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Değerli Öğretmenler,
Martı Okul Yayınları olarak eğitimin ve öğretimin her alanında, her zaman
ilkleri ve yenilikleri gerçekleştirerek siz değerli öğretmen ve öğrencilerimize hizmet
etmeyi amaç edindik. Bu amaç doğrultusunda piyasa ve ihtiyaç analizleri, araştırma
geliştirme çalışmalarımızın sonuçlarından biri olan Pratik Okumalı Optik Formlu Soru
Bankalarımızı beğenilerinize sunuyoruz.
Kitabımızda testlerin yanında koparılacak şekilde hazırlanmış optik formlar
bulunmaktadır. Martı Okul Yayınlarınca Türkiye’de bir ilk olarak gerçekleştirilen
bu uygulama ile öğrenci, kitabı yanında taşımak zorunda kalmayacak; öğrencinin
çözdüğü testin optik formunu koparıp öğretmenine vermesi yeterli olacaktır. Pratik
okuma sayesinde öğretmen, kolay bir şekilde optik formu değerlendirebilecektir.
Öğretmenlerimiz, sınıf içinde çözdürdükleri ya da ev ödevi olarak verdikleri testlerin
değerlendirme sonuçlarına ‘’Pratik Okuma Sistemi’’ ile ulaşabileceklerdir.
8. sınıfta sınava girecek olan öğrencilerin tamamına yakını optik formu çok az
kullanmış, bazıları da ilk defa görmüş olacaktır. Öğrencilerin optik formu kodlarken
yapabilecekleri hatalar, kitabımızı kullandıktan sonra en aza inecektir. Kitabımızda yer
alan alternatif uygulamalarla (bulmaca, boşluk doldurma, eşleştirme vs.) öğrencinin
her tip soruyu çözmesi amaçlanmış, kitap eğlenceli hâle getirilmiştir. Sayfa yanlarında
yer alan öz konu anlatımları, kazanım hedefleri dikkate alınarak hazırlanmış böylelikle
öğrenci gereksiz bilgi yükünden kurtarılmıştır. Kazanımlar ve alt başlıklar dikkate
alınarak hazırlanmış olan bu kitap, öğrencilerimizin öğrendiklerini pekiştirecek; aynı
zamanda da iyi bir değerlendirme aracı olacaktır. Böylece öğrencinin kazanımlarla ilgili
edimleri kolayca sınanabilecektir.
Martı Okul Yayınları olarak en büyük hedefimiz, öğrencilerimizin başarısını artırarak
öğretmenlerimizin memnuniyetini kazanmaktır.

Başarı dileklerimizle...
Martı Okul Yayınları
Testler ünitelerin alt başlıklarına göre hazırlanmıştır. Tarama- 1
†NiTE Weather Conditions

7. 10.

Testin ait olduğu alt konu başlığı testin üzerinde belirtilmiştir. l rest at the weekends.
Dave is waiting in the line.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

Konuşmada tanımlanan kişi hangisi-
sine aittir?
Seasons dir?
A) B)
A) B)

C) D)
C) D)

Testlerin yanında testin içerdiği alt başlıklarla

11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki haritaya
l don't like junk food. göre yanıtlayınız.

ilgili konu anlatımı “Öğrenmekte Yarar Var”

Görselde tanımlanan yiyecekler hangi-
sidir? İstanbul
A) B) Bursa Kars

başlığı altında verilmiştir.



C) D)

11. Haritaya göre seçeneklerden hangisi

A) It is rainy in Istanbul.
B) It is snowy and cold in Kars.
Autumn / Fall C) It is cloudy in Ankara.
My aunt is _____ my mum. D) It is hailing in Antalya.

We can swim Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

in summer.
12. "l am taking my gloves, coat and boots."
A) more beautiful than diyen kişi haritadaki şehirlerden hangi-
B) more older than sine gitmektedir?
We can ski in C) more taller than A) Samsun B) İzmir
winter. D) more younger than C) Kars D) Antalya
After School
1 - Unit
ETiN1† 52 52 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1. UNIT 1
Do you finish your homework l _________ milk everyday. TEST - 3
at school?

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?

A) Yes, l am. B) No, l don't.
C) No, l does. D) Yes, l doesn't.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) drink B) cook
2. C) eat D) feed
What do you do

Testlerin yan kısmında bulunan optik formlar

at weekends?

tamamlayan seçenek 5.
koparılacak şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Öğrenci testi
A) l am eleven years old.
B) l love weekends.
C) l write my diary every day. çözüp optik forma kodladıktan sonra isterse koparıp
D) l visit my grandma.

Halay is a _______
dance in Turkey.
öğretmene teslim edebilecektir. Optik form “Pratik
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) neighbour hood
C) polka
B) traditional
D) course
Okuma” sayesinde kolayca okutulabilmektedir.

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade Our teacher ______ a lot
hangisidir? of homework on Friday.
A) l clean my house every week.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
B) l tidy my room every weekend.
A) does B) helps
1 Exercise
C) l have a bath everyday.
D) l iron my uniform on Sunday.
C) takes D) gives
- ETiN†
6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 13 A. Görsellerin altına meslek adlarını yazınız.

When was Mustafa

Kemal bron?

He was born
in 1881.

Ünite sonlarında bulunan Doğru - Yanlış, Boşluk

Doldurma, Eşleştirme, Bulmaca gibi alternatif
When did he die?

uygulamalardan oluşan etkinliklerle öğrencilerin He died


her tip soruyu çözmeleri amaçlanmış ve kitap

eğlenceli hâle getirilmiştir.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 89 89


Akıllı telefonunuza yüklemiş olduğunuz ‟Pratik Okuma

Programı”nı açınız. Bilgisayarınızda ise ‟”
İnternet sitesine girerek ‟Giriş Yap” kısmından giriş yapınız.

Zekat, Hac ve Kurban İbadeti
1 -2.EÜnite
1. Kâbe'yi Hz. İbrahim ve oğlu Hz. İsmail, Allah'ın 4. Umre de hacda olduğu gibi Mekke'deki kutsal 2. ÜNİTE
emriyle yapmıştır. Yapımı tamamlandıktan mekanları ziyaret etmektir. Yüce Allah Bakara TEST - 4
sonra Hz. İbrahim ilk tavafı oğlu Hz. İsmail ile suresinin 196. ayetinde "Haccı da, umreyi de
beraber yapmış ve bütün insanları Kâbe'yi Allah için tamamlayın." buyurmuştur.
ziyarete davet etmiştir. Kâbe'nin çevresi daire Umre ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden han-
şeklindedir ki, buraya Mescid-i Haram denir. gisi söylenemez?
Kâbe, Mescid-i Haram'ın tam ortasında yer A) Farz bir ibadettir.
alır. Zemzem suyu da bu mescidin içerisinden
B) Tavaf ve sa'y yapılır.
C) İhrama girilir.
Buna göre Kâbe ile ilgili olarak aşağıdaki-
D) Hac zamanı dışında her zaman yapılabi-

Testlerin yanında yer alan optik

lerden hangisi söylenemez?
A) Allah'tan gelen vahiyle yapıldığı
B) Kutsal bir mekan olduğu
C) Hz. Muhammed doğmadan önce yapıldığı
D) Hz. Muhammed'in döneminde haccın farz

formu bilgisayar ya da akıllı telefon

1 2 3 4 5 6
Soldan Sağa:

kamerası ile okutunuz.

2. Hacca giden kişi ilk olarak aşağıdaki görev-
lerden hangisini yapmalıdır?
1. Vakfenin yapıldığı yerdir.
2. Hacda şeytan taşlamanın yapıldığı yerdir.
3. Safa ve Merve arasında 7 kere gidip gel-
A) Şeytan taşlamak
Yukarıdaki bulmaca çözüldüğünde 3.
B) İhrama girmek
sütunda yukarıdan aşağıya yer alan harfler
C) Vakfe yapmak aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisinde doğru
D) Tavaf etmek olarak verilmiştir?
A) A - A - İ B) A - İ - A
C) V - İ - Y D) A - A - A

3. • Hac ibadeti süresince giyilen ve iki parça-

dan oluşan giysi
• Hac veya umre yapmaya niyet eden kişi-
nin, diğer zamanlarında helal olan bazı
6. Dilek okula gelemeyen arkadaşı Emine'ye
davranışları, hac veya umre tamamlanın-
umrede yapılan görevleri anlatırken aşağı-
caya kadar kendine haram kılması
dakilerden hangisini yanlış aktarmıştır?
Bu iki durum aşağıdaki kavramlardan han- A) Arafat'ta vakfe yapılır.
gisiyle açıklanabilir?

İngilizce - After School

B) İhrama girilir.
A) Sa'y B) İhram C) Sa'y yapılır.
C) Şeytan taşlama D) Vakfe D) Kâbe tavaf edilir.

8. Sınıf Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Soru Bankası 37

Okutma işlemi yapıldıktan sonra ekrana

öğrencinin test analizi gelir. Bu test analizinde
sorulara verilen doğru cevap, yanlış cevap, boş ve
net sayısı ile testin cevap anahtarı ve öğrencinin
teste verdiği cevaplar ekrana gelir.

Bu ikonu gördüğünüz testlerdeki

soruların çözüm videolarını yine bu
kısımdan izleyebilirsiniz.

• Öğretmenlerimiz, sınıf içinde çözdürdükleri ya da ev ödevi olarak verdikleri testlerin toplu değerlendirme
sonuçlarına ‟Pratik Okuma Sistemi” ile ulaşabilir ve öğrencilerinin başarı derecesini de sistemden görebilirler.

Detaylı bilgi için

UNIT 1 After School .................................................................................. 7

UNIT 2 Yummy Breakfast .......................................................................20

UNIT 3 A Day in My City .........................................................................32

UNIT 4 Weather and Emotions ..............................................................44

UNIT 5 At the Fair.....................................................................................56

UNIT 6 Vacation .........................................................................................68

UNIT 7 Occupations ...................................................................................80

UNIT 8 Detectives at Work ....................................................................92

UNIT 9 Saving the Planet .......................................................................104

UNIT 10 Democracy ................................................................................... 116

Answer Key........................................................................................................128
After School
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 1
At Hürriyet TEST - 1
________ Primary School.
l ––––––– to
school every

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? hangisidir?
A) ride the bus A) Are you a student?
B) take a nap B) What is your job?
C) Where do you study?
C) run the errands
D) Do you like your school?
D) visit the bus
l _____ my
mother at


Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) help B) take
Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade
hangisidir? C) run D) rest

A) l write my diary everyday. 6.

B) l watch TV in the evenings. l brush my teeth every morning.

C) l hang out with my friends in the afternoon.

D) l have a rest after school.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
A) B)

l ____ lunch and _____ my
homework in the afternoon. C) D)

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) make / play B) go / learn
C) help / take D) have / do

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 9

Test - 1- 1
†NiTE Present Simple Tense

7. 10.
l leave home at _____ Mary _____ No, she
quarter past eight. cartoons? ______.

Present Simple Tense

Görselde söz edilen saati gösteren
 Rutin aktivitelerden söz seçenek hangisidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
edilirken Present Simple
A) B)
Tense kullanılır. A) Is / watch / isn't
"l get up early everyday." B) Does / watch / doesn't
"They have lunch at school C) Does / watching / does
every afternoon."
D) Do / watches / don't
 Tekil öznelerde (he / she / C) D)
it) fiile
"–(e)s" eki getirilir. 11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne
"He brushes his teeth every göre yanıtlayınız.
 Olumsuz ve soru cümle-
8. Everyday Arda goes to school on foot. He
lerinde "do" ve does" He reads books.
_________ walks down the street and usually meets
yardımcı fiili kullanılır.
the same people on the way. A young
l do not (don't) drive to work. lady takes her dog for a walk in the
morning. The milkman delivers milk and
He does not (doesn't) visit
the dustman sweeps the street. It takes
his uncle.
him ten minutes to go to school, but it is
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
What time do you get up? really fun to walk to school in the morning.
Does your mother work? A) Does Tom like reading?
B) What kind of books do you like? 11. "How does Arda go to school?" sorusu-
C) What des he do on Sundays? nun cevabı hangisidir?
D) Where does he live? A) He goes to school in ten minutes.
B) He meets the same people on the way
to school.
C) He goes to school on foot.
D) It is really fun for him.

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade 12. "The young lady __________" cümlesini
hangisidir? tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) l take maths course after school. A) walks her dog.
B) l hang around after school. B) delivers milk.
C) goes to school on foot.
C) l visit my uncle after school.
D) meets the same people.
D) l play soccer after school.

10 10 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

After School
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 1
l ________ to bed late, so l comb my hair in the TEST - 2
l _________ early. mornings.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

A) don't go / get up sine aittir?
B) am not go / gets up A) B)

C) does go / getting up
D) have goes / do get up

C) D)

______ do you At 8.30.
go to school?

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade

A) l read books.
B) l go to a course.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
C) l do the housework. A) Where B) Who
D) l paint my home. C) What time D) Which

What ____ Jack He _______ to
3. __________ after the park with
Steve _____ his bike in the park. school? his friends.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) does / do / goes
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? B) is / des / go
A) drives B) rides C) do / doing / going
C) goes D) buys D) are / do / does go

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 11

Test - 2- 1
†NiTE Present Simple Tense

7. 10.
My father ______ in the l take a nap after
office and he _____ at lunch.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
Present Simple Tense A) B)
 Present Simple Tense ile
genellikle "usually, always, Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
sometimes..." gibi ifadeler
kullanılır. A) finishes / drives B) eats / cooking
We usually have a picnic on
Sundays. C) help / learn D) works / rests
He sometimes phones his C) D)
You What do you do in the
drink evenings?
They milk.
She drinks Soruya seçeneklerden hangisi yanlış
It cevap vermektedir?
11. Pınar: Let's go to the cafe after school.

l l go to the cinema. Ayşe: It's a good idea.
don't Pınar: _______________________
They drink milk. B)
Ayşe: Well, l usually go home and do my
He l get up early. homework.
She doesn't
It Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
C) dir?
l l play soccer. A) What do you do after school?
we B) Why do you go home?
they get up late? D)
C) When do you do your homework?
l help my mum.
Does she D) Where do you meet your friends?

12. Burak: l'm really bored.

you Berke: Really, why?
we Burak: l always do the same things every
Yes, they 9. l ________ with my day.
he friends after school.
she does. Berke: _____________
it Burak: l rarely go out with my friends.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
l dir?
you don't.
we A) Who are your friends?
No, they
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? B) How often do you go out?
she doesn't. C) Do you like going to the cinema?
it A) take a nap B) visit
C) hang around D) take care D) What do you have for lunch?

12 12 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

After School
1 - Unit
1. UNIT 1
Do you finish your homework l _________ milk everyday. TEST - 3
at school?

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?

A) Yes, l am. B) No, l don't.
C) No, l does. D) Yes, l doesn't.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) drink B) cook
2. C) eat D) feed
What do you do
at weekends?

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek 5.

A) l am eleven years old.
B) l love weekends.
C) l write my diary every day.
D) l visit my grandma.

Halay is a _______
dance in Turkey.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

3. A) neighbour hood B) traditional
C) polka D) course

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade Our teacher ______ a lot
hangisidir? of homework on Friday.
A) l clean my house every week.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
B) l tidy my room every weekend.
A) does B) helps
C) l have a bath everyday.
C) takes D) gives
D) l iron my uniform on Sunday.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 13

Test - 3- 1
†NiTE Present Simple Tense

7. 10.
__________ He is in his room.
l cook dinner for my children.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
Days A) B)
Monday Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
Tuesday hangisidir?
Wednesday A) Who is Tom?
C) D) B) Is Tom in his room?
C) Where is Tom?
D) What does Tom do?
 Hangi gün olduğunu
sorarken. "What day
_____?" kalıbı kullanılır. 11.
l ____________
with my mother at

What day is it
today? 8. _____ your sister
Ceyda _____ to school? Yes, she ______.

