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S.Y. 2020-2021


SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course introduces some Applied Social Sciences, namely Counselling,
Social Work, and Communication, which draw their foundation from the theories and principles of
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and other Social Sciences. The course highlights the seamless
interconnectivity of the different applied social science disciplines while focusing on the processes and
applications of these applied disciplines in critical development areas.
At the end of the course, students shall demonstrate competencies in interacting and reacting with
other individuals, groups, and communities; apply social sciences principles, practices, and tools in
addressing the development areas identified by the class; and analyze how processes in these applied
disciplines work in specific life situations.

CHAPTER 1 Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)
1.1 Definition of social sciences
1.2 Definition of applied social sciences

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of social sciences and applied social sciences.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to explain clearly public perceptions about the work of social
sciences and applied social science practitioners.
Learning Competency: Clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and applied social sciences

LESSON 1. Defining Social Sciences and the Applied Social Sciences

I. Chapter Pre Test

Anticipation Reaction Guide
Direction: Before the chapter study. Place a check mark (/) on the Before the Chapter Study column if
you agree with the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree.
After the Chapter Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if you agree
with the statement and a cross mark (X) if you do not agree.

Before the Chapter Study Statements After the Chapter Study

Social science is the study of

society and the manner in which
people behave and affect the

Social sciences are only

applicable in the academe and
not in the workplace.


Applied social scientist use and
borrow different concepts,
theoretical models, and theories
from social science and

Guidance counselling is a
profession that helps address a
person’s specific projects,
business successes , general
conditions and transitions in life ,
relationships , or profession

Applied social sciences provide

good theoretical and conceptual
foundations for social work

Psychology studies how human

mind work in consonance with
the body to produce thoughts that
lead to individual actions.

Activity 2
Data Retrieval Chart Completion
Direction: Complete the data retrieval chart. Classify the following disciplines and categorize them if
they belong to the Pure Social Sciences or to the Applied Social Sciences.

Compare and Contrast with Bubble Map

Disciplines to be categorized:

Counselling History
Geography Social Work
Psychology Anthropology
Sociology Political science
Demography Communication

Applied Social


Pure Social

Guide Questions:
1. What are the disciplines under applied social sciences?
2. What are the disciplines under pure social sciences?
3. How do they differ from one another?

II. Discussion
Defining Social Sciences – is made of several disciplines and these include history, political science,
sociology, psychology, economics, geography, demography, anthropology and linguistics. As a body of
scientific knowledge, the social sciences provide diverse set of lens that help us understand and explain
the different facets of human society. The varieties of lens that social sciences study refer to the different
fields of the social sciences that investigate human society.
Branches of the Social Sciences
 Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods and
services in society.
Economics has different subfields:
 Environmental economics- studies the allocation of natural resources
 Labor economics-focuses on the study of the decision- making and behaviors of employees
and the relationships between employers and their employees.
 Business economics- examines the behavior of companies and firms by studying the factors
that result in profit maximization, price setting, production goals, and the role of incentives.
 Monetary economics- on the other hand, studies the nation’s production, inflation, income,
interest rates, and monetary policies.

 Anthropology is the scientific study of humans and their cultures in the past and present time.
Anthropologist are trained in the different areas:


 Cultural anthropology studies the development of human culture based on ethnologic,
linguistic, social, and psychological data analysis. It explains how people in other societies live
and affects their environments to their respective lives.
 Physical anthropology studies human biological nature, particularly its beginning , evolution,
and variation in prehistory
 Archeology studies human life in the past through the examination of things left behind by the

