajectory
2 x x \C)
for tasks requiring judgments of someone else's false
1 belief is paralleled by an identical age trajectory for
0- children's judgment of their own false beliefs. Young
x children, for example, are just as incorrect at attribut-
ing a false belief to themselves as they are at attribut-
_ ing it to others.
Sx Type of Task Main effects. Five variables were significant as main
o Contents effects, but did not interact with age. In essence, these
-4- x Location ---- factors can enhance children's performance, but in
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
51I o0 x Ox1
Age (Months) 4-

Figure 4 (A) Proportion correct versus Age x Type of Ques- .I- o
tion, and (B) proportion correct versus Age x Type of Task. ) 2- o
O 0

o o o
-4 ,-x
o x Other
- o x xx
x x X9x . x o x

onist and object. If a real person was used as the pro- r-4 "wx x x

tagonist, then a concrete object or toy object was used .4 -1 - B-

as the object. Likewise, a doll or puppet protagonist 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
was matched with a toy object and a drawing of a girl 50I
was matched with a drawing of a piece of chocolate. -3Age (Months)
At least within these loose confines, children do not -4- o Other

reason better or worse about real people versus dolls, 1 ?1 LI I I 1 1

or about real chocolate versus pictured chocolate.
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Self versus other. The analysis for nature of the pro-
tagonist, described thus far, included only conditions Age (Months)
in which the protagonist was someone else. Condi-
tions in which the false-belief question was asked Figure 5 Proportion correct versus Age x Self/Other.

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666 Child Development

doing so they leave the underlying developmental Table 2 presents F values for all the variables as
trajectory (from incorrect to correct performance) un- well as effect sizes for significant variables. To reiter-
changed. Figure 6 graphically depicts the effects for ate, just as for age, this odds ratio measure indicates
motive for the transformation ("motive"), participa- the increase in the odds of being correct for a more
tion in the transformation ("participation"), salience advantageous value of the variable: for example, for
of the protagonist's mental state ("salience"), and real motive, the increase in odds of being correct for tasks
presence of the target object ("real presence"). with deceptive motives over those without deceptive
Motive concerned the motive presented to the motives. As shown in Table 2, this value for motive is
child for the change of location or the unexpected 1.90, that is, a deceptive motive increases the odds of
contents. Sometimes a deceptive motive was explic- being correct by 1.90. In percentage terms, if children
itly stated (the chocolate was moved to trick the pro- are 50% correct at 44 months without deception, then
tagonist), sometimes it was not (either because no they are 66% correct with deception.
motive was stated-the crayon box just contained Participation by the child in transforming the tar-
candies, or, rarely, a nondeceptive motive was get object is also important. Often children are essen-
mentioned-to put them away). As is clear in Figure tially passive onlookers; for example, they watch as
6A, a deceptive motive enhances children's perfor- someone transfers Maxi's chocolate from one place to
mance, and does so for children of all ages. another. However, in some tasks children help set up

5 I x xo0x x9 x xxe xx

4- 4
xr..4 x
4U x -o

6b 3
-0x 0x
o 3.
-1 21< Age (Months)Initial
x xxx Motive
o x6 x
O -3
30 40 50 60 70 80 90100110
Fx +
xNo Deception
-5 1 I I

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Age (Months) Age (Months)

5 I XX
x x ,l
5 .
4 x.e •
4- "
3- 3
2- x. ,
0 x
u.0 - Salience
Sx xx
x xx
U Derno x;
-1- -1':• , " . Presence
, Inferred x S-2 - No
0 -2
- Absence Y
-4 -
Stated/ Pictured -5 xxx?

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Age (Months) Age (Months)

Figure 6 (A) Proportion correct versus Age x Motive; (B) proportion correct versus Age x Participation; (C) proportion correct
versus Age x Salience; (D) proportion correct versus Age x Real Presence.

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Cross,andWatson 667

or manipulatethe initialtask situationor story props. crayonbox containscandies).Yet,if the protagonist's

Further,in some tasks the childrenthemselves make belief itself is clearly stated or pictured, this signifi-
the essential transformation,for example, moving cantly raises performance-for example, younger
Maxi's chocolate, or taking crayons out of a crayon children move from below-chance to at-chanceper-
box and putting in candies instead. As shown in formance. Even if mental states are stated or pic-
Figure 6B, this last type of engagement-actively tured,however,young childrendo not achieve above-
makingor helping make the crucialtransformation- chance performance and the basic age trajectory
positively influenceschildren'sperformanceat all the remainsthe same.
ages tested. As shown in Table 2, actively making The 44 conditions included as stated or pictured
the transformationincreasesthe odds of being correct are worth "unpacking"further.In one type of stated
1.96 over a baseline of being a passive onlooker. In or pictured condition, the protagonist's belief is
percentage terms, if at 44 months children who are stated (e.g., "Maxi thinks his chocolate is in the
passive onlookersare 50%correct,then childrenwho drawer.") and then the false-belief question asks
are actively involved in transformingthe task mate- where he will look (e.g., "Wherewill Maxi look for
rials are 66%correct. his chocolate?").Tobe correctthe child must at least
The variablesrealpresenceand salienceboth argu- recognize the implication of Maxi's thought for his
ably influencethe extent to which the task focuses on behavior in a situation in which behaving according
mental-stateinformation.Again, considerfalse-belief to belief means Maxi will search for his chocolate
tasks as providing informationabout two realms of where it isn't. In a second type of stated or pictured
content: real-world contents and mental-state con- condition, the protagonist's belief is again stated
tents. One might attempt to make mental state more (e.g., "Maxithinks his chocolate is in the drawer.")
focal either indirectlyby diminishing the salience of and the false-belief question asks what Maxi thinks
the contrastingreal-worldcontents,or directlyby en- (e.g., "Does Maxi thinkhis chocolateis in the drawer
hancing the salience of mental states. The variable or the cupboard?").Arguably, in this type of task
real presence describes the status of the target object childrencould respond correctlyby simply repeating
at the time the false-belief question is asked- back the earlier belief statement ("Maxi thinks his
whether the true state of affairsis instantiatedby a chocolate is in the drawer.").Finally,a third type of
real and present object (e.g., Maxi's chocolate in the stated or pictured condition shows the protagonist's
cupboard, or the candies in the crayon box) or not belief in pictorialform.Forexample,at the time Maxi
(e.g., Maxi'schocolatewas removed from the drawer puts his chocolatein the drawer the child is asked to
and eaten, and, thus, is not now real and present).As choose a picture showing where the chocolate is at
shown in Figure6D, if the objectis not realand present, this point (and the pictureis either kept in view or re-
children are more likely to answer correctly.With an moved from view). Or, Maxi may be shown with a
effectsize of 2.17,if childrenat 44 months are50%cor- thought bubble depicting his belief (e.g., a thought
rect with real and present objects,then they are 68% bubble of chocolate in the drawer and not the cup-
correctif the object is not real and present. Because board). Intriguingly, all these variations produce
this variable does not interact with age, however, largely the same results:they all arehelpful, but none
both values of realpresenceleave the basic age trajec- provide evidence for the type of interactionnoted in
tory unchanged.Moreover,even when thereis no real Figure3C.
and present object,the younger childrendo not per- Finally, the country of origin influences perfor-
form at above-chancelevels; 95% confidence bands mance. Figure 7, which includes lines for the seven
around that line substantially overlap with zero. countries in which there were six or more total con-
Thus, the youngest children may move from below- ditions, shows that at any one age, children from
chance performance to at-chance performance, but only various countries can perform better or worse than
older children move to above-chance performance. each other. Nonetheless, children in all countries
Comparably, salience of the protagonist's mental exhibit the same developmental trajectory. Condi-
state is also significant. In this case, as shown in Fig- tions from the United States and the United King-
ure 6C, most task variations are equivalent. For ex- dom represent the largest sample (together con-
ample, it does not matter if the protagonist is merely tributing 48% of all conditions). Thus, using those
absent when the transformation is made and the countries as a baseline, children in Korea perform
mental state must be inferred, whether the charac- similarly; children in Australia and Canada per-
ter's absence is emphasized, or if the false-belief form somewhat better; and those in Austria and
situation and experience is initially demonstrated on Japan perform somewhat worse. The effect size
the children themselves (e.g., they discover the values shown in Table 2 present two extremes. If at