It is Tuesday. Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) go shopping B) take course
C) do housework D) have a rest
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
What is the day A) Is / goes / is B) Has / goes / has
tomorrow? C) Do / go / don't D) Does / go / does 12. Pelin: We usually have a holiday in
Gökçe summer.
Şeyma: How nice! Where do you go?

It is Saturday. Delin: We go to Alanya.

Şeyma: What do you do on holiday?
Aslıhan 9. Pelin: l swim in the sea and ________
l meet my friends _____ Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi
18.30 ______ Saturdays. olamaz?
A) l take photos.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? B) l visit museums.
A) in / on B) at / on C) l go to work.
C) on / at D) to / at D) l play beach volley.

14 14 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

After School
1 - Unit
1. UNIT 1
Do you have homework 4. l _________ with my friends on
today? Sundays. TARAMA


Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) take care B) run errands
C) hang out D) have a rest

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? 5.
Hello, l'm Barbara.
A) No, l does. B) Yes, l don't. Nice to meet you. l'm Mary. _____
C) Yes, l do. D) No, l doesn't.

____ and go to school.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) Nice to meet you, too.
B) Fine, thanks.
C) l'm sorry.
D) You are right.

Cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisi-
dir? My lessons start at half
past nine.
A) l go to bed B) l get dressed
C) l have lunch D) l do homework
Konuşmada söz edilen saat hangisi-
3. dir?

A) B)

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

hangisidir? C) D)
A) l ride my bike in the park.
B) l have an exam at home.
C) l learn science in the pool.
D) l do my homework in the library.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 15

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Present Simple Tense

7. 10.
l take my dog for a ________
walk. He is Italian.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
 Saatin kaç olduğunu A) B)
"What time is it?" veya Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
"What is the time?" soruları
A) What nationality is he?
B) Where are you from?
11.00 C) D) C) Is Mary Itailan?
D) Where is Italy?
It is eleven
11. Teacher: What do you do in the evenings?
Ceren: l usually watch TV and do my
homework. Then, l write my diary.
10.15 Teacher: Great. ________________

It is quarter 8. Ceren: Yes, l do.

past ten. Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
l go to school
_________. A) How often do you write your diary?
8.30 B) Do you write your diary everyday?
C) What do you write in your diary?
It is half past D) When do you write your diary?
eight. Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) by car B) in bus 12.
C) on foot D) by walk She likes skipping rope.

It is quarter to Konuşmada söz edilen kişi hangisidir?

seven. 9. A) B)
______ birds
run fast?
No, they _____.

It is ten past
five. C) D)

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) Do / does B) Do / doesn't
C) Are / aren't D) Can / can't

16 16 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

After School
1 Exercises
- ETiN†

A. Verilen görsellerle cümleleri eşleştiriniz.

1. l get up early. _______________ 6. l go to school on foot. _______________
2. l get dressed. _______________ 7. l ride the bus to school. _______________
3. l brush my teeth. _______________ 8. l do my homework. _______________
4. l comb my hair. _______________ 9. l hang around with my friends. ___________
5. l have a shower. _______________ 10. l watch my favourite programme. _________
a) b) c) d)

My mum doesn't
work but my
dad does.
e) f) g) h)

A bird can fly but

a horse can't.

i) j)

When do you
come home?

l come home
B. Boşluklara "do" "does" "don't" veya "doesn't" yazınız. at 3.30.

1. Sue ____________ have a car.

2. What time ____________ you get up?

3. ____________ your mother work?

4. l ____________ like tennis.

5. ____________ Bill and John ride horse? Yes, they ____________.

6. We ____________ go to the cinema very often.

7. Where ____________ John live?

8. Steve ____________ do his homework.

9. ____________ the children play computer games? Yes, they ____________.

10. ____________ Nancy read books? Yes, she ____________.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 17 17

Unit 1 - 1
†NiTE After School

C. Verilen saatleri yazınız.

1. 10.00 _________________ 6. 04.45 _________________

2. 12.30 _________________ 7. 11.08 _________________

3. 9.45 _________________ 8. 06.50 _________________

Irregular Verbs 4. 03.10 _________________ 9. 07.15 _________________
Bazı fiiller her zaman 5. 05.30 _________________ 10. 01.25 _________________
Present Simple Tense ile

D. Sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz.

l love Maths.
1. What time does he arrive? ______________ a) Reading.
2. Do you drive? ______________ b) No, he doesn't.
3. How often does he go to the cinema? ______________ c) In a bank.

l know the 4. What is your favourite hobby? ______________ d) No, l don't.

answer. 5. Where does she work? ______________ e) By bus.
6. Can you swim? ______________ f) On Saturdays.
7. How does he go to school? ______________ g) At eight o'clock.
8. Does Tom have a shower every day? ______________ h) Yes, l can.
l hate jazz. 9. What does she have for breakfast? ______________ i) Milk and cake.
10. When do you meet your friends? ______________ j) Every week.

l don't want
any milk.

E. Boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz.

Can you repeat?
Hello! l _____ Carol. l am _____ London. l _____ a student. Everday l _____ early and _____
l don't understand.
a shower. l _____ breakfast and _____ my teeth. Then my dad _____ me to school. The
school _____ at 9.15. l _____ lunch at school. l _____ home in the afternoon. l _____ my
homework and _____ computer games. In the evenings my dad _____ home and we _____
dinner together. Then we _____ TV and _____ books. l _____ to bed early.

18 18 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

After School
1 Exercises
- ETiN†

F. Metni okuyarak soruları metne göre yanıtlayınız.

Hi! l'm Eren. l'm eleven. l study at Hürriyet Primary School. l get up early everyday. l have

breakfast with my family and my father takes me to school. We have six lessons everyday.

After school l sometimes go to the library and do my homework there. l sometimes hang

around with my friends and play games in the park. l usually arrive home at 4 p.m. l

watch TV or play computer games. In the evenings l have dinner and read books. l love
l usully play
science fiction stories. l sometimes chat on the net and l go to bed at 10.30 p.m. l do the
tennis after
same things everyday and it is really boring. l love holidays. school.

What do you do
a) Cümlelerin yanına "True" veya "False" yazınız. in the evenings?

1. Eren is a young student. _________________________________

2. He lives with his family. _________________________________

l watch TV.
3. He always does his homework at the library. _________________________________

4. He loves romantic stories. _________________________________

Does Mary
5. He doesn't like holidays. _________________________________ have a pet?

b) Soruları yanıtlayınız.

1. How old is Eren? Yes, she does,

she has a bird.
2. What does he do after school?

3. What time does he go to bed?

4. Why is it boring?

5. What is his favourite hobby?


6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 19 19

Yummy Breakfast
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 2
TEST - 1
l like cereal. Don't eat ________. It's
Görselde söz edilen yiyecek hangisi-
A) B) Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) vegetables B) junk food
C) fruit D) milk

C) D) 5.
No, thanks.

2. Do you want No, thanks. l don't Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

____ bread? want _____ bread. dir?
A) l want some coke, please.
B) You don't like pancake.
C) Does he have honey?
D) Do you want a sandwich?

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? 6.

A) a / some B) any / a
C) some / any D) any / some


l like muffin.
______________ Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade
A) l love beans.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisidir? B) l hate sausage.
A) It's my favourite. B) l hate it. C) l like jam.
C) Excuse me. D) l dislike muffin. D) l dislike fruit juice.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 21

Test – 1- 1
†NiTE Some / Any / A / An

7. 10. Seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) B)
Do you want some

Seçeneklerden hangisi soruya olum- pear strawberry

Food and drinks suz cevap vermektedir?
A) C) D)
Yes, please.

egg jam lettuce cereal
You are very kind.

C) 11.
Do you want tea
It's my favourite. ________
or coffee?
cheese olive
No, thanks.

8. Seçeneklerden hangisi yanlıştır?

honey butter
A) B) Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Nice to meet you.
B) l love croissant.
fruit rice
sausage bread C) l want some tea, please.
C) D) D) l can make some macaroni.

12. Taner: Hi, mum.

Mother: Hello, dear.
cereal junk food honey butter
Taner: What do we have for lunch?
Mother: Chicken and rice.
Taner: Great. But l am really thirsty.
9. Mother: _______________
milk tea Taner: Yes, please.
l want _______ apple and
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
_______ grapes, please.
A) Do you like chicken and rice?
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? B) Do you want some water?
coffee fruit juice
A) some / any B) any / an C) What do you want for lunch?
C) an / some D) some / a D) Can l have some lemonade?

22 22 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Yummy Breakfast
1 - Unit
1. UNIT 2
4. "l like but l don't like .
TEST - 2
l want some fish, please. Verilen cümledeki görsellerin yerine,
sırasıyla hangi kelimeler gelmelidir?
A) strawberries / cucumbers
Görselde söz edilen yiyecek hangisi-
dir? B) peaches / pears
A) B) C) olives / pears
D) eggs / chicken

C) D)
Do you want Yes, l want
_________ _____, please.


Eat fruit and vegetables.

They are _________. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) any / a B) any / any
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? C) a / a D) some / some
A) harmful B) yummy
C) health D) nutritious

3. ______ your sister Yes, she
_____ an orange? _________.

l love cheese and honey.

Görselde söz edilen yiyecek hangisi-

A) B) Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) İs / wants / is
B) Does / want / does
C) D)
C) Do / wants / do
D) Has / want / haves

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 23

Test – 2- 1
†NiTE Likes and dislikes

7. 10.
please / l / some / can / sugar / have
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisi-
A) l can have sugar please some.
 Sevdiğimiz yiyeceklerden B) l can some have please sugar.
söz ederken
C) Can l have some sugar, please?
Görseldeki kişinin söylediği ifade
"l like __________." D) Can l some sugar have please? hangisidir?
"l love ___________." A) Do you want some pizza?
"_______________ is my B) Can l have the menu, please?
favourite." C) Where is the restaurant?
 Sevmediğimiz yiyecek- D) What is your name?
lerden söz ederken
11. Waiter: What would you like to eat, sir?
"l don't like ________."
8. Emre: l want some soup, please.
"l dislike __________." Water: Want some drink?
Emre: No, thanks.
"l hate ____________." l _______ olives but my
Diyalogda geçen yiyeceği gösteren
ifadeleri kullanılır. brother ______.
seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) hate / hates B) enjoys / hasn't
C) like / isn't D) love / doesn't
l love spinach.
C) D)

l like meat. l 12. "Rabbits are small animals. They live in

don't like beans. 9. Seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur? forests. They have white fur. They can
A) B)
jump and run fast. They eat and


butter bagel Paragraftaki görsellerin yerine hangi

kelimeler gelmelidir?
C) D)
A) carrots / lettuce
B) chocolate / bread
C) eggs / spinach
pears beans D) butter / bagel

24 24 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Yummy Breakfast 1 - Unit
1. UNIT 2
_________ Yes, please. TEST - 3 TEST - 3
l need some oil and salt.

Görseldeki kişinin ihtiyacı olan şeyler

hangi seçenekte verilmiştir?

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi- A) B)
A) What do you want to drink?
B) Where is the cafe?
C) Do you want some cake? C) D)
D) Does Bill like hamburger?


l love eggs and milk. 5.

Konuşmada söz edilen yiyecek hangi-

A) B)

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade

A) Cats don't like mice.
C) D)
B) Mice love carrots.
C) Mouse likes cheese.
D) l hate mice and butter.
l have chicken and rice for
dinner. 6. Hangisi farklıdır?
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi- A)

sine aittir? Honey
A) B)

C) D) Jam


6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 25

Test – 3- 1
†NiTE Some / Any

7. 10.
l have some
l love meat.
and .

Konuşmadaki görsellerin yerine hangi

kelimeler getirilmelidir? Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
Some – any A) cereal / cake B) olives / bread sine aittir?
 Olumlu cümlelerde, sa- C) grapes / cheese D) butter / bagel A) B)
yılabilen çoğul isimler ve
sayılamayan isimlerden
önce "some" kullanılır.

"l have some water."

"He wants some apples." _____ you want No, l don't want C) D)
______ coffee? _____ coffee.
"They need some bread."

 Olumsuz ve soru cüm-

lelerinde, sayılabilen çoğul
ve sayılamayan isimlerden
önce "any" kullanılır. _____ your son
No, he _______.
"She doesn't want any like milk?
oranges." Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

"Do you have any water?" A) Are / any / a

"Does he need any pencils?"

B) Does / any / some
C) Do / some / any
 İkramda bulunurken
D) Do / a / any
soru cümlelerinde "some" Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) Is / is B) Does / doesn't
"Do you want some cake?" C) Do / don't D) Has / have
"Yes, please. 9.
12. Ceren: Good morning, mum.
"Would you like some tea?" Mother: Good morning, dear.
"No, thanks." Ceren: Can l have some sausages,
l am 5 years old. ________
Mother: Sorry, dear, ________ but you
can have cheese and eggs.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
Ceren: Thanks, mum.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) l can't cook.
A) it's all gone,
B) l can't speak.
B) we have some sausages,
C) l can drive a car. C) would you like some cake?
D) l can go out at night. D) do you like sausages?

26 26 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Yummy Breakfast
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 2
_________ l have lunch at the _________
Can l have some TARAMA
school canteen.
sugar, please?

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

A) Where is the school canteen?
B) Does he have dinner at home?
C) What do you have for lunch?
D) Where do you have lunch? Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
2. A) No, thanks.
My grandma takes a nap B) It's my favourite.
in the afternoon. C) Thanks a lot.
D) Here you are.
Konuşmada söz edilen kişi hangisidir?
A) B)
We don't have _____
bread but we have _____

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

C) D)
A) some / any B) any / some
C) a / an D) an / any

l want some soup
3. and salad, please.

l love bagel and cheese.

Görselde söz edilen yiyecek hangisi-

A) B)
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
A) What do you want to drink?
C) D) B) Do you want any apples?
C) What do you want to eat?
D) Where do you want to have dinner?

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 27

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Offer

7. 10.
_________ At 7.30.
My brother _____ like
olives but he _______

 Karşımızdakinin bir şey Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

isteyip istemediğini sorarken A) isn't / love B) don't / loves Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
"Do you want some _____?" C) does / hates D) doesn't / likes
A) Where do you study?
"Would you like some
B) Do you have a watch?
______?" 8.
C) What time do you get up?
"Want some _____?" D) Who goes to work at seven o'clock?
soruları kullanılır.
l write my diary everyday.

 Teklifi kabul ederken

"Thanks a lot." Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
Crocodiles eat but
sine aittir?
"Yes, please."
A) B) cows eat
ifadeleri kullanılır.

 Teklifi reddederken Cümledeki görsellerin yerine sırasıyla

hangi kelimeler gelmelidir?
"No, thanks, l don't like it."
A) meat / grass
"No, l don't want any." B) cheese / vegetables
C) D)
C) honey / eggs
"Thank you, but l don't like
D) butter / lettuce

ifadeleri kullanılır.
12. Mrs. Doğan: Welcome to our studio Mr.
Do you want Mr. Vural: Thanks.
some cereal? 9.
Mrs. Doğan: What do you usually do in
the mornings?
Mr. Vural: Well, l usually get up at 6.30. l go
Yes, please. for a walk in the park. When l return home,
l have a shower and have breakfast.
Mrs. Doğan: _____________________
Mr. Vural: l leave home at half past nine.
Want some Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
bread? hangisidir? Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
A) She studies for her exams.
A) When do you return home?
B) She hangs around with her friends. B) What do you have for breakfast?
No, thanks.
C) She plays soccer in the park. C) When do you finish work?
D) She takes a nap in the afternoon. D) What time do you leave home?