 History is systematic study of human past events in order to understand the meaning, dynamics,
and relationship of the cause and effects of events in the development of societies.
History has several subfields:
 Political history studies history of political institutions
 Economic history studies the development of economic institutions and other economic
 Social history studies the history of ordinary lives of people like women, children, ethnic
groups, and the different sectors of society from historical point of view.
 Environmental history looks into the history of the interaction of humans with the
 History of medicine and public health examines the history of public health and human
 Business history studies the history of the development of businesses, companies, and
 Biographies studies the history of great persons in history
 Political Science primarily studies human behavior in relation to political systems, governments,
laws, and international relations.
Political has several fields of study:
 Domestic politics studies public opinion, elections, national and local governments.
 Comparative politics studies politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and
differences between among countries
 International Relations focuses on the study of political relationship and interaction between
and among countries
 Public administration studies national and local governance and bureaucracy
 Public law examines legal systems, civil rights , and criminal justice
 Psychology studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts
that lead to individual actions.
Psychology subfields:
 Experimental psychology studies of humans and animals examines how and why learning
takes place
 Developmental psychology studies the ways people change and behave as they go through
their life
 Personality psychology studies human nature and differences among people
 Environmental psychology studies the effects of surroundings on a person’s attitude and
 Sociology a systematic study of people’s behavior in groups
Sociology subfields:
 Applied sociology focus on the use and proper application of sociological theories, methods
and skills to examine data, solve problems and communicate research to the public.
 Urban sociology studies societal life interactions in urban areas through the application of
sociological methods like statistical analysis and ethnographies
 Cultural sociology analyzes the development of social institutions, norms and practices.
 Rural sociology studies the social life of people in rural areas
 Medical sociology examines the societal aspects of health and medicine of people


 Sociology of education analyzes how social forces and institutions like politics, economic
systems, and culture affects school and educational systems.
 Political sociology examines how social structure affects and influences politics.
 Military sociology is a sociological study of the military organization, the different civilian
and military relationships, war experiences, and the use and control of force
 Geography is the study of interaction between people and their environments.
Geography subfields:
 Physical geography studies the natural features of the earth , including land, water , and
 Human geography studies how people create cultures in their natural environments.
 Demography according to the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2016) demography
is the scientific study of human populations across time.
Major subfield:
 Population studies or social demography analyze demographic data to define, explain, and
foresee social phenomena. It also studies social – status composition and population

Defining the Applied Social Sciences- It is a branch of study that applies the different concepts,
theoretical models, and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the
different problems and issues. The applied social sciences are utilized to provide alternative solutions to
the diverse problem of the society.
Three main career tracks for applied social scientist:
 Counseling is one of the fields of applied social sciences as an application of the social sciences;
counseling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by a diverse set
of problems in their lives.
 Counseling can be done by the following:
Guidance counselor and life coaching are applications of the social sciences and these
professions, expert help are given to individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining to
their business successes, general conditions and personal life transitions, relationships and
Life coach analyzes the present condition of the client, discovers different obstacles or
challenges that a client faces, and provides a certain course of action to make the client’s life
Career counseling is needed by people who are in the process of entering the job market,
searching for possible career change, or those wanting career advancements.
Personal growth counseling concentrates on the evaluation of different aspects of a client’s
 Social work practitioners help individuals, families, and groups, communities to improve their
individual and collective well-being.
 Communication Studies- Applied social science provide adequate training for careers in the
field of journalism and mass communication because of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills
that graduates learn from social sciences.


Activity 3 Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Applied Social
Social Science

How are they alike?


How are they different?

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Guide Questions:
_________________ _________________
1. What is the connection between social sciences and the applied social sciences?
2. How do they differ from one another?
3. What is the difference between counseling and social work?
4. Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social sciences?
III. Application
A. Produce an infomercial that will promote awareness to the public about the important work and
functions of a social scientist an applied social science practitioner. The infomercial must also explain the
main differences of social scientist and an applied social science practitioner.
An infomercial is a communication strategy that aims to inform the public about an issue / topic. It
serves as an information strategy and a promotional commercial. It is often referred to as paid
programming and are usually shown on televisions and the Internet.


1. The class will divided into 5 groups. ( if face to face)
2. Each group must brain storm and discuss the contents of their infomercial.
3. If not face to face it will be produced Individually.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between counseling and social work?
2. Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social sciences?

Rubric for an Infomercial Campaign

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Poor G


Content Infomercial Infomercial Infomercial Infomercial did

demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated not
exceptional excellent some demonstrated
knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of knowledge of
important of work important of work the important of the important
and functions of a and functions of a work and of work and
social scientist social scientist functions of a functions of a
and an applied and an applied social scientist social scientist
social science social science and an applied and an applied
practitioner. practitioner. social science social science
practitioner. practitioner.

