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Unit Grammar Vocabulary Real life Pronunciation Listening Reading Speaking Writing

be: I + am, you + are the alphabet classroom language word stress introductions a description of two introductions text type: an identification
be: he/she/it + is countries and nationalities questions phone numbers people a quiz card
my, your numbers 1–10 an article about greeting people writing skill: capital letters
greetings international phone
in the classroom calls from New York
pages 9–20

VIDEO: My top ten photos  page 18    REVIEW  page 20

be: we/they + are days of the week personal information we’re, they’re a description of a place a description of photos vacation photos text type: a form
be: negative forms numbers 11–100 I’m, isn’t, aren’t a conversation about a of a trip on vacation writing skill: capital
be: questions and short answers colors be: questions and short vacation a conversation about a general knowledge letters
a/an car rental answers vacation
plural nouns plural nouns a quiz about vacation
Vacations syllables spots
pages 21–32

VIDEO: A vacation in Australia  page 30    REVIEW  page 32

his, her, its, our, their family special occasions possessive ’s a description of a family a description of a family my family text type: a greeting card
possessive ’s people giving and accepting gifts linking with in from Mexico from Scotland people and things writing skill: contractions
irregular plural nouns months intonation a conversation about a an article about celebrations around the
special occasions family from Iraq important days world
a description of good
Family and friends
pages 33–44

VIDEO: Chinese New Year in London  page 42    REVIEW  page 44

prepositions of place places in a town buying snacks th /ð/ a description of Astana a description of places in locations text type: a text message
this, that, these, those the time linking with can tourist information a town famous places writing skill: and
question words word focus: at a description of two days and times
snacks famous towers
an article about time
Cities zones
pages 45–56

VIDEO: Where’s that?  page 54    REVIEW  page 56

can/can’t abilities shopping can/can’t a profile of Yves Rossy an article about robots my abilities text type: an email
can questions and short answers possessions have/has an interview with a robot and people my things writing skill: but
have/has technology numbers expert a blog post about my favorite piece of
be + adjective money and prices people talk about their gadgets technology
adjective + noun interesting possessions
My things
pages 57–68

VIDEO: What’s your favorite gadget?  page 66    REVIEW  page 68

like sports suggestions do you …? a description of a sport in an article about a sport sports text type: short messages
like questions and short answers interests likes, doesn’t like South Africa a profile of a TV interests writing skill: punctuation
he/she + like food intonation an interview with a man presenter food and sentence structure
object pronouns opinion adjectives about sports an article about street
We love it!
pages 69–80

VIDEO: At the market  page 78    REVIEW  page 80

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Unit Grammar Vocabulary Real life Pronunciation Listening Reading Speaking Writing

simple present I/you/we/you/they routines problems intonation in questions a description of the Holi an article about a day in my partner and I text type: a profile
prepositions of time hobbies sentence stress festival China a survey about hobbies writing skill: paragraphs
simple present questions I/you/we/ weather interviews about hobbies an article about the my favorite season
you/they problems with friends seasons in British
simple present Wh- questions Columbia
Daily life
pages 81–92

VIDEO: The elephants of Samburu  page 90    REVIEW  page 92

simple present he/she/it job activities on the phone -s and -es verb endings an interview about a an article about jobs jobs text type: an email
simple present questions he/she/it education /s/ and /z/ man’s job on the London things we usually do writing skill: spelling:
frequency adverbs an interview about an Underground double letters
unusual school an article about a job in a
wildlife park
Work and
pages 93–104

VIDEO: Small ships  page 102    REVIEW  page 104

there is/are clothes requests there are four people talk about an article about things in things in my suitcase text type: travel advice
there is/are negative and question hotel rooms I’d like, We’d like travel people’s suitcases hotels and tourist places writing skill: because
forms travel a conversation about a an article about a trans- travel tips
imperative forms hotels trip to Cape Town Siberian trip

pages 105–116

VIDEO: The people of the reindeer  page 114    REVIEW  page 116

be: was/were dates apologizing was/were weak forms a profile of Ayrton Senna a quiz about “firsts” in dates and events text type: an email
be: was/were negative and question describing people sentence stress a radio program about exploration people in my past writing skill: expressions
forms activities people we remember an article about the first who was he/she? in emails
regular simple past verbs people in the American
pages 117–128

VIDEO: The space race  page 126    REVIEW  page 128

irregular simple past verbs life events talking about the past -ed regular simple past old books and documents an article about an did it happen? text type: a life story
simple past negative and question word focus: get verbs in Timbuktu unusual discovery last week and last year writing skill: when
forms time expressions did you …? an interview with a a story about an one day last week
simple past Wh- questions didn’t woman from New adventure in
Orleans Madagascar
True stories
pages 129–140

VIDEO: True stories?  page 138    REVIEW  page 140

present continuous rooms in a house offers and invitations going and doing three people talk about a short message about my photos text type: a thank you
present continuous questions and times and places would you …? weekend activities next weekend next weekend note
short answers a description of a family an article about helping a special weekend writing skill: spelling: verb
present continuous for the future in Indonesia people on weekends endings
prepositions of place
The weekend tense review
pages 141–152

VIDEO: A day in the life of a lighthouse keeper  page 150    REVIEW  page 152


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