28 28 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Yummy Breakfast
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Görsellerin altına yiyeceklerin isimlerini yazınız.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you like

Yes, l love it.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Would you like

No, thanks.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

B. Boşluklara "a" veya "an" yazınız.

1. _____________ egg 6. _____________ orange
2. _____________ apple 7. _____________ pear
3. _____________ book 8. _____________ sausage
4. _____________ strawberry 9. _____________ onion
5. _____________ cucumber 10. _____________ banana

C. Boşluklara "How much" veya "How many" yazınız.

1. _____________ tea do you want? 6. _____________ bananas does she want?
2. _____________ olives does Susan want? 7. _____________ honey does a bear eat?
3. _____________ water do they want? 8. _____________ sausages do you want?
4. _____________ milk does he drink? 9. _____________ eggs does she need?
5. _____________ apples do you eat? 10. _____________ chicken does he eat?

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 29 29

Unit 2 - 1
†NiTE Yummy Breakfast

D. Verilenlerin tekil ve çoğul hâllerini yazınız.

1. 4.

Plural Forms

 İsimleri çoğul yaparken

ismin soruna "-s" eki getiri- 2. 5.

a book two books 3. 6.

car – cars

apple – apples
E. Boşlukları "some" "any" ile doldurunuz.
carrot – carrots
1. Does she have _________ bread? Yes, she has _________.
 –"y" den önce sessiz
2. Do you want _________ cucumbers? No, thanks. l dont want _________.
harf var ise "–ie" ye
3. He wants ________ butter and _________ milk.
4. l don't need _________ eggs, but l need _________ flour.
monkey –monkeys
5. He can buy _________ bread and _________ cheese.
family – families 6. They don't want _________ salt.
 Bir ismin son harfi "-sh, 7. Does your father have _________ money?
-ch, -x, -o, veya -s" ise 8. l don't want _________ red pencils. l want _________ blue pens.
çoğul yaparken "-es" ekle- 9. There isn't _________ honey in the jar.
The flowers need _________ water.
box – boxes

watch – watches F. Cümlelerdeki hataları düzeltiniz.

1. There is any milk in the bottle.
brush – brushes
2. l have some apple.
potato – potatoes
3. She wants any chicken.
bus – buses 4. Do you need an eggs?
5. Do you want some sugar?
6. She doesn't have some honey.
7. She wants a butter.
8. Does he have some pear?
9. l don't have some beans.
He wants any bread.

30 30 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Yummy Breakfast
1 Exercise
- ETiN†
G. Verilenlerin çoğul şeklini yazınız.
1. bus _________________________________

2. monkey _________________________________

3. family _________________________________

4. knife _________________________________ a - an

5. child _________________________________ Sayılabilen tekil isimlerden

6. egg _________________________________ önce "a" veya "an"
kullanılır. Sesli harfle
7. butter _________________________________
başlayan isimlerden önce
8. olive _________________________________ "an", sessiz harfle başlayan
9. brush _________________________________ isimlerden önce "a" kulla-
bread _________________________________
a banana
H. "Would like" veya "want" kullanarak soru yazıp cevaplayınız.
an apple

a monkey
a university (telaffuza

? (–)
an hour (telaffuza göre)


l want an egg
? (+) and a pear.


? (+)


? (–)


? (–)

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 31 31

A Day in My City
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 3
Martha Mary
TEST - 1
l am feeding the dog.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi- Görsellerle ilgili söylenen ifadelerden

sine aittir? hangisi doğrudur?
A) B) A) Mary is older than Martha.
B) Martha is more young than Mary.
C) Mary is younger than Martha.
D) Martha is more old than Mary.
There is a traffic jam in the
C) D) street.

Konuşmaya uygun görsel hangisidir?

A) B)


A skyscraper is _______
a house. C) D)

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) more higher than
B) taller than
C) more short than 6.
D) smaller than Tom is fatter and shorter
than Jim.
Yapılan tanımlamayı gösteren seçenek
A) B)

Görseldeki çocuklar için söylenebile- C) D)

cek ifade hangisidir?
A) They are selling tickets.
B) They are walking in the street.
C) They are talking to a woman.
D) They are waiting in the queue.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 33

Test – 1- 1
†NiTE Comparative Form of Adjectives

7. 10.
She is selling flowers.

Konuşmada tanımlanan kişi hangi

seçenekte verilmiştir?
A) B)
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
A) He is driving his car.
library pharmacy C) D) B) He is cleaning the car.
C) He hasn't got a car.
D) He is riding the bus to work.

11. l am going to the

bakery pool _________ museum.
A snake is ____________
a rabbit.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

park mosque A) more dangerous than Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
B) more nutritious than
A) Where are you going?
C) more fast than
B) Where is the museum?
D) more ugly than
C) What do you do at weekends?
D) What do you want to eat?
school florist's
12. Eren: Good morning, Mrs. Tuna.
l _______ my dog.
Mrs. Tuna: Good morning, Eren.
Eren: Where are you going?
Mrs. Tuna: _______ l need some bread.
post office cafe
Eren: l can buy you some.
Mrs. Tuna: Thanks.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) Where is the pharmarcy?
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? B) l usually go to the library.
A) am feeding B) do take C) l am going to the bakery.
C) am walking D) does helping D) l am going to the pool.

34 34 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

A Day in My City
1 - Unit
1. 4.
TEST - 2
He is riding his bike.

Konuşmada tanımlanan kişi hangisi-

A) B)

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

A) She eats bread.
C) D)
B) She is buying bread.
C) She doesn't like muffin.
D) She is cooking bread.

We _______ soccer in the street. 5.
l want to swim.

Görseldeki kişinin seçeneklerden

hangisine gitmesi gereklidir?
A) Museum B) Post office
C) Pool D) Pharmacy

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) are playing B) do learn 6.
l am taking photos in the
C) don't finish D) are dancing street.
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
3. sine aittir?
A) B)
An elephant is ______ cat.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) smaller than
C) D)
B) more bigger than
C) more stronger than
D) heavier than

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 35

Test – 2- 1
†NiTE Present Continuous Tense

7. 10.

l need some medicine.

Görseldeki kişinin seçeneklerden
Present Continuous Tense hangisine gitmesi gereklidir?
Görsellerle ilgili söylenenlerden hangi-
 Şu anda gerçekleşen
olaylardan söz ederken si yanlıştır? A) Pharmacy B) Bakery
"Present Continuous Tense" A) A bike is more expensive than a car.
kullanılır. C) Florist D) Mosque
"He is sleeping now." B) A bike is cheaper than a car.
"l am watching TV now." C) A car is more expensive than a bike.
 Olumsuz cümlelerde D) A car isn't cheaper than a bike.
"not" eklenir.
"They aren't (are not) 11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne
sleeping. 8. göre yanıtlayınız.
 Sorularda "am, is, are"
özneden önce gelir.
"Are you working?"
Hello! l am Eren. It is Sunday today. l am
l am (not) at home with my family. We are very
You busy. My father is painting the door and
We are (not) mum is cooking lunch. My sister, Eda, is
They dancing.
playing with her toys and my brother,
He Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
She is not Burak, is reading his favourite book. Our
It hangisidir? dog, Tırtıl, is sleeping in the garden. l am
A) He is flying his kite. tidying my room and l am very tired. l
Am l
B) He is selling balloons. don't like Sundays.
Are we watching C) He is helping old people.
he D) He is going to his office.
Is she
it 9. 11. "________ is reading a book." cümlesini
tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
l am.
you A) Eda B) Eren
we are. C) His mother D) Burak
Yes, they
he ___________
she is.
it l am watching TV.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek 12. "He is tired because ________" cümle-

l am not.
hangisidir? sini tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
we aren't. A) Do you like watching TV? A) he is tidying his room.
No, they
he B) What is your favourite programme? B) he is painting the door.
she isn't.
it C) What are you doing? C) he is doing homework.
D) Do you watch TV every day? D) he is playing with his dog.

36 36 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

A Day in My City
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 3
l ________ with my TEST - 3
friend. A car is _______ a bike.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) more cheap than
B) more fast than
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? C) slower than
A) am hang around
D) more expensive than
B) am chatting
C) do go shopping
D) do talking


is / than / a city / a village / noisier

A B Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisi-

Görsellerle ilgili söylenen ifadelerden dir?
hangisi doğrudur? A) A city nosier than is a village.
A) A is taller than B. B) A city is noisier than a village.
B) B is cheaper than A. C) A village is than a city noisier.
C) B is busier than A. D) Noisier is a village than a city.
D) A is more crowded than B.



August January
l want to borrow some
Görsellerle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
A) August is more cool than January. Görseldeki kişinin seçeneklerden
B) August is more hotter than January. hangisine gitmesi gereklidir?
C) January is colder than August. A) Church B) Chemist's
D) January is hotter than August. C) Library D) Pool

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 37

Test – 3- 1
†NiTE Comparative Form of Adjectives

7. 10.
l am sweeping the street.
l am at the zoo now. _____
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
sine aittir?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
 Kıyaslama cümlelerinde A) B)
kısa sıfatlarda "-er than"
yapısı kullanılır. A) l am looking at the animals.

tall – taller than B) l am tidying my room.

C) l want to buy some medicine.
big – bigger than C) D)
D) l am studying for my exam.
 Uzun sıfatlarda

"more + adj.+ than"

yapısı kullanılır.
beautiful – m
 ore beautiful ___________ He lives in İstanbul. 11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne
than göre yanıtlayınız.
careless – m
 ore careless
Hi! l am Burcu. l live in İstanbul now but l
miss my village a lot. There are a lot of
 Düzensiz sıfatlar trees and animals in my village. We have a
good – better small garden there. But in İstanbul we live
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek in a flat and there are no trees near our
bad – worse
house. My village is smaller but it is more
little – less peaceful. İstanbul is bigger but it is noisier
A) Where is İstanbul? and more crowded than my village. l love
much / many – more
B) Does he live in İstanbul? living in a village but l am at university now
far – further / farther
C) Where does he live? and l live in İstanbul.

D) Where are you from?

11. "________ is more peaceful." cümlesini
tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) İstanbul B) University
C) Her village D) Her garden

Science is _______ music. 12. "She doesn't like İstanbul because _____"
cümlesini tamamlayan ifade hangisi
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? değildir?
A) more easy than A) there are no trees.
B) more difficult than B) it is noisier.
C) more hardworking than C) it is more crowded.
D) more slow than D) it is smaller.

38 38 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

A Day in My City
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 3
An egg is _________ a

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) more nutritious than
Görsellerle ilgili söylenenlerden hangi-
B) lazier than si yanlıştır?
C) expensiver than A) A skyscraper is taller than a villa.
D) more small than B) A villa is larger than a house.
C) A house is taller than a villa.
2. D) A villa is shorter than a skyscraper.
___________ l am doing my

l love honey.

Görselde söz edilen yiyecek hangisidir?

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek A) B)
A) Do you have homework?
B) What do you do on Friday?
C) Do you want to read books?
C) D)
D) What are you doing?


6. What ____ She _____ her

Sue _____
after school?

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

hangisidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) He is buying flowers. A) is / doing / helps
B) He is selling popcorn. B) does / do / helps
C) He is calling someone. C) has / do / helping
D) do / does / is help
D) He is doing exercise.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 39

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Comparative Form of Adjectives

7. 10.
Eskişehir is __________
l am feeding the birds. İstanbul.

 Sıfatın sonu "-y" ile biti- Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi- Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
yor ve kendisinden önce sine aittir?
A) B) A) more big than
sessiz harf varsa kıyas-
B) more far than
lama ifadesinde "(-i)er"
kullanılır. C) crowded than
easy → eaiser D) smaller than

busy → busier C) D)

Can l have some Sorry, dear.
milk, mum? _________

Cities are noisier

than villages.
Mum ______ the dishes

and dad _____ TV. Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
Life is easier A) It's all gone.
in a village. A) does wash / des qatch
B) is washes / is watches B) Here you are.
C) is washing / is watching C) Of course.
D) washing / watching D) We have a lot of milk.

9. 12. Doctor: You should eat vegetables and

Jale: Why?
Doctor: They are healthy.
Jale: What about junk food? Should l eat
a lot of junk food?
İzmir 38°C Erzurum –2°C
Görsellerle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade Doctor: No, _____________
hangisidir? Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) Erzurum is colder than İzmir. A) it is more nutrituous.
B) Erzurum is hotter than İzmir. B) it is harmful.
C) İzmir is colder than Erzurum. C) it is healthy.
D) İzmir is more summer than Erzurum. D) it is more useful.

40 40 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

A Day in My City
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Boşlukları örneğe göre tamamlayınız.

e.g l am drawing a picture.
1. She _____________ her uncle now. (visit)

2. John _____________ his car. (drive)

3. They _____________ their kite. (fly) l am drawing

4. You _____________ to the teacher. (listen)

5. My mum _____________ my shirt. (iron)

6. My friends _____________ soccer. (play)

7. Mr. Brown _____________ in the park. (walk)

He is running.
8. Mary _____________ in the line. (wait)

9. My brothers _____________ in their room. (sleep)

10. l _____________ the dog. (wash)

B. Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışını bulunuz.

1. bike / is / his / park / Tom / the / in / riding She is cooking
___________________________________________________ at the moment.
2. watching / horror / we / a / film / are
3. the / is / library / what / in / doing / Dave / ?
4. is / nap / my / taking / a / grandpa
5. the / the / teacher / board / on / writing / is
6. the / Mark / teacher / not / to / listening / is
___________________________________________________ What are you
doing now?
7. the / a / they / picnic / having / jungle / in / are
8. writing / are / letter / who / the / you / to / ?
9. music / Nancy / not / is / pop / to / listening
10. is / his / repairing / now / bike / Bill
l'm watching TV.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 41 41

Unit 3 - 1
†NiTE A Day in My City

C. Sıfatların doğru hâllerini yazınız.

1. Science is ___________________ Art. (difficult)
2. My grandma is ___________________ my aunt. (old)
3. August is ___________________ November. (hot)

 Bazı tek heceli sıfatlar- 4. An elephant is ___________________ an ant. (heavy)

da son harf sessiz ve 5. A plane is ___________________ a bus. (fast)
kendisinden önce bir tane 6. Mark is ___________________ Jane. (hardworking)
sesli harf var ise sondaki
7. l am ___________________ my sister. (lazy)
sessiz harf çift yazılır.
8. Physical Education is ___________________ Maths. (easy)
"big – bigger."
9. Bread is ___________________ chicken. (cheap)
"hot – hotter."
10. Aysel is ___________________ Mustafa. (young)

"dry – drier" D. Resimlere göre cümleler yazınız.

"old – older" 1. 4.

My grandma is A) B) A) B)
older than my
mother. a) _____________________________ a) _____________________________
b) _____________________________ b) _____________________________

2. 5.

A lion is bigger
than an ant.
A) B) A) B)

a) _____________________________ a) _____________________________
b) _____________________________ b) _____________________________


A) B)

a) _____________________________
b) _____________________________

42 42 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

A Day in My City
1 Exercise
- ETiN†
E. Görseldeki kişilerin neler yaptığını yazınız.

1. 2. 3.

l am taller than
my brother.

4. 5. 6.

Maths is more
difficult than
7. 8.

Cows are
heavier than

My mum is
more beautiful
__________________________________________________________________ than my aunt.








6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 43 43

Weather and Emotions
1 -Unit
1. UNIT 4
It is sunny TEST - 1
_________ and warm. Take your umbrella.