Supporting Multimedia or Multimedia or Multimedia or Multimedia or

Presentation poster greatly poster somewhat poster poster does not
enhanced enhanced enhanced enhance
understanding of understanding of understanding presentation.
important work important work of important
and functions of a and functions of a work and
social scientist social scientist functions of a
and an applied and an applied social scientist
social science social science and an applied
practitioner. practitioner. social science

Reasoning Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

explained clearly provided few provided one did not provide
the important explanations on explanation any
work and the important about the information.
functions of a work and important work No inferences
social scientist functions of a and functions were made.
and an applied social scientist of a social
social science and an applied scientist and an
practitioner. social science applied social
Numerous practitioner. A science
inferences were few inferences practitioner.
made. were made. Inaccurate
inferences were

Organization Entire Most of the Some of the Presentation

presentation was presentation was presentation did not flow
well organized. well organized was well and
Information and flowed in organized or information


flowed in a logical manner. information was presented
logical manner. was presented in an illogical
in an illogical manner.

Oral Presentation Student Student Student Student

presenting the presenting the presenting the presenting the
infomercial could infomercial could infomercial did infomercial
be easily be easily not speak could not be
understood understood clearly understood.
throughout entire throughout most throughout the Student
presentation. of the presentation. displayed poor
Excellent posture presentation. Student posture and
and eye contact. Good posture and displayed poor eye contact
eye contact. posture and eye was not
contact was not established.

B. What is the importance of knowing the difference of pure social science from applied social science?

C. How can you say that the applied social science differs from pure social science?

D. Instruction: Supply the information needed to complete the table.

Statements After the Chapter Study

Social science is the study of society and the

manner in which people behave and affect the

Social sciences are only applicable in the

academe and not in the workplace.

Applied social scientist use and borrow different

concepts, theoretical models, and theories from
social science and disciplines.

Guidance counselling is a profession that helps

address a person’s specific projects, business
successes , general conditions and transitions in
life , relationships , or profession

Applied social sciences provide good theoretical

and conceptual foundations for social work



Psychology studies hoe human mind work in

consonance with the body to produce thoughts
that lead to individual actions.

IV. Assignment
Research for the following topics:
- Counseling
- Roles ,functions and areas of counseling
- Clientele and audiences in counseling
Act. Take It from the Expert
To be able to appreciate better the counseling profession, the class will be divided into six groups.
Each group is required to interview a counselor from any of the counselor’s work settings: school,
mental hospital, private agencies, community, and government. You interview must focus on:
1. Institutional Profile:
The Work Setting (institution or agency where the counselor works) its context, history, the
different cases/ problems it handles , the program implements, and the different approaches and
interventions it applies; the problems that the institution face and the victories and successes of
the institution.

2. The counselor
The Counselor as a Professional – Questions may include: When did you start working as a
counselor in the institution? What programs do you handle? What are responsibilities? What
skills, values must a counselor possess? How do you see yourself as a counselor? What do you
enjoy doing? What do you avoid doing? What challenges do you encounter as a counselor? What
helps you in your work? What education and training do you need to enhance your work? What
other message do you want to convey?

Results and analysis of data from your interview must be written in a report. Formulate your own
title – a title which will embrace the data collected. The ethics forms (letter of permission, consent
from the institution and the counselor) will be submitted together with the report.
Repko, Allen F. (2008). Interdiciplinary Research: Process and Theory.
London, Los Angeles , New Delhi , Singapore: Sage.

Gouldner, Alvin W. ( 1989 ) “ Explorations in Applied Social Science”,

Sociological Practice: Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 5.Available at :


CHAPTER 2. Discipline of Counseling
1.1 Counseling
1.1.1 Definitions
1.1.2 Goals
1.1.3 Scope
1.1.4 Core Values
1.1.5 Principles
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of disciplines of counseling
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to demonstrate a high level of the basic concepts of counseling
through a group presentation of a situation in which practitioners of counseling work
together to assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations ( e.g.,
post disaster, court hearing about separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying )
Learning Competency: Identify the goals and scope of counseling HUMSS_DIASS12-Ia-2
Explain the principles of counseling HUMSS_DIASS12-Ib-5

I. Chapter Pre Test

Activity 1
Anticipation Reaction Guide
Direction: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure – out your level of
understanding about counseling. You are required to agree or disagree with each of the following
statements. Before the chapter study. Place a check mark (/) on the Before the Chapter Study column
if you agree with the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree.
After the Chapter Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if you agree
with the statement and a cross mark (X) if you do not agree

Before the Study Statements After the Chapter Study


Counseling as an art is the
subjective dimension of
counseling. It acclaims a flexible
and creative process whereby the
counselor modifies the approach
to meet the developing needs of

Remedial goals refer to assisting

a client to overcome and treat an
undesirable development.