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668 Child Development

5 I I I I 5 I 1 1 1 / 1
3/I ',
4 7 4-
Australia - / 0
S / <--Austria Sx Oox x Pox 0 0

2 Canada 8o 2
o ,'1,,

So o o0

Z/ J-Japan x o oY
0 U
U.S. <- 3 o O
o es
-1 -
- • 00 mor
-2- U.K. o M

1 1 1
-4 - 5 1?!1 !
-5I I I I 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Age (Months)
Age (Months)
Figure 8 Proportion correct versus Age x Temporal Marker.
Figure 7 Proportion correct versus Age x Country for the pri-
mary conditions.

coefficients of the regression model and storing the

results. When the procedure is completed, there are B
44 months of age children in the United States are
estimates of each parameter, each computed on a ran-
50% correct, then children in Australia are 69% cor-
rect and children in Japan are 40% correct. domly selected set of N observations. The mean of
these B estimates is the bootstrap estimate of the pa-
Interaction. One variable, temporal marking, inter-
rameter; the standard deviation of the B estimates is
acts with age. This variable refers to whether the
used to estimate the standard error of each parameter.
false-belief question emphasizes the time frame in-
The key analyses in this study were confirmed by
volved (e.g., "When Maxi comes back, where will he
look first for his chocolate?"). As shown in Figure 8, conducting parallel bootstrap analyses (where N =
362 and B = 1,000). For example, consider the regres-
only at older ages does including temporal informa- sion model underlying Figure 2B. If only age is used
tion in the target question significantly increase cor-
to account for false-belief judgments, then R2 = .39,
rect performance. Temporal markers increase the
and the following coefficients are obtained (with stan-
length and complexity of false-belief questions. Con- dard errors in parentheses)
ceivably this complexity may hinder, or at least fail to
enhance, young children's performance, although proportion correct (transformed) =
older children seem to benefit from the clarity this ad- -3.96 [constant] + .09 [age].
ditional information provides. (.305) (.006)
Using bootstrap procedures to calculate the parame-
ters of this model 1000 times yielded mean values of
Bootstrap Analyses -3.98 for the constant and .09 for age, with the stan-
Data for meta-analyses often fail to meet certain dard deviation for these parameters being .303 and
standard statistical assumptions. For example, in our .006, respectively. In short, this bootstrap analysis
analyses some studies contributed 10 or more conditions closely replicates the earlier finding in all respects.
to the dataset but others contributed only one or two Bootstrap analyses confirmed all the effects re-
conditions, making independence assumptions prob- ported above. In particular, bootstrap analyses con-
lematic. Bootstrap analyses are more assumption free. firmed the absence of interactions between age and
The basic idea of the bootstrap is to replace the the- any other significant factor, except temporal marking.
oretical normal distribution with the empirical distri-
bution formed by the data themselves, N observa-
Omnibus Analyses
tions (Freedman & Peters, 1984). One then repeatedly
samples with replacement (B samples of size N) from The findings from primary conditions were also
this empirical distribution, each time computing the corroborated by conducting similar analyses on the

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Cross,andWatson 669

entire omnibus dataset. For example, the analysis of

age, depicted in Figure2, includes the data from 362 4
primaryconditions;the parallelomnibus analysis in- o3b 3
cluded 453 conditions.Age was significantin the om- 4- 2
nibus analysis, replicatingthe primaryanalysis. The
regressionequations are closely similar:
DV (primary) = -3.96 [constant] + .090 [age] - SoAfrica
2+ U.s.
R2 = .39;
-3-3 ,x Peru
DV (omnibus) = -3.51 [constant] + .090 [age] k -4
R2 = .28.
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110
The principal differenceis that the omnibus analysis
is noisier, yielding a lower R2 and consequently ac- Age (Months)
counting for less of the overall variance.
Similarly,each variablethat was significantin the Figure 9 Proportion correct versus Age x Country for three
different countries within the omnibus conditions.
primaryanalyseswas re-analyzed,using the omnibus
dataset.Results closely replicatedthe primaryanaly-
ses, although in each case they proved noisier and
thus accounted for less overall variance.Specifically, years in equivalent age trajectories,although at any
results for motive, real presence, participation, sa- one age childrenfromdifferentcountriesand cultures
lience, and countryagain evidenced main effects and can performdifferently.
no interactions.Temporalmarkingevidencedthe same
interactionthatwas apparentin the primaryanalyses
(shown in Figure 8). We prefer the primary analy-
ses over the omnibus ones because, methodologi- To summarize,four task variableshelp the perfor-
cally, the primary analyses focused on studies with manceof younger(aswell as older)children-motive,
better controlsand more complete data, and, analyti- participation,salience, and real presence. One non-
cally,the primaryanalysesprovided a betteraccount- task variable, country,also included values that en-
ing of the variance.Nonetheless, the close similarity hancedperformance.In all the analysesreportedthus
of the resultsfromthe primaryand omnibus analyses far, younger children (30-40 months of age) remain
furtherattests to the robustnessof the findings. below or at-chancelevel. It remains to assess, how-
The omnibus data allow for the most comprehen- ever,if a combinationof task enhancementsmight en-
sive look at the influence of children'scountry of ori- able very young children to perform systematically
gin on theirfalse-beliefreasoning.It is reasonablethat above chance level. In addition, it is important to
during attempts to tailor tasks to different cultural determine what combined model best predicts chil-
materials,nonstandardtasks might result.Figure9, in dren's false-beliefperformances.Finally,testing mul-
conjunction with Figure 7, therefore,presents more tiple factors in a combined model is important
complete informationabout country.The line for the because the significant influence of one factor may
United States in Figure 9 closely replicates the U.S. disappear if the other factors are controlled for as
line in Figure 7 for the primary analysis, and thus well. For example, the effects for country may con-
serves as a baseline for other comparisons.The other ceivablybe due to investigatorsin one countryexclu-
lines in Figure 7 depict performanceby children in sively using more helpful task variations;or the ap-
Western and non-Western literate, developed coun- parentbenefits of active participationmay disappear
tries. The omnibus data, however, include children if motive is also included in the analysis (if, for exam-
from two nonliterate, more traditional communities: ple, almost all active participationtasks also included
the line in Figure 9 for Africa depicts responses from deception).
hunter-gatherer Baka children (Avis & Harris, 1991) Wetested combinedmodels on primaryconditions
and the line for Peru depicts data from Quechua- because regressionpredictionswere more precise for
speaking Peruvian Indians (Vinden, 1996). Just as in primary conditions rather than the omnibus set
the primary analyses, country is clearly significant (which, to reiterate,consistently yielded similar,but
but does not interact with age. For these two cultural statistically noisier, results). The first model tested
communities, just as for the others shown in Figure 7, included all variables that significantly enhanced
children's false belief performance increases across young children'sperformancein the earliertwo-way