Söylenen ifade seçeneklerden hangisi

için uygundur?

It is foggy.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
It's hailing.
A) Do you like rainy weather?
B) Is it hot and sunny? C)

C) When is it sunny and warm? It's cloudy.

D) What is the weather like? D)

It is rainy.

It is windy today.

Konuşmadaki havayı gösteren
It is stormy. _________
seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) l feel happy. B) l feel sleepy.
C) D) C) l feel scared. D) l feel tired.



Verilen görseller seçeneklerden

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade
hangisinde bulunur?
A) October B) April
A) It is freezing. B) It is hot.
C) January D) December
C) It is lightning. D) It is warm.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 45

Test - 1- 1
†NiTE Weather Conditions

7. Hangisi farklıdır? 10.

Hakkari / is / in / it / in / summer /
snowy / winter
Kelimeleri doğru sıraladığımızda hangi

B) kelime gereksizdir?

Weather conditions
A) winter B) snowy
C) summer D) in
Hailing. 11. l can't see the road.
rainy ––––––––––––––


8. – 9. soruları aşağıdaki haritaya

göre yanıtlayınız. Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) It is warm. B) It is windy.
C) It is stormy. D) It is foggy.
12. Azra: Hello, Cem.
Cem: Hi, Azra, Where are you?
Azra: l'm in Erzurum. l'm attending a
course here.

8. Haritaya göre seçeneklerden hangisi Cem: How nice! What is the weather
yanlıştır? like?
A) It is sunny in İstanbul. Azra: It's freezing.
B) It is foggy in Ankara. Cem: ________________
45°C hot
C) It is snowy in Erzurum.
Azra: l mean it is very cold.
D) It is rainy in Samsun.
3°C cold
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
9. Haritadaki hava durumuna göre
–15°C freezing A) What are you doing?
seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) Erzurum is colder than İstanbul. B) Can you repeat? l don't understand.
25°C warm
B) İstanbul is warm than Ankara. C) How is the weather?

0°C cool C) Ankara is colder than Erzurum. D) It is sunny and hot in Antalya.
D) Samsun is hotter than İstanbul.

46 46 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Weather and Emotions
1 -Unit
1. 4.
________ and l feel What is the weather like in TEST - 2
sleepy winter?

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?

hangisidir? A) It is sunny and hot.
B) l don't like lightning.
A) It is sunny. B) It is fabulous.
C) It is snowy and cold.
C) It is lightning. D) It is rainy. D) l feel anxious.


It is cloudy.

Kars Antalya
Konuşmadaki havayı gösteren
Görsellere göre seçeneklerden hangisi seçenek hangisidir?
söylenebilir? A) B)

A) Kars is hotter than Antalya.
B) Kars is colder than Antalya.
C) Antalya is more warmer than Kars.
C) D)
D) Antalya is more cooler than Kars.


6. Hangisi farklıdır?
There is lightning today.
Konuşmada söz edilen havayı gösteren Windy.
seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)


C) D)

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 47

Test - 2- 1
†NiTE Weather Conditions

11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki haritaya
göre yanıtlayınız.

Verilen görseller seçeneklerden han-

Emotions gisinde bulunur? İstanbul

Duygularımızdan söz A) November B) January Bursa

ederken sıfatları kullanırız.
C) July D) March


Wear your gloves and

happy coat. 11.

Söylenen ifade seçeneklerden hangisi l like skiing.

için uygundur?
A) Winter B) Summer Görseldeki kişinin nereye gitmesi ge-
sad/unhappy C) Spring D) Fall
A) İstanbul B) Bursa

9. C) Antalya D) Ankara
Bolu / is / like / what / in weather /
today / the
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisidir?
surprised 12.
A) What the weather is like today Bolu in?
You can go to Antalya.
B) What is in Bolu like today the weather?
C) What is the weather today in Bolu like?
Görseldeki ifade seçeneklerden hangi-
D) What is the weather like in Bolu today?
anxious sine söylenebilir?
10. l love snow.

moody l love storm.

Görsele göre söylenecek ifade hangi- l want to ski.
It is sunny and
hot. l feel happy. sidir?
A) It is very hot. B) It is cool. D)
C) It is windy. D) It is fabulous. l want to swim.

48 48 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Weather and Emotions
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 4
TEST - 3
___________ l feel happy. It is snowy.

Konuşmadaki havayı gösteren seçe-

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
nek hangisidir?
A) B)
A) It is stormy today.
B) It is snowy and freezing.
C) It is sunny today.
D) It is moody today. C) D)


l can't drive today. 5.

________ No, l don't.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

A) It is sunny. B) It is windy.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
C) It is cloudy. D) It is snowy. hangisidir?
A) Do you like cold weather?
B) What is the weather like?
3. Hangisi farklıdır? C) What do you do?
A) D) Is it raining today?
What is the weather like in
Fall. summer?

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?
A) It is snowy.
D) B) It is freezing.
Foggy. C) It is sunny and hot.
D) It is stormy and cold.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 49

Test - 3- 1
†NiTE Weather Conditions

7. 10.
It _______ hailing today. l
Wear your t-shirt and
______ moody.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

Söylenen ifade seçeneklerden hangisi
 Havanın nasıl olduğunu A) does / feeling B) is / feel için uygundur?
C) do / feels D) are / am feel A)
"What is the weather like?"
veya It's winter.
"How is the weather?"
soruları kullanılır.
It is cold and windy.

8. Hangisi farklıdır? C)
What is the weather
like in Mersin in A) It is autumn.
B) It is summer.
It is sunny and hot. 11.
It isn't __________ in the
August desert. It is _________.

D) Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

How is the weather December A) hot / wet B) rainy / dry
in Bolu? C) warm / dry D) cold / wet

12. Selda: l'm very tired. l need a holiday.

Burcu: Where are you planning to go?
It is hailing. Selda: l'm not sure.
9. Burcu: Do you like skiing?
Spring is ______ winter. Selda: Yes, l love skiing.
Burcu: You should go to Erzurum. _____
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) colder than A) It is snowy there.
B) more hot than B) It is windy in spring.
C) warmer than C) It is sunny and hot.
D) more freezing than D) It is cloudy in Erzurum.

50 50 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Weather and Emotions
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 4
_________ It is hailing. TARAMA
___________ l have
an exam tomorrow.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) l feel happy. A) What is the weather like?
B) l feel anxious. B) What does "hailing" mean?
C) l feel tired. C) Do you like winter?
D) l feel sleepy. D) Can you repeat?


l like cheese and bread.

Görselde söz edilen yiyecekler hangi-
A) B)

C) D)
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
A) It is cloudy. B) It is snowy.
C) It is stormy. D) It is hailing. 6.
He is flying his kite.

Konuşmada söz edilen kişi hangisidir?

3. A) B)

It is ________
and _______ in
Malatya 38°C C) D)

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) cold / cloudy B) stormy / warm
C) windy / cool D) sunny / hot

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 51

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Weather Conditions

7. 10.
l rest at the weekends.
Dave is waiting in the line.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

Konuşmada tanımlanan kişi hangisi-
sine aittir?
Seasons dir?
A) B)
A) B)

C) D)
C) D)

11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki haritaya
l don't like junk food. göre yanıtlayınız.

Görselde tanımlanan yiyecekler hangi-

sidir? İstanbul
A) B) Bursa Kars


C) D)

11. Haritaya göre seçeneklerden hangisi

A) It is rainy in Istanbul.
B) It is snowy and cold in Kars.
Autumn / Fall C) It is cloudy in Ankara.
My aunt is _____ my mum. D) It is hailing in Antalya.

We can swim Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

in summer. 12. "l am taking my gloves, coat and boots."
A) more beautiful than diyen kişi haritadaki şehirlerden hangi-
B) more older than sine gitmektedir?
We can ski in C) more taller than A) Samsun B) İzmir
winter. D) more younger than C) Kars D) Antalya

52 52 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Weather and Emotions
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Verilen kelimeleri uygun resimlerin altına yazınız.

Winter Spring Autumn Summer

July March June October January September

May February April August December November

Winter is colder
than summer.

August is hotter
than January.

Antalya is warmer
than Kars in winter.

It is snowy here and

we are skiing.

B. Kelimelerin karşısında verilen aylardan doğru olanı işaretleyiniz.

1. flip - flops a) July b) September c) March

2. watermelon a) January b) November c) August
3. skiing a) May b) February c) June
4. flowers a) April b) December c) October
5. cloudy and cool a) July b) January c) September

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 53 53

Unit 4 - 1
†NiTE Weather and Emotions

C. a) Metinleri okuyarak mevsim adlarını yazınız.

This is my favourite season. It's always hot and there is no snow. We go to the beach and
have good time there. We wear thin clothes such as t-shirts, shorts. But we must protect
from the sunlight in the afternoon. We can wear cap and sunglasses._____________

l love summer. l can

I don't like this season because it is very cold. It snows a lot and we wear coat, scarf and
swim in summer.
gloves. But we can sometimes have good time. We can play snowball and go skiing.

l like winter. l can play

snowball in winter. l love this season. There are a lot of flowers. It is not hot, it is not cold. It is sometimes rainy
but we can usually go out. _____________

l hate Autumn. It
l also like this season but it rains a lot. It is windy. Leaves fall down and it is usually cloudy
rains a lot and l feel
moody. and cool. We need an umbrella in this season. _____________

b) Aşağıdaki soruları yukarıdaki metne göre yanıtlayınız.

l am crazy about
spring. There are 1. What do we wear in summer?
flowers everywhere.
2. How is the weather in spring?

3. What can we do in winter?

4. What can we do in spring?

5. What is the weather like in spring?

6. Why do we wear sunglasses?

7. When can we see a lot of flowers?

8. In which season can we swim?

9. How do we get dressed in winter?

10. What is the weather like in autumn?

54 54 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Weather and Emotions
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

D. Görsellerin altına hava durumunu yazınız.

1. 2. 3.

It ıs sunny and hot. l

am swimming.

4. 5. 6.
Give me an umbrella.
It is rainy.

What is the weather

7. 8. 9. like?

It is windy and cool.

–25° –45° 15°

E. Görsellerin altına uygun sıfatları yazınız.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 55 55

At the Fair
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 5
l think ghost train is l ________ rainy weather l TEST - 1
__________. feel ______.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) scared B) carnival A) hate / horrible
C) bored D) terrifying
B) love / terrifying
C) likes / scared
D) dislike / frightening

l love bumper cars.


Konuşmada söz edilen ifadeyi gösteren Bumper cars are _______

seçenek hangisidir? carrousels.

A) B)
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) more short than
B) excitinger than

C) D) C) more terrifying than

D) more uglier than


3. l hate bumper cars.

What do you think about
Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi
Seçeneklerden hangisi diğerlerinden ile aynı fikirdedir?
farklıdır? A)

A) l love them.

l think it is fun.
B) l think they are boring.
It is exciting.
C) They are my favourite.
l think they are dull.
D) l think they are fun.
They are enjoyable.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 57

Test - 1- 1
†NiTE Expressing Opinion

7. 10.

l am afraid of roller coaster.

l like swimming. ________

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi

At the Fair hangisidir? ile aynı fikirde değildir?
A) It is enjoyable. A)
B) It is difficult. l feel scared.
Bumper car
C) It is boring.
D) It is frightening.
l feel frightened.
They are terrifying.
Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki They are amazing.
hayvan ile ilgili diğerlerinden farklı dü-
A) 11.
Ghost train
It's pretty. places / think / are / l / exciting / fairs

B) Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangi

l love rabbits. seçenekte verilmiştir?
A) l think fairs are exciting places.
Roller coaster B) l think exciting are fair places.
l thinks it is awful.
C) l places exciting are think fairs.
D) D) Fairs are think l exciting places.
l think it is funny.
l like train ride.
12. Burak: l'm bored.
9. Arda: Let's go to the fun fair.
l think maths is ______ It is
Burak: It's a good idea.
l hate bumper difficult. easy.
cars. Arda: We can get on the bumper cars.
Burak: Oh, no. _______________
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) It is very enjoyable.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisidir? B) It is really dull.
A) You are right. B) l disagree. C) l love it.
C) l agree. D) That's true. D) It is my favourite.

58 58 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

At the Fair
1 - Unit
1. 4.
TEST - 2
l think pop music is
wonderful. l love carrousel.

Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi Konuşmadaki ifadeyi gösteren

ile aynı fikirdedir? seçenek hangisidir?
A) A) B)
l hate pop music.

Rock music is better
than pop music. C) D)

Pop music is excellent.

l think pop music is
dull. 5.

l think dogs are terrifying.

Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi
l don't like ghost train. _____
ile aynı fikirde değildir?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisidir? l am frightened of dogs.
A) It is enjoyable.
B) They are frightened.
Dogs are scary.
C) It is fun.
D) It is horrible. C)
Dogs are pretty.
3. Susan / about / what / does / carnivals
/ think
l am afraid of dogs.
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangi
seçenekte verilmiştir?
A) What does Susan think about carnivals? 6.
B) What Susan does think carnivals l think roller coaster is
about? _________.

C) What about carnivals does Susan Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) thrilling B) tired
D) What carnivals think does Susan
about? C) scared D) bored

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 59

Test - 2- 1
†NiTE Expressing Opinion

7. 10.
l like bumper cars. They are
Zoo is __________ fair.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

Adjectives A) more easier than A) dull B) boring

amazing = surprising B) more crazier than C) scary D) amazing

dull = boring C) excitinger than

D) more interesting than
frightening = scary = terrifying

exciting = thrilling = fantastic

 "It's dull" ifadesini 8.

sevmediğiniz şeyler için Roller coaster is _________
bumper cars.
kullanırız. are / fair / fun / at / there / more / many
/ the / things
 "It's frightening." ifade- Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

sini korkutucu şeyler için A) more frightening than

Kelimeleri doğru sıraladığımızda, olu-
kullanırız. B) more duller than şan cümlede hangi kelime gereksizdir?
C) interesting than A) many B) fair
 "It's exciting." ifadesini
D) more funner than C) more D) fun
heyecan verici şeyler için


l can go to
l love roller Can you repeat?
the fair. ____________
coaster. It is
really thrilling.

12. Buse: Do you like carrousel?

Ceren: No, l think it is really boring.
Buse: l agree. ___________
Ceren: Let's find something more exciting.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

A) It is dull.
A) l don't like fair.
B) It is really fun.
B) l don't understand.
C) It is terrifying.
C) l love fair.
D) It is thrilling.
D) Where is the fair?

60 60 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

At the Fair
1 - Unit
1. UNIT 5
4. thinks / trains / Mary / are / ghost /
TEST - 3
l love fairs. ___________ terrifying

Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangi

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek seçenekte verilmiştir?
A) Mary trains are terrifying thinks ghost.
A) They are boring.
B) Trains are terrifying Mary thinks ghost.
B) They are fantastic.
C) Mary thinks ghost trains are terrifying.
C) They are dull.
D) Ghost trains are terrifying thinks Mary.
D) It is enjoyable.

Swimming is fun. ______ It is What ______ you
She _______
_____ about
enjoyable. crazy.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

hangisidir? A) is / thinking / has
A) l hate it. B) l disagree. B) do / think / is
C) l agree. D) l am sorry. C) does / think / does
D) are / think / do

Carnivals are _________
going to school. 6.
l don't like carnivals.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? They are _______.
A) more enjoyable than
B) more busier than Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
C) more nutritious than A) horrible B) crazy
D) more excitinger than C) enjoyable D) fun

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 61

Test - 3- 1
†NiTE Agree / Disagree

7. 10.

l love ghost train.

