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Arthur Cutinho

1. To Understand the Centre of Gravity or
Centroid of a Shape and to to Compute
the Centroid of a Complex Shape
2. To Understand Moment of Inertia and
Compute the M.I of Complex Shapes
3. To Understand the term Radius of

TOS 1: Unit 4: Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia

4.1 Centre of Gravity or Centroid:
4.1.1 Definitions:
a. Centre of Gravity is a point through which the whole of the body acts is called Centre of
b. Centroid is the Geometric Centre of an Object
Difference between Centre of Gravity and Centroid
Centre of Gravity Centroid
Defined as the Centre of Mass of an Object with Defined as the Centre of Mass of a Geometric
any Density Object with Uniform Density
Point where the weight of the body or system Geometrical Centre
may be considered to act
Denoted by G Denoted by C
It’s the Physical Behavior of an Object It’s the Geometrical Behavior of an Object

4.1.2 Centroid: Applied Mechanics deals with Sectional Shapes or Plain Areas or Laminas.
The term Centre of Gravity when applied to plain shapes is simply called Centroid.
Centroid is a point through which the total area of a plane figure is assumed to be concentrated.

4.1.3 Plumb Line Method of Locating Centroid of an Irregular Shape:

The centroid of a uniformly dense planar lamina, such as in figure (a) below, may be determined
experimentally by using a plumb-line and a pin to find the collocated center of mass of a thin body of
uniform density having the same shape. The body is held by the pin, inserted at a point, off the
presumed centroid in such a way that it can freely rotate around the pin; the plumb line is then
dropped from the pin (figure b). The position of the plumb-line is traced on the surface, and the
procedure is repeated with the pin inserted at any different point (or a number of points) off the
centroid of the object. The unique intersection point of these lines will be the centroid (figure c).
Provided that the body is of uniform density, all lines made this way will include the centroid, and all
lines will cross at exactly the same place.

4.1.4 Centroid as a System of Non- Concurrent Forces in Equilibrium:

Alternate Definition: Centroid is also sometimes defined as a Point about which if the shape is
suspended then it will be in Equilibrium.
TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Imagine an irregular
shape and that we
suspend the shape by a
wire from its Centroid
Let the Shape be divided
into smaller shapes each
with its own centroid.
Each Shape like A1, A2, A3
etc. are forces acting

The Entire Shape is

suspended from its Centroid. Hence this is a system of Non-Concurrent Forces in Equilibrium.
So ΣFv = 0 will give us A1+A1’ + A2 + A2’ …….. – ΣA = 0 or ΣA = A1+A1’ + A2 + A2’………
And ΣM = 0 will give us A1 x X1 + A2 x X2 ……….. = ΣA x 0 = 0
Hence the Summation of Moments of all individual areas about the C.G is Zero
4.1.5 Centroid of Regular Shapes

4.1.6 Using Varignon’s Principle to Find Centroid of Irregular or Compound Shapes.

Consider the Shape Shown in Magenta.
I am dividing it into 3 regular areas A1, A2,
A3 with the Centroids of these areas
acting at distances of X1, X2 and X3 along
X Axis respectively from the extreme L.H.S
corner which is assumed to be the origin
of the co-ordinate system. Similarly these
areas act at distances of Y1, Y2 and Y3
along Y Axis.

The centroid of the whole shape ΣA = A1 +

A2 + A3 is at distances X and Y from the
same origin.

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

By Varignon’s Principle
Moment of Total Area about Origin = Moment of individual Areas about Origin
ΣA x X = A1 x X1 + A2 x X2 + A3 x X3
Hence X = ΣMxx/ ΣA
Similarly Y = ΣMyy/ ΣA

4.1.7 Procedure for Finding C.G of Irregular Shapes

1. Divide the given shape and name each shape
2. Write the X and Y Coordinate of the c.g. of each shape w.r.t extreme L.H.S corner
3. Make a table with the following inputs
a. Area ( Horizontal Distance x Vertical Distance = Area)
b. C.G.xx
c. Mxx = Area x C.G.xx
d. C.G.yy
e. Myy = Area x C.G.yy
4. Calculate ΣA = Total of all Areas, ΣMxx and ΣMyy
5. C.Gxx = ΣMxx/ ΣA, C.Gyy = ΣMyy/ ΣA.
Important Note: If the Shape is Symmetrical about any axis, the Centroid about the Perpendicular
Axis should be noted directly
For the Following Problems all dimensions are in mm
Problem 1. Find the C.G. of the following Shape and graphically show the same.