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670 ChildDevelopment

analyses--country, motive, participation, salience, A 5

real presence, and age. With these factors included,
the multiple R = .74, and R2 = .55. Hence these factors S 3
22 .
accounted for 55%of the variance in children's cor- -1 --...- -. Best Effects
rectfalse-beliefjudgments.Again, bootstrapanalyses -u 0_ No Effects
- - --
closely replicatedthis regressionmodel. S-1 Worst Effects
Becausecountryis a subjectvariablenot under ex- S-2-
perimentalcontrol,it was excluded in the next model -4
tested. In this model all factors except participation - I I I I I I I I

significantly and independently contributed to the 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110

overall prediction, multiple R = .68, R2 = .47. The Age (Months)
final model thereforedropped participationand in-
cluded motive, salience, real presence,and age, mul-
tiple R = .68; R2 = .46.2 3 - -
Using this final model three predicted sets of ef-
fects were then examined,as shown in Figure10. The : - 1Best Effects
"best-effects" alternative shows predicted perfor- -3 -2-- 95%CB
mance when values of all variablesare maximallyen- -4
hanced. Therefore,for motive, the best-effectsmodel 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100110

was based on framingthe transformationin terms of Age (Months)

explicit deception of the protagonist;for salience,this
model was based on explicitlystatingor picturingthe
Figure 10 (A) Prediction intervals for final model. (B) Confi-
protagonist's (false) mental contents; and for real dence bands for the best effects predictions.
presence, this model was based on the absence of a
real target objectat the time of the child's judgment.
The "worst-effects"alternative examined predicted combinationof variablesproduce significantabove-
performancesin the presenceof detrimentalvalues of chance performance.
these variables. For example, for motive the worst-
effectsmodel was based on the absenceratherthanthe
presence of explicit deception. The "no-effects"pre-
dictions were based on neutral or average values of Theintegrationof informationacrossthe many studies
each variable.As shown in Figure10A, the no-effects of children's understanding of false beliefs has be-
predictionclosely mimics the overall age changes re- come a necessity.Yet,the numerous studies make in-
vealed in the initial analysis of age alone (shown in tegration difficult,thereby encouragingreviewers to
Figure 2B). Most important, the best-effects predic- ignore some troublesomeresultsor view the findings
tion in Figure10Ais identicalin slope to the no-effects through the lens of priortheoreticalcommitments.A
line; even the best-effects combination of these en- meta-analytic,quantitativeintegrationof the research
hancing variables does not differentially enhance can overcomethese difficulties.
younger children's performance. Moreover, a 95% Meta-analyses,of course,have potentialweaknesses.
confidenceband that is fit aroundthe best-effectsline For example, they can be undermined if publication
substantiallyoverlaps with 0 or chance performance. biases work against certain, usually nonsignificant,
These confidence bands are shown in Figure 10B. findings. However,the literatureon false beliefs is re-
Specifically, the best-effects combination does not plete with studies of above-chance,chance,and below-
yield significant above-chance performance at the chance findings because the occurrenceof false-belief
youngest ages; only at 40 months and older does that errorshas become a contentious issue. Furthermore,
in our analyses,we took careto include unpublished
2 This combined model
arguably provides the most precise es-
as well as published research.
timates of effect size for these key variables, because the influ- More generally, meta-analyses are dependent on
ence of any one variable is controlled for the influence of other the quality of the accumulated studies to date. We
variables in this model. The effect size values generated from this have addressedconcernsaboutqualityby concentrat-
model were: age, 3.32 (for each increase of 1 year); motive, 2.10;
real presence, 2.63; and salience, 1.80. Comparing these values to ing on a "primary"set of conditions where, on aver-
those in Table 2 shows close agreement as well as some modest age, 98%of subjectspassed relevantcontroltasks and
adjustments. Note that in this combined model the effect of age is few subjectswere dropped.Moreover,a confirmatory
not attenuated (as expected by an early competence hypothesis). analysis with a larger "omnibus"set of conditions

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Cross,andWatson 671

producedresultsalmost identicalto the originalanal- have failed to find differences for these variables.
ysis. Reservationsabout meta-analyticfindings also However, detecting a lack of differenceswhen com-
arise because of concerns with the appropriateness, paring small samples of 12 to 20 childrenis problem-
assumptions, and robustness of various techniques atic. In contrast, because our meta-analysis encom-
for pooling indirect measures of effect significance passed 350 to 500 different conditions representing
(e.g., p values). The analyses in this study were more more than 4,000 children, it is certainly powerful
straightforward;we analyzed proportionsof correct enough to detect differences on these variables, if
answers, ratherthan derived measures from statisti- they existed.
cal treatments that vary across studies. Finally,our The null findings of this study have important
analyses encompassed a great number of task varia- methodologicalimplications.Knowingthatvalid and
tions. Yetwhen these variationswere organizedinto a comparableassessments of false-belief performance
systematic set of factors,the results clusteredconsis- are uninfluencedby a variety of task specifics,exper-
tently with the exceptionof only a few outliers.Thisis imenters can confidentlyvary their tasks over an ex-
testimony to the robustnessof the basic phenomena, tended set of possibilitiesfor ease of presentationand
the tasks used to assess it, and our meta-analytic to achieve other experimental contrasts. More cru-
procedures. cially, this lack of effects is of theoreticalimportance
Using these meta-analyticprocedures,a variety of as well. Thatchildren'sfalse-beliefjudgmentsaresys-
substantive results emerged. The combined-effects tematically unrelated to such task variations in-
models made it possible to predict approximately creases the likelihood that theirjudgments reflectro-
50%of the variancein false-beliefjudgments.Thisis a bust, deep-seatedconceptionsof human action,rather
strong accounting of the variance,because in meta- than task-specificresponses provoked by the special
analysestherearea host of factorsthattypicallyatten- features of one set of materialsor questions. Specifi-
uate findings; in this case, there were differences cally, the irrelevance of these task and procedural
acrossstudies in experimentercharacteristicsand ex- variationsincreasesthe likelihood that children'sper-
pertise, differences in exact stimuli and procedures formance is systematically dependent on the one
used, linguistic differencesacross a variety of coun- thing that does not vary, namely their conception of
tries, and differences in child-rearingcultures sam- belief states.
pled. In what follows, the substantive results are Foradults,the task variationsmentionedabove are
considered in a series of ordered sets, and the impli- conceptuallyequivalent or irrelevant;it is a substan-
cations of the resultswith regardto currentproposals tive finding thatyoung childrentreatthem as equiva-
about theory-of-minddevelopment are addressed. lent as well. Consider the notion of belief that is
targeted by standard false-belief tasks. The beliefs
involved are determined by informationalaccess-
Development whetheror not Maxisaw the chocolatebeing moved-
The basic finding in this study is the presence of a but should be uninfluencedby irrelevantindividual
substantial effect for age in every analysis. Correct differences in the target protagonists, such as their
performance significantly increases with increasing age, gender,and theirreallife presenceversusvideo or
age; in some cases, correct performance increases storybooknature (Miller,in press). The meta-analytic
from chance to above chance,but in most cases it in- findings show that even young children appropri-
creases from below chance to above chance. Such ately understand the irrelevance of several protag-
findings clearly support the initial claims of substan- onist differences for an understanding of belief.
tial development during these preschool years, and
contradict recent suspicions that developmental
change is nonexistent (Mitchell,1996) or is confined EarlyCompetenceversus ConceptualChange
to only a few standard tasks that are unusually de- As noted in the Introduction, our findings speak to
manding (Chandler et al., 1989). an important divide between two general accounts
of young children's poor false-belief performance.
"Noneffects" One account argues for conceptual change, that is,
developmental changes in performance on false-
Many potentially relevant variables (e.g., nature of belief tasks reflect genuine changes in children's
the protagonist, nature of the target object, type of conceptions of persons. A contrasting account ar-
question, and type of task) systematically failed to af- gues for early competence, that is, even young chil-
fect children's age-related performances. These re- dren have the necessary conception; their poor task
sults confirm those of several individual studies that performances reflect instead information-processing