It is thrilling and dangerous.

Konuşmadaki ifadeyi gösteren seçenek

Konuşmada tanımlanan aktivite hangi- hangisidir?
 Bir kişiyle aynı fikirde
sidir? A) B)
isek "l agree" ifadesini
A) Reading B) Singing
 Farklı fikirde isek C) Diving D) Resting
"l don't agree." veya
C) D)
"l disagree." ifadelerini

l don't like football.

l think roller 11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne

Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi
coaster is göre yanıtlayınız.
crazy. ile aynı fikirdedir?

A) Hello! l am Caner. It is Sunday today and

It is exciting. l am at the fair with my friends, Anıl,
l agree. It is Sena, Arda and Buse. l am waiting in the
thrilling. B) line to get on the ghost train. Anıl doesn't
It is thrilling. like ghost train. He thinks it is frightening.
Sena and Buse love roller coaster. They
think it is exciting but l don't agree. l think
C) it is very dangerous. Bumper car is Arda's
l disagree. l think
It is fantastic. favourite. We are eating candies and
it is terrifying.
having fun.
It is boring. 11. Metne göre seçeneklerden hangisi
A) Arda hates bumper cars.
B) Caner doesn't like roller coaster.
C) Sena likes ghost train.
D) Anıl loves carrousel.
My brother ______ bumper 12. "What does Caner think about roller
cars. They _______ dull. coaster?" sorusunun cevabı hangisidir?
A) He thinks it is exciting.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? B) He thinks it is frightening.
A) likes / do B) hates /are C) He thinks it is fun.
C) love / is D) dislike / does D) He thinks it is dangerous.

62 62 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

At the Fair
1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 5
My sister _______ her
l am afraid of ghost train. It is
homework and l _____
in my bed.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) amazing B) exciting A) is have / am sleep
C) boring D) terrifying B) does / do sleep
C) is doing / am resting
D) don't have / do rest

l hate stormy weather. 5.

It is small. It likes cheese. It

Görseldeki ifadeyle ilgili olan seçenek is afraid of cats.
A) B)
Tanımlanan hayvan hangisidir?
A) B)

C) D)

C) D)


l love jam and sausage.

l don't like skiing. ________

Konuşmada söz edilen yiyecekleri
gösteren seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)
Cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisi-
A) It is exciting.
B) It is crazy.
C) D)
C) It is interesting.
D) It is dangerous.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 63

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Likes / Dislikes

7. 10. O A U R C S L R E
Don't drive fast. Harfleri doğru sıraladığımızda oluşan
________ kelimeyi gösteren seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)
Cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisi-
 Bir konudaki düşün- dir?
cemizi belirtirken
A) It is foggy. B) It is sunny.
"l think __________"
C) It is windy. D) It is cloudy.
yapısı kullanılır. C) D)


l think school
is fun.

She goes to
_________ school by bus.
Görselle ilgili olan seçenek hangisi-
l think it is boring.
l hate sunny weather.
l agree. l think
it is enjoyable.
B) Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
Lightning is horrible. l
don't like it. hangisidir?
A) How does your daughter go to school?
l love hot and warm B) Does Tom go to school?
l think fun fair weather.
is exciting.
C) Do you walk to school?
D) D) Where do you study?
l like summer. l can
swim in the sea.

12. Ezgi: l'm hungry. Let's eat something.

Gökçe: We can eat a hamburger.

9. Ezgi: No, it is harmful for our health.

Gökçe: Let's eat cheese sandwich.
My uncle is ______ my dad.
Ezgi: Ok. __________
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? dir?

A) more older than A) It is more harmful.

B) more beautiful than B) It is healtier.

C) cheaper than C) It is more nutritiouser than.

D) younger than D) It is cheap than.

64 64 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

At the Fair
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Eşleştiriniz.
1. 4.

a) Roller coaster

b) Bumper car The football match

is exciting.
2. 5.
c) Carrousel

d) Ferris wheel
Opera is boring.
e) Ghost train

Detective stories
are thrilling.

Ghost stories
are frightening.

B. Verilenlerle ilgili ne düşündüğünüzü sorup cevaplayınız.

1. 4.

Horror Films Roller Coaster

2. 5.

Riding a Horse Reading


Riding a bicycle

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 65 65

Unit 5 - 1
†NiTE At the Fair

C. Söylenenlere katılıp katılmadığınızı belirtiniz.


l think playing chess is fun.

What do you
think about
l love watching cartoons.


l think it is fun. l think ghost train is dull.

What do you
think about doing Studying maths is fun.

l like playing football. It is
l think it is boring.

D. Verilenlerle ilgili kıyaslama cümleleri yazınız.

1. Climbing Swimming ________________________

2. Ferris wheel Bumper Cars ________________________

3. Driving Listening to music ________________________

4. Doing experiments Playing the guitar ________________________

5. Cooking Eating ________________________

66 66 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

At the Fair
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

E. a) Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

At the Fair

Hi! l'm Tom. It is Sunday today. l am at the fair with my family. l am really excited. l want

to get on the bumper car. It is very fantastic. l don't like the ghost train because l feel  Başkalarının bir konuda
ne düşündüğünü belirtirken
scared. My brother is 5 years old. He loves carrousel but he hates roller coaster. He is
"He thinks ......"
afraid of it. There are a lot of children here and they are all having fun. We can also eat
"She thinks ......"
hot dog here. It is delicious. But pop corn is more delicious. My mother doesn't like fast
"They think ......." ifadeleri
food. She thinks it is not nutritious. She thinks carnivals are boring but she is with us kullanılır.

today. She is watching us and taking photos. l love Sundays and my family.

My dad thinks
homework is
necessary but
l don't agree.
1. Where is Tom?

2. What day is it today? My best friend

thinks bumper
cars are fantastic
3. Does he like ghost train?
but l don't think
4. Who doesn't like hot dog?

5. What does his brother hate?

My sister thinks
b) Söylenen cümlelerdeki hataları düzeltiniz. football is boring.

1. Tom thinks bumper cars are frightening.

2. His mother loves carnivals.

3. His brother is afraid of carrousel.

4. Tom doesn't like pop corn.

5. His father is taking photos.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 67 67

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 6
TEST - 1
When did you see John?

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?


At the moment.
Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade
A) l went sightseeing last Monday. Two hours ago.
B) We went skiing last month.
C) l went fishing last weekend.
No, l didn't.
D) We went on a picnic last Sunday.
What _______ you
______ yesterday? l _____ pizza.
l went to the seaside.

Görseldeki kişi hangi soruya cevap

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? A) Where did you go?
B) When did he come?
A) did / eat / ate
C) What did you play?
B) did / eated / eated
D) Did you swim in the sea?
C) was / ate / ate
D) did / ate / did eat 6.
We climbed the mountains last
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
sine aittir?
The teacher _____ to class A) B)
late and we ____ for her.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) went / listened
B) had / learned C) D)

C) came / waited
D) picked / climbed

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 69

Test – 1- 1
†NiTE Past Simple Tense

7. 10.
you / did / your / who / with / homework
/ helped l _____ shopping
and _____ some
Kelimeleri doğru sıraladığımızda hangi clothes.
kelime gereksizdir?
Past Simple Tense A) B)
who homework
 Geçmiş zamandan söz
ederken fiilin sonuna "–ed"
eki getirilir. C) D)
helped did Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
play – played
walk – walked A) had / did B) went / bought
C) came / ated D) picked / cooked
l watched TV
last night.
11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne
8. "We played tennis at school yesterday." göre yanıtlayınız.
 Olumsuz ve soru cümlele-
cümlesinde hangi sorunun cevabı
rinde "did" yardımcı fiili kulla-
nılır ve fiilin aldığı ek kaldırılır. bulunmamaktadır? Last year we had a good holiday. l
went to Alanya with my friends. We
A) Where did you play tennis?
stayed at a good hotel. The food was
l didn't climb very good. We swam in the pool. We
B) Do you like playing tennis?
the mountain. went to the sea and swam in the sea. It
C) When did you play tennis? was hot and sunny. l learned swimming.
l read books and danced at night. We
D) What did you play at school?
had a good time.
Did you like
the food?

11. "They stayed at a hotel." cümlesi hangi

l 9.
You sorunun cevabıdır?
We l rode my bike near the
They stayed at home. lake. A) Where did they go on holiday?
She B) How was they food?
Görseldeki ifadeyle ilgili seçenek C) When did they dance in Alanya?
l hangisidir?
You D) Where did they stay?
We did not A) B)
They stay.
He didn't
She 12. Metne göre seçeneklerden hangisi
It yanlıştır?

l A) He learned dancing on holiday.

you C) D)
we B) They had a holiday in Alanya.
Did they stay?
he C) They swam in the sea.
it D) The food was good.

70 70 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 6
l wrote e-mails to my _____ you _____ No, l _______. TEST - 2
friend. your dictionary?

Görselde söylenen ifadeyle ilgili

seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) Did / find / didn't
C) D)
B) Did / finded / did
C) Do / finded / don't
D) Do / found / do

l am old and fat now,
but ______ l _________ flowers
for my mum.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) l am young now. A) cooked B) played
B) l was young years ago. C) washed D) picked
C) l didn't go to school.
D) l am not fat yesterday. 6.

3. What _______ you l _______ a

______ last night? fantastic film.

Görsele göre söylenebilecek ifade

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) l went skiing in January.
A) did / did / watch
B) l went hiking last summer.
B) did / do / did watch
C) did / do / watched C) l don't like playing snowball.

D) do / did / did watched D) l love sightseeing.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 71

Test – 2- 1
†NiTE Past Simple Tense

7. 10.
Where ____ you
l _______ at the
l swam in the pool.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

Past Simple Tense sine aittir?
(Irregular verbs) A) B)

 Düzensiz fiiller geçmiş

zamanda "-ed" eki almaz. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
Bunun yerine fiilin V2 formu
A) are / are B) were / was
eat – ate C) did / were D) do / am C) D)
drink – drank
go – went
 Olumsuz ve soru cümlele-
rinde "did" kullanılır ve fiil V1 What time did you get up?
formuna döner.

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?

l drank milk.
l _______ milk yesterday
Last Sunday. morning.

l didn't drink B)
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
milk. Yesterday.
A) ate B) drank
C) C) played D) went
What did you In March.
At eight thirty. "Last weekend l went to the village with
S + V2(ate / drank)
my mum. l climbed trees and picked
S + didn't V1(didn't eat fruit. l saw cows, sheep and chicken.
didn't drink) They were pretty. l had a good time
l _____ see Jack _____ there."
Did + S + V1(eat / drink)?
"Where did he go?" sorusunun cevabı
Yes, S + did. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? metne göre hangisidir?
A) did / this A) He climbed the trees.
No, S + didn't.
B) don't / yesterday B) He saw animals.
C) didn't / last C) He had a good time.
D) wasn't / ago D) He went to the village.

72 72 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. 4. "We read books at the library last
weekend." cümlesinde hangi sorunun TEST - 3
l ate fish and salad. cevabı bulunmamaktadır?
A) Where is the library?

Görseldeki kişi hangi soruya yanıt ver- B) Where did you read books?
mektedir? C) What did you read at the library?
A) What did you have for dinner? D) When did you read books?
B) Do you like fish?
C) How much is fish and salad?
D) Is salad healthy?


l did my homework.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
A) B)
Görselle ilgili olan seçenek hangisi-
A) He cut the tree.

C) D) B) He planted a tree.
C) He climbed the tree.
D) He watered the tree.

four / visited / ago / l / months / aunt / my

Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangi We _____ pictures in Art
seçenekte verilmiştir? lesson.
A) l visited ago aunt four my months.
B) l visited my aunt four months ago. Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
C) l my aunt visited ago four months. A) played B) did enjoy
D) My aunt ago visited l months four. C) did D) drew

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 73

Test – 3- 1
†NiTE Past Simple Tense

7. 10.
l ______ my room three Where did you meet your
days ________.
Sorunun cevabı hangisidir?

Irregular Verbs Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? A)

A) wash / last Last weekend.
V1 V2
be was-were B) cleaned / ago B)
come came C) tidied / last At 9 o'clock.
eat ate
drink drank D) paint / ago
swim swam
Ever Sunday.
write wrote
go went D)
do did 8. ______ you ______
At the cafe.
sing sang your homework?
speak spoke
fall fell
buy bought
cut cut
have had Yes, l ______. It _______ a lot and l
make made _____ at home yesterday.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

l made a cake Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? A) rained / stayed
yesterday. A) Did / finish / did B) snowed / did stay
C) snow / sleeped
B) Did / finish / didn't
D) rain / did stay
C) Do / finished / don't
D) Do / finished / do
12. Cenk now 3 years ago
age 14 11
9. height 165 140
weight 62 50

l lost my watch ________. Tabloya göre seçeneklerden hangisi

Boşluğa seçeneklerden hangisinin A) Cenk is younger now.

gelmesi uygun değildir? B) Cenk is slimmer now.
A) last month B) every week C) Cenk was shorter 3 years ago.
C) yesterday D) two hours ago D) Cenk was fatter 3 years ago.

74 74 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 6
It was cloudy last week.
Can l have some cereal,
Söylenen ifadeyle ilgili seçenek hangi-
A) B)

Seçeneklerden hangisi çocuğa olumlu
yanıt vermektedir?

C) D) Of course.

l'm sorry.

2. No, you can't.
_________ Yes, l love them.
Yes, but it's all gone.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? 5.
A) What do you think about bumper cars? l love sightseeing.
B) Is a bird pretty?
C) Do you like fairs? Seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi
D) Does he hate getting up early? ile aynı fikirdedir?

3. l don't agree.

What does Sue do after B)

l think it is boring.

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? C)

A) She did her homework. l agree. It is really fun.
B) She went to the park.
C) Yes, she watches TV.
l don't think so.
D) She helps her mother.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 75

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Past Simple Tense

6. 9.
A lion is ______ a rabbit. Ghost train was ______.
l felt _______.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) more smaller than A) frightening / scared
Irregular Verbs
B) more dangerous than B) scary / happy
V1 V2 C) anxious / sleepy
C) more big than
fly flew D) excited / dull
D) beautifuler than
read read
win won
7. Last year was _________
sleep slept
l like cheese and eggs. this year.
give gave
break broke Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
steal stole Konuşmada söz edilen yiyecekleri A) more hot than
take took gösteren seçenek hangisidir? B) colder than
drive drove A) B) C) more warmer than

ride rode
D) more rainer than
say said
sell sold 11.
_________ It was sunny and hot.
see saw
teach taught
C) D)

l won the gold

medal in the Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
race. hangisidir?
A) Was it hot in winter?
8. B) What's the weather like in Antalya in
C) Do you like sunny days?
D) What was the weather like yesterday?


l am waiting in the line.

Görselle ilgili seçenek hangisidir?

Görseldeki kişi hangi soruya yanıt ver-
A) She is washing her dog. mektedir?
B) She loves cats. A) Where did you wait?
B) Who did she phone?
C) She is walking the dog.
C) What are you doing?
D) She plays with rabbits. D) When do you go to the cinema?

76 76 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Boşluklara fiillerin geçmiş zaman hâllerini yazınız.

1. We ______________ soccer after school yesterday. (play)

2. He ______________ the tree. (climb)

3. Sue ______________ her report. (finish)

4. l ______________ the phone. (answer) Did you see the

new movie?
5. My mother ______________ an omelette. (make)

6. My dad ______________ home at 8. (come)

7. Dave ______________ his homework. (do) Yes, l did.

8. They ______________ lunch at home. (have)

9. Students ______________ a new song. (learn)

What do you
think about it?
10. We ______________ swimming last week. (go)

It was exciting.