Counseling happens when a

person who is distressed asks and
permits another person to enter
into a particular kind of
connection with him or her.

A licensed professional scholar

may render to individuals ,
groups, organizations , or the
general public counseling
services involving the application
of clinical counseling principles,
methods, or procedures to assist
individuals in achieving more
effective personal, social,
educational, or career
development and adjustment.

The way we perceive or view

things, people, events and our
environment, is influenced by our

Counselors treat with confidence

personal information about
clients, whether obtained directly
or indirectly by inference.

In view of the theory of

utilitarianism in relation to
beneficence, the application of
utilitarianism would be to apply
an ethical decision in the light of
costs and benefits for each

Marriage and family counseling

refers to the efforts to establish an
encouraging relationship with a
couple or family and appreciate
the complications in the family

A counselor’s primary
responsibility is to respect the
dignity and to promote the


welfare of clients.

Counselors accept employment

only for positions which they are
qualified by education, training,
supervised experience, state and
national professional credentials,
and appropriate professional

III. Motivation
Activity 2 KWL Chart
Topic: The Discipline of Counseling

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

About Counseling About Counseling About Counseling

Guide Questions:
1. What are your ideas about counseling?
2. Did you experience counseling? Why?

IV. Discussion
Counseling – For Nystul (2003) defined it as basically an art and a science wherein you endeavor to
weigh the objective and subjective facets of the counseling process.
- As an art is the subjective dimension of counseling. It upholds a flexible and creative process
whereby the counselor modifies the approach to meet the developing needs of the clients.
- As a science, on the other hand, is the objective dimension of the counseling process.
- In practical terms, counseling happens when a person who is distressed asks for help and permit
another person to enter into a kind of connection with him/her. It is indicative with formal of
someone in search of counseling requests for time and attention from person who will listen, who
will allow him/her to speak and who will not condemn and criticize him/her.
- Informal helping- is a kin with formal helping in some ways such as presence of good listening
skills, empathy, and caring capacity.
- Based on Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, guidance and counseling is the profession that
implicates the application of “ an integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning


individual “ through the provision of support that aids an individual to use his/her potential to the
fullest in accord with his/her interest , needs and abilities. (University of Queensland, 2015).
- At the American Counseling Association (ACA) Conference in Pittsburgh in March 2010, the
representatives come to an agreement on a mutual definition of counseling. They agreed that
counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and group to
accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals (Kaplan, Tarvydas, and
Gladding, 2014).
Activity 3
I Need Help, Where Will I Go?
1. If something is bothering about life matters: academics, relationships, family, identity, and
financial concerns, with whom do you share your problem? Will you pursue formal help or a
non-formal help? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
2. Write your answer on the box.

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Goals and scope of Counseling
Counseling is aimed at empowering a client. The general goal is to lead an individual client or group to self-
emancipation in relation to a felt problem. At some stage in the process, the client should attain insight and
understanding of oneself, achieve better self-awareness and look at oneself with increased self-acceptance and
appreciation, and be able to manage oneself positively. Client empowerment means that they develop skills and
abilities that require self-management and improved motivation toward actions that are good for one's self and develop
a positive outlook toward the past leading to some sense of closure and attainment of relative inner and outer harmony
resulting to improvement in relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and others.

Goals of Counseling – the key component of individual, group, organizational and community success
-Detailed and expansive counseling goals have been identified by Gibson and Mitchell (2003), which are as
1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development including social,
personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome.
3. Enhancement Goals- enhance special skills and abilities.
4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to overcome and treat an undesirable development
5. Exploratory Goals- examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
6. Reinforcement Goals- helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine


7. Cognitive Goals-involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills
8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health
9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and developing
positive self – concept.
The presented list of counseling goals, some of which are enhancement of the above goals.