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672 ChildDevelopment

limits, unnecessarily demanding tasks, or confusing age are aided, but younger children still genuinely fail
questions. Fodor (1992, p. 284), for example, argued the task, then the timing of a developmental change,
that something like belief-desire psychology is in- but not its absence versus presence, may be at issue.
nate: "The experimental data offer no reason to be- Thus, for early competence accounts, task variations
lieve that the 3-year-old's theory of mind differs in should interact with performance in a specific devel-
any fundamental way from adult folk psychology. opmental pattern.
In particular, there is no reason to suppose that the None of these three pieces of evidence for an early
3-year-old's theory of mind suffers from an absent competence view were sustained in the meta-analysis:
or defective notion of belief." Chandler et al. (1989, older children as well as younger children were aided
pp. 1263-1264) outline two competing opinions by certain task manipulations; no set of manipu-
about the understanding of mind, and thus about lations boosted younger children's performance to
the understanding of beliefs. There are the "boost- above chance; and only one variable, presence or ab-
ers," who "advocate the . . . early onset view," and sence of temporal marking in the test question, inter-
the "scoffers," who share a "delayed-onset perspec- acted with age, but not in an early competence pat-
tive." Chandler and colleagues (p. 1266) champion tern. Even a combined-effects model, statistically
the booster point of view and claim that the "stan- assembling the most powerful package of helpful
dard assessment task ... conflates the ... capacity to task manipulations, failed to produce above-chance
entertain beliefs about beliefs with the altogether performance in the youngest children and failed to
different ability to comment on this understanding, interactively change the shape of the basic develop-
and is more tortuous and computationally complex mental pattern of performance across these years. It
than is necessary or appropriate." is important to note that the finding of an interaction
Empirical confirmation of early competence ac- between age and temporal marking demonstrates
counts requires that there be some version of the tar- that the meta-analysis was able to detect interactions
get task that indeed demonstrates enhanced perfor- in the data, if they were present.
mance by young children, when task limitations have Conceptual change accounts also require specific
been eliminated or reduced. Our findings show that empirical findings. To begin with, a task is needed
several task manipulations do increase young chil- that plausibly assesses a target conceptual under-
dren's performance: framing the task in terms of ex- standing, and performance on that task must change
plicit deception or trickery, involving the child in from incorrect to systematically above-chance judg-
actively making the key transformations, and high- ments with age. Confidence in both good and poor
lighting the salience of the protagonist's mental state performance on the task must additionally be bol-
or reducing the salience of the contrasting real-world stered by correct judgments on control tasks or on
state of affairs, all help young children to perform control questions that demonstrate memory for key
better. information and grasp of the task format. False-belief
Early competence accounts require more than just tasks, especially those included in the primary analy-
improved performance, however. First, such accounts ses, fit these criteria. As shown in Figure 2, for exam-
require that relevant task manipulations differentially ple, performance on such tasks dramatically changes
enhance young children's performance. This require- with age, and 98% of all children in primary condi-
ment derives from the essential claim that such task tions pass relevant control tasks.
factors mask early competence, thereby artifactually Conceptual change accounts require more than
producing apparent developmental differences on simply age changes on a well-controlled standard
the target tasks. Second, such accounts require dem- task, however. They are also subject to a general multi-
onstrations of above-chance performance. A task method approach to construct validity: a variety of
manipulation that raises young 3-year-olds' perfor- tasks, all conceptually similar but varying in their
mance from below-chance to chance performance task specifics, should lead to similar developmental
may be methodologically important in that the ma- changes. That is, the more the same developmental
nipulation reduces features that systematically lead change is demonstrated in a variety of conceptually
children to choose an incorrect response option. Ran- similar tasks (which vary in their specific features and
dom at-chance performance is, however, neither sys- demands), the less likely it is that the change is due to
tematically misled nor systematically informed; it specific information-processing strategies tied to spe-
provides no evidence of correct, conceptual under- cial task formats, or to limitations in understanding
standing. Third, demonstrations of above-chance per- or using particular response formats. In this regard it
formance must extend beyond children at an interme- bears repeating that in the meta-analysis a wide vari-
diate, transitional age. If children at an intermediate ety of task materials and formats yielded equivalent

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Cross,andWatson 673

developmental performances.The response require- tially without any real understandingof belief at all.
ments of the tasks included in the meta-analysisalso Arguably,therefore,Sheffield et al.'s findings repre-
varied widely: in some tasks the child could answer sent artifactsof this particulartask format.
by simply pointing, or could answer a questionabout In studies other than Sheffieldet al. (1993),correct
the character'sbehavior ("Wherewill he search?")or performancealso could be achieved, potentially,by
his mental state ("Whatwill he think?").Indeed, al- childrenmerelyrepeatingwhat was told them.In Fla-
though nonverbal tasks were not available at the vell, Flavell, Green, and Moses (1990), the child
time we conductedthe meta-analysis,similarage tra- knows that a cup hidden behind a screenis blue. An-
jectories are obtained when the task is completely other person, Ellie, who enters the room, cannot see
nonverbal(Call& Tomasello,1999). the cup, but explicitly states, "I think the cup is
Conceptual change accounts do not require that white." Then the child is asked, "Do you think the
task demands and information-processing limita- cup is white or blue?"and finally is asked, "DoesEllie
tions have no influence; on the contrary,conceptual think the cup is white or blue?" In the Flavell et al.
understandings can only be manifest in specific study,3-year-oldssystematicallyerredby saying Ellie
tasks via processes of information utilization and thinks the cup is blue. When childrenerr in this fash-
expression. Conceptual change accounts do require ion it is remarkable,because to err they avoid a very
that task demands and processing limitations not simple response strategy-just repeat Ellie's own
completely account for performance across age so words. Incorrectanswers, therefore, may informa-
that control of such factors does not eliminate a tively indicate problems with conceptualizing false
larger developmental pattern. The meta-analysis beliefs. Correctresponses with such a procedureare
showed that a number of task manipulations do much less interpretable,however,because,when cor-
influence children's false-belief performances. Al- rect, the child may indeed be simply parrotingwhat
though these factors are important in their own they just heard.
right, they nonetheless leave the basic developmen- A related issue concerns the results of the com-
tal pattern unchanged, even when considered in bined models. The best-effects model shows pre-
combination. dicted responses if childrenare presentedwith tasks
Meta-analytic results capture significant trends that combine several key enhancing features. No
across studies. Of course, not every individual study studies, however, have included a task with all four
accords with the group trends. Of particular rele- significantlyenhancingfactors:thatis, a taskin which
vance in the currentcase is whether there are any in- the salience is pictured/ stated, the motive is decep-
dividual studies that reportedclearearly competence tive, the objectis not real and present, and the child
patterns of data. Most important is whether any participatesactively in the transformation.Sheffield
studies reported above-chance performance from et al. (1993)includedonly two of these four enhancing
very young children (e.g., 2-year-olds).Such results features,and only one conditionin the meta-analysis
would appear in the top left quadrantof Figure 2A. included threeof these factorsin a taskfor young pre-
Inspection of Figure 2A shows that two data points schoolers.Woolley(1995,Experiment1) tested young
stand out from the rest as indicating highly correct 3-year-olds(M = 39 months)with a task in which the
performance(better than 85%correct)from 30- and motive was deceptive, the object was not real and
36-month-olds. These data come from a study by present, and the child actively participated in the
Sheffield, Sosa, and Hudson (1993)using a "simpli- transformation.In Woolley's study, young children
fied" task in which there was no real presenceof the performedbelow chance:14 correctresponses out of
targetobject and the character'smental state was ex- 38 false-belief questions, or 37% correct.Thus, the
plicitly stated. predictions of the combined-effectsmodel are both
Why might Sheffield and colleagues' conditions derived from and are largely consistent with ob-
emerge as outliers (e.g., was the task that they used served results from individual studies-very young
especially sensitive, or artifactually easy)? In Shef- children typically fail to perform significantly above
field et al.'s simplified task, children see a red and a chance, even when tested on tasks that combine task
green box and discover that both are empty. Then manipulations that enhance performance.
Cookie Monster enters and explicitly says, "I think With regard to a general contrast between concep-
my cookie is in the red box." Immediately after this tual change and early competence accounts, then, the
statement the child is asked the false-belief question: meta-analysis suggests that an important conceptual
"Where does Cookie Monster think his cookie is?" To change in children's understanding of persons is tak-
be correct on this task, therefore, the child need only ing place between the ages of 2?2 and 5 years. Against
repeat back what Cookie Monster just said, poten- this general background, the detailed results of the

