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revue neurologique 169 (2013) 944–949

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Original article

Cognitive profile in Wilson’s disease:

A case series of 31 patients
Profil cognitif dans la maladie de Wilson :
une série de 31 patients

É. Wenisch a,*, A. De Tassigny b, J.-M. Trocello a, J. Beretti a,

N. Girardot-Tinant a, F. Woimant a
French national reference centre for Wilson’s disease, neurology department, Lariboisière hospital,
2, rue Ambroise-Paré, 75010 Paris cedex 10, France
CMRRF Kerpape, neurological rehabilitation department, BP 78, 56275 Ploemeur cedex, France

info article abstract

Article history: Background. – Wilson’s disease (WD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of copper
Received 12 March 2013 metabolism. If untreated, WD, which is initially a liver disease, can turn into a multi-
Received in revised form systemic disease with neurological involvement. Very few studies have described cognitive
29 May 2013 impairment in WD. The aim of this study is to report the cognitive profile of 31 treated WD
Accepted 4 June 2013 patients.
Available online 11 October 2013 Methods. – Patients were classed into two groups using the Unified Wilson Disease Rating
Scale (UWDRS): WD patients without neurological signs (WD-N ) (n = 13), and WD patients
Keywords: with neurological signs (WD-N+) (n = 18). The patients participated in a neuropsychological
Wilson’s disease assessment evaluating memory, executive function and visuo-spatial abilities.
Metabolic disease Results. – Both groups performed well for verbal intelligence and episodic memory skills.
Cognition However, the majority of these patients exhibited altered performance for at least one
Neuropsychology cognitive test, particularly in the executive domain. The WD-N+ group performed less well
Executive function than the WD-N group on cognitive tests involving rapid motor function, abstract thinking,
working memory and top-down inhibitory control.
Mots clés : Conclusions. – Cognitive impairment in treated WD patients essentially affects executive
Maladie de Wilson function involving fronto-striatal circuits. Verbal intelligence and episodic memory abili-
Maladie métabolique ties seem to be remarkably preserved. Neuropsychological assessment is a valuable tool to
Cognition evaluate the presence and the consequences of these cognitive impairments in WD
Examen neuropsychologique patients with or without neurological signs in the course of this chronic disease.
Fonctions exécutives # 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

DOIs of original articles:,

* Corresponding author. Neurology department, Lariboisière hospital, 2, rue Ambroise-Paré, 75475 Paris cedex 10, France.
E-mail address: (É. Wenisch).
0035-3787/$ – see front matter # 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
revue neurologique 169 (2013) 944–949 945

r é s u m é

Introduction. – La maladie de Wilson (MW) est une maladie rare autosomique récessive
réalisant une anomalie du métabolisme du cuivre. Si elle n’est pas traitée, initialement
hépatique, elle peut devenir systémique. Le but de cette étude est de décrire le profil cognitif
de 31 patients présentant une MW traitée.
Methode. – Un examen neuropsychologique incluant des tests mnésiques, exécutifs et
visuo-spatiaux a été réalisé auprès de 13 patients atteints de MW sans signe neurologique
(MW-N ) et 18 patients atteints de MW avec signes neurologiques (MW-N+).
Resultats. – Les deux groupes présentaient des performances moyennes normales pour les
tests d’intelligence verbale et de mémoire épisodique. Toutefois, la majorité des patients
montraient une performance altérée pour au moins un test, le plus souvent dans le domaine
exécutif. Les patients MW-N+ avaient des performances moyennes inférieures à celles des
patients MW-N pour les tests impliquant la rapidité motrice, le raisonnement abstrait, la
mémoire de travail et le contrôle inhibiteur.
Conclusion. – Les troubles cognitifs chez les patients traités pour une MW concernent
essentiellement les fonctions exécutives. L’intelligence verbale et les capacités de mémoire
épisodique semblent épargnées. L’examen neuropsychologique est un outil utile pour
évaluer la présence des troubles cognitifs et appréhender leurs conséquences chez les
patients atteints de MW.
# 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

been reported in patients with neurological signs of WD:

1. Introduction slowed-down motor (Medalia et al., 1988; Littman et al., 1995),
and executive function deficits concerning short-term
Wilson’s disease (WD), known as hepatolenticular degenera- memory (Seniów et al., 2002; Frota et al., 2013), retrieving
tion, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of copper process in episodic memory (Isaacs-Glaberman et al., 1989;
metabolism which results in the accumulation of copper in Seniów et al., 2002; Frota et al., 2013) and abstract thinking
many organs. WD is one of the few inborn errors of (Lang et al., 1990; Seniów et al., 2002). Nevertheless, there is no
metabolism which can be successfully treated by specific consensus about frequency and severity of cognitive dysfunc-
and effective pharmacological agents. Most often used are tion (Rathbun, 1996; Seniów et al., 2002) and results are not
chelating agents (d-penicillamine, triethylenetetramine) and easily comparable. Because WD is a rare disease, the patients
zinc salts. Intake of medicines should continue throughout the recruited are often low in number and heterogeneous in
patient’s life from the time of diagnosis. Good compliance with presentation. Some of these studies pooled all WD patients
treatment leads to copper excretion and a reduction of clinical into a single group regardless of the clinical features
symptoms. In the majority of cases, early diagnosis and (asymptomatic, hepatic or neurological). This may have
treatment help to prevent irreversible damage. contributed to negative findings in the comparison with a
If undiagnosed or mistreated (inadequate compliance with control group.
treatment), WD which is initially an hepatic disease, turns into The aim of this study is to report the cognitive perfor-
a multisystemic disease (liver, brain, cornea, kidneys and mances of a French series of treated patients with or without
heart) (Lorincz, 2010). Neurological signs can then appear due neurological signs of WD.
to brain lesions, classically localised in basal ganglia, and other
connected brain regions (Trocello et al., 2011). The main
neurological signs are dysarthria, dystonia, tremor, parkinso- 2. Methods
nism, chorea, ataxia, cognitive and psychiatric disorders
(Lorincz, 2010). 2.1. Patients
Cognitive impairments, at the neurological stage of WD,
were first considered as a subtype of subcortical dementia This study included 31 patients followed in the French
because neurological deterioration is progressive without National Wilson’s disease Centre (Centre national de référence
treatment and cognitive decline is often associated to pour la maladie de Wilson) between November 2006 and
functional impairment (Cummings and Benson, 1984). More December 2008. The diagnostic of WD was based on clinical
recent studies have described cognitive functioning in treated history, physical examination, low serum copper and cerulo-
patients with asymptomatic, hepatic and neurological stages plasmin, increased 24-hour urinary excretion of copper, liver
of WD and concluded that WD can be a dementing condition if enzymes, slit-lamp examination to detect Kayser-Fleischer
not treated adequately (Frota et al., 2009). The studies, rings, and molecular genetic studies. Brain MRI was realized
including patients displaying exclusively hepatic signs, for patients with neurological symptomatology to detect the
concluded that there was no significant difference between abnormalities currently described in WD. This study did not
these patients and a control group (Medalia et al., 1988; Seniów include a systematic MRI evaluation for WD patients without
et al., 2002). Conversely, different cognitive impairments have neurological signs.
946 revue neurologique 169 (2013) 944–949