Part L x W = Area C.Gxx Mxx C.Gyy Myy

A 60 x 12 = 720 30 21600 84 60480
B 12 x 78 = 936 6 5616 39 36504
ΣA = 1656 ΣMxx = 27216 ΣMyy = 96984
27216.0 96984
C.G.xx = C.G.yy =
1656 1656
C.G.xx = 16.43 C.G.yy 58.57
(After Calculations C.G of the shape has been shown in Red) C.G = 16.43mm, 58.57mm

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem 2. Find the C.G. of the following Shape and graphically show the same.

As the Shape is Symmetrical about X Axis C.G.xx = 25

Part L x W = Area C.Gxx Mxx C.Gyy Myy
A 50 x 10 = 500 25 115 57500
B 10 x 110 = 1100 24 55 60500
ΣA = 1600 ΣMxx = ΣMyy = 118000
C.G.xx = C.G.yy =
C.G.xx = 25.00 C.G.yy 73.75
Notice that no Mxx Calculations have been done.
(After Calculations C.G of the shape has been shown in Red) C.G = 25mm, 73.75mm

Problem 3. Find the C.G. of the following Shape and graphically show the same.

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

As the Shape is Symmetrical about X Axis C.Gyy = 70.

Part L x W = Area C.Gxx Mxx C.Gyy Myy
Centre of Gravity

A 50 x 10 = 500 25 12500 135 67500

B 10 x 120 = 1200 5 6000 70 84000
C 50 x 10 = 500 25 12500 5 2500
D x = 0 0 0
ΣA = 2200 ΣMxx = 31000 ΣMyy = 154000

31000 154000
C.G.xx = C.G.yy =
2200 2200
C.G.xx = 14.09 C.G.yy 70.00
Notice that no Myy Calculations have been done.
(After Calculations C.G of the shape has been shown in Red) C.G = 14.09mm, 70mm

Problem 4. Find the C.G. of the following Shape and graphically show the same.
As the shape is
symmetrical about
both axis the centre of
the shape is the

C.G = 44mm. 87mm

Problem 5. Find the C.G. of the following Shape and graphically show the same

Answer: C.G = 150mm, 95.38mm

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

4.2Moment of Inertia
4.2.1 Introduction: Inertia is the property of a body to continue in its state of rest or of uniform
motion in a straight line. An external agency i.e. Force is essential. For bodies in rectilinear
motion, the mass of a body is the Measure of Inertia possessed by the body.
For bodies in rotation about any axis, the force required to change the state of a body not only
depends on the mass of the body but its distance from the axis around which it is rotating. Hence of
Rotation motion the true measure of inertia is the measured by the mass and distance of the force
from axis of rotation. We replace mass by area in Engineering Practice.
• First Moment of Area: The First Moment of Area about an Axis is defined as the product of
the Area and the Distance of its Centroid from the Axis.

• Second Moment of Area: The product of the First Moment of Area and the Distance of the
Centroid of the Area from the Axis (same as the first distance) is called the Second Moment of
Area also called as Moment of Inertia or M.I or simply I
 Definition: Moment of Inertia of a Area about any Axis is defined as the Product of the
Area and Square of the Distance of its Centroid from the Axis
 Hence Mathematically I = Area x distance x distance. Hence units are mm⁴, cm⁴, m⁴

Consider an Irregular
Area to be divided into
smaller elementary
areas a1, a2, a3,…..An
Let X1, X2, X3,…..Xn be
their respective
distances of these
areas from Y-Y axis and
Y1, Y2, Y3,….Yn be
their respective
distances from X-X axis
A1 x X1² is the second
Moment of Area of
Area A1 from Y-Y axis
IXX = A1 x X1² + A2 x
Ixx = ΣAX²
Iyy = ΣAY²

• Concept of Centroidal Axis : The Axes passing through the Centre of Gravity of a
Shape or Section are called as Centroidal Axes X-X or Y-Y