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674 ChildDevelopment

meta-analysisalso speak to several more specific the- ConversationalAccounts

Several authors claim that young children have
special difficultieswith the verbal-conversationalas-
Chandler'sand Leslie'sAccounts pects of standardfalse-belieftasks.As conversational
Recall that Chandler (1988;Chandleret al., 1989) skills improve, children become able to reveal their
proposed that early competence at false-belief judg- pre-existingconceptualcompetence.Forexample,be-
ments is masked by unnecessarily demanding fea- ginning with Lewis and Osborne(1990),investigators
tures of the standard tasks. In contrast to standard have worried that the typical false-belief question,
tasks, Chandler argued, tasks framed in terms of ("Wherewill Maxilook for his chocolate?")is unclear.
explicit deception, which enlist the child in concoct- Perhaps young children interpret the question as,
"Wherewill Maxi end up looking, after he first fails
ing the deceptive circumstances and minimize ver-
bal demandsby having the child point or nonverbally to find his chocolate?,"thereby helpfully resolving
arrange props, would better reveal young chil- any unclarity in favor of Maxi's success. Siegal
dren's early competence. In their research, tasks (Siegal,1997;Siegal& Beattie,1991)morecomprehen-
employing these features have been found to en- sively considers several potential conversational
hance young children'sperformance(e.g., Chandler problems. For example, standard tasks typically
et al., 1989;Hala, Chandler,& Fritz, 1991), although include repeated questioning of the child. In an un-
in other studies this has not been the case (e.g., expected contents task, for example, the child is
Sodian et al., 1991). The meta-analysis showed that asked, "Whatdo you thinkis in here?";then "Whatis
these features-especially deception and active reallyin here?";followed by "Whatwill Georgethink
participation-indeed aid performance.The pattern is in here?"With repeated questioning, young chil-
of findings for these factors, however, failed to dren may alter their answers, producing erroneous
fit an early competence model more specifically. To responses albeit conceptually understanding false-
reiterate, these task manipulations, although help- belief problems. Switching answers for conversa-
ful, do not alter the shape of the general develop- tional reasons might be especially problematic
mental trajectoryand do not raise the youngest chil- when children are given multiple false-belief trials
dren's performance to systematically above-chance in a row.
performance. The meta-analysisshowed that revising the stan-
Leslie also proposed a specific early competence dardtasks to overcomepotentialconversationaldiffi-
account(e.g., Leslie &Roth,1993;Roth& Leslie,1998) culties can influence children's performance, as
in which understandingpersons' mental attitudes or shown for the variable "temporalmarking."A tem-
states, such as the "beliefthatX is so,"isthe resultof a porally marked question such as "Wherewill Maxi
special Theory-of-MindMechanism (ToMM)that is firstlook for his chocolate?"clarifiesthat the question
activated early in development. Performancein any is about Maxi'sfirst searchand not a later successful
task situation, however, depends not simply on search. Providing temporal clarificationof this type
ToMMbut also on a SelectionProcessor(SP)that can does aid performance,but, opposite to what an early
limit the application of ToMMin any specific case. competence account would require,temporal mark-
Accordingto this account,standardfalse-belieftasks ing fails to enhance very young children's perfor-
place large demands on SP and hence mask, rather mance,enhancingjudgments only for older children.
than reveal, young children's Theory-of-Mindcom- What about repeatedquestioning?Children'scon-
petence. In contrast, nonstandard tasks can reduce sistency in respondingto multiple false-belieftrialsis
these demands thereby revealing early ToMM com- relevanthere. In many studies, childrenreceive a sin-
petence. Thus, Leslie (Leslie & Roth, 1993, p. 99) notes gle false-belieftrial.But just as often childrenreceive
approvingly that "three-year-olds do succeed on some two or more false-belief trials (i.e., they are presented
non-standard false-belief tasks" (see, e.g., Mitchell & with several equivalent false-belief tasks in a row in
Lacohee, 1991; Roth & Leslie, 1998; Wellman & which only the characters and objects are changed
Bartsch, 1988). The arguments above against early across trials). The dependent variable in the present
competence accounts more generally apply to Leslie's analyses (proportion correct) was summed across
specific account; manipulations of the type that Leslie false-belief trials of any equivalent type. Summing
endorses do aid performance, but across numerous across multiple trials was deemed appropriate for
studies in the meta-analysis such manipulations did two reasons. Practically, research articles often do not
not systematically produce an early competence pat- break down proportion correct on separate trials,
tern of results. only providing information summed across trials.

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Cross,andWatson 675

Empirically,when studies do provide information 1995). Conversationalanalyses consistently uncover

