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Dissolve in warm
water and bathe
(or engage in
knee-high soak)
for 30 minutes.
Dr. Chi’s famous rejuvenating bath engages the olfactory
and dermal neural senses and allows the body to secrete
various waste products.
Bathdetox contains:
Atractylodes Carthamus
For great results, drink ASPARAGUS EXTRACT Cinnamomum Eupatorium
while using BATHDETOX Notopteryglum Ligustici
Saposhnikovia Artemisia


Dr. Chi’s method of “skin dialysis” extracts (KIDNEY FUNCTION)
wastes from the body by simultaneously 90
removing toxins through the skin while 80 87
Improvement %
increasing urine output. Safe and effective, 70 83
BATHDETOX has been proclaimed by 50
specialists to be a scientific breakthrough. 40
Indeed, it engenders fast results without the 30
20 26
help of conventional medicines that would 10

otherwise burden the kidneys. Try it for 0

BUN Creatinine Proteinuria Edema/Skin Pain/
yourself! Itching Fibromyalgia

1997-1998, 358 cases in 14 hospitals

 B. Springs, MD from NC, reports a 24-year-old female with terminal cervical cancer.
She had edema and pain (could not sleep nor eat). After the first day of using
BATHDETOX, the patient’s legs were almost free of edema and pain, and she was
able to sleep. The following day, she regained her appetite.
 Y. Dikansky, DDS, NMD from NY, reports a 74-year-old female patient who soaked
her feet in a bucket of hot water with BATHDETOX. After12 days, BUN dropped from
57 to 34, creatinine dropped from 1.9 to 1.5 and her edema diminished.
 N. Lamothe, PhD from WA, reports on two 50-year-old females with fibromyalgia.
After using BATHDETOX (first patient used it 17 times while the second patient used
it 20 times) and taking VEIN LITE, fibromyalgia, pain and fatigue cleared.
 R. Blaha, MD from OH, reported at the International College of Integrative Medicine
(ICIM) in Houston that he had terrible scalp itching for many years. He started to
use BATHDETOX in a bath and in washing his scalp. On the first day, more than
50% of the itching was gone. By the third night, there was about 70% improvement
(no more dandruff/scabs) and he feels great.  Email:  Call: (888) 775-7689

Copyright © 2005. Chi Research. Neither the entire flyer nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the proprietary company at the risk of legal action.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any diseases.
Skin Dialysis Mechanism
Na-,K-,Cl- Sweat Medium-sized Biowastes***

Increase Urea Urea Excretion BUN

Electrolyte Water
Balance Excretion
Monoaminoxidase Kidney
Poison Osmosis

Norepinephrine Edema
Body Balance
Urine Reabsorption
Lung Nor- Kidney
Function epinephrine Circulation


Angiotensin I Angiotensin II *** One of the causes of fibromyalgia is the

accumulation of biowastes. These biowastes
can be removed through the blood (use Vein
Lite) or through skin dialysis using Bathdetox.
Ketone & Anti-Diuretic Hormone

Rabbi Gartner from NY reported on a 60 year-old-male patient with kidney failure and was waiting for a kidney
transplant in Columbia University. His creatinine level was over 6.8 and he had whole body edema. During the
waiting period, he could not find a serum match. Finally he tried Bathdetox and Asparagus Extract in 2 months his
creatinine level decreased to 4. His physician recommended he continue on the herbs and he didn't need a
transplant. Dr. Apel, former Nephrology department head of Columbia University, is interested in clinical studies of

C.G., a German doctor, writes about a 95-year-old female patient: “Her edema was so severe that one could not see
her toes. Two physicians could not help anymore because her prescribed diuretics no longer worked. Also she
coughed so much and could not sleep. She then used Bathdetox and already after the first use one could see her toes
reappear, her cough stopped and she could sleep very well.” Two weeks later, her total bilirubin came down from
10.8 to 7.76. After four months, her edema disappeared.

R. Webster, MD from TX, reports on C.S., a 67-year-old female dialysis patient. Her creatinine level was 2.9, BUN
was 61, and her hemoglobin and hematocrit were low at 8.8 and 26.4, respectively. She then used Bathdetox,
Asparagus Extract, Cordyceps Extract, Kidney Chi and Chi-F. Sixteen days later, her creatinine level decreased to
2.1, BUN dropped to 37, hemoglobin increased to 10.9 and hematocrit went up to 31.9.

The Preventive Healing Institute, NY, reports a 76-year-old male with kidney problems and whole body edema.
With Bathdetox, Asparagus Extract, Cordyceps Extract, and Kidney Chi for one month, his BUN dropped from 60
to 27, his creatinine dropped from 1.8 to 0.9, and his edema diminished.
1) In, A.D. et al. “Mechanism of Bathdetox: Skin Dialysis.” Journal of Yunnan College of TCM,1989, 12(3): 14-16.
2) Pong, I. et al. “Bathdetox Treats Kidney Diseases.” Journal of External Therapy of TCM, 2000, 9(1):31-32.
3) Fu, W.L. et al. “Bathdetox Treats Kidney Failure.” Journal of Practical Internal Medicine of TCM, 1991,5(1):35-36.
4) Fu, W.L. et al. “Theory Behind Bathdetox Treating Kidney Edema Patients.” Journal of San Ton TCM, 1993,12(2):10.

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