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

4.2.2 Moment of Inertia of Regular Shapes about their Centroidal Axes

4.2.3 Theorem of Parallel Axis

The Moment of Inertia of a Plane Section about any Axis Parallel to the Centroidal axis is equal to the
Sum of M.I about the Centroidal Axis and the Product of the Area and Square of the Distance
between the two Axes.
Application: This Theorem is used to find the M.I of any plane figure about any axis located at a
distance away from but parallel to the centroidal axis. (Transfer M.I from centroidal axis to another

IPQ = Ixx + Ah²

Problem 6. Find the M.I of a Triangle about the Horizontal Axis passing through the Base and

Ixx about Base = Ixx about centroidal + AK²

= bh³/36 +( bh/2) x (h/3)²
= bh³/36 + bh³/18
= bh³/12
Ixx about Apex = Ixx about centroidal + AK²
= bh³/36 +( bh/2) x (2h/3)²
= bh³/36 + 2bh³/9
= bh³/4

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem 7. Find the M.I of the rectangle shown below about Centroidal X and Y and PP, QQ, RR
and SS Axes

Area = 230 x 600 = 13.8 x 10⁴mm²

1. Ixx Centroidal = bd³/12 = 230 x 600³/12 = 4140 x 10⁶mm⁴

2. Ipp = Ixx Centroidal + A(Kxp)³ = 4140 x 10⁶ +13.8 x 10⁴ x 300² = 16560 x 10⁶mm⁴
3. Irr = Ixx Centroidal + A(Kxr)³ = 4140 x 10⁶ +13.8 x 10⁴ x 420² = 28483.2 x 10⁶mm⁴
4. Iyy Centroidal = db³/12 = 600 x 230³/12 = 608.35 x 10⁶mm⁴
5. Iqq = Iyy Centroidal + A(Kyq)² = 608.35 x 10⁶ + 13.8 x 10⁴ x 115² = 2433.4 X 10⁶mm⁴

6. Iss = Iyy Centroidal + A(Kys)² = 608.35 x 10⁶ + 13.8 x 10⁴ x 265² = 10299.4 X 10⁶mm⁴

Problem 8. Find C,G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis (The circle shown
within is a cut-out at the diagonal centre of the rectangle)
a. C.G. = 50,100 (Since the cut out of the circle is symmetrically

b. Ixx = bd³/12 -πD⁴/64 = 100 x 200³/12 – 3.14 x 45⁴/64

= 66666667 – 201187 = 66465480mm⁴

c. Iyy = db³/12 -πD⁴/64 = 200 x 100³/12 - 3.14 x 45⁴/64

=16666667 – 201187 = 16465480mm⁴

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem 9. Find C,G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis

The size of the Inner Rectangle is 300 x 450.

a. As the shape is symmetrical C.G. = 300,375

b. Ixx = 600 x 750³/12 – 300 x 450³/12 = 18815625000mm⁴

c. Iyy = 750 x 600³/12 – 450 x 300³/12 = 12487500000mm⁴

Problem 10. Find C,G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis
a. C.G = 44mm. 87mm
b. Ixx of total figure shall be derived as follows
1. Ixx (A) = Ixx about its own centre + A(Kx)²
= 88 x 12³/12 + 88 x 12 x 81²
= 12672 + 6928416
= 694108mm⁴
2. Ixx (B) = Ixx about its own centre + AK²
= 8 x 150³/12 + 8 x 150 x 0²
= 2250000mm⁴
3. Ixx (C) = Ixx about its own centre + A(Kx)²
=88 x 12³/12 + 88 x 12 x 81²
= 12672 + 6928416
= 694108mm⁴
Total Ixx = 2 x (694108) + 2250000 = 16132176mm⁴
(The Ixx of shape A and C have to be transferred from their own
axis to the Centroidal axis of the Full Shape and the distance K is
as shown in the adjoining sketch.
Calculate Kx for shape A and C = 81 and Kx for Shape B = 0)

For Iyy no transfer of M.I is necessary.