about children's consistency across trials, they are false-belief contrastives of this type in children be-
typicallyfound to be highly consistent.Withinthe 178 tween the ages of 3 and 4. Comparingsuch conversa-
studies included in the present analyses, there were tional evidence with findings from standard false-
52 reportsof consistency across trials.This data took belieftaskshas led someto concludethatconversational
several forms but could be converted across studies understandingof falsebeliefssurpasseslaboratoryun-
into the proportionof times that responses on a sec- derstanding,and even thatconversationaldatareveal
ond trial agreed with those on the first trial (propor- early competenceratherthan conceptualchange.The
tion of agreement, or PA). Across these 52 reports, findings of the meta-analysishelp to resolve this ap-
mean PA was .84 (SD = .14); on average, children parent discrepancy: Laboratorytasks that include
gave identicalresponses to two or more similarfalse- such helpful featuresas deception,participation,and
belief trials 84%of the time. Consistency was corre- absenceof a real and present targetobjectcan signifi-
lated with age, r(51) = .28,p < .05,but even in condi- cantly increasecorrectresponding in 3-year-oldchil-
tions in which children'smean age was less than 44 dren. Arguably,conversationaland laboratorysitua-
months (19 of the 52 reports)the mean PAwas .81. tions that are comparableon these types of features
Theseresultsspeak to conversationalconcernsthat would yield similar data. More important, compre-
standardtasks encourageanswer switching and thus hensive longitudinal conversationaldata (Bartsch&
mask early competence.Childrenare quite consistent Wellman, 1995) show a clear developmental trajec-
on multiple false-belieftasks of the same type. Recall tory from no understandingto understandingof be-
also that children'sperformancedoes not differif the lief and false belief, just as do the meta-analyticdata.
question is asked in terms of "look," "think," or
"say";or if responses requiresimply pointing at one ExecutiveFunction
location or another,yes-no answers, or longer ver-
balizations. In short, the findings argue against Recently,investigators have increasingly focused
straightforwardearly competence conversationalac- on the relationbetween "executivefunctioning"and
counts. Of course, the link between conversationand developments in understandingof mind and beliefs
conception is not merely that the former may mask (e.g., Carlson, Moses, & Hix, 1998; Frye, Zelazo, &
the latter.Conversationalexperiencesmay well con- Palfai,1995;Russell, 1996).Executivefunctioningen-
tributeto children'sdeveloping conceptionsof mind compasses several constructsincluding planning, re-
in some form or other (e.g., Astington & Jenkins, sponse inhibition, and cognitive flexibility that may
1999). The meta-analysis cannot speak to this pro- themselves be quite heterogeneous (Zelazo, Carter,
posal, but several other findings support an impor- Reznik, & Frye, 1997). Not surprisingly,then, there
tant role for conversationalexperiences in stimulat- are several theoreticalvariations on how executive
ing children's understanding of false belief. Deaf functioning and theory of mind may interrelate.An
preschool children of hearing parents are unlikely to initial claim (Russell,Mauthner,Sharpe,& Tidswell,
engage in conversationalexchanges about persons' 1991),however, and a claim consideredby all execu-
mental states and also do poorly on false-belieftests tive functioningaccounts,constitutesan earlycompe-
(e.g., Peterson & Siegal, 1995). Dunn et al. (1991) tence proposal: that young children's difficulties on
found that 2-year-olds in families who frequently Theory-of-Mindtasks (especially false-belief tasks)
talked about emotions, particularlytheir causes, evi- stem from an inability to demonstrate conceptual
denced a more sophisticatedunderstandingof belief knowledge due to executive functioning limits cou-
and false belief at 4 years of age. Earlyfamily conver- pled with the demands of false-belieftasks. To illus-
sations about desire predict later understanding of trate, consider Carlson and Moses' proposals (Carl-
belief and false belief as well (Bartsch & Wellman, son et al., 1998;Carlson& Moses, in press).
1995). Carlson and Moses focus on inhibitory control-
Children's understanding of beliefs can also be as- the capacity to suppress actions or thoughts that are
sessed via their everyday conversations about people, irrelevant to performance on some task. Inhibitory
using such terms as think and know (Bartsch & Well- control develops markedly in the preschool years
man, 1995; Moore, Furrow, Chiasson, & Patriquin, (Frye et al., 1995; Gerstadt, Hong, & Diamond, 1994;
1994; Shatz, Wellman, & Silber, 1983). Conversational Kochanska, Murray, Jacques, Koenig, & Vandergeest,
contrastives, such as "I thought this was a crocodile, 1996); and inhibition of salient experiences and typi-
but it's an alligator," in which the child contrasts be- cal or prepotent responses seems to be necessary for
lief and reality specifically, convincingly reveal some correct judgments on false-belief tasks. Typically, one
understanding of false beliefs (Bartsch & Wellman, points to where an object is; to be correct on a false-

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676 ChildDevelopment

belief task can requirepointing to where the objectis highly with theory-of-mind tasks (approximately
not. Typically,one uses language to describe what .60) and a significant correlation remained even
is true;to be correctin false-belieftasks,one describes after age, verbal intelligence, and several other con-
something false. More generally,as noted before,it is trol measures were partialled out. At the same time,
possible to describe false-belief tasks as encompass- however, a "theory-of-mind factor" emerged in a
ing two realms of content:real-world contents (that principal component analysis alongside executive
the chocolate really is in the cupboard)and the con- functioning factors, and regression analyses in-
tents of the mind (thatMaxi thinks the chocolateis in dicated significant independent contributions of
the drawer).Correctresponsesrequiresuppressingor theory-of-mind and executive functioning to false-
inhibitingreferenceto realityand referringinstead to belief performance. Thus, Carlson and Moses (in
mental contents (and indeed to mistaken, false, or press, p. 119, 122) concluded that "executive or in-
misguided mental contents). hibitory constraints alone would appear to under-
As noted in the Results section, attempts to de- determine the nature of the changes taking place in
crease the salience or prepotence of real-world con- young children's understanding of mind," and ad-
tents have produced tasks in which the value on the vocated an account "in which executive functioning
variable real presence is not real and present. For interacts with conceptual difficulties"(see Perner&
example, Maxi's chocolate is removed from the Lang, 1999, for similar conclusions).
drawer but then eaten or destroyed (rather than The meta-analyticfindings help to illuminate the
moved to the cupboard). In this case, because there potentialinterrelationof conceptualchangeand exec-
is no real chocolate, responding correctly to the utive functioning.Using Figure2Bas a template,note
question, "Wherewill Maxi look for the chocolate?" that acrossage, false-beliefconceptualunderstanding
does not requireovercoming the prepotent response changes frombeing absentto present.At any one age,
of referring to where the chocolate really is. In the however, there is variationin performanceacrossin-
meta-analysis,tasks in which a concretereal objectis dividuals and across tasks. These variations,in part,
absent, and thus the salience of real-world contents reflectinhibitorydemands and inhibitorycontrol.At
is diminished, were shown to improve performance. the youngest ages, for example, children with better
Such task manipulations, however, do not alter inhibitorycontrol skills (or childrenon tasks that re-
the basic developmental trajectory of false-belief quire less rather than more inhibitory control) per-
responses, and do not increase young children's re- form better. Specifically, these youngest children
sponding to above-chancelevels. That such changes seem to performbetterby avoiding systematicerrors,
yielded chance rather than below-chance perfor- which makes their performance higher relative to
mance in young children, means that executive same-age peers who systematicallyerr. The absence
functioning difficulties may well be encouraging of genuine conceptualunderstandingfor such young
children to systematically err in reporting reality. children,however, means that performancedoes not
Removing such task difficulties, however, does not increaseto above-chancelevels. At intermediateages,
reveal systematiccorrectperformancefor the young- better inhibitory control could also aid transitional
est children. children: a transitional child with poor inhibitory
Attempts to increase the salience of mental con- controlmight performat chance,whereasa peer with
tents are capturedin the meta-analysiswith the vari- more skill might perform at above chance. At each
able salience. Manipulationsunder this variable, in age (or with age partialledout), therefore,executive
particular,those that involve stating or picturingthe functioning could be highly correlatedwith perfor-
protagonist's mental contents, do enhance perfor- mance.But acrossages, performancestill revealsgen-
mance. Performance is enhanced at all ages, however, uine conceptualchange.
and young children do not achieve above-chance per- Again, there may well be a deeper conceptual con-
formance. Hence, in neither of these cases do the find- nection between theory of mind and executive func-
ings conform with early competence accounts of tioning, beyond a methodological concern about
false-belief performance. false-belief tasks. Carlson and Moses (in press), for
Recently, Carlson and Moses (in press) conducted example, extended a distinction first advanced by
a thorough individual differences analysis of perfor- Russell (1996), to distinguish between executive per-
mance on theory-of-mind tasks (including, focally, formance problems and executive construction prob-
several false-belief tasks) and executive functioning lems. Performance problems are the type addressed
tasks (including, focally, inhibitory-control tasks). thus far; perhaps immature executive functioning
(See Hughes, 1998 for similar, but less comprehen- prohibits young children from performing correctly
sive, results.) Inhibitory-control tasks correlated on standard false-belief tasks. Consider instead exec-