B. Boşluklara "was" veya "were" yazınız.

1. Mary ______________ a student 3 years ago.

2. Jack ______________ at home last night.

3. Where ______________ you yesterday?

4. My parents ______________ at work last week. (not)

5. The children ______________ in the park.

6. l ______________ at the library.

7. Tom and Bill ______________ in the library.

8. My brother ______________ ill.

9. It ______________ sunny yesterday.

10. We ______________ happy.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 77 77

Unit 6 - 1
†NiTE Past Simple Tense

C. Verilen cümleleri olumsuz yapınız.

1. Barış Manço was a singer.

2. l saw Jack yesterday.
 Geçmiş zaman kullanı- __________________________________________________________________
lırken aşağıdaki zaman
ifadeleri kullanılır. 3. Sally found her book.
– yesterday
4. Mr. Brown came to school.
– ago
– last
5. Martha swam in the lake.

l met Sue 6. Bob finished her report.

yesterday. __________________________________________________________________
7. It was rainy yesterday.
We had a picnic 8. It rained last week.
last Sunday.
9. We listened to the teacher.

l cooked __________________________________________________________________
chicken and 10.
Carol wrote a letter.
rice 2 days ago.

D. Verilen cümlelerin soru şeklini yazınız.

1. He watched a film.

2. Jack was scared.

3. Bob bought a new car.

4. They were at the park.

5. l read an interesting book.

6. We ate sausages.

7. The teacher wrote on the board.

8. It was cold last night.

9. Mary helped her friend.

Bill had a party last weekend.

78 78 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†

E. Sorulara cevap veriniz.

1. Where were you yesterday?

2. Did you do your homework?

3. What did you eat at breakfast? Where did you

stay in Alanya?

4. Do you like winter?

We stayed at
5. When did you last play hide and seek?
a small hotel.

6. Did you brush your teeth?

How was the

7. Was your grandpa fat 20 years ago? hotel?

8. Do you have a sister?

It was comfortable.

9. What is the weather like today?

What was the weather like yesterday?

F. Boşluklara "last" veya "ago" yazınız.

1. l visited my grandma _________________ weekend.

2. Jason rode his bike_________________ Monday.

3. Steve called his friend two days _________________.

4. Cindy did her homework 4 hours _________________.

5. We had a holiday _________________ summer.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 79 79

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 7
TEST - 1
l prepare delicious food.
l ________ an architect. l
Görselle ilgili söylenenlerden hangisi ________ buildings.

He is an engineer. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) do / make B) does / repair

He is a cook. C) am / design D) have / work

He is an architect. 5.
My dad is (a) _______. He
D) ______ in his own office.
He is a mechanic.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) manager / has

B) teacher / learn

Verilen nesneler seçeneklerden hangi- C) waiter / builds

sine aittir? D) self - employed / works
l'm a lawyer.
l examine my patients.
l'm a vet.

C) Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

l'm a dentist. sine aittir?
A) B)
l'm a hairdresser.

l became a teacher in
C) D)
nineteen ninety seven.

Konuşmada söz edilen tarih hangisidir?

A) 1997 B) 1977

C) 1019 D) 1879

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 81

Test – 1- 1
†NiTE Professions

7. 10.
out / dentist / a / teeth / pull
What did your grandpa do?
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangi

Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? seçenekte verilmiştir?

Professions A) A dentist pulls out teeth.

A) He grew vegetables.
B) A dentist teeth pulls out.
B) He did teach his students.
C) Dentist pulls a teeth out.
C) He works in a bank. D) Pulls out teeth a dentist.
teacher doctor D) He is an accountant.
8. He delivers letters.
__________ She is a nurse.

nurse architect Konuşma balonunda tanımlanan kişi


A) B)

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

lawyer cook hangisidir?
A) Who is a nurse?
B) What does your mother do? C) D)
C) What does a nurse do?
waiter mechanic
waitress D) When did she become a nurse?

l'm a tailor. ______
12. "l love my uncle. He is tall and handsome.
hairdresser vet He works hard. He plans and builds
houses, apartments and bridges. He has
rulers, pencils, calculators, hammers ....
etc. He loves his job."
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
Paragrafa göre seçeneklerden hangisi
dentist butcher dir?
A) l need nails.
A) He is a dentist.
B) l worked in a big factory. B) He is a vet.
C) l make new vehicles. C) He is a musician.
baker D) l need scissors. D) He is an architect.

82 82 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. UNIT 7
l won the song contest 4.
in 2005.
TEST - 2

Verilen nesneler seçeneklerden hangi-

Konuşmadaki tarih hangi seçenekte sine aittir?
doğru verilmiştir? A)

A) Twenty thousand five. l'm a mechanic.
B) Two zero zero five.
C) Two thousand five.
l'm a vet.
D) Twenty fifty.
2. l'm a cook.
l guide my students.
l'm a driver.
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
sine aittir?
A) 5.

l am a counsellor.

l'm a musician.
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
C) hangisidir?
l'm an engineer. A) He is a baker.
B) He is a butcher.
C) He is a manager.
l'm a salesperson. D) He is a worker.

3. 6.

My dad is an artist. ________

He works for the army.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

Konuşmada söz edilen kişi ile ilgili
söylenenlerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) He makes clothes.
A) He has a lot of books.
B) He designs buildings. B) He prepares food.
C) He sells fruit and vegetables. C) He pulls out teeth.
D) He paints pictures. D) He is a soldier.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 83

Test – 2- 1
†NiTE Professions

7. 10.
________ He worked at a
shopping centre.

 Bir kişinin mesleğini Verilen görseller seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
"What does / do ... do?" A)
veya Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisidir? l'm a hairdresser.
"What is your / his / her job?"
soruları kullanılır. A) Where is the shopping centre? B)
 Cevap verirken "am, is, B) What does your father do? l'm a green grocer.
are" kullanılır.
C) Where did Steve work?
l am a dentist, C)
D) Is there a shopping centre near here?
He / She is a policeman. l'm a butcher.
You / We / They are
l'm an accountant.

What is your
job? My uncle is a(n) ______.
11. l ______ a chemist. l
He _______ bread.
_____ medicine.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) baker / makes
l am a housewife.
B) engineer / cooks
C) grocer / buys Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
D) actor / prepares A) was / buy B) do / make
What does he C) am / sell D) did / have
My car is broken.

He is a dentist.
My grandpa ____ a carpenter.
He _____ in his office.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? Görseldeki kişinin seçeneklerden

hangisine gitmesi gerekmektedir?
A) did / has B) study / earned
A) Butcher B) Dentist
C) were / made D) was / worked C) Baker D) Mechanic

84 84 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 7
TEST - 3
l serve food and drinks.
l sew dresses and clothes.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi- Görseldeki kişi ile ilgili söylenenlerden

sine aittir? hangisi doğrudur?

A) She is a housewife.
B) She is an actress.
l'm a pilot. C) She is a cook.
D) She is a tailor.
l'm a waitress. 5.

l'm a student.

Verilen nesneler seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
l'm an actress.

l'm an accountant.

Mustafa Kemal _____ a great l'm a lawyer.
soldier. He ______ for our
independence. C)
l'm a vet.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) was / fought B) were / made
l'm an engineer.
C) did / won D) is / came

3. 6. Steve is twenty two. He works for a big

become / did / when / a / Tom / doctor company. He is an accountant, but he
doesn't like his job. He wants to be a
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisi-
football player. Maybe he can one day
because he is tall and fit.
A) When Tom did become a doctor?
Paragrafta seçeneklerin hangisinden
B) Did Tom become when a doctor? söz edilmemektedir?
C) When did Tom become a doctor? A) Age B) Appearance
D) Tom did become when a doctor? C) Hobbies D) Occupation

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 85

Test – 3- 1
†NiTE Professions

7. 10.
l went to London in
What do you do? nineteen eighty six.

Seçeneklerden hangisi soruya yanlış Konuşmada söz edilen tarih hangisi-

cevap vermektedir? dir?
 Tarihleri okurken yıldaki A) 1819 B) 1896
rakamlar ikişer ikişer okunur.
C) 1986 D) 1698
1998 nineteen ninety eight B)
1881 eighteen eighty one Vet.
2000 two thousand
2005 two thousand five
1300 thirteen hundred
11. Because l like
D) cooking.
1903 nineteen three

What date is it
8. l _____ the director. l Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
____ school. hangisidir?

A) How do you cook dinner?

It is May the 3rd,
two thousand B) Where do you cook food?
C) Who likes cooking?

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? D) Why did you become a cook?

A) do / teach B) have / manage
C) did / learn D) am / direct

12. "He has a brush and a palette. He draws

and paints pictures. He sells his paintings.
9. He sometimes earns a lot of money. He
Can Yücel ____ a poet. He works at home or in an office."
_____ a lot of poems.
Paragrafta tanımlanan meslek hangisi-
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? dir?

A) was / wrote B) were / says A) Butcher B) Artist

C) did / read D) had / sends C) Grocer D) Engineer

86 86 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 - Unit
1. 4. UNIT 7
_________ It was snowy. Tailor Teeth TARAMA
Dentist Painting

Baker Dress

Artist Bread
Eşleştirmelerden hangisi doğrudur?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Tailor – Painting
A) What was the weather like last week? B) Baker – Bread

B) How is the weather in Erzurum? C) Dentist – Dress

C) Do you like snowy weather?
D) Artist – Teeth
D) What can you do in winter in Uludağ?

2. 5.
It is stormy. Be careful! Do you want
_____ cake? Thanks, but l can
have _____ tea.
Konuşmada söz edilen havayı gösteren
seçenek hangisidir?
A) B)

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) a / any B) some / a
C) any / a D) some / some
C) D)

6. Seçeneklerden hangisi yanlıştır?

l'm a teacher. l work at a
3. B)
l love roller coaster. _____ l'm a dentist. l pull out teeth.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
l'm a baker. l sell vegetables.
A) It is exciting. B) It is dull. D)
C) It is boring. D) It is horrible. l'm a vet. l examine animals.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 87

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Professions

7. 10.
l love summer. It is Sue _____ at school yesterday.
She _____ to the doctor.
______ winter.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

 Bir mesleği tanıtırken

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? A) didn't / goes
geniş zaman kullanılır.
A) hotter than B) were / did
B) more warmer than C) wasn't / went
My aunt is a tailor. C) colder than D) came / drived
She makes
dresses. D) more windy
My dad is a writer. My grandma is taking a
He writes for 8. nap now.
It _______ cloudy today.
It _______ rain. Konuşmada söz edilen kişi hangisidir?

My mum is a A) B)

housewife. She
cooks, irons and Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
cleans the house
all day. A) was / can't B) is / can

C) does / can D) has / can't C) D)


12. Sude: My mum isn't at home.

Beste: Why? Where is she?
Sude: She is at work.
Beste: ________________
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
Sude: She is a vet. She examines animals.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) He is an artist.
A) Does she have animals?
B) He is a lawyer.
B) What does she do?
C) He is a nurse. C) Is she a vet?
D) He is a dustman. D) Where does she work?

88 88 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Görsellerin altına meslek adlarını yazınız.

When was Mustafa

Kemal bron?

He was born
in 1881.

When did he die?

He died in

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 89 89

Unit 7 - 1
†NiTE Occupations

B. Verilen tarihleri yazınız.

1. 1881 __________________________________________________

2. 1956 __________________________________________________

3. 2012 __________________________________________________
4. 1995 __________________________________________________

5. 1643 __________________________________________________

6. 2005 _________________________________________________

singer artist 7. 1300 __________________________________________________

8. 1741 __________________________________________________

9. 1453 __________________________________________________

10. 2000 __________________________________________________

engineer tailor
C. Verilen tanımlamaları mesleklerle eşleştiriniz.
1. She sews clothes. _____________________ a) Waiter
2. He works in the army. _____________________ b) Policeman

judge driver 3. He looks after the patients. _____________________ c) Housewife

4. He serves food. _____________________ d) Soldier
5. She cleans the house, cooks. _____________________ e) Vet
6. He repairs cars. _____________________ f) Architect
7. He designs buildings. _____________________ g) Tailor
soldier pilot
8. She answers the phone. _____________________ h) Mechanic
9. She examines animals. _____________________ i) Secretary
10. He catches thieves. _____________________ j) Doctor

D. Verilen kelimeleri boşluklara yerleştiriniz.

green chemist
grocer cut prepare fly work sell

1. l am a baker. l _______ bread.

2. l am a hairdresser. l _______ hair.

3. l am a pilot. l _______ planes.

dustman milkman 4. l am a cook. l _______ food.
5. l am a doctor. l _______ in a hospital.

90 90 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†

E. Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

Mr. Black is an accountant. He gets up early and walks to work every

morning. He doesn't like his job because it is boring. He doesn't earn

What does Sude
much. He works at a cafe at weekends. He meets new people there. He do?

likes his job at the cafe. He serves food and drinks but it is enjoyable

for him.

She is a chemist.

a) "True" veya "False" yazınız.

1. Mr. Black goes to work by bus. ____________ What is Sude


2. Mr. Black earns a little money. ____________

3. He doesn't like being an accountant. ____________

She is working.
4. His job at the cafe is boring. ____________

5. He doesn't work at weekends. ____________

What does
she do at the
b) Soruları yanıtlayınız.

1. How does he go to work?

She goes to the
cinema with her
2. Where does he work at weekends? friends.

3. Why does he like working at the cafe?

4. What does he do?

5. Does he earn a lot of money?

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 91 91

Detectives at Work
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 8
TEST - 1
The thief _________the
house late at night.

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

Boşluğa hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) He is in front of the bank.
A) stole B) broke into
B) He is behind the bank.
C) He is across the bank. C) caught D) called
D) He is between the bank.

l _____________ the clothes.
l have two thousand, five hundred
and thirty seven liras.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

Konuşmadaki sayıyı gösteren seçenek
A) am cutting B) am making hangisidir?
C) am ironing D) am doing A) 2537 B) 3752

3. C) 2735 D) 2573
l can't walk.

The police _______ some

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) caught / prison
A) l have a toothache.
B) found / fingerprints
B) l've washed my hair.
C) l have an earache. C) chased / drawers

D) l've broken my foot. D) broke / burglar

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 93

Test - 1- 1
†NiTE Theft and Burglary

7. 10.
l've lost my toy.
She is taking a nap.

Konuşma balonunda tanımlanan kişi

Prepositions of Place
A) B)
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
next to hangisidir?
A) Where is your school bag?
B) What is the weather like?
C) What does your mother do?
C) D) D) Why are you crying?
in front of

11. – 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne

göre yanıtlayınız.
It is under the chair.
Last night there was a burglary in our
street. Someone broke into Mrs.
Robinson's house. She wasn't at
home at that night. She went to a
party and when she returned, the
window of her house was broken. She
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
entered the house and she was
shocked. Everywhere was in a mess.
A) Where is my ball?
The burglar took all her money and
on B) Where is the chair? her jewellery. She called the police.
C) How many chairs are there? The police arrived immediately but
D) Where are the children? they couldn't find any evidence.
11. "How did the burglar enter the house?"
Where is my magnifier? sorusunun cevabı hangisidir?
l can't find it. A) He entered at night.
B) He broke the window.
across Konuşma balonunda söz edilen nesne
hangisidir? C) He opened the door.
A) B) D) He climbed a ladder.

12. "The burglar stole ............" cümlesini

tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) her money and jewellery.
C) D)
B) the window of her house.
C) was at a party.
D) any evidence.

94 94 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Detectives at Work
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 8
4621 TEST - 2
My dog _____ and my
sister ______ book.
Kutudaki sayı hangi seçenekte veril-
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? miştir?