Note that the YY axis for shape A, B and C is the same as that of
the full shape So Ky = 0
c. Iyy for Shape A and C = 12 x 88³/12 = 681472mm⁴
Iyy for Shape B = 150 x 8³/12 = 6400mm⁴
Total Iyy = (2 x 681472) + 6400 = 1369344mm⁴

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem 11. Find C.G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis

Part L x W = Area C.Gxx Mxx C.Gyy Myy

Centre of

A 100 x 12 = 1200 50 60000 194 232800


B 12 x 188 = 2256 6 13536 94 212064

ΣA = 3456 ΣMxx = 73536 ΣMyy = 444864
73536 444864
C.G.xx = C.G.yy =
3456 3456
C.G.xx = 21.28 C.G.yy 128.72

C.Gyy K = C.Gyy
Area = C.Gyy Part Total - C.G
Part b d M.I = bd³/12 b x d Total Shape part AK² Total M.I

A 100 12 14400 1200 128.72 194 65.28 5113426 5127826

B 12 188 6644672 2256 128.72 94 34.72 2719907 9364579
Total 14492405

C.Gxx K = C.Gxx
Area = C.Gxx Part Total - C.G
Part d b M.I = db³/12 b x d Total Shape part AK² Total M.I

A 12 100 1000000 1200 21.28 50 28.72 989959 1989959

B 188 12 27072 2256 21.28 6 15.28 526574 553646
Total 2543605

1. C.G = 21.28,128.72
2. Ixx = 14492405mm²
3. Iyy = 2543605mm⁴
TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Problem 12. Find C.G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis

Since the Shape is symmetrical about Y axis C.Gxx = 30.

Follow earlier procedure for C.G yy and make the following Table
Part L x W = Area C.Gxx Mxx C.Gyy Myy
Centre of

A 60 x 10 = 600 30 145 87000


B 10 x 140 = 1400 30 70 98000

ΣA = 2000 ΣMxx = ΣMyy = 185000
C.G.xx = C.G.yy =
C.G.xx = 30.00 C.G.yy 92.50
1. Hence C.G = ( 30,92.5)
Since the Y axis of part A and B coincide with the centroidal axis of the entire shape, there is no need
to transfer the Iyy from Individual Axis to Overall axis as K=0
2. Iyy = 10 x 60³/12 + 140 x 10³/12 = 191667mm⁴
For Ixx let us make the following table.
C.Gyy K = C.Gyy
Area = C.Gyy Part Total - C.G
Part b d M.I = bd³/12 b x d Total Shape part AK² Total M.I

A 60 10 5000 600 92.50 145 52.50 1653750 1658750

B 10 140 2286667 1400 92.50 70 22.50 708750 2995417
Total 4654167
3. Ixx = 4654167mm⁴

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

4.3Radius of Gyration
The Radius of Gyration of a given Area about any axis is that distance from the given at which the
entire area is assumed to be concentrated without changing the M.I about the given axis.
It is denoted by K or r

I = AK²
Or K = √I/A
Hence for a Rectangle rxx or Kxx = √I/A = √(bd³/12 )/bd =
d/2√3 and
Iyy = b/2√3

Problem 13. Find C.G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis

1. C.G = 150mm, 95.38mm
2. Ixx = 83175385mm⁴
3. Iyy = 372240000mm⁴

Problem 14. Find C.G of the following shape and M.I about Centroidal Axis

1. C.G = 14.09mm, 70mm
2. Ixx = 5673333mm⁴
3. Iyy = 436515mm⁴

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Suggested Theory Questions: Unit 4

1. Define Centre of Gravity and Centroid.
2. List the Differences between Centre of Gravity and Centroid
3. Draw a Rectangle, Circle, Triangle and Semi-Circle and show their Centroids
4. Define Moment of Inertia.
5. State the Theorem of Parallel Axis w.r.t M.I and explain with a sketch its application
6. Draw a Rectangle, a Circle, a Triangle and a Semi Circle and write down the M.I of each
shape about Centroidal XX and YY axis.
7. Given that the Ixx centroidal of a Triangle of base b and h is bh³/36, find the M.I. of
horizontal axis passing through base and apex by Parallel Axis Theorem.
8. Given that the Ixx centroidal of a Rectangle of b x d is bh³/12, Find the M.I. of horizontal
axis passing through base by Parallel Axis Theorem. (Answer: bd³/3)
9. Define Radius of Gyration and write down the formula for radius of Gyration of a
Rectangle fir both Centroidal XX and YY Axis.

TOS 1 Unit 4 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

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