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Cross,andWatson 677

utive construction problems. Developmentally nor- thinking,believing, or pretending.Additionally,and

mative deficits in executive functioning may mean in a similar way, young children fail to understand
that young childrenrarelyattend to the world of the physical representations,such as photographs and
mind over the prepotentworld of reality.The salience drawings,as genuinely representational.Only as chil-
of reality,togetherwith poor skills at overcomingthat dren acquirean understandingof representationsin
salience,could lead young childrento rarelyconsider general,do they come to understandbeliefs and false
the realm of mental contents. Only when inhibitory beliefs. Indeed this understanding of representation
control skills are better developed can they suppress changes children'sunderstandingof desires, knowl-
this reality orientation sufficiently to productively edge, memory,and more,as they now develop a gen-
think about the mind. Under this proposal, then, ex- erally representationaltheory of mind. Tests of this
ecutive functioning developments may be required account have involved looking beyond an under-
for conceptual change in this domain, because they standing of beliefs and false beliefs to children'sde-
enable a specific conceptualorientationto develop. veloping conceptions of photographs, models, and
This intriguing hypothesis must take its place be- other representations(e.g., Leekam & Perner,1991;
side several othersthathave been put forthto explain Zaitchik, 1990). Again, the meta-analytic finding
the forces that lead to conceptual change. For the that young children develop a genuine understand-
present discussion, what is notable is that such hy- ing of false beliefs (and hence mental misrepresenta-
potheses assume the presence of conceptual change. tions of reality) is consistent with such an account,
The meta-analysis provides support for this impor- but is also consistent with competing conceptual
tant assumption. change accounts (see, e.g., Slaughter,1998). In gen-
eral, the meta-analysis did not include consider-
ation of the myriad comparison tasks needed for
ConceptualChangeAccounts such theory-buildingefforts.Neither do many of the
Conceptualchange accountscome in several com- studies of children's understanding of false beliefs.
peting varieties.The meta-analysisby itself, however, We hope that one outcome of the meta-analysis will
provides little information for definitively choosing be to diminish research narrowly focused on false-
among alternative explanations for the underlying belief performance alone and to facilitate efforts to
natureof conceptualchange,because it does not com- understand development within children's theory
pare false-beliefperformancewith theoreticallycho- of mind by focusing on patterns of performance
sen contrastingconceptions and tasks. For example, across a theoretically well-chosen package of com-
returningto Figure1, Wellmanand colleagues(Bartsch parison tasks.
& Wellman,1995;Wellman& Woolley,1990)proposed Yet, the meta-analysis did yield data specifically
that young children's initial understanding of per- relevant to two issues within competing conceptual
sons amounts to a desire psychology-a theory of changeaccounts.Thefirstconcernsfalse-belieferrors.
persons based on an initial, simplifiedunderstanding Significantlybelow-chance performanceshave been
of three internal states: states of emotion, states of proposed to be indicative of the natureof specific er-
perception, and, especially,states of desire. This un- roneous conceptionsof belief. For example, consider
derstanding is conceptually quite different from Wellman's(1990)proposal that young children may
adults' belief-desire psychology in that young chil- have a "copy"understandingof beliefs-the concep-
dren fail to understand persons as having internal tion that belief always veridically capturesreality-
mental representationsof the world (prototypically and thus a person necessarilybelieves what is true.
beliefs), and thus fail to see mind and actionas jointly Themeta-analyticdata show,however,severalcondi-
determinedby beliefs and desires. The meta-analytic tions under which young children do not make sys-
findings are consistent with such an account, but tests tematic false-belief errors, but rather perform at
of this account require, among other things, research chance level. It seems unlikely, therefore, that young
directly comparing children's developing concep- children first hold a definite copy misconception
tions of desires as well as beliefs (e.g., Bartsch & Well- about belief. It is more likely that they fail to under-
man, 1995). stand belief altogether and understand human be-
The meta-analytic findings are consistent with al- havior instead via other constructs such as the per-
ternative accounts as well. For instance, Perner (1991) son's desires, emotions, or perceptions.
focuses on young children's understanding of repre- Clarification is needed here, however. When the
sentations. He argues that young children's initial meta-analytic data show children performing at
theory of mind is nonrepresentational, including only chance, this represents the mean of a group of chil-
a simplified nonrepresentational understanding of dren's judgments. Such a mean could result (1) from

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678 Child Development

individual children largely performingat chance, or sons generically,that is, to both self and others (Gop-
(2) from half the children understanding false belief nik, 1993;Gopnik & Wellman,1994).
and judging correctly,and the other half making sys- The meta-analyticfindings comparing judgment
tematicerrors.Todifferentiatethose possibilitiesdata about the false beliefs of self versus others is of
are needed on individual children's patterns of re- clearrelevance here: simulation accounts emphasiz-
sponse acrossmultiplefalse-belieftrials.Most studies, ing the primacy of self-experiencesuggest that self-
however, reportresponses for single trials or sum re- understandingshould develop first.As shown in Fig-
sponses across children and trials. Nonetheless, the ure 5, however, performanceon false-belieftasks for
meta-analysis provides some indirect evidence that self and for othersis virtuallyidenticalat all ages. The
group means that are close to chancelevels often rep- lack of differencesbetween false-beliefjudgmentsfor
resent confused, randomperformanceat the individ- self and others has been reportedin several individ-
ual level as well. Recall that data about consistency ual studies (e.g., Gopnik & Astington, 1988).Yetrela-
over trialswere availablefor 52 conditions.Indeed,as tively small sample sizes in these studies (e.g., 16-20
reportedearlier,consistencyin termsof proportionof participants)mean that a theoreticallyimportant,al-
agreementis correlatedlinearlywith age, r(51) = .28, beit empirically small, difference could easily have
p < .05. Thus, younger children's answers are more gone undetected.Themeta-analyticcomparison,how-
likely to be inconsistent across trials than are older ever, summarizes the performanceof several thou-
children's.At the same time, as is clear from other sand children.
analyses, younger children'sanswers are more likely On the surface,the fact that childrenever system-
to be at-chance rather than above-chancelevel. For aticallyerr in reportingtheir own false beliefs seems
these 52 conditionswe have comparedchildren'scon- problematicfor simulationaccounts.Again, however,
sistency and correctness more directly. In order to data from the meta-analysis,although important,are
score a group's mean performanceas close to or devi- not definitive.For example, Harris(1992)has argued
ant from chance (.50 correct)the absolutevalue of the that young children's difficulties with false-belief
group mean minus .50was calculated(yielding scores tasks for self are memory difficulties. False-belief
that ranged from 0 to .50, where 0 is chance perfor- tasks for self require not a report of currentmental
mance and .50 is perfectly corrector perfectly incor- states, but memory for past states. Reporting past
rect). This deviation score correlates significantly mental states may be misleadingly difficult because
with consistency,r(51) = .34,p < .02. This correlation children must overcome their own current (correct)
means that, on average,group means that are close to belief and report their own prior (incorrect) one.
chance are more likely to be inconsistentthan consis- Again, more detailed theoreticalcomparisonsrequire
tent. Thus, mean scores that are at chance often in- considerationof other tasks beyond false belief tasks.
clude a sizable proportionof random, confused per-
formance rather than even mixes of systematically
correctversus incorrectresponses.
A second focal issue for competing conceptual The current meta-analysis organizes the available
change accountsconcernsthe role of one's own men- findings on false-beliefunderstanding-a sizable ac-
tal states in the comprehension or attribution of complishment,given thatthe voluminous accumulat-
others' mental states. The relation between under- ing findings had begun to seem contradictoryand in-
standing one's own mental states and understanding terpretively intractable.It is now clear that across
others' has been hotly debated by philosophers and studies, when organized systematically,the results
psychologists at least since Descartes. Within the area are largely robust, orderly,and consistent. Theoreti-
of theory of mind, the debate is manifest in differ- cally,once the findings are clarified,several compet-
ences between simulation-theory accounts and theory- ing accounts of false-belief performance can be evalu-
theory accounts. Simulation theorists argue that there ated. In particular, early competence accounts that
is a special primacy to knowing one's own mental claim apparent developments during the ages of 3 to
contents (e.g., Harris, 1992). First-person experience 5 years are solely the products of overly difficult tasks
not only has an immediacy and vividness that in- masking young children's essentially correct under-
forms an understanding of mind, but understanding standing of belief are not substantiated in several key
other minds requires using one's own experience to regards.
simulate that of others. In contrast, theory-theorists The meta-analysis also argues against proposals
stress the development of an interrelated body of that an understanding of belief, including false belief,
knowledge, based on core mental-state constructs is the culture-specific product of socialization
such as "beliefs" and "desires," that apply to all per- within literate, individualistic Anglo-European cul-

