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Environmental Science

Topic 7: Water Quality & Water Pollution

Water  Ornamental Purposes
 Two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms combined  Fire Demand
by covalent bond  
  3. Industrial Purposes
Water Quality  Factories
 Describes the condition of the water, including  Power Stations
chemical, physical and biological characteristic,  Railway and Airports
usually with respect to its suitability for a  
particular purpose such as drinking or swimming. 4. Business or Trade Purposes
   Dairies
Importance of Water  Hotels
 One of the most important substance on earth  Laundries
 Approximately 70% of freshwater is consumed  Motor garages
by agriculture  Restaurants
 Can't live without water for 3 days  Stables
 Apart from drinking it to survive, people have  Schools
many other uses for water  Hospitals
 Our body comprises of 70-90% water. The cell  Cinema halls
needs water  Theatres
  The number of such business centers will depend
Sources of Water upon the population & for a moderate city on an
1. Surface Water average value of about 15 to 25 liters of water per
 97% saltwater (oceans and seas) head per day.
 2.4% glaciers and polar ice caps  
 .6% other land surface water such as rivers, 5. Loss and Waste
lakes, and ponds Water required under this category is sometimes
  termed as the unaccounted requirement. It includes
2. Groundwater careless use of water, leakage in mains, valves,
 Lies under the surface of the land, where it other fittings etc.
travels through and fills openings in the rock. The  
rocks that store and transmit groundwater are Environmental Water Quality Parameters
called aquifers. 1. Physical Properties
   Color, odor, temperature, solids (residues),
Water Quality in the Philippines turbidity, oil content, and grease content
1. DENR (Department of Environment and Natural  
Resources) through EMB (Environmental 2. Chemical Properties
Management Bureau)  Ph
2. DOH (Department of Health)  Conductivity
3. DWSS (Department of Works and Sewage  Dissolved oxygen (DO)
System)  Nitrate
   Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Classification of Water based on its Usage  Pesticides
1. Domestic Purposes  
o Drinking (2 liters/day) 3. Biological Properties (Microbiology)
o Cooking  Coliforms, fecal coliforms, specific pathogens,
o Bathing and viruses
o Washing hands and face
o Household Sanitary purposes
Water Pollution
o Private Gardening & Irrigation
 Is the contamination of water bodies, very often
o Domestic Animals & Private vehicles by human activities. It occurs when pollutants
  (particles, chemicals or substances that make
2. Civic or Public Purposes water contaminated) are discharged directly or
 Road Washing
 Sanitation Purposes
Topic 7: Water Quality & Water Pollution
indirectly into water bodies without enough  Man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road
treatment to get rid of harmful compounds. salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and
  cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use.
Pollutants get into water mainly by human causes or  Materials from the land's surface can move
factors. Water pollution is the second most imperative through the soil and end up in the groundwater.
environmental concern along with air pollution. Any For example, pesticides and fertilizers can find
change or modification in the physical, chemical and their way into groundwater supplies over time.
biological properties of water that will have a  Road salt, toxic substances from mining sites,
detrimental consequence on living things is water and used motor oil also may seep into
pollution. groundwater.
   In addition, it is possible for untreated waste
Sources of Water Pollution from septic tanks and toxic chemicals from
1. Point Source underground storage tanks and leaky landfills to
 A single source that can be easily identified contaminate groundwater.
 Emissions of factories into the water  
 Garbage thrown; dumping waste into water 5. Microbiological Pollution
   A natural form of water pollution caused by
2. Nonpoint Source microorganisms. Different types of
 Multiple sources microorganisms live in water and cause fish, land
 Run off animals and humans to become ill.
 Contaminated water after rains that has travelled  Bacteria, Viruses and Protozoa; Serious diseases
through several regions such as cholera cause from microorganisms that
  lives in water.
Types of Water Pollution  These diseases usually affects health of people
1. Nutrient Pollution in poorer countries as they do not have the
 The process where too many nutrients, mainly facilities to treat polluted water. 
nitrogen and phosphorus, are added to bodies of  
water and can act like fertilizer, causing excessive 6. Suspended Matter
growth of algae.  Some pollutants do not dissolve in water as their
 Algae is an indicator of nutrient pollution molecules are too big to mix between the water
 Water lilies molecules.
 Eutrophication – is when a body of water  This material is called particulate matter and can
becomes overly enriched with minerals and often be a cause of water pollution.
nutrients which induce excessive growth of algae.  The suspended particles eventually settle and
cause a thick silt at the bottom. This is harmful to
2. Surface Water Pollution marine life that lives on the floor of rivers or lakes.
 The pollution of aquatic systems that are above  Biodegradable substances are often suspended in
ground, such as streams, lakes and rivers. These water and can cause problems by increasing the
waters become polluted when rainwater runoff amount of anaerobic microorganism's present.
carries pollutants into the water. The pollutants  
transported by runoff are things like salts and 7. Chemical Water Pollution
chemicals from city and highway roads and  Industrial and agricultural work involves the use
nutrients and fertilizers from farms and lawns. of many different chemicals that can run-off into
  water and pollute it.
3. Oxygen Depletion  Metals and solvents from industrial work can
 Microorganisms that live in water feed on pollute rivers and lakes. These are poisonous to
biodegradable substances. When too much many forms of aquatic life and may slow their
biodegradable material is added to water, the development, make them infertile or even result in
number of microorganisms increase and use up the death.
available oxygen. This is called oxygen depletion.  Petroleum is another form of chemical pollutant
 Fish Kills that usually contaminates water through oil spills
  when a ship ruptures. Oil spills usually have only a
4. Ground Water Pollution localized effect on wildlife but can spread for
Topic 7: Water Quality & Water Pollution
 The oil can cause the death of many fish and
stick to the feathers of seabirds causing them to
lose the ability to fly.
8. Oil Spillage
 Contamination of seawater due to an oil pour, as
a result of an accident or human error, is termed
an oil spill.
 Oil is among the most important energy sources
in the world and because of its uneven distribution,
it is transported by ships across the oceans and by
pipelines across the lands.
 This has resulted in several accidents in the past
while transferring the oil to vessels, during
transportation, breaking of pipelines, as well as
while drilling in the earth’s crust.
Other Causes of Water Pollution
1. Sewage and wastewater
2. Mining Activities
3. Ocean and Marine Dumping
Effects of Water Pollution
1. Death of aquatic animals
2. Disruption of Food Chain
3. Diseases
4. Destruction of Ecosystem

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