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support it received from various non- Melanges d'indianisme a la memoire de

Communist groups. He concludes that ' in its Louis Renou. 40e anniversaire de la
general characteristics, the Tfldeh party closely fondation de I'Institut de Civilisation
resembles the type of national and anti- Indienne de V Universite de Paris, 1967.
Western organizations thatflourishin poor and
backward countries'. (Publications de I'Institut de Civilisa-
tion Indienne. Serie in-8°, Fasc. 28.)
xxxix, 800 pp., front. Paris: Editions
E. de Boccard, 1968.
This work, planned as a felicitation volume
and tragically destined to be published as a
E. SCHUTZ (ed. and tr.) : An Armeno- memorial volume, worthily celebrates the
Kipchak chronicle on the Polish- unique achievements of the great Indianist
Turkish wars in 1620-1621. (Biblio- Louis Renou. Professor Naoshiro Tsuji's
memorial address to the Japanese Academy,
theca Orientalis Hungarica XI.) 215 Professor Paul Mus's reminiscence of the
pp. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, impact of his personality as a colleague,
1968. $8.40, 70s. Professor Jean Filliozat's ' Bibliographie des
travaux', and the long list of distinguished
The town of Kamenets in Podolia was in the subscribers combine to give a satisfying account
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the centre of Renou's contribution to Indology and to
of a thriving Armenian community who, as the high reputation of French scholarship. Of
immigrants from the Crimea, spoke a very the 65 scholars of four continents who have
mixed language : basically Kipchak (or contributed articles, it must suffice to observe
' Cuman ') Turkish in vocabulary and mor- that contemporary Indology could hardly be
phology, it was heavily overlaid with Polish better represented, and that, by the supreme
and Ukrainian loan-words, had largely aban- irony, three authors, V. S. Agrawala, Durga-
doned the word-order of Turkish, and mohan Bhattacharyya, and H. D. Velankar,
was written in the Armenian script. The are themselves commemorated posthumously
' Kamenets Chronicle ' is an annalistic record by their contributions in honour of Renou.
for the years 1430-1624 and 1648-52, the first
and last portions of which are written in The articles themselves, often of major
Armenian and the central, most detailed, importance, range over a wide field : Indian
portion (1611-24) in ' Armeno-Kipchak '. The art, architecture, and dramaturgy; con-
text was published in 1896, from the sole ceptions of Krsna and the Buddha ; satyalcriyd
complete manuscript, of 169 pp., in the and ahimsd ; aspects of literature (IE and
Library of the Mekhitarists in Venice ; and a Ilran. heritage, Jaina and all branches of
fragment in Paris was published and studied Buddhist literature, Vedic, Epic-Puranic,
by J. Deny (L'armeno-coman et les ' Ephe- Vyakarana, Darsana, Dharma, and NIti
merides' de Kamieniec {1604-1613), Wiesbaden, texts) ; philological studies in the fields of IE,
1957). Saka, Kafir, Vedic, MIA, Kashmiri, and
Khmer ; and comparative literary studies of
Dr. Schutz here presents two substantial considerable interest (Tamil-Vedic, Buddhist-
sections of the Armeno-Kipchak portion, Vedic, Vedic-classical Sanskrit, Theravada-
which describe the Polish defeat near Jassy in Sarvastivada). For a large volume, with
1620 and the repulse of the Ottomans in the contributions in French, English, German, and
operations near Khotin in 1621 (Hammer, Italian, misprints are commendably rare.
GOB, iv, 511-14, 523-32)—events, uncom-
fortably close to Kamenets, of which the
chronicler had good and sometimes eyewitness
knowledge. The introduction surveys the
historical background and the sources, with a MUHAMMAD ENAMUL HAQ (ed.): Mu-
full discussion of the Chronicle and its author- hammad Shahidullah felicitation
ship. The text is presented in transcription, volume. (Asiatic Society of Pakistan
accompanied by a close and fluent English Publication No. 17.) xxxvi, 422 pp.,
translation, and with facsimiles of the relevant 19 plates. Dacca : Asiatic Society of
43 pp. of the Venice manuscript appended. A Pakistan, 1966. Rs. 25.
detailed discussion of the phonology and the
morphology and a full glossary complete this This volume of essays appeared rather later
valuable contribution to the study of a than was originally intended, for they were
relatively sparsely documented group of designed for the celebration of the eightieth
Turkish languages. birthday (10 July 1965) of the eminent
v . L. M. Pakistani Orientalist Muhammad Shahidullah.

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