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Wellman, Cross, and Watson 679

tures (Lillard,1998).A mentalisticunderstanding of this issue. It is important to note, however, that the
persons that includes a sense of their internal main meta-analytic findings hold regardless. That
representations-their beliefs-is widespread. Al- is, when the data from many studies are pooled,
though children may acquire such conceptions such task changes (regardlessof their ultimate inter-
sooner or later depending on the culturalcommuni- pretation) fail to influence the underlying develop-
ties and language systems in which they are reared, mental trajectory;with increasing age, children's
young children in Europe, North America, South judgments proceed from incorrect to significantly
America, East Asia, Australia, and Africa, and from correctperformance,for more difficult tasks as well
nonschooled "traditional"as well as literate "mod- as easier tasks.
ern"cultures,all acquirethese insights on roughlythe Equally important methodologically, the meta-
same developmentaltrajectory.Of course, a radically analysis underwrites the increasinglycommon prac-
differentpattern of results may yet be discovered in tice of using false-belieftasks as a markerof theory-
some presently untested socioculturalchildhood mi- of-mind understanding in other types of research,
lieu. Even if an understandingof actions in terms of such as researchon individual differencesin early so-
beliefs proves to be not strictly universal, the meta- cial cognition (e.g., Hughes &Dunn, 1998)and on im-
analysis documents that it is impressively wide- paired or delayed social cognition with autistic indi-
spread,at least in childhood.This suggests thatsuch a viduals (e.g., Baron-Cohen,1995). False-belieftasks
conceptionis a natural,easily adopted way of under- demonstrablyprovide a robustmeasureof an impor-
standing persons worldwide; it is cognitively "conta- tant early development. Nevertheless, several cau-
gious," to use Sperber's(1990)terminology. tions arenecessary.(1)False-belieftasksmeasureonly
Methodologically, these results inform us about one narrow aspect of social cognitive development;
several task variationsthat are essentiallyequivalent. therefore,use of a battery of social cognition tasks
This frees investigatorsto use a specific task instanti- would be best for many studies. (2) Individualdiffer-
ation because it is easier for them to administerthan ences can take several forms: Some individual dif-
others (e.g., using puppets versus people as the target ference dimensions (perhapsshyness) can differenti-
character)or because it best fits their theoreticalpur- ate individuals across the lifespan; other differences
poses (e.g.,for some purposesan unexpected-contents emerge only within a particularwindow of develop-
task may most closely parallel a target-contrasttask, ment and thus reflectan individual's speed of attain-
whereas for other purposes a change-of-locations ing a common developmentalmilestone. False-belief
task may do so). At the same time, the meta-analytic measuresfall into the lattercategory,and theirnature
results show that some forms of the tasks do enhance needs to be carefullyconsideredin researchon indi-
children's performance.Any investigatorwho is in- vidual differences. (3) To be useful in individual-
terested in assessing younger children'sfirst emerg- differencesresearcha measure needs to be a valid re-
ing understandingof belief would do well to consider presentative of the proposed construct, and must
tasks that are framed in terms of deception, engage have certain psychometric properties. Critically,
the child in actively transformingthe situation, and reliability and unreliability of measurement place
have no real and present objectavailable at the time limits on the assessment of interrelationamong va-
the targetquestion is asked. riables of interest. The meta-analysis suggests that,
Note, however, that when a task variation in- within its developmental window of usefulness,
creasesperformance,for example,frombelow-chance false-belief measures are reliable. To reiterate, the
to chance levels or from chance to above-chancelev- meta-analysis includes 52 reports of children's con-
els, this increased performancecan be interpretedin sistency of responding across equivalent false-belief
one of two ways: The manipulation may have re- tasks. On average, consistency, or proportion of
sulted in a better, more sensitive test of young chil- agreement, was .84; that is, 84% of the time chil-
dren's understanding, or it may have resulted in an dren's first false-belief response was matched in
artifactually easy task that is prone to false positives. their second response.
Consider, for example, the earlier discussion of Shef- Investigators have seldom explicitly considered
field et al.'s (1993) simplified task. Moreover, some of reliability of false-belief performances. One excep-
the controversies surrounding deception concern tion is a study by Mayes, Klin, Terycak, Cicchetti,
whether deception methods more sensitively test and Cohen (1996) who gave 23 children three false-
false-belief understanding (as argued, e.g., by Chand- belief tasks in one session and then the same tasks in
ler & Hala, 1994; Sullivan & Winner, 1993) or merely a second session 2 to 3 weeks later. Data within a
increase false positives (as argued, e.g., by Sodian, session were similar to the consistency data re-
1994). The meta-analysis cannot definitively address ported from the meta-analysis. For example, within

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680 ChildDevelopment

their second session, 11 children were incorrect and the mind. The results of the meta-analysis, summa-
7 correct for all three false-belief tasks (with the re- rizing 591 false-belief conditions, can facilitate such
maining 5 answering one or two tasks correctly). theoretically driven research on still broader issues
Hence, proportion of agreement was .78, even when in the field.
considered across all three tasks.
Mayes et al. (1996) assessed test-retest reliability by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
comparing responses to identical tasks in Session 1
versus 2. Proportion of agreement for false-belief an- This research was supported by a grant from NICHD
swers ranged from .58 to 1.0 and averaged .75. How- (HD-22149) to the first author. The authors thank the
ever, Mayes et al. had more complete data and were many investigators who sent us amplified descrip-
able to calculate kappa, an index that takes into ac- tions of their data or methods, and Janet Astington
count not only proportion of agreement but also a who suggested the subtitle.
baseline of expected agreement on the basis of chance
alone. Only three of eight test-retest comparisons
achieved "acceptable" kappas (.70 or greater). How
best to interpret these results is unclear. The majority Corresponding author: Henry M. Wellman, Center
of test-retest responses that failed to agree were cases for Human Growth and Development, University of
of improvement-initially incorrect children im- Michigan, 300 N. Ingalls, 10th Floor, Ann Arbor, MI
proved 3 weeks later. Improvements may represent 48109-0406; e-mail: David Cross is
legitimate developments rather than simple statistical at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth. Julanne
disagreement. Moreover, with only 23 subjects, Watson is also at the University of Michigan.
chance estimates for calculating kappas are noisy at
best. Finally, the authors only reported test-retest reli-
ability across pairs of identical tasks. This seems to REFERENCES
neglect information available from the high propor-
tions of agreement within a session. For example, Astington,J.W.(1993).Thechild'sdiscoveryof themind.Cam-
bridge, MA:HarvardUniversityPress.
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