Goal Description
Insight Understanding of the origins and development of emotional
difficulties , leading to an increased capacity to take rational control
over feelings and actions
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful and
satisfying relationships with other people : for example , within the
family or workplace
Self- awareness Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings that had been
blocked off or denied, or developing a more accurate sense of how
self is perceived by others.
Self- acceptance The development of a positive attitude toward self, marked by an
ability to acknowledge areas of experience that had been the subject
of self- criticism and rejection
Self – actualization Moving in the direction of fulfilling potential or achieving an
integration of previously conflicting parts of self.
Enlightenment Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of spiritual awakening
Problem- Solving Finding a solution to a specific problem that the client had not been
able to resolve alone. Acquiring a general competence in problem –
Psychological education Enabling the client to acquire ideas and techniques with which to
understand and control behavior
Acquisition of Social Skills Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills such as
maintenance of eye contact , turn taking in conversations, assertive,
or anger control
Cognitive change The modification or replacement of irrational beliefs or mal adaptive
thought patterns associated with self- destructive behavior
Behavior change The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self- destructive
patterns of behavior.
Systematic change Introducing change into the way in that social systems operate
Empowerment Working on skills , awareness, and knowledge that will enable to
client to take control of his or her own life
Restitution Helping the client to make amends for previous destructive behavior
Generality Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others and
pass on knowledge and to contribute to the collective good through
political engagement
Activity 4
In What Way Will Counseling Empower Me?
1. In our discussion on counseling goals, John McLeod contends that: “counseling aims to empower the client by
helping him/her make critical decisions in life, develop ability to cope, enhance effectiveness, and improve
quality of life”.
2. What do you think about this statement? Do you accept or support it? How will it empower you? Explain your
3. Write your answer in the box.


Scope of Counseling
The scope of counseling is wide. Essentially, it involves application of some psychological theories and
recognized communication skills. It does not 'deal with clinical cases such as mental illness. It is a professional
relationship that requires an eventual closure and termination of the counselee-counselor relationship.

The wide ranges of human problems create a widened scope and field of counseling. Broadly, the scope of
counseling includes individual counseling, marital and premarital counseling, family counseling, and community
counseling. A more focused subject matter related to scope of counseling is the 4757-15 Scope of Practice foe
Licensed Professional Counselors. It contains the rights and responsibilities of licensed counselors including the

Licensed Professional Counselors may for a fee, salary, or other considerations

1. Afford counseling services to individuals, groups, organizations, or the general public compromising
of: application of clinical counseling principles, methods, or procedures to assist individuals in
realizing effective personal, social, educational, or career development and adjustment.
2. “apply clinical counseling principles, methods , and procedures “, means an approach to counseling
that emphasizes the counselor’s role in systematically assisting clients through all of the following:
assessing and analyzing emotional conditions , exploring possible solutions, and developing and
providing treatment plan for mental and emotional adjustment or development. It may include
counseling, appraisal, consulting, supervision, administration, and referral.
3. Engage in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders when under the supervision
of a professional clinical counselor, psychologist, psychiatrists, independent marriage and family
therapist, or independent social worker.
4. Provide training supervision for students and registered counselor trainees when services are within
their scope of practice, which does not include supervision of the diagnosis and treatment of mental
and emotional disorders.


Core Values- is a key component of an organization. It has significant influence on other organizational
components, more specifically, to its members. It serves as standards that shape the members behavior in
their interaction with their clients and other people.
According to Mcleod (2003) ,the founders of humanistic psychology, including Maslow’s and Rogers
,highlighted the importance of values.
Principles of Counseling
The principles of counseling can be found in the basic process of counseling since they govern each
and every step: developing trust; exploring problem areas; helping to set goals; empowering into action;
helping to maintain change; and agreeing when to end (Velleman 2001). Counselors are to set aside their
own value system in order to empathize with their clients. Since the objective of counseling is to provide