To be selected, the patients with confirmed diagnosis of the difference (Time B – Time A) and the ratio [(Time B / Time
WD had to be treated with stable doses of a chelating agent or A)  100] were calculated as indicated by Tombaugh (2006).
zinc salt for at least 2 years and had to give oral consent to Visuo-spatial abilities were assessed with the copy of
undergo the neuropsychological exam. The exclusion criteria Modified Taylor Complex Figure (Hubley and Jassal, 2006).
were the presence of hepatic encephalopathy, liver trans- The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) was administered
plantation, severe neurological impairments (disabling dysar- to estimate the presence of depressive signs (Beck et al., 1996).
thria, tremor or dystonia) or severe psychiatric disorders
incompatible with neuropsychological examination. 2.3. Statistical analysis
The presence of neurological signs was determined by
using the Unified Wilson’s Disease Rating Scale (UWDRS) The demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample
(Członkowska et al., 2007). This scale contains 3 sections were examined with analysis of variance for continuous
including: consciousness, Barthel index, and neurological variables, and Chi2 test for categorical variables.
examination. A total score equal to 0 indicates the absence of For each subject, standard scores of Wechsler subtests
neurological signs, and a total score  1 indicates the were converted to z-scores upon a mean of 10 and a standard
presence of neurological impairment. According to this deviation (SD) of 3; and raw scores of the other cognitive tests
criterion, the sample was divided into two groups: eighteen were converted to z-scores using the normative data reported
WD patients (11 men, 7 women, mean age: 35.5  10.1 [23–58]), in the literature (see Material). When appropriate the scales
mean years of education (13.3  2.7) with neurological signs were first reversed to correspond with each other (i.e., number
(WD-N+) and thirteen WD patients (4 men, 9 women, mean of errors in WCST). Neuropsychological test performances
age: 31.3  10.9 [17–50], mean years of education: 13.9  2.7) were then studied with an analysis of variance of the z-scores.
without neurological signs (WD-N ). Among these 13 A P value equal or less than 0.05 was regarded as statistically
patients, 7 displayed hepatic signs and 6 had been diagnosed significant.
by familial screening.

2.2. Material 3. Results

Patients were examined using a neuropsychological test The two groups did not differ significantly in age, years of
battery assessing different aspects of cognitive processing. education, duration of treatment (Table 1). For the patients
Neuropsychological examination was administered by a with neurological involvement (WD-N+), the range for the
trained neuropsychologist in a 3-hour-exam session. Standard UWDRS was 1 to 11. Females were predominant in the WD-N
test instructions and scoring were applied. Current normative group whereas males were predominant in the WD-N+,
data were used, and raw scores were adjusted for age, gender however the difference between the two groups for the gender
and education. ratio was not significant (P = 0.19). There was no significant
Global cognitive function was assessed with selected correlation between gender and cognitive performances.
subtests of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) (Wechs- There was no difference between the two groups for the
ler, 2000): Information (degree of general information), BDI-II score (P = 0.22) and the WD-N+ and WD-N mean scores
Similarities (abstract verbal reasoning), Digit span (attention, reflected a minimal level of depression (12.3 and 7.8
concentration, mental control), Matrix (non-verbal abstract
problem solving), Digit symbol (visual-motor coordination,
motor and mental speed) and Symbol search (visual percep- Table 1 – Demographic and clinical features of the 31 WD
tion, scanning speed). Digit symbol and Symbol search treated patients.
scores were combined to calculate the Processing Speed WD-N WD-N+ Significance
Index (PSI). n = 13 n = 18 (P)
Memory functions were evaluated with California Verbal
Gender (M/F) 4/9 11/7 0.19
Learning Test (CVLT) (Delis et al., 1987), recall of Modified
Age (years) [16–58] 31.3  10.9 35.5  10.1 0.27
Taylor Complex Figure (Hubley and Jassal, 2006), Letter-
number sequencing (attention and working memory) and Education (years) [8–20] 13.9  2.7 13.3  2.7 0.51
Visual span selected in the Wechsler Memory Scale (Wechs- Duration of 9.1  10.8 14.6  10.3 0.17
ler, 2001). Letter-number sequencing and Visual span scores treatment (years)
were combined to calculate the Working Memory Index
(WMI). d-penicillamine 7/13 10/18
Executive functions were appreciated with Wisconsin Card Triethylenetetramine 2/13 2/18
Sorting Test (abstract problem solving, mental flexibility, Zinc salts 4/13 6/18
response inhibition) (Nelson, 1976; Heaton et al., 2002), Stroop
BDI-II score [0-32] 7.8  8.4 12.3  11.1 0.22
test (selective attention, inhibition process) (Stroop, 1992), D2
UWDRS score [0-11] 0 4.8  3.5
test (visual cancellation, selective attention) (Brickenkamp,
1998), Baddeley’s double task test (divided attention) (Baddeley WD-N : WD patients without neurological signs; WD-N+: WD
patients with neurological signs; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inven-
et al., 1997) and the Trail Making Test parts A and B (mental
tory; UWDRS: Unified Wilson’s Disease Rating Scale (maximum
flexibility) (Reitan, 1958; Tombaugh, 2004). In order to measure
score: 185).
the mental shifting process independently from slow-down,
revue neurologique 169 (2013) 944–949 947