A) is climbing / is riding A) Four hundred six thousand and twelve.

B) is playing / is cooking B) Forty six hundred and two one.

C) is running / is doing C) Forty thousand sixty two eleven.

D) is sleeping / is reading D) Four thousand six hundred and twenty


2. 5.
The policeman _____ the
______ is the It is ______ the
park? post office.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) How / next to

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? B) What / opposite

A) is chasing B) is breaking C) Where / near

C) is looking D) is losing D) When / behind

6. __________ l can't open the


Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? hangisidir?
A) He is front of the tree. A) l've lost my keys.
B) He is behind the tree. B) l can't find my magnifier.
C) He is across the tree. C) l've found my mobile.
D) He is under the tree. D) l can call you later.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 95

Test - 2- 1
†NiTE Theft and Burglary

7. 10.
The thief _______ all the money
The ______ is in______ now.
and _______ away.

Where ...?
 Bir şeyin nerede olduğunu
sorarken "Where..." kulla- Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) stole / put B) took / ran A) police / drawer
C) broke / got D) called / came B) thief / chase
C) detective / follow
Where is Ali?
8. D) burglar / prison
l am making a

_________ 11.
He is at the There is some noise in the
house. ____________.

Where is my
bag? Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Are you a cook?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
B) How much is soup and salad? dir?
It is on your
bed. C) Where is the restruant? A) l am happy.
D) What are you doing? B) l am frightened.
C) l am bored.
9. D) l am funny.
How ________ the
dedective _____ He ___ some
the burglar? fingerprints.
12. Faruk: Look, dad. There is a small
monkey in the cage.
Father: Oh, it is lovely.
Faruk: Look! ______
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? olamaz?
A) does / found / finded A) It is under the tree.
B) did / finded / found B) It is near the tree.
C) did / find / found C) It is between the tree.
D) does / finds / find D) It is opposite the tree.

96 96 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Detectives at Work
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 8
l am in front of the car. TEST - 3
l _______ a noise and
_____ the police.
Verilen konuşma kime aittir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) B)
A) found / ran
B) heard / called
C) stole / made
D) won / looked
C) D)



Görseldeki kişi için seçeneklerden

hangisi söylenemez?

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade A) He breaks into houses.

hangisidir? B) He catches thieves.
A) The gloves are in the wardrobe. C) He investigates burglaries.
B) The shoes are under the bed. D) He helps people.
C) The socks are in the drawer.
D) The pants are on the cupboard.

The monkey ________ the tree.

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

A) The bank is behind the museum.
B) The cafe is between the bank the
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
C) The museum is in front of the cafe.
A) is playing B) is feeding
D) The bank is across the cafe.
C) is dancing D) is climbing

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 97

Test - 3- 1
†NiTE Theft and Burglary

7. 10.
_____ are you
l need 5348 liras. l'm _____ school.

Konuşmadaki sayıyı gösteren seçenek

Numbers A) Five hundred four thousand and four
100 – a hundred eight.
101 – a hundred and one B) Fifty three thousand fourteen eight.
200 – two hundred C) Thirty five hundred forty eight.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
215 – two hundred and D) Five thousand three hundred and forty
A) How / on B) What / in
fifteen eight.
C) When / to D) Where / at
1000 – one thousand
1002 – one thousand and
two 8.
1013 – one thousand and l'm going to the
__________ library.
thirteen _________. It is wet now.
1245 – one thousand, two
hundred and forty five Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
5627 – five thousand, six
A) l've lost my comb.
hundred and twenty seven Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek B) l've washed my hair.
15.430 – fifteen thousand, hangisidir?
C) l've brushed my teeth.
four hundred and thirty A) Where are you going?
D) l've broken my arm.
123.891 – one hundred and B) Where is the library?
twenty three thousand, eight C) What do you do in the library?
hundred and ninety one
12. Burcu: Excuse me.
D) Is there a library in your school?
A woman: How can l help you?
Burcu: Sorry, madam. l want to go to the
library. ______________
A woman: There is one over there. Just
9. go straight ahead and turn right.
Sherlock Holmes _______
a burglary now. Burcu: Thank you very much, madam.
A woman: You are welcome.
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) am catching A) Is there one near here?
B) is following B) What can l do in the library?
C) is investigating C) Where is your house?
D) is breaking into D) How can l get to the bank?

98 98 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Detectives at Work
1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 8
We went skiing. TARAMA
__________ He investigates crimes and
catches burglars.

Tanımlanan kişi hangisidir?

A) Architect B) Butcher
C) Burglar D) Detective
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Do you like skiing?
B) What can we do in Erzurum?
C) Where did you go skiing?
D) What did you do last winter? 5.
l like and .
Görsellerin yerine hangi seçenekteki
It is rainy today. ________
kelimeler gelmelidir?
A) butter / olives
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisidir? B) honey / milk

A) l need an umbrella. C) cheese / sausage

B) l need my sunglasses. D) cereal / bread

C) l need my slippers.
D) l need my scarf.

l don't like carrousel. It is 6.

Konuşmadaki ifadeye uygun seçenek

A) B)

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

A) The doll is under the bed.
C) D)
B) The doll is on the bed.
C) The doll is behind the bed.
D) The doll is opposite the bed.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 99

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Theft and Burglary

7. 10.
l _____ around with my
Wear your gloves and scarf.
friends and _____ fun.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

A) It is windy.
B) It is raining.
C) It is sunny.
D) It is snowing.
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) rest / go B) hang / have
burglar robber 11.
C) make D) take / make
l'm watering the flowers.

8. Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
A) B)

thief fingerprint Verilen nesneler seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
l'm a pilot. C) D)

l'm a dustman.
magnifier prison / jail
l'm a dentist.
D) __________ l'm an architect.
The thief is in
prison now. l'm a tailor.

Vegetables are _____ fast
food. Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) What is your father's job?
A) more cheaper than
B) What does an architect do?
B) expensiver than
C) What do you do?
C) more nutritious than
D) harmful than D) What happened yesterday?

100 100 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Detectives at Work
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Görsellerle kelimeleri eşleştiriniz.

1. prison a) d)

2. magnifier
WH Questions
Soru edatlarıyla başlayan

3. thief cümlelerdir.
What – Ne?
b) e)
Who – Kim?
4. fingerprint
Where – Nerede?
When – Ne zaman?

5. drawer Why – Neden?

Which – Hangisi?
How many – Kaç tane?
How much – Ne kadar?

What does he

B. Rakamları yazınız.

1. 26.384 __________________________________________ Who is she

talking about?
2. 48.673 __________________________________________

3. 59.012 __________________________________________

4. 260.721 __________________________________________ Where are

they going?
5. 8476 __________________________________________

6. Four thousand, three hundred ant twenty. ________

What does he
7. Five hundred and thirty two thousand, four hundred and twelve. ___________
8. Nine thousand, six hundred and fifteen. ___________

9. Forty three thousand, nine hundred and sixt eight. _______________

10. Seven hundred thousand, two hundred and one. ______________

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 101 101

Unit 8 - 1
†NiTE Detectives at Work

C. Görsele göre cümleleri tamamlayınız.

The girl is ____________ the house.

 Bir kişi için "in hospital" ifa- The cat is ____________ the table.
desini kullanırsak onun hasta

olarak orada bulunduğunu

vurgularız. 3.
The guitar is ___________ the armchair.

Tom is sick. He is
in hospital.
The book is ___________ the bed.
 Bir kişi için "in prison" ifa-

desi kullanırsak onun suçlu

olarak orada bulunduğunu

The boy is __________ the car.

The police caught

the thief. He is in
prison now.

D. Sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz.

1. What happened? a) Two million liras.

2. When did you see the man? b) In the drawer.

3. Where was the necklace? c) Cloudy and cold.

4. Who helped him with the robbery? d) A magnifier.

5. How much money did he steal? e) A man robbed a bank.

6. What did he use to find evidence? f) To prison.

7. Why did you call the police? g) By bus.

8. Where did they send the woman? h) His friends.

9. How do you get to work? ı) Because l was afraid.

10. What was the weather like? j) Late at night.

102 102 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Detectives at Work
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

E. Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

Mrs. Rich is a beautiful woman. She lives in a cottage in the countryside. She isn't
married. One night, she sent all her servants home and she was alone. Suddenly
she heard a noise from downstairs. She felt frightened. She went downstairs and
Why is she
saw a man with a mask. He was tall and slim. He wasn't old. She screamed but
nobody helped her. The man hit her and she fell onto the sofa. The man took all her
jewellery and money and ran away. Mrs. Rich called the police but it was too late.
The police investigated the house but there were no fingerprints. Which hat do
you want?

a) Cümlelere "True" veya "False" yazınız.

1. Mrs. Rich lives with her friends. ___________________

How many apples
do you need?
2. A tall man stole her jewellery. ___________________

3. The police caught the burglar. ___________________

How much milk
4. She was alone at home. ___________________ did you drink?

5. Mrs. Rich is married. ___________________

b) Soruları yanıtlayınız.
1. Why was she frightened?


2. What was the burglar like?


3. What did she do downstairs?


4. Did the police find evidence?


5. Why was she alone?


6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 103 103

Saving the Planet
1 - Unit
1. UNIT 9
4. polluting / should / we / our / stop /
TEST - 1
Some animals are in danger.
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisi-
Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye anlam-
A) We should polluting environment stop
ca en yakın seçenek hangisidir?
A) Some animals are dangerous.
B) We should our environment stop
B) Some animals are becoming extinct. polluting.
C) Some animals aren't dangerous for C) We stop environment should our
people. polluting.
D) Some animals eat other animals. D) We should stop polluting our

2. 5. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu-

You should collect litter. dur?

We go hunting once a
Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye uygun month.
seçenek hangisidir?
A) B) B)
We plant trees every

l throw cans and bottles.
C) D)
l don't turn off TV.



How can we stop pollution?

Yukarıdaki soruya hangi cevap uygun Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

değildir? hangisidir?
A) We can use public transport. A) We shouldn't hunt animals.
B) We can put rubbish into bins. B) We can catch animals.
C) We can save water. C) We should buy pets.
D) We can collect litter. D) We shouldn't protect animals.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 105

Test - 1- 1
†NiTE Giving Advice

7. He is picking up
Cars cause air pollution.

Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye uygun

Should seçenek hangisidir?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
Tavsiyede bulunurken hangisidir? A) B)
"should" kullanılır.
A) Where is the garbage?
B) What is Tom doing?
C) How can we prevent pollution?
D) Why is Bill throwing rubbish? C) D)

We should 8.
save energy.
Turn off the taps.

Seçeneklerden hangisi söylenen

We should ifadeyi yapmaktadır? 11.
recycle objects.
A) B)
We should _______ plastic
bottles and paper.
Bir kişiye yapmaması gere-
ken şeyi tavsiye ederken
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
"shouldn't" kullanılır.
C) D) A) waste B) unplug
C) trash D) recycle
We shouldn't
waste water.
12. Asya: Mum, can we go to the park?
Mother: Ok, let's go.
9. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu
Asya: Why are you saving those bottles,
değildir? mum?
A) Mother: Because they are harmful for our
l cut down trees and build
earth. _______________
Asya: Why?
Mother: To save our planet.
l protect animals.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
C) dir?
l save energy. A) We should waste them.
B) We should recycle them.
C) We should pollute them.
l don't go hunting.
D) We should throw them.

106 106 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Saving the Planet
1 - Unit
1. 4.
We shouldn't cut down TEST - 2
We should put the ____ into
the _____ bin.

Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye uygun

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
seçenek hangisidir?
A) litter / waste A) B)

B) pollution / save
C) trash / reduce
D) harm / increase

C) D)

2. 5. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu

How can we save energy?
l recycle objects.
Sorunun cevabı hangi seçenekte
verilmiştir? B)
A) We can pollute the environment. l use public transport.
B) We can plant trees.
C) We can throw litter.
l turn off the taps.
D) We can use less at home.
l hunt lions and use
their fur.

They live in the
3. __________
We shouldn't waste

Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye anlam-

ca en yakın seçenek hangisidir?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) We should save water. hangisidir?
B) We shouldn't reduce water. A) How can l get to the forest?
B) What lives in the forest?
C) We should turn on water. C) Where do tigers live?
D) We shouldn't drink water. D) Where can l have a picnic?

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 107

Test - 2- 1
†NiTE Giving Advice

7. 10.

We should _______ energy.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) waste B) increase
C) save D) pick up
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
A) We should turn off the taps.
B) We should waste water.
Turn off the taps.
C) We should water plants.
D) We should recycle water. 11.
We shouldn't use _____ and
we should _____ natural
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
Save electricity.
We should recycle _______. A) garbage / pick up
B) pollution / plant
Boşluğa hangi ifadenin gelmesi uygun
değildir? C) devices / harm

A) plastic B) electricity D) chemicals / grow

Plant trees. C) glass D) paper

Technology means using more energy.
9. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu- Our mobile phones, computers, cars,
Don't cut down trees.
planes, TV and lots of other things
make life easy. But they all work with
l throw litter. energy. More energy means more harm
to the environment. If we harm the
environment, we can't save the earth.
l turn on the lights.

C) Paragrafa en uygun başlık hangisidir?

Protect animals.
Don't hunt animals. l waste paper. A) Easy Life with Technology
B) Disadvantages of Technology
C) Mobile Phones and Computers
l plant trees.
D) Our Environment

108 108 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Saving the Planet
1 - Unit
4. UNIT 9
TEST - 3
How can we save water?

Sorunun cevabı hangi seçenekte

A) We can water plants.
B) We can wash our cars everyday.
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
C) We can turn off the taps. hangisidir?
D) We can stop drinking water. A) Technology is good for our health.
B) How much is a computer?
C) We shouldn't leave electrical devices
D) Computers are cheaper than TV.

We should __________ the
environment. We should use bottles and
cans again.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye anlam-

A) prevent B) protect ca en yakın seçenek hangisidir?
C) damage D) reduce A) We should throw bottles and cans.
B) We shouldn't buy bottles and cans.
C) We shouldn't harm bottles and cans.
D) We should recycle bottles and cans.

3. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu- 6.

dur? _________ They eat bamboo.
l always recycle bottles
and cans.
l make farms in the forest. Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) What does bamboo mean?
l drive everywhere.
B) What do pandas eat?
D) C) Who eats bamboo?
l use perfume everyday. D) Where do lions live?

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 109

Test - 3- 1
†NiTE Giving Advice

7. 10.
We must _____ pollution
We should use public and we should ______
transport. energy.

Konuşma balonundaki ifadeye uygun Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

seçenek hangisidir?
A) prevent / save
A) B)
B) protect / throw
C) damage / unplug
Don't drop litter. D) reduce / cut down
Put it in the dustbin.
C) D)

Pick up rubbish. We should ________ trees
and _______ nature.

8. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

Plastic bags ______ the A) water / damage
environment. B) harm / cut
Don't drive to everywhere.
C) plant / protect
D) reduce / prevent
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) waste B) pollute
C) reduce D) plant
Use public transport. 12. Seçeneklerden hangisi çevre dostu
l save water.

9. B)
should / devices / we / electrical / off /
Ride your bike. turn
l don't use chemicals.
Kelimelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisi-
dir? C)

A) We should electrical turn devices off. l turn off the TV.

B) We off should devices turn electrical.

Go on foot. D)
C) We turn off devices electrical should. l go everywhere by my
D) We should turn off electrical devices.

110 110 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Saving the Planet
1 - Unit
1. Seçeneklerden hangisi yanlıştır? 4. UNIT 9
A) B) l repair cars. TARAMA

It is sunny. It is windy.
C) D) Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
A) l am a mechanic.
B) l am an architect.
It is foggy. It is snowy. C) l am a vet.
D) l am a lawyer.