support in dealing with issues of concern, counseling is effective when it is performed with clear objectives
that include providing some degree of advice, reassurance, release of emotional tension, clarified thinking
and reorientation. Counselors must try to keep this principle in mind at all times in order to be effective.
Advice. Counseling may involve advice-giving as one of the several functions that counselors perform.
When this is done, the requirement is that a counselor makes judgments about a counselee's problems and
lays out options for a course of action. Advice-giving has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the
counselee feels inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor.
Reassurance. Counseling involves providing clients with reassurance, which is a way of giving them
courage to face a problem or confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of action. Reassurance is a
valuable principle because it can bring about a sense of relief that may empower a client to function
normally again.
Release of emotional tension. Counseling provides clients the opportunity to get emotional release from their
pent-up frustrations and other personal issues. Counseling experience shows that as persons begin to explain
their concerns to a sympathetic listener, their tensions begin to subside. They become more relaxed and tend
to become more coherent and rational. The release of tensions helps remove mental blocks by providing a
solution to the problem.
Clarified thinking. Clarified thinking tends to take place while the counselor and counselee are talking and
therefore becomes a logical emotional release. As this relationship goes on, other self-empowering results
may take place later as a result of developments during the counseling relationship. Clarified thinking
encourages a client to accept responsibility for problems and to be more realistic in solving them.
Reorientation. Reorientation involves a change in the client's emotional self through a change in basic goals
and aspirations. This requires a revision of the client's level of aspiration to bring it more in line with actual
and realistic attainment. It enables clients to recognize and accept their own limitations. The counselor's job
is to recognize those in need of reorientation and facilitate appropriate interventions.
Listening skills. Listening attentively to clients is the counselor's attempt to understand both the content of
the clients' problem as they see it, and the emotions they are experiencing related to the problem. Counselors
do not make interpretations of the client's problems or offer any premature suggestions as to how to deal
with them, or solve the issues presented. Good listening helps counselors to understand the concerns being
Respect. In all circumstances, clients must be treated with respect, no matter how peculiar, strange,
disturbed, weird, or utterly different from the counselor. Without this basic element, successful counseling is
impossible. Counselors do not have to like the client, or their values, or their behavior, but they have to put
their personal feelings aside and treat the client with respect.
Ethical Principles of counseling which are follows:
Ethical Principles These are the ideas that underpin both personal and
professional codes.
1. Autonomy of individuals
 Is based on the right to freedom of action
and freedom of choice in so far as the
pursuit of these freedom does not interfere
with the freedom of others ; counseling
cannot happen unless the client has made a
free choice to participate

2. Principle of Non maleficence

 This refers to instruction to all helpers or


healers that they must ,above all, do no
 Beneficence refers to the order to promote
human welfare

3. Principle of Justice
 Concerned with the fair distribution of
resources and services , unless there is
some acceptable reason for treating them
 For counseling , the principle has particular
relevance to the question access

General Moral Theories  The BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice ,
drawing on virtues perspective also identified a set
of personal qualities that all practitioners should
possess: empathy, sincerity, integrity, resilience,
respect, humility, competence, fairness, wisdom
and courage

Activity.5 Which Counseling Principle I Agree Most?

1. Among those principles of Counseling that has been discuss in this module, which will you choose to
present? Why this principle? What aspect of the principle influences you? Please explain.
2. Write your answers on the box.

V. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 6: Take It from the Expert! (Presentation)
To be able to appreciate better the counseling profession, you are required to interview a counselor
from any of the counselor’s work settings: school, mental hospital, private agencies, community, and
government. You interview must focus on:
3. Institutional Profile:
The Work Setting (institution or agency where the counselor works) its context, history, the
different cases/ problems it handles , the program implements, and the different approaches and


interventions it applies; the problems that the institution face and the victories and successes of
the institution.
4. The counselor
The Counselor as a Professional – Questions may include: When did you start working as a
counselor in the institution? What programs do you handle? What are responsibilities? What
skills, values must a counselor possess? How do you see yourself as a counselor? What do you
enjoy doing? What do you avoid doing? What challenges do you encounter as a counselor? What
helps you in your work? What education and training do you need to enhance your work? What
other message do you want to convey?

Results and analysis of data from your interview must be written in a report. Formulate your own
title – a title which will embrace the data collected. The ethics forms (letter of permission, consent
from the institution and the counselor) will be submitted together with the report.

Guide Questions:
1. Based on your activity did you see the roles, values and principles of counseling? What are
those? Explain.

2. For you, is counseling a big responsibility? Why?

VI. Generalization
Direction: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure – out your level of
understanding about counseling. You are required to agree or disagree with each of the following
statements. After the Chapter Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if
you agree with the statement and a cross mark (X) if you do not agree

Statements After the Chapter Study

Counseling as an art is the subjective dimension

of counseling. It acclaims a flexible and creative
process whereby the counselor modifies the
approach to meet the developing needs of clients.

