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Sample project report considering

Project Title: Verification of Ohm’s law using simulation

Student: Gopal Prasad Bhandari
Supervisor: Dinesh Kumar Chaudhari
School: KIST College
Approval Comity: Supervisor only

Students are required to follow the format

provided below:

A report for the fulfillment of the requirements of the internal evaluation of

Grade XI




Gopal Prasad Bhandari

Section: T

ID Card Number: S4560

Registration Number: 45788

KIST Secondary School

Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu



I hereby declare that the work presented in this project report has been done by myself
under the supervision of Mr. Dinesh Kumar Chaudhari, and has not submitted
elsewhere for any examination.

All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged by references to author

or institution.

Date: 2078-03-31 Gopal Prasad Bhandari

Student ID: S4560

Registration Number: 45488


Foremost would like to express my deep gratitude to my pleasure Mr. Dinesh Kumar
Chaudhari for the continuous enthusiastic support, and motivation as my supervisor. I
would like to present heartfelt thanks to Mr. Tribendra Timilsena, Mr. Shyam Sunder
Tiwari, without whom this project could not be accomplished.

I am indebted to my friends Mr. Bishnu Dhakal, who helped to plot the graph using
excel and to run other programs.

At last but not least, I express my deep gratitude to all my family members for their
support and encouragement throughout my life. Without their support, it would not be
possible to be at this stage of my life.

Gopal Prasad Bhandari

Letter of Approval

The project work submitted to KIST Secondary School, by Mr. Gopal Prasad
Bhandari, entitled “Verification of Ohm’s law using simulation” has been approved as
the partial fulfillment of the internal evaluation.

Date:2078-03-31 Signature:

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Chaudhari

George Simon Ohm had observed and established the relation between the potential
applied between ends of the conductor and current flowing through it in early 18th
century, well known by name of Ohm’s law [1, 2]. Thus, the purpose of this project is to
verify Ohm’s law and resistance offered by the conducting body can be measured. Before
understanding of Ohm’s law, it’s mandatory to understand about some terminologies as
discussed below.

Fig 1: Circuit carrying current at different potential difference

a) Potential difference:
The amount of work to be one to move positive one coulomb charge from one
point to another point is called electric potential difference.
Electric potential difference between two points A and B is

Where, and are electric potential at A and B respectively.

The application of electric potential difference between two ends of conductor

makes one end to attract and another to repel charge. This causes to flow of
charge though body from one end to another end and hence that body acts as
conductor. [1]

b) Current:
The amount of charge flowing through the conductor in unit time is called
current .
If charge flows through conductor in time then the current is given by

The Ohm’s law states that the current through the conductors between two points is
directly proportional to the electric potential across the points.

Here, is proportionality constant called resistance of the conductor. Its value depends
upon the chemical nature of conductor and other external condition like temperature, etc.
This law is valid not valid for the non-Ohmic materials like semiconductors and
insulators. [2, 3, 4]
Material and Method:
Controlled simulation method is used for the project carried out provided on internet.

Fig 2: Setup used for the verification of Ohm’s law *5+

To take reading of variation of current with potential at fixed resistance,

- Resistance (say ) is fixed then potential is increased gradually from zero and
corresponding reading of current can be noted.
- Another resistance (say ) is fixed then potential is increased gradually from
zero and corresponding reading of current could be noted.
- Again, resistance (say ) is fixed then potential is increased gradually from zero
and corresponding reading of current could be noted.

On plotting the graph between potential difference (V) and current (I), nature of graph
can give connections between the potential, current and resistance of the body.

The simulation gave the result tabulated as given below:


At constant resistance

Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance ( )

(Volt) (Ammeter)
0.1 ………….. ………………..
0.5 ………… ………………..
1.0 ……………….. ………………..
1.5 ……………….. ………………..
2.0 ……………….. ………………..
2.5 ……………….. ………………..
3.0 ……………….. ………………..


At constant resistance

Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance ( )

(Volt) (Ammeter)
0.1 ………….. ………………..
0.5 ………… ………………..
1.0 ……………….. ………………..
1.5 ……………….. ………………..
2.0 ……………….. ………………..
2.5 ……………….. ………………..
3.0 ……………….. ………………..


At constant resistance

Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance ( )

(Volt) (Ammeter)
0.1 ………….. ………………..
0.5 ………… ………………..
1.0 ……………….. ………………..
1.5 ……………….. ………………..
2.0 ……………….. ………………..
2.5 ……………….. ………………..
3.0 ……………….. ………………..

The plot of the graph from the observations on table:1, table: 2 and table: 3 are given in the

(A) (A)

V (V)
(V) (V)
Fig 3: graph from table: 1 Fig 4: graph from table: 2 Fig 4: graph from table: 3

The plot of graph has given straight lines of different slope for different fixed value of resistance

In the fig 3,
the graph show that with the increase in the voltage across the conducting wire, current flowing
through it increases gradually at a constant proportion . This
proportion gives the magnitude of resistance offered by conducting wire.

In the same way, in the fig 2,

the graph show that with the increase in the voltage across the conducting wire, current flowing
through it increases gradually at a constant proportion . This
proportion gives the magnitude of resistance offered by conducting wire.

Likewise, in the fig 3,

the graph show that with the increase in the voltage across the conducting wire, current flowing
through it increases gradually at a constant proportion . This
proportion gives the magnitude of resistance offered by conducting wire.
Conclusion and Summary:
The nature of graphs shows that variation of current through the conducting wire with potential is
at constant proportion. This verifies at constant external
physical condition of the conductor.

The value of slopes from graphs resistance is in agreement with the tabulated value obtained from
the direct calculation in the table. This indicates that calculation and graph used for analysis are
in agreement. Hence Ohm’s law is verified.
magnetism/pioneers/georg-ohm ; 2021-06-26, 8:00 PM.
2. Aryal B.., Singh M. N., “The art of science”, KEC Publication, Kathmandu; 2076,
3. Ayer D. S., et al, “Integrated Physics XI”, C Publication Pvt, Kathmandu; 2076,
4. Shockley W., “Hot electrons in germanium and Ohm's law”. The Bell System
Technical Journal, 1951; 30-50.
5. ; 2021-06-
26, 8:0 PM.

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