Fig. 1 – Cognitive profile of 31 WD treated patients with or without neurological signs. SIM: similarities, INF: information,
MATR: matrix, SYMS: symbol search, DSYM: digit symbol, DS: digit span, VS: visual span, LNS: letter-number sequencing,
CVLT: California verbal learning test, CVLT A1: score recall 1 list A, CVLT A1-A5: total score recalls 1 to 5 list A, CVLT B: recall
list B, SDFR: short delay free recall, SDCR: short delay cued recall, LDFR: long delay free recall, LDCR: long delay cued recall,
MTCF: Modified Taylor Complex Figure, TMT: Trail Making Test, WCST: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, WCST nb cat: number
of categories completed, WCST total err: total number of errors, WCST pers err: number of perseverative errors, Stroop W:
score Words, Stroop C: score Colours, Stroop CW: score Colour of Words, Stroop Interf: score Interference, D2: selective
attention test, D2 GZ: quantitative performance index, D2% F: qualitative performance index, D2 SB: attention variation rank,
D2 KL: concentration performance index, Double task: percentage of maintained performance.

respectively). There was no correlation between BDI-II score

and cognitive performances. There was no correlation 4. Discussion
between the BDI-II score and the UWDRS score (r = 0.001).
For both groups, the cognitive profile (Fig. 1) was similar: The results suggested that WD patients could display
verbal intelligence performances were around the average, cognitive impairments, even with a mild neurological symp-
episodic memory performances in visual and verbal condi- tomatology (cf. UWDRS score) and without significant depres-
tions were above the average, and mean executive function sive signs. In WD, the greatest damage usually occurs in the
scores tended to stay below the average, particularly for the basal ganglia, but recent brain MRI studies have found that
WD-N+ group. different parts of the brain can be involved: cerebellar
The WD-N+ group globally performed lower than the WD- peduncles, midbrain, corpus callosum, and corticosubcortical
N in all the cognitive tests and the differences were white matter with frontal predilection (King et al., 1996; Van
significant for the Digit Symbol subtest (P: 0.001), Symbol Wassenaer-van Hall et al., 1996; Mikol et al., 2005; Sinha et al.,
Search (P: 0.03), Processing Speed Index (P: 0.004), Matrix (P: 2006; Taly et al., 2009; Trocello et al., 2011). As the cerebral
0.01), Digit Span (P: 0.04), CVLT recall of list B (P: 0.04), CVLT cortex is relatively spared in WD, the cognitive and beha-
total intrusive errors (P: 0.03), Stroop Words (P: 0.03), and vioural abnormalities are explained by the dysfunction of the
Stroop Colours (P: 0.001). subcortical-frontal connections (Seniów et al., 2002; Hegde
A qualitative analysis of performances showed that a et al., 2010).
majority of patients displayed an altered performance Furthermore, the results showed that 54% of neurologically
(z score  2) for at least one cognitive test: 72% (13/18) of asymptomatic patients (WD-N ) displayed an altered per-
WD-N+ patients, and 54% (7/13) of WD-N patients respecti- formance for at least one cognitive test which was most often
vely. The most frequently impaired cognitive domain was the an executive test (46%). The studies, including patients
executive function with an altered score for at least one displaying exclusively hepatic signs, concluded that there
executive test in 61% (11/18) of WD-N+ patients and 46% (6/13) was no significant difference between these patients and a
of WD-N patients. control group (Medalia et al., 1988; Seniów et al., 2002). Brain
948 revue neurologique 169 (2013) 944–949