Remedial goals refer to assisting a client to

overcome and treat an undesirable development.

Counseling happens when a person who is

distressed asks and permits another person to
enter into a particular kind of connection with
him or her.

A licensed professional scholar may render to

individuals , groups, organizations , or the
general public counseling services involving the
application of clinical counseling principles,
methods, or procedures to assist individuals in


achieving more effective personal, social,
educational, or career development and

The way we perceive or view things, people,

events and our environment, is influenced by our

Counselors treat with confidence personal

information about clients, whether obtained
directly or indirectly by inference.

In view of the theory of utilitarianism in relation

to beneficence, the application of utilitarianism
would be to apply an ethical decision in the light
of costs and benefits for each participant.

Marriage and family counseling refers to the

efforts to establish an encouraging relationship
with a couple or family and appreciate the
complications in the family system.

A counselor’s primary responsibility is to respect

the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients.

Counselors accept employment only for positions

which they are qualified by education, training,
supervised experience, state and national
professional credentials, and appropriate
professional experience.


Test Your Knowledge

A. Write the definition of counseling as an applied social science.


B. Briefly describe each counseling context:

1. Peers.

2. Neighborhood



3. Culture


4. Counseling


C. Review the principles of counseling. Complete the statements below by supplying the principle being referred to.
Choices are given in the word bank on the left.

1. ______________________is a valuable principle that can, bring about a sense

Principles of Counseling of relief that may empower a client to function normally again.

 Advice-giving 2.______________________ encourages a client to accept responsibility for

problems and to be more realistic in solving them.
 Clarification
 Clarified thinking 3.______________________ has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the
 Emotional release counselee feels inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor.
 Empathy
4. ______________________ involves a change in the client's emotional self
 Positive regard
through a change in basic goals and aspirations.
 Listening skills
 Reassurance 5. Counseling provides clients the opportunity to get
 Reorientation _________________________ from their pent-up frustrations and other personal
 Respect issues.
 Transference
6. ______________________ requires the counselor to listen and understand the

feelings and perspective of the client, while ______________is an aspect of


7. In all circumstances, clients must be treated with _______________________ no matter how peculiar or utterly
different they are from the counselor.

8.____________________ is an attempt by the counselor to restate what the client is either saying or feeling, so the
client may learn something or understand the issue better.

9. Good ___________________ help counselors to understand the client's concerns without making interpretations or
offering any premature suggestions on how to deal with and solve them.


10. When clients are helped to understand _______________________ they are empowered to gain understanding of
important aspects of their emotional life.

Check your understanding

Based On what you learned as the goals and scope of counseling, analyze each situation below and
put a check mark (/) if it is reasonably within a counselor's Jurisdiction, and put a cross mark (x) if it is not.
Justify your answers using what you learned in this lesson

_________1. Katy feels insecure and an outcast in school because she thinks her classmates talk
negatively about her.

_________2. Mike needs to raise funds for his college tuition next year.

_________3. Abigail keeps questioning herself if she is in the right job because she seems to be
getting more unmotivated as time goes. Her spirit for doing her job well has gone
down these past few months.

_________4. Bobbie thinks he is addicted to video games and wants to control it to become more
productive with his schoolwork.

_________5. Hazel was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) when she was a
teenager. As a young adult now, she wants to be helped again in controlling her OCD

_________6. Allan is overly jealous when it comes to the friends of his girlfriend. He cannot seem to
accept the fact that his girlfriend enjoys very much the company of others.

__________7. Rita is overly scared of men because of a traumatic experience she had as a little girl.
She witnessed how three men robbed and stabbed her father to death.


Answer Key


A. Applied Social Sciences- It is a branch of study that applies the different concepts, theoretical models,
and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and
issues. The applied social sciences are utilized to provide alternative solutions to the diverse problem of
the society.
1.Peers friends attitudes , norms and behaviors have strong influence in Adolescents
2. Neidhborhood
3. Culture culture provide meaning and coherence of life to any orderly life such as community and
4. Counseling counseling is affected by its context
1. Reassurance
2. Clarified Thinking
3. Advice-Giving
4. Reorientation
5. Emotional Release
6. Empathy
7. Respect
8. Clarification
9. Listening Skills
10. Transference


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