5. What _____ you l _______ a
____ yesterday? cartoon.

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

hangisidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) She is in front of the museum. A) do / watched / watch
B) She is behind the museum.
B) did / watch / watched
C) She is next to the museum.
D) She is across the museum. C) did / watches / watched
D) does / watching / watches

We should keep the
environment clean. 6.
Konuşma balonundaki ifadeyi gösteren l don't like ghost train.
seçenek hangisidir? ___________________
A) B)

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

A) It is fun.
C) D)
B) It isenjoyable.
C) It is crazy.
D) It is terrifying.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 111

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Giving Advice

7. 10.
l have scissors. l make new
l like cereal and honey. clothes.

Konuşma balonunda söz edilen

 Emir cümlelerinde karşı- yiyecekler hangileridir? Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
sine aittir?
mızdaki kişiye bir şey yap- A) B)
masını söyleriz. Emir cüm- A) B)
leleri fiil ile başlar.

"Open the door!"

"Put the garbage into the

waste bin" C) D) C) D)

 Karşımızdakinin yapma-
masını istediğimiz şeyleri
belirtirken emir cümlesi
"Don't" ile başlar.

"Don't pollute nature." 8. 11.

"Don't cut down trees."
3254 + 1691 = ?

işleminin sonucu hangisidir?

A) Three thousand eight hundred and
B) Five thousand seven hundred and
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade twenty five.
C) Four thousand nine hundred and forty
A) He plays soccer after school. five.
B) He takes a nap after school. D) Two thousand five hundred and
C) He goes to the library after school. fifteen.
Don't forget your
D) He writes diaries after school. 12. Burak: Where is Arda?
Eren: He is in hospital.
9. Burak: Really! What happened?
We shouldn't ____ water Eren: _____________
Use public and we should ____ energy. Burak: Thank God. l thought he was ill.
Diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? dir?
A) reduce / harm A) He is saving our planet.
B) recycle / turn off B) He is examining the animals.
C) pollute / give C) He is asking for direction.
D) waste / save D) He is visiting his uncle.

112 112 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Saving the Planet
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

A. Görsellerle ifadeleri eşleştiriniz.

a) d) g)
Turn off the lights. Protect the animals. Don't waste water.

b) e) h)
Recycle objects. Pick up rubbish. Prevent air pollution.

c) f) i) Don't throw the litter

Don't cut down trees. Plant trees. Suggestions
on the ground.
 Öneri cümlelerinde
1. 2. 3. 4. aşağıdaki ifadeler kullanılır.

– Let's ...

– Why don't you ..?

– How about .. ?

– What about ..?

5. 6. 7. 8.
– Shall we ...?

Let's start our


Why don't you

call the police?

B. Boşluklara "should" veya "shouldn't" yazınız.

How about going
1. We _______________ save energy. to the bank?
2. You _______________ put the litter into the bin.

3. You _______________ hunt animals. Note: "How about" ve "what

4. We _______________ use less water. about" ifadelerinden sonra
gelen fiil "-ing" eki alır.
5. We _______________ recycle objects.

6. We _______________ harm nature.

7. You _______________ keep the environment clean.

8. We _______________ plant trees.

9. We _______________ waste electricity.

10. You _______________ protect nature.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 113 113

Unit 9 - 1
†NiTE Saving the Planet

C. Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

Global warming affects both animals and people. Polar bears and many other animals

are in danger. There are climate changes and the weather is getting hotter. The ice on

the pole is melting and animals in the pole are becoming extinct. People cause this climate

change. They waste energy and water so they harm nature. Cars and smog from the

factories pollute the air. We can do something to stop this. We should save energy. We

Why don't should protect animals and nature. We shouldn't cut down trees.
you help your
sister? a) Cümlelere "True" veya "False" yazınız.

1. Animals cause pollution. ____________________

l'm really tired. 2. Polar bears are becoming extinct. ____________________

Let's have a
rest! 3. Global warming affects only animals. ____________________

4. The earth is becoming warmer. ____________________

What about 5. We can't do anything to stop global warming. ____________________

watching a
b) Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

1. Where are polar bears in danger?

Shall we have a
picnic? ____________________________________________________

2. What causes air pollution?

How about having
a party? 3. How can we stop global warming?


4. Why is ice in the poles melting?


5. How do people cause global warming?


114 114 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

Saving the Planet
1 Exercise
- ETiN†

D. Tavsiye cümleleri yazınız.

l want to lose weight.


You're right.
l'm hungry.


l have a toothache. It is a good idea.


It is very hot.
No, thanks.


l have an exam.


l am late.
Great. l'd love to.

l have a headache.


l have no money.


l'm tired.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 115 115

1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 10
Write the name of the In democracy, men and TEST - 1
_____ on a piece of paper. women ________

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? hangisidir?
A) candidate B) election A) have equal rights.
C) vote D) campaign B) are different candidates.
C) don't have the same choice.
D) don't vote for each other.
What should we do in an
l became the
Görseldeki sorunun cevabı seçenek- __________ president last
lerden hangisi olamaz? month.
A) We should be respectful.
B) We should be fair.
C) We should give advice to our friends.
D) We should vote for one person.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Who is the president?

3. B) Where did you go last month?

C) When did you become the president?
D) What did you do last week?

____ the light and _____
What is he doing? energy.
Görsele göre sorunun cevabı hangisi-
Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
A) He is folding the paper.
A) Choose / waste
B) He is giving a speech.
B) Open / use
C) He is asking for advice.
C) Vote / put into
D) He is writing the name of his candidate.
D) Turn off / save

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 117

Test – 1- 1
†NiTE Vocabulary

7. 10.
Ali is ________ Burak.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) more taller than
president – başkan B) more hardworking
candidate – aday C) easier than
election – seçim
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade D) more respectful than
vote – oy kullanmak hangisidir?
ballot box – oy sandığı A) She is behind the board.
respect – saygı göstermek B) She is in front of the board. 11.
C) She is between the board.
Classroom Rules
D) She is opposite the board.

Mustafa Kemal
was the first l _______ fingerprints and
president. ______ the thief. Seçeneklerden hangisi yukarıdaki
tabloda yer almaz?
A) We should make noise.
Buse is my favourite Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
candidate in the B) We should keep our class tidy.
A) found / caught
C) We should respect others.
B) took / chased
D) We should listen carefully.
C) called / got
We should vote
in the elections. D) had / did
windy sunny snowy rainy

Put the paper in 9.
the ballot box.
l didn't vote for Berk.
You should
respect others. Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) He is very kind. Verilen görseller hangi hava durumuy-
B) He is dishonest. la ile ilgili değildir?

C) He is fair. A) rainy B) snowy

D) He is friendly. C) windy D) sunny

118 118 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 -Unit
1. 4. UNIT 10
__________ Merve is the president.
l'm waiting in the line. TEST - 2

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir?
A) B)
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) Where is Merve?
B) Who is the president?
C) Do you like Merve?
C) D)
D) What is Merve doing?


We should respect ______

It is sunny and hot. ______
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
hangisi olamaz?
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
A) old people B) our friends hangisidir?
C) puclic transport D) our teachers A) l need a cap and slippers.
B) l need a raincoat and an umbrella.
C) l need my gloves and a scarf.
D) l need my boots and a hat.

l sell vegetables.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek ______ the paper and _____
it into the ballot box.
A) l am a green grocer.
B) l am a mechanic. Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

C) l am a tailor. A) Cut / vote B) Write / have

D) l am an accountant. C) Elect / choose D) Fold / put

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 119

Test – 2- 1
†NiTE Expressing Opinion

7. 10.
We _____ a campaign and
l love junk food. ______ the president.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

Konuşma balonundaki ifadeyle ilgili
A) made / did B) had / chose
In The Elections seçenek hangisidir?
A) B) C) took / became D) gave / lost

l should give a

We should
respect other C) D)
people's opinions.

We can hold a


We should You should be a good

choose our
student and _________

Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? Görselle ilgili seçenek hangisidir?
We should listen A) cheat in the exam. A) Opinion B) Speech
to our friends
B) make noise. C) Disagree D) Election
and then decide.
C) keep your class clean.
D) fight in class.

l am voting for Sude.
12. a. Fold the paper.
b. Put the paper in the ballot box.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek c. W
 rite the name of your candidate on
hangisidir? the paper.
A) She is more friendly. Verilen ifadelerin doğru sıralaması
B) She is very lazy.
A) a – c – b B) b – c – a
C) She tells lies.
C) c – a – b D) b – a – c
D) She runs very fast.

120 120 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 -Unit
1. 4.
We had a(n) _____ and There _____ a burglar TEST - 3
chose our _______. and a policeman ___ him.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

A) candidate / democracy A) is / called B) was / caught
B) right / ballot C) were / stole D) did / broke
C) election / president
D) opinion / respect

________ It is snowy and

In democracy, all people
_____ the same rights.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
dir? Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir?
A) What is the weather like in winter? A) have B) make
B) How is the weather in İzmir in summer? C) do D) tell
C) Do you like snow?
D) Can we go skiing?

In an election,

A good president ______
Konuşmayı tamamlayan seçenek
Cümleyi tamamlayan ifade hangisidir?
A) you should tell lies.
A) shouldn't be respectful.
B) you shouldn't vote.
B) should tell lies.
C) you should respect others.
C) should be fair.
D) you shouldn't be fair.
D) shouldn't be honest.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 121

Test – 3- 1
†NiTE Countable / Uncountable Nouns

7. 10.

l'm folding the paper. We _____ an election at

school. We _____ our
Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-
Some – any (Revision) sine aittir? Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

 Olumlu cümlelerde A) B) A) made / spoke B) had / chose

çoğul isimler ve sayı- C) read / right D) did / respect
lamayan isimlerden önce
"some" kullanılır.
"l have some water." 11.
"He wants some apples." _________ No, thanks.
C) D)
"They need some bread."
 Olumsuz cümlelerde ve
soru cümlelerinde çoğul
isimler ve sayılamayan
isimlerden önce "any"
kullanılır. Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
"She doesn't want any
oranges." 8. A) Can you help me?
"Do you have any water?" To save our planet, we B) What should l do?
"Does he need any should _________ C) Can l take your pencil?
D) Would you like some tea?
 Öneri veya ikram içeren Cümleyi tamamlayan ifade hangisi
soru cümlelerinde "some" olamaz?
kullanılır. A) recycle objects. 12.
"Do you want some cake?" B) cut down trees.
"Yes, please. C) save energy. She is chasing a man.
"Would you like some D) protect animals.
Konuşmada söz edilen kişi hangisidir?
"No, thanks."
9. A) B)
Our teacher _____ choose
the president. We ______
in class.

Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?

C) D)
A) didn't / voted
B) isn't / elected
C) doesn't / chose
D) can't / wrote

122 122 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 -Unit
1. 4.
Sude is _______ Merve.
l love cereal and eggs.

Boşluğa hangi ifade gelmelidir? Konuşmada söz edilen yiyecekler

A) more helpful than hangileridir?
A) B)
B) more prettier than
C) more crazier than
D) more better than

C) D)
l'm studying for my exam.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi-

sine aittir? 5.
A) B)

Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade

C) D) hangisidir?
A) It is windy.
B) It is snowy.
C) It is sunny and hot.
D) It is stormy.

l think watching _______ It is
TV is fun. boring.
l don't like roller coasters.

Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi

olamaz? Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
A) They are frightening. dir?
A) l don't agree with you.
B) They are dull.
B) You are right.
C) They are enjoyable. C) l agree with you.
D) They are terrifying. D) l don't understand.

6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası 123

Tarama- 1
†NiTE Expressing Opinion

7. 10.
l serve food and drinks. l don't like rainy weather.

Verilen konuşma seçeneklerden hangi- Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-

sine aittir? dir?
 Söylenen bir şeyi anla-
A) B) A) l feel moody.
madığımızda aşağıdaki
B) l feel happy.
ifadeleri kullanarak söyle-
nenlerin tekrar edilmesini C) It is very hot.
isteriz. D) It does rain a lot.
"What do you mean?"
C) D)
"l don't understand."

"Say again, please?" 11.

"Pardon?" __________ l voted for Gülşah.

_____ broke into my
house and ______ all
my money. Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi-
What do you dir?
think about global Boşluklara hangi ifadeler gelmelidir?
warming? A) Why did you vote for Gülşah?
A) A thief / came
B) A vet / caught B) Who did you vote for?
C) A criminal / wrote C) Who is Gülşah?
l don't understand.
D) A burglar / stole D) What are the names of canditates.
What do you
We are choosing our president today.
There are five candidates but l am not
sure about who l should choose. Buse is
very cheerful but she is lazy. Arda is
honest but very talkative. Selin is clever
but she is messy. Ceyda is pretty but
Görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade she is always late. My favourite is Mert.
hangisidir? He is hardworking and respectful.
A) They are having a picnic.
Verilen metindeki kişi oyunu hangi
B) They are planting flowers. arkadaşına vermeyi düşünmektedir?
C) They are picking up garbage. A) Arda B) Ceyda
D) They are wasting water. C) Buse D) Mert

124 124 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†
A. Kelimeleri cümlelerdeki boşluklara yerleştiriniz.

vote law election respect rights

1. According to the __________________, everbody is equal.

2. We should __________________ other people.

Who were the
3. Men and women have the same __________________. candidates?

4. We had an __________________ and chose our class president.

5. Who did you __________________ for? Selim and Merve.

B. Verilenlere göre söylenenlere katılıp katılmadığınızı belirtiniz.

Who did you
vote for?

l think democracy is the

–––––––––––––––––––– you
best. l voted for Merve.


l think women are better ––––––––––––––––––––– you

than men. Why?

l think children mustn't She is really kind

have any rights at home. and cheerful.


Students don't have any –––––––––––––––––––––

rights at school.

l think men and women are –––––––––––––––––––––


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Unit 10- 1
†NiTE Democracy

C. Metne göre soruları yanıtlayınız.

Democracy starts at home. In our houses, everyone must have same rights. Parents

mustn't decide everything. Children should have some responsibilities and rights suitable for

their age. A little child must have the right to choose the toy he wants but parents must
Democracy is
put a limit. We must also teach democracy at school. Students must have the right to
having the same
rights. choose their president. We can also decide some rules with students. We can ask their

opinion about things they are interested in. We must give students responsibilties. We

must teach them to be respectful to each other. We must teach them they are all equal
l agree.
and have the same rights.

a) Cümlelere "True" veya "False" yazınız.

1. Little children can't have responsibilities at home. ________________
Democracy is
being respectful to
each other. 2. Teachers must decide everything. ________________

3. Students learn democracy at school. ________________

That's true. 4. Democracy isn't only at home. ________________

5. All the students have the same rights. ________________

We vote for our

b) Soruları yanıtlayınız.
candidate in the 1. How can we teach democracy at school?

2. How can teachers behave at school?

Yes, you are right.

3. What can teachers do at school?


4. What can children do at home?


5. How can parents teach democracy at home?


126 126 6. Sınıf İngilizce Soru Bankası

1 Exercise
- ETiN†

D. Karşımızdakinin verilenlerle ilgili ne düşündüğü sorup cevaplayalım.

Football What ......................? l think it is ................

School What is Selim
...............................? ...............................

Watching TV ...............................? ............................... He is lazy and

Democracy ...............................? ...............................
What does
Selim like?

Rabbits ...............................? ...............................
He likes football.

Maths ...............................? ...............................
What does
Selim look like?
Fun Fair ...............................? ...............................

He is tall and
8. slim.
Snake ...............................? ...............................

Doing homework ...............................? ...............................

Painting ...............................? ...............................

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