MRI with diffusion sequences and SPECT (single-photon effect. These results could suggest that inhibition process was
emission computed tomography) investigations have affected in WD-N+ patients. This hypothesis is in agreement
demonstrated the presence of basal ganglia abnormalities in with our clinical impression: neurologically impaired WD
WD patients without neurological signs (Favrole et al., 2006; patients can display an inhibitory processing deficit characte-
Piga et al., 2008; Tarnacka et al., 2008). These results give rized by intrusive response or behaviour, perseverative
further support to the hypothesis that cognitive abnormalities response, interference sensitivity, impulsivity, irritability, etc.
can be detected in WD patients without neurological signs. Visuo-spatial performances did not seem impacted in our
The patients with neurological signs performed poorly for WD-N+ group, however only one test (copy of MTCF) was
executive tests requiring motor speed (Digit Symbol, Symbol performed to investigate this cognitive domain. Studies
Search, Processing Speed Index, Stroop Word, Stroop Colour), including WD patients, regardless to the clinical status, have
working memory (Digit Span), top-down inhibitory control produced conflicting results. Some of them have concluded
(intrusive errors and interference in CVLT test) and non-verbal that visuo-spatial abilities are impaired in WD (Rathbun, 1996;
abstract reasoning (Matrix). In our sample, WCST performan- Hegde et al., 2010), but others have not found any deficit in this
ces appeared surprisingly normal for both groups of WD cognitive domain (Lang et al., 1990; Portala et al., 2001; Frota
patients. Matrix subtest and WCST are both dedicated to et al., 2013). One study has reported visuo-spatial and
measure non-verbal abstract reasoning, but WCST requires constructive deficits in WD patients with neurological signs
different executive components: abstract problem solving, (Seniów et al., 2002).
mental flexibility and working memory abilities. It seemed This study had some limitations. First, to calculate z scores
that a normal WCST performance did not exclude impairment we used available normative data obtained in different
of one of these executive components in another test. samples which may have limited the interpretation of the
Few studies have reported executive impairment in WD cognitive scores. Second, this study did not include a
patients with neurological involvement: slowness of mental systematic MRI evaluation in WD patients. Another potential
processing, impairment of non-verbal abstract reasoning, limitation of our study is the selection bias: we excluded the
decreased mental shifting capacities and impaired working patients with the most severe neurological signs that are not
memory process (Medalia et al., 1992; Littman et al., 1995; compatible with neuropsychological examination. This selec-
Seniów et al., 2002; Frota et al., 2013). tion may have minimized the differences between the two
The impact of movement disorders (akinesia, dystonia and groups. Further research is yet required to precise the
tremor) on the assessment of cognitive performance has been cognitive functioning of WD patients recently treated compa-
discussed. Previous investigations have described motor red with matched controls.
slowness in all WD patients (Lang et al., 1990; Rathbun, Despite these limitations, this study indicated that verbal
1996; Portala et al., 2001; Hegde et al., 2010). Some other studies intelligence and episodic memory abilities seemed preserved in
have reported motor slowness as a common feature at the WD patients, but executive functions involving fronto-striatal
neurological stage of WD (Medalia et al., 1988; Littman et al., circuits (working memory, abstract reasoning and inhibitory
1995) and in other basal ganglia diseases (Cummings and process) were impaired, specifically in WD patients with
Benson, 1984; Lang, 1989). In this study, we included two types neurological manifestations. Neuropsychological examination
of tasks: cognitive tests that engage motor abilities (i.e., Digit is useful at the diagnosis time for WD patients, even without
symbol, TMT. . .) to quantify the motor slowness, and cognitive neurological signs. Cognitive impairments can effectively imply
tests that did not involve timing or fine motor responses. Then reduction of autonomy, mood disturbances and lack of
the decreased performances of neurologically impaired compliance to treatment. Moreover, the neuropsychological
patients in the tasks assessing non-verbal abstract reasoning follow-up allows us to appreciate cognitive evolution of treated
(Matrix) or working memory (digit span, visual span, letter- WD patients throughout the course of the disease.
number sequencing) cannot be explained by the motor
component but by the executive function worsening.
Verbal learning abilities of neurologically impaired WD Disclosure of interest
patients have been previously studied. One study has
indicated lower performances in patients with neurological The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
signs of WD for the total recall score of RAVLT (Rey Auditory concerning this article.
Verbal Learning Task) (Seniów et al., 2002). Another study has
found that these patients scored worse than controls for the
delayed recall, but has shown normal performances for the references
recognition task (Isaacs-Glaberman et al., 1